Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Metropolitan Museum of Art/15th Century

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & collection (P195) -> Metropolitan Museum of Art (Q160236) part of Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Metropolitan Museum of Art.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?inceptionyear WHERE { ?item wdt:P195 wd:Q160236 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . { ?item wdt:P571 ?inception . BIND(year(?inception) as ?inceptionyear) . } UNION { MINUS { ?item wdt:P571 [] } . ?item wdt:P170 ?creator . ?creator wdt:P569 ?dob . ?creator wdt:P570 ?dod . BIND(((year(?dod) - year(?dob))/2 + year(?dob)) as ?inceptionyear) . } UNION { MINUS { ?item wdt:P571 [] } . ?item wdt:P170 ?creator . ?creator wdt:P569 ?dob . MINUS { ?creator wdt:P570 ?dod } . BIND((year(?dob) + 40 ) as ?inceptionyear) . } UNION { MINUS { ?item wdt:P571 [] } . ?item wdt:P170 ?creator . ?creator wdt:P570 ?dod . MINUS { ?creator wdt:P569 ?dob } . BIND((year(?dod) - 40 ) as ?inceptionyear) . } FILTER((1400 <= ?inceptionyear && ?inceptionyear < 1500)) } LIMIT 4000
label description image creator inception inventory number described at URL
Virgin and Child painting by Workshop of Hans Memling
No/unknown value 1490 49.7.22
Madonna and Child painting by Italian (Florentine or Paduan) Painter (Cheyo da Firenze?)
No/unknown value 14th century 47.143
Portrait of a Man in a Turban painting by Netherlandish Painter
No/unknown value
Petrus Christus
140s 49.7.24
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints painting by Workshop of Bernardo Daddi
No/unknown value 14th century 32.100.70
Portrait of a Woman painting by Attributed to Giovanni di Franco
No/unknown value 14th century 32.100.98
Madonna and Child painting by workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
No/unknown value 1470 14.40.647
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints painting by Workshop of Bernardo Daddi (MET, 41.100.15)
No/unknown value 14th century 41.100.15
Virgin and Child workshop of Hans Memling
No/unknown value
Hans Memling
140s 32.100.58
Portrait of a Man painting by German (Nuremberg) Painter
No/unknown value 1491 23.255
Salvator Mundi painting by Workshop of Hans Memling
No/unknown value 1475 32.100.54
The Pérussis Altarpiece painting by Circle of Nicolas Froment
No/unknown value 1480 54.195
Virgin and Child painting by Workshop of Dieric Bouts
No/unknown value 1475 49.7.18
Virgin and Child painting by Workshop of Dieric Bouts (MET, 1982.60.16)
No/unknown value 1475 1982.60.16
A Benedictine Monk painting by a follower of Hugo van der Goes
No/unknown value
Rogier van der Weyden
Jan van Eyck
1478 22.60.53
Saint Michael and the Dragon painting by Spanish (Valencian) Painter
No/unknown value 1405 12.192
A Donor Presented by a Saint painting by the circle of Dieric Bouts
No/unknown value 1460 32.100.41
An Episode from the Life of Saint Giovanni Gualberto painting by Attributed to Niccolò di Pietro Gerini
No/unknown value 14th century 58.135
The Nativity painting by South Netherlandish Painter
No/unknown value 1460 32.100.39
The Martyrdom of Saint Adrian; The Martyrdom of Two Saints, Possibly Ache and Acheul painting by Northern French Painter
No/unknown value 1480 22.60.56–57
Two Angels painting by North Italian Painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1971.115.1ab
Saint Jerome painting by Workshop of Antonio Vivarini
No/unknown value 140s 65.181.6
The Trinity Adored by All Saints painting by an anonymous Spanish Painter
No/unknown value 1400 39.54
The Crucifixion painting by Attributed to Jan Provost
No/unknown value 1495 1982.60.21
Saint Donatian; Saint Victor Presenting a Donor painting by Netherlandish (Bruges) Painter
No/unknown value 1490 1982.60.18–19
The Crucifixion, (reverse) Saint Francis of Assisi; The Resurrection, (reverse) An Abbot Saint, Possibly Saint Benedict painting by an anonymous northern French painter
No/unknown value 1460 32.100.106–7
Madonna and Child with Saints Michael and John the Baptist; The Noli Me Tangere; The Conversion of Saint Paul painting by anonymous Italian (Pisan) painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1982.60.2
The Mass of Saint Gregory anonymous Spanish painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
No/unknown value 1490 1976.100.24
Portrait of a Young Man painting by an anonymous French (Burgundian?) painter
No/unknown value 1495 32.100.115
The Labors of Hercules painting by Italian (Florentine or Sienese) Painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1971.115.4
The Man of Sorrows with Two Angels painting from the Workshop of Francesco di Giorgio Martini
No/unknown value 1470 1996.341
Man in Prayer painting by Workshop of Robert Campin
No/unknown value 1430 50.145.35
Saint Martin and Saint Hilary anonymous painting
No/unknown value 140s 1975.1.1908
Saint Martin Brings a Dead Man to Life anonymous painting
No/unknown value 140s 1975.1.1906
Saint Martin Announcing to His Parents That He Will Become a Christian anonymous painting
No/unknown value 140s 1975.1.1909
Saint Martin Offering the Wine Cup to the Priest anonymous painting
No/unknown value 140s 1975.1.1907
Cassone painting by anonymous (MET, 1975.1.1938)
No/unknown value 1425 1975.1.1938
Santa Francesca Romana (1384–1440) Clothed by the Virgin painting by Attributed to Antonio del Massaro da Viterbo
No/unknown value 1445 1975.1.100
Saint Anthony painting by France
No/unknown value 1480 1975.1.2467
Study of the Head of a Youth Gazing Upward painting by Workshop of Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci)
No/unknown value 14th millenium 1975.1.394
Paternoster Pendant with the Virgin and Child (obverse) and the Meeting of Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate (reverse) anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1440 1975.1.1522
Adoration of the Magi painting by a German anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1470 1975.1.134
A Man Asleep Alongside a Dog and a Horse painting by Veronese School, workshop or follower of Stefano da Verona (Stefano di Giovanni)
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.401
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux painting by Workshop of Fra Filippo Lippi
No/unknown value 1447 1975.1.70B
Portrait of a Man, possibly Matteo di Sebastiano di Bernardino Gozzadini painting by Attributed to the Maestro delle Storie del Pane
No/unknown value 1494 1975.1.95
Portrait of a Woman, possibly Ginevra d'Antonio Lupari Gozzadini painting by Attributed to the Maestro delle Storie del Pane
No/unknown value 1494 1975.1.96
Tabernacle frame anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1404 1975.1.67b
Dish anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.1647
Christ's Entry into Jerusalem painting by Southern Netherlands
No/unknown value 1480 1975.1.2471
Virgin and Child painting by Follower of Hans Memling
No/unknown value
Hans Memling
Dieric Bouts
1487 1975.1.111
Saint Christopher and the Infant Christ painting by Follower of Dieric Bouts
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.115
The Adoration of the Christ Child painting by Workshop of the Master of Frankfurt
No/unknown value 14th millenium 1975.1.116
Portrait of a Woman painting by Netherlandish or French
No/unknown value 1475 1975.1.129
Cassetta frame painting by anonymous (MET, 1975.1.2311)
No/unknown value 1450 1975.1.2311
Engraved book binding mount anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1470 1975.1.1480
Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Siena and a Carthusian Donor painting by Italian, Lombard (probably Pavia)
No/unknown value 1411 1975.1.98
The Descent into Limbo painting by the circle of Andrea Mantegna
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.274
Vulcan Building a Fence Around the Mount of Venus painting by Circle of Giovanni Bellini
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.320
A Gazelle in Profile, Moving Toward the Right painting by Circle of Michelino da Besozzo (Michelino de Mulinari)
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.402
A Seated Saint Reading from a Book painting by Attributed to Alesso Baldovinetti
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.409
Saint Bernardino painting by Workshop of Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
No/unknown value 1460 1975.1.45
Diptych painting by Workshop of Paolo di Giovanni Fei
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.22
Crucifix painting by Attributed to Giovanni Antonio da Pesaro
No/unknown value 1450 1975.1.25
The Nativity painting by Workshop of Botticelli
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.61
Madonna and Child painting by Workshop of Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
No/unknown value 1448 1975.1.39
Male Saint painting by Workshop of Fra Filippo Lippi
No/unknown value 1447 1975.1.70A
The Madonna and Child with a Female Martyr Saint, a Bishop Saint, and a Female Donor painting by Veronese School, workshop of Stefano da Verona (Stefano di Giovanni)
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.252
Justice painting by Follower of Fra Angelico (Guido di Pietro)
No/unknown value 1440 1975.1.264
Diptych with tabernacle frames anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1400 1975.1.22c
Integral tondo molding anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 1975.1.40b
Saint Michael Presenting a Donor to Christ as Salvator Mundi painting by Southern Netherlands
No/unknown value 1400 1975.1.2469
The Crucifixion painting by Circle of the Housebook Master
No/unknown value 140s 1975.1.2479
Coronation of the Virgin painting by Paris, France
No/unknown value 1455 1975.1.2480
Tondo mirror frame painting by Italian, Siena
No/unknown value 140s 1975.1.2101
Engaged arched cassetta frame and arched tabernacle frame anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1465 1975.1.54b
The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin painting by Attributed to Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
No/unknown value 14th century 53.37
The Nativity painting polyptych by Workshop of Rogier van der Weyden, Metropolitan Museum of Art
No/unknown value 1460 49.109
Melchior of the Three Kings from an Adoration Group anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 52.83.1
Caspar of the Three Kings from an Adoration Group anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 52.83.2
Balthasar of the Three Kings from an Adoration Group anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 52.83.3
Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 38.141a-o
Nativity of the Virgin anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1480 56.211
Altar Shrine with Madonna and Child with Donor anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 12.103
Private Devotional Shrine anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1490 1991.10
Man of Sorrows with Kneeling Donor anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 1974.392
Retable with Scenes from the Life of Saint Andrew painting by Attributed to the Master of Roussillon
No/unknown value 1420 06.1211.1–.9
Altarpiece (retablo) with Scenes from the Passion painting by Attributed to Master Morata
No/unknown value 14th century 10.12a, b
Saint Barbara anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1490 55.166
The Lamentation anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1480 55.85
Paschal Candlestick anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1450 44.63.1a, b
Ewer anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 53.20.1
Saint Mary Magdalene anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 63.13.1
Mirror or Light Reflector anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th millenium 55.116.1
Bowl painting by anonymous (MET, 56.171.156)
No/unknown value 14th century 56.171.156
Deep Dish anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1430 56.171.162
The Death of the Virgin (The Dormition) painting by Workshop of Tilman Heysacker
No/unknown value 14th century 1973.348
Relief of a Bishop anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1400 2002.338
Embroidery with the Annunciation anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 1990.330
Saint Augustine anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 26.63.6
Alexander the Great or Hector of Troy (from The Nine Heroes Tapestries) anonymous tapestry
No/unknown value 1400 47.101.2d
Roundel with Entry into Jerusalem anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 12.137.5
The Circumcision German stained glass window in The Met Cloisters, New York
No/unknown value 1460 2003.14
Panel with the Head of a Bishop anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 2007.69
Saint Barbara painting by anonymous (MET, 50.159)
No/unknown value 14th century 50.159
Glass Fragment painting by anonymous (MET, 1985.91.7)
No/unknown value 14th century 1985.91.7
Roundel with Martyrdom of Saint Leger anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1490 1980.223.4
Roundel with Saint Agnes anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1490 1983.237
Virgin and Child on a Crescent Moon anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1480 1984.198
Standing Apostle anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 55.20
Kneeling Virgin painting by Attributed to Paolo Aquilano
No/unknown value 1474 25.120.217
Dormition of the Virgin Relief anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 26.63.11
Entry into Jerusalem Relief anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 55.58
Virgin of the Apocalypse painting by Circle of the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet
No/unknown value 1480 1982.47.1
The Entombment anonymous painting (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 25.120.482)
No/unknown value 14th century 25.120.482
Adoration of the Magi anonymous painting (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 25.120.485)
No/unknown value 14th century 25.120.485
Saint Frederick anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 34.123
Angel Playing Instrument painting by anonymous (MET, 25.120.1056)
No/unknown value 14th century 25.120.1056
Head of a Bearded Man anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 26.63.17
Roundel with Adoration of the Magi anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.1
Roundel with the Flight into Egypt anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.2
Roundel with the Circumcision anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.3
Roundel with the Baptism of Christ anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.4
Roundel with the Resurrection anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.8
Roundel with the Flagellation anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.6
Roundel with the Virgin and Child anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.13
Saint Bartholomew anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1410 30.113.1
Saint John the Evangelist anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1410 30.113.2
Saint Martin Dividing His Cloak anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1410 30.113.3
Saint Martin on Horseback Dividing His Cloak anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1410 30.113.4
Bust of a Bishop anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 37.80.14
Saint Germain and a Donor anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 47.101.18
Roundel with Christ crowned with thorns and mocked anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.7
Roundel with the Betrayal anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.5
Roundel with Coat of Arms anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 32.24.14
St. John the Evangelist, probably from a Crucifixion Group anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1420 65.215.4
Saint Stephen anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 59.71
Christ anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th millenium 61.15.1
Standing Virgin and Child painting by Circle of Jakob Kaschauer
No/unknown value 1440 62.169
Pietà painting by anonymous (MET, 64.80)
No/unknown value 14th century 64.80
Saint James painting by Workshop of Santiago de Compostela
No/unknown value 1410 65.67
Coronation of the Virgin painting by anonymous (MET, 65.121)
No/unknown value 14th century 65.121
Standing Virgin and Child painting by anonymous (MET, 65.215.2)
No/unknown value 1420 65.215.2
Angel anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 1972.31
Base for a Statuette anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 55.116.2
Saint Margaret painting by Workshop of Michael Pacher
No/unknown value 1470 63.13.2
Saint Geneviève anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 56.101
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous painting
No/unknown value 140s 37.52.1–.6
Pietà painting by anonymous (MET, 25.120.266a, b)
No/unknown value 14th century 25.120.266a, b
Shrine of Saint Anne and the Holy Kinship anonymous painting
No/unknown value 14th century 25.120.210
Man of Sorrows painting by anonymous (MET, 1971.194)
No/unknown value 14th century 1971.194
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels painting by anonymous (MET, 37.52.3)
No/unknown value 140s 37.52.3
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels painting by anonymous (MET, 37.52.1)
No/unknown value 140s 37.52.1
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels painting by anonymous (MET, 37.52.4)
No/unknown value 140s 37.52.4
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels painting by anonymous (MET, 37.52.2)
No/unknown value 140s 37.52.2
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels painting by anonymous (MET, 37.52.5)
No/unknown value 140s 37.52.5
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels painting by anonymous (MET, 37.52.6)
No/unknown value 140s 37.52.6
Pendant Medallion with Michael Slaying the Dragon anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1470 1975.65
Storing up Manna painting by Workshop of Friedrich Brunner
No/unknown value 140s 2010.22.2
Enthroned Virgin anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1490 2010.446
Gathering Manna painting by Workshop of Friedrich Brunner
No/unknown value 140s 2010.22.1
Head of a Woman painting by anonymous (MET, 2012.405)
No/unknown value 1440 2012.405
Bifolium with Christ in Majesty in an Initial A, from an Antiphonary anonymous painting
No/unknown value 1405 2013.38
Devananda's Fourteen Auspicious Dreams Foretelling the Birth of Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by Master of the Jaunpur Kalpasutra
140s 1992.359
Su Dongpo in a Borrowed Hat (Tōba tairyū zu) painting by Unidentified
No/unknown value 14th century 2018.853.6
Ink Plum painting by Heisen (Byōsen) Myōshitsu
14th century 2018.853.5a, b
Mount Kurama Mandala: Bishamonten Triad (Kuramayama mandara: Bishamonten sanzonzō) painting by Unidentified
No/unknown value 14th millenium 2018.76
Daoist immortal Li Tieguai receiving a visitor painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 2016.486
Chakrasamvara and consort Vajravarahi painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2017.371
Hevajra Mandala painting by anonymous painter (MET 2015.551)
No/unknown value 14th century 2015.551
Initiation Cards (Tsakalis) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.1–.25
Oxherding painting by Sekkyakushi
14th century 2015.300.47
Monju on a Lion painting by Shūsei
14th century 2015.300.45
"Akashi", "Channel Buoys" ("Miotsukushi"), "The Wormwood Patch" ("Yomogiu"), "Gatehouse" ("Sekiya"), and "Picture Contest" ("E-awase") chapters from the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 2015.300.28
Fudō Myōō with Four Attendants, Outlined in Seed Syllables painting by Chikai
14th century 2015.300.2
Plum Blossoms painting by Motsurin Jōtō (Bokusai)
14th century 2015.300.62
Ariwara Narihira (825–880), from the Fujifusa version of Thirty-six Immortal Poets painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2015.300.23
White Tara and Green Tara painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2012.460
Portrait of Keinan Eibun painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1449 2015.500.9.10
The Final Scene from A Long Tale for an Autumn Night (Aki no yonaga monogatari) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1400 2011.494
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter (MET
No/unknown value 14th century
Shakra (Indra) Reveres the Embryo of Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira Preaching the Samacari (top) / Part of Mahavira's Audience as He Preached the Samacari (bottom); Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
The Attainment of Perfect Knowledge (Siddha) by Mahavira's Disciple Indrabhuti Gautama: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Vajra in His Cradle (top left) / Vajra Being Nursed by His Mother (top right) / The Nuns who Cared for Vajra (bottom); Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
The Courtesan Kosa with the King's Charioteer: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Sthulabhadra as a Lion in a Cave With His Sisters (top) / Sthulabhadra's Sisters Before Bhadrabahu (or Sthulabhadra) (bottom); Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
The Eleven Disciples (Ganadharas) of Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Twenty Tirthankaras: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Aristanemi's Bridal Pavilion (top) and Witnessing Animals for Slaughter (bottom): Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Kamatha Performing the Five Fire Penances (top) and Parsvanatha Rescuing the Snake Dharana (bottom): Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira Sitting at the Top of the Universe: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira's Samavasarana: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira Plucks Out His Hair: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira Rides in His Initiation Palanquin: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira Gives Away His Possessions; Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Vigil on the Sixth Night after Mahavira's Birth: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira's Lustration and Bath at Birth; Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Mahavira's Birth ?; Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Queen Trisala Nursing the Newborn Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Birth of Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Queen Trisala's Joy (at the Confirmation of Her Conception): Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Queen Trisala's Grief (at the Stillness of the Unborn): Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
King Siddhartha Tells Queen Trisala the Meaning of the Fourteen Dreams (left) and The Interpretation of Dreams (right): Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
King Siddharta Being Anointed: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
King Siddharta Bathing: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Trisala on Her Couch (left) / The Goddess Sri, One of the Fourteen Lucky Dreams (right); Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Harinaigamesin Brings the Embryo to Queen Trisala: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Shakra Enthroned, with a Deva and Generals: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Dragon Amid Clouds and Waves painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 2007.438
Detached section from scroll one from A Long Tale for an Autumn Night (Aki no yo nagamonogatari), now remounted in original position as part of 2002.459.1 painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1400 2005.312
A Long Tale for an Autumn Night (Aki no yo nagamonogatari) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1400 2002.459.3
A Long Tale for an Autumn Night (Aki no yo nagamonogatari) painting by anonymous painter (MET 2002.459.2)
No/unknown value 1400 2002.459.2
A Long Tale for an Autumn Night (Aki no yo nagamonogatari) painting by anonymous painter (MET 2002.459.1)
No/unknown value 1400 2002.459.1
Initiation Card (Tsakalis) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.25
Initiation Card (Tsakalis) painting by anonymous painter (MET 2000.282.24)
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.24
Initiation Card (Tsakalis) painting by anonymous painter (MET 2000.282.23)
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.23
Initiation Card (Tsakalis) painting by anonymous painter (MET 2000.282.22)
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.22
Initiation Card (Tsakalis) painting by anonymous painter (MET 2000.282.21)
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.21
Iniation Card (Tsakalis) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.20
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Samanthabhadri (Consort) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.19
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Samanthabhandra painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.18
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Door Keeper painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.17
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Hayagriva painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.16
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Mahakala painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.15
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Yama painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.14
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Manjushri painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.13
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Bodhisattva Samantabhadhra painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.12
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Nirvana Vishkambhin painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.11
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Maitreya painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.10
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Vajrapani painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.9
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Chenresi (Avalokiteshvara) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.8
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Akashagarbha painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.7
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Bhumirgharba painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.6
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Amoghasiddhi painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.5
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Amitabha painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.4
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Ratnasambhava painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.3
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Vairochana painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.2
The Poet Kiyohara Motosuke, from the Tameshige Version of the Thirty-six Poetic Immortals painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2014.719.2
Seated Boddhisattva, Tara, on Lotus Throne painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 19.103.1
Twilight Landscape painting in the style of Ikkyu Sojun (MET, 36.100.31)
No/unknown value 14th millenium 36.100.31
Initiation Card (Tsakalis): Akshobya painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2000.282.1
Herd Boy with Ox painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2015.300.48
The Poet Koōgimi, from the Fujifusa version of the Thirty-six Poetic Immortals handscroll (Fujifusabon Sanjūrokkasen emaki) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2015.300.22
Rakan painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 48.162.3
Grasshopper on Rock painting by Wen Liang
14th century 42.200.5
Landscape of Qin Palaces painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 38.31.2
Winter landscape with fisherman painting by Shi Zhong
14th millenium 2000.664
Misty Landscape painting by anonymous painter (MET 47.18.37)
No/unknown value 14th millenium 47.18.37
The Immortal Lü Dongbin Appearing over the Yueyang Pavilion painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 47.18.41
Second half of Ten Thousand Li of the Yangzi River painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 13.220.18
The Four Seasons painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1989.363.45
Puppies Playing beside a Palm Tree and Garden Rock painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1981.285.14
Frolicking Kittens under a Banana Tree painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1982.1.3
Paying homage to Xiwangmu, the Queen Mother of the West painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 23.33.3
Village and Temples in Jiangnan painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1989.363.43
Palaces among Autumn Mountains painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1989.363.42
Deer by a Pine Stream painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 52.186
Old Tree, Bamboo, and Birds painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 47.18.44
Dragon Pine painting by Wu Boli
14th millenium 1984.475.3
Landscape painting by Shubun 14th century 53.123.2
Priest in Meditation painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 29.100.518
Rakan painting by Keinin Sumiyoshi
14th century 29.100.441
Eight Attendants of Fudō Myōō painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 67.55.38
Jizō Bosatsu painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 69.139
Welcoming Descent of Amida Buddha painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 30.72.1
Death of the Historical Buddha (Nehan-zu) Japanese painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (44.35.1)
No/unknown value 14th century 44.35.1
“Channel Markers” (Miotsukushi) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 1975.268.33
Hōtei Pointing to the Moon painting by Shinno Noami
14th century 36.100.56
White-Robed Kannon painting by anonymous painter (MET 1984.124)
No/unknown value 14th century 1984.124
Life of the Buddha: King Bimbisara's Conversion Japanese painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
No/unknown value 14th century 1993.478.4
Life of the Buddha: Subjugation of Demons Japanese painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
No/unknown value 14th century 1993.478.3
Life of the Buddha: Abandoning Palace Life Japanese painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
No/unknown value 14th century 1993.478.5
Excursions from the Four Cardinal Gates: Encounter with the Four Sufferings of Birth, Old Age, Sickness, and Death from the Life of Buddha painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1993.478.2
Life of the Buddha: The Birth of the Buddha Japanese painting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
No/unknown value 14th century 1993.478.1
Shakyamuni Descending from the Mountain painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 18.124.11
Portrait of En no Gyōja painting by Jakusai
14th millenium 29.100.442
Star deities of the northern and central dippers painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1454 2012.525
Illustration of Su Shi's "Second Ode on the Red Cliff" painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 13.100.97
The Arhat Vajraputra painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1992.198
Guanyin Seated on a Lotus Throne painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 18.114
Rainy Landscape with Travelers painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 18.124.3
Crane in a bamboo grove painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 1991.378
Su Shi (Dongpo) in a Bamboo Hat and Clogs painting by Zuigan Ryūsei
14th millenium 1975.268.39
Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute: The Story of Lady Wenji painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1973.120.3
The Buddha Shakyamuni, Five Past Buddhas, and Maitreya painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 1983.548
Mandala of Chandra, God of the Moon painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 1981.465
Indra Reverences Mahavira's Embryo: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.2
The Wrathful Bon Deity Walse Ngampa, One of the Five Fortress Meditational Deities painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1994.527
Acala, The Buddhist Protector painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1994.452
Mandala of Vajradhara, Manjushri and Sadakshari -Lokeshvara painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1479 1985.392.2
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
14th century
Mahavira Preaching to Monks and Nuns: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.8
Parsvanatha's Austerities: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 57.185.4
Mahavira Distributes Wealth: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.7
Queen Trisala and the Newborn Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.6
The Twenty Tirthankaras: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.5
Tonsure of Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.4
Night Vigil for Mahavira's Birth: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.3
Mahavira in Puspottara Heaven: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1461 18.104.1
Celestial Performers: Folios from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 1490 1985.398.9
Celestial Performers: Folios from a Kalpasutra Manuscript painting by anonymous painter (MET 1977.41)
No/unknown value 1490 1977.41
Sadaksari-Lokeshvara Surrounded by Manifestations and Monks painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 1985.390.3
A Tirthankara and the Eight Auspicious Symbols; Page from a Dispersed Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century
Ritual Crown with the Five Transcendent Buddhas painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 1985.391
Landscape with Pavilions and Cranes painting by anonymous painter
14th millenium 47.18.43a
Cabbage painting by Ma Shida
14th century 47.18.22
Horse and Willow Tree painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 29.20.2
First half of Ten Thousand Li of the Yangzi River painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 13.220.1
The crucifixion of St. Peter No/unknown value 1450
Portrait de Charles le Téméraire painting by inconnu, Musée des Beaux-Arts[Lille, FR]
No/unknown value 1480
15th century
P 1173
Maria met kind 14th century
Crucifixion painting by Jan Van Eyck, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fourteen Dreams of Queen Trishala - Illustration from a Kalakacaryakatha painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century 2022.434.2
The Fourteen Lucky Dreams of the Mother Savior painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 1465 2022.434.1
Vaishravana, Guardian of Buddhism and Protector of Riches painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2021.290
Grapes painting by Bokusai 墨齊 (Motsurin Jōtō没倫紹等) 14th century 2022.432.7
Bodhidharma in Red Robes painting by Kano Masanobu 狩野正信 14th century 2022.47
Landscape painting by Unidentified (MET 2019.420.6) 14th century 2019.420.6
Tenjin Traveling to China painting by Tōsai 14th century 2019.420.5
Minamoto no Muneyuki, from the “Fujifusa Version” of Thirty-six Poetic Immortals (Fujifusa-bon Sanjūrokkasen emaki) painting by Unidentified 14th century 2019.420.4
Scene from A Long Tale for an Autumn Night painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th millenium 2019.560
Bon Deity Trowo Tsochog Khagying painting by anonymous painter
No/unknown value 14th century 2018.890
Memyō Bosatsu (Ashvaghosha Bodhisattva) Mounted on a Horse painting by Unidentified 14th millenium 2019.418.2
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467mm
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467ll) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467ll
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467kk) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467kk
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467jj) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467jj
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467ii) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467ii
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467hh) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467hh
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467gg) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467gg
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467ff) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467ff
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467ee) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467ee
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467dd) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467dd
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467cc) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467cc
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467bb) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467bb
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467aa) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467aa
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467z) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467z
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467y) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467y
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467x) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467x
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467w) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467w
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467v) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467v
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467u) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467u
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467t) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467t
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467s) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467s
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467r) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467r
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467q) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467q
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467p) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467p
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467o) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467o
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467n) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467n
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467m) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467m
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467l) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467l
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467k) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467k
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467j) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467j
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467i) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467i
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467h) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467h
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467g) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467g
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467f) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467f
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467e) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467e
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467d) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467d
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467c) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467c
Manuscript of the Interpretation of Dreams painting by anonymous painter (MET 1982.467b) No/unknown value 14th century 1982.467b
Evening bell from mist-shrouded temple (left); Autumn moon over Lake Dongting (right) hanging scrolls (Korea) by An Gyeon (MET, 1987.278a, b)
Ahn Gyeon 14th millenium
1987.278a, b
Head of a Donor painting by Albert van Ouwater, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Albert van Ouwater 1460 17.190.22
The Annunciation painting by Alesso di Benozzo
Alesso di Benozzo 1480 1975.1.77
The Presentation in the Temple painting by Alvaro Pirez
Alvaro Pirez d'Evora 140s 1982.60.3
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Andrea Mantegna
Andrea Mantegna 1450 32.130.2
The Holy Family with Saint Mary Magdalen painting by Andrea Mantegna
Andrea Mantegna 1495 14.40.643
Virgin and Child painting by Andrea Mantegna
Andrea Mantegna 1460 32.100.97
The Virgin Annunciate painting by Andrea Delitio
Andrea de Litio 14th century 1975.1.29
The Crucifixion painting by Andrea di Bartolo (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Andrea di Bartolo 1400 12.6
Christ Crowned with Thorns painting by Antonello da Messina (Antonello di Giovanni d'Antonio)
Antonello da Messina 14th century 32.100.82
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Antonello da Messina (Antonello di Giovanni d'Antonio), Metropolitan
Antonello da Messina 1470 14.40.645
Madonna and Child painting by Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilio)
Antoniazzo Romano 14th millenium 41.190.9
The Nativity painting by Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilio)
Antoniazzo Romano 140s 06.1214
Saint Francis of Assisi painting by Antoniazzo Romano (Antonio di Benedetto Aquilio)
Antoniazzo Romano 140s 2017.714
Saint Peter Martyr Healing the Leg of a Young Man painting by Antonio Vivarini
Antonio Vivarini 140s 37.163.4
san pietro martire guarisce la gamba di un uomo painting by Antonio Vivarini
Antonio Vivarini
Santa Francesca Romana (1384–1440) Holding the Christ Child painting by Antonio del Massaro da Viterbo
Antonio del Massaro 1445 1975.1.101
Cassone with painted front panel depicting the Conquest of Trebizond cassone by Apollonio di Giovanni di Tomaso and Marco del Buono Giamberti (MET, 14.39)
Apollonio di Giovanni
Marco del Buono
1461 14.39
Saint Mary Magdalen painting by Bartolo di Fredi
Bartolo di Fredi 14th century 1975.1.14
Saint Justina of Padua painting by Bartolomeo Montagna (Bartolomeo Cincani)
Bartolomeo Montagna 140s 14.40.606
The Death of the Virgin painting by Bartolomeo Vivarini
Bartolomeo Vivarini 1485 50.229.1
A Saint (Mark?) Reading painting by Bartolomeo Vivarini
Bartolomeo Vivarini 1470 65.181.1
The Madonna of Humility, the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the Pietà painting by Bartolomeo Vivarini
Bartolomeo Vivarini 140s 1975.1.82
Saint Thomas Aquinas Aided by Saints Peter and Paul painting by Bartolomeo degli Erri
Bartolomeo degli Erri 14th century 23.140
Saint Dominic Resuscitating Napoleone Orsini painting by Bartolomeo degli Erri
Bartolomeo degli Erri
Jacopo Bellini
14th century 22.60.59
The Trinity painting by Bartolomeo di Giovanni
Bartolomeo di Giovanni 14th millenium 1989.132
The Betrayal of Christ painting by Bartolomeo di Tommaso
Bartolomeo di Tommaso 1445 58.87.1
The Lamentation and the Entombment painting by Bartolomeo di Tommaso
Bartolomeo di Tommaso 1445 58.87.2
Benedictine Antiphonary painting by Belbello da Pavia
Belbello da Pavia 1467 60.165
Saint Zenobius Resuscitating a Dead Child painting by Benozzo Gozzoli (Benozzo di Lese di Sandro)
Benozzo Gozzoli 14th century 15.106.3
Saints Nicholas of Tolentino, Roch, Sebastian, and Bernardino of Siena, with Kneeling Donors painting by Benozzo Gozzoli (Benozzo di Lese di Sandro)
Benozzo Gozzoli 1481 1976.100.14
The Conversion of Saint Paul painting by Benozzo Gozzoli (Benozzo di Lese di Sandro)
Benozzo Gozzoli 14th century 15.106.2
Saint Peter and Simon Magus painting by Benozzo Gozzoli (Benozzo di Lese di Sandro)
Benozzo Gozzoli 14th century 15.106.1
Totila before Saint Benedict painting by Benozzo Gozzoli (Benozzo di Lese di Sandro)
Benozzo Gozzoli 14th century 15.106.4
Madonna and Child painting by Benvenuto di Giovanni
Benvenuto di Giovanni 140s 1975.1.54
Saint Bernardino painting by Benvenuto di Giovanni
Benvenuto di Giovanni 1475 1975.1.53
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET
Bhadrabahu 14th century
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu (MET Bhadrabahu 14th century
Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts painting by Jacopo di Arcangelo (called Jacopo del Sellaio)
Biagio d'Antonio 1465 09.136.2
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Biagio d'Antonio
Biagio d'Antonio 1470 32.100.68
The Story of Joseph painting by Biagio d'Antonio, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Biagio d'Antonio 14th millenium 32.100.69
Saint Nicholas Providing Dowries painting by Bicci di Lorenzo, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bicci di Lorenzo 140s 88.3.89
Saint Nicholas Resuscitating Three Youths painting by Bicci di Lorenzo
Bicci di Lorenzo 140s 16.121
Saints John the Baptist and Matthew painting by Bicci di Lorenzo
Bicci di Lorenzo 14th century 1975.1.68
Su Shi Riding a Donkey painting by Bokudō Sojun
Bokudō Sojun 14th century 2015.300.49
Orchids and Rock painting by Gyokuen Bonpō
Bompō 14th millenium 1975.268.38
An Apostle painting by Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli 1471 1975.1.84
Virgin and Child (Bache) painting by Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli 1472 49.7.5
Madonna and Child Enthroned painting by Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli 1472 1982.60.5
Demidoff Altarpiece divided polyptych by Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli 1476 GROUP82
Saint Dominic painting by Carlo Crivelli in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Carlo Crivelli 1472 05.41.1
Saint George painting by Carlo Crivelli in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Carlo Crivelli 1472 05.41.2
Pietà painting by Carlo Crivelli
Carlo Crivelli 1476 13.178
Madonna and Child with Angels painting by Cosimo Rosselli
Cosimo Rosselli 14th millenium 32.100.84
Portrait of a Man painting by Cosimo Rosselli
Cosimo Rosselli 1481 50.135.1
Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist painting by Cosimo Rosselli
Cosimo Rosselli 1490 1975.1.73
The Flight into Egypt painting by Cosmè Tura (Cosimo di Domenico di Bonaventura)
Cosimo Tura 1474 49.7.17
Saint Louis of Toulouse painting by Cosmè Tura (Cosimo di Domenico di Bonaventura)
Cosimo Tura 1484 30.95.259
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Cosmè Tura (Cosimo di Domenico di Bonaventura)
Cosimo Tura 140s 14.40.649
Saint Mark the Evangelist and Saint Sinibaldus Venerated by Members of a Lay Confraternity painting by Cristoforo Cortese
Cristoforo Cortese 1425 1975.1.2468
Angel with Portative Organ painting by Cristoforo Cortese
Cristoforo Cortese 1401 1975.1.2465a
Angel with Harp painting by Cristoforo Cortese
Cristoforo Cortese 1401 1975.1.2465b
Returning home through the snow painting by Dai Jin
Dai Jin 1455 1992.132
The Marriage of the Virgin painting by Davide Ghirlandaio (David Bigordi), Metropolitan Museum of Art
Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.1
Selvaggia Sassetti (born 1470) painting by Davide Ghirlandaio (David Bigordi)
Davide Ghirlandaio 140s 32.100.71
The Burial of Saint Zenobius painting by Davide Ghirlandaio (David Bigordi)
Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.2
Tobias and the Angel painting by Davide Ghirlandaio (David Bigordi)
Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.3
Portrait of a Man painting by Dieric Bouts
Dieric Bouts 1470 14.40.644
Virgin and Child painting by Dieric Bouts
Dieric Bouts 14th century 30.95.280
Saint Christopher and the Infant Christ painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Domenico Ghirlandaio 1473 80.3.674
Francesco Sassetti and His Son Teodoro painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Domenico Ghirlandaio 1488 49.7.7
Portrait of a Man painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio (Domenico Bigordi), Metropolitan Museum of Art
Domenico Ghirlandaio 1478 32.100.67
Panel with Saint John the Baptist Enthroned from Retable painting by Domingo Ram
Domingo Ram 14th century 25.120.670
The Visitation Panel from Saint John Retable painting by Domingo Ram
Domingo Ram 14th century 25.120.671
Predella pane with Saint Bridget, Saint Christopher, and Saint Kilian from Retable painting by Domingo Ram
Domingo Ram 14th century 25.120.673
Panel with the Birth of St. John the Baptist from Retable painting by Domingo Ram
Domingo Ram 14th century 25.120.927
Panel with The Crucifixion from Retable painting by Domingo Ram
Domingo Ram 14th century 25.120.928
Madonna and Child with Saints Philip and Agnes painting by Donato de' Bardi
Donato de' Bardi 1425 37.163.1–3
Tao Yuanming Enjoying Chrysanthemums painting by Du Jin
Du Jin 14th millenium 2001.746.2
The Scholar Fu Sheng Transmitting the Book of Documents painting by Du Jin
Du Jin 14th millenium 1991.117.2
Madonna and Child painting by Filippino Lippi in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Filippino Lippi 140s 49.7.10
Saint John painting by Filippino Lippi
Filippino Lippi
Pietro Perugino
14th millenium 1981.293.1–2
Saint Lucia painting by Filippino Lippi
Filippino Lippi
Pietro Perugino
Saint Lawrence Enthroned with Saints and Donors painting by Filippo Lippi
Filippo Lippi 1453 35.31.1a–c
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels painting by Filippo Lippi
Filippo Lippi 1440 49.7.9
Portrait of a Woman with a Man at a Casement painting by Filippo Lippi
Filippo Lippi 1440 89.15.19
Saints Augustine and Francis, a Bishop Saint, and Saint Benedict painting by Filippo Lippi
Filippo Lippi 1452 17.89
The Crucifixion painting by Fra Angelico (Guido di Pietro), Metropolitan Museum of Art 14.40.628
Fra Angelico 1440 14.40.628
The Crucifixion painting by Fra Angelico (Guido di Pietro) (MET, 43.98.5)
Fra Angelico 140s 43.98.5
A Bishop Saint painting by Fra Angelico (Guido di Pietro)
Fra Angelico 1425 1991.27.2
Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist painting by Fra Bartolomeo
Fra Bartolomeo 1497 06.171
The Birth of the Virgin painting by Fra Carnevale (Bartolomeo di Giovanni Corradini)
Fra Carnevale 1467 35.121
Saint Sebastian painting by Francesco Botticini
Francesco Botticini 140s 48.78
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints and Angels painting by Francesco Botticini (Francesco di Giovanni)
Francesco Botticini 14th century 61.235
Madonna and Child painting by Francesco Francia
Francesco Francia 140s 1982.448
Madonna and Child with Six Saints painting by Pesellino (Francesco di Stefano)
Francesco Pesellino 1450 50.145.30
The Nativity painting by Francesco di Giorgio Martini
Francesco di Giorgio 1470 41.100.2
Goddess of Chaste Love painting by Francesco di Giorgio Martini
Francesco di Giorgio 14th century 20.182
Saint Bernardino Preaching from a Pulpit painting by Francesco di Giorgio Martini
Francesco di Giorgio 1470 1975.1.2474
Design for a Wall Monument painting by Francesco di Giorgio Martini
Francesco di Giorgio 140s 1975.1.376
Sermon of Saint Albertus Magnus painting by Friedrich Walther
Friedrich Walther 1430 64.215
Madonna and Child with Angels painting by Gentile da Fabriano
Gentile da Fabriano 1410 30.95.262
The Nativity painting by Gerard David, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Gerard David 140s 32.100.40a
Saint John the Baptist; Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata painting (two wings of a triptych) by Gerard David
Gerard David 140s 32.100.40bc
The Crucifixion painting by Gerard David, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Gerard David 1495 09.157
Holy Face painting by Gerard David
Gerard David 140s 1975.1.2486
God the Father painting by Ambrogio Bevilacqua
Giovanni Ambrogio Bevilacqua 14th millenium 41.190.40b
Madonna and Child painting by Giovanni Bellini (MET, 08.183.1)
Giovanni Bellini 140s 08.183.1
Madonna Adoring the Sleeping Child painting by Giovanni Bellini, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Giovanni Bellini 1455 30.95.256
Madonna and Child with Saints painting by Giovanni Bellini, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Giovanni Bellini 14th millenium 49.7.1
Lehman Madonna painting by Giovanni Bellini (MET, 1975.1.81)
Giovanni Bellini 1470 1975.1.81
Classical design painting by Giovanni da Udine (Giovanni dei Ricamatori)
Giovanni da Udine 14th millenium 80.3.683
Classical design painting by Giovanni da Udine (Giovanni dei Ricamatori) (MET 80.3.682)
Giovanni da Udine 14th millenium 80.3.682
Saints Matthew and Francis painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1435 88.3.111
Paradise painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1445 06.1046
Saint Catherine of Siena Exchanging Her Heart with Christ painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 1997.117.3
The Miraculous Communion of Saint Catherine of Siena painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 32.100.95
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia), Metropolitan Museum of Art
Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1997.117.2
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1435 41.100.4
Madonna and Child with Two Angels and a Donor painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1445 41.190.16
Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara, Agatha, and Margaret painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1470 32.100.83a–d
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1982.60.4
Madonna and Child with Saints painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1454 32.100.76
The Blessed Andrea Gallerani (died 1251) painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 1975.1.55
The Blessed Ambrogio Sansedoni (1220–1286) painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 1975.1.56
The Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1445 1975.1.31
Saint Catherine of Siena Beseeching Christ to Resuscitate Her Mother painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 1975.1.33
Saint Catherine of Siena Receiving the Stigmata painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 1975.1.34
The Annunciation to Zacharias; (verso) The Angel of the Annunciation painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 140s 1975.1.37
Coronation of the Virgin painting by Giovanni di Paolo
Giovanni di Paolo 140s 1975.1.38
Saint Ambrose painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 14th century 1975.1.30
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Agnes painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1465 1975.1.32
The Exultation of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1450 1975.1.35
Saint John the Evangelist Raises Drusiana painting by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1975.1.36
The Triumph of Fame painting by Giovanni di ser Giovanni Guidi
Giovanni di ser Giovanni Guidi 1448 1995.7
Descent from the Cross painting by Girolamo da Cremona
Girolamo da Cremona 140s 49.7.8
Luohan painting by Guanxiu
Guan Xiu 14th century 13.220.104
The Legend of Cloelia painting by Guidoccio di Giovanni Cozzarelli
Guidoccio Cozzarelli 1480 11.126.2
Portrait of Maria Portinari painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling 1470 14.40.627
Tommaso di Folco Portinari (1428–1501); Maria Portinari (Maria Maddalena Baroncelli, born 1456) Wings of a triptych: 2x donor portrait on either side of (lost) central devotional piece (possible a Madonna & Child) by Hans Memling
Hans Memling 1470 14.40.626–27
Annunciation painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling 140s 1975.1.113
Portrait of an old man painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling 1475 14.40.648
Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Barbara painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling 1479 14.40.634
The Annunciation painting by Hans Memling in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, ca. 1465-1470
Hans Memling 140s 17.190.7
Young Woman with a Pink painting attributed to Hans Memling
Hans Memling 14th century 49.7.23
Virgin and Child 1470s painting by Hans Memling now in MET
Hans Memling 140s 32.100.59
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Hans Memling, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Hans Memling 1475 1975.1.112
Portrait of Tommaso di Folco Portinari painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling 1470 14.40.626
Portrait of a young woman painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling 140s
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Hieronymus Bosch in the Metropolitan Museum
Hieronymus Bosch 1475 13.26
Portrait of a Man painting by Hugo van der Goes
Hugo van der Goes 1480 29.100.15
Inscription on the anonymous painting of Chen Puxie painting by Ikkyū Sōjun 一休宗純
Ikkyū 14th century 2021.398.10
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Jacometto (Jacometto Veneziano)
Jacometto Veneziano 140s 49.7.3
Portrait of a Woman, Possibly a Nun of San Secondo; (verso) Scene in Grisaille painting by Jacometto (Jacometto Veneziano)
Jacometto Veneziano 14th century 1975.1.85
Portrait of Alvise Contarini(?); (verso) A Tethered Roebuck painting by Jacometto (Jacometto Veneziano)
Jacometto Veneziano 14th century 1975.1.86
Madonna and Child painting by Jacopo Bellini in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Jacopo Bellini 140s 59.187
The Nativity painting by Jacopo del Sellaio
Jacopo da Sellaio 140s 41.100.10
Virgin and Child painting by Jan Provost
Jan Provoost 1495 1976.201.17
Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych diptych attributed to Jan van Eyck
Jan van Eyck 140s 33.92ab
Margaret of Austria painting by Jean Hey (called Master of Moulins)
Jean Hey 1490 1975.1.130
Christ Appearing to His Mother painting by Juan de Flandes, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Juan de Flandes 1496 22.60.58
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Justus of Ghent (Joos van Wassenhove)
Justus van Gent 1465 41.190.21
Landscape painting by Kano Motonobu (MET 14.76.13)
Kanō Motonobu 14th century 14.76.13
Hotei, flanked by panels of birds painting by Kenkō Shokei
Kenkō Shōkei 14th century 53.194.3
Bird painting by Kenkō Shokei (MET 53.194.2)
Kenkō Shōkei 14th century 53.194.2
Landscape with Pavilion painting by Kenkō Shōkei
Kenkō Shōkei 14th century 1985.7
The Chess Players painting by Liberale da Verona
Liberale da Verona 1475 43.98.8
Scene from a Novella painting by Liberale da Verona
Liberale da Verona 1475 1986.147
Chess player's novella pair of paintings by Liberale da Verona in The Met collection
Liberale da Verona 1475
Birds Amidst Blossoming Plum and Bamboo painting by Lin Liang
Lin Liang 14th century 2002.296
Two hawks in a thicket painting by Lin Liang
Lin Liang 14th century 1993.385
The Daoist Immortal Han Xiangzi painting by Liu Jun
Liu Jun 14th millenium 2016.238
Remonstrating with the emperor painting by Liu Jun
Liu Jun 14th millenium 2005.494.3
David painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.4
Abraham painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.1
Noah painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.2
Moses painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.3
The Nativity painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
Lorenzo Monaco 140s 1975.1.66
The Crucified Christ between the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
Lorenzo Monaco 1406 1975.1.67
Last Judgment in an Initial C painting by Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni)
Lorenzo Monaco 1406 1975.1.2485
Madonna Adoring the Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and an Angel painting by Lorenzo di Credi (Lorenzo d'Andrea d'Oderigo)
Lorenzo di Credi 140s 09.197
Portrait of a Young Woman painting by Lorenzo di Credi (Lorenzo d'Andrea d'Oderigo)
Lorenzo di Credi 140s 43.86.5
The Assumption of the Virgin with Saints Michael and Benedict painting by Luca Signorelli
Luca Signorelli 1493 29.164
Christ before Pilate; The Resurrection painting by Ludwig Schongauer
Ludwig Schongauer 14th century 1982.60.34ab
Autumn Landscape with Herons and Ducks painting by Lü Ji
Lü Ji 14th century 1980.414
Mandarin ducks and cotton rose hibiscus painting by Lü Ji
Lü Ji 14th century 2005.494.2
Girl with Cherries painting by attributed to Marco d'Oggiono, formerly Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis
Marco d'Oggiono 1491 91.26.5
The Story of Esther painting by Marco del Buono Giamberti
Marco del Buono 14th century 18.117.2
Saint Anthony Abbot (with Saint John the Baptist) painting by Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio
Martino di Bartolomeo 14th millenium 30.95.265
Saint Julian the Hospitaler (with Saint Nicholas of Bari) painting by Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio
Martino di Bartolomeo 14th millenium 30.95.266
Saint James the Greater (with the Virgin of the Annunciation) painting by Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio
Martino di Bartolomeo 14th millenium 30.95.264
Saint Stephen (with the Angel of the Annunciation) painting by Martino di Bartolommeo di Biagio
Martino di Bartolomeo 14th millenium 30.95.263
Madonna and Child with the Donor, Pietro de' Lardi, Presented by Saint Nicholas painting by Master G.Z.
Master G.Z. 1420 65.181.5
A Contest between the Shepherds Alcesto and Acaten painting by Master of 1416
Master of 1416 1410 26.287.1
Ameto's Discovery of the Nymphs painting by Master of 1416
Master of 1416 1410 26.287.2
Saint Michael painting by Master of Belmonte
Master of Belmonte 1450 55.120.2
Scenes from a Legend; Coats of Arms painting by Master of Charles of Durazzo
Master of Charles of Durazzo 14th century 32.75.2a–c
Retable painting by Master of Cubélls
Master of Cubélls 14th century
15th century
Saint Adalbert and Saint Procopius painting by Master of Eggenburg
Master of Eggenburg 1490 44.147.1
The Burial of Saint Wenceslas painting by Master of Eggenburg
Master of Eggenburg 1490 44.147.2
The Flagellation painting by Master of Forlì
Master of Forlì 14th century 1975.1.79
The Entombment painting by Master of Forlì
Master of Forlì 14th century 1975.1.80
Virgin and Child painting by Master of Guillaume Lambert
Master of Guillaume Lambert 1485 1975.1.2466
Madonna and Child Enthroned painting by Master of Monte Oliveto
Master of Monte Oliveto 14th century 18.117.1
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence; (reverse) Giving Drink to the Thirsty painting by Master of the Acts of Mercy
Master of the Acts of Mercy 14th century 1981.365.1
The Flagellation painting by Master of the Berswordt Altar
Master of the Berswordt Altar 1400 2001.216.2
The Crucifixion painting by Master of the Berswordt Altar
Master of the Berswordt Altar 1400 43.161
Virgin and Child painting by Master of the Saint Ursula Legend
Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula 14th century 17.190.16
De Heilige Paulus met Paolo Pagagnotti painting by Meester van de (Brugse) Legende van de Heilige Ursula Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula 140s
Christ's appearance to Mary painting by Meester van de (Brugse) Legende van de Heilige Ursula Master of the Bruges Legend of St. Ursula 140s
The Madonna with the Child and Saints Mary Magdalene and Dorothy painting by Meester van de Brunswijkse Diptiek Master of the Brunswick Diptych 14th century
Burg Weiler Altar Triptych painting by Master of the Burg Weiler Altarpiece
Master of the Burg Weiler Altarpiece 1470 53.21
Saint Paul with Paolo Pagagnotti; Christ Appearing to His Mother painting by Master of the Saint Ursula Legend
Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 140s 32.100.63ab
Virgin and Child with Saint Anne Presenting Anna van Nieuwenhove painting by Master of the Saint Ursula Legend
Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 14th century 1975.1.114
Man of Sorrows painting by Lautenbach Master
Master of the Lautenbach Altar 1480 1998.215.1
The Mater Dolorosa painting by Lautenbach Master
Master of the Lautenbach Altar 1480 1998.215.2
Saint Michael; The Mass of Saint Gregory; Saint Jerome painting by Master of the Saint Catherine Legend
Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine 140s 21.134.3a–c
Scenes from the Life of Saint Augustine of Hippo painting by Master of Saint Augustine
Master of the Legend of St. Augustine 1490 61.199
Virgin and Child with a Donor Presented by Saint Jerome painting by Master of the Munich Bavarian Panels
Master of the Munich Marian Panels
No/unknown value
1450 1975.1.133
Portrait of a Woman painting by Master of the Castello Nativity
Master of the Nativity of Castello 140s 49.7.6
Saint Anthony Abbot Tempted by a Heap of Gold painting by the Master of the Osservanza Triptych
Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1435 1975.1.27
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Cherubim painting by Osservanza Master
Master of the Osservanza Triptych 14th century 1975.1.41
All Saints in an Initial E or O painting by Osservanza Master
Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1430 1975.1.2484
Madonna and Child painting by Master of the Osservanza Triptych
Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1460
Young Man Holding a Book painting by Master of the View of Sainte Gudule
Master of the View of Saint Gudula 1480 50.145.27
De HH. Elizabeth van Hongarije, Catharina van Alexandrië en Dorothea painting by Meester van Sint Goedele
Master of the View of Saint Gudula 14th century
Abner's Messenger before David (?); The Queen of Sheba Bringing Gifts to Solomon; (The Annunciation, on the reverse) painting by Master of the Saint Barbara Legend
Master of the legend of St. Barbara 1480 32.100.56a–d
Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Catherine of Siena painting by Matteo di Giovanni di Bartolo
Matteo di Giovanni 1479 1975.1.52
The Man of Sorrows painting by Michele Giambono (Michele Giovanni Bono)
Michele Giambono 1430 06.180
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist painting by Michele da Verona (Michele di Zenone)
Michele da Verona 140s 27.41
The Marriage of the Virgin painting by Michelino da Besozzo
Michelino Molinari da Besozzo 140s 43.98.7
Saint Giles with Christ Triumphant over Satan and the Mission of the Apostles painting by Miguel Alcañiz (or Miquel Alcanyís)
Miguel Alcañiz the Elder 1408 76.10
The Crucifixion leaf from a missal (Southern Netherlandish,) by Monogrammist IM (MET, 1975.1.2475)
Monogrammist IM 1480 1975.1.2475
The Archangel Raphael and Tobias painting by Neri di Bicci
Neri di Bicci 140s 1975.1.71
The Archangel Raphael and Tobias painting by Neri di Bicci (MET, 1975.1.72)
Neri di Bicci 14th century 1975.1.72
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalen painting by Neroccio de' Landi
Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi 1490 61.43
Saint Anne and the Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels painting by Niccolò Alunno (Niccolò di Liberatore)
Niccolò di Liberatore 1458 1975.1.107
Saint Ursula and Her Maidens painting by Niccolò di Pietro
Niccolò di Pietro 1410 23.64
St Ursula painting by Nicolò di Pietro
Niccolò di Pietro 1410
Scenes from the Life of King Nebuchadnezzar painting by Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona
Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona 14th millenium 08.133
Madonna and Child Enthroned painting by Nicola di Maestro Antonio, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona 1475 1975.1.83
Christ Bearing the Cross painting by Nicolaos Tzafouris
Nikolaos Tzafouris 14th century 29.158.746
Fragmentary Scene of Foreigners, Tomb of Senenmut Facsimile, Senenmut (TT 71), foreigners, Keftiu by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.49)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.49
Painted Restoration of the Hathor-Head Frieze in the Tomb of Senenmut Facsimile, restoration, Hathor frieze, Senenmut (TT 71) by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 37.4.1)
Nina M. Davies 1479 37.4.1
Two Fragments of Ceiling Patterns, Tomb of Senenmut Facsimile, ceiling patterns, Senenmut (TT 71) by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 31.6.37)
Nina M. Davies 1479 31.6.37
Ibex, Tomb of Amenhotep Facsimile, Amenhotep (TT 73), ibex by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.51)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.51
Foreigners, Tomb of Menkheperraseneb Facsimile, Menkheperraseneb (TT 86), Asian, Keftiu by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.55)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.55
Men from Punt Carrying Gifts, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), Puntites by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.152)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.152
Aegean Islanders in the Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), Aegean Islanders by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.1)
Nina M. Davies 1479 33.8.1
Cretans Bringing Gifts, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), foreigners, Keftiu by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.84)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.84
Gifts from the Keftiu, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), offerings, Keftiu by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.85)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.85
Hounds from Nubia, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), hounds by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.82)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.82
Facsimile painting from the tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), Nubians, baboon, leopard by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.81)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.81
Gathering Honey, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), beekeeping by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.88)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.88
Provisions Stored in the Temple, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), provisions magazine by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.86)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.86
Provisions from Nubia Stored in the Temple, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), provisions, Nubia by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.87)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.87
Man Making Leather Rope, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), rope making by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.2)
Nina M. Davies 1479 33.8.2
Sandal Maker, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), leather work, sandals by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.3)
Nina M. Davies 1479 33.8.3
Carpenter Making a Chair, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), carpenter, bow drill by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 31.6.29)
Nina M. Davies 1479 31.6.29
Casting Metal, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), metal casting by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.5)
Nina M. Davies 1479 33.8.5
Brickmakers Getting Water from a Pool, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), pool by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.89)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.89
Brickmakers, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), brickmaking by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.77)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.77
Sculptors at Work, Tomb of Rekhmire Facsimile, Rekhmire (TT 100), sculptors by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.90)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.90
Ceiling Pattern, Tomb of Qenamun Facsimile, Qenamun (TT 162), ceiling (enhanced) by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.98)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.98
Menna and Family Hunting in the Marshes, Tomb of Menna Facsimile, Menna (TT 69), marsh hunting by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.48)
Nina M. Davies 1400 30.4.48
Ibex and Dog from the Tomb of Qenamun Facsimile, Qenamun (TT 93), hunting by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.59)
Nina M. Davies 1427 30.4.59
Barbering, Tomb of Userhat Facsimile, Userhat (TT 56), barber by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.40)
Nina M. Davies 1427 30.4.40
Wood and Leather Craftsmen, Tomb of Hapu Facsimile, Hapu (TT 66), craftsmen, wood, leather by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.150)
Nina M. Davies 1400 30.4.150
Military Musicians Showing Nubian and Egyptian Styles Facsimile, Tjeneny (TT 74), Nubian soldiers by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 31.6.3)
Nina M. Davies 1400 31.6.3
Menna's Daughter Offering to her Parents, Tomb of Menna Facsimile, Menna (TT 69), woman offering by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.46)
Nina M. Davies 1400 30.4.46
Man Confronting a Hyena, Tomb of Amenemhab Facsimile, Amenemhab (TT 85), hyena by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.54)
Nina M. Davies 1479 30.4.54
Masons Squaring a Block, Tomb of Rekhmire Restored copy, Rekhmire (TT 100) by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 31.6.23)
Nina M. Davies 1479 31.6.23
Masons Squaring a Block, Tomb of Rekhmire Restored copy, Rekhmire (TT 100) by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 31.6.19)
Nina M. Davies 1479 31.6.19
Osiris and the Four Sons of Horus Facsimile, Nebamun (TT 181), Ipuky, Osiris, Fours Sons of Horus by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.157)
Nina M. Davies 1400 30.4.157
The Crucifixion painting by Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono)
Paolo Uccello 140s 1997.117.9
A Goldsmith in His Shop painting by Petrus Christus, possibly Saint Eligius
Petrus Christus 1449 1975.1.110
The Annunciation painting attributed to Petrus Christus, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Petrus Christus 1450 32.100.35
Head of Christ painting by Petrus Christus
Petrus Christus 1445 60.71.1
Portrait of a Carthusian painting by Petrus Christus
Petrus Christus 1446 49.7.19
The Lamentation painting by Petrus Christus
Petrus Christus 1450 91.26.12
Portrait of a Woman painting by Piero del Pollaiuolo (Piero di Jacopo Benci) in the Metropolitan Museum
Piero del Pollaiuolo
Antonio Pollaiuolo
140s 50.135.3
The Young Saint John the Baptist painting by Piero di Cosimo (Piero di Lorenzo di Piero d'Antonio), Metropolitan Museum of Artbearbeiten
Piero di Cosimo
Antonio del Pollaiuolo
1480 22.60.52
Saint John the Baptist; Saint Lucy painting by Perugino (Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci)
Pietro Perugino 14th millenium 1981.293.1–2
Madonna and Child with Angels painting by Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano
Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano 1420 07.201
Processional Crucifix painting by Pietro di Francesco Orioli
Pietro di Francesco degli Orioli 1480 22.60.61
Saint Michael painting by Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio
Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio 140s 1975.1.28A
Saint Nicholas of Bari painting by Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio
Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio 140s 1975.1.28B
Madonna and Child with Saints painting by Priamo della Quercia (Priamo del Pietro)
Priamo della Quercia 1442 41.100.35–37
Portrait of Francesco d'Este painting by Rogier van der Weyden
Rogier van der Weyden 1460 32.100.43
The Annunciation painting by Sandro Botticelli in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sandro Botticelli 14th century 1975.1.74
The Last Communion of Saint Jerome painting by Sandro Botticelli
Sandro Botticelli 1495 14.40.642
Madonna and Child; Saint John the Baptist; Saint Jerome painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1450 64.189.4
The Burial of Saint Martha painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1460 65.181.7
The Massacre of the Innocents painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1470 58.189.1
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1470 58.189.2
Madonna and Child with the Dead Christ, Saints Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria, and Two Angels painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1470 1987.290.2ab
The Birth and Naming of Saint John the Baptist painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 14th century 1975.1.44
Saint Francis painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 140s 1975.1.50
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome, Bernardino, John the Baptist, and Anthony of Padua and Two Angels painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1469 1975.1.42
Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Jerome, Peter Martyr, and Bernardino and Four Angels painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1425 1975.1.43
Saint Bernardino painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 14th century 1975.1.46
Madonna and Child painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1450 1975.1.51
Madonna and Child painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio) (MET, 1975.1.40)
Sano di Pietro 14th century 1975.1.40
Martyrdom of Saint Agatha in an Initial D painting by Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio)
Sano di Pietro 1470 1975.1.2488
Jungfrau mit Kind, Heiligen und zwei Engeln painting by Sano di Pietro
Sano di Pietro
Heron and Willow painting by Sesshū Tōyō
Sesshū Tōyō 14th millenium 14.76.11
Bird and Bamboo painting by Sesshū Tōyō
Sesshū Tōyō 14th millenium 14.76.8
Landscape with Sailboats painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 14th millenium 69.131.12
Landscape with Man Crossing Bridge painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 14th millenium 69.131.11
Landscape with Pavilion and Willows painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 14th millenium 69.131.10
Landscape with Autumn Foliage painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 14th millenium 69.131.9
Marsh Scene with Birds painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 14th millenium 47.18.7
Anchorage on a Rainy Night painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 1477 2017.327.1
Flowers of the Four Seasons painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 14th millenium 1982.205
Autumn Colors among Streams and Mountains painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 14th millenium 1979.75.1
Silent Angler in an Autumn Wood painting by Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou 1475 1989.363.46
Fenggan, Hanshan, and Shide painting by Reisai
Shibata Zeshin 14th century 2015.300.46a, b
The Lamentation of Christ painting by Simon Marmion
Simon Marmion 1467 1975.1.128
The Holy Virgins Greeted by Christ as They Enter the Gates of Paradise painting by Simon Marmion
Simon Marmion 1467 1975.1.2477
The Crucifixion painting by Stefano da Verona (Stefano di Giovanni d'Arbosio di Francia)
Stefano da Verona 1400 2018.87
Madonna and Child with Angels painting by Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni)
Stefano di Giovanni 1445 41.100.20
The Journey of the Magi painting by Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni)
Stefano di Giovanni 1434 43.98.1
The Annunciation painting by Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni)
Stefano di Giovanni 1435 1975.1.26
Christ and the Twelve Apostles painting by Taddeo di Bartolo
Taddeo di Bartolo 1400 1991.27.1
Landscapes painting by Tang Yin
Tang Yin 14th millenium 1980.81
Gazing at a Waterfall painting by Tang Yin
Tang Yin 14th millenium 1982.7.2
Drunken Fisherman by a Reed Bank painting by Tang Yin
Tang Yin 14th millenium 1989.363.55
Ink Bamboo painting by Tang Yin
Tang Yin 14th millenium 1989.363.54
Landscape for Zhao Yipeng painting by Tang Yin
Tang Yin 14th millenium 67.6.1
Beauty Sleeping on a Banana Leaf painting by Tang Yin
Tang Yin 14th millenium 47.18.129
Landscape painting by Shubun (MET 53.123.1)
Tenshō Shūbun 14th century 53.123.1
Madonna and Child painting by Vincenzo Foppa
Vincenzo Foppa 1480 30.95.293
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels and a Donor painting by Vittore Crivelli
Vittore Crivelli 1481 41.100.32
Madonna and Child with Two Angels painting by Vittore Crivelli
Vittore Crivelli 1481 1982.60.6
Joys of the Fisherman painting by Wang Fu
Wang Fu 1410 1982.2.3
The Daming Palace painting by Wang Zhenpeng
Wang Zhenpeng 14th century 1989.363.37
Summer Retreat in the Eastern Grove painting by Wen Zhengming
Wen Zhengming 14th millenium 1989.363.60
Bamboo in Wind painting by Xia Chang
Xia Chang 1460 1989.235.1
Elegant Gathering in the Apricot Garden painting by Xie Huan
Xie Huan 1437 1989.141.3
The Pure Whiteness of Winter painting by Xu Jing
Xu Jing 1441 1982.1.5
Drinking and Composing Poetry painting by Yao Shou
Yao Shou 1485 1989.363.44
Carp and Waterweeds painting by Yōgetsu
Yōgetsu 14th century 2015.300.60
The Nativity painting by Attributed to Zanobi Strozzi
Zanobi Strozzi 1433 1983.490
The Nativity painting by Zanobi Strozzi
Zanobi Strozzi 14th century 24.22
King David in Prayer in an Initial B painting by Zanobi Strozzi
Zanobi Strozzi 140s 1975.1.2470
Thousand Word Classic painting by Zhang Bi
Zhang Bi 1478 1978.5
Spring Breeze of Myriad Pasts painting by Zhang You
Zhang You 14th century 1981.285.11
Scholar looking at a waterfall painting by Zhong Li
Zhong Li 14th century 1991.438.4
Rustic Retreat among Fishermen painting by Zhou Wenjing
Zhou Wenjing 14th millenium 1981.285.10
End of automatically generated list.