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Property Count of uses en label lv label Datatype
found in taxon (P703) 985183 found in taxon ­ WikibaseItem
genomic start (P644) 456094 genomic start ­ String
genomic end (P645) 456093 genomic end ­ String
strand orientation (P2548) 445262 strand orientation ­ WikibaseItem
page(s) (P304) 388158 page ­ String
author name string (P2093) 229631 short author name ­ String
issue (P433) 183603 issue ­ String
encoded by (P702) 178471 encoded by ­ WikibaseItem
encodes (P688) 174843 encodes ­ WikibaseItem
exact match (P2888) 164148 exact match ­ Url
molecular function (P680) 142067 molecular function ­ WikibaseItem
biological process (P682) 140592 biological process ­ WikibaseItem
name in kana (P1814) 118474 name in kana ­ String
cell component (P681) 108646 cell component ­ WikibaseItem
cites work (P2860) 100371 cites ­ WikibaseItem
minor planet group (P196) 90652 minor planet group ­ WikibaseItem
category combines topics (P971) 87727 category combines topics ­ WikibaseItem
GRIN URL (P1421) 78889 GRIN URL ­ Url
genomic assembly (P659) 66584 genomic assembly ­ WikibaseItem
HomoloGene ID (P593) 60532 HomoloGene ID ­ String
sponsor (P859) 53174 sponsor ­ WikibaseItem
taxon common name (P1843) 52404 taxon common name ­ Monolingualtext
provisional designation (P490) 50517 provisional designation ­ String
Statistics Indonesia area code (P1588) 46663 desa code of Indonesia ­ String
part of the series (P179) 44816 series ­ WikibaseItem
acquisition transaction (P1642) 39086 acquisition transaction ­ WikibaseItem
number of episodes (P1113) 34449 number of episodes ­ Quantity
ortholog (P684) 33482 ortholog ­ WikibaseItem
military branch (P241) 33047 military branch ­ WikibaseItem
production company (P272) 29054 production company ­ WikibaseItem
blood type (P1853) 27688 blood type ­ WikibaseItem
original broadcaster (P449) 27131 original network ­ WikibaseItem
dissolved, abolished or demolished date (P576) 26765 dissolved or abolished ­ Time
applies to jurisdiction (P1001) 24906 applies to jurisdiction ­ WikibaseItem
connecting line (P81) 23420 connecting line ­ WikibaseItem
catalog (P972) 22832 catalog ­ WikibaseItem
narrative location (P840) 22282 narrative location ­ WikibaseItem
Commons Creator page (P1472) 22234 Commons Creator page ­ String
replaced by (P1366) 20535 replaced by ­ WikibaseItem
distributed by (P750) 20196 distributor ­ WikibaseItem
licence plate code (P395) 19252 licence plate code ­ String
location map (P1943) 18597 location map ­ CommonsMedia
game mode (P404) 17528 game mode ­ WikibaseItem
facet of (P1269) 16412 facet of ­ WikibaseItem
native label (P1705) 16002 native label ­ Monolingualtext
statement is subject of (P805) 15282 subject of ­ WikibaseItem
notable work (P800) 15256 notable work ­ WikibaseItem
film editor (P1040) 14901 film editor ­ WikibaseItem
sourcing circumstances (P1480) 14617 sourcing circumstances ­ WikibaseItem
Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level (P1240) 13744 Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level ­ String
legal form (P1454) 13172 legal form ­ WikibaseItem
P794 (P794) 12985 as ­ WikibaseItem
archive URL (P1065) 12946 archive URL ­ Url
OS grid reference (P613) 12663 OS grid reference ­ String
from narrative universe (P1080) 12534 from fictional universe ­ WikibaseItem
section, verse, paragraph, or clause (P958) 12436 section, verse, or paragraph ­ String
diocese (P708) 11307 diocese ­ WikibaseItem
watershed area (P2053) 11220 watershed area ­ Quantity
KML file (P3096) 10969 KML file ­ WikibaseItem
EC enzyme number (P591) 10916 EC number ­ String
office held by head of government (P1313) 10776 office held by head of government ­ WikibaseItem
distribution format (P437) 10665 distribution ­ WikibaseItem
numeric value (P1181) 10241 numeric value ­ Quantity
regulates (molecular biology) (P128) 9496 regulates (molecular biology) ­ WikibaseItem
location of formation (P740) 9488 location of formation ­ WikibaseItem
voice type (P412) 9084 voice type ­ WikibaseItem
based on heuristic (P887) 8917 based on heuristic ­ WikibaseItem
for work (P1686) 8826 for work ­ WikibaseItem
religious order (P611) 8815 religious order ­ WikibaseItem
Gene Atlas image (P692) 8748 Gene Atlas Image ­ CommonsMedia
production designer (P2554) 8468 production designer ­ WikibaseItem
located on astronomical body (P376) 8446 located on astronomical body ­ WikibaseItem
track gauge (P1064) 8296 track gauge ­ WikibaseItem
sports discipline competed in (P2416) 8295 sports discipline competed in ­ WikibaseItem
male population (P1540) 8260 male population ­ Quantity
female population (P1539) 8259 female population ­ Quantity
coordinates of northernmost point (P1332) 8084 coordinate of northernmost point ­ GlobeCoordinate
coordinates of southernmost point (P1333) 8082 coordinate of southernmost point ­ GlobeCoordinate
coordinates of westernmost point (P1335) 8082 coordinate of westernmost point ­ GlobeCoordinate
coordinates of easternmost point (P1334) 8081 coordinate of easternmost point ­ GlobeCoordinate
fabrication method (P2079) 7863 fabrication method ­ WikibaseItem
spectral class (P215) 7845 spectral class ­ String
student of (P1066) 7413 student of ­ WikibaseItem
place served by transport hub (P931) 7380 place served by airport ­ WikibaseItem