Topic on User talk:Jan Dittrich (WMDE)

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We've chatted in Montreal, but I'm happy to be interviewed again.

Ijon (talkcontribs)

In case we don't get around to it, I'll document my main concerns:

  1. Unintuitive and easy-to-miss buttons. (e.g. having to scroll all the way to the end of current statements to add a new statement; having to click edit be shown the possibility of removing)
  2. No mobile editing except labels. It is impossible -- or at least I completely failed to find how -- to edit/add a claim on an item in mobile view. I am forced to switch to Desktop view to do any editing beyond labels.
  3. autocomplete sometimes doesn't happen; perhaps it's just network issues, but it would be user-friendly to have a key combination or button to *force* auto-completion right now, or force a re-try in case the automatic one went idle forever.
  4. Additional suggestions of properties based on statistics. It seems Wikidata runs out of properties to propose at some point.
  5. A way to dismiss a suggestion -- e.g. "date/place of death" for living people: I want to be able to dismiss it as irrelevant once and not see it suggested again, if not ever, then at least for, say, 90 days. That way I can keep looking at *relevant* suggested properties to add to an item I'm describing.
  6. Some indication on how to customize the label/desc box. It is far from obvious that the User's babel box controls it, and far from obvious what a babel box looks like, for people who have never had one. Indeed, it would be best defined as a preference rather than (or at least in addition to) a babel box.
  7. Useful gadgets like "statement filter" enabled by default.
  8. More visibility for constraints on property values when actually editing an item. It seems most validation is done post-factum, but it could save work and educate contributors if there were some visibility for the existing constraints *in real time*.

That's it for now. :)

Jan Dittrich (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

Hello Ijon, sorry for my late reply. Thanks for the list, this is very useful.

Since we chatted in Montreal already, I would interview others first. I will consider your listed concerns, though, and, if you like, ask for your input after I interviewed some others (Then, I probably have new questions I did not have in Montreal)

Jan Dittrich (WMDE) (talkcontribs)

I talked to some other users in the meantime and would now have some new questions – If you have some time, it would be great to talk with you again!.

Reply to "We've chatted in Montreal, but I'm happy to be interviewed again."