Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (Q673751)

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organisation de spoliation
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Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg
organisation de spoliation
    Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce
    Nazi art looting organization active in occupied territories during WWII
    • ERR
    • Einsatzstab Rosenberg


    ERR (allemand)
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    The ERR consisted of the Stabsführung (headquarters), various working groups (Arbeitsgruppen, AG’s) and main working groups (Hauptarbeitsgruppen, HAG) which were organized to head operations in each occupied country. On the eastern front, the ERR was organized into three main working groups: HAG Ostland for the Baltics, including Estonia, HAG Ukraine, and HAG Mitte for Belarus and western Russia.47 Furthermore, the ERR was organized in Special Taskforces (Sonderstäbe), including for example a Special Library Taskforce or Special Archive Taskforce. In November 1941, Dr. Gottlieb Ney, was tasked with heading the new Sonderstab Bibliothek der Hohen Schule (Special Taskforce Library of the Hohe Schule) within the HAG Ostland and was thus assigned to survey libraries. He commenced his work in the Baltic countries attached to HAG-Ostland48, including in Estonia. In that capacity, he was intrinsically involved in the looting and securing of the Genss collection for the ERR. (anglais)
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    Busse, Fritz. Member of ERR Paris, charged with responsibility for actual confiscations (with Braumueller). (anglais)
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    Brethauer, Dr Karl. Member of Berlin staff of ERR, who assumed responsibility for ERR Paris following von Behr’s dismissal. Relieved as head of Paris office early in 1944. (anglais)
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    Chief agent in France for acquisition of works of art for Ribbentrop. Intimate contactws with von Behr and Lohse. Acted as expert for ERR on French 19th century painting. Appointed art adviser to the German Embassy on 16 July 1942, with the rank of Consul. Involved in two exchanges with the ERR. With Rochlitz, probably the leading intermediary for German official buyers in the Paris art market. (anglais)
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    Prof. Richard Ernst, Wien, Stubenring 5. Ehemaliger Kurator des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien. Aktiv bei Plünderungen in Frankreich und Holland, als Mitarbeiter der ERR und der Dienststelle (allemand autrichien)
    Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg
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