User:Daniel Mietchen/Wikidata lists/Items that have a Global Invasive Species Database ID (P5626) or a Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID (P5698)

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This page is meant to

  • assist the cross-language translation and consolidation of invasion biology-related content in Indian languages
  • serve as a testbed for cross-language translation and consolidation more widely

It originated from a similar one with a focus on diseases.


  • Load the page in your target language in which you would like to edit, i.e. through one of the following ways
    1. change the language in your user interface to your target language
    2. use the uselang URL parameter to set the language (e.g. bh for Bhojpuri or ne for Nepali)
  • Use the "Your language" column in the table below to navigate to items whose labels are displayed in your target language (if available), which you can then edit, informed by the information provided in the other languages.

Listeria table[edit]

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: #title: Wikidata items for concepts that have a Global Invasive Species Database ID (P5626) or a Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID (P5698) SELECT DISTINCT ?item (CONCAT("{{Scholia-inline|", REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q"), "}}") AS ?q) ?English ?Hindi ?Bangla ?Marathi ?Telugu ?EastPunjabi ?Kannada ?Odia ?Urdu ?Malayalam ?sitelinks WHERE { {?item wdt:P5626 ?GISD . } UNION {?item wdt:P5698 ?ISCD . } ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q16521 . ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks . FILTER (?sitelinks > 50) OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ??English filter (lang(?English) = "en") . } { ?item rdfs:label ?Hindi filter (lang(?Hindi) = "hi") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?Bangla filter (lang(?Bangla) = "bn") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?Marathi filter (lang(?Marathi) = "mr") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?Telugu filter (lang(?Telugu) = "te") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?EastPunjabi filter (lang(?EastPunjabi) = "pa") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?Kannada filter (lang(?Kannada) = "kn") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?Odia filter (lang(?Odia) = "or") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?Urdu filter (lang(?Urdu) = "ur") . } UNION { ?item rdfs:label ?Malayalam filter (lang(?Malayalam) = "ml") . } } ORDER BY DESC(?sitelinks)
End of automatically generated list.

See also[edit]