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Autodescription — legal case (Q2334719)

description: dispute resolved by a court
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Need for clarification: ENGLISH: 1 - legal proceeding 2 - legal proceeding 3 - legal case 4 - --- / GERMAN: 1 - Prozess 2 - Gerichtsverfahren 3 - Fall 4 - Rechtsstreit; SPANISH: 1 - proceso judicial / 2 - procedimiento judicial 3 - caso judicial 4 - ---[edit]

The following items need clarification:

Q180684 (conflict – friction, disagreement, or discord within a group or between different groups[1]) Q3249551 (process – series of events which occur over an extended period of time)
sub class 3 - Q2334719 (legal case / Rechtsfall / caso judicial)

13 Wikipedia entries[2]

2 - Q6087062 (legal proceeding / Gerichtsverfahren / procedimiento judicial)

4 Wikipedia entries[3]

sub class 4 - Q23759311 (--- / Rechtsstreit / ---)

2 Wikipedia entries[4]

1 - Q1301203 (legal proceeding / Prozess / proceso judicial)

17 Wikipedia entries[5]

Questions / problems[edit]

What is (in English) the differentia specifica (Q488677) between ‘legal case’ and ‘legal proceeding’?[edit]

1. en:Legal case states: ‘A legal case is in a general sense a dispute between opposing parties which may be resolved by a court, or by some equivalent legal process.’

I would conclude: The (legal) ‘case’ is the (societal / everyday life) dispute (≈ conflict – Q180684), as distinct from the legal process (= legal proceeding?). So, the legal process would be the institutional and formal procedure, which produces (or: should produce) the resolution of the (societal) dispute.

I would say the same about the German language usage: ‘Gerichtsverfahren’ refers to the institutional and formal procedure, in which is decided about a ‘[Rechts]Fall’[6], [7]. In other words: The ‘[Rechts]Fall’ is the object of the ‘Gerichtsverfahren’.

2. However, en:Legal case states as well: ‘In most systems, the governing body responsible for overseeing the courts assigns a unique number/letter combination or similar designation to each case in order to track the various disputes that are or have been before it. […] However it is often more convenient to refer to cases – particularly landmark and other notable cases – by a title of the form Claimant v Defendant (e.g. Arkell v Pressdram). […]. Where it is considered necessary to protect the anonymity of a natural person, some cases may have one or both parties replaced by a standard pseudonym (Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade) or by an initial (D v D).’

When we then take a look at en:Roe v. Wade, then we find there an ‘Infobox SCOTUS case’, and the article states: ‘Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court’.

It seems to me, that this language usage refers more to the legal proceeding – and even especially to the out come (the decision) of last instance of the legal proceeding – (and not so much to the underlying [societal / everyday life] dispute) (cfr. as well ‘Infobox court case’: en:Template:Infobox_court_case).

However, in German we have the same confusion: E.g. de:Herrenreiter-Fall (Fall = cases) refers mostly to a certain decision of the Bundesgerichtshof (Q687323) and not so much to the underlying (societal / everyday life) dispute (Sachverhalt; cfr. [7]), which was the starting point (or row material) of the legal proceeding.

There are a lot of ‘qualities’ (p:P1552) for ‘legal case’ (Q2334719), but none for ‘legal proceeding’ (neither for Q1301203 nor for Q6087062)[edit]

I would say, that all these qualities would fit to ‘legal proceeding’ as well. Even more: When we distinct ‘legal case’ (as societal) dispute from the legal proceeding (as mean of resolution of such disputes), then all theses qualities would fit better to ‘legal proceeding’ than to ‘legal case’.

Further question:

Is there a superclass, which encompasses Q2334719 (legal case) as well as Q6087062 (legal proceeding)? And if so, is that superclass a juridical or a sociological concept?[edit]



I’m not sure about, but – a solution could be:

  • Splitting Q2334719 into three or four items.
  • Item 1: is concept (p:P31 Q151885); has notion: notion 1 = a certain conflict, which is or can become the factual base of a legal proceeding or court decision; notion 2 = legal proceeding; notion 3 = court decision.
  • Item 2: is synonym (p:P31 Q42106) of ‘a certain conflict, which is or can become the factual base of a legal proceeding or court decision’; is subclass of conflict (p:P279 Q180684).
  • Item 3: is synonym (p:P31 Q42106) of legal proceeding (Q6087062); is subclass of process (series of events which occur over an extended period of time) (p:P279 Q3249551).
  • Item 4: is synonym (p:P31 Q42106) of court decision (Q327000); is part of legal proceeding (p:P361 Q6087062).

PS.: Cfr. Legal Case versus Legal Proceeding (Gerichtsverfahren) versus Legal Proceeding (Prozess).

Jter22 (talk) 14:24, 3 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]


  1. Anyway I would say: It should be added: ‘or individuals’.
  2. ar قضية قانونية; en Legal case; es Caso legal; et Kaasus; fi Oikeustapaus; he תיק משפטי; kn ವ್ಯಾಜ್ಯ; lt Teismo byla; pl Postępowanie sądowe; simple Legal case; sk Súdne konanie; sv Rättsfall; uk Судова справа.
  3. de Gerichtsverfahren; eo Proceduro; es Procedimiento judicial; simple Legal proceeding.
  4. de Rechtsstreit; lt Teisinis ginčas.
  5. da Retssag; de Prozess (Recht); en Legal proceeding; eo Proceso (juro); es Proceso judicial; fi Oikeustie; fr Procès; fy Rjochtsaak; ja 訴訟; lt Teismo procesas; nl Rechtszaak; pt Processo judicial; simple Legal process; sv Juridisk process; vi Thủ tục tố tụng; yi אנקלאגע; zh 訴訟.
  6. de:Fall#Kriminalfall: ‘de:Kriminalfall, jede Verwirklichung eines Delikts’; das heißt: allein schon die Verwirklichung des Delikts (spätestens: die Anzeige der Tat) konstituiert den ‘Fall’ – unabhängig davon, ob es später zu einem Gerichtsverfahren kommt, also eine tatverdächtige Person ermittelt werden kann.
  7. Similar concepts are
    • ‘Sachverhalt’: ‘Sachverhalt im Recht ist der zweckhafte Sinnzusammenhang von rechtserheblichem menschlichen Verhalten, von Rechtsverhältnissen, Rechtstatsachen oder von Daten und Fakten der kulturell-sozialen Wirklichkeit im Hinblick auf rechtlich geregeltes menschliches Verhalten.’ (de:Sachverhalt#Rechtswissenschaft); cfr. Q1642334 [state of affairs / Sachverhalt / estado de cosas / faits])
    • ‘Tatbestand’: ‘konkreter Lebenssachverhalt (Faktum); der Begriff erklärt sich selbst als „Bestandsaufnahme“ einer Tat im weitesten Sinne, also aller Umstände menschlichen Tuns’ (de:Tatbestand; cfr. Q20820018 [German: Tatbestand; Romanian: Facticitate])
    Cfr. as well Q1190554 (occurrence / Ereignis / acontecimiento / occurrence) and Q100235738 (event / --- / acontecimiento / événement).

Jter22 (talk) 14:23, 3 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]