Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Yale University Art Gallery/before 1800

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See Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Yale University Art Gallery

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q1568434 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . { ?item wdt:P571 ?inception . BIND(year(?inception) as ?inceptionyear) . } UNION { MINUS { ?item wdt:P571 [] } . ?item wdt:P170 ?creator . ?creator wdt:P569 ?dob . ?creator wdt:P570 ?dod . BIND(((year(?dod) - year(?dob))/2 + year(?dob)) as ?inceptionyear) . } UNION { MINUS { ?item wdt:P571 [] } . ?item wdt:P170 ?creator . MINUS { ?creator wdt:P570 [] } ?creator wdt:P569 ?dob . BIND((year(?dob) + 50) as ?inceptionyear) . } FILTER((1 <= ?inceptionyear && ?inceptionyear < 1800)) } LIMIT 3000
image label description creator inception inventory number genre main subject depicts Yale University Art Gallery ID
The Mock Tournament on the Ice painting by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch No/unknown value
Jan Mandijn
Pieter Huys
1947.184 ice skating
Amerigo Vespucci painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1575 1871.86 349
Fernando Cortez painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1575 1871.87 350
The Deposition painting by Giovanni di Pietro da Napoli No/unknown value 1400 1871.70 religious art 332
Reverend John Davenport (1597-1669/70) painting by Davenport Limner 1670 1750.1 John Davenport 4
Flowers and Plant painting by Ding Kexu 1603 1985.54.1 26298
Summer Landscape painting by Dong Xiaochu 1632 2007.115.1 120106
Portrait of Ferdinand Boisschot painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value
Anthony van Dyck
1630 1957.18.3 portrait Ferdinand van Boisschot 50841
Zhong Kui Riding an Elephant painting by Fan Yi 1665 1988.72.1 58025
Oxenbridge Thacher (in the manner of Robert Feke) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1748 1966.65 8707
Landscape painting by Feng Xianshi 1666 2007.115.2 landscape painting 120109
Dr. William Samuel Johnson (1727-1819), B. A. 1744, M. A. 1747, LL. D. 1788, (after Gilbert Stuart) painting by Simon Fitch 1792 1835.8 portrait 167
Minamoto no Saneakira No. 25 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.25a-b 212463
Onakatomino no Yorimoto No. 19 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.19a-b Ōnakatomi no Yorimoto 212464
Portrait of a Lady painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1490 1871.52a-b portrait 311
Minamoto no Kintada No. 16 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.16a-b 212465
Still Life painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 160s 1976.103.1 still life 23693
Mibu no Tadami No. 35 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.35a-b 212466
Sojo Henjo No. 5 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.5a-b 212467
Ariwara no Narihira No. 6 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.6a-b 212468
Ojibbeway Chief painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 1939.40 34794
Portrait of a gentleman, perhaps Bishop Bonner painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1560 ILE1940.4 portrait 63754
The Baptism of Christ painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1600 1987.49.1 religious art Baptism of Jesus 57416
Christ appearing to Saints Mercurius and Catherine of Alexandria Who Trample Enemie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century 1871.112 religious art 255
Fujiwara no Asatada No. 22 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.22a-b 212469
Landscape painting by Jiang Qia 1548 1966.134 landscape painting 9766
Pair of Dragons and Wave Screen painting by Kaiho Yusho No/unknown value 16th century 2012.71.14 174814
Minamoto no Shigeyuki No. 21 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.21a-b 212470
Ono no Komachi No. 7 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.7a-b Ono no Komachi 212471
Nakatsukasa No. 30 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.30a-b 212472
Taira no Kanemori No. 36 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.36a-b 212473
Ise No. 13 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.13a-b 212474
Otomo no Yakamochi No. 3 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.3a-b 212475
Ki no Tsurayuki No. 9 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.9a-b 212476
Kakinomoto no Hitomaro No. 1 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.1a-b 212477
Scenes from the Tale of Genji painting by Kyoto Kano School No/unknown value 16th century 1984.9.1-.2 25532
The Nativity painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1473 1871.71 religious art 333
The Crucifixion painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1495 1871.56 religious art 316
Returning with a Crane on a Snowy River painting by Liu Yuanqi 1631 2002.29.1 85887
Imperial confirmation of Title painting by Li Yongq 1780 1978.25 23347
Landscape after a poem by Du Fu painting by Li Zhaoheng 1639 2003.141.1 landscape painting 98525
Saint Sebastian painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1510 1871.91 religious art 355
Christ on the Cro painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1510 1871.54 religious art 313
The Baptism of Christ painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1871.55) No/unknown value 1500 1871.55 315
Virgin and Child with Two Angel painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1465 1943.222 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Fishermen on Snowy River painting by Lu Mingqian 1744 1984.20 25689
Lilies and other plant painting by Ma Chua 1674 1956.41.5 8300
Pope Clement IX painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century 1871.106 248
The Flight into Egypt painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1700 1946.8 religious art 43976
Saint Mary Magdalen painting by Master of Saints Cosmas and Damian 1270 1970.80 religious art 25722
Saint Flora painting by Master of Saints Flora and Lucilla 1310 1943.203 religious art 45051
Saint Lucilla painting by Master of Saints Flora and Lucilla 1310 1946.13 religious art 47805
Two Apostles? painting by Master of the Cartellini 1450 2016.99.24 religious art 190128
Christ as the Man of Sorrow painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1470 1959.15.9a-b religious art 43502
Virgin and Child surrounded by Saints Ansanus, Francis, Peter, Jerome, Bernardino, and Crescentius, and Angel painting by Master of the Tabernacl 1440 2016.99.19 religious art 190109
The Rape of Europa painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1590 1909.1 639
Adoration of the Magi painting by Mughal School No/unknown value 1600 1974.91.8 religious art 13809
The Death of the Buddha Sakyamuni (Nehan-zu) painting by Myoson No/unknown value 13th century 2005.58.1a-b Parinirvana of the Buddha 104557
Oshikochi no Mitsune No. 10 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.10a-b 212478
Fujiwara no Kanesuke No. 8 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.8a-b Fujiwara no Kanesuke 212479
Sarumaru no Taifu No. 4 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.4a-b Sarumaru Dayū 212480
Fujiwara no Okikaze No. 14 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.14a-b 212481
Kiyohara no Motosuke No. 32 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.32a-b Kiyohara no Motosuke 212482
Raga Nut, an illustration from a Ragamala serie painting by Pahari School No/unknown value 17th century 1974.91.17 13853
Portrait of General George Washington painting by N. Piehle 1783 1984.32.9 portrait 25854
The Art of Music painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1565 1959.15.25 43518
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angel painting by Pseudo-Dalmasio 13th century 1943.260 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Virgin and Child painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1871.75) No/unknown value 15th century 1871.75 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Minamoto no Muneyuki No. 17 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.17a-b 212483
Saigu no Nyogo No. 26 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.26a-b 212484
Saint Bartholomew painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1651 1956.17.2 religious art 43387
Female Figure Heavily Draped in Red painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1650 1926.26 2746
Figures by a River painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1690 1970.86b 25760
Virgin and Child with Saints and Angel painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1470 1943.254 religious art Christ Child
The Nativity and The Crucifixion painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1480 1943.228 religious art 45088
Thomas Fitch (?) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1738 1934.101 6137
Juno painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1792 1932.240 5440
A Brothel Scene painting by The Brunswick Monogrammist 1540 ILE1981.9.16 64354
Saints James the Greater and John the Evangelist painting by The Master of the Holy Kinship 150s 2007.208.1 religious art 110695
Saints James the Lesser and Philip painting by The Master of the Holy Kinship 150s 2007.208.2 religious art 110696
The Crucifixion painting by The Master of the Risen Magdalen 150s 1943.261 religious art 45221
Gerard Mercator painting by the workshop of Titian No/unknown value 1550 1959.15.18 portrait 43511
Saint Matthias painting by Master of Torralba 1370 ILE1981.9.13 64342
Scenes from the Tales of Genji painting by Tosa School No/unknown value 15th century 1980.12.54 24489
Eggplant and Soya Bean painting by Tosa Tomanmaru 1708 1986.32.1 58622
Pierre van Courtlandt painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1790 1939.36 34789
Fujiwara no Kiyotada No. 27 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.27a-b 212485
Fujiwara no Atsutada No. 23 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.23a-b Fujiwara no Atsutada 212486
Mibu no Tadamine No. 12 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.12a-b 212487
Wall paintings from the shrine to the God Mithras (Mithraeum), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1935.100 YUAG 6746. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0240 1935.100 religious art hunting
occidental astrological sign
cult relief of Mithras slaying the bull (Tauroctony), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1935.97
Cult Relief of Mithras Slaying the Bull (Tauroctony), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1935.98
narrative cycle
Illustration from a Bhagavata Purana Series, Book 10: Battle Between Balarama and Jarasandha painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.32 83917
Ragini Patamanjari, an illustration from a Ragamala painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century 2001.138.50 83935
Ragini Bilaval, an illustration from a Ragamala serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 2001.138.55 83911
Ragini Dhanasri, an illustration from a Ragamala serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1630 2001.138.53 83943
Ragini Desi Megh, an illustration from a Ragamala serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1780 2001.138.18 83948
Tile with Capricorn, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.272 / YUAG 5726. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.272 religious art Capricorn 5726
Julius Terentius Performing a Sacrifice, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1931.386 YUAG 4961. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0239 1931.386 religious art Julius Terentius
Latin script
Greek alphabet
Standing Four-armed demon holding weapon painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1750 1980.12.56 30204
Shaiva ascetic on Mount Kailasa painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1750 1980.12.58 30266
Shaiva Ascetic on Mount Kailasa (illustration from a Tantric text) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1750 1980.12.61 30269
Siva as Bhairava (illustration from a Tantric text) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1750 1980.12.62 30270
Siva and Parvati (illustration from a Tantric text) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1750 1980.12.64 30272
Kali (illustration from a Tantric text) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1750 1980.12.66 30274
Shaiva ascetic on Mount Kailasa painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1980.12.68) No/unknown value 1750 1980.12.68 30276
Desert Finch Perched on a Rock painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1650 2001.138.10 83936
Illustration from a Bhagavata Purana Series, Book 10: Krishna Leads the Townspeople painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.31 Krishna 83916
Illustration from a Bhagavata Purana Series, Book 10: Krishna Lifts Mount Govardhan painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.38 Krishna 83961
Krishna Rides a Chariot to Save Rukmini, an illustration from book 10 of a Bhagavata Purana serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.34 Krishna 83964
Illustration from a Gita Govinda serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1720 2001.138.27.1 83883
Krishna Takes His First Steps, an illustration from a Sur Sagar serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1700 2001.138.28 Krishna 83969
Illustration from a Gita Govinda serie painting by anonymous painter (Yale 2001.138.27.2) No/unknown value 1720 2001.138.27.2 83909
Kalki, Avatar of Vishnu painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1780 1966.78.1 29523
Women by a Garden Pool painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 2001.138.24 85035
Portrait of a Mughal Courtier painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century 1955.7.30 portrait 9507
Emperor Shiwan of China, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.20 91405
Mansur, Fatimid Caliph of Egypt, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.3 91388
Muawiya with Councillors, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.4 91389
Shahpur ibn Ardashir (r. 240–270) enthroned, from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.5 91390
Muhammad ibn Malikshah (r.1105–1118), from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.6 91391
Emperor ShahYu wan, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.7 91392
Illustration from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.8 91393
Tukush, Sultan of Khorasan, Congratulated by Rashid-al-din, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.10 91395
Portrait of Abd al-Rahim, Khan-i Khanan (1556–1626) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1608 1983.94.11 portrait 91396
Be Wang, Emperor of China, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.12 91397
Nuh, son of Mansur suppressing rebels, from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.13 91398
The Battle of Tus from a manuscript of Firdawsi’s Shahnameh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century 1951.51.59 48728
Portrait of Emperor Aurangzeb painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1680 1955.7.32 portrait 9517
The Conquest of Khaybar by the Prophet Muhammad, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.4 15386
Aisha, Widow of the Prophet Muhammad, at the Battle of the Camel, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1983.94.1 91386
Hunter on a Horse painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1600 2001.138.68 83907
Ardashir Hunting, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.1 15364
The Battle Between Rustem and Afrasiab, from a manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.2 15373
Nishirvan and the Owls, from a manuscript of Nizami’s Makhazan al-Asrar painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1550 1983.94.15 91400
Palace Scene with Emperor Aurangzeb painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 2002.31.1 85418
Banquet Scene Wall Plaster from Dura-Europos, YUAG 1938.5999.1147, excavated by the Yale-French Team, 1933-34, Syria Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, Syria, 1933 No/unknown value 0194 1938.5999.1147 genre art banquet
Baptistery wall painting: Christ Healing the Paralytic, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1202 YUAG 34498. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1202 religious art Healing the paralytic at Bethesda
Paralytic at Bethesda
Baptistery wall painting: Christ Walking on Water, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1203 YUAG 34499. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1203 religious art Jesus' walk on water
Saint Peter
The Killing of Kab ben Ashraf, from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.3 15378
Sultan Tughril III, from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.5 15395
Death of the Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mustarshid bi-llah, Assassinated During the Reign of Sultan Mas’ud, from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.6 15403
The Last King of the Seljuks, from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.7 15407
The Prophet Muhammad Overcomes Rukana ibn Abd Yezid, from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1965.51.8 15412
Illustration to the Shahnameh : a king enthroned in a landscape painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1540 1983.94.18 genre art 91403
Krishna Blessed by Indra’s Elephant, Airavat, an illustration from book 10 of a Bhagavata Purana serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.39 Krishna 83970
The Rasa Mandala Dance of Krishna and the Gopis, an illustration from book 10 of a Bhagavata Purana serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.36 Krishna 83960
Painting of Mithras and Sol from the Middle Mithraeum, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1935.99a YUAG 6892. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0210 1935.99 religious art Mithras
Sol Invictus
phrygian cap
Reverend Aaron Burr (1716-1757) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1968.50.2 portrait Aaron Burr, Sr. Aaron Burr, Sr. 8824
Mrs. Aaron Burr (Esther Edwards Burr) (1732 – 1758) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 1968.50.3 portrait Esther Edwards Burr 8828
Virgin and Child with Saints Dominic and Franci painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1275 1871.4 religious art 297
Artemisia, the widow of Mausolus, King of Caria painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1630 1871.104 246
Military Commander painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1690 1871.107 249
Saint George Slaying the Dragon painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1440 1871.108 religious art 250
The Nativity painting by Unknow No/unknown value 1420 1871.109 251
The Annunciation painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 150s 1871.111 religious art Annunciation 254
Descent of Christ into Limbo. Left wing: Transfiguration, Right wing: Seven Scenes from the History of Mose painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century 1871.113a-c 256
Venal Love painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1590 1871.117 260
The Virgin in the Egg painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1650 1871.118 religious art 261
The Adoration of the Magi painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century 1871.81 religious art adoration of the Magi Christ Child 344
Dante Alighieri painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1550 1871.85 348
The Martyrdom of Theban Legion painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1550 1871.79 341
Governor Gurdon Saltonstall (1666-1724) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 1783.1 portrait Gurdon Saltonstall 5
Painted Tile with Bird Inside Wreath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.260 YUAG 5713. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.260 bird
Painted tile with bird Inside wreath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.263 YUAG 5716. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.263 bird
Painted Tile with Peacock Inside Wreath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.264 YUAG 5717. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.264 wreath
Painted Tile with Sun Enclosed by Wreath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.265 YUAG 5718. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.265 Sun
Tile with Female Face, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.267 YUAG 5720. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.267 portrait human face
Tile with Centaur, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.268 YUAG 5721. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.268 mythological painting centaur 5721
Tile with Running Animal, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.269 YUAG 5722. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.269 animal 5722
Tile with Capricorn, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.271 YUAG 5725. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.271 mythological painting Capricorn 5725
Tile with Fish, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.273 YUAG 5727. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.273 fish as food 5727
Tile with Serpent or Sea Monster, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.274 YUAG 5728. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.274 Cetus
Painted Tile with Sea Monster, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.275 YUAG 5729. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.275 Cetus 5729
Tile with Four-Petaled Rose, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.276 YUAG 5730. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.276 rose
Painted Tile with Four-Petaled Rose, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.277 YUAG 5731. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.277 rose
Tile with Three Pomegranates, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.278 YUAG 5732. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.278 pomegranate 5732
Painted Tile with Three Pomegranates, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.279 YUAG 5733. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.279 pomegranate
Painted Tile with Three Grape Clusters, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.280 YUAG 5735. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.280 grape 5735
Tile with Three Grape Clusters, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.281 YUAG 5736. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.281 grape 5736
Painted Tile with Three Pods (?) with Sprigs and Pine Cones, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.282 YUAG 5737. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.282 foliage
Painted Tile with Three Pine Cones, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.283 YUAG 5738. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.283 cone 5738
Painted Tile with Three Pine Cones, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.284 YUAG 5739. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.284 cone 5739
Painted Tile with Three Wheat Sheaves, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.285 YUAG 5740. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.285 sheaf 5740
Painted Tile with Three Wheat Sheaves, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.286 YUAG 5741. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.286 sheaf 5741
Painted Tile with Undecipherable Design, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.288 YUAG 5743. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.288 inscription
Greek alphabet
Fresco Painted Tile with man's Head Inside Circle, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.289 YUAG 5744. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.289 mythological painting head
Painted Tile with Bald-Headed Silenus Inside Circle, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.290 YUAG 5746. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.290 mythological painting Silenus
Painted Tile with Rose Inside Wreath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.258 YUAG 5710. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.258 rose
Tile with Bird Inside Wreath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.259 YUAG 5711. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.259 bird
Lucretia painting by Unknow No/unknown value 1650 1933.2 history painting suicide of Lucretia Lucretia 5686
The Baptism of Christ and Saint John painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1450 1928.159 religious art 3031
Diana painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1750 2012.45.1 mythological painting Diana Diana 168698
Illustration from a Gita Govinda serie painting by anonymous painter (Yale 2001.138.27.3) No/unknown value 1720 2001.138.27.3 85034
Story of Four Sons (?) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century 1943.218 45019
Christ in Glory painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1460 1943.261.a religious art 45144
Mourning Virgin painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1375 1943.212 45072
Virgin and Child painting by Unknow (Yale 1943.208) No/unknown value 1365 1943.208 religious art Mary
Christ Child
A Hudson Valley Lady with Dog and Parrot painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1948.212 portrait 47851
The Burning of Danbury, Conn. (or General Putnam Summoned from His Plow to the Revolution) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1966.103 9575
The Seljuk Sultan Barkiaruq( r.1093–1104), the son of Malikshah (r. 1072–1092), from a Manuscript of Hafiz-i Abru’s Majma’ al-tawarikh painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1425 1952.51.9 50010
Mr. Fowler painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1960.1.3 50274
Mrs. Fowler painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1960.1.4 50275
Virgin and Child painting by Unknow (Yale 1943.270) No/unknown value 1500 1943.270 religious art Mary
Christ Child
A Lady of the Vanderbilt Family painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century 1945.345 46133
A Family Group painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th millenium 1956.32.1 portrait 43422
Portrait of an Augustinian Monk, identified as Fra Mariano da Genezzano painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1480 1943.264 portrait 45276
Naphtali Daggett (1727-1780), B. A. 1748 painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1938.7 portrait Naphtali Daggett 36486
Jeremiah Dummer the Younger (c. 1679-1739) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1942.270 portrait Jeremiah Dummer 39505
Baptistery wall painting: David and Goliath (with Inscription), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1204.1a YUAG 34500. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0230 1932.1204.1a religious art 34500
Baptistery wall painting: David and Goliath (with Inscription), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1204.1b YUAG 34501. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0230 1932.1204.1b religious art 34501
Baptistery wall painting: Woman at the Well, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1204.2 YUAG 34502. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1204.2 religious art Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Baptistery wall painting: Good Shepherd and Adam and Eve, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1200 YUAG 34493. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1200 religious art Good Shepherd
Baptistery wall painting: Procession of women, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1201d YUAG 34176. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1201d religious art 34176
Baptistery wall painting: Door, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1201e YUAG 34177. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1201e religious art 34177
Baptistery wall painting: Three sets of feet from the procession of women, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1201f YUAG 34178. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1201f religious art 34178
Baptistery wall painting: Two sets of feet from the procession of women, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1201g YUAG 34179. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0232 1932.1201g religious art 34179
Fresco Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1206d YUAG 34183. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0056 1932.1206d 34183
Dipinto Scene of Sacrifice, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1208 YUAG 34186. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0256 1932.1208 religious art sacrifice
walking stick
palm branch
horse harness
bull head
Lady being led to bed painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1760 2009.48.2 120163
The Entombment painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1500 2010.148.1 entombment of Christ 63807
Virgin and Child with Saint Anne painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1495 ILE1973.8.3 religious art 63610
Fresco fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1935.557a-z YUAG 87028. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0075 1935.557a-z 87028
The month of Sawan painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 2001.138.19 83902
Two ladies on a terrace painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 2001.138.56 83905
Vishnu in a forest painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1650 2001.138.51 83922
Krishna Killing the Elephant Kuvalayapida, from the Bhagavata Purana Book Ten painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1720 2001.138.52 Krishna 83923
Seated prince and prince painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1661 2001.138.73 83933
The marriage procession of Aniruddha. Illustration from a Bhagavata Purana manuscript. painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1775 2001.138.81 83912
Illustration from a manuscript of the Satasai of Bihari painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1720 2001.138.29 83914
Princess on a Balcony painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1780 2001.138.67 83915
Illustration from a Bhagavata Purana Series, Book 10: Krishna and Radha Under a Tree painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.35 Krishna 83958
Krishna Declares His Innocence, an illustration from book 10 of a Bhagavata Purana serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.33 Krishna 83959
Krishna Outwits Brahma, an illustration from book 10 of a Bhagavata Purana serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.42 Krishna 83942
Illustration from an Unidentified Manuscript, possibly the Masnavi of Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1560 2001.138.6 83951
Female Musician Playing the Tanpura painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1790 2001.138.66 83965
Princess holding a sparkler painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 2001.138.64 83966
Umed Singh of Bundi with his Son painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1765 2001.138.17 83962
Krishna Returns to the Gopis, an illustration from book 10 of a Bhagavata Purana serie painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 2001.138.37 Krishna 83963
Portrait of Asalat Khan (d. 1648) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century 1983.94.2 portrait 91387
Portrait of a Doctor painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1941.177 portrait 37486
Abraham Francis (1688-1720) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1950.120 portrait 46981
Fresco Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1206a YUAG 40942. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0056 1932.1206a 40942
Fresco Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1206b YUAG 40943. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0056 1932.1206b 40943
Fresco Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1932.1206c YUAG 40944. Archaeological artifact excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0056 1932.1206c 40944
Birds and Flowers of Early Spring painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1500 1987.68.1 57529
Judge Anthony Stoddard (1678-1748) painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 17th century 1957.4.1 portrait Anthony Stoddard Anthony Stoddard 51433
Virgin and Child with Angel painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1720 1951.53.1 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Elihu Yale seated at table with the Second Duke of Devonshire and Lord James Cavendish painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value
John Verelst
1708 1960.51 group portrait Elihu Yale
William Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Devonshire
domestic worker
Lord James Cavendish
St. George and the Dragon? painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1400 2016.99.22 190126
Ise: Portrait and Poem painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1680 2016.87.35 212436
Fujiwara no Toshiyuki No. 15 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.15a-b 212454
Yashoda fanning Balarama, page from a Bhagavata Purana painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century 2017.127.1 231068
Fakir with a Dog painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 16th century 2017.127.2 231069
The Baptism of Christ painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1871.93) No/unknown value 1510 1871.93 357
The Adoration of Christ painting by follower of Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci, called Perugino No/unknown value 15th century 1943.265 religious art 45450
The Holy Family painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1570 1871.101 religious art 243
Christ in Glory Appearing to Saints Peter and Paul painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1550 1871.100 religious art 242
The Crucifixion painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1871.99) No/unknown value 1560 1871.99 religious art 363
Landscape After Huang Gongwang with Calligraphy by Shi Zhili painting by Wang Chen 1774 1965.131 landscape painting 15702
One Hundred Immortal painting by Wang Shengu 1602 1989.97.1 58662
Onakatomi no Yoshinobu No. 33 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.33a-b 212488
Minamoto no Shitago No. 34 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.34a-b Minamoto no Shitagō 212489
Luohan Transported on a Rock Across the Sea painting by Xie Ce 1645 2003.143.11 98576
Lush Green Spring Mountain painting by Ye Rong 1660 1985.44.1 26089
Album of Orchids and Calligraphy painting by Ying Chuan 1797 1985.57.1.1-.12 26355
Landscape with Waterfall painting by Zhang Sheng 1679 1988.72.2 landscape painting 58029
Orchid, Bamboo and Rock painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1761 1967.81.1 9520
Painted Scroll painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1780 ILE2012.30.846 171489
Kodai no Kimi No. 29 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.29a-b 212455
Yamabe no Akahito No. 2 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.2a-b 212456
Fujiwara no Nakafumi No. 31 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.31a-b 212457
Bianca Capella, Mistress of Duke Ferdinand de’ Medici painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1580 1871.83 portrait 346
Sakanoue no Korenori No. 20 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.20a-b 212458
Fujiwara no Motozane No. 24 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.24a-b 212459
Summer painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1959.69.2) No/unknown value 15th century 1959.69.2 10399
Autumn painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century 1959.69.3 10401
Winter painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1959.69.4) No/unknown value 15th century 1959.69.4 10405
Spring painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1959.69.1) No/unknown value 15th century 1959.69.1 10369
Fujiwara no Takamitsu No. 28 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.28a-b 212460
Sosei Hoshi No. 18 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.18a-b 212461
The Crucifixion painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1871.1a) No/unknown value 1230 1871.1a religious art 240
The Crucifixion painting by anonymous painter (Yale 1937.200a) No/unknown value 1440 1937.200a religious art 35495
Scene from a Ragmala: Raga Malkaun painting by Bilaspur School No/unknown value 1700 1974.91.2 13768
Witchcraft Scene with Dwarve painting by Pseudo Bocchi No/unknown value 17th century 1954.58.5 17007
Ki no Tomonori No. 11 from the series Thirty-Six Poet painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1770 2016.87.37.11a-b 212462
The Gentleman painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1543 1945.247 45500
Penance of Saint Jerome and Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1485 1871.44 religious art stigmata
Piero Strozzi painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1575 1871.84 347
Ragini Bhairavi, an illustration from a Ragamala serie painting by Bundi School No/unknown value 17th century 1974.91.3 13775
Landscape with wintry tree painting by Cai Yua 1694 1956.41.2 landscape painting 8275
Landscapes in the Styles of Old Master painting by Cheng Gong 1706 1984.92 landscape painting 26493
The Procession to Calvary painting attributed to Pseudo Jan Wellens de Cock, the Master of the Vienna Lamentation or possibly Jan Wellens de Cock No/unknown value 150s 1871.115 religious art Christ carrying the cross Jesus 258
The Deposition painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1230 1871.1b religious art Descent from the Cross Jesus 92646
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1230 1871.1c religious art lamentation of Christ Jesus 92647
Battersea Enamel Plaque painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 170s 1973.18 9491
Chrysanthemums painting by Rimpa School 1650 2018.179.2 274446
Christ as the Man of Sorrows painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1430 1960.71 religious art Man of Sorrows Jesus 52502
Saint Sigismund painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 13th century ILE2019.3.35 112930
Annunciatory Angel painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 130s ILE2019.3.24 140534
The Crucifixion with the Virgin, Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint John the Evangelist painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century ILE2019.3.21 religious art 112964
Virgin and Child with Two Angels painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century ILE2019.3.13 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
Anushirvan Enthroned, from a Book of Kings (Shahnama) manuscript painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 15th century 2017.140.1 230184
Cherry Blossoms at Mount Yoshino painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1600 2018.179.3 274447
Tile with Aramaic Inscription, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.255 YUAG 5707. Archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.255 inscription 5707
Tile with Greek Inscription in Wreath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.257 YUAG 5709. Archaeological object excavated in Dura-Europos by the Yale-French team, 1928-1937, Syria No/unknown value 0245 1933.257 inscription wreath
Greek epigraphy
Greek alphabet
Landscape with Vertumnus and Pomona painting by Abraham Bloemaert, Yale University Art Gallery Abraham Bloemaert 15th century 2001.18.1 landscape painting 81189
The Deluge painting by Abraham Bloemaert Abraham Bloemaert 150s 1964.40 religious art Genesis flood narrative 52587
Banquet Still Life with Nautilus Cup painting by Abraham Hendricksz. van Beyeren Abraham van Beijeren 1650 ILE1981.9.7 still life 64309
Coronis and Apollo painting by the workshop of Adam Elsheimer Adam Elsheimer 160s 1956.17.1 mythological painting 43386
Mediterranean Harbor painting by Adam Pijnacker Adam Pynacker 1650 TR2014.15826.6 landscape painting ship
A Gentleman painting by Adriaen Hanneman Adriaen Hanneman 16th century 1973.118 portrait 11444
A Peasant Family in an Interior painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 1661 TR2014.15826.22 genre art woman
Peasants Merrymaking in a Barn painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 1635 ILE1996.6.1 64375
Landscape with a Ruin painting by Adriaen van de Velde Adriaen van de Velde 1661 ILE1990.12.1 landscape painting 64135
Peasants Dancing painting by Adriaen van de Venne Adriaen van de Venne 1655 ILE1999.2.1 75899
A Cavalier at his Toilet painting by Adriaen van de Venne Adriaen van de Venne 1631 TR2017.16481.7 203424
Moonlight Landscape painting by Aert van der Neer Aert van der Neer 1952.44.1 landscape painting Moon
body of water
Moonlit River Landscape painting by Aert van der Neer Aert van der Neer ILE1981.9.5 64304
Estuary at Twilight painting by Aert van der Neer Aert van der Neer TR2017.16481.6 203418
Saints Julian, James, and Michael painting by Agnolo Gaddi Agnolo Gaddi 1390 1871.20 religious art 276
Mater Dolorosa painting by Alessandro Tiarini Alessandro Tiarini 1650 1871.105 religious art 247
Saint Martin of Tours Dividing His Cloak with a Beggar painting by Ambrogio Lorenzetti Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1340 1871.11 religious art 252
The Nativity painting by Ambrosius Benson Ambrosius Benson 15th century 1948.297 religious art 51045
The Baptism of Christ painting by Andrea Sacchi Andrea Sacchi 1650 1979.97 religious art 24465
The Entombment painting by Andrea Solario, Yale University Art Gallery Andrea Solari 1510 2001.75.1 religious art 81245
Dead Christ with Joseph of Arimathea painting by Andrea del Sarto Andrea del Sarto 1530 1871.80 religious art 343
The Adoration of the Christ Child with Saints Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata,Tobias and the Angel, Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness and the Penitent Saint Jerome painting by Andrea del Verrocchio and Biagio d’Antonio Andrea del Verrocchio
Biagio d'Antonio
14th century 1871.45 religious art 303
Virgin and Child with Saint painting by Andrea di Bartolo Andrea di Bartolo 14th century 1943.248 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
The Poor Painter in his Studio painting by Andries Dirksz Both Andries Both 160s ILE1994.2.1 genre art painter
The Crucifixion painting by Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci 150s 2011.235.1 religious art 139821
Virgin and Child with Saint Lucy and the Young John the Baptist painting by Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci 150s
Self-Portrait as Icarus with Daedalus painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1618 TR2016.16220.1 mythological painting
Anthony van Dyck man
Anthony van Dyck
Saint Matthew painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1619 1959.45 religious art 9723
The Ecstasy of Saint Augustine painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1628 1959.15.26 religious art 43519
Le Savant painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1988.15.5 57251
Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angel painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1630 1945.357 religious art Madonna and Child
The Triumph of Mar painting by Antoine Caron Antoine Caron 1570 1974.40 13410
Portrait of a Woman painting by Anton Raphael Mengs Anton Raphael Mengs 17th century 1958.78 portrait woman woman 8573
Seascape with Fisherman Pulling out Net painting by Antonio Francesco Peruzzini Antonio Francesco Peruzzini 17th century 1945.142 44789
Virgin and Child Enthroned painting by Antonio Vivarini Antonio Vivarini 140s 1959.15.12 religious art 43505
David with the Head of Goliath painting by Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra 1991.139.1 religious art David and Goliath David
Hercules and Deianira painting by Antonio del Pollaiolo Antonio del Pollaiuolo 1470 1871.42 mythological painting bow
mythical creature
Hercules shoots Nessus, the centaur, who attempts to carry off Deianira
The Annunciation painting by Apollonio di Giovanni Apollonio di Giovanni 1455 1871.40 religious art Annunciation 298
Tournament in the square of Santa Croce, Florence painting by Apollonio di Giovanni Apollonio di Giovanni 1440 1871.33 290
The Shipwreck of Aenea painting by Apollonio di Giovanni Apollonio di Giovanni 14th century 1871.34 291
Aeneas at Carthage painting by Apollonio di Giovanni Apollonio di Giovanni 1450 1871.35 mythological painting Aeneas 292
Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba painting by Apollonio di Giovanni Apollonio di Giovanni 14th century 1871.36 293
Virgin and Child with Angel painting by Arcangelo di Cola da Camerino Arcangelo di Cola 1425 1937.10 religious art 6908
Boldero Brothers of Cornborough, Yorkshire painting by Arthur Devis Arthur Devis 1752 1977.123.1 24188
Robert Gwillym of Atherton and William Farington of Werden painting by Arthur Devis Arthur Devis 1743 1958.60 portrait Robert Gwillym 53015
Head of a Man painting by Balthasar Denner Balthasar Denner ILE1985.11.1 63852
Still Life with Flower painting by Balthasar van der Ast Balthasar van der Ast TR2017.16481.3 still life flower 190568
Mourning Virgin painting by Barnaba da Modena Barnaba da Modena 1370 1942.323 religious art 39556
Portrait of a Woman painting by Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 1541 1975.95.2 portrait 14935
Portrait of a Woman painting by Bartholomeus van der Helst Bartholomeus van der Helst 1988.15.4 portrait 57246
Virgin Annunciate painting by Bartolo di Fredi Bartolo di Fredi 1370 1943.247 religious art 45418
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angel painting by Bartolommeo Bulgarini Bartolomeo Bulgarini 1360 1943.244 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Virgin and Child with Saints John, Catherine and Bernardino of Siena painting by Bartolomeo Neroni (Il Riccio) Bartolomeo Neroni 1565 1871.88 religious art Child Saint John
Catherine of Alexandria
Bernardino of Siena
The Birth of Saint Thomas Aquina painting by Bartolomeo degli Erri Bartolomeo degli Erri 1470 1871.41 religious art Thomas Aquinas 299
Penance of Saint Jerome painting by Bartolomeo di Giovanni Bartolomeo di Giovanni 1500 1871.53 religious art Jerome
Still Life painting by Bartolomé Pérez Bartolomé Pérez 16th century ILE1984.7.1a still life 63831
Still Life painting by Bartolomé Pérez (Yale ILE1984.7.1b) Bartolomé Pérez 16th century ILE1984.7.1b still life 80662
Mrs. Hezekiah Beardsley (née Elizabeth Davis, 1748/49–1790) painting by The Beardsley Limner Beardsley Limner 17th century 1952.46.2 Elizabeth Davis Beardsley 49500
Dr. Hezekiah Beardsley (1748–1790) painting by The Beardsley Limner Beardsley Limner 1788 1952.46.1 portrait Hezekiah Beardsley Hezekiah Beardsley 49737
Christ Carrying the Cross; Christ the Redeemer; the Crucifixion painting by Benedetto Bonfigli Benedetto Bonfigli 14th century 2012.65.1 religious art 174861
Bust of a Deacon Saint painting by Benedetto di Bindo Benedetto di Bindo 1350 1945.250 45110
Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus painting by Benjamin West Benjamin West 1768 1947.16 46131
The Raising of the Widow’s Son painting by Benjamin West Benjamin West 1972.9 9255
The Conversion of Saint Paul painting by Benvenuto Tisi Benvenuto Tisi 1525 2008.35.1 religious art conversion of Paul the Apostle 123378
Virgin and Child painting by Benvenuto di Giovanni di Meo del Guasta Benvenuto di Giovanni 14th century 2009.97.1 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Virgin and Child with Two Angel painting by Benvenuto di Giovanni di Meo del Guasta Benvenuto di Giovanni 14th century 1871.64 religious art 325
Love Bound by Maiden painting by Benvenuto di Giovanni di Meo del Guasta Benvenuto di Giovanni 1497 1871.65 326
Saint Peter Martyr painting by Benvenuto di Giovanni di Meo del Guasta Benvenuto di Giovanni 1475 1946.316 religious art 50530
Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Peter(?) and Angel painting by Benvenuto di Giovanni di Meo del Guasta Benvenuto di Giovanni 1475 1943.256 religious art Jerome 45391
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Bernard van Orley Bernard van Orley 1533 ILE1995.3.2
religious art adoration of the Magi Christ Child 64322
Annuncitory Angel painting by Bernardino Fungai Bernardino Fungai 1495 1943.257.a religious art 45126
Virgin Annunciate painting by Bernardino Fungai Bernardino Fungai 1495 1943.257.b religious art 45129
The Dormition of the Virgin painting by Bernardino di Giovanni da Castelletto Bernardino di Giovanni da Castelletto 1460 1871.38 religious art Dormition of the Mother of God 295
The Lock at Dolo painting by Bernardo Bellotto Bernardo Bellotto 1745 1929.5 3652
Virgin and Child painting by Bernardo Daddi, Yale University Art Gallery Bernardo Daddi 1345 1965.124 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
The Vocation of Saint Dominic painting by Bernardo Daddi Bernardo Daddi 1338 1871.6 religious art 320
The Crucifixion painting by Biagio d’Antonio, Yale University Art Gallery Biagio d'Antonio 1480 1871.51 religious art Crucifixion of Jesus Jesus
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Biagio d’Antonio, Yale University Art Gallery Biagio d'Antonio 1475 1943.223 religious art adoration of the Magi Christ Child 44980
Geese and Marsh Reed painting by Bian Shoumin Bian Shoumin 2003.142.6 98540
Still Life with Fruit and a Bird painting by Blas de Ledesma Blas de Ledesma 16th century ILE1988.28.1 still life fruit 63991
Portrait of a Young Man with a Book painting by Agnolo Bronzino, Yale University Art Gallery Bronzino 150s ILE2015.15.1 portrait 209933
Two Men in a Tavern painting by Carel de Moor Carel de Moor 1696 ILE1985.11.3 63854
Torments of Hell painting attributed to Carl Ludwig Beutler Carl Ludwig Beutler 1669 1982.116 religious art 26385
San Pedro painting by Carlo Crivelli in the Yale University Art Gallery Carlo Crivelli 1472 1959.15.15 religious art Saint Peter Saint Peter 43508
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria painting by Carlo Dolci Carlo Dolci 1656 2017.141.1 religious art mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria 230180
Study for the altarpiece of Saint Rosalie among the Plague-Stricken painting by Carlo Maratti Carlo Maratta 16th century 2011.5.1 religious art angel
The Dormition of the Virgin painting by Carlo Saraceni Carlo Saraceni 1612 ILE2018.16.1 religious art Death of the Virgin Mary 112960
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints John the Baptist, Nicholas, Dorothy and Reparata; with Crucifixion painting by Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni Cenni di Francesco 1380 1871.16 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Saint Nicholas
Dorothea of Caesarea
Saint Reparata
The Nativity and Resurrection of Christ painting by Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni Cenni di Francesco 1390 1871.17 religious art Nativity of Jesus 272
The Crucifixion painting by Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni Cenni di Francesco 140s 1871.7 religious art 331
The Virgin Annunciate painting by Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni Cenni di Francesco 1871.15c religious art 96146
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni Cenni di Francesco 1380 1871.15a religious art adoration of the Magi Christ Child 74955
Annunciatory Angel painting by Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni Cenni di Francesco 1871.15b religious art 74956
Mary Armistead (Mrs. Philip Lightfoot) (1696-1775), (attibuted to Charles Bridges) painting by Charles Bridges Charles Bridges 17th century 1943.58 portrait 44677
George Washington (1732-1799), LL.D.1781. painting by Charles Peale Polk Charles Peale Polk 1943.57 portrait George Washington George Washington 44518
William Buckland (1734-1774) painting by Charles Willson Peale Charles Willson Peale 1934.303 portrait William Buckland William Buckland 6359
Mrs. Walter Stewart (Deborah McClenachan) (1763-1823) painting by Charles Willson Peale Charles Willson Peale 1782 1991.125.2 portrait 59034
William Whetcroft (c.1735-1789) painting by Charles Willson Peale Charles Willson Peale 1785 1943.60 43682
Mrs. James Maccubin Carroll (Sophia Gough) (1772-1816) painting by Charles Willson Peale Charles Willson Peale 1790 1943.63 portrait Sophia Gough Carroll Sophia Gough Carroll 43751
George Washington at the Battle of Princeton 1781 painting by Charles Willson Peale now at Yale University Art Gallery Charles Willson Peale 1781 1942.319 39532
Walter Stewart (1756-1796) painting by Charles Willson Peale Charles Willson Peale 1781 1991.125.1 portrait Walter Stewart Walter Stewart 59030
George Washington (1732-1799), LL.D. 1781 painting by Charles Willson Peale Charles Willson Peale 1788 1943.64 portrait George Washington George Washington 51127
Saint Cecilia painting by Charles de La Fosse Charles de La Fosse 1700 2005.105.1 religious art 109507
Album of Flower painting by Chen Hongshou Chen Hongshou 1799 1960.10a-h 51465
Plum Blossoms and Narcissu painting by Chen Hongshou Chen Hongshou 1989.9.4 57331
Zhong Kui – the Demon Queller painting by Chen Huan Chen Huan 1610 1957.51.3 52843
Birds by a Lotus Pond painting by Chen Jiayan Chen Jiayan 1643 1999.130.1 77926
Chrysanthemums and Rock painting by Chen Jiayan Chen Jiayan 1663 1984.31 53226
A Cut Branch of Blossoming Plum painting by Chen Jiru Chen Jiru 1985.59.1 26402
Birds and Flower painting by Chen Mei Chen Mei 1731 1988.2.1.1-.12 57102
Wisteria and Rose painting by Chen Shu Chen Shu 1711 1956.41.3 8284
Bird and Flower painting by Chen Shu Chen Shu 2003.143.10.2 98567
Reflections in a Clear Stream painting by Cheng Zhengkui Chen Zhengkui 1988.72.3 58035
New Year’s Activities at Yoshiwara painting by Hosoda Eishi Chōbunsai Eishi 2018.179.12.1-.2 274456
Pastoral Landscape painting by Claude Gellée Claude Lorrain 1648 1959.47 landscape painting sunset 9747
The Deposition painting by Cornelis Engelbrechtsz. Cornelis Engebrechtsz. 15th century ILE1981.9.1 religious art 64296
The Holy Family painting by Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem Cornelis van Haarlem 1590 1979.91 religious art rest on the flight into Egypt Mary
Christ Child
The Holy Family painting by Cornelis van Haarlem Cornelis van Haarlem 1590 religious art Holy Family Mary
Christ Child
The Annunciation painting by Corrado Giaquinto Corrado Giaquinto 1753 2010.151.1 religious art Annunciation 157367
The Temptation of St. Anthony painting by David Teniers II (1650) David Teniers the Younger 1650 TR2015.15977.14 landscape painting
religious art
Temptations of Saint Anthony man
Anthony the Great
The Money Changer painting by David Teniers the younger David Teniers the Younger 16th century 1919.7 2462
Bagpiper in an Inn painting by David Teniers the younger David Teniers the Younger 16th century 1966.88 9552
The Education of the Virgin painting by Diego Velázquez Diego Velázquez 1617 1900.43 religious art Education of Virgin Mary Mary 576
Eighteen Lohan painting by Ding Yunpeng Ding Yunpeng 1954.40.14 15733
Reminiscence of Jian River painting by Dong Qichang Dong Qichang 1621 1982.19.2 25683
Landscape and Calligraphy painting by Dong Qichang Dong Qichang ILE1994.4.44 landscape painting 77813
Elizabeth (Betsy) Stiles (1758-1795) painting by Edward Savage Edward Savage 1795 1943.48 portrait 44573
The Explosion of the Powder Magazine in Delft, 1654 painting by Egbert Lievens van der Poel Egbert van der Poel 1654 ILE1993.1.3 history painting Delft
Portrait of Gov. Elihu Yale (1648/9–1721) painting by Enoch Seeman the younger Enoch Seeman 1717 1789.1 portrait Elihu Yale Elihu Yale 7
Evening Mist on Strange Peaks in the style of Guo Xi painting by Fang Shishu Fang Shishu 1746 1959.40 9492
Penitent Saint Jerome painting by Fiorenzo di Lorenzo Fiorenzo di Lorenzo 1485 1871.68 religious art 329
Market Stall with Fruit and Two Peasant Ladies painting by Floris van Schooten Floris van Schooten 1992.5.17 genre art
still life
market stall
The Annunciation painting by Fra Angelico Fra Angelico 140s 1959.15.6 religious art Annunciation 43499
Saint Michael Archangel Makes the Sea Withdraw to Leave a Passage for a Woman who Gave Birth on a Pilgrimage to Tumba, and Saint Michael Archangel and the Bull of Monte Gargano painting by Fra Angelico Fra Angelico 1413 1943.213 religious art 45075
The Vision of Pope Innocent III; Saints Peter and Paul Appearing to Saint Dominic painting by Fra Angelico Fra Angelico 140s 1937.343 religious art Saint Dominic
Saint Peter
Paul the Apostle
Saint Joseph (?) painting by Fra Angelico Fra Angelico 14th century 2018.69.1 religious art 112935
Agony in the Garden painting by Francesco Botticini Francesco Botticini 14th century 1943.229 religious art Agony in the Garden 45091
Way to Calvary painting by Francesco Botticini Francesco Botticini 1475 1943.230 religious art 45094
The Resurrection painting by Francesco Botticini Francesco Botticini 14th century 1943.231 religious art 44985
Noli Me Tangere painting by Francesco Botticini Francesco Botticini 14th century 1943.232 religious art 44989
Winter Landscape painting by Francesco Foschi Francesco Foschi 1750 1977.123.2 24195
Virgin and Child: The Gambaro Madonna painting by Francesco Francia Francesco Francia 1495 1959.15.10 religious art 43503
Artemisia Prepares to Drink the Ashes of her Husband, Mausolu painting by Francesco Furini Francesco Furini 1630 1952.24.1 Artemisia II of Caria 48301
A View of the Molo and the Riva degli Schiavone in Venice painting by Francesco Guardi Francesco Guardi 1750 1973.87.3 10652
View of the Grand Canal from the Ponte di Rialto painting by Francesco Guardi Francesco Guardi ILE1991.8.1 64221
Saint Francis Adoring the Crucifix painting by Francesco Trevisani Francesco Trevisani 1730 ILE2011.17.89 166016
The Crucifixion painting by Francesco Trevisani Francesco Trevisani 17th century 1980.16 religious art 25062
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt, known as the Madonna della Pappa painting by Francesco Vanni Francesco Vanni 1599 2003.22.1 religious art 91385
Study for the Virgin and Child with Saints Cecilia and Agne painting by Francesco Vanni Francesco Vanni 1605 2013.37.1 religious art Saint Cecilia
Agnes of Rome
Christ Child
The Crucifixion painting by Francesco da Volterra Francesco da Volterra 1360 1937.342 religious art 37865
Saint Mamas before Aurelian painting by Francesco dei Franceschi Francesco de' Franceschi 1450 1946.73 religious art Mammes of Caesarea 45936
The Flight of the Soldiers Sent to Capture Saint Mamas painting by Francesco dei Franceschi Francesco de' Franceschi 1450 1946.72 religious art Mammes of Caesarea 47562
Saint Peter painting by Francisco Herrera the Elder Francisco Herrera the Elder 16th century ILE1981.22 religious art 64423
Still Life with Dried Fruit painting by Francisco de Burgos Mantilla Francisco de Burgos Mantilla 1631 1972.43 still life fruit 9348
The Marriage at Cana painting by Frans Francken the Younger Frans Francken the Younger 1960.42 religious art Marriage at Cana 51711
Portrait of an Elderly Man, traditionally called Heer Bodolphe painting by Frans Hals Frans Hals 1643 1961.18.23 portrait man man 52512
Portrait of Mrs. Bodolphe painting by Frans Hals Frans Hals 1643 1961.18.24 portrait woman 52513
Portrait of a Preacher (TR2014.15826.15) painting by Frans Hals Frans Hals 1658 TR2014.15826.15
portrait man man
An Old Lady painting by Frans Hals Frans Hals 1628 1957.18.4 portrait woman
diadem cap
Venus in the Workshop of Vulcan painting by François Boucher François Boucher 1757 1959.33 mythological painting Venus 43549
Portrait of Alexandrine Émilie Brongniart painting by François Pascal Simon François Gérard 1795 2010.97.1 portrait Alexandrine-Émilie Brongniart 149203
The Circumcision of Christ painting by François de Nomé François de Nomé 1623 1960.45 religious art circumcision of Jesus 52063
Hotei Resting on His Worldly Possessions painting by Fugai Ekun Fūgai Ekun 2018.179.5 274449
The Liberation of Saint Peter painting by Gaetano Gandolfi Gaetano Gandolfi 1770 1983.81 27309
Hibiscus and Sweet-scented Osmanthu painting by Gao Fenghan Gao Fenghan 1747 2003.143.3 98558
Plum Blossom painting by Gao Xiang Gao Xiang ILE1989.8.7 64041
Snow Landscape painting by Geiami Geiami 1956.38.5h 8118
Virgin and Child painting by Gentile da Fabriano Gentile da Fabriano 1424 1871.66 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
The Rustic Bridge painting by George Morland George Morland 1946.11 48070
Mrs Norton Pitt and Her Daughter painting by George Romney George Romney 1964.60 53008
Portrait of Maria and Catherine, the Daughters of Edward Thurlow, 1st Baron Thurlow painting by George Romney George Romney 1783 1977.177 portrait Maria Thurlow
Catharine Thurlow
Maria Thurlow
Catharine Thurlow
A Lion Attacking a Horse painting by George Stubbs George Stubbs 1770 1955.27.1 9850
Self-portrait of Gerard Dou painting by Gerrit Dou (Yale TR2016.16195.3) Gerrit Dou 1665 TR2016.16195.3 self-portrait Gerrit Dou Gerrit Dou
Saint Sebastian painting by Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora 1479 1871.47 religious art 305
Old Woman with a Brazier painting by Giacomo Ceruti Giacomo Ceruti 17th century 1983.65 27091
George Washington (1732-1799), LL.D. 1781 painting by Gilbert Stuart (Yale 1969.113.1) Gilbert Stuart 1969.113.1 portrait George Washington George Washington 9281
Colonel William Stephens Smith (1755-1816) painting by Gilbert Stuart Gilbert Stuart 1795 1924.2 portrait William Stephens Smith William Stephens Smith 2554
Theodosia Burr (Mrs. Joseph Alston) (1783-1812) painting by Gilbert Stuart Gilbert Stuart 1794 1947.433 portrait Theodosia Burr Alston 48965
The Honorable Samuel Barrington (1729/1730-1800) painting by Gilbert Stuart Gilbert Stuart 1785 1943.56 Samuel Barrington 44514
Venus, Juno, and Minerva, with Cupid painting by Giovanni Andrea Sirani Giovanni Andrea Sirani 16th century 1871.102 mythological painting Venus 244
Angel in Adoration painting by Giovanni Antonio di Francesco Sogliani Giovanni Antonio Sogliani 1510 1871.77 religious art 339
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by Giovanni Baronzio Giovanni Baronzio 1330 1959.15.14 religious art 43507
Virgin and Child with Saints painting by Giovanni Battista Bertucci the elder Giovanni Battista Bertucci 1505 1871.92 religious art Mary
Christ Child
biblical Magi
Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine and Nicholas painting by Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano 1515 ILE1984.8 religious art Saint Nicholas
Catherine of Alexandria
Christ Child
Allegory of Roman London painting by Giovanni Battista Cipriani Giovanni Battista Cipriani 1760 2019.2.21 allegory 230552
The Apotheosis of Saint Roch painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 170s 1937.88 7061
Polymnia, the Muse of Sacred Hymn painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1750 1947.17 46602
Thalia and Melpomene, the Muses of Comedy and Tragedy painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1750 1947.18 46486
Virgin and Child painting by Giovanni Bellini, Yale University Art Gallery Giovanni Bellini 1475 1959.15.11 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
Venetian Nobleman and Two Women painting by Giovanni Cariani Giovanni Cariani 15th century 1871.96 360
Flora and Zephyr painting by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo 1760 1959.15.21 43514
A Capriccio of the Roman Forum painting by Giovanni Paolo Panini Giovanni Paolo Panini 1741 1964.41 capriccio ruins
Roman Forum
The Coliseum amongst Roman Ruin painting by Giovanni Paolo Panini Giovanni Paolo Panini 1730 1947.200 46012
A Capriccio of the Roman Forum painting by Giovanni Paolo Panini Giovanni Paolo Panini 1741 1964.41 52961
Cassone: The Story of Palaemon and Arcites from Boccaccio’s Teseida with a coat-of-arms (front); Putti bearing coat-of-arms (left side); Putti bearing coat-of-arms (right side) painting by Giovanni dal Ponte Giovanni dal Ponte 14th century 1936.122 35197
Garden of Love painting by Giovanni dal Ponte Giovanni dal Ponte 1430 1943.217 religious art 44977
Saint James Major and Resurrection, Saint John the Baptist and Crucifixion painting by Giovanni dal Ponte Giovanni dal Ponte 1410 1959.15.7a,b
religious art John the Baptist
James the Less
Pietà painting by Giovanni di Lorenzo Larciani (Master of the Kress Landscapes) Giovanni de Lorenzo Larciani 1520 1871.74 religious art Pietà Jesus 336
Christ and the Virgin Enthroned, with Allegories of the Old and New Testament painting by Giovanni del Biondo Giovanni del Biondo 1365 1871.19 religious art 274
Saint Lucy Enthroned painting by Giovanni di Bartolomeo Cristiani Giovanni di Bartolomeo Cristiani 1375 1943.215 religious art Saint Lucy 45018
Triumph of Love (?) painting by Giovanni di Paolo Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1926.9 2816
Saint Clare of Assisi Blessing the Bread before Pope Innocent IV painting by Giovanni di Paolo Giovanni di Paolo 1455 1871.59 religious art 319
Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Bartholomew painting by Giovanni di Paolo Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 1943.255 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Bartholomew the Apostle
King Brennus of Gaul captures the city of Rome; Marcus Furius Camillus expels King Brennus from Rome painting by Giovanni di Ser Giovanni Guidi (called Scheggia) Giovanni di ser Giovanni Guidi 1450 1942.324 39537
Saint Peter painting by Girolamo da Santacroce Girolamo da Santacroce 1540 1871.97 religious art 361
The Nativity painting by Girolamo di Benvenuto Girolamo di Benvenuto 1510 1943.259 religious art 45137
Scenes from the Lives of the Hermits of the Thebaid painting by Giuliano Amedei Giuliano Amidei 1460 1871.37 religious art 294
Francesco Guicciardini painting by Giuliano Bugiardini Giuliano Bugiardini 15th century 1959.15.20 portrait 43513
Two Deacon Saint painting by Giuliano di Simone da Lucca Giuliano di Simone 1395 1943.216 religious art 44972
The Kingdom of Hypno painting by Giulio Carpioni Giulio Carpioni 160s 1974.41 13419
King George I of Great Britain and Ireland painting by Sir Godfrey Kneller Godfrey Kneller 1714 1718.1 portrait George I of Great Britain George I of Great Britain 1
A Lofty Pavilion painting by Gong Xian Gong Xian 1683 1989.99.1 58675
Landscape with Small Pavillion painting by Gong Xian Gong Xian 16th century ILE1994.4.49 landscape painting 77818
A Bamboo Grove in Mist painting by Guan Daosheng Guan Daosheng 1953.27.17 52453
Orpheus and Eurydice painting by Guido Reni Guido Reni 150s 2019.29.1 mythological painting Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus 263081
The Crucifixion painting by Guido da Siena Guido of Siena 12th century 1871.2 religious art Crucifixion of Jesus Jesus 275
Virgin and Child with Saints Margaret and Catherine of Siena painting by Guidoccio di Giovanni Cozzarelli Guidoccio Cozzarelli 1490 1943.258 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Margaret the Virgin
Catherine of Siena
Hotei in a Boat painting by Hakuin Ekaku Hakuin Ekaku 2006.131.1a-b 111551
Hotei Juggling a Saucer painting by Hakuin Ekaku Hakuin Ekaku 2018.179.9 274453
The Three Religions: Confucius, Laozi and Buddha painting by Han Huang Han Huang 1952.52.23 50517
Water Buffalo and Herd Boy Asleep painting by Han Huang Han Huang 1952.52.25.14 64686
Ki no Tsurayuki Passing Aritoshi Shrine painting by Hanabusa Itcho Hanabusa Itchō 2012.71.13 174813
Scarecrow in a Landscape; White Plum and Bamboo; Red Plum in Snow painting by Hanabusa Itcho Hanabusa Itchō 2009.72.8.1-.3 136552
Tale of the Bamboo Cutter painting by Hanabusa Itcho Hanabusa Itchō 2012.71.6 174619
Portrait of a Hanseatic Merchant painting by Hans Holbein the Younger Hans Holbein the Younger 1538 1977.187 portrait 22712
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Hans Holbein the Younger Hans Holbein the Younger 1538 1959.15.24 portrait 43517
A Kitchen painting by Hendrik Martensz. Sorgh Hendrik Martenszoon Sorgh 16th century ILE1993.14.1 64282
Market Scene painting by Hendrick Van Steenwijk the Elder Hendrik van Steenwijk I 1590 1990.57.1 genre art marketplace 58299
Interior of a Gothic Church at Night painting by Hendrick van Steenwijk the Younger, Yale University Art Gallery Hendrik van Steenwijk II 1609 ILE1987.3.1 church interior 63864
Danaë and Perseus on Seriphos (?) painting by Henry Fuseli Henry Fuseli 17th century 1958.65 mythological painting Danaë
Colin Mackensie painting by Sir Henry Raeburn Henry Raeburn 1988.15.2 57232
An Allegory of Intemperance painting by Hieronymus Bosch Hieronymus Bosch 15th millenium 1959.15.22 allegory Intemperance
French hunting horn
Landscape for Shian painting by Hongren Hongren 160s 2014.104.1 landscape painting 180441
Old Pine, after Li Cheng painting by Huang Ding Huang Ding 1716 1979.62 24284
Autumnn Colors on Streams and Mountain painting by Huang Ding Huang Ding 2015.107.7 204861
Album: Birds and Fish painting by Huang Shen Huang Shen 1986.141.5.1-.5 60694
Landscape painting by Huang Xiangjian Huang Xiangjian ILE2009.5.2 landscape painting 135283
Landscape painting by Huang Yi Huang Yi 1795 1985.54.4 landscape painting 26329
The Old Bridge painting by Hubert Robert Hubert Robert 1760 1957.34.1 51899
A Banquet in the Ruins of a Temple painting by Hubert Robert Hubert Robert 1795 ILE1981.9.8 64315
The Return from Egypt painting by Ignacio de Iriarte Ignacio de Iriarte 16th century ILE1984.7.2 religious art 63833
Moonlight Bamboo painting by Ike Taiga Ike no Taiga 17th century 2005.12.1 103260
Landscape in the manner of Mi Fu painting by Ike Taiga Ike no Taiga 2006.210.6a-b landscape painting 111553
Mount Fuji, overlooking from Tago no Ura Bay painting by Ike Taiga Ike no Taiga 2006.131.8a-d 111554
Bamboo and Rock painting by Ike Taiga Ike no Taiga 17th century ILE2013.14.12 77858
Drinking in a Boat Under the Autumn Moon painting by Ike Taiga Ike no Taiga ILE1999.13.9 77859
Old Scholar and Mind Landscape painting by Ike Taiga Ike no Taiga ILE2013.14.13 landscape painting 77860
The Ecstasy of Saint Catherine of Siena painting by Sodoma Il Sodoma 150s 1871.90 religious art Catherine of Siena 354
Young woman reading a scroll painting by Ishikawa Toyonobu Ishikawa Toyonobu 1955.7.20 9455
White Cockatoo painting by Ito Jakuchu Itō Jakuchū 1755 2006.210.7a-b 111556
Chicken painting by Ito Jakuchu Itō Jakuchū 17th century 2006.210.9 chicken 111558
Lotu painting by Ito Jakuchu Itō Jakuchū 17th century 2006.210.8a-b 111557
Puppy and Broom painting by Ito Jakuchu Itō Jakuchū 2018.179.8 274452
George, Prince of Denmark (1653-1708) and Consort of Queen Anne of England (1665-1714) painting by J. Cooper J. Cooper 1720 1720.1 portrait 2
Anne, Queen of England (1665-1714) painting by J. Cooper J. Cooper 1720 1720.2 portrait Anne of Great Britain Anne of Great Britain 3
De H. Anna-te-Drieën painting by Jacob Cornelisz Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen 15th century religious art Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
Lady with a Lute painting by Jacob de Bray Jacob de Bray 1959.75.3 10613
Vanitas Still Life painting by Jacques de Gheyn the Elder Jacob de Gheyn II 1621 1957.36 still life 52114
Bacchus and Ariadne painting by Jacob van Loo Jacob van Loo 1650 2007.121.1 mythological painting Bacchus 121293
Still Life with Melons and Grape painting by Giacomo da Castello Jacob van der Kerckhoven 1580 1981.94.1 still life 24688
Virgin and Child with Saint painting by Jacopo Salimbeni Jacopo Salimbeni 1420 1943.266 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Portrait of a Man painting by Jacopo Tintoretto Jacopo Tintoretto 150s 1959.15.19 portrait man 9366
The Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist painting by Jacopo Tintoretto Jacopo Tintoretto 1547 2015.138.1 religious art Child Saint John 209932
The Assembly of the God painting by Jacopo Zucchi Jacopo Zucchi 150s 2005.112.1 mythological painting 109706
Virgin and Child with Angels Seated on Cloud painting by Jacopo del Sellaio Jacopo da Sellaio 14th century 1871.46 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Actaeon Turned into a Stag painting by Jacopo del Sellaio Jacopo da Sellaio 1485 1871.48 mythological painting Actaeon 306
The Mystical Nativity painting by Jacopo del Sellaio Jacopo da Sellaio 140s 1946.314 religious art nativity scene 50574
The Death of Actaeon painting by Jacopo del Sellaio Jacopo da Sellaio 1485 ILE1952.4.1 mythological painting 63766
Diana and Actaeon painting by Jacopo del Sellaio Jacopo da Sellaio 1485 1952.37.1 mythological painting Diana and Actaeon Diana
Virgin and Child painting by Jacopo del Casentino Jacopo del Casentino 1340 1943.209 religious art Mary
Christ Child
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by Jacopo del Casentino Jacopo del Casentino 1320 1939.557 religious art 38738
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by Jacopo di Cione Jacopo di Cione 1375 1959.15.2 religious art Coronation of the Virgin 43495
Virgin and Child painting by Jacopo di Cione, Yale University Art Gallery Jacopo di Cione 1370 1943.214 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
Elizabeth Maynard (Mrs. William Denny) (b.c.1770) painting by James Peale James Peale 1785 1943.66 portrait 43686
Elihu Yale with his Servant painting by James Worsdale James Worsdale 1910.1 Elihu Yale
domestic worker
Peasants by a River Bank painting by Jan Asselijn Jan Asselijn 16th century ILE1988.28.2 63994
River Landscape with the Fort Saint Jean and the Chateau de Pierre-Scize in Lyon painting by Jan Asselijn Jan Asselijn TR2015.15977.2 203410
Landscape with Shepherde painting by Jan Baptist Weenix Jan Baptist Weenix 16th century 1960.39 landscape painting 51864
Portrait of the De Kempenaer Family (The Margaretha Portrait) painting by Jan Baptist Weenix Jan Baptist Weenix TR2017.16568.1 portrait 230096
Landscape painting by Jan Both (Yale 1911.9) Jan Both 1911.9 landscape painting 715
The Temptation of Saint Anthony painting by Jan Brueghel the Elder Jan Brueghel the Elder 1594 ILE1981.9.15 religious art 64351
Village Scene with a Canal painting by Jan Brueghel the Elder Jan Brueghel the Elder 1609 TR2014.15826.11 190572
A Rheinish Landscape painting by Jan Griffier the Elder Jan Griffier I 1705 ILE1993.1.1 landscape painting 64263
A young girl painting by Jan Lievens Jan Lievens 1632 TR2015.15977.9 portrait girl 203417
Saint Jerome painting by Jan Olis Jan Olis 1640 1962.59 religious art 14903
Vessels on a Choppy Sea painting by Jan Porcellis Jan Porcellis 160s 2012.73.1 marine art 167215
Seascape with a Rainbow painting by Jan Porcellis Jan Porcellis TR2014.15826.23 190584
Wooded Landscape and Distant Vista painting by Jan Wijnants Jan Wijnants 1660 1956.22.1 43401
Landscape with Huntsman painting by Jan Wijnants Jan Wijnants 1660 ILE1988.34.1 landscape painting 64001
A Sandy Road with Thatched Cottage painting by Jan van Goyen Jan van Goyen 1633 1972.96 landscape painting cottage
dirt road
A Castle by a River painting by Jan van Goyen Jan van Goyen 1647 ILE1981.9.6
Frozen River with Skater painting by Jan van Goyen Jan van Goyen 1637 TR2015.15977.7 203415
Woman Playing a Lute painting by Jean Daret Jean Daret 1638 1979.88.1 portrait 27695
Allegory of Virtuous Love (Amor di virtù) painting by Jean Ducamps Jean Ducamps ILE2016.17.1 allegory 63828
Mozart painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze Jean-Baptiste Greuze 17th century ILE2010.22.1 portrait Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 63804
Courtly Scene in a Park painting by Jean-Baptiste Pater Jean-Baptiste Pater 1730 1957.28 52079
Portrait of a Man painting by Jean-Baptiste Perroneau, Yale University Art Gallery Jean-Baptiste Perronneau 1958.77 portrait man 8566
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by Jean-Honoré Fragonard Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1774 ILE1973.8.1 religious art 63604
Saint Bernard; Virgin and Child painting by Jean Bellegambe Jehan Bellegambe 15th century 1956.29.1.a-b religious art 43420
Captain William Richardson (1743-1786) painting by Jeremiah Theus Jeremiah Theus 17th century 1944.79 portrait 45313
Plants for the May 5th Festival painting by Jiang Din Jiang 1763 1956.41.4 8293
Xiao Yi Obtaining the Lanting Preface from Biancai painting by Jiang Yi Jiang Yi 1990.44.1 57916
Album of six leaves, Plum Blossoms and Flower painting by Jin Junming Jin Junming 160s 1986.4.1.1-.6 57637
Plum Blossom and Calligraphy painting by Jin Nong Jin Nong 1761 1976.26.2 17408
Willow Tree and Blossoming Peach painting by Jin Nong Jin Nong 1986.123.2 60994
The Apulian Shepherd painting by Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael Joachim Wtewael TR2017.16481.2 220061
Comfort Starr Mygatt and Lucy Mygatt (1763–1823; 1794–1885) painting by John Brewster John Brewster, Jr. 1799 2007.200.1 Comfort Starr Mygatt 109439
Yarmouth Beach painting by John Crome John Crome 1963.81 7630
Elizabeth Moffatt Sherburne (1729/30-1762/3) painting by John Inigo Greenwood John Greenwood 1750 1983.18 portrait Elizabeth Moffatt Sherburne 26104
John Gurney Jr., the Little Flute Player painting by John Opie John Opie 1959.75.2 flute
printed sheet music
Landscape painting by John Rathbone John Rathbone 1949.42 landscape painting 47720
Samuel Pepys painting by John Riley John Riley 16th century 1955.42.1 portrait 10087
Fox Hunt in Full Cry painting by John Sartorius John Sartorius 1980.47 24513
Mrs. Isaac Smith (née Elizabeth Storer, 1726–1786) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1769 1941.74 Elizabeth Storer Smith 36220
Isaac Smith (1719–1787) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1769 1941.73 36257
Benjamin Pickman (1740-1819) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 17th century 1966.79.2 portrait Benjamin Pickman Benjamin Pickman 8797
Q49173052 painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1763 1966.79.3 portrait Mary Toppan 8802
Reverend Alexander MacWhorter (1734-1807), D. D. (Hon.) 1776 painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1769 1886.2 portrait 429
Mrs. Alexander MacWhorter (Mary Cumming), (d. 1807) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1769 1886.3 portrait 430
The Death of Major Pierson (1757-1781) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 170s 1943.67 history painting 43688
Adam Viscount Duncan, Admiral of the White (1731-1804) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1797 1962.10 portrait 43605
Mrs. John Powell (Anna Susan Dummer) (1684-1764) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1764 1961.18.13 portrait 52608
Grizzel Oliver Waldo (1737–1761) painting by John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley 1760 1955.5.6 Griselda Oliver Waldo 15414
Edward Winslow (1699-1753) painting by John Smibert John Smibert 170s 1935.153 portrait Edward Winslow Edward Winslow 34738
The Bermuda Group (Dean Berkeley and His Entourage) painting by John Smibert John Smibert 17th century 1808.1 George Berkeley
John Smibert
Reverend Joseph Sewall (1688-1769) painting by John Smibert John Smibert 1735 1973.62 portrait Joseph Sewall Joseph Sewall 9899
Mrs. Edward Tyng (Anne Waldo) (1708- before 1754) painting by John Smibert John Smibert 1733 1944.86 44285
View on the West Mountain near Hartford painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 170s 1957.24 landscape painting Hartford 52003
The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1787
1832.6.1 history painting Battle of Princeton
George Washington
Hugh Mercer
William Leslie
Benjamin Rush
Thomas Mifflin
The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1786 1832.5 history painting Battle of Trenton
George Washington
Johann Rall
James Monroe
Nathanael Greene
William Stephens Smith
John Sullivan
Robert H. Harrison
Tench Tilghman
Josiah Parker
William Shepard
Henry Knox
Philemon Dickinson
John Glover
George Weedon
William Washington
General George Washington at Trenton painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1792 1806.1 portrait George Washington George Washington
Battle of the Assunpink Creek
Assunpink Creek
Timothy Dwight (or Theodore Dwight?) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1970.92 25956
The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 painting by John Trumbull in the Yale University Art Gallery John Trumbull 1786
1832.3 history painting signing of the United States Declaration of Independence 69
The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton, 3 January 1777 (unfinished version) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 170s 1832.6.2 102
The Death of General Montgomery in the Attack on Quebec, December 31, 1775 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1786 1832.2 history painting Battle of Quebec
Richard Montgomery
Matthias Ogden
Joseph Louis Cook
Return J. Meigs, Sr.
Samuel Ward Jr.
William Thompson
The Battle of Bunker’s Hill, June 17, 1775 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1786 1832.1 41
The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, October 19, 1781 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1787
1832.4 79
Dr. Lemuel Hopkins (1750-1801), M.A. (Hon.) 1784 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1793 1914.1 portrait 2362
George Washington (1732-1799), LL. D. 1781 (after Charles Willson Peale) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1778 1870.2 portrait George Washington George Washington 238
Christopher Gore (1758-1827) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1832.18 portrait Christopher Gore Christopher Gore 55
Reverend Joseph Buckminster (1751-1812), B.A. 1770, M.A. 1773 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1789 1864.1 portrait 215
Holy Family (Madonna and Child with Joseph, John the Baptist, Elizabeth, and Zacharias) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1832.83 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Maternal Affection, Tenderness, or Love painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1832.86 132
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalene painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1780 1832.94 religious art 141
George Washington (1732-1799), LL.D 1781 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1793 1832.10 portrait George Washington George Washington 43
The Death of Paulus Aemilius at the Battle of Cannae painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1773 1832.100 Battle of Cannae
Lucius Aemilius Paullus
Governor Jonathan Trumbull, Sr. (1710-1785), LL.D. 1779 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 170s 1797.1 portrait 10
Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. (1740-1809) with Mrs. Trumbull (Eunice Backus) (1749-1826) and Faith Trumbull (1769-1846) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1777 1920.2 portrait Jonathan Trumbull Jr.
Eunice Backus Trumbull
Faith Trumbull Wadsworth
Jabez Huntington, Jr. (Nephew of the artist) (1767-1848), B.A. 1784 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1777 1938.272 portrait Jabez Huntington, Jr. Jabez Huntington, Jr. 36913
Lieutenant Thomas Grosvenor (1744-1825) and His Negro Servant painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1797 1932.302 34511
Major Roger Alden (1754-1836) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1778 2005.140.1 portrait 109118
Brutus and His Friends at the Death of Lucretia painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1777 1942.111 history painting Lucretia
Lucius Junius Brutus
Governor Jonathan Trumbull, Sr. (1710-1785), LL.D. 1779 and Mrs. Trumbull (Faith Robinson) (1718-1780) painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1783 1958.51 portrait Jonathan Trumbull
Faith Robinson
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), M.A. (Hon.) 1763 painting by John Trumbull John Trumbull 1778
Nathanael Greene (1742-1786) painting by John Trumbull (1756–1843) John Trumbull 1792 1832.25 Nathanael Greene
Portrait of Connecticut lawyer and politician Oliver Ellsworth. painting by John Trumbull (1756–1843) John Trumbull 1792 portrait
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney painting by John Trumbull (Yale) John Trumbull 1791 1832.48 portrait Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
A Gentleman of the Schuyler Family (attributed to John Watson) painting by John Watson John Watson 17th century 1948.211 49661
Portrait of a Young Man painting by John Wollaston John Wollaston the Younger 17th century 1946.53 portrait 46829
Portrait of Elizabeth Willing Powel painting by John Wollaston John Wollaston the Younger 170s 1987.58.1 portrait Elizabeth Willing Powel Elizabeth Willing Powel 57453
Landscape with Grotto and a Rider painting by Josse de Momper the Younger Joos de Momper the Younger 1616 1965.134 landscape painting 15739
Mater Dolorosa painting by Joos van Cleve Joos van Cleve 15th century ILE1973.8.2 religious art 63608
Jacob Hale painting by Joseph Badger Joseph Badger 1755 1970.72.1 25670
Mrs. Jacob Hale (Mary Marsh) painting by Joseph Badger Joseph Badger 1755 1970.72.2 25693
Mrs. Richard Kent (Hannah Gookin) (1691-1758) painting by Joseph Badger Joseph Badger 1746 1941.251 portrait Hannah Kent 40530
Little Girl Holding Flowers (attributed to Joseph Badger) painting by Joseph Badger Joseph Badger 17th century 1944.78 45307
Joshua Winslow (1694-1769) painting by Joseph Blackburn Joseph Blackburn 1756 1967.20 portrait 8580
Mrs Benjamin Pollard (Margaret Winslow) (1724-1814) painting by Joseph Blackburn Joseph Blackburn 1756 1965.22 portrait Margaret Winslow Pollard 8558
Moses Titcomb (1707-1755) (attributed to Joseph Blackburn) painting by Joseph Blackburn Joseph Blackburn 1954.19.1 portrait 14512
Portrait of Mr. William Chase, Sr. painting by Joseph Wright of Derby Joseph Wright of Derby 170s 1957.44.1 portrait portrait
Portrait of Mrs. William Chase, Sr. painting by Joseph Wright of Derby Joseph Wright of Derby 170s 1957.44.2 portrait 52284
Self-Portrait (copy of) painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 1984.75.8 self-portrait Joshua Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 26242
Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wentworth painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 1763 1959.46 portrait Godfrey Wentworth
Dorothy Pilkington
Godfrey Wentworth
Dorothy Pilkington
Omai painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 1774 1936.128 35686
Portrait of Jane, Countess of Harrington, with her Sons, the Viscount Petersham and the Honorable Lincoln Stanhope painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 170s 1958.61.1 portrait Jane Stanhope, Countess of Harrington
Lincoln Edwin Robert Stanhope
Charles Stanhope, 4th Earl of Harrington
Jane Stanhope, Countess of Harrington
Charles Stanhope, 4th Earl of Harrington
Lincoln Edwin Robert Stanhope
Landscape in the style of Wen Zhengming painting by Ju Jie Ju Jie 1568 1982.19.1 landscape painting 25663
Landscape painting by Ju Jie Ju Jie ILE1994.4.2 landscape painting 76860
Jardin de un Sueno painting by Juan González Juan González 2001.148.4 80297
Portrait of an Ecclesiastic painting by Juan de Valdés Leal Juan de Valdés Leal 1680 1959.14 portrait 43493
Eight Views of the Xiao-Xiang Region (Shosho Hakkei) painting by Kano Motonobu Kanō Motonobu 2001.56.1 81191
A Bird on a Rock painting by Kano Naonobu Kanō Naonobu 16th century 1972.123.17 14429
Monk Fuke (Chinese: “Puhua”) painting by Kano Sansetsu Kanō Sansetsu 2006.210.3a-c 111548
Landscape with Bridge and Fishermen painting by Kano Tan’yu Kanō Tan'yū 1955.7.5 landscape painting 8490
Sakyamuni Emerging from the Mountain painting by Kano Tan’yu Kanō Tan'yū 2005.52.1 104137
Cloudy Mountain painting by Kano Tan’yu Kanō Tan'yū 1951.51.18 50456
Bird, Flower and Various Chinese Figure painting by Kano Tan’yu Kanō Tan'yū 2006.210.4.1a-c 111573
Hatsuboku Landscape painting by Kano Tan’yu Kanō Tan'yū ILE2013.14.6 77854
Six panel screen painting by Kano Tsunenobu Kanō Tsunenobu 1984.97.1 26530
Landscape painting by Kano Tsunenobu Kanō Tsunenobu 1967.64.112 landscape painting 8972
Xiwangmu (Seiobo) and a Pine Tree painting by Kano Tsunenobu Kanō Tsunenobu 1967.64.227 94647
Figure of old man holding a scroll painting by Kano Tsunenobu Kanō Tsunenobu 2009.215.1.2 110372
Landscape in Ink painting by Kano Tsunenobu Kanō Tsunenobu 2009.215.1.1 landscape painting 109780
Bird, Flowers, and Various Chinese Figure painting by Kano Yasunobu Kanō Yasunobu 2006.210.4.2 111549
Four Herons on a Snowy Mountain painting by Kano Nagayoshi Kanō school 170s 1940.174 Nihonga fūkei heron 14196
Horseman and His Horse at a River painting by Karel Dujardin Karel Dujardin 1660 TR2015.15977.5 landscape painting man 203413
Tale of the Soldier painting by Karel Dujardin Karel Dujardin 16th century 1966.84 genre art soldier
Wet Landscape painting by Minagawa Kien Ki-en 2012.71.7 174620
Female Immortal painting by Kitagawa Utamaro Kitagawa Utamaro 170s 1967.64.222 ukiyo-e flower
The Poet Hitomaro painting by Konoe Nobutada Konoe Nobutada 1607 2012.71.11 174624
Daily Tenjin (Nikka Tenjin) painting by Konoe Nobutada Konoe Nobutada 1609 ILE2009.10.2 109495
Queen Mother Celebrates Longevity painting by Kumashiro Yuhi Kumashiro Yūhi 2012.71.9 174622
A Deep Valley Conceals a Monk’s Home painting by Kuncan Kun Can 2014.104.2 180442
Seven Sages of Bamboo Grove painting by Kusumi Morikage Kusumi Morikage ILE2008.17.1.1-.2 131262
Pavilion in the Mountain painting by Kuwayama Gyokushu Kuwayama Gyokushū 2008.152.4 128235
Tao Yuanming painting by Kokei Kōkei 1675 2005.53.1 102018
Building a Character painting by Kokei Kōkei 1675 2004.71.1 102015
Zhang Liang Rescuing a Shoe painting by Kokei Kōkei 1675 2004.71.2 102016
The Three Laughers of Tiger Ravine painting by Kokei Kōkei 1675 2004.76.1 102017
The Four Worthies of Mount Shang painting by Kokei Kōkei 1675 2005.53.2 102019
Autumn Landscape painting by Lan Ying Lan Ying 1653 1967.75 landscape painting 9502
Landscape in the style of Li Tang painting by Lan Ying Lan Ying 1986.128.1 landscape painting 61075
Winter Landscape painting by Li Shan Li Shan 1952.52.25.7 landscape painting 64591
Banana Plant by a Garden Rock painting by Li Shan Li Shan 1744 1976.30 101997
Saint John the Evangelist painting by Lippo Memmi Lippo Memmi
Simone Martini
1330 1943.239 religious art John the Evangelist 45108
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary and Saint Anthony of Padua painting by Lippo di Andrea Lippo d'Andrea 1380 1943.210 religious art 45009
Saint Louis of Toulouse and Saint Clara painting by Lippo di Andrea Lippo d'Andrea 14th century 1943.211 religious art Louis of Toulouse
Clare of Assisi
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint painting by Lippo di Andrea Lippo d'Andrea 1420 1871.22a-d religious art Mary
Christ Child
A Legendary Subject and Saint Michael Fighting the Demon painting by Lippo di Andrea Lippo d'Andrea 1390 1871.23 religious art 279
Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata painting by Lorenzo Ghiberti Lorenzo Ghiberti 140s 1871.25 religious art Saint Francis receiving the Stigmata 281
The Crucifixion painting by Lorenzo Monaco Lorenzo Monaco 1415 1871.24 religious art 280
Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus with Saints and Angel painting by Lorenzo d’Alessandro da Sanseverino Lorenzo d'Alessandro 1480 1937.341 religious art 37832
Saints Augustine and Lucy and Two Evangelist painting by Lorenzo di Niccolò di Martino Lorenzo di Niccolò 1400 1871.27 283
Saints Agnes and Dominic and Two Evangelist painting by Lorenzo di Niccolò di Martino Lorenzo di Niccolò 1400 1871.28 religious art Agnes of Rome
Saint Dominic
Bodhisattvas of Ten Cardinal Point painting by Lu Tianru Lu Tianru 1427 1952.52.22 50482
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Luca Signorelli, Yale University Art Gallery Luca Signorelli 1508 1871.69 religious art adoration of the Magi Christ Child 330
The Assumption of the Virgin painting by Luca di Tommè Luca di Tommè 1362 1871.12 religious art Assumption of Mary 263
Virgin and Child with Saint painting by Luca di Tommè Luca di Tommè 130s 1943.245 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Christ on the Cross with Saint Francis, the Virgin Mary, Saint John the Evangelist, and Saint Dominic painting by Luca di Tommè Luca di Tommè 13th century 1943.246 religious art Francis of Assisi
John the Evangelist
Saint Dominic
The Crucifixion with the Converted Centurion painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder Lucas Cranach the Elder 1538 1959.15.23 religious art 43516
Saint Paul painting by Lucas van Leyden Lucas van Leyden 1520 1961.52 religious art Paul the Apostle 14863
Landscape with a Foundry painting by Lucas van Valckenborch Lucas van Valckenborch 15th century ILE1996.2.1 landscape painting 64360
Ships in a Gale on the IJ before the City of Amsterdam painting by Ludolf Backhuysen Ludolf Bakhuizen 1666 TR2017.16568.2 marine art storm
The Visitation painting by Ludovico Brea Ludovico Brea 1500 1943.262 45140
Christ among the Doctors painting by Ludovico Brea Ludovico Brea 1500 1943.263 religious art Jesus among the doctors 45148
Christ Carrying the Cro painting by Luis de Morales Luis de Morales 1546 2012.94.1 religious art 173843
Spider Spinning Its Web painting by Luo Ping Luo Ping 1979.67 27427
Plum Blossom painting by Luo Ping Luo Ping 2003.141.5 98529
Mandarin Ducks Among Dried Lotu painting by Ma Lin Ma Lin 1952.52.25.15 64691
Orchid painting by Ma Shouzhen Ma Shouzhen 1604 1989.9.1 57361
Saturn Devouring a Child painting by Maerten van Heemskerck Maarten van Heemskerck 150s 1960.50a mythological painting Saturn
Hercules Slaying the Hydra painting by Maerten van Heemskerck Maarten van Heemskerck 150s 1960.50b mythological painting Heracles and Lernaean Hydra
Hercules Lifting Antaeus painting by Maerten van Heemskerck Maarten van Heemskerck 150s 1960.50c mythological painting
Hercules Erecting the Columns of Calpe and Abyla painting by Maerten van Heemskerck Maarten van Heemskerck 150s 1960.50d mythological painting
Saint Mary Magdalen anointing the feet of Christ painting by Master of Perea Maestro de Perea 1500 1975.95.1 religious art Mary of Bethany anoints Christ's feet 14929
Virgin and Child painting by Master of the Horne Triptych Maestro del Trittico Horne 1325 1943.204 religious art 45055
Archangels Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael with Tobias and a Female Donor painting by Master of Serumido Maestro di Serumido 150s 1871.76 religious art 338
Christ bearing the Cro painting by Marco Bigio Marco Bigio 1530 1871.89 religious art 352
Saint Cecilia painting by Marco Palmezzano Marco Palmezzano 1530 1959.75.1 religious art 10583
The Resurrection of Lazaru painting by Marco Pino Marco Pino 1570 2009.95.1 119794
The Temptation of Adam and Eve painting by Mariotto Albertinelli Mariotto Albertinelli 15th century 1959.15.13a religious art 43506
The Sacrifice of Isaac painting by Mariotto Albertinelli Mariotto Albertinelli 15th century 1959.15.13b religious art Binding of Isaac 75029
Scenes from the Legend of Saints Cosmas and Damian painting by Mariotto di Nardo Mariotto di Nardo 1400 1871.29 285
The Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau painting by Marten van Valckenborch Marten van Valckenborch 1595 ILE1989.15.1 religious art 64098
Saint Mary Magdalene painting by Silvestro dei Gherarducci Martino di Bartolomeo 1370 2016.99.20 190124
Saint Franci painting by Martino di Bartolomeo di Biagio Martino di Bartolomeo 1370 2016.99.21 190125
Episcopal Saint and Franciscan Monk (gable) painting by Martino di Bartolomeo di Biagio Martino di Bartolomeo 1415 1943.252 religious art 45427
Saint Catherine and Deacon Saint painting by Martino di Bartolomeo di Biagio Martino di Bartolomeo 1415 1943.253 religious art Catherine of Alexandria 45434
Savior in Benediction painting by Martino di Bartolomeo di Biagio Martino di Bartolomeo 1410 1942.322 religious art 39554
The Jester painting by Marx Reichlich Marx Reichlich 1519 ILE1981.9.4
portrait jester 64303
The Creation of Adam and Eve painting by Master of Apollo and Daphne Master of Apollo and Daphne 1500 1871.49 307
Daniel with Two Lion painting by Master of Apollo and Daphne Master of Apollo and Daphne 1490 1943.227 45087
Amorous Hunt painting by Master of Charles of Durazzo (possibly Francesco di Michele) Master of Charles of Durazzo 15th century 1959.15.8 figurative art hunting 43501
Saint Peter painting by Master of Città di Castello Master of Città di Castello 1320 1943.242 religious art 45161
Saint John the Baptist painting by Master of Città di Castello Master of Città di Castello 1320 1943.243 religious art John the Baptist John the Baptist 45365
Saint Gangolf painting by The Master of Messkirch (possibly Peter Strüb the Younger) Master of Messkirch 15th century 1954.43.1 religious art saint Gangulphus 15861
Saint Gregory the Great painting by The Master of Messkirch (possibly Peter Strüb the Younger) Master of Messkirch 15th century 1954.43.2 religious art 15881
The Crucifixion and the Virgin and Child Enthroned painting by Master of Monte Oliveto Master of Monte Oliveto 1315 1871.10a-b religious art 241
Virgin and Christ with Saints James, John the Baptist, Peter and Franci painting by Master of Varlungo Master of Varlungo 1290 1871.5 religious art 308
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angel painting by Master of Varlungo Master of Varlungo 1290 1943.202 religious art 45046
Scenes from the Lives of Christ and Saint John the Baptist painting by Master of Vicchio di Rimaggio Master of Vicchio di Rimaggio 1310 1871.9 religious art 353
Holy Trinity with the Virgin and Saints Mary Magdalen, John the Baptist, and John the Evangelist painting by Master of the Ashmolean Predella Master of the Ashmolean Predella 1390 1871.18 religious art 273
Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist painting by Master of the Borghese Tondo Master of the Borghese Tondo 1500 1943.233 religious art Child Saint John 45035
Virgin and Child with Angel painting by Master of the legend of St. Ursula Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 1510 1946.315 religious art 50098
Double-sided Processional Cro painting by Master of the Gubbio Cross Master of the Gubbio Cross 1310 1943.238 religious art 45262
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Leonard and Peter and Scenes from the Life of Saint Peter painting by Magdalen Master Master of the Magdalen 1280 1871.3 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Saint Peter
The Temptation of Saint Anthony Abbot painting by Master of the Osservanza Triptych Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1435 1871.57 religious art Anthony the Great 317
Saint John the Evangelist painting by Master of the Straus Madonna Master of the Straus Madonna 1350 1946.12 religious art John the Evangelist 48071
Flying Squirrel and Japanese Cedar (Musasabi) painting by Matsumura Goshun Matsumura Goshun 2018.179.4 274448
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Three Saint painting by Matteo di Giovanni Matteo di Giovanni 14th century 1975.112 religious art 15071
Virgin and Child with two Saints and Angel painting by Matteo di Giovanni Matteo di Giovanni 1450 1928.157 religious art 3029
Hercules Slaying Antaeu painting by Matteo di Giovanni Matteo di Giovanni 1470 1946.317 mythological painting 49896
A Winter Scene painting by Meindert Hobbema Meindert Hobbema 1660 ILE1995.4.1 64326
Wooded Landscape with Figures on a Path painting by Meindert Hobbema Meindert Hobbema ILE1997.7.1 landscape painting 64421
Animals and Plants of the Forest painting by Melchior d’Hondecoeter Melchior d'Hondecoeter 16th century ILE2005.1.1 106675
Mountains and Water painting by Mi Fu Mi Fu 1953.27.6 52318
Cloudy Woods, Summer Chill painting by Mi Youren Mi Youren 1953.27.7 52323
Mist-covered Mountains on an Autumn Morning painting by Mi Youren Mi Youren 1954.40.6 15654
A Woman, traditionally identified as Isabela la Católica of Castile painting by Michel Sittow Michael Sittow 140s ILE1981.9.3 portrait 64301
Princess Elizabeth Albertine of Saxe-Hilburghausen painting by Michelangelo Unterberger Michelangelo Unterberger 1745 2011.93.10 165521
Lucretia painting by Michele Tosini (Michele di Ridolfo) Michele Tosini 1550 1871.82 history painting suicide of Lucretia Lucretia 345
The Fall of the Rebel Angel painting by Miguel Ximénez, Yale University Art Gallery Miguel Ximénez 1490 1928.162 religious art War in Heaven 3035
The Martyrdom of Saint Catherine painting by Miguel Ximénez Miguel Ximénez 1490 1928.160 religious art 3033
Monkey painting by Mori Sosen Mori Sosen 17th century 1952.40.13 monkey
White-Eared Bulbul Perched on a Pink Rock painting by Mu’in Musavvir Muin Musavvir 1676 2001.138.9 83934
Daruma, seated meditating under a rock painting by Fachang Muqi Muqi 1955.7.17 9432
Beat a Drum painting by Nagasawa Rosetsu Nagasawa Rosetsu 2018.179.11 274455
Drunken Li Bo painting by Nakayama Koyo Nakayama Koyo 2012.71.5 174618
Saint Peter painting by Nardo di Cione Nardo di Cione 13th century 1871.13 religious art Saint Peter 268
Arthur Murphy (1727–1805) painting by Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland Nathaniel Dance-Holland 1930.108 3983
Ezra Stiles (1727-1795), B.A.1746, M.A.1749 painting by Nathaniel Smibert Nathaniel Smybert 1756 1919.11 portrait Ezra Stiles 2452
Ezra Stiles (1727-1795), B.A. 1746, M.A. 1749 painting by Nathaniel Smybert Nathaniel Smybert 1756
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Martin of Tours and Blaise painting by Neri di Bicci Neri di Bicci 1476 2002.127.1 religious art Mary
Christ Child
The Virgin Adoring the Child painting by Neri di Bicci Neri di Bicci 1465 1943.220 religious art 45024
God the Father with Adoring Angels and Seraphim painting by Neri di Bicci Neri di Bicci 1472 2008.186.1 religious art 128321
A Scene from the Legend of Saint Nicholas of Bari painting by Neri di Bicci Neri di Bicci 1460 1871.39 religious art Saint Nicholas 296
The Annunciation painting by Neroccio de’ Landi Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi 1470 1871.63 religious art Annunciation Annunciation 324
The Annunciation painting by Niccolò di Pietro Gerini Niccolò di Pietro Gerini 13th century 1871.21 religious art Annunciation 277
Scene From the Legend of Saint Giovanni Gualberto painting by Niccolò di Pietro Gerini Niccolò di Pietro Gerini 1410 1871.30 religious art 287
Virgin and Child painting by Niccolò di Pietro Gerini Niccolò di Pietro Gerini 1380 1871.26.b
religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
Saint Jame painting by Niccolò di Tommaso Niccolò di Tommaso 1365 1943.235 religious art 45102
Saint Bridget’s Vision of the Nativity painting by Niccolò di Tommaso Niccolò di Tommaso 1375 1943.236 religious art Christ Child
The Last Supper painting by Niccolò di Tommaso Niccolò di Tommaso 1365 1937.200b religious art 35496
Portrait of a Man painting by Nicolaes Maes Nicolaes Maes 1656 1942.5
portrait man hat
Herdsmen in an Italian Landscape painting by Nicolaes Berchem Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 1654 ILE1985.11.2 63853
Landscape with an Elegant Hunting Party on a Stag Hunt painting by Nicolaes Berchem Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem TR2017.16481.1 landscape painting 220060
The Adoration of the Shepherd painting by Nicolas Poussin Nicolas Poussin 1653 2016.24.1 religious art adoration of the shepherds Christ Child 191510
King Midas Turns an Oak Branch to Gold painting by Nicolas Poussin Nicolas Poussin 1625 2016.96.1 mythological painting 213917
General Humphreys Delivering the Standards taken at Yorktown to Congress Hall (Philadelphia) painting by Nicolas Louis Albert Delerive Nicolas-Louis-Albert Delerive 1835.12 160
The Adoration of the Sheperd painting by Nicolas-Pierre Loir Nicolas-Pierre Loir 16th century 1982.81 religious art 26096
Tall Lady painting by Nishikawa Sukenobu Nishikawa Sukenobu 1952.40.12 48983
The Penitent Magdalene painting by Orazio Gentileschi Orazio Gentileschi 1628 ILE2015.2.3 112967
Saint John the Baptist painting by Andrea di Cione (Orcagna) Orcagna 1355 1871.14 religious art John the Baptist John the Baptist 269
Vases of Flowers on a Table painting by Orsola Maddalena Caccia Orsola Maddalena Caccia 2018.157.1 263115
An Allegory of Love painting by Paolo Schiavo Paolo Schiavo 1440 1871.67 allegory 328
Triumphal Entry into Rome of Titus and Vespasian painting by Paolo Uccello Paolo Uccello 1430 2015.17.1 173842
Saints Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist painting by Paolo Veneziano Paolo Veneziano 1350 1959.15.4a-b religious art Mary Magdalene 43497
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria painting by Paolo Veronese on loan to Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven Paolo Veronese 15th century ILE1972.14.1 religious art mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria Catherine of Alexandria
Christ Child
Saint Anne
The Rabbit Warren (“Spring Landscape with Donkeys and Goats”) painting by Paulus Potter Paulus Potter 1647 TR2014.15826.1 landscape painting donkey
pollard willow
John Selden (1584–1654) painting by Peter Lely Peter Lely 1644 1949.124 portrait John Selden 47608
Hero and Leander painting by Peter Paul Rubens (Yale) Peter Paul Rubens 1604 1962.25 cantata 43619
The Assumption of the Virgin painting by Peter Paul Rubens in the Yale University Art Gallery Peter Paul Rubens 160s 1965.35 religious art Assumption of Mary 15217
Portrait of a Man painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens 1615 ILE1972.14.2 portrait man
fur clothing
The Stag Hunt (1659) painting by Philips Wouwerman Philips Wouwerman 1659 TR2017.16481.4
L-R 23.2019
genre art
landscape painting
The Halt painting by Philips Wouwerman Philips Wouwerman 1940.10 13297
A Riding School in the Open painting by Philips Wouwerman Philips Wouwerman 1967.30 8679
Portrait of a Lady painting by Pier Francesco Foschi Pier Francesco Foschi 1530 1871.98 portrait 362
Virgin and Child with Saints Vincent Ferrer and Jerome painting by Piero di Cosimo, Yale University Art Gallery Piero di Cosimo 1508 1871.73 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Vincent Ferrer
Mrs. James Pierpont (Mary Hooker) painting by Pierpont Limner Pierpont Limner 1711 1969.62.2 portrait Mary Hooker Pierpont Mary Hooker Pierpont 9147
Reverend James Pierpont (1659/60-1714) painting by Pierpont Limner Pierpont Limner 1711 1969.62.1 portrait James Pierpont James Pierpont 9139
Breakfast Still Life with a Ham and a Basket of Cheese painting by Pieter Claesz Pieter Claesz 1627 TR2014.15826.13 still life cheese
A Calm Sea painting by Pieter Coopse Pieter Coopse 1661 ILE1992.3.1 64254
A Stormy Sea painting by Pieter Coopse Pieter Coopse 1661 ILE1992.3.2 64256
Church Interior painting by Peeter Neeffs the Elder Pieter Neefs the Elder 17th century 2006.52.91 church interior 85897
Interior of a Gothic Church painting by Peeter Neeffs the Elder Pieter Neefs the Elder 1635 ILE1993.1.2 church interior 64265
A Quack at Work in a Barn painting by Pieter Jansz. Quast Pieter Quast 1635 2020.37.20 64148
Peasant’s Fun painting by Pieter Jansz. Quast Pieter Quast 16th century ILE1995.3.1 64319
Musicians Outside a Tavern painting by Pieter de Bloot Pieter de Bloot ILE1993.1.4 64269
Moses and the Brazen Serpent painting by Pieter Fransz. de Grebber Pieter de Grebber 1625 1975.109 religious art 15032
River Landscape with Traveller painting by Pieter de Neyn Pieter de Neyn 1632 ILE1989.15.2 64100
Fruit and Macaw painting by Pieter de Ring Pieter de Ring 1919.3 2458
The Apostles Saint Andrew and Saint James the Lesser, with a Prophet painting by Pietro Lorenzetti Pietro Lorenzetti 130s 1959.15.1a-c religious art Andrew the Apostle
James the Less
Virgin and Child with Saint painting by Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci Pietro Perugino ILE2016.6.1 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor painting by Pietro degli Ingannati Pietro degli Ingannati 1505 1871.94 religious art 358
Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Francis of Assisi painting by Bernardino di Betto Pinturicchio 1485 1959.15.16 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Francis of Assisi
Virgin and Child, known as the Madonna del Libro painting by Pontormo (Jacopo Carucci) Pontormo 1545 2006.111.1 religious art 93383
Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine and Angel painting by Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino 1460 1871.43 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Virgin and Child with Two Angel painting by Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino 1460 1943.225 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Virgin Adoring the Child Supported by Angel painting by Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino 1475 1943.226 religious art 45032
Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John painting by Pseudo Pier Francesco Fiorentino Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino 1450 1943.355 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Landscape painting by Qian Feng Qian Feng 1784 1957.51.4 landscape painting fisher 52844
Landscape after Huang Gongwang painting by Qian Weicheng Qian Weicheng 1753 1966.135 landscape painting 9776
Pomegranate Flower painting by Qian Zai Qian Zai 1787 1967.81.3 9542
Landscape with mountains, river, flowering trees and bird painting by Qiu Ying Qiu Ying 1955.7.19 landscape painting 9450
Heart Sutra painting by Qiu Ying Qiu Ying ILE1989.8.6 64040
Blue and green landscape painting by Qiu Ying Qiu Ying 1530 1956.38.3c 70463
Four Old Men in a Blue and Green Landscape painting by Qiu Ying Qiu Ying 1530 1956.38.3d 70466
Dead Christ painting by Quentin Massys Quinten Metsys 1530 1871.114 religious art 257
A Bagpiper painting by Quentin Massys Quinten Metsys 1513 ILE1981.9.2
genre art 64298
Still life of carnations, hibiscus, morning glories, and other other flowers on a ledge, with a butterfly painting by Rachel Ruysch Rachel Ruysch 17th century floral painting Hibiscus
Roger Sherman (1721–1793, M.A. [Hon.] 1768) painting by Ralph Earl Ralph Earl 1775 1918.3 Roger Sherman 2448
Reverend Nehemiah Strong (1728/29-1807), B.A. 1755, M.A. 1758 painting by Ralph Earl Ralph Earl 1790 1790.1 Nehemiah Strong 8
Abraham Davenport (1715/16-1789), B.A. 1732, M.A. 1735 painting by Ralph Earl Ralph Earl 1788 1975.77 Abraham Davenport 14533
Mrs. John Davenport (Mary Sylvester Welles) (1754-1847) painting by Ralph Earl Ralph Earl 1794 1940.617 portrait Mary Welles Davenport Mary Welles Davenport 16784
John Davenport (1752-1830), B.A. 1770, M.A. 1773 painting by Ralph Earl Ralph Earl 1794 1940.616 portrait John Davenport 16759
Mrs. William Moseley (Laura Wolcott), (1761-1814) and her son Charles, (1786-1815) painting by Ralph Earl Ralph Earl 1791 1942.64 portrait Laura Wolcott Moseley
Charles Moseley
Laura Wolcott Moseley 38121
John Davenport (1750-1830), B.A. 1770, M.A. 1773 painting by Ralph Earl (1751–1801) Ralph Earl 1791
Major General Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus, Baron von Steuben (1730-1794) painting by Ralph Earl Ralph Eleaser Whiteside Earl 1786 1939.14 portrait Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben 34737
George Washington (1732-1799), LLD 1781 painting by Rembrandt Peale Rembrandt Peale 1795 1953.49.1 portrait George Washington George Washington 52613
Ezra Stiles (1727-1795), B.A.1746, M.A.1749 painting by Reuben Moulthrop Reuben Moulthrop 1794 1833.1 portrait Ezra Stiles 147
Reverend Elisha Williams (1694-1755)(after John Smibert) painting by Reuben Moulthrop Reuben Moulthrop 1795 1795.1 portrait 9
Samuel Bishop (1725-1803) painting by Reuben Moulthrop Reuben Moulthrop 17th century 1934.160 portrait 6202
Mrs. Samuel Bishop (Mehitable Bassett) (1728-1811) painting by Reuben Moulthrop Reuben Moulthrop 17th century 1934.161 6203
Timothy Pitkin (1726-1812), B.A. 1747 painting by Reuben Moulthrop Reuben Moulthrop 1919.10 portrait 2451
A Young Woman in Arcadian Costume painting by Reyer Jacobsz. van Blommendael Reyer van Blommendael 1650 1956.27.6 portrait 43415
Portrait of a Lady with a Rabbit painting by Ridolfo Ghirlandaio Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio 1508 1871.72 portrait 334
Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist, Saint Peter, and Two Angels. painting by Rossello di Jacopo Franchi Rossello di Jacopo Franchi 1430 1943.219 religious art Mary
Christ Child
John the Baptist
Saint Peter
Saint Catherine of Alexandria painting by Rossello di Jacopo Franchi Rossello di Jacopo Franchi 1410 1953.26.1 religious art Catherine of Alexandria 51908
Sylvia Church Weston Sampson painting by Rufus Hathaway Rufus Hathaway 1793 1986.125.1 61002
Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Saint Catherine of Siena painting by Rutilio Manetti Rutilio di Lorenzo Manetti 16th century 2005.8.1 religious art Child Saint John
Catherine of Siena
Peonies and Butterflie painting by Sakai Hoitsu Sakai Hōitsu 1940.171 14167
Harvest Moon and Raven Bean with Haiku painting by Sakai Hoitsu Sakai Hōitsu 1988.104.1 59032
River landscape with a sailing boat and a ferry with cattle, the city of Leiden beyond painting by Salomon van Ruysdael Salomon van Ruysdael 160s TR2014.15826.4 landscape painting river
sailing ship
ferry route
View of Alkmaar painting by Salomon van Ruysdael Salomon van Ruysdael 1650 1980.12.33
landscape painting Alkmaar
Landscape with Waterfall painting by Salomon van Ruysdael Salomon van Ruysdael 16th century 1952.44.2 landscape painting 49014
Landscape with Bather painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 1660 1957.34.2 landscape painting 52033
Ezra Stiles (1727 -1795), B.A. 1746, M.A. 1749 painting by Samuel King Samuel King 1771 1955.3.1 49867
Rabbi Raphael Haijm Isaac Karigal (1733-1777) painting by Samuel King Samuel King 1782 2009.128.1 portrait Raphael Hayyim Isaac Carregal 77599
Elizabeth Hubbard Stiles (1731 - 1795) painting by Samuel King Samuel King 1771 1955.3.2 Elizabeth Stiles 49783
Virgin and Child painting by Alessandro Filipepi Botticelli, Yale University Art Gallery Sandro Botticelli 1485 1871.50 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
Saint Anthony Abbot Tormented by Demon painting by Sano di Pietro Sano di Pietro 14th century 1871.58 religious art Anthony the Great 318
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by Sano di Pietro Sano di Pietro 1460 1871.60 religious art 321
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Sano di Pietro Sano di Pietro 1450 1871.61a-c religious art adoration of the Magi Christ Child 322
The Martyrdom of a Bishop painting by Sano di Pietro Sano di Pietro 1460 1871.62 religious art 323
Saint Gregory the Great painting by Sebastiano Ricci Sebastiano Ricci 170s 1991.124.1 religious art 59025
Madonna and Child painting by Segna di Bonaventura Segna di Bonaventura 1320 ILE2017.22.1 religious art 219948
Lao-tze Riding an Ox painting by Sengai Gibon Sengai ILE2013.14.8 77856
Hatsuboku Landscape painting by Sesson Shukei Sesson Shukei ILE2013.14.9 77857
Distinguished scholars feast before parting painting by Shen Zhou Shen Zhou 1952.52.24 50132
Watching Cloud painting by Shen Zhou Shen Zhou 1995.16.1 60487
Wild Chrysanthemum painting by Shen Zhou Shen Zhou 1953.27.18 52175
Small altarpiece showing the Crucifixion, the Coronation of the Virgin Mary, and Christ and the Apostle painting by Simone dei Crocifissi Simone dei Crocifissi 1370 1959.15.3 religious art 43496
An Orchid in Autumn painting by Zheng Sixiao Sixiao Zheng 1952.52.20 50409
Waterfall in a Landscape painting by Soga Shohaku Soga Shōhaku 2006.131.7 111568
Winter Landscape painting by Soga Shohaku Soga Shōhaku 2006.131.6a-d 111565
A Thousand Peaks After Snowfall painting by Song Xu Song Xu 1977.122.1 24165
Landscape of Fishing Enjoyment painting by Kimura Kenkado Sonsai 17th century 1969.29.2 landscape painting 8594
Saints with Angel Annunciate Triptych painting by Spinello Aretino Spinello Aretino 1400 1871.26a
religious art 282
The Crucifixion with the Virgin Annunciate painting by Spinello Aretino Spinello Aretino 1400 1871.26c religious art 92649
Agony in the Garden painting by Stefano d’Antonio di Vanni Stefano d'Antonio di Vanni 1435 1871.32 religious art Agony in the Garden 289
Virgin Annunciate painting by Sassetta Stefano di Giovanni 140s 1959.15.5 43498
Illustration of Gray’s ode “On the Death of a favorite Cat” painting by Stephen Elmer Stephen Elmer 1796 1959.29 43541
Eight Views of Xiao and Xiang painting by Sun Zhi Sun Zhi 1595 2010.171.1 160457
Lady Bathing painting by Suzuki Harunobu Suzuki Harunobu 1967.64.135 9001
Et in Arcadia Ego painting by Sébastien Bourdon Sébastien Bourdon 160s 1979.87 27690
King Solomon Sacrificing to the Idol painting by Sébastien Bourdon Sébastien Bourdon 1640 2014.14.1 religious art 183944
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ painting by Taddeo Gaddi Taddeo Gaddi 13th century 1871.8 religious art 342
Virgin and Child Enthroned painting by Taddeo Gaddi Taddeo Gaddi 1350 1943.205 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Saint John the Baptist painting by Taddeo di Bartolo Taddeo di Bartolo 1390 1943.251 religious art John the Baptist John the Baptist 45426
Saint Jerome painting by Taddeo di Bartolo Taddeo di Bartolo 1390 1943.250 religious art 45270
Blessing Redeemer painting by Taddeo di Bartolo Taddeo di Bartolo 1403 1943.249 religious art 45266
Landscape painting by Tang Yun Tang Yun 1639 1986.48.1 landscape painting 59169
Venus at the Forge of Vulcan, also known as “Thetis receives the Arms of Achilles” painting by Theodore van Thulden Theodoor van Thulden 1945.245 mythological painting Venus 44988
The Duke of Wellington painting by Thomas Lawrence Thomas Lawrence 1975.68 14486
Young Girl with Rosy Cheek painting by Thomas Lawrence Thomas Lawrence 1988.15.3 57238
The Circumcision of Christ painting by Titian Titian 150s 1871.95 religious art circumcision of Jesus Christ Child
circumcision of Jesus
Portrait of Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino painting by Titian Titian 1545 1956.7.1 portrait Guidobaldo II della Rovere Guidobaldo II della Rovere 43268
Diana and Callisto painting by Titian Titian 1558 ILE2014.14.1 mythological painting Diana and Callisto Diana
Diana and Callisto
Quail painting by Tosa Mitsunori Tosa Mitsunori ILE2008.27.26 127972
Pair of Dragon painting by Tsurusawa Tansaku Tsurusawa Tansaku ILE2008.17.2.1-.2 131263
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Saints painting by Ugolino di Nerio Ugolino di Nerio 13th century 1959.15.17 religious art 43510
Courtesan and Attendant painting by Utagawa Toyoharu Utagawa Toyoharu 1967.64.221 80380
Saint Peter painting by Vittore Crivelli Vittore Crivelli 14th century 1946.313 religious art 50576
Landscape painting by Wang Chong Wang Chong 2012.104.1 landscape painting 174815
Leaf from Album of Landscape painting by Wang Hui Wang Hui 1965.130a landscape painting 15588
Leaf from Album of Landscape painting by Wang Hui (Yale 1965.130b) Wang Hui 1965.130b landscape painting 15600
Leaf from Album of Landscape painting by Wang Hui (Yale 1965.130c) Wang Hui 1965.130c landscape painting 15611
Travellers in Autumn Mountain painting by Wang Hui Wang Hui 1991.116.1 58981
Landscape painting by Wang Hui Wang Hui 1669 2015.107.6a-b landscape painting 204853
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: In the Style of Yang Sheng painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3c landscape painting 70255
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: In the Style of Dong Yuan painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3d landscape painting 70284
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: In the Style of Ma Wan painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3g landscape painting 70289
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: In the Style of Ni Zan painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3h landscape painting 70290
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: In the Style of Juran painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3b landscape painting 70254
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: In the Style of Fan Kuan painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3e landscape painting 70286
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: In the style of Wang Meng painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3f landscape painting 70287
Landscape in the Style of Various Old Masters: Postscript painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3i landscape painting 70292
Landscapes in the Styles of Old Masters; In the Style of Huichong painting by Wang Jian Wang Jian 1669 1976.26.3a landscape painting 17425
Ink Plum painting by Wang Mian Wang Mian 1954.40.3 15633
Mountain View painting by Wang Qiao Wang Qiao 2003.143.10.7 98572
Peach Blossom Spring painting by Wang Shichang Wang Shichang 1531 1986.86.1 60091
Landscape in the style of Huang Gongwang painting by Wang Shimin Wang Shimin 1638 1976.26.1 landscape painting 17373
The Friends of the Cold Season painting by Wang Wu Wang Wu 1676 1994.25.1 60173
Landscape painting by Wang Xuehao Wang Xuehao ILE1994.4.38 landscape painting 76894
Landscape in the Style of Huang Gongwang painting by Wang Yuanqi Wang Yuanqi 1712 1990.37.1 landscape painting 57816
Landscape painting by Wang Yuanqi Wang Yuanqi 1957.51.2 landscape painting 52840
The Peach Blossom Spring painting by Wang Yun Wang Yun 1985.56.1 26350
Thatched Hut at the Foot of the Mountain painting by Wang Yun Wang Yun 1722 ILE2008.27.6 124950
Landscape painting by Wen Jia Wen Jia 1986.141.2 landscape painting 60685
Scenery of Mounts Jin and Jiao painting by Wen Jia Wen Jia 1563 1957.51.1 52808
Peony painting by Wen Zhengming Wen Zhengming 1532 1985.83.1 71209
Brewing Tea on a Spring Evening painting by Wen Zhengming Wen Zhengming 1540 2014.104.3 180443
Landscapes in the Blue-Green Style painting by Wen Zhengming Wen Zhengming 1986.141.1.1-.4 landscape painting 60677
Old Tree, Rock, and Bamboo painting by Wen Zhengming Wen Zhengming ILE1994.4.56 77676
Soldiers Dividing Booty in a Barn painting by Willem Duyster Willem Cornelisz Duyster 1630 TR2017.16481.5 genre art man
Admiral Sir John Beresford painting by Sir William Beechey William Beechey 1963.79 portrait Sir John Beresford, 1st Baronet 7603
Portrait of Judge Pierpont Edwards (1750-1826) painting by William Jennys William Jennys 1795 1968.30.4 portrait Pierpont Edwards 8737
Mrs. Pierpont Edwards (Frances Ogden) (d. 1800) painting by William Jennys William Jennys 1795 1968.30.5 Frances Ogden Edwards 8743
Elisha Hutchinson (1765 - 1824) painting by William Williams William Williams 1781 1955.5.10 15432
Mrs. Elisha Hutchinson (Margaret Watson) (b. 1758) painting by William Williams William Williams 1781 1955.5.11 15434
Album painting by Wu Li Wu Li 2003.143.9a-g 98564
Composing Poetry and Drinking Wine at Lanting painting by Wu Wei Wu Wei ILE1994.4.34 76891
Bamboo Leave painting by Wu Zhen Wu Zhen 1952.52.25.10 74328
Landscape: Along the Yangtze River painting by Xia Gui Xia Gui 1955.7.18 landscape painting 9445
Wutong Tree, Bamboo, and Rock painting by Xiang Shengmo Xiang Shengmo 1987.23.1 57126
Leaf from Album of Landscape painting by Xu Fang Xu Fang 1965.130h landscape painting 15640
Landscape painting by Xu Fang Xu Fang 1956.41.7 landscape painting 8321
Landscape of Tianchi painting by Xu Fang Xu Fang 2003.143.8 landscape painting 98563
Everlasting Contentment painting by Xu Yang Xu Yang 1773 1988.27.1 57525
Chrysanthemum painting by Yamaguchi Sekkei Yamaguchi Sekkei 1720 2010.213.1 164130
Birds and Flowers of the Twelve Month painting by Yamamoto Soken Yamamoto Soken 160s 1986.5.1.1-.2 57644
Leaf from Album of Landscape painting by Yang Jin Yang Jin 1965.130g landscape painting 15660
Leaf from Album of Landscape painting by Yang Jin (Yale 1965.130f) Yang Jin 1965.130f landscape painting 15626
Buffalo on Willow Bank painting by Yang Jin Yang Jin 1956.41.6 8310
Flower painting by Yang Jin Yang Jin 1705 2003.143.10.5 98570
Spring Mountain, Passing Rain painting by Yosa Buson Yosa Buson 1775 2006.131.3a-c 111555
Scholar’s Mountain Retreat in Autumn painting by Yosa Buson Yosa Buson 2015.107.1a-d 204416
Album of Flower painting by Yun Bing Yun Bing 1735 ILE2009.17.1 135164
Pine Tree painting by Yun Shouping Yun Shouping ILE1994.4.53 77822
Virgin and Child with Two Angel painting by Zanobi di Jacopo Machiavelli Zanobi Machiavelli 1460 1943.224 religious art Mary
Christ Child
Saints Zenobius, Francis and Anthony of Padua painting by Zanobi di Benedetto Strozzi Zanobi Strozzi 14th century 1871.31 religious art Zenobius of Florence
Francis of Assisi
Anthony of Padua
Landscape in the Style of Ni Zan (1301-1374) painting by Zha Shibiao Zha Shibiao 1992.3.1 landscape painting 59256
Landscape in the Style of Juran painting by Zha Shibiao Zha Shibiao 1954.13.37 landscape painting 95793
Drifting by Willows on a Lake in Spring painting by Zha Shibiao Zha Shibiao 1986.141.4 60690
Woodcutter and Wife painting by Zha Shibiao Zha Shibiao 1687 1958.5 49680
Lofty Pines on Mount Tai painting by Zhang Hong Zhang Hong 1629 2000.45.1 78369
Awakening to Poetry painting by Zhang Wentao Zhang Wentao 1797 2003.142.8 98542
Hermitage in the Pine painting by Zhang Yin Zhang Yin 1985.25.2 25912
Album of Flowers and Bird painting by Zhang Yin Zhang Yin ILE1994.4.26 76884
A Little Fishing Village in the Moonlight painting by Zhao Lingrang Zhao Lingrang 1952.52.25.9 64669
The Three Horse painting by Zhao Mengfu Zhao Mengfu 1954.40.2 15605
Rider and two horse painting by Zhao Mengfu Zhao Mengfu 1955.7.15 9414
The Eight Horses of King Mu painting by Zhao Mengfu Zhao Mengfu 1954.40.22 15798
Visit of Wen Wang to Jiang Shang by the Wei River painting by Zhao Yong Zhao Yong 1954.40.18 15772
Egrets, Small Birds, Willows, and Peach Blossom painting by Zhao Yong Zhao Yong 1954.40.13 15723
Tiger in a Snowy Landscape painting by Zhao Yong Zhao Yong 1956.38.4a 7998
Landscape painting by Zhao Zuo (Yale ILE2009.5.1) Zhao Zuo 1597 ILE2009.5.1 landscape painting 135282
Landscape (Gathering Waterlillies) painting by Zhao Zuo Zhao Zuo ILE1989.8.8 landscape painting 64043
Bamboo painting by Zhu Lu Zhu Lu 1981.66 24490
Corn, Lotus Root, and Water Chestnut painting by Zou Yigui Zou Yigui 2003.143.14 98579
End of automatically generated list.