Property talk:P8981

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lunar coordinates (BEING REPLACED)
coordinates of a place on Earth's Moon
[create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here]
Conflicts with “coordinate location (P625): this property must not be used with the listed properties and values. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P8981#Conflicts with P625, SPARQL
Single value: this property generally contains a single value. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P8981#Single value, SPARQL
Scope is as main value (Q54828448): the property must be used by specified way only (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P8981#Scope, SPARQL
Allowed entity types are Wikibase item (Q29934200), Wikibase MediaInfo (Q59712033): the property may only be used on a certain entity type (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P8981#Entity types
Item “named after (P138): Items with this property should also have “named after (P138)”. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303).
List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P8981#Item P138, SPARQL
Globes to check
Globe should be Q405 (Help)
Violations query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?globe ?globeLabel ?lat ?lon WITH { SELECT ?st ?stv ?globe { ?st psv:P8981 ?stv . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?stv wikibase:geoGlobe wd:Q405 } ?stv wikibase:geoGlobe ?globe } } as %coor WHERE { INCLUDE %coor ?stv wikibase:geoLatitude ?lat . ?stv wikibase:geoLongitude ?lon . ?item p:P8981 ?st SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
List of this constraint violations: Database reports/Complex constraint violations/P8981#Globes to check

Wrong 'globe' in data[edit]

Coordinates created with this property has wrong 'globe' component. It points to Earth (Q2) instead of Moon (Q405). Here is dump for mainsnak retrieved from Mare Tranquillitatis (Q320936):

table#1 {
  ["datatype"] = "globe-coordinate",
  ["datavalue"] = table#2 {
    ["type"] = "globecoordinate",
    ["value"] = table#3 {
      ["globe"] = "",
      ["latitude"] = 8.5,
      ["longitude"] = 31.4,
      ["precision"] = 0.016666666666667,
  ["property"] = "P8981",
  ["snaktype"] = "value",

This is incorrectly rendered in plwiki if the value is retrieved from Wikidata. It is ridiculous to provide dedicated module or method to properly render any new property which has type 'globe-coordinate'. Current data model is flexible enough to manage coordinates on any globe. Paweł Ziemian (talk) 20:19, 29 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Fixed the globe and added a complex constraint. BTW the same happens with P625. --- Jura 20:28, 31 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?stv
  ?item wdt:P625 ?stv .
  ?item wdt:P376 wd:Q405
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

They can be migrated to lunar coordinates (BEING REPLACED) (P8981). Paweł Ziemian (talk) 20:16, 2 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I started checking which templates need updating. cawiki now supports lunar coordinates (BEING REPLACED) (P8981): ca:Mare_Tranquillitatis with ca:Plantilla:Accident geogràfic extraterrestre and ca:Mòdul:Mapa cos celeste. It seems that many templates for the Moon don't use Wikidata coordinates at all. --- Jura 09:10, 6 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]