city (E100)
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language code | label | description | aliases | edit |
en | city | schema of a city | edit | |
ast | llocalidá | esquema pa llocalidaes | ciudá | población | pueblu | edit |
ca | ciutat | schema per una ciutat | edit | |
de | Stadt | Schema für eine Stadt | edit | |
es | ciudad | esquema para una localidad | edit | |
fi | kaupunki | skeema kaupungeille | edit | |
fr | ville | schéma d'une ville | edit | |
he | עיר | סכמה בעבור עיר | יישוב | edit |
ja | 都市 | 都市記述用のスキーマ | edit | |
ru | город | схема для города | edit | |
sv | stad | schema för en stad | edit | |
tr | şehir | şehir için şema | edit |
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX wds: <>
PREFIX ontolex: <>
PREFIX wdata: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdno: <>
PREFIX wdref: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX cc: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wdv: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX wdtn: <>
PREFIX pqv: <>
PREFIX prv: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX psv: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX bd: <>
PREFIX pqn: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX prn: <>
PREFIX psn: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
# Result for pattern { wdt:~ __;} and query SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE {?x wdt:P31 wd:Q515. } LIMIT 10
<city> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
# country; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P17 [ <>~ ] ;
# image; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P18 [ <>~ ] + ;
# instance of; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P31 [ wd:P31 ] + ;
# VIAF ID; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P214 xsd:string ;
# GND ID; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P227 xsd:string ;
# Library of Congress authority ID; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P244 xsd:string ;
# Commons category; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P373 xsd:string ;
# coordinate location; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P625 geo:wktLiteral ;
# Freebase ID; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P646 xsd:string ;
# topic's main category; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P910 [ <>~ ] ;
# Commons gallery; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P935 xsd:string ;
# MusicBrainz area ID; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P982 xsd:string ;
# category for people born here; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P1464 [ <>~ ] ;
# GeoNames ID; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P1566 xsd:string + ;
# category of associated people; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P1792 [ <>~ ] ;
# area; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P2046 xsd:decimal ;
# Quora topic ID; frequency: [10/10]
wdt:P3417 xsd:string ;
# located in the administrative territorial entity; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P131 [ <>~ ] * ;
# twinned administrative body; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P190 [ <>~ ] * ;
# postal code; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P281 xsd:string * ;
# located in time zone; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P421 [ <>~ ] * ;
# official website; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P856 IRI ? ;
# page banner; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P948 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# DMOZ ID; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P998 xsd:string ? ;
# population; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P1082 xsd:decimal ? ;
# US National Archives Identifier; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P1225 xsd:string * ;
# Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P1417 xsd:string * ;
# category for people who died here; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P1465 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Facebook Places ID; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P1997 xsd:string ? ;
# BabelNet ID; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P2581 xsd:string ? ;
# Commons maps category; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P3722 xsd:string ? ;
# Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P5019 xsd:string ? ;
# archINFORM location ID; frequency: [9/10]
wdt:P5573 xsd:string ? ;
# shares border with; frequency: [8/10]
wdt:P47 [ <>~ ] * ;
# OSM relation ID; frequency: [8/10]
wdt:P402 xsd:string ? ;
# capital of; frequency: [8/10]
wdt:P1376 [ <>~ ] * ;
# elevation above sea level; frequency: [8/10]
wdt:P2044 xsd:decimal * ;
# Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID; frequency: [8/10]
wdt:P2924 xsd:string ? ;
# head of government; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P6 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# coat of arms image; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P94 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# NLI (Israel) ID; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P949 xsd:string ? ;
# native label; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P1705 rdf:langString * ;
# category of people buried here; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P1791 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Encyclopædia Universalis ID; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P3219 xsd:string ? ;
# BnF ID; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P268 xsd:string ? ;
# licence plate code; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P395 xsd:string ? ;
# local dialing code; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P473 xsd:string ? ;
# official name; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P1448 rdf:langString * ;
# flag image; frequency: [7/10]
wdt:P41 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# continent; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P30 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# located in or next to body of water; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P206 [ <>~ ] * ;
# NKCR AUT ID; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P691 xsd:string ? ;
# described by source; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P1343 [ <>~ ] * ;
# pronunciation audio; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P443 [ <>~ ] * ;
# EMLO location ID; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P4672 xsd:string ? ;
# locator map image; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P242 [ <>~ ] * ;
# YSO ID; frequency: [5/10]
wdt:P2347 xsd:string * ;
# category for films shot at this location; frequency: [4/10]
wdt:P1740 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# TGN ID; frequency: [4/10]
wdt:P1667 xsd:string ? ;
# inception; frequency: [4/10]
wdt:P571 xsd:dateTime ? ;
# topic's main Wikimedia portal; frequency: [4/10]
wdt:P1151 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# UK Parliament thesaurus ID; frequency: [4/10]
wdt:P4527 xsd:string ? ;
# flag; frequency: [4/10]
wdt:P163 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# contains administrative territorial entity; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P150 [ <>~ ] * ;
# TERYT municipality code; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P1653 xsd:string ? ;
# history of topic; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P2184 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# ID; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P3222 xsd:string ? ;
# Uppsala University Alvin ID; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P6821 xsd:string ? ;
# member of; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P463 [ <>~ ] * ;
# IPA transcription; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P898 xsd:string ? ;
# demonym; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P1549 rdf:langString * ;
# coat of arms; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P237 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Comic Vine ID; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P5905 xsd:string ? ;
# Klexikon article ID; frequency: [3/10]
wdt:P6573 xsd:string ? ;
# ISO 3166-2 code; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P300 xsd:string ? ;
# FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions); frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P901 xsd:string ? ;
# time of earliest written record; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P1249 xsd:dateTime ? ;
# language used; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P2936 [ <>~ ] * ;
# ISNI; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P213 xsd:string ? ;
# Dewey Decimal Classification; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P1036 xsd:string ? ;
# coordinates of northernmost point; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P1332 geo:wktLiteral ? ;
# coordinates of southernmost point; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P1333 geo:wktLiteral ? ;
# coordinates of easternmost point; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P1334 geo:wktLiteral ? ;
# coordinates of westernmost point; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P1335 geo:wktLiteral ? ;
# award received; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P166 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# office held by head of government; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P1313 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# FAST ID; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P2163 xsd:string ? ;
# subreddit; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P3984 xsd:string ? ;
# legislative body; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P194 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# SUDOC authorities ID; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P269 xsd:string ? ;
# NDL Auth ID; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P349 xsd:string ? ;
# connects with; frequency: [2/10]
wdt:P2789 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# seal image; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P158 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# enclave within; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P501 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# topic's main template; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1424 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1842 xsd:string ? ;
# Nomisma ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2950 xsd:string ? ;
# ISTAT ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P635 xsd:string ? ;
# Italian cadastre code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P806 xsd:string ? ;
# replaces; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1365 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1936 xsd:string ? ;
# UN/LOCODE; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1937 xsd:string ? ;
# tourist office; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2872 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# IndicePA ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P6832 xsd:string ? ;
# country calling code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P474 xsd:string ? ;
# MeSH Descriptor ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P486 xsd:string ? ;
# Unicode character; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P487 xsd:string ? ;
# diplomatic relation; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P530 [ <>~ ] * ;
# highest point; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P610 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# HDS ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P902 xsd:string ? ;
# IOC country code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P984 xsd:string ? ;
# Human Development Index; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1081 xsd:decimal ? ;
# unemployment rate; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1198 xsd:decimal * ;
# inflation rate; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1279 xsd:decimal ? ;
# Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1296 xsd:string * ;
# central bank; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1304 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# NLA Persistent Identifier; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1315 xsd:string ? ;
# participant of; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1344 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# motto text; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1451 rdf:langString * ;
# has quality; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1552 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# lowest point; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1589 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# BBC Things ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1617 xsd:string ? ;
# driving side; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1622 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# short name; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1813 rdf:langString ? ;
# office held by head of state; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1906 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# NALT ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2004 xsd:string ? ;
# nominal GDP; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2131 xsd:decimal ? ;
# nominal GDP per capita; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2132 xsd:decimal ? ;
# total reserves; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2134 xsd:decimal ? ;
# real gross domestic product growth rate; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2219 xsd:decimal * ;
# official symbol; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2238 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# life expectancy; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2250 xsd:decimal ? ;
# mobile country code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2258 xsd:string ? ;
# PPP GDP per capita; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2299 xsd:decimal ? ;
# geography of topic; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2633 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# emergency phone number; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2852 [ <>~ ] * ;
# electrical plug type; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2853 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# mains voltage; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2884 xsd:decimal ? ;
# water as percent of area; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2927 xsd:decimal ? ;
# permanent duplicated item; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2959 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# maritime identification digits; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2979 xsd:string * ;
# age of majority; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2997 xsd:decimal ? ;
# marriageable age; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3000 xsd:decimal ? ;
# ITU letter code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3024 xsd:string ? ;
# GS1 country code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3067 xsd:string ? ;
# WIPO ST.3; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3068 xsd:string ? ;
# Statoids ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3175 xsd:string ? ;
# NYT topic ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3221 xsd:string ? ;
# compulsory education (minimum age); frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3270 xsd:decimal ? ;
# compulsory education (maximum age); frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3271 xsd:decimal ? ;
# INSEE countries and foreign territories code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3422 xsd:string ? ;
# median income; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3529 xsd:decimal ? ;
# Le Monde diplomatique subject ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3612 xsd:string ? ;
# ITU/ISO/IEC object identifier; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3743 xsd:string ? ;
# suicide rate; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3864 xsd:decimal ? ;
# geoshape; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3896 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# STW Thesaurus for Economics ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3911 xsd:string ? ;
# UNESCO Thesaurus ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3916 xsd:string ? ;
# GDP (PPP); frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4010 xsd:decimal ? ;
# GACS ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4427 xsd:string ? ;
# LoC and MARC vocabularies ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4801 xsd:string ? ;
# Wolfram Language entity code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4839 xsd:string ? ;
# total fertility rate; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4841 xsd:decimal ? ;
# on focus list of Wikimedia project; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5008 [ <>~ ] * ;
# Wikimedia outline; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5125 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# CIVICUS Monitor country entry; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5180 xsd:string ? ;
# head of state; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P35 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# capital; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P36 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# official language; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P37 [ <>~ ] * ;
# currency; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P38 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# top-level Internet domain; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P78 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# anthem; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P85 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# basic form of government; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P122 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# ethnic group; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P172 [ <>~ ] * ;
# executive body; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P208 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P297 xsd:string ? ;
# ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P298 xsd:string ? ;
# ISO 3166-1 numeric code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P299 xsd:string ? ;
# part of; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P361 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Libraries Australia ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P409 xsd:string ? ;
# Giant Bomb ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5247 xsd:string ? ;
# IAB code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5250 xsd:string ? ;
# Google News topics ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5337 xsd:string ? ;
# Le Monde ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5558 xsd:string ? ;
# Invasive Species Compendium Datasheet ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P5698 xsd:string ? ;
# literacy rate; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P6897 xsd:decimal ? ;
# heritage designation; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1435 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Slovene Cultural Heritage Register ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1587 xsd:string ? ;
# writing system; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P282 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Theatricalia theatre ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2468 xsd:string ? ;
# OpenDomesday settlement ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3118 xsd:string ? ;
# TOID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3120 xsd:string ? ;
# Zhihu topic ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3553 xsd:string ? ;
# Vision of Britain unit ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3615 xsd:string ? ;
# Vision of Britain place ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3616 xsd:string ? ;
# KEPN ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3639 xsd:string ? ;
# Store norske leksikon ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4342 xsd:string ? ;
# NUTS code; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P605 xsd:string ? ;
# significant event; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P793 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# SELIBR ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P906 xsd:string ? ;
# BAV ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1017 xsd:string ? ;
# NUKAT (WarsawU) authorities ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1207 xsd:string ? ;
# HelveticArchives ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1255 xsd:string ? ;
# detail map; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1621 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# Canadiana Authorities ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1670 xsd:string ? ;
# NLP ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P1695 xsd:string ? ;
# collage image; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P2716 [ <>~ ] ? ;
# JewishGen Locality ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3198 xsd:string ? ;
# Cultureel Woordenboek identifier; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P3569 xsd:string ? ;
# PACTOLS thesaurus ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4212 xsd:string ? ;
# National Library of Brazil ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P4619 xsd:string ? ;
# Dizionario di Storia Treccani ID; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P6404 xsd:string ? ;
# Image Archive, Herder Institute; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P6482 xsd:string ? ;
# located on terrain feature; frequency: [1/10]
wdt:P706 [ <>~ ] ?