Eighteen Air Tourists End Annual Jaunt (Q87849011)

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Eighteen Air Tourists End Annual Jaunt
news article


    Eighteen Air Tourists End Annual Jaunt. Harry L. Russell Winner By Arriving First at Detroit Airport. (English)
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    28 September 1930
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    Eighteen Air Tourists End Annual Jaunt. Harry L. Russell Winner By Arriving First at Detroit Airport. Detroit, Michigan; September 28, 1930 (Associated Press) Swept along by a heavy breeze, the 18 contesting planes in the 1930 national air tour sped into Ford airport late today, completing a 4,500-mile jaunt through the Midwest and Canadian prairie provinces. First over the finish line on the last lap from Cincinnati was Harry L. Russell, Detroit, piloting a tri-motored Ford. Russell, who maintained a consistent lead both in speed and reliability throughout the tour, piled up 58,575 points in the scoring system, far more than any other pilot, and was announced winner of the $7,500 Edsel Ford reliability trophy and a $2,500 cash prize, John Livingston, of Aurora, Illinois, flying a Waco, landed second, to gain a $2,000 cash prize. Third to land was Art Davis, Lansing, Michigan, pilot, also flying a Waco, and in fourth place came Myron E. Zeller, Detroit, in a Ford tri-motor. Davis and Zeller, who also held third and fourth place in the final tour standings, will receive $1,750 and $1,500 respectively. (English)
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