Simferopol (Q19566)
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city in Crimea
- Aqmescit
- Symferopil
- Akmescit
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Simferopol |
city in Crimea |
Simferopol Montage.png
1,004 × 1,400; 2.54 MB
1,004 × 1,400; 2.54 MB
Сімферополь (Ukrainian)
Aqmescit (Crimean Tatar)
Симферополь (Russian)
0 references
Сімферополь (Ukrainian)
Симферополь (Russian)
0 references
Aqmescit (Crimean Tatar)
0 references
1 reference
1 reference
Crimea has joined the ranks of the world’s ‘gray areas.’ Here are the others on that list. (English)
17 March 2014
18 March 2014
1 reference
21 March 2014
28 July 2016
1 reference
25 June 1946
19 June 1991
1 reference
21 March 2014
19 March 1918Gregorian
30 April 1918Gregorian
0 references
28 April 1919Gregorian
26 June 1919Gregorian
0 references
18 October 1921Gregorian
30 June 1945
0 references
12 February 1991
26 February 1992
0 references
1 reference
12 December 1796Julian
8 October 1802Julian
1 reference
8 October 1802Gregorian
18 October 1921Gregorian
0 references
19 June 1991
1 reference
21 March 2014
18 October 1921Gregorian
0 references
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
2 November 1991
4 August 2008
1 reference
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
0 references
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
Simferopol (Ukrajina)
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
10 September 2022
0 references
1 reference
2 references
1 reference
23 April 2022
Wikipedia(105 entries)
- afwiki Simferopol
- angwiki Sympheropolis
- arwiki سيمفروبول
- arzwiki سيمفربول
- astwiki Simferópol
- azbwiki سیمفروپول
- azwiki Simferopol
- bawiki Аҡмесджит
- be_x_oldwiki Сімфэропаль
- bewiki Сімферопаль
- bgwiki Симферопол
- brwiki Simferopol
- cawiki Simferòpol
- cebwiki Simferopol
- cewiki Симферополь
- crhwiki Aqmescit
- cswiki Simferopol
- cywiki Simferopol
- dawiki Simferopol
- dewiki Simferopol
- diqwiki Simferopol
- dsbwiki Simferopol
- elwiki Συμφερόπολη
- enwiki Simferopol
- eowiki Simferopolo
- eswiki Simferópol
- etwiki Simferopol
- euwiki Simferopol
- fawiki سیمفروپول
- fiwiki Simferopol
- frrwiki Simferopol
- frwiki Simferopol
- glwiki Simferópol
- gotwiki 𐍃𐌹𐌼𐍆𐌰𐌹𐍂𐌰𐌿𐍀𐍉𐌻
- gvwiki Simferopol
- hewiki סימפרופול
- hrwiki Simferopolj
- hsbwiki Simferopol
- huwiki Szimferopol
- hywiki Սիմֆերոպոլ
- idwiki Simferopol
- iewiki Simferopol
- iswiki Símferopol
- itwiki Sinferopoli
- jawiki シンフェロポリ
- kawiki სიმფეროპოლი
- kkwiki Ақмешіт (Қырым)
- kowiki 심페로폴
- kvwiki Симферополь
- kywiki Акмечит
- lawiki Sympheropolis
- lldwiki Simferopol
- ltwiki Simferopolis
- lvwiki Simferopole
- mdfwiki Симфэрополь
- mgwiki Simferopol
- mhrwiki Симферополь
- mkwiki Симферопол
- mlwiki സിംഫെറോപോൾ
- mnwiki Симферополь
- mrwiki सिंफेरोपोल
- mswiki Simferopol
- myvwiki Симферополь ош
- nlwiki Simferopol
- nnwiki Simferopol
- nowiki Simferopol
- ocwiki Sinferòpol
- oswiki Симферополь
- plwiki Symferopol
- pnbwiki سمفروپول
- pntwiki Συμφερόπολη
- pswiki سمفروپول
- ptwiki Simferopol
- rowiki Simferopol
- ruewiki Сімферополь
- ruwiki Симферополь
- sahwiki Симферополь
- scnwiki Simferopoli
- scowiki Simferopol
- shwiki Simferopolj
- simplewiki Simferopol
- skwiki Simferopoľ
- slwiki Simferopol
- srwiki Симферопољ
- svwiki Simferopol
- swwiki Simferopol
- szlwiki Symferopol
- tawiki சிம்ஃபெரோப்போல்
- thwiki ซิมเฟโรปอล
- tlywiki Simferopol
- trwiki Akmescit
- ttwiki Акмәсҗит
- udmwiki Симферополь
- ukwiki Сімферополь
- urwiki سمفروپول
- uzwiki Oqmasjid (Qrim)
- vepwiki Simferopol'
- viwiki Simferopol
- warwiki Simferopol
- wawiki Simferopol
- wuuwiki 辛菲罗波尔
- xmfwiki სიმფეროპოლი
- zh_yuewiki 辛菲洛普
- zhwiki 辛菲罗波尔
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(8 entries)
- dewikinews Kategorie:Simferopol
- enwikinews Category:Simferopol
- eowikinews Kategorio:Simferopolo
- frwikinews Catégorie:Simferopol
- itwikinews Categoria:Sinferopoli
- ptwikinews Categoria:Simferopol
- ruwikinews Категория:Симферополь
- srwikinews Категорија:Симферопољ
Wikiquote(0 entries)
Wikisource(0 entries)
Wikiversity(0 entries)
Wikivoyage(10 entries)
- dewikivoyage Simferopol
- enwikivoyage Simferopol
- fiwikivoyage Simferopol
- frwikivoyage Simferopol
- itwikivoyage Sinferopoli
- plwikivoyage Symferopol
- ruwikivoyage Симферополь
- svwikivoyage Simferopol
- ukwikivoyage Сімферополь
- viwikivoyage Simferopol
Wiktionary(0 entries)
Multilingual sites(1 entry)
- commonswiki Simferopol