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description: ordinary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bogotá
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This section is generated using {{TP award}}. It is designed for all items of class award (Q618779).

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Luis José Rueda Aparicio (Q1876444) 2020-04-25 –
Rubén Salazar Gómez (Q26639) 2010-07-08 – 2020-04-25
Pedro Rubiano Sáenz (Q248809) 1994-12-27 –  Missing field [1]
Mario Revollo Bravo (Q378486) 1984-06-25 –  Missing field [2]
Aníbal Muñoz Duque (Q615194) 1972-07-29 –  Missing field [3]
Luis Concha Córdoba (Q1876403) 1959-05-18 –  Missing field [4] Inconsistent predecessor [5]
Bernardo Herrera Restrepo (Q6395836) 1891-06-04 – 1928-01-02  Inconsistent predecessor [6] Inconsistent successor [7]
Vicente Arbeláez Gómez (Q2878987) 1868-02-06 –  Missing field [8] Inconsistent predecessor [9] Inconsistent successor [10]
Fernando del Portillo y Torres (Q5445019) 1798-10-29 –  Missing field [11] Inconsistent successor [12]
Baltasar Jaime Martínez de Compañón (Q10858226) 1788-12-15 –  Missing field [13]
Antonio Caballero y Góngora (Q1607862) 1778-12-14 –  Missing field [14]
Agustín de Alvarado y Castillo (Q64733547) 1775-03-13 –  Missing field [15] Inconsistent predecessor [16]
Lucas Ramírez Galán (Q47722804) 1769-07-15 –  Missing field [17] Inconsistent predecessor [18] Inconsistent successor [19]
Manuel de Sosa y Béthencourt (Q64741638) 1765-04-22 –  Missing field [20] Inconsistent predecessor [21] Inconsistent successor [22]
Juan de Galavís (Q30032906) 1737-12-17 –  Missing field [23] Inconsistent successor [24]
Antonio Claudio Álvarez de Quiñones (Q28810285) 1725-01-29 –  Missing field [25]
Francisco del Rincón (Q5868254) 1716-10-05 – 1723-06-27  Inconsistent predecessor [26]
Ignacio de Urbina (Q19950758) 1690-05-14 –  Missing field [27] Inconsistent successor [28]
Antonio Sanz Lozano (Q28131292) 1680-08-19 –  Missing field [29] Inconsistent predecessor [30]
Bernardino de Almansa Carrión (Q23580800) 1631-07-22 –  Missing field [31] Inconsistent successor [32]
Julián de Cortázar (Q23663010) 1627 – 1630
Fernando Arias de Ugarte (Q8961259) 1616-03-14 – 1625-07-30  Inconsistent predecessor [33]
Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero (Q7774216) 1596-08-12 –  Missing field [34] Inconsistent successor [35]
Bartolomé Martinez Menacho y Mesa (Q23418874) 1593-04-30 –  Missing field [36]
Alfonso López de Avila (Q23615798) 1591-11-29 –  Missing field [37]
2. Luis Zapata de Cárdenas (Q11175986) 1571-05 –  Missing field [38]
1. Juan de los Barrios (Q5953642) 1564-04-01 –  Missing field [39]
Position created:  Missing field [40]
  1. Pedro Rubiano Sáenz (Q248809) is missing end time (P582)
  2. Mario Revollo Bravo (Q378486) is missing end time (P582)
  3. Aníbal Muñoz Duque (Q615194) is missing end time (P582)
  4. Luis Concha Córdoba (Q1876403) is missing end time (P582)
  5. Luis Concha Córdoba (Q1876403) has a replaces (P1365) of Crisanto Luque Sánchez (Q959666), but follows Bernardo Herrera Restrepo (Q6395836) here
  6. Bernardo Herrera Restrepo (Q6395836) has a replaces (P1365) of Ignacio León Velasco (Q40687557), but follows Vicente Arbeláez Gómez (Q2878987) here
  7. Bernardo Herrera Restrepo (Q6395836) has a replaced by (P1366) of Ismael Perdomo Borrero (Q5922672), but is followed by Luis Concha Córdoba (Q1876403) here
  8. Vicente Arbeláez Gómez (Q2878987) is missing end time (P582)
  9. Vicente Arbeláez Gómez (Q2878987) has a replaces (P1365) of Antonio Herrán (Q5698635), but follows Fernando del Portillo y Torres (Q5445019) here
  10. Vicente Arbeláez Gómez (Q2878987) has a replaced by (P1366) of José Telésforo Paúl (Q28109294), but is followed by Bernardo Herrera Restrepo (Q6395836) here
  11. Fernando del Portillo y Torres (Q5445019) is missing end time (P582)
  12. Fernando del Portillo y Torres (Q5445019) has a replaced by (P1366) of Juan Bautista Sacristán (Q5947825), but is followed by Vicente Arbeláez Gómez (Q2878987) here
  13. Baltasar Jaime Martínez de Compañón (Q10858226) is missing end time (P582)
  14. Antonio Caballero y Góngora (Q1607862) is missing end time (P582)
  15. Agustín de Alvarado y Castillo (Q64733547) is missing end time (P582)
  16. Agustín de Alvarado y Castillo (Q64733547) has a replaces (P1365) of Agustín Manuel Camacho y Rojas (Q64762275), but follows Lucas Ramírez Galán (Q47722804) here
  17. Lucas Ramírez Galán (Q47722804) is missing end time (P582)
  18. Lucas Ramírez Galán (Q47722804) has a replaces (P1365) of Francisco Antonio de la Riva y Mazo (Q64764037), but follows Manuel de Sosa y Béthencourt (Q64741638) here
  19. Lucas Ramírez Galán (Q47722804) has a replaced by (P1366) of Agustín Manuel Camacho y Rojas (Q64762275), but is followed by Agustín de Alvarado y Castillo (Q64733547) here
  20. Manuel de Sosa y Béthencourt (Q64741638) is missing end time (P582)
  21. Manuel de Sosa y Béthencourt (Q64741638) has a replaces (P1365) of José Javier de Arauz y Rojas (Q64747341), but follows Juan de Galavís (Q30032906) here
  22. Manuel de Sosa y Béthencourt (Q64741638) has a replaced by (P1366) of Francisco Antonio de la Riva y Mazo (Q64764037), but is followed by Lucas Ramírez Galán (Q47722804) here
  23. Juan de Galavís (Q30032906) is missing end time (P582)
  24. Juan de Galavís (Q30032906) has a replaced by (P1366) of Diego Fermín de Vergara (Q78740386), but is followed by Manuel de Sosa y Béthencourt (Q64741638) here
  25. Antonio Claudio Álvarez de Quiñones (Q28810285) is missing end time (P582)
  26. Francisco del Rincón (Q5868254) has a replaces (P1365) of Francisco de Cosío y Otero (Q43240436), but follows Ignacio de Urbina (Q19950758) here
  27. Ignacio de Urbina (Q19950758) is missing end time (P582)
  28. Ignacio de Urbina (Q19950758) has a replaced by (P1366) of Francisco de Cosío y Otero (Q43240436), but is followed by Francisco del Rincón (Q5868254) here
  29. Antonio Sanz Lozano (Q28131292) is missing end time (P582)
  30. Antonio Sanz Lozano (Q28131292) has a replaces (P1365) of Juan de Arguinao y Gutiérrez (Q64751069), but follows Bernardino de Almansa Carrión (Q23580800) here
  31. Bernardino de Almansa Carrión (Q23580800) is missing end time (P582)
  32. Bernardino de Almansa Carrión (Q23580800) has a replaced by (P1366) of Cristóbal de Torres (Q5791950), but is followed by Antonio Sanz Lozano (Q28131292) here
  33. Fernando Arias de Ugarte (Q8961259) has a replaces (P1365) of Pedro Ordóñez y Flórez (Q26997607), but follows Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero (Q7774216) here
  34. Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero (Q7774216) is missing end time (P582)
  35. Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero (Q7774216) has a replaced by (P1366) of Juan Castro (Q27824300), but is followed by Fernando Arias de Ugarte (Q8961259) here
  36. Bartolomé Martinez Menacho y Mesa (Q23418874) is missing end time (P582)
  37. Alfonso López de Avila (Q23615798) is missing end time (P582)
  38. Luis Zapata de Cárdenas (Q11175986) is missing end time (P582)
  39. Juan de los Barrios (Q5953642) is missing end time (P582)
  40. Archbishop of Bogotá (Q104662967) is missing inception (P571)