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Hi, I am Fischerdata on twitter and Barbara Fischer in white-bread life. I became wikified through my time at Wikimedia Deutschland (2012-2018). I worked as the curator in the GLAM field. GLAM stands for galleries, libraries, archives and museums in the net. I am a co-founder of Coding da Vinci, the GLAM hackathon in German-speaking countries. Now, I work at the German National Library in the agency for standardization. First of all, volunteers create most of the Free knowledge in the Wikimedia projects. Thanks for that. But Free Knowledge depends on both on free licenses as on good metadata. Metadata describes data. There is so much GLAM content in the net it gets harder and harder to find it. With no good metadata that describes the digitized GLAM object, no app can address it, no researcher can link it to other relevant data, nor can any Wikipedia embed it into a Wikipedia article. The quality of the metadata increases when standardized data - or authority file - is used. Authority files were originally created by librarians to ease their cataloguing job. The GND is the largest authority file for cultural data in the German-speaking world. At the agency, we provide the authority file GND. It is structured data highly standardised through regulations and its data model. Wikidata uses its identifiers and the German Wikipedia too. It is especially useful for GLAM data. Which is why I am interested in it. Right now we have started to make it editable for non-librarians. And here the circle comes to the starting point. Knowing both worlds, Wikimedia and the National Library - I try to bridge them. This why I am here.

Read more on what the cooperation GND meets Wikibase is all about here.

Berlin, Fischerdata (talk) 17:06, 20 September 2019 (UTC)