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Autodescription — trisodium phosphate (Q409501)

description: inorganic chemical compound with the chemical formula Na₃O₄P, white, granular or crystalline solid, highly soluble in water producing an alkaline solution
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Classification of the class trisodium phosphate (Q409501)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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What should be the preferred name for this chemical compound?

The extended name, which includes the fact that there are three Sodium elements seem to be preferred over the unspecified name. Thus trisodium phosphate is preferred over sodium phosphate.

You mean 'what should be the label'? I think it does not really matter in that case, one name should be put as label and the second as alias. There is also possibility that in some languages name without 'tri-' prefix is more common (so also more preferred) and in other languages quite the opposite. Labels, descriptions and aliases are not really meant to be widely used outside WD (or WMF projects). In the future there will be properties for chemical names (and preferred IUPAC names too), but we don't have proper infrastructure (datatypes) for that yet. Wostr (talk) 14:38, 6 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]