User:Arbnos/List of fermions

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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?_WDPA_id WHERE { ?item (wdt:P31*/wdt:P279*) wd:Q44363. ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P31*) wd:Q22675015. OPTIONAL { ?item (wdt:P31/wdt:P31*) wd:Q22675015. } } LIMIT 10000


number Article description subclass of antiparticle interaction Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 Electron-capture mass spectrometry Q5358132 electron
mass spectrometry
2 thermion Q11569187 electron


number Article description subclass of antiparticle interaction Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 Big Bird individual neutrino weak interaction
Q32859678 neutrino
astronomical phenomenon
2 Ernie individual high-energetic neutrino weak interaction
Q32859690 neutrino
astronomical phenomenon
3 Bert individual high-energetic neutrino weak interaction
Q32859701 neutrino
astronomical phenomenon

type of quantum particle

number Article description subclass of antiparticle interaction Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 neutrino elementary particle with extremely low mass that interacts only via the weak force and gravity lepton
neutral particle
antineutrino weak interaction
Q2126 type of quantum particle
2 electron subatomic particle with negative charge charged lepton
elementary particle
primary metabolite
positron weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
11 Q2225 type of quantum particle
3 proton subatomic particle with positive charge nucleon
antiproton strong interaction
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
2212 Q2294 type of quantum particle
4 muon elementary subatomic particle with negative electric charge charged lepton
elementary particle
antimuon gravity
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
13 Q3151 type of quantum particle
5 positron subatomic particle with positive charge antilepton
elementary particle
electron gravity
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
-11 Q3229 type of quantum particle
particle physics
6 quark elementary particles that make up hadrons in the Standard Model of particle physics elementary fermion
charged particle
antiquark strong interaction
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
Q6718 type of quantum particle
7 up quark up type of quark quark
elementary particle
up antiquark strong interaction
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
2 Q6732 type of quantum particle
8 down quark down type of quark quark
elementary particle
down antiquark strong interaction
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
1 Q6745 type of quantum particle
9 charm quark type of quark quark
elementary particle
charm antiquark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
4 Q6754 type of quantum particle
10 strange quark strange type of quark quark
elementary particle
strange antiquark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
3 Q6763 type of quantum particle
11 top quark the heaviest of the six known flavors of quarks quark
elementary particle
top antiquark strong interaction
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
6 Q6778 type of quantum particle
12 bottom quark bottom type of quark quark
elementary particle
bottom antiquark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
5 Q6786 type of quantum particle
13 fermion quantum system whose wave function changes when exchanging identical instances massive quantum particle gravity Q44363 type of quantum particle
14 lepton class of elementary particles leptonic matter
antilepton weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
Q82586 type of quantum particle
15 nucleon particle that makes up the atomic nucleus (proton or neutron) N-baryon antinucleon electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
Q102165 type of quantum particle
16 antiproton antiparticle of the proton antinucleon
charged particle
proton strong interaction
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
-2212 Q107575 type of quantum particle
isotope of antihydrogen
17 antineutron antiparticle of the neutron antinucleon neutron strong interaction
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
-2112 Q156530 type of quantum particle
18 baryon proton or any other hadron that is composed of an odd number of quarks (at least three) hadron
matter composed of quarks
antibaryon strong interaction
Q159731 type of quantum particle
19 tau subatomic particle with negative electric charge charged lepton
elementary particle
antitau gravity
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
15 Q188392 type of quantum particle
20 gluino superpartner of the gluon gaugino
elementary particle
gluino gravity
strong interaction
1000021 Q250974 type of quantum particle
21 pentaquark exotic baryon consisting of five quarks exotic baryon gravity Q277816 type of quantum particle
22 muon neutrino neutral subatomic elementary particle neutrino
muon antineutrino gravity
weak interaction
14 Q279735 type of quantum particle
23 tau neutrino neutral subatomic elementary particle neutrino tau antineutrino gravity
weak interaction
16 Q306600 type of quantum particle
24 Xi baryon subatomic particle hyperon
neutral particle
Q311821 type of quantum particle
25 prompt neutron neutron immediately emitted by a nuclear fission event neutron Q363922 type of quantum particle
26 chargino charged mass eigenstate formed from superpartners of the Higgs and W bosons bosino
charged particle
electromagnetic interaction
Q377236 type of quantum particle
27 Delta baryon Family of subatomic particles baryon Q423998 type of quantum particle
28 lambda baryon baryon made of specific quark combinations hyperon 3122 Q424019 type of quantum particle
29 sigma baryon baryon made of specific quark combinations hyperon Q424078 type of quantum particle
30 Ω- subatomic hadron particle hyperon
gravity 3334 Q424139 type of quantum particle
31 electron neutrino neutral subatomic elementary particle of first generation of leptons neutrino electron antineutrino weak interaction
12 Q619699 type of quantum particle
32 hyperon type of strange baryon baryon Q626719 type of quantum particle
33 neutralino neutral mass eigenstate formed from superpartners of gauge and Higgs bosons bosino
real neutral particle
Q678837 type of quantum particle
34 axino superpartner of the axion bosino Q792519 type of quantum particle
35 free neutron neutron existing outside the nucleus neutron Q904461 type of quantum particle
36 photino superpartner of the photon gaugino Q1031134 type of quantum particle
37 gaugino superpartner of a gauge boson bosino Q1060144 type of quantum particle
38 Majorana fermion fermion that is its own antiparticle fermion
real neutral particle
Majorana fermion gravity Q1065883 type of quantum particle
39 antineutrino antiparticle of a neutrino antilepton
neutral particle
neutrino gravity
weak interaction
Q1066748 type of quantum particle
40 gravitino superpartner of the graviton bosino
hypothetical particle
gravity 1000039 Q1193188 type of quantum particle
41 Faddeev–Popov ghost type of unphysical field in quantum field theory which provides mathematical consistency elementary particle
ghost field
Q1391812 type of quantum particle
physical theory
42 goldstino Goldstone particle corresponding to spontaneously broken supersymmetry fermion gravity Q1536139 type of quantum particle
43 higgsino superpartner of the Higgs boson bosino
elementary particle
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
Q1617700 type of quantum particle
44 antiquark antiparticle of the quark quark
antiquark or antilepton
quark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
Q2052084 type of quantum particle
45 muon antineutrino antineutrino muon neutrino weak interaction
Q2147400 type of quantum particle
46 antitau antiparticle of the tau lepton antilepton
elementary particle
tau electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
-15 Q2172777 type of quantum particle
47 antimuon antiparticle of the muon antilepton
elementary particle
muon electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
-13 Q2174695 type of quantum particle
48 solar neutrino neutrinos produced in the core of the sun through various nuclear fusion reactions neutrino Q2216633 type of quantum particle
49 tau antineutrino antiparticle of the tau neutrino antineutrino tau neutrino gravity
weak interaction
Q2259051 type of quantum particle
50 sea quark quark Q2265489 type of quantum particle
51 fast neutron neutron with energy exceeding 1 MeV neutron Q2370322 type of quantum particle
52 exotic baryon type of hadron (bound states of quarks and gluons) with half-integer spin, but have a quark content different to the three quarks (qqq) present in conventional baryons exotic hadron
Q2440762 type of quantum particle
53 dilatino superpartner of the dilaton bosino Q3027958 type of quantum particle
54 delayed neutron neutron emitted after a nuclear fission event, as a fission product daughter after beta decay, any time from a few milliseconds to a few minutes after the fission event neutron Q3044545 type of quantum particle
55 N-baryon baryon N-antibaryon gravity
strong interaction
Q4044799 type of quantum particle
56 Charmed baryon Type of particle baryon Q5086456 type of quantum particle
57 wino superpartner of the W boson superpartner
elementary particle
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
Q6167984 type of quantum particle
58 ultracold neutron free neutron stored in very small traps neutron electromagnetic interaction
strong interaction
weak interaction
Q7880518 type of quantum particle
59 antilepton positron or any other antiparticle of a lepton antiquark or antilepton
antileptonic matter
lepton gravity
electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
Q9617716 type of quantum particle
60 charm antiquark charm type of quark antiquark
elementary particle
charm quark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
-4 Q11905753 type of quantum particle
61 top antiquark antiquark de type top antiquark
elementary particle
top quark strong interaction
weak interaction
electromagnetic interaction
-6 Q11905754 type of quantum particle
62 strange antiquark strange type of antiquark antiquark
elementary particle
strange quark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
-3 Q11905755 type of quantum particle
63 bottom antiquark antiquark of type bottom antiquark
elementary particle
bottom quark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
-5 Q11905758 type of quantum particle
64 antibaryon antiproton or any other hadron that is composed of three antiquarks; antiparticle of the baryon hadron
matter composed of antiquarks
baryon gravity
strong interaction
Q14861565 type of quantum particle
65 bino gaugino gaugino Q16537791 type of quantum particle
66 Δ++ double positiv charged delta-baryon Delta baryon 2224 Q17253483 type of quantum particle
67 Δ+ single positive charged delta-baryon Delta baryon 2214 Q17253521 type of quantum particle
68 Δ0 neutrally charged delta-baryon Delta baryon 2114 Q17253525 type of quantum particle
69 Δ− single negative charged delta-baryon Delta baryon 1114 Q17253537 type of quantum particle
70 strange baryon baryon Q17258042 type of quantum particle
71 Σ+ positive charged sigma baryon sigma baryon 3222 Q17258124 type of quantum particle
72 Σ0 neutrally charged sigma baryon sigma baryon 3212 Q17258131 type of quantum particle
73 Σ− negative charged sigma baryon sigma baryon 3112 Q17258142 type of quantum particle
74 charmed lambda baryon Charmed baryon 4122 Q17258317 type of quantum particle
75 Ξ0 neutrally charged xi baryon Xi baryon 3212 Q17258831 type of quantum particle
76 Ξ- negative charged xi baryon Xi baryon 3112 Q17258837 type of quantum particle
77 bosino fermionic superpartner of a boson fermion
gravity Q17273078 type of quantum particle
78 down antiquark antiparticle of the down quark antiquark
elementary particle
down quark electromagnetic interaction
weak interaction
strong interaction
-1 Q18481576 type of quantum particle
79 up antiquark antiparticle of the up quark antiquark
elementary particle
up quark electromagnetic interaction
strong interaction
weak interaction
-2 Q18481607 type of quantum particle
80 electron antineutrino antineutrino electron neutrino gravity
weak interaction
Q23894016 type of quantum particle
81 antiquark or antilepton fundamental particle of which all antimatter is composed fermion
elementary particle
quark or lepton gravity Q28739684 type of quantum particle
82 antinucleon particle that makes up the nucleus of an antimatter atom (anti-atom); antiparticle of the nucleon N-antibaryon nucleon gravity Q28855250 type of quantum particle
83 N-antibaryon antiparticle of the N-baryon antibaryon N-baryon gravity
strong interaction
Q28855263 type of quantum particle
84 elementary fermion particle of matter or antimatter that has no known substructure elementary particle
Q52234516 type of quantum particle
85 charged lepton electron, muon or tau lepton Q94535579 type of quantum particle


number Article description subclass of antiparticle interaction Monte Carlo Particle Number item instance of
1 neutron nucleon (constituent of the nucleus of the atom) that has neutral electric charge (no charge); symbol n nucleon
neutral particle
antineutron weak interaction
strong interaction
2112 Q2348 isotope of neutronium
type of quantum particle
2 skyrmion topological soliton in certain nonlinear sigma models elementary particle
hypothetical baryon
Q1041630 elementary particle
type of quantum particle
3 constituent quark Q17273042 quark
End of automatically generated list.