User:Jean-Frédéric/Videogame & MusicBrainz

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video game (Q7889) have music.



Example 1: Metal Gear




Release group


Example 2: Star Fox

  • “Star Fox” a Work (Type:Soundtrack ; disamb “video game soundtrack”)
  • and “Star Fox” is a release group (of Type:Album/Soundtrack)…
    …with one release
  • “Star Fox 64” is a Work (Type:Soundtrack ; disamb “video game soundtrack”)
  • and “Star Fox 64” is a release group (Type: Album/Soundtrack)…
    unlinked to the Work?
    (…with several releases)

Example 3: Ace Combat


Example 4: Final Fantasy VIII


Example 5: Cuphead

  • …linked to the Work “Cuphead” (Type:Soundtrack ; disamb video game soundtrack)

Example 6: Death Stranding


Example 7: Sayonara Wild Hearts


Example 8


Tentative conclusions

  • When it comes to video games, Wikidata should concern itself with the game itself (video game (Q7889)), and (maybe) the soundtrack album (Q4176708).
  • Separating the soundtrack/score (soundtrack (Q217199)?) as a concept probably does not make sense, and items like Star Fox OST (Q58873496) probably do not make sense.
    • → Authorship is modeled as Cuphead (Q18149495)composer (P86)Kristofer Maddigan (Q92274151)
    • → How to then express that the Cuphead has a jazz (Q8341)-style score? (Or Sayonara Wild Hearts is pop music)?
  • MusicBrainz has Works (Type:Soundtrack ; disamb “video game soundtrack”)
    • video game (Q7889) should be linked to these
    • These Works have parts: other Works (Type: Song)
    • Should these be actively created on MusicBrainz side when they do not exist?
  • If there has been "an album" released, then MusicBrainz will have a release group (with one or several releases) ; if there have been "several albums", there will be several release groups.
    • Is there no way to connect the Work and the Release Group(s)?
  • There might be Series (search link)