Wikidata:WikiProject BHL/Statistics:Titles/periodicals incoming stmts

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Periodicals -- incoming statements

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?prop ?propLink ?item_count ?from_count WHERE { { SELECT ?prop (COUNT(DISTINCT ?item) AS ?item_count) (COUNT(DISTINCT ?from) AS ?from_count) WHERE { hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" . ?item wdt:P4327 [] . ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1002697 . ?from ?p ?item . ?prop wikibase:directClaim ?p . } GROUP BY ?prop } ?prop rdfs:label ?prop_label . FILTER(lang(?prop_label) = 'en') . BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?prop), 'P') AS ?propno) . BIND(CONCAT('[[:d:Property:P', ?propno, '|', STR(?prop_label), ']]') AS ?propLink) . BIND(IRI(CONCAT('' , ?propno)) AS ?item) . # dummy } ORDER BY DESC (?item_count) DESC (?from_count) ?prop
Property from items
published in 1796692 1016
replaces 760 752
replaced by 645 624
cites work 21444 440
main subject 193 103
different from 90 86
follows 74 69
described by source 111 55
part of 151 46
followed by 43 45
employer 80 28
part of the series 73 28
notable work 32 26
house publication 26 26
has part(s) 13 24
contributed to creative work 2307 22
edition or translation of 31 17
Wikidata property example 22 12
category's main topic 12 12
has edition or translation 10 12
has written for 21 11
said to be the same as 9 9
member of 9 8
publisher 12 7
supplement to 7 7
merged into 5 4
based on 4 4
conferred by 4 3
editor 3 3
category combines topics 3 3
Wikidata item of this property 2 2
owner of 2 2
review of 2 2
applicable 'stated in' value 2 2
signatory 1 2
indexed in bibliographic review 7 1
affiliation 5 1
has subsidiary 2 1
operator 1 1
manufacturer 1 1
winner 1 1
present in work 1 1
used by 1 1
first appearance 1 1
archives at 1 1
has works in the collection 1 1
first attested from 1 1
influenced by 1 1
distributed by 1 1
contributor to the creative work or subject 1 1
separated from 1 1
sponsor 1 1
translation of 1 1
End of automatically generated list.