Filmmaker (E201)

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enFilmmakerschema for a filmmaker whose work is held in a film archive or other insitutional collectionfilm director | director | film makeredit
frréalisateur de filmedit
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX psn: <>

# Example queries: 
# 5 authors: SELECT * WHERE { ?person wdt:P106 wd:Q36180 } LIMIT 5
# Specific author (Q42): SELECT DISTINCT ?author WHERE {   VALUES ?author {  wd:Q42  }  }

start = @<PersonShape>

<PersonShape> EXTRA wdt:P31 wdt:P106 {

      # instance of
      wdt:P31 [ wd:Q5 ] ;

      # sex or gender
      wdt:P21 IRI ? ;

      # occupation
      wdt:P106 [ wd:Q2526255 ] ;

      # Commons category
      wdt:P373 . ?;

      # notable work
      wdt:P800 IRI *;

      # date of birth
      wdt:P569 xsd:dateTime *;

      #place of birth
      wdt:P19 IRI ?;

      # date of death
      wdt:P570 xsd:dateTime * ;

      # institutional context
      wdt:P6379 . ;

      ## External Identifiers

      #ISNI ID
      #p:P213 { ps:P213  xsd:string *; psn:P213  IRI *;  } +;
      wdt:P213  xsd:string * ;

      #IMDB ID
      p:P345 { ps:P345  xsd:string *; psn:P345  IRI *;  } +;

      #ULAN ID
      p:P245 { ps:P245  xsd:string *; psn:P245  IRI *;  } +;
