Topic on User talk:Matthias Winkelmann

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Instance of Holocaust Victim: why did you remove Fritz Grünbaum?

LAP959 (talkcontribs)

Hello, I see you removed P31 instance of Holocaust victim.

I don't understand why you did this.

Could you explain please?

Matthias Winkelmann (talkcontribs)

Yes, it was in line ihr the discussion at Talk:Q2763#Modelling of holocaust victim. We just don’t use instance of (P31) that way and I’ve also had feedback (offline) that it’s possibly offensive to „allow the perpetrators to define“ that these people’s‘ identity is that of a „victim“.

I’m not entirely sure there is consensus of how to model it yet. For now, it’s relatively straightforward to getan list by searching for the respective Yad Vachem or Memorial Book statements.

LAP959 (talkcontribs)

I've got a problem. Not all the people known to be Holocaust victims have one unique identifier in Yad Vashem so relying on the Yad Vashem idenfier misses them in Wikidata queries. Talk:Q2763#wikidata queries for Holocaust victims and survivors

Role has got the same problem philosophically as P31 - role: Holocaust victim vs instance of: Holocaust victim

Plus I'm not sure which P code to use for role as there are at least three possibilities. And no clear consensus emerged from the discussion.

As long as there is not a clear consensus on an approach that works for all the Holocaust victims and allows them to be found in queries, could everyone let the P31 Holocaust victim remain? That way, in queries, we can retrieve all entities with either a Yadvashem code or a P31 Holocaust victim.

If you remove P31 for Holocaust victims who have no clear Yad Vashem code, it accidentally disappears them.