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Help page for rating certificate ID (P2676) View with SQID. This help page will be included in Property talk:P2676. Please be careful editing it not to break the included page.

MPA film rating (P1657)

You can find the ceriticate number for MPAA film ratings led by a # sign in the weekly bulletins of the CARA or in the “ceriticate #” row when making a query on the site operated by the MPAA. When a movie is re-rated the previous certificate number of the voided rating is often carried over.

FSK film rating (P1981)

The ID for FSK film ratings is called “Prüfnummer”, and can be found on both the certiciates and the database entries at Many films are rated twice or more—once for theatrical release (IDs ending in “/K”) and again for home releases (IDs ending in “/V”).

NMHH film rating (P2363)

The “nyilvántartási szám” of NMHH film ratings is available in the property’s source XLSX file. They start with “NFT/” and end in the year when the rating was determined.

BBFC rating (P2629)

For “BBFC reference” use BBFC reference (P8794) instead.

Filmiroda rating (P2747)

The “nyilvántartási szám” of Filmiroda ratings (which preceded the NMHH film rating in Hungary) is available at the NMHH Adattár. They start with ”F/” and end with ”/J” (fiction film), ”/A” (animation), ”/D” (documentary), or ”/E” (box sets, special editions, series).

EIRIN film rating (P2756)

Certificate IDs of the EIRIN film rating system are called “映倫番号”, and are available at

Australian Classification (P3156)

The “Classification Numbers” of the Australian Classification are available at Separate releases of works are rated individually.

CNC film rating (Romania) (P3402)

The IDs for CNC film ratings in Romania are listed under “Certificat de clasificare” at

KMRB film rating (P3818)

IDs on the KMRB film rating website are called “등급분류/유해확인번호”, and are available at They start with the year of the classification followed by a hyphen.

RTC film rating (P3834)

RTC film rating IDs are listed under “Autorización” at

IGAC rating (P5150)

The IDs for the IGAC rating are called “Nº de registo” which you can find at It is a number followed by a “/” and the year of classification.

RCQ classification (P6658)

The IDs for RCQ ratings can be found as “No film” on the film profile pages at

MTRCB rating (P8889)

The “Permit Number” found at the website is made up of four parts separated by hyphens: the letter P, the two-letter identifier of the category (e.g. TV, MP, OM, SR, etc.), the year, and a zero padded ordinal.

BAMID film rating (P9086)

The IDs for BAMID ratings are found under “分級證明字號” at Do include all characters (not only the numbers) as numbering is separate for international (A), Taiwanese (B), Hong Kong (C), and Mainland Chinese (D) films. The first digits of the number part are the year in the ROC calendar.