Topic on User talk:Silverfish

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Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

Hi! Just to make sure before running bot. So it is safe to simply copy everything from Soccerway player ID (P2369) (the numerical part of it, of course) to scoresway soccer person id (P3043)? If the new scoresway id will be wrong (dead url), then it's because we have invalid Soccerway ID? And the same(?) goes for dublicates?

Silverfish (talkcontribs)

As far as I'm aware it should be safe. It seems from the discussion at Property_talk:P2369 that both use the same IDs, and that seems to be the case with all the cases I've checked. In any case, it seems it will be a lot easier to check once the IDs have been copied over.

Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

OK, I'll then send complainers to you if something will be screwed up :) (joke)

Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

Theoretically I have copyed everything (with original "source"). Will be keeping eye on Soccerway player ID (P2369) use, that is, will be periodically doing copying.

Silverfish (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the work. I've been looking at the uniqueness violations on SPARQL, and there are currently 27 of them, and I've already resolved some. They seem to be about half true duplicates, and half with the wrong ID, but I'll keep a note of them to try to work out where the wrong IDs are coming from.

Edgars2007 (talkcontribs)

OK. As long as you delete both IDs (soccerway and scoreway), not only scoreway, it's fine. Because my script won't be thinking - if it sees item with soccerway, but without scoreway, it will add it :) Of course, I can create some kind of blacklist list of bad items, so if you have an item, where you have deleted scoreway, but not soccerway for some reason, say so.

Silverfish (talkcontribs)

Yes, I'm deleting both IDs, and replacing them with the correct ones if I can find them.

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