Public library branch in The Netherlands (E89)

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enPublic library branch in The NetherlandsSchema for a public library branch (except library buses) in The Netherlandsedit
deÖffentliche Bibliotheksfiliale in den NiederlandenSchema für eine öffentliche Bibliotheksfiliale (außer Bibliotheksbusse) in den NiederlandenÖffentliche Büchereifiliale in den Niederlandenedit
en-gbPublic library branch in The NetherlandsSchema for a public library branch (except library buses) in The Netherlandsedit
nlOpenbare bibliotheekvestiging in NederlandSchema voor een openbare bibliotheekvestiging (m.u.v.bibliobussen) in Nederlandedit
# Shape Expression for Dutch public library branches in Wikidata. For Dutch public library organisations, see E90 

#==========INPUT & EXAMPLES TO BUILD THIS SCHEMA===============
# For more textual input to build this schema, see 

# Inspiration to draw from : 

# And see

#============= TEST DATA ==========================
#== 1 - Variable set of Q-numbers ==

# 1.1 Set of 50 Q-numbers, INCluding library bus services and stops: 
# SELECT * WHERE {?dplbranch (p:P31/ps:P31) wd:Q28564,wd:Q11396180;wdt:P17 wd:Q55.} LIMIT 50

# 1.2 Set of 50 Q-numbers, EXcluding library bus services and stops: 
# Q720920 = library bus service; Q953806 = library bus stop
# SELECT DISTINCT ?dplbranch WHERE {?dplbranch (p:P31/ps:P31) wd:Q28564,wd:Q11396180;wdt:P17 wd:Q55. MINUS {?dplbranch (p:P31/ps:P31) wd:Q720920.} MINUS {?dplbranch (p:P31/ps:P31) wd:Q953806.}}

#== 2 - Fixed set of Q-numbers (including lots of abnormal (non-canonical) items) == 

# wd:Q61764050 (Roermond public library) --> 100% OK (canonical) item
# wd:Q60290390 (OBA De Hallen) --> 2x PartOf P361
# wd:Q63385165 (Nieuw-Vennep public library) --> no email P968
# wd:Q4490011 (Vlissingen public library) --> no image P18
# wd:Q63890055 (Bibliotheek Alphen Centrum) --> No phone P1329
# wd:Q61718917 (Bibliotheek Beckum) --> No website P856
# wd:Q61785984 (Bibliotheek uitleenpunt Kastanjehof Geldrop) --> No GIDS-url P973
# wd:Q61915775 (Bibliotheek servicepunt Alteveer-Kerkenveld) --> no ISIL P791
# SELECT * WHERE {VALUES ?item {wd:Q61764050 wd:Q60290390 wd:Q63385165 wd:Q4490011 wd:Q63890055 wd:Q61718917 wd:Q61785984 wd:Q61915775}}  

# wd:wd:Q61915707 (Jeugdbibliobus Arnhem) --> no street (P669), location (P276) and municipality (P131)
# wd:Q61638482 (Boekenbus Apeldoorn, halte Kerschoten - Winkelcentrum Mercatorplein) --> no postal code (P281) and street number P670
# wd:Q61638474 (Boekenbus Apeldoorn) --> no geo-coord P625
# SELECT * WHERE {VALUES ?item {wd:Q61915707 Q61638482 Q61638474}}  

# Probably more prefixes than that are strictly needed
PREFIX p: <>

PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX psv: <>
PREFIX psn: <>

PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX pqv: <>
PREFIX pqn: <>

PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX prv: <>
PREFIX prn: <>

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdno: <>
PREFIX wdref: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wdv: <>

PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wdtn: <>

PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX bd: <>

PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX prov: <>

PREFIX geo: <>

#===============THE ACTUAL SCHEMA=========================
start = @<#dplbranch> #dpl = dutch public library 

<#dplbranch> EXTRA p:P31 { 
       #P31 :the plb can also be an instance of some other subclass (eg. building, headquarters) 

      rdfs:label rdf:langString+; #Check if item has a label. TODO: check if they are present both in @EN and @NL 
      schema:description rdf:langString+; #Check if item has a description. TODO: check if they are present both in @EN and @NL
        # Compulsories
        p:P31   @<#P31_instance_of> {2,} ; #2 or more Q-values 
        p:P17   @<#P17_country> {1} ; # exactly 1 occurence #TODO: add reference
        p:P1705 @<#P1705_native_label> {1} ; # TODO: Must be in Dutch #TODO: add reference
        p:P131  @<#P131_located_in_administrative_territorial_entity> {1} ; # plb must be located in exactly 1 municipality 
        p:P361  @<#P361_part_of> + ; # plb must be part of 1 or more things 

        # Optionals
        p:P18  @<#P18_image> ? ; #optional 0 or 1 occurences      
        p:P856 @<#P856_officialwebsite> ? ; #optional 0 or 1 occurences
        p:P968 @<#P968_email> * ; #optional 0 or more occurences
        p:P1329 @<#P1329_phone_number>* ; #optional 0 or more occurences

        # Optional, but if one of them exists, all others should do to. 
         p:P276 @<#P276_location>  ; #optional 0 or 1 occurences
        p:P281 @<#P281_postal_code> ; #optional 0 or 1 occurences
        p:P625 @<#P625_geocoordinates>  ; #optional 0 or 1 occurences
        p:P669 @<#P669_located_on_street> ; # , Located on street, single value, ca be unknown for library buses
        p:P6375 @<#P6375_full_address> ; # must be in Dutch

###p:P973; isil



#=== Compulsory statements ====

<#P31_instance_of> {
    ps:P31 [wd:Q28564 wd:Q11396180]; # public library AND library branch

<#P17_country> {
    ps:P17 [wd:Q55]; # plb must be in The Netherlands 
    prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference>+;

    ps:P1705 [@nl] ;  # Must be in Dutch 
    prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference>+;

<#P131_located_in_administrative_territorial_entity>  {
    ps:P131 @<#municipality_of_the_netherlands>; 
<#municipality_of_the_netherlands> EXTRA p:P31 { 
    # territorial_entity must be an instance of 'municipality of the Netherlands' (Q2039348), but....
    # EXTRA: the territorial_entity can also be an instance of some other subclass (e.g big city, polder, hanzestad..)
    p:P31 {ps:P31 [wd:Q2039348]}

<#P361_part_of> {
   ps:P361 [wd:~] +;  
   #ps:P361 @<#partof> ; # plb can be part of multiple things, but...   
   #TODO: add reference

#<#partof> EXTRA p:P31 {
    # ... but the plb MUST be part of a public library organisation (plo = instance of both 'public library (Q28564)' and 'library system (Q28324850)')
    # EXTRA: the plb can also be part of other things (than a lib org)
    #p:P31 {ps:P31 [wd:Q28564 wd:Q28324850];}{2,}
    #TODO: Make this work also for library buses like

#=== Optional statements ====

<#P18_image> {
    # If image is stated, then the URL must start with ''
    ps:P18 IRI /^http:\/\/commons\.wikimedia\.org\/wiki\/Special:FilePath\//  

   ps:P276 [wd:~] ;
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference>+;

<#P281_postal_code> {
    ps:P281 xsd:string ;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference>+;

    ps:P625 geo:wktLiteral ;

<#P669_located_on_street> {
     ps:P669 {
          wdt:P31 [
                 wd:Q79007 # street] ;
                 # Other types of streets when they occur.
      } ;
      pq:P670  xsd:string ; # Streetnumber as qualifier
      pq:P281  xsd:string ; # Postalcode as qualifier
      prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference> ;


<#P856_officialwebsite> {
    # If o. w. is stated, then it must have exactly 1 value (clickable IRI), and must have exactly 1 Retrieved timesptamp (P813) as qualifier (ie. NOT as source reference!))
    ps:P856 IRI {1} ;  # exactly 1 IRI (clickable link)
    pq:P813 xsd:dateTime {1}; # exactly 1 timestamps (P813) as qualifier
    pr:P856 . {0} ;   #  it can not have a source reference

    #If email is stated, then each mail address must start with 'mailto:' and contain a '@' 
    ps:P968 IRI /^mailto:/ ;  #IRI starting with 'mailto:'  # TODO: IRI must contain a '@'
    prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference>+;  #reference is compulsory, 1 or more values

<#P1329_phone_number> {
    ps:P1329  xsd:string ;
    prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference>+;  #reference is compulsory, 1 or more values

<#P6375_full_address> {
   ps:P6375 [@nl] ; # Must be in Dutch
   prov:wasDerivedFrom @<#P854-P813-reference>+;  #reference is compulsory, 1 or more values

#=== REFERENCES ======

    #each reference must have exactly 1 URL (P854) and 1 timesamp P813
    pr:P854 IRI {1} ; # exactly 1 IRI (clickable link)
    pr:P813 xsd:dateTime {1}; # exactly 1 date

# ======================================
# ====== STILL TO SORT OUT =============
# ======================================

###Headquarters location P159