Topic on User talk:Magnus Manske

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Pierrette13 (talkcontribs)
Jheald (talkcontribs)

Looking at the edit summary, it appears to have come from VIAF. Looking at the VIAF entry, it appears to have come from the BNF and/or the ISNI entry, which give the date of birth as "19..". However, this is coded in MARC field 997 as 1950 0. On a very quick look, I couldn't see a spec for the field. It may be that that final 0 indicates that the value is approximate; or there may be no way to know that it is not a detailed year-specific date.

One thing that may stop the bot re-adding it would be to leave the statement on the item, but change its rank to "deprecated", perhaps with the additional qualifier "reason for deprecation" = "incorrect value in source". If it is already in the item in this way, that may stop the bot adding it.

Pierrette13 (talkcontribs)

Hello Magnus, thank you for your explanation, I come back to you if the birthdate comes back, best regards

Pierrette13 (talkcontribs)
Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

This was done by a bot that has been deactivated already.

Reply to "Birthdate"