Topic on User talk:Magnus Manske

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Mix-n-match multiple default Entry types?

Gstupp (talkcontribs)

Hi Magnus, Is it possible to set another default entry type for Mix n match? I uploaded a set of MeSH terms specifically within the "Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms" branch (794 items). A lot already exist in Wikidata as either instance of disease (Q12136) or symptom (Q169872). Should I split up the entries in two? Or can you add symptom (Q169872) as a default type? Thanks!

Magnus Manske (talkcontribs)

Each entry can have one and only one type. You have set them all to Q12136 (disease). I have now switched them all to Q2057971 ("health problem"), which encompasses all other types. Re-running automatch now.

Gstupp (talkcontribs)


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