Topic on User talk:Dhx1

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Dhx1 (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

You are welcome!

While I was reviewing your previous work on food additive, I think I detected some P279 that had been entered in a reverse manner. I mean, there was a confusion between the subject and the object of the property.

A -subClassOf -> B where A is the subject (the Item on which we add the property), and B the object (the Item to which the property points), means that A is a sub class of B (A is more specific than B. All the A instances are also Bs, but the Bs are not As). That's the way it should be.

Could you check that some other P279 that you entered in wikidata were oriented correctly?

It might be that some P279 with the reverse orientation are still present. It can lead to serious problems.