Topic on User talk:Wylve

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Liuxinyu970226 (talkcontribs)

目前该属性翻译为“页码”,但考虑到近期folio(s) (P7416)已经创建,而folio直译为中文也是“页码”,而这两者会产生冲突,本站从技术上讲也不允许两个属性使用相同名字(包括翻译名),所以我想知道阁下对页码一词指向性的意见,是应该保留P304既有翻译,P7416另选合适翻译?还是修改P304翻译,页码改用做P7416?

Liuxinyu970226 (talkcontribs)

(To non-Chinese users: Currently the page(s) (P304) is translated as "页码" in Simplified Chinese, and "頁碼" in Traditional Chinese, but because of the recently created folio(s) (P7416), now there's a problem that, if directly translating "folio", then that should also be "页码/頁碼" which results confliction, and by technically Wikidata will not allow two or more properties to use purely same name (also applying to translations), so I would love to know that how do you consider the original points of "页码/頁碼", should P304 continue to translate as "页码/頁碼" and consider another proper translation of P7416? Or should we alter the P304 translation, and release "页码/頁碼" for P7416 instead?)

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