Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Location/Spain/Missing inventory number

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This is an overview of Paintings without inventory number in Spain you can help by adding the missing inventory numbers. This is part of Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Missing inventory number.

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P195 ?collection . ?collection wdt:P17 wd:Q29 MINUS { ?item wdt:P217 [] } . }

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata painting by El Greco (Lazaro Galdiano) El Greco No/unknown value
Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Paradise and Hell left and right panels of diptych by Hieronymus Bosch based on The Haywain Triptych
Hieronymus Bosch No/unknown value
Museo del Prado


label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Bleeding Roses painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Abanca

Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La abadesa María Ana de Austria
Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas

Abelló Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Victims of the party painting by Darío de Regoyos
Darío de Regoyos Abelló Museum
The gypsy woman watercolor by Isidre Nonell
Isidre Nonell Abelló Museum
Arlequí Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Pigalle, París painting by Joan Abelló Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Cadaqués (Joan Abelló i Prat) painting by Joan Abelló Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Oració a l'hort painting by Joan Abelló Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Carrer de la Gavineta Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Retrat de C. Pellicer Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
La Margarita Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Dona nua a la platja Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Homenatge a James Bond Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Tríptic de la Pedra Filosofal Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Mascarada Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Valldeoriolf. Camps Vermells Joan Abelló Abelló Museum
Sense títol painting by Joan Brotat Joan Brotat Abelló Museum
El retrat del meu fill Jordi painting by Joan Rebull Torroja Joan Rebull Torroja Abelló Museum
Coves de Mallorca painting by Joaquin Mir Trinxet
Joaquin Mir Trinxet Abelló Museum
Face of Man painting by Josep Maria de Sucre de Grau Josep Maria de Sucre de Grau Abelló Museum
Black Venus, White Venus painting by Josep Mompou i Dencausse Josep Mompou i Dencausse Abelló Museum
Figures painting by Josep Mompou i Dencausse Josep Mompou i Dencausse Abelló Museum
Totote painting by Manolo
Manolo Hugué Abelló Museum
Landscape with Cows painting by Manuel Cano de Castro Manuel Castro Gil Abelló Museum
The Bad Life painting by Marià Pidelaserra Marià Pidelaserra Brias Abelló Museum
Girl Vacationing painting by Marià Pidelaserra
Marià Pidelaserra Brias Abelló Museum
Landscape of Cap de Creus painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Abelló Museum

Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Warriors at the cardinal points painting by Antoni Clavé
Antoni Clavé Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport
Vista of Toledo painting by Javier Clavo
Javier Clavo Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport

Afundación art collection

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Paisaxe de outono painting by Serafín Avendaño
Serafín Avendaño Afundación art collection

Albacete Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Don Antonio Cano Ramírez de Arellano
Albacete Museum

Alma Mater Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Archbishop Joaquin Company painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Alma Mater Museum

Almudena Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Nuestra Señora de la Flor de Lis painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Almudena Cathedral

Antiguo Hospital de Nuestra Señora del Carmen

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
St Francis's Vision of the Flaming Torch painting by El Greco
El Greco Antiguo Hospital de Nuestra Señora del Carmen

Army Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La Batalla de Castellfullit painting by Víctor Morelli Sánchez-Gil
Víctor Morelli Sánchez-Gil Army Museum

Astorga Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retablo de San Miguel (catedral de Astorga) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Astorga Cathedral
Retablo de Santa Teresa de Jesús (catedral de Astorga) painting by Juan de Peñalosa y Sandoval
Juan de Peñalosa y Sandoval Astorga Cathedral
Retablo de la Virgen de la Majestad (catedral de Astorga) painting by Juan de Peñalosa y Sandoval
Juan de Peñalosa y Sandoval Astorga Cathedral

Athletic Club

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Idilio en los campos de sport painting by Aurelio Arteta Errasti
Aurelio Arteta Errasti Athletic Club

Ayuntamiento de Fregenal de la Sierra

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Impresión painting by Guillermo Silveira
Guillermo Silveira Ayuntamiento de Fregenal de la Sierra

Bank of Spain

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Miguel de Múzquiz y Goyeneche painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Bank of Spain

Bank of Spain headquarters

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Pedro de Alcántara Téllez-Girón, XI duque de Osuna painting by Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz Bank of Spain headquarters
Portrait of José Moñino, 1st Count of Floridablanca (1728-1808) painting by Francisco Folch de Cardona
Francisco Folch de Cardona Bank of Spain headquarters
Portrait of Vicente Joaquín Osorio de Moscoso painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Bank of Spain headquarters
Portrait of Francisco Cabarrús painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Bank of Spain headquarters
Charles III of Spain painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Bank of Spain headquarters
Miguel Fernández Durán, marquis of Tolosa painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Bank of Spain headquarters
Portrait of José de Toro y Zambrano painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Bank of Spain headquarters
Portrait of Francisco Javier de Larrumbe painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Bank of Spain headquarters
Portrait of José Echegaray
Joaquín Sorolla Bank of Spain headquarters
Escaping Criticism painting by Pere Borrell del Caso
Pere Borrell del Caso Bank of Spain headquarters
Juan Bautista Trúpita painting by Rafael Benjumea
Rafael Benjumea Bank of Spain headquarters

Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Adoration of the Name of God fresco painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar

Basílica de Santa Maria de Mataró

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Martiri de Sant Esteve painting by Antoni Viladomat Y Manalt
Antoni Viladomat i Manalt Basílica de Santa Maria de Mataró

Basílica de la Asunción de Nuestra Señora de Lequeitio

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Escape to Egypt painting by Willem van Herp
Willem van Herp Basílica de la Asunción de Nuestra Señora de Lequeitio

Biblioteca Armand Cardona Torrandell

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Imaginary Portrait 2 painting by Armand Cardona Torrandell
Armand Cardona Torrandell Biblioteca Armand Cardona Torrandell

Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Flamenco painting by Felip Masó i de Falp
Felip Masó de Falp Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Portrait of Maria Luisa de Parma painting by Francisco de Goya Francisco Goya Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Paisatge amb pont painting by Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa
Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Paisatge painting by Iu Pascual Rodés
Iu Pascual Rodés Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
The death of Pedro Velarde y Santillán during the defence of the Monteleon Artillery Barracks. painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Una Mestiza painting by Juan Luna
Juan Luna Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Retrat de Victòria González Somón painting by Ricard Canals
Ricard Canals Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer

Biblioteca Nacional de España

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Elisabeth Farnese (1692-1766) with a picture of her husband painting by Miguel Jacinto Meléndez
Miguel Jacinto Meléndez Biblioteca Nacional de España
Felipe de Borbón y Farnesio, infante de España y duque de Parma painting by Miguel Jacinto Meléndez
Miguel Jacinto Meléndez Biblioteca Nacional de España
Maria Anna von Spanien (1718–1781) painting by Miguel Jacinto Meléndez
Miguel Jacinto Meléndez Biblioteca Nacional de España

Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The lamentation over the dead Christ painting follower of Gerard David No/unknown value Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Assumption of Mary painting by Antonio Palomino
Antonio Palomino Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
St. Francis receiving the Stigmata (head and shoulders) painting (fragment) by El Greco (Laureano Jado, Bilbao) El Greco Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
The Agony in the Garden painting by El Greco (Félix Valdés Izaguirre)
El Greco Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
The rowers Painting by Manuel Losada Manuel Losada Pérez de Nenin Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Le Vœu de Sainte-Anne d'Auray
William-Adolphe Bouguereau Bilbao Fine Arts Museum

Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Bank

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Pharisees bring a woman accused of adultery before Christ (John 8:2-11) painting by Anthony van Dyck (BBVA)
Anthony van Dyck Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Bank

Burgos Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Ecce Homo painting by Alonso de Sedano
Alonso de Sedano Burgos Cathedral
The Resurrection painting by Ambrosius Benson
Ambrosius Benson Burgos Cathedral

Caixa Sabadell

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
L'Onze de Setembre de 1714 painting by Antoni Estruch i Bros Antoni Estruch i Bros Caixa Sabadell

Caja Duero

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
El sermón de la capilla Sixtina 1866 painting by Vicente Palmaroli depicting a religous genre scene
Vicente Palmaroli Caja Duero

Caja General de Ahorros de Canarias

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Vividoras del amor painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Caja General de Ahorros de Canarias

Calasanctian Museum of the Piarist Fathers

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ on the Mount of Olives painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Calasanctian Museum of the Piarist Fathers

Capilla Mayor del Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Ildefonso painting by El Greco in Illescas
El Greco Capilla Mayor del Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas

Capilla de la Cuadra de San Isidro

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
portrait of Diego de Vargas (1643-1704) in Capilla de la Cuadra de San Isidro, Madrid painting in custody of Real Muy Ilustre y Primitiva Congregación de san Isidro de Naturales de Madrid Julio Barrera Capilla de la Cuadra de San Isidro

Carmen Thyssen Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Landscape near Hernani painting by Darío de Regoyos
Darío de Regoyos Carmen Thyssen Museum
Die Puerto del Sol in Madrid painting by Enrique Martínez Cubells Enrique Martínez Cubells Carmen Thyssen Museum
Bretonische Frau painting by Enrique Martínez Cubells Enrique Martínez Cubells Carmen Thyssen Museum
Resting Farmworkers painting by Gonzalo Bilbao Martínez
Gonzalo Bilbao Martínez Carmen Thyssen Museum
Port painting by Guillermo Gómez Gil
Guillermo Gómez Gil Carmen Thyssen Museum
Baile Gitano painting by Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa
Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa Carmen Thyssen Museum
Courtship before the gate painting by José Moreno Carbonero
José Moreno Carbonero Carmen Thyssen Museum
Ca d'Oro painting by José Moreno Carbonero
José Moreno Carbonero Carmen Thyssen Museum
Valencianos painting by Julio Vila y Prades
Julio Vila y Prades Carmen Thyssen Museum
Maja with Lapdog painting by Eugenio Lucas Velázquez
Lucas Velázquez Carmen Thyssen Museum
At the Torrijos Pilgrimage painting by Manuel Cabral Aguado Bejarano
Manuel Cabral y Aguado Bejarano Carmen Thyssen Museum
Ronda. painting by Manuel García y Rodríguez
Manuel García y Rodríguez Carmen Thyssen Museum
Bullfight. Wounded Picador painting by Marià Fortuny Marsal
Marià Fortuny Marsal Carmen Thyssen Museum
Coming out of Church painting by Prudencio Herreros Amat
Prudencio Herreros Amat Carmen Thyssen Museum
Die Muschelsammlerinnen painting by Rafael García y García
Rafael García Hispaleto Carmen Thyssen Museum

Cartagena City Council

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Self-portrait painting by Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda
Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda Cartagena City Council

Casa de los Tiros

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Desnudo femenino Casa de los Tiros

Casa natal de Pablo Ruiz Picasso

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Blanc Central painting by Antoni Tàpies Antoni Tàpies Casa natal de Pablo Ruiz Picasso
Doves 1878 painting by Juan Ruiz y Blasco José Ruiz y Blanco Casa natal de Pablo Ruiz Picasso

Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Benito Pérez Galdós painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós

Castillo de los Duques de Sessa

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Visión de San Francisco en la Porciúncula Obra de Valdés Leal de 1672
Juan de Valdés Leal Castillo de los Duques de Sessa

Catedral de Sevilla

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Abraham served by three angels painting by Abraham van Diepenbeeck
Abraham van Diepenbeeck Catedral de Sevilla
Repentant Mary Magdalene painting by Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi Catedral de Sevilla
The vision of Saint Anthony of Padua painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Catedral de Sevilla
Leander of Seville painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Catedral de Sevilla
SS. Justa and Rufina painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Catedral de Sevilla
Virgin of the Rosary painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Catedral de Sevilla
Teresa of Ávila painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Catedral de Sevilla
St. John the Baptist in the desert painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Catedral de Sevilla
Saints Justa and Rufina painting by Hernando de Esturmio
Hernando de Esturmio Catedral de Sevilla
Adoration of the Magi painting by Jacob Jordaens
Jacob Jordaens Catedral de Sevilla
Adoración de los Magos painting by Jacob Jordaens
Jacob Jordaens Catedral de Sevilla
Alegoría de la Inmaculada Concepción painting by Luis de Vargas
Luis de Vargas Catedral de Sevilla

Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La Piedad del canónigo Desplá painting by Bartolomé Bermejo
Bartolomé Bermejo Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia
Predel·la del Retaule de Santa Llúcia painting by Bernat Martorell
Bernat Martorell Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia
Predela da Paixão de Cristo
Bernat Martorell Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia
Retaule de Sant Bernardí i l'Àngel Custodi painting by Jaume Huguet
Jaume Huguet Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia
Anjo Custódio e São Bernardino de Siena
Jaume Huguet Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia
Retaule de Sant Sebastià i Santa Tecla painting by Vergos family
Vergos family Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia

Cathedral of the Savior in his Epiphany of Zaragoza

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
A Visitação painting by Jerónimo Cosida
Jerónimo Cosida Cathedral of the Savior in his Epiphany of Zaragoza

Cau Ferrat Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Pentitent Mary Magdalen painting by El Greco
El Greco Cau Ferrat Museum
The Tears of Saint Peter painting by El Greco in Cau Ferrat Museum
El Greco Cau Ferrat Museum
Figura desnuda painting by Ramon Casas
Ramon Casas Cau Ferrat Museum
Reverie (Miss Stephanie Nantas) painting by Santiago Rusiñol
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Cau Ferrat Museum
Prayer of Santa Cecília de Montserrat painting by Santiago Rusiñol
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Cau Ferrat Museum

Centre de Documentació i Museu de les Arts Escèniques

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Don Carlo (Francesc Soler i Rovirosa) painting by Francesc Soler i Rovirosa
Francesc Soler i Rovirosa Centre de Documentació i Museu de les Arts Escèniques
La Commedia dell'Arte painting by Marià Andreu i Estany Mariano Andreu Centre de Documentació i Museu de les Arts Escèniques
Capvespre dels Déus painting by Oleguer Junyent i Sans
Oleguer Junyent i Sans Centre de Documentació i Museu de les Arts Escèniques
Eric Borràs as Manelic painting by Ramon Casas
Ramon Casas Centre de Documentació i Museu de les Arts Escèniques
Retrato de María Riquelme painting by Santiago Rusiñol
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Centre de Documentació i Museu de les Arts Escèniques

Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (Sevilla)

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La musa gitana painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (Sevilla)

Centro de Arte Rafael Botí

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Jardín Botánico painting by Rafael Botí Rafael Botí Centro de Arte Rafael Botí
El árbol blanco painting by Rafael Botí Rafael Botí Centro de Arte Rafael Botí
El árbol rosa painting by Rafael Botí Rafael Botí Centro de Arte Rafael Botí

Cerdanyola Art Museum. Can Domènech

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Femme avec raisin painting by Josep de Togores i Llach
Josep de Togores i Llach Cerdanyola Art Museum. Can Domènech

Chapel of San José

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Coronation of the Virgin painting by El Greco
El Greco Chapel of San José
Saint Joseph and the Christ Child (Chapel of St. Joseph) painting by El Greco at Chapel of St. Joseph, Toledo
El Greco Chapel of San José

Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ after the Flagellation painting by Mateo Cerezo
Mateo Cerezo Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Church of San Agustín

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Virgin with the Little Bird painting by Luis de Morales
Luis de Morales Church of San Agustín

Church of San Ginés de Arlés

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple painting by El Greco
El Greco Church of San Ginés de Arlés
The Lamentation painting by Michiel Coxie
Michiel Coxie Church of San Ginés de Arlés

Church of San Juan el Real

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Saint Íñigo painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Church of San Juan el Real

Church of Sant Esteve, Olot

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ with the Cross painting by El Greco (Olot)
El Greco Church of Sant Esteve, Olot
Pietà painting by Miquel Torell
Miquel Torell Church of Sant Esteve, Olot

Church of Santa María Magdalena

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Assumption of St. Mary Magdalene painting by El Greco/Jorge Manuel (Titulcia)
Jorge Manuel Theocupulus
El Greco
Church of Santa María Magdalena

Church of Santa María del Castillo, Torremormojón

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Altarpiece of Maestro de Calzada painting by Maestro de Calzada
Maestro de Calzada Church of Santa María del Castillo, Torremormojón

Church of Santa María, Andújar

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Agony in the Garden painting by El Greco (Andujar)
El Greco Church of Santa María, Andújar

Church of Santo Tomás Apóstol

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Disrobing of Jesus painting for parish church of Orgaz by anonymous / Jorge Manuel after El Greco
No/unknown value
Jorge Manuel Theocupulus
El Greco
Church of Santo Tomás Apóstol

Church of Santo Tomé

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz painting by El Greco
El Greco Church of Santo Tomé

Church of St Mary Magdalene and chapel of Nuestra Señora de Montserrat

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
St. Andreas painting by Juan de Valdés Leal
Juan de Valdés Leal Church of St Mary Magdalene and chapel of Nuestra Señora de Montserrat

Cilly Hall of Sevilla

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Alfonso XII contemplando en la Capilla real el cuerpo incorrupto de San Fernando painting by José María Romero y López
José María Romero y López Cilly Hall of Sevilla

Colección Santander

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by El Greco (Santo Domingo el Antiguo) from 1577
El Greco Colección Santander
Monastery of Saint Dominic of Silos

Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Madonna of the fly painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Colegiata de Santa María la Mayor

Colegiata de los Sagrados Corporales museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Imprisonment of Sainte Engratia panel from altarpiece of Sainte Engratia by Bartolomé Bermejo
Bartolomé Bermejo Colegiata de los Sagrados Corporales museum
predella from altarpiece of Sainte Engratia predella from altarpiece of Sainte Engratia by Bartolomé Bermejo
Bartolomé Bermejo Colegiata de los Sagrados Corporales museum
Calvary from altarpiece of Sainte Engratia from altarpiece of Sainte Engratia top panel from altarpiece of Sainte Engratia by Bartolomé Bermejo
Bartolomé Bermejo Colegiata de los Sagrados Corporales museum

College of Our Lady of Antigua

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Lawrence painting by El Greco
El Greco College of Our Lady of Antigua
Saint Francis with Brother Leo painting by El Greco (College of Our Lady of Antigua)
El Greco College of Our Lady of Antigua
The Last Judgment painting by Giovanni Bernardino Azzolini
Giovanni Bernardino Azzolini College of Our Lady of Antigua

Collegiate Church of Osuna

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Kalvarienberg painting by Jusepe de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Collegiate Church of Osuna

Complutense University of Madrid

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
San Ignacio de Loyola atendiendo a un enfermo painting by Ignacio Raeth
Ignacio Raeth Complutense University of Madrid

Congress of Deputies

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
María de Molina presenta a su hijo Fernando IV en las Cortes de Valladolid de 1295 painting by Antonio Gisbert
Antonio Gisbert Congress of Deputies
Porträt des José María Calatrava y Martínez (1781-1846) painting by Antonio Gisbert
Antonio Gisbert Congress of Deputies
Antonio de los Ríos Rosas painting by Francesc Sans Cabot
Francesc Sans Cabot Congress of Deputies
Facundo Infante painting by Ignacio Suárez Llanos
Ignacio Suárez Llanos Congress of Deputies
Francisco de Borja Queipo de Llano, conde de Toreno y alcalde de Madrid painting by Ignacio Suárez Llanos
Ignacio Suárez Llanos Congress of Deputies
Alejandro Mon y Menéndez painting by José Casado del Alisal
José Casado del Alisal Congress of Deputies
Antonio Alcalá Galiano painting by José Casado del Alisal
José Casado del Alisal Congress of Deputies
Retrato de José Sánchez Guerra painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Congress of Deputies
Alejandro Pidal y Mon painting by Luis Menéndez Pidal
Luis Menéndez Pidal Congress of Deputies
Agustín de Argüelles Álvarez painting by Ricardo María Navarrete Fos
Ricardo María Navarrete Fos Congress of Deputies
Q128119495 painting by Ricardo María Navarrete Fos
Ricardo María Navarrete Fos Congress of Deputies

Convent de la Mercè

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Càrrega de cavalleria painting by Josep Cusachs
Josep Cusachs Convent de la Mercè
Alfonso XIII de España painting by Ricard Canals
Ricard Canals Convent de la Mercè

Convent of Las Descalzas Reales

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Don Juan of Austria armed painting by Alonso Sánchez Coello
Alonso Sánchez Coello Convent of Las Descalzas Reales
Portrait of infanta María of Portugal
Antonis Mor Convent of Las Descalzas Reales
El rey Sebastián I de Portugal painting by Cristóvão de Morais
Cristóvão de Morais Convent of Las Descalzas Reales
Juan José de Austria, niño painting by Eugenio de las Cuevas
Eugenio de las Cuevas Convent of Las Descalzas Reales
La infanta Ana Mauricia de Austria painting by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
Juan Pantoja de la Cruz Convent of Las Descalzas Reales
Portrait of Anna Maria Vasa (1593–1600), daughter of King Sigismund III of Poland. painting by Martin Kober
Martin Kober Convent of Las Descalzas Reales
Milagro de San Diego de Alcalá painting by Niccolò Betti
Niccolò Betti Convent of Las Descalzas Reales
Sister Anna Dorothea painting by Peter Paul Rubens
Peter Paul Rubens Convent of Las Descalzas Reales

Convento de las Bernardas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Adoración de los pastores painting by Angelo Nardi
Angelo Nardi Convento de las Bernardas
Inmaculada Concepción painting by Angelo Nardi
Angelo Nardi Convento de las Bernardas

Coruña Fine Arts Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
As Capas de Santa Sabela. painting by Xesús Corredoyra
Xesús Corredoyra Coruña Fine Arts Museum

Cuenca Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ with the Cross painting by El Greco (Cuenca)
El Greco Cuenca Cathedral

Dalí Theatre and Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Galatea of the Spheres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Basket of Bread painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Swallow's Tail painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Path of the Enigma painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of My Father painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Galarina painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Spectre of Sex Appeal painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Enigmatic Elements in a Landscape painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Inaugural Gooseflesh painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Barcelona Mannequin painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Smiling Venus painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Geological Echo. La Pietà painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Two Pieces of Bread, Expressing the Sentiment of Love painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Divino (foto de Salvador Dali) painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Girl from Figueres painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Average Pagan Landscape painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Centaur (The Triumph of Nautilus) painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Soft Self-portrait with Fried Bacon painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Raphaelesque Hallucination painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Felydon "Trojan" Fidia painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The First Days of Spring painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Poetry of America painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Port Alguer painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Picasso in the XXI century painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of my Sister painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Spectre of Sex-appeal painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Satirical Composition painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dawn, Noon, Afternoon and Evening painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Se já cai, cai painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Fair of the Holy Cross at Figueres painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Fifty Abstract Paintings Which as Seen from Two Yards Change into Three Lenins Masquerading as Chinese and as Seen from Six Yards Appear as the Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Phantom Cart painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Image Disappears painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Napoleon's Nose, Transformed into a Pregnant Woman, Strolling His Shadow with Melancholia amongst Original Ruins painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dalí from the Back Painting Gala from the Back Eternalized by Six Virtual Corneas Provisionally Reflected in Six Real Mirrors painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Self portrait with "L'Humanité" Painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dalí Seen from the Back Painting Gala from the Back Eternalized by Six Virtual Corneas Provisionally Reflected by Six Real Mirrors. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dutch Interior painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Empordà Landscape painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Old Man at the Twilight Hour painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The "Son" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Mr. Pancraci painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Es Pianc painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Still Life with Pomegranate painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Nymphs and Young Ladies at the Garden Fountain painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Puig Pujades painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of My Father and the House at Es Llaner painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Jóncols Cove. Cadaqués painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Anna Maria Child painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Landscape of Cadaqués. Port Alguer painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Landscape of Cadaqués painting by Salvador Dalí (P 73) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Self-Portrait painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Moonlight at Es Llaner-Petit painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Grandmother Anna Sewing painting by Salvador Dalí (P 80) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Jaume Miravitlles painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Still Life with Pears painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Cadaqués Seen from the Back painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Figueres Fair painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Es Llaner Beach painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Mill. Cadaqués Landscape painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Cadaqués. View of Cadaqués from the Creus Tower painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Berceuse locale painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Cubist Composition. Cubist Portrait of Federico García Lorca painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of the Artist's Sister painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Gala with Two Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Purist Still Life painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Plant with Flowerpot painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Still Life painting by Salvador Dalí (P 146) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Figure in Profile painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Figure Seen from the Back painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Venus and Sailor painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of My Sister painting by Salvador Dalí (P 168) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Figures Lying on the Sand painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Rocks of Es Llaner painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Still Life. Still Life by Mauve Moonlight painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Fishermen's Wives painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Mr. Emilio Terry painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Bay of Cadaqués painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
William Tell and Gradiva painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Gala painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Woman and Catalan Bread painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Automatic Beginning of a Portrait of Gala painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Man with Drinking Jar with Spout painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Voyeur painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of a Gypsy painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Empordà Landscape with Figures painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Fiesta at the Hermitage painting by Salvador Dalí (P 353) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Sense of Speed painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Eclipse and Vegetable Osmosis painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Figure and Drapery in a Landscape painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Singularities painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Surrealist Composition with Invisible Figures painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Knight of Death painting by Salvador Dalí (P 437) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Imperial violets painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled painting by Salvador Dalí (P 488) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Group of women imitating the gestures of a schooner painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Original sin painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Bal onirique painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of René Crevel painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Edward Wassermann painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Project for "Romeo and Juliet" painting by Salvador Dalí (P 561) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Project for "Mad Tristan" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Project for "Mad Tristan" painting by Salvador Dalí (P 583) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Three Apparitions of the Visage of Gala painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Project for "Spellbound" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Project for "Spellbound" painting by Salvador Dalí (P 616) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dematerialization Near the Nose of Nero painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Intra-Atomic Equilibrium of a Swan's Feather painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Leda Atomica (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Alexander Guest painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Gala Placidia painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Gala Looking at the Hypercubic Christ painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Flesh of the Décolleté of My Wife, Clothed, Outstripping Light at Full Speed painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Creation of Man painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Ascension of Saint Cecilia painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Vertiginous Fruit Bowl painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Richard the Third painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Saint Surrounded by Three Pi Mesons painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Saint Peter's Basilica painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Saint Jerome painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Two Religious Figures painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled . A Fate of the Parthenon painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Madonna painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Double Image with Horses, Numbers and Nails painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for "Galacidalacidesoxiribunucleicacid (Homage to Crick and Watson)" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Seated Female Nude painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Gala Nude from Behind painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Bobo Rockefeller (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for "The Battle of Tetuan" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for "50 Abstract Paintings which Seen from Two Metres Change into Three Lenins Disguised as Chinese and Seen from Six Metres Appear as the Head of a Royal Tiger" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
50 Abstract Paintings that from Two Metres Change into Three Lenins Disguised as a Chinese and from Six Metres Form the Head of a Royal Tiger painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Character Masquerading in Pinning Up a Butterfly painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Laocoon Tormented by Flies painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Homage to Meissonier painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portlligat Garden painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study of a Female Nude painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study of a Male Nude painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. View of Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Radiators Covering Radiators. "Trompe-l'oeil" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Door in "trompe l'oeil" of the Coat of Arms Room of the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Ceiling of the Coat of Arms Room of the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for "The Hallucinogenic Toreador" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Project for the Swimming Pool in Portlligat painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Path in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Surrealist Angel. Element of the Cupola-Stage of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Chair. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Portrait of Gala painting by Salvador Dalí (P 887) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Randomdot Correlogram. The Golden Fleece. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dalí's Hand Drawing Back the Golden Fleece in the Form of a Cloud To Show Gala the Dawn Completely Nude, Very, Very Far Away Behind the Sun. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dalí Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean Sea to Show Gala the Birth of Venus. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Cyclopean Eye of Millet's “Angelus”. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
“The School of Athens” and “The Fire in the Borgo” (stereoscopic work) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Harmony of the Spheres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Pentagonal Sardana painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Luna Pierrot (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Cybernetic Odalisque painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Allegory of Spring painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Copy of a Rubens Copied from a Leonardo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
In Search of the Fourth Dimension painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
A Soft Watch Put in the Appropriate Place to Cause a Young Ephebe to Die and Be Resuscitated by Excess of Satisfaction (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dawn, Noon, Afternoon and Twilight painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Nude and Horse (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "The Three Graces" by Canova (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
More Beautiful than Canova painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Very Happy Horse painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Arabs painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "Aphrodite of Cnidus" by Praxiteles painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. The Garden of Hours painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Tower of Enigmas painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Path of the Enigma painting by Salvador Dalí (P 936) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Argos painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Character Carrying the Golden Fleece painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "Mercury and Argus" by Velázquez painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "Jason with the Golden Fleece" by Erasmus Quellinus painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Exterminating Angels painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Wing and Harpoon Lifting the Skin of the Sea painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Dalí's Hand Drawing Back the Golden Fleece in the Form of a Cloud To Show Gala the Dawn Completely Nude, Very, Very Far Away Behind the Sun. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí (P 950) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Pearl painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “Christ Contemplated by the Christian Soul” By Vélazquez painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “The Infanta Margarita of Austria” by Velázquez in the Courtyard of El Escorial painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "The Prince Baltasar Carlos on Horseback" by Velázquez painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Gala Contemplating the Apparition of Prince Baltasar Carlos painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. The Chamberlain Don José Nieto after “Las Meninas” by Velázquez painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “The Jester Don Sebastián de Morra” by Velázquez in the Courtyard of El Escorial painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “The Jester Don Sebastián de Morra” by Velázquez and Catastropheiform Writing painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “The Jester Don Sebastián de Morra” by Velázquez and Catastropheiform Writing painting by Salvador Dalí (P 961) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Othello Dreaming Venice painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. "Night" after the Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici and "Apollo" by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “Palestrina Pietà” and the Christ of the “Pietà” by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for “Olé!” painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Olé! painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. The Three Glorious Enigmas of Gala painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Christ after "Pietà" by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Adam after “The Creation of Adam” in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. “Night” after the Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. “Day” after the Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Giuliano de' Medici after the Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After Head by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Exploding Head painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Topological study for "Exploding Head" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Warrior or "Los Embozados" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "Crouching Boy" by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Giuliano de' Medici after the Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí (P 980) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Moses after the Tomb of Julius II by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Christ after “Palestrina Pietà” by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “Palestrina Pietà” by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Homage to Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “Resurrection of Christ” by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "Descent from the Cross" by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Composition Inspired by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. "Dawn" after the Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici by Michelangelo and Catastrophe-Form Writing painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. “Twilight” after the Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici by Michelangelo in the Courtyard of El Escorial and Catastrophe-Form Writing painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Escorial Contorting Itself Outrageously to Transform into a Woman painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Double Victory of Gaudí painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "David" by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Escorial and Catastropheiform Writing painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Atmospherocephalic Figures painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Adam after “The Creation of Adam“ of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Mirror Heads painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “Resurrection of Christ” by Michelangelo painting by Salvador Dalí (P 997) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1000) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. St. George Overpowering a Cello painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Chair, Bed and Bedside Table Ferociously Attacking a Cello painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Figure on an Elephant Attacking a Cello (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Pietà painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Bed and Two Bedside Tables Ferociously Attacking a Cello. Topological Contortion painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Topological Contortion of a Female Figure painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Topological Abduction of Europe. Homage to René Thom painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Cutlet and Match. The Chinese Crab painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. The Catastrophes Series painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Velázquez Dying behind the Window on the Left Side out of Which a Spoon Projects painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Christ painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Imaginary Landscape of Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Pietà. Work to be viewed with anaglyphs painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
When It Falls, It Falls painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Gala painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Project for "Spellbound" painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1048) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for the Paranoiac-critical Study of Vermeer's “The Lacemaker” painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled . Angel (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After "Dying Slave" by Michelangelo (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Two figures. Element of the Mae West Room of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Male Torso painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Path in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1078) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Two figures. Element of the Cupola-Stage of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Leda and the Swan painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Intervention by Salvador Dalí in a curtain in the Piano Room of the Gala Dalí Castle of Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Reinterpretation of the coat of arms of the Miquel family in the Coat of Arms Room of the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Reinterpretation of one of the coats of arms in the Coat of Arms Room of the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Reinterpretation of the coat of arms of the Campllong family in the Coat of Arms Room of the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Reinterpretation of one of the coats of arms in the Coat of Arms Room of the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1087) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Reinterpretation of the coat of arms of the Corbera family in the Coat of Arms Room of the Gala Dalí Castle in Púbol painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Lugubrious Planarian (unfinished) painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Llullian Wheels painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Figure. Element of the Cupola-Stage of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for "Desoxyribonucleic Acid Arabs" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. The Hand. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Gala's Foot. Stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “Las Meninas” by Velázquez. Stereoscopic Work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Stereoscopic Owl painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Study for a stereoscopic work painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1112) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Blue Angel. Element of the Cupola-Stage of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Angel. Element of the Cupola-Stage of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Character. Element of the Cupola-Stage of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Figure. Element of the Cupola-Stage of the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1127) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Knight and King in the Background painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
The Golden Goat of the Castle of Quermançó painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. The Thinking Machine painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Long Live the Prince of Girona! painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Seagulls for the King painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for "Perpignan Railway Station" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Copy of Vermeer's “The Lacemaker” painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. After “Las Meninas” by Velázquez painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Study for "The Perpignan Railway Station" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Figure painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Nude from Behind painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Figure painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1204) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Madonna painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1205) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Madonna painting by Salvador Dalí (P 1206) Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum
Untitled. Arab painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Dalí Theatre and Museum

Diocesan and Cathedral Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Altarpiece of Saint Michael (Corrales de Duero) retable
Master of Osma Diocesan and Cathedral Museum

Diputación Provincial de Madrid

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Jerome in Penitence painting by El Greco (Diputación Provincial de Madrid) El Greco Diputación Provincial de Madrid

El Greco Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Apostle series, El Greco Museum apostle painting series by El Greco in Toledo, formerly in the Saint Luke church there
El Greco El Greco Museum
Christ gathering his robes painting by Jerónimo Jacinto de Espinosa
Jerónimo Jacinto de Espinosa El Greco Museum

Ermita de Sant Sebastià de la Guarda

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Holy Family with St. Joachim and St. Anne Baroque painting
Francesc Tramulles i Roig Ermita de Sant Sebastià de la Guarda

Ermita del Santo Ángel Custodio

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La Adoración de los Pastores painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Ermita del Santo Ángel Custodio
La imposición de la casilla de San Ildefonso por la Virgen María painting by Pedro Orrente
Pedro Orrente Ermita del Santo Ángel Custodio

Església de Santa Maria de Rubió

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Altarpiece painting by Master of Rubió
Master of Rubió Església de Santa Maria de Rubió

Espace culturel Ignacio Zuloaga

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait de Belmonte painting by Ignacio Zuloaga Ignacio Zuloaga Espace culturel Ignacio Zuloaga

Fine Arts Museum of Asturias

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Diana resting after the hunt
Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Penitent Mary Magdalene painting by Alonso del Arco
Alonso del Arco Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Self-portrait painting by Darío de Regoyos
Darío de Regoyos Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Christ on the Cross painting by Francisco de Zurbarán (Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias)
Francisco de Zurbarán Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Running along the Beach, Valencia painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Charles II as a child painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda from 1671 now at Museum of Fine Arts of Asturias
Juan Carreño de Miranda Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Magdalena penitente painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda
Juan Carreño de Miranda Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Fernando VII und María Cristina painting by Luis de la Cruz
Luis de la Cruz Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Filandón (Catalá) painting by Luis Álvarez Catalá
Luis Álvarez Catalá Fine Arts Museum of Asturias
Retrato de la familia Sánchez painting by Ramon Casas
Ramon Casas Fine Arts Museum of Asturias

Focus-Abengoa Foundation

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
St. Ildefonso Receiving the Chasuble from the Virgin painting by Diego Velázquez
Diego Velázquez Focus-Abengoa Foundation
Sainte Rufine painting by Diego Velázquez
Diego Velázquez Focus-Abengoa Foundation
Immaculate Conception painting by Diego Vélasquez
Diego Velázquez Focus-Abengoa Foundation

Fundació Joan Miró

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of a Girl painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Tornaveu de l'auditori de la Fundació Joan Miró artwork by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Painting (1943) painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Pintura (l'ampolla de vi) painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Painting (The White Glove) painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Siurana, el poble painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Dona envoltada d'un vol d'ocells en la nit painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Drop of water on pink snow painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Prades, a Street painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró
Mont-Roig Beach Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró

Fundación Banco Santander

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Blast Furnaces in Bilbao Dario de Regoyos
Darío de Regoyos Fundación Banco Santander
Desembarco de la infanta María de Austria en Nápoles painting by Domenico Gargiulo
Domenico Gargiulo Fundación Banco Santander

Fundación Carlos de Amberes

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Martyrdom of St. Andrew painting by Peter Paul Rubens
Peter Paul Rubens Fundación Carlos de Amberes

Fundación Casa de Alba

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Louis XIII and Mlle de La Fayette painting by Eugénie Servières
Eugénie Servières Fundación Casa de Alba
Mars and Venus painting by Lavinia Fontana
Lavinia Fontana Fundación Casa de Alba
The Annunciation with the 1st duke of Alba painting by the Master of the Virgo inter Virgines
Master of the Virgo inter Virgines Fundación Casa de Alba

Fundación Federico García Lorca

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Still Life painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Fundación Federico García Lorca

Fundación Goya en Aragón

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Flying birds painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Fundación Goya en Aragón

Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ on the Cross painting by Francisco Pacheco
Francisco Pacheco Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta

Fundación Yannick i Ben Jakober

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Porträt der Anne of Austria (1601-1666) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Fundación Yannick i Ben Jakober
Portrait of Stanisław Bogusław Leszczyński.
No/unknown value Fundación Yannick i Ben Jakober
Marie Anne Mancini as a huntress
Justus van Egmont Fundación Yannick i Ben Jakober
Portrait de Louis XV of France enfant painting by Pierre Gobert
Pierre Gobert Fundación Yannick i Ben Jakober
Portrait of King Louis XV of France as child painting by Pierre Gobert
Pierre Gobert Fundación Yannick i Ben Jakober

Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Leda Atomica painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Self Portrait with Raphael’s Neck painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
The Apotheosis of the Dollar painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Anthropomorphic Bread painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Study for "Honey is Sweeter than Blood" painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
The Spectre of Sex-Appeal painting by Salvador Dalí
Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Gala Nude Looking at the Sea Which at 18 Metres Appears the President Lincoln Painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Fiesta at the Hermitage Painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
The Bay of Cadaqués Seen from Es Llaner painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Villa Pepita painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Family Scene painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Female Nude in a Blue Background painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Two Girls painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Fiesta at the Hermitage (fragment) painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Fragment of a Scene (Brothel) painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Tea "sur l'herbe" painting by Salvador Dalí (Town Hall of Figueres, on permanent deposit at the Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres) Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Salvador Dali in the Act of Painting Gala in the 'Apotheosis of the Dollar', on the Left of Whom One Can See Marcel Duchamp Disg Date: 1965 Technique: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 400 x 498 cm Location: Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres Salvador Dalí Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation
Bather painting by William Bouguereau, 1870, foundation Dali
William-Adolphe Bouguereau Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation

Galerie Maeght

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Nord-Sud painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Galerie Maeght

General Archive of the Indies

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
María Luisa de Parma, reina de España
Francisco Goya General Archive of the Indies

Girona Museum of Art

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Esbós per a El gran dia de Girona anonymous painting
No/unknown value Girona Museum of Art
Lot and his daughters painting by Andrea Vaccaro (Gerona)
Andrea Vaccaro Girona Museum of Art
La barca. Girona painting by Antonio Graner Viñuelas
Antonio Graner Viñuelas Girona Museum of Art
Altarpiece of the Virgin with the child and an angel painting by Jan Matsys
Jan Matsys Girona Museum of Art
Retaule de la Pietat painting by Jaume Cabrera
Jaume Cabrera Girona Museum of Art
El Cafè Vila painting by Jaume Pons Martin
Jaume Pons Martin Girona Museum of Art
Porta de Figuerola, de Jaume Pons Martí (Museu d'Art de Girona) painting by Jaume Pons Martin
Jaume Pons Martin Girona Museum of Art
Girona Portal painting by Jaume Pons Martí
Jaume Pons Martin Girona Museum of Art
Sometent a Catalunya painting by Josep Berga i Boix
Josep Berga i Boix Girona Museum of Art
Retaule de Sant Sebastià. Martiri painting by Josep Tramulles Josep Tramulles Girona Museum of Art
Crucifixión painting by Juan de Borgoña
Juan de Borgoña Girona Museum of Art
Retaule de Sant Feliu painting by Juan de Borgoña
Juan de Borgoña
Pere Fontaines
Pere Robredo
Joan Dartrica
Girona Museum of Art
Pentecost painting by Maestro de Osormort
Maestro de Osormort Girona Museum of Art
El combregar a muntanya painting by Marià Vayreda i Vila
Marian Vayreda i Vila Girona Museum of Art
Breastfeeding Virgin (master from Canapost) reredo from the Sant Esteve church in Canapost (province of Girona in Catalonia) which gave its customary name to its anonymous creator says the master of Canapost Master from Canapost Girona Museum of Art
L'Onyar a Girona painting by Mela Mutermilch Mela Muter Girona Museum of Art
Muralles de Girona painting by Modest Urgell
Modest Urgell Girona Museum of Art
Platja de la Rabassada painting by Modest Urgell
Modest Urgell Girona Museum of Art
Jacob rep la túnica ensangonada del seu fill Josep painting by Pelegrín Clavé
Pelegrí Clavé Girona Museum of Art
Nuit de Lune à Gérone painting by Prudenci Bertrana
Prudenci Bertrana Girona Museum of Art
Dona amb antifaç painting by Romà Ribera i Cirera
Romà Ribera i Cirera Girona Museum of Art
Girona painting by Santiago Rusiñol
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Girona Museum of Art

Granollers Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Benedicció (Museu de Granollers) anonymous painting No/unknown value Granollers Museum

Gravina Museum of Fine Arts

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Mosqueteros sentados fuera de una cantina painting by Joaquín Agrasot y Juan
Joaquín Agrasot y Juan Gravina Museum of Fine Arts

Guggenheim Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Male and female goats Painting by Miquel Barceló Miquel Barceló Guggenheim Museum
Saint-Tropez, fontaine des Lices 1895 painting
Paul Signac Guggenheim Museum

Hospital de Tavera

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Baptism of Christ painting by El Greco
El Greco Hospital de Tavera
Portrait of Cardinal Tavera 1609 painting by El Greco, now in the Hospital de Tavera in Toledo
El Greco Hospital de Tavera
Annunciation (Hospital de Tavera) painting by El Greco, cut in two probably during the latter half of the 19th century
El Greco Hospital de Tavera

Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Madonna of Charity painting by El Greco
El Greco Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas
Annunciation 128 cm diameter round painting by El Greco now at Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas (1603-05)
El Greco Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by El Greco
El Greco Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas
Nativity painting by El Greco
El Greco Hospital de la Caridad de Illescas

Hospital de la Santa Caridad

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Elisabeth of Hungary healing the poor painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Hospital de la Santa Caridad
Saint John of God painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Hospital de la Santa Caridad
Moses at the Rock of Horeb painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Hospital de la Santa Caridad
Don Miguel de Mañara leyendo la regla de la Hermandad de la Santa Caridad painting by Juan de Valdés Leal
Juan de Valdés Leal Hospital de la Santa Caridad
Adoración de los pastores painting by Luis Egidio Meléndez
Luis Egidio Meléndez Hospital de la Santa Caridad

Hospital de la Venerable Orden Tercera de San Francisco de Asís

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Pharisees bring a woman accused of adultery before Christ (John 8:2-11) painting by Anthony van Dyck (Madrid)
Anthony van Dyck Hospital de la Venerable Orden Tercera de San Francisco de Asís

House of Alba

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of the Duchess of Alba painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya House of Alba

Iglesia Catedral de la Encarnación

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Virgen del Rosario (Alonso Cano) painting by Alonso Cano
Alonso Cano Iglesia Catedral de la Encarnación
La decapitación de San Pablo 1887 painting by Enrique Simonet
Enrique Simonet Iglesia Catedral de la Encarnación

Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist painting by El Greco. Version at Martín Muñoz de las Posadas' church
El Greco Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Iglesia de San Eutropio, Paradas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Penitent Magdalene painting by El Greco (Paradas, Seville)
El Greco
No/unknown value
Iglesia de San Eutropio, Paradas

Iglesia de San Vicente

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Inmaculada de San Vicente painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Iglesia de San Vicente

Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción, Ventosa de la Cuesta

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retablo de San Miguel Arcángel painting by Maestro di Becerril
Maestro de Becerril Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción, Ventosa de la Cuesta

Iglesia de la Anunciación

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Lactação de São Bernardo painting by Vasco Pereira
Vasco Pereira Iglesia de la Anunciación

Iglesia de las Agustinas Recoletas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Verkündigung des Herrn painting by Giovanni Lanfranco
Giovanni Lanfranco Iglesia de las Agustinas Recoletas

Iglesia del Carmen de Córdoba

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Elías y los profetas de Baal painting by Juan de Valdés Leal
Juan de Valdés Leal Iglesia del Carmen de Córdoba

Institut Cambó

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Michael Tarchaniota Marullus painting by Sandro Botticelli
Sandro Botticelli Institut Cambó

Institut Valencià d'Art Modern

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Visage de femme Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Fillette Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Autoportrait (Autorretrato) Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Jeune fille adolescente (Muchacha adolescente) Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Nature morte au livre Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Nature morte Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
L' offrande (La ofrenda) Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Deux baigneuses Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paysanne / Campesina Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Femme au fichu Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
La rencontre / El encuentro Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Nu assis (Desnudo sentado) Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Nature morte / Naturaleza muerta Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Marie Thérèse Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Femme sévère Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paysanne aux deux poules / Campesina con dos gallinas Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Deux visages Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Marie Thérèse dormant (María Teresa durmiendo) Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Femme se coiffant (Mujer peinándose) - Portrait de femme (Retrato de mujer) Julio González work on the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Escena de playa Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Figuras ante una puerta Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Desnudo femenino Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Figura femenina con ropajes Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Parra Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Escena medieval Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Una calle de Godella Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Funeral Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Desnudo femenino (verso). Cabeza de niño (reverso) Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Ignacito Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Grupo de gente Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Jardín y vela (verso) Troncos (reverso) Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
En la puerta del estudio, Godella Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Almendros en flor Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Clavariesas Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Vista desde la ermita Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Casetas en la playa Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Marina Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Mascletà Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Procesión del Corpus Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
En la puerta de la Iglesia Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Tiara Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paisaje con luna Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
La Tarara Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
La enramada Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Rincón con labradora Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Salida de Misa en Godella Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Callejón del jardín Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Procesión bajo lluvia Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Barco de vapor Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Cuevas de Godella Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Mascletá Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Barca de pesca Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Merienda en el campo Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paisaje urbano Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Merienda en la playa Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paisaje al amanecer Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Lecheras Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Interior de Iglesia Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paisaje nocturno Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paisaje con figuras Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Niño en la cama Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Calle de Fiesta Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Flores silvestres Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Amanecer Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Lavanderas Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Merienda en la playa (verso) Caballo (reverso) Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Mujeres en el claustro de San Juan de Letrán (Roma) Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Mercadillo Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Mujeres con cestas Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Valenciana con flores Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paisaje con mar al fondo Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
La muntanyeta de Godella Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Puerto Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Antes de la mascletà Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Tenderete en la playa Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
En la plaza de toros (verso) Boceto (reverso) Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Gente en la calle Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Preparándose para la procesión Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Corrida Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Figuras Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Playa con nubes Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Toldos Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Dos religiosos Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Pareja en la escollera Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Corral de la casa Marco Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Procesión Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Playa con barcas Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Interior Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Cementerio Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Niño en el suelo Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Escalinata Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Modelo en reposo Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Anciana con rosario (¿Celestina?) Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Baño en la playa Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Chocolatá Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Italiana y niño Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Gente a la entrada de un edificio Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Barcas en blanco Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Niña con paloma Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Centinela Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Academia masculina Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Antorcha Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Borrachos Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Autorretrato con paleta Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Niño desnudo tumbado Ignasi Pinazo Camarlench work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
El futuro hombre del comunismo (Boceto 2) Josep Renau work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Murales de Halle-Neustadt : Análisis del ritmo visual . Boceto 4 Josep Renau work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Conchas y corales, (Ilustración para "El Libro del mar") Josep Renau work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
La marcha de la juventud hacia el futuro (Bocetos 9 A, 9 B, 9 C y 9D) Josep Renau work of art in the IVAM collection Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Paisaje urbano
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Brick painting Work of art in the IVAM collection Ad Reinhardt Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Max-Minimal Work of art in the IVAM collection Adolph Gottlieb Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Gran diptic roig i negre Work of art in the IVAM collection Antoni Tàpies Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Crucifixión Work of art in the IVAM collection Antonio Saura Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Kopfputz / Autorretrato Work of art in the IVAM collection Arnulf Rainer Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Vestido bajando la escalera Work of art in the IVAM collection Eduardo Arroyo Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
El Panfleto Work of art in the IVAM collection Equipo Crónica Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
PA 8 Work of art in the IVAM collection Equipo/57 Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Hache-Paille Work of art in the IVAM collection
Francis Picabia Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Composición nº 127 Work of art in the IVAM collection Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Painted cement relief Work of art in the IVAM collection Georges Vantongerloo Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Dadá-Kopf Work of art in the IVAM collection Hans Richter Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Blue spark Work of art in the IVAM collection James Rosenquist Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Missions Secrètes Work of art in the IVAM collection Jean Dubuffet Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Equilibre Work of art in the IVAM collection Jean Hélion Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Aviat l´instant Work of art in the IVAM collection Joan Miró Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Aislamiento 29 Work of art in the IVAM collection José Iranzo Almonacid Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Aproximación Work of art in the IVAM collection Juan Genovés Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Abstract nº 2 Work of art in the IVAM collection Lee Krasner Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Serie Limo Work of art in the IVAM collection Luis Gordillo Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Cuadro 97 Work of art in the IVAM collection Manolo Millares Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
The Land where Monkeys have no Tails Work of art in the IVAM collection Manuel Ocampo Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Tisch mit Gaben / Mesa con ofrendas Work of art in the IVAM collection Paul Klee Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Peinture Work of art in the IVAM collection Pierre Soulages Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Sin título (Hochstand) / Torre de vigilancia Work of art in the IVAM collection
Sigmar Polke Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
La Prose du Transsibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France Work of art in the IVAM collection Sonia Delaunay Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Composition Aubette Work of art in the IVAM collection
Sophie Taeuber-Arp Institut Valencià d'Art Modern

Instituto Cervantes

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Jerome reading a letter painting by Georges de La Tour
Georges de La Tour Instituto Cervantes

Instituto Gómez Moreno

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Child Virgin Praying painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Instituto Gómez Moreno

Instituto Valencia of Don Juan

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Porträt der Dona Nicolasa Manrique de Mendoza y Velasco (1675-1710) painting by Claudio Coello
Claudio Coello Instituto Valencia of Don Juan
Allegory of the Order of the Camaldolese painting by El Greco (Instituto Valencia of Don Juan)
El Greco Instituto Valencia of Don Juan
Allegory of the Camaldolese Order subject of two paintings by El Greco
El Greco Instituto Valencia of Don Juan
Lorenzo Van der Hamen y León painting by Juan van der Hamen
Juan van der Hamen Instituto Valencia of Don Juan

Jerez de la Frontera Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Sleeping Child Virgin painting by Francisco de Zurbarán (Delenda 246; Jerez de la Frontera Cathedral)
Francisco de Zurbarán Jerez de la Frontera Cathedral

La Nau

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Porträt des Josep Climent i Avinent (1706-1781) painting by Josep Vergara
Josep Vergara La Nau

La Pedrera

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Murals in Casa Milà lobby painting by Iu Pascual
Iu Pascual Rodés La Pedrera

León City Council

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Alfonso X de Castilla painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada León City Council
Alfonso VIII de Castilla painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada León City Council
Alfonso VII de León painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada León City Council
Alfonso VI de León painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada León City Council
Alfonso V de León painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada León City Council
Alfonso IX de León painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada León City Council
El rey Alfonso XI de Castilla painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada León City Council

Liria Palace

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Infanta Margarita painting by Diego Velázquez
Diego Velázquez Liria Palace
María Francisca de Sales Portocarrero, 16th Duchess of Peñaranda painting by Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Palacio de Liria
Franz Xaver Winterhalter Liria Palace
Portrait of Fernando Álvarez de Toledo, 3rd Duke of Alba painting by Peter Paul Rubens
Peter Paul Rubens Liria Palace

Lleida City Hall

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retablo de la Virgen de los Ediles painting by Jaume Ferrer II
Jaume Ferrer II Lleida City Hall

Lleida Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Miracle of Our Lady of the Rosary and the knight Cologne painting by Joan Pau i Guardiola
Joan Pau i Guardiola Lleida Museum

Lopez Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
España y Filipinas painting by Juan Luna
Juan Luna Lopez Museum
Museo del Prado

Lázaro Galdiano Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Juan de Castilla portrait copy of a painting by Hans memling
No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of a man No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind painting related to Gerard David, Museo Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid, Spain) No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind painting related to Hans Memling, Museo Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid, Spain) No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Vision of Tondale painting after Jheronimus Bosch No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind en engel met kruis No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
The Descent from the Cross
Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of Juan III of Portugal painting follower of Antonio Moro No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of Christian II King of Denmark (1481-1559) Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Landschap met de H. Franciscus painting follower of Joachim Patinir No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind in een mandorla van rozen painting circle of Quinten Massijs (I) No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
De H. Johannes de Doper in een gotische nis painting possibly Quinten Massijs (I) No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
De H. Elizabeth van Hongarije in een gotische nis painting possibly Quinten Massijs (I) No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
De bewening No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind aan de borst painting after Robert Campin No/unknown value Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Diana and nymphs hunting deer Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Allegorie op de vrede Lázaro Galdiano Museum
The crucifixion Adriaen Isenbrandt Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Juan III de Portugal painting by Antonis Mor
Antonis Mor Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Landscape with travellers in a cave David Teniers the Younger Lázaro Galdiano Museum
St Francis and Brother Leo Meditating on Death painting by El Greco (Lazaro Galdeano) El Greco Lázaro Galdiano Museum
The Threshing Floor painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of Jose de La Canal painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Lázaro Galdiano Museum
The incantation painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Matrimonio desigual painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Tondal's Vision painting by a follower of Jheronimus Bosch
Hieronymus Bosch Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of a man, woman and child in fantasy hunting costumes, with dogs and hunting game under a canopy painting by Joannes Fijt Jan Fyt Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of Charles II of Spain painting attributed to Jan van Kessel
Jan van Kessel the Younger Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Small portrait of Maria Anna of Neuburg painting by Jan van Kessel the Younger
Jan van Kessel the Younger Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Naturaleza muerta con grabado painting by Jean-Baptiste Dusillion
Jean-Baptiste Dusillion Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Fernando de Valenzuela, marqués de Villasierra painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda
Juan Carreño de Miranda Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of a lady, half length, leaning on a windowsill painting by Justus van Egmont Justus van Egmont Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Group portrait of an unknown family painting by Lancelot Volders Lancelot Volders Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of an unknown woman
Ludolf de Jongh Lázaro Galdiano Museum
De vlucht naar Egypte painting attributed to Marcellus Coffermans Marcellus Coffermans Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind Master of the Female Half-Lengths Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind Master of the Female Half-Lengths Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Maria met kind Master of the Female Half-Lengths Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Christ bearing the cross Michiel Coxie Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Mary with the Christ-child amidst monks of the Carmelite Order painting by Peter van Lint Pieter van Lint Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of Master Ainslie painting by Thomas Lawrence
Thomas Lawrence Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of a Man painting by Ulrich Apt the Elder
Ulrich Apt the Elder Lázaro Galdiano Museum
Portrait of Mrs. Merry painting by Gilbert Stuart, formerly attributed to William Beechey
William Beechey
Gilbert Stuart
Lázaro Galdiano Museum

Madrid City Council

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
José María Diego de León y Juez Sarmiento, conde de Belascoain y alcalde de Madrid
Madrid City Council

Mariano Bellver Collection

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saints Justa and Rufina painting by José Roldán Martínez
José Roldán Martínez Mariano Bellver Collection

Maritime Museum of Barcelona

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
El port de Barcelona painting by Eliseo Meifrén y Roig Eliseo Meifrén y Roig Maritime Museum of Barcelona

Marquess of la Romana

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Friar's visit
Francisco Goya Marquess of la Romana
Interior of a prison
Francisco Goya Marquess of la Romana

Mercader Palace Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel as General Governor of Catalonia
Mercader Palace Museum

Ministry of Economy and Finance

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Alfonso XII de España painting by Eduardo Balaca
Eduardo Balaca Ministry of Economy and Finance
Alfonso XIII de España painting by Ramon Casas
Ramon Casas Ministry of Economy and Finance

Monastery of Saint Dominic of Silos

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
John the Evangelist painting by El Greco
El Greco Monastery of Saint Dominic of Silos
The Resurrection painting by El Greco (Santo Domingo el Antiguo)
El Greco Monastery of Saint Dominic of Silos
John the Baptist painting by El Greco
El Greco Monastery of Saint Dominic of Silos

Monumental church complex of Sant Pere de Terrassa

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retaule dels sants Abdó i Senén - Jaume Huguet painting by Jaume Huguet
Jaume Huguet Monumental church complex of Sant Pere de Terrassa

Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Adoración de los magos
No/unknown value Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
La Ascención
No/unknown value Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
Arcángel San Miguel
Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
Virgen del Rosario painting by Antonio del Castillo
Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
Santísima Trinidad painting by José Saló y Junquet
José Saló y Junquet Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba
La Santa Cena
Pablo de Céspedes Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

Museo Camón Aznar

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Felix de Azara painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Museo Camón Aznar
José de Cistué y Coll painting by Francisco Goya (little)
Francisco Goya Museo Camón Aznar
Ghostly Vision painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Museo Camón Aznar
Masked ball painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Museo Camón Aznar
El dos de mayo de 1808 en Madrid painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Museo Camón Aznar
Aesop and Menippus painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Museo Camón Aznar
Der büßende St. Hieronymus in der Wüste painting by Francisco Pacheco
Francisco Pacheco Museo Camón Aznar
St. Franziskus im Gebet painting by Juan Antonio de Frías y Escalante
Juan Antonio de Frías y Escalante Museo Camón Aznar
S. Isidro Labrador painting by Jusepe Leonardo
Jusepe Leonardo Museo Camón Aznar
Ronda de noche o la Víspera de Reyes painting by Lucas Velázquez
Lucas Velázquez Museo Camón Aznar

Museo Diocesano de Arte Antiguo (Sigüenza)

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Annunciation 1614 painting by El Greco, now in the Diocesan Museum in Sigüenza, Spain
El Greco Museo Diocesano de Arte Antiguo (Sigüenza)
The Immaculate Conception painting by Francisco de Zurbarán in Sigüenza
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo Diocesano de Arte Antiguo (Sigüenza)

Museo Diocesano de Arte Sacro de Álava

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Inmaculada Concepción painting by Alonso Cano
Alonso Cano Museo Diocesano de Arte Sacro de Álava

Museo Diocesano de Barcelona

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retaule renaixentista de Santa Agnès de Malanyanes painting by Jaume Forner
Jaume Forner Museo Diocesano de Barcelona
Retábulo de São Ciro e Santa Julita
Pedro García de Benavarre Museo Diocesano de Barcelona

Museo Diocesano de Cuenca

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Crucifixion painting after Adriaen Isenbrant No/unknown value Museo Diocesano de Cuenca
Agony in the Garden painting by El Greco
El Greco Museo Diocesano de Cuenca
An angel appears to Joseph in a dream and admonishes him to return home
Juan de Borgoña Museo Diocesano de Cuenca

Museo Diocesano de Palencia

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Anbetung der Könige
No/unknown value Museo Diocesano de Palencia

Museo Diocesano de Tarragona

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Table of Saints John. Central pannel painting by Bernat Martorell
Bernat Martorell Museo Diocesano de Tarragona
The Annunciation painting by Jaume Huguet
Jaume Huguet Museo Diocesano de Tarragona
Retaule de Sant Jaume de Vallespinosa
Joan Mates Museo Diocesano de Tarragona

Museo Fundación Lerma

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Holy Family with Saint Anne 1595 oil on canvas painting by El Greco, now in the Hospital de Tavera in Toledo
El Greco Museo Fundación Lerma
St Peter in Penitence painting by El Greco
El Greco Museo Fundación Lerma
Saint Francis in Prayer before a Crucifix painting by El Greco (Hospital de Tavera)
El Greco Museo Fundación Lerma
A cardinal painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda
Juan Carreño de Miranda Museo Fundación Lerma
Portrait of Feliche de la Cerda painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda
Juan Carreño de Miranda Museo Fundación Lerma
Portrait of Catalina de la Cerda painting by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
Juan Pantoja de la Cruz Museo Fundación Lerma
Magdalena Ventura with Her Husband and Son The Bearded Lady; 1631 oil on canvas painting by Jusepe de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Museo Fundación Lerma

Museo Julio Romero de Torres

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La chiquita piconera painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Poema de Córdoba painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Our lady of Andalusia painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Oranges and Lemons painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Viva el pelo painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
The grace painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Salomé painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La condesa de Casa Rojas painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Lighthouse virgin painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Nieves painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
The girl with the rose painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Horas de angustia painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Ángeles y Fuensanta painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Boceto de Ysolina Gallego painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Concepcion Ruiz Frias painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Flor de Santidad painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Rosarillo painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La sibila de las Alpujarras painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Córdoba 1912 painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Córdoba 1913 painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Mystical love painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Poeta Joaquín Alcaide Zafra painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La Argentinita painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Córdoba 1916 painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Alegrías painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Portrait of Amalia Romero de Torres painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Fragmento de un retrato painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Setback painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Tte. General Diego Muñoz Cobos y Serrano painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Death of Saint Ines painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Magdalena painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Samaritan woman painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Cartel corrida benéfica de toros painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Concepción Magacén painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Conchita Triana painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Diana painting by Julio Romero de Torres Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Archangel Saint Raphael painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Cabeza de santa painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Escritor Cristóbal de Castro painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Manuel Ruiz Maya painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Marta painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Bendición painting by Julio Romero de Torres Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La chiquita buena painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Fuensanta painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La copla painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Ángeles painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Cabeza de vieja painting by Julio Romero de Torres Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Cabeza sin terminar painting by Julio Romero de Torres Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Camino de bodas painting by Julio Romero de Torres Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Carmen painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
On the River Bank painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Eva painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Horacio de Castro Carboné painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Isabel Llopis de Luque painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La niña de la jarra painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La niña del candil painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
María de la O painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Mujer de Córdoba painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Rafaela painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Salud painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Jondo singing painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Cecilia Roballo painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La nieta de Trini painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Margarita Nelken painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
The Marquis’s Lunch painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
María Pilar painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Mary Luz painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Ministro Barroso y Castillo painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Ofrenda al arte del toreo painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
La Condesa de Colomera painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Monjita painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Naomi and her stepdaughters painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Return of the prodigal son painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Mujer de la pistola painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Concepción Ruiz Frías
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Nocturno painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres Museo Julio Romero de Torres
Beggars painting by Rafael Romero Barros Rafael Romero Barros Museo Julio Romero de Torres

Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Triptych of Nava and Grimon painting attributed to Pieter Coecke van Aelst and his workshop
Pieter Coecke van Aelst Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Tertulia painting by Ángeles Santos Torroella Aitzol Ituarte Elexpe Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Un monde painting by Ángeles Santos Torroella Aitzol Ituarte Elexpe Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Emakume bainulariak painting by Aurelio Arteta Errasti
Aurelio Arteta Errasti Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
La cuerda rota painting by Guillermo Silveira Guillermo Silveira Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Retrato de Franco painting by Ignacio Zuloaga Ignacio Zuloaga Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Q106872194 painting by Joan Miró Joan Miró Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Trópico José Renau Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Afternoon Tea in Ondárroa painting by Juan de Echevarría
Juan de Echevarría Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Orcio painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Gran arlequín y pequeña botella de ron painting by Salvador Dali Salvador Dalí Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Still Life painting by Salvador Dalí (P 135) Salvador Dalí Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Faune vell (Fauno viejo)
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Winter Landscape painting by Thomas Birch
Thomas Birch Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Charles II of Spain painting by Jan van Kessel the Younger (MNAD)
Jan van Kessel the Younger Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas
Portrait of Maria Anna of Neuburg
Jan van Kessel the Younger Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas

Museo Parroquial de el Bonillo

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ with the Cross painting by El Greco (El Bonillo)
El Greco Museo Parroquial de el Bonillo

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Still life with fruit and vegetables painting by Alexander Coosemans
Alexander Coosemans Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes
Bodegón del cardo
Juan Sánchez Cotán Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes
The Family of Boabdil leaving the Alhambra painting by Manuel Gómez-Moreno González
Manuel Gómez-Moreno González Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes

Museo Provincial de Lugo

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
San Bernardino painting by Jesus Corredoyra
Xesús Corredoyra Museo Provincial de Lugo

Museo Ulpiano Checa

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Regnerischer Tag in Paris painting by Ulpiano Checa
Ulpiano Checa Museo Ulpiano Checa
Alineación para la carrera painting by Ulpiano Checa
Ulpiano Checa Museo Ulpiano Checa

Museo Zuloaga

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Francis in Prayer painting by El Greco (Zuloaga) El Greco Museo Zuloaga
La Oterito in her dressing room painting by Ignacio Zuloaga
Ignacio Zuloaga Museo Zuloaga

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Landscape of Madrid painting by Salvador Dalí (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid) Salvador Dalí Museo de Arte Contemporáneo

Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Charles IV painting by Bernardo Martínez del Barranco
Bernardo Martínez del Barranco Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria
Portrait of Ferdinand VII of Spain painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria
The death of the bull paint of Umberto Pettinicchio Umberto Pettinicchio Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria

Museo de Bellas Artes de Badajoz

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Aprovechar la ocasión painting by Felipe Checa
Felipe Checa Museo de Bellas Artes de Badajoz
Virgin of the Clouds painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo de Bellas Artes de Badajoz
Retrato de Juan Carlos I painting by Guillermo Silveira Guillermo Silveira Museo de Bellas Artes de Badajoz
White Doves on Gray Roof painting by Guillermo Silveira Guillermo Silveira Museo de Bellas Artes de Badajoz
Casa iluminada painting by Guillermo Silveira Guillermo Silveira Museo de Bellas Artes de Badajoz

Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Madonna and Child with the Milk Soup painting by Gerard David in Sevilla
No/unknown value Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
El Verano painting by Francisco Barrera
Francisco Barrera Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
El Otoño painting by Francisco Barrera
Francisco Barrera Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
El Invierno painting by Francisco Barrera
Francisco Barrera Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Saint François d'Assise avec un crucifix painting by Francisco Pacheco
Francisco Pacheco Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Crucified Christ painting by Francisco de Zurbaran
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Blessed Henry Suso painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Saint Louis Bertrand painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Virgen de las Cuevas
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Bruno di Segni with Urban II painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
The cigar makers painting by Gonzalo Bilbao Martínez
Gonzalo Bilbao Martínez Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Baile por Bulerías painting by José García y Ramos
José García y Ramos Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Ein Krankenhaussaal während der Chefarztvisite painting by Luis Jiménez y Aranda
Luis Jiménez Aranda Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Holy Family Painting by the Master of the Parrot, Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Master with the Parrot
Pieter Coecke van Aelst
Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Madonna and Child
Niculoso Pisano Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Pieter van Lint
Pieter van Lint Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla

Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Bueyes y caserío vasco
Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava
Tríptico de la Guerra
Aurelio Arteta Errasti Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava
Retrato de la reina Mariana de Austria painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda (Álava)
Juan Carreño de Miranda Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava

Museo de Burgos

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Déploration Museo de Burgos

Museo de Guadalajara

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
St. Franziskus erhält die Sieben Privilegien painting attributed to Jusepe de Ribera
No/unknown value Museo de Guadalajara
Saint John the Baptist preaching in the desert painting by Anthonie Claesz. de Grebber
Antoni de Grebber Museo de Guadalajara
Ecce Homo. painting by unknown painter
Guadalajara Museo de Guadalajara
Die Vision des Hl. Hieronymus painting by Romulo Cincinato
Romulo Cincinato Museo de Guadalajara

Museo de Historia de Madrid

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Allegory of the City of Madrid painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Museo de Historia de Madrid
Alfonso XII visitando a los coléricos de Aranjuez painting by José Bermudo Mateos
José Bermudo Mateos Museo de Historia de Madrid
Fachada del Hospicio painting by José Franco Cordero
José Franco Cordero Museo de Historia de Madrid
The Death of Daoiz Y Velarde painting by José Nin y Tudó
José Nin y Tudó Museo de Historia de Madrid

Museo de Málaga

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The political charlatan painting by Bernardo Ferrándiz Bádenes
Bernardo Ferrándiz Bádenes Museo de Málaga

Museo de la Academia de Caballería de Valladolid

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Alfonso XIII a caballo painting by Román Navarro
Román Navarro Museo de la Academia de Caballería de Valladolid
Batalla de Treviño. painting by Víctor Morelli Sánchez-Gil
Víctor Morelli Sánchez-Gil Museo de la Academia de Caballería de Valladolid

Museo de la Ciudad de Murcia

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La peste painting by Joaquín Campos (1806)
Joaquín Campos Museo de la Ciudad de Murcia

Museo de la Guardia Civil

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Excmo. Sr. Don Juan Zubía y Basecourt painting by Julio Romero de Torres Julio Romero de Torres Museo de la Guardia Civil

Museo del Prado

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The judgement of Midas (Ovid, Metamorphoses, XI, 146-169) Museo del Prado
The victory of Truth over Heresy Museo del Prado
The banquet of Tereus (Ovid, Metamorphoses, VI, 647-674) Museo del Prado
Deucalion and Pyrrha (Ovid, Metamorphoses, I, 313-415) Museo del Prado
The rape of Proserpina (Ovid, Metamorphoses, V, 385-...) Museo del Prado
Stilleven met vruchten, wijnglas en vlinders Museo del Prado
Descent from the Cross (Matthew 27: 58-66) Museo del Prado
Portrait of an unknown general No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Saint John the Baptist with Heinrich von Werl (left); Saint Barbara reading (right) painting related to Master of Flémalle, Museo Nacional del Prado (Madrid, Spain) Museo del Prado
Saint James and Saint Clara Museo del Prado
Farm life and hunt Museo del Prado
The Reconciliation of the Romans and Sabines painting in Prado museum No/unknown value Museo del Prado
The Rape of the Sabines painting in the Prado Museum No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Mercury Museo del Prado
Hercules and the hydra (Ovid, Metamorphoses, IX, 69-74) Museo del Prado
Diana Museo del Prado
Berglandschap met reizigers No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Zuidelijk landschap met twee badende vrouwen, een herderin en een reiziger bij een meer No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Atlas Museo del Prado
Portrait of Margaretha van Habsburg (1522-1586) Museo del Prado
The raising of the cross Museo del Prado
Portrait of a man, possibly Francisco Verdugo (1536-1595) No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Hunting dogs rousing two bears and a deer on open field Museo del Prado
Hunting dogs fighting with a wolf next to a dead deer Museo del Prado
Hunting dogs fighting with a deer Museo del Prado
Hunting dogs fighting with a leopard Museo del Prado
Hunting dogs rousing two deer on open field Museo del Prado
Hunt of the Hare painting by unknown Romanesque Painter, Spanish (12th century)
Museo del Prado
Altar frontal artwork by unknown Master, Catalan (active 13th century in Catalonia)
No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Retable of St Christopher painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active in 14th century in Castile)
No/unknown value Museo del Prado
St Vincent and a Donor painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active in 1450-1500 in Aragon)
No/unknown value Museo del Prado
The Death of the Virgin painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active 1490-1500 in Castile)
No/unknown value Museo del Prado
The visitation
No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Virgin and Child with Angels and Saints painting by unknown Master, Spanish (active 1400-1425 in Castile)
No/unknown value Museo del Prado
Portrait of Sir Thomas More Museo del Prado
Creation Adam and the Original Sin painting by unknown romanesque painter, Spanish (12th century)
Museo del Prado
Still life of a table with crockery, cheese, sausage and fish painting by Alexander Adriaenssen (1587–1661)
Alexander Adriaenssen Museo del Prado
Still life with a hare, dead birds and fish painting by Alexander Adriaenssen (1587–1661)
Alexander Adriaenssen Museo del Prado
Still life with fish and a cat behind the table painting by Alexander Adriaenssen (1587–1661)
Alexander Adriaenssen Museo del Prado
Still life of table with fish, oysters and a cat painting by Alexander Adriaenssen (1587–1661)
Alexander Adriaenssen Museo del Prado
De graflegging van Christus painting by Ambrosius Benson Ambrosius Benson Museo del Prado
Landscape with the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael and the angel revealing water to Hagar in the wilderness (Genesis 21:14-19) painting by Anton Mirou Anton Mirou Museo del Prado
Altarpiece of Santo Domingo de Silos Altarpiece of Santo Domingo de Silos by Bartolomé Bermejo. Now disassembled
Bartolomé Bermejo
Martín Bernat
Museo del Prado
No/unknown value
Ecce Homo painting by Caravaggio in the Museo del Prado
Caravaggio Museo del Prado
No/unknown value
Zegenende Christus painting by Cornelis Cornelisz. Buys (II) Cornelis Buys Museo del Prado
De besnijdenis painting attributed to Cornelis van Cleve Cornelis van Cleve Museo del Prado
Portrait of Philip III, King of Spain (1578–1621) King Philip III of Spain, depicted by Diego Velázquez
Diego Velázquez Museo del Prado
Villanueva building
Visitation panel from triptych by Dieric Bouts
Dieric Bouts Museo del Prado
Visitation Painting from the predella of the Annunciation (Prado) by Fra Angelico
Fra Angelico Museo del Prado
the Holy Family with a Parrot painting by Francesco Salviati Francesco Salviati Museo del Prado
The Victorious Hannibal Seeing Italy from the Alps for the First Time painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Museo del Prado
Martirio de Santiago (Zurbarán)
Francisco de Zurbarán Museo del Prado
De H. Hieronymus painting attributed to Jacob Cornelisz Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen Museo del Prado
Jacob's Journey painting by Jan Baptist van der Meiren
Jan Baptist van der Meiren Museo del Prado
Ducks and Water Hens Surprised by Dogs painting by Joannes Fijt
Jan Fyt Museo del Prado
Boslandschap met een rivier painting by Jan Wildens Jan Wildens Museo del Prado
Portrait of Marie Louise d’Orléans painting by Jan van Kessel the Younger
Jan van Kessel the Younger Museo del Prado
Nuevo peligro painting by José Fernández Alvarado
José Fernández Alvarado Museo del Prado
Eva cogiendo la manzana painting by Juan Antonio Vera Calvo
Juan Antonio Vera Calvo Museo del Prado
The raising of Lazarus painting by Jusepe de Ribera Jusepe de Ribera Museo del Prado
El sacamuelas painting by Leonardo Alenza
Leonardo Alenza Museo del Prado
Portrait of Maria Josefa Carmela of Spain (1744-1801) painting by Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo
Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo Museo del Prado
De aanbidding van de Wijzen painting by Master of the Female Half-Lengths Master of the Female Half-Lengths Museo del Prado
Ecce Homo Master of the Holy Blood Museo del Prado
Ecce Homo painting by Meester van het Heilig Bloed Master of the Holy Blood Museo del Prado
Ecce Homo Master of the Holy Blood Museo del Prado
Portrait of an unknowm man painting by Melchior Brassauw Melchior Brassauw Museo del Prado
Winter: sawyers in a forest painting by Pauwels Franck Paolo Fiammingo Museo del Prado
The Finding of Moses paintings by Paolo Veronese
Paolo Veronese Museo del Prado
The Finding of Moses painting by Paolo Veronese in the Museo del Prado, Madrid
Paolo Veronese Museo del Prado
Jachthonden vechtend met een hert op open veld painting by Paul de Vos Paul de Vos Museo del Prado
Deianeira and Nessus (Ovidius, Metamorfosen, IX, 111-123), after 1636 painting by Rubens (after)
Peter Paul Rubens Museo del Prado
Anna bij de heilige familie painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens Museo del Prado
The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens Museo del Prado
Cavalry skirmish painting by Peter Snayers Peter Snayers Museo del Prado
Rustende soldaten bij een ruïne painting by Pieter van Bloemen Pieter van Bloemen Museo del Prado
The Barrio Family painting by Rafael Tegeo
Rafael Tejeo Museo del Prado
Werl Triptych painting by Robert Campin
Robert Campin Museo del Prado
The miracle of the flowering rod (left); the marriage of Mary and Joseph (right)
Robert Campin Museo del Prado
Pieta 16th-century painting by Sebastiano del Piombo
Sebastiano del Piombo Museo del Prado
House of Medinaceli
Landscape with a Vine painting by Tomás Yepes
Tomás Yepes Museo del Prado
Hart Backbord! painting by Ventura Álvarez Sala
Ventura Álvarez Sala Museo del Prado
Plowing the land (Asturias) painting by Ventura Álvarez Sala
Ventura Álvarez Sala Museo del Prado
Jesucristo entregando las llaves a San Pedro
Willem van Herp Museo del Prado

Museu Catedralici i Diocesà de València

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Paolo da San Leocadio
Paolo da San Leocadio Museu Catedralici i Diocesà de València

Museu Comarcal de Manresa

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Assumpció de la Mare de Déu amb tots els sants painting by Antoni Viladomat Y Manalt
Antoni Viladomat i Manalt Museu Comarcal de Manresa

Museu Episcopal de Vic

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Baldachin of Ribes Baldachin preserved at vic museum
Museu Episcopal de Vic
Frontal d'altar de Sant Vicenç d'Espinelves anonymous painting
No/unknown value Museu Episcopal de Vic
Altar frontal from Santa Margarida de Vila-seca altar frontal at Museu Episcopal de Vic
No/unknown value Museu Episcopal de Vic
Frontal d'altar de Sant Sadurní de Rotgers painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Museu Episcopal de Vic
Pinturas murales del ábside de Sant Martí del Brull painting by Maestro de Osormort Maestro de Osormort Museu Episcopal de Vic
Pintures murals de l'absis de Sant Sadurní d'Osormort painting by Maestro de Osormort Maestro de Osormort Museu Episcopal de Vic
Pintures murals de l'absis de Sant Martí Sescorts painting by Mestre de Cardona Mestre de Cardona Museu Episcopal de Vic

Museu Frederic Marès

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Polyptych of Our Lady of Solitude Polyptych attributed to the Master of the Holy Blood
Master of the Holy Blood Museu Frederic Marès

Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Fight between David and Goliath painting by unknown Romanesque Painter, Catalan (active 1100-1150 in Catalonia)
No/unknown value Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
The Madonna Enthroned painting by unknown Romanesque Painter, Catalan (active 1100-1150 in Catalonia)
No/unknown value Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Miracle of the Roses
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Selbstporträt Aleix Clapés painting by Aleix Clapés
Aleix Clapés Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
La dona impúdica Angel Planells playes Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Breakwater of the port of Barcelona painting by Antonio Fabrés
Antonio Fabrés Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Annunciation painting by El Greco in Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
El Greco Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Un poble empordanès
Francisco Gimeno Arasa Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Apparition of the Virgin of the Pilar painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Primavera (Francesc Miralles) painting by Francisco Miralles Galup
Francisco Miralles Galup Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Saint James the Greater painting by Gonzalo Pérez
Gonzalo Pérez Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
The Market in Santa Coloma de Queralt painting by Jaume Morera i Galícia
Jaume Morera i Galícia Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Adoration of Christ with the Ayala family painting by Juan de las Roelas
Juan de las Roelas Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Ombres reflectides
Lluís Masriera Rosés Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
The Stamp Collector painting by Marià Fortuny Marsal
Marià Fortuny Marsal Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
El toc d'oració painting by Modest Urgell
Modest Urgell Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
landscape painting by Modest Urgell
Modest Urgell Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Retrat de la nena Sardà painting by Ramon Casas
Ramon Casas Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
No/unknown value
Nans Cove. Cadaqués painting by Salvador Dalí (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona) Salvador Dalí Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Portrait of Ramon Casas painting by Santiago Rusiñol
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Gardens of the Generalife painting by Santiago Rusiñol, 1909
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Altarpiece of Saint Stephen artwork by Grup Vergós
Vergos family
Joan Gascó
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Museu Picasso

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
El mas del Quiquet painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Arlecchino Picture by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Madre con bambino malato painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
La dona del floc de cabells painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Arlequin painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Mountainous landscape painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Self portrait (Picasso, 1896 Impressionist oil painting by Pablo Picasso, 1986 Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Azoteas de Barcelona painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Bodegón (Picasso 1901) painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Desamparados painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
The embrace painting by Pablo Picasso (1900) Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
El loco painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Hombre con boina painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Hombre sentado painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Painter at work painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Retrato de la tía Pepa painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Decadent Poet painting by Pablo Picasso (1900) Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Retrato de Jaume Sabartés con gorguera y sombrero painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Retrato de la señora Canals painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Riera de San Juan street, from the window of the artist's studio painting by Pablo Picasso (1900) Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Retrato del padre del artista painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
The Colon walk painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
La ofrenda painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Blanquita Suárez (painting) painting made by Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Copa y paquete de tabaco painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Barraca de feria painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
1 2 painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Salt amb la garrotxa painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Home recolzat en una paret painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Autorretrato con peluca painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Lola, the artist's sister artwork by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
Barceloneta beach (Picasso) painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso
La Primera Comunión painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museu Picasso

Museu Raset

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Sense títol painting by Vicenç Viaplana Vicenç Viaplana Museu Raset

Museu d'Art Jaume Morera

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retrat d'Antonieta Nuet Ribé, germana del segon Comte de Torregrossa anonymous painting No/unknown value Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Estructuración permanente Albert Coma Estadella Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Estructuración permanente Albert Coma Estadella Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol Albert Coma Estadella Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol Albert Coma Estadella Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Untitled painting by Albert Vives i Iglésias Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Vista de Cervera Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Vista de Cervera Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Casa i arbre Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Casa i arbre Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Arbres Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Arbre Albert Vives i Iglésias Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
D'jali Alejandro Seiquer López Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Tubercul incúbic tot esperant l'hora seca Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Antoni Garcia i Lamolla, 1936, cardboard Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Antoni Garcia i Lamolla, 1936, paper Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge urbà Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge urbà Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
ST (paisatge urbà) Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
L'espectre de les tres gràcies dins l'aura subtil Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Antoni Garcia i Lamolla Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Antoni Ramos Gomis Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
FSAPC logo logo design for the Federació Sindical d’Artistes Plàstics de Catalunya Antoni Tàpies Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Col·lecció Fundació Privada AAVC
Simetria painting by Antoni Tàpies i Puig Antoni Tàpies Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Col·lecció Fundació Privada AAVC
Vacia. Madrid (Estudio) Antonio Gomar y Gomar Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Rol de cornudos Armand Cardona Torrandell Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Friso painting by Baldomer Gili i Roig Baldomer Gili i Roig Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Roma painting by Baldomer Gili i Roig Baldomer Gili i Roig Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
La taberna painting by Baldomer Gili i Roig Baldomer Gili i Roig Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
The adoration of the magi painting by Baldomer Gili i Roig Baldomer Gili i Roig Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Añoranza painting by Baldomer Gili i Roig Baldomer Gili i Roig Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Dona amb pollastre painting by Baldomer Gili i Roig Baldomer Gili i Roig Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge urbà painting by Baldomer Gili i Roig Baldomer Gili i Roig Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol painting by Benet Rosell Benet Rossell Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Autoretrat Carles Llobet Raurich Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sant Feliu de Codinas Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Marina Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. Paisatge Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Retrat Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Guerra a las moscas (cartell) Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Guerra a las moscas (cartell) Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Agrupació artística Bellas Arts (cartell) Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Jabón Heno de Pravia (cartell) Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Retrat Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Projecte Abanico Carles Llobet i Busquets Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Ponts de Lleida Carles Mostany i Rebés Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Teló de teatre Carles Mostany i Rebés Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Teló de teatre Carles Mostany i Rebés Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Arroyo (Monasterio de Piedra) painting by Carlos de Haes Carlos de Haes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Argálides (Monasterio de Piedra) painting by Carlos de Haes Carlos de Haes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Atardecer (Monasterio de Piedra) painting by Carlos de Haes Carlos de Haes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Un valle (Monasterio de Piedra) painting by Carlos de Haes Carlos de Haes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Gallinero (Monasterio de Piedra) painting by Carlos de Haes Carlos de Haes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Arroyo (Monasterio de Piedra) Carlos de Haes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Cercanías del Monasterio de Piedra painting by Carlos de Haes Carlos de Haes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Retrato de Jaime Morera Casto Plasencia Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Marina Edmond de Schampheleer Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Retrat de Philomen de Lazaro. Spanska Emma Toll Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T Ernest Ibàñez Neach Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol Ernest Ibàñez Neach Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol Ernest Ibàñez Neach Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol Ernest Ibàñez Neach Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol Ernest Ibàñez Neach Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol Ernest Ibàñez Neach Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Lleida Ernest Ibàñez Neach Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
En la fábrica de tabacos de Sevilla Gonzalo Bilbao Martínez Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Isidre Mercadé Ferrando Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Amersfoort (Holanda) Jaume Minguell i Miret Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Santa Coloma de Queralt al anochecer painting by Jaume Morera i Galícia Jaume Morera i Galícia Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Frio de octubre.Nijmegen (Holanda) painting by Jaume Morera i Galícia Jaume Morera i Galícia Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura V Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura III Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura III Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura IV Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura IV Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura I Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura II Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pintura II Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Tríptic painting by Jesús Mauri Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Tríptic painting by Jesús Mauri Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Tríptic painting by Jesús Mauri Jesús Mauri Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El sol crema a migdia Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El sol crema a migdia Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El sol crema a migdia Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El rei governa Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El rei governa Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Molt agradable Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Molt agradable Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Molt agradable Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El sol brilla a la Plaça Paheria Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El sol brilla a la Plaça Paheria Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Unes bones escales de pedra Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Unes bones escales de pedra Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Lo Marraco fa por Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Lo Marraco fa por Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Ni tan moros, ni tan cristians Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Ni tan moros, ni tan cristians Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Els ciutadans honrats Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Els ciutadans honrats Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
La parella oriental Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Allà dins la imaginació es dispara Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Allà dins la imaginació es dispara Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Allà dins la imaginació es dispara Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
El cavall és un bon amic Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Multa, per dolent Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Multa, per dolent painting by Jordi Jové i Viñes Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Un dia gris a la Plaça Sant Joan painting by Jordi Jové i Viñes Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
La Paheria és de pedra painting by Jordi Jové i Viñes Jordi Jové i Viñes Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Josep Benseny Piñol Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
San Carlos Borromeo painting by Josep Maria Marquès i García Josep Maria Marquès Garcia Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Boceto para la casa de campo de El Escorial painting by Josep Maria Marquès i García Josep Maria Marquès Garcia Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisaje de El Escorial Josep Maria Suay Dagues Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Rostre painting by Josep Maria de Sucre de Grau Josep Maria de Sucre de Grau Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisaje con charcas Juan Espina y Capo Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Árboles en un montículo Juan Espina y Capo Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Juan Humberto Leonardo de Haas Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Juan Humberto Leonardo de Haas Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Leandre Cristòfol Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Leandre Cristòfol Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge Lluís Graner Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Dia de pluja Lluís Masriera Rosés Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Abstracció geomètrica Lluís Trepat i Padró Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Paisatge de l'Alta Segarra: Sant Domí Lluís Trepat i Padró Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Ovals drawing by Lluís Trepat i Padró Lluís Trepat i Padró Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Ovals Lluís Trepat i Padró Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Cosechadora Lluís Trepat i Padró Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Batadora Lluís Trepat i Padró Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Ritmes en ocre i negre Lluís Trepat i Padró Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pastor moro Miguel Viladrich Vilà Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Aguadora mora Miguel Viladrich Vilà Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Pinxit (perfil con barretina) Miguel Viladrich Vilà Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Tejedor moro Miguel Viladrich Vilà Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Médico moro Miguel Viladrich Vilà Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Calderero moro Miguel Viladrich Vilà Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol painting by Perico Pastor i Bodmer Perico Pastor i Bodmer Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Marina Ramon Mestre Vidal Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Rosa Siré i Cabré Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Rosa Siré i Cabré Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Rosa Siré i Cabré Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Rosa Siré i Cabré Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Rosa Siré i Cabré Rosa Siré i Cabré Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Landscape painting by Víctor Pérez i Pallarés (1950) Víctor Pérez i Pallarés Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Oli pels pobres III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Oli pels pobres III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Oli pels pobres I Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Oli pels pobres I Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Oli pels pobres II Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Metafísica III Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera

Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Altafulla i crisantems painting by Josep Sala Llorens Josep Sala Llorens Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona
El tonto del pueblo painting by José Nogué Massó José Nogué Massó Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona
Desnudo masculino painting by José Nogué Massó José Nogué Massó Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona

Museu d'Història de València

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
St. Vinzenz Ferrer painting by unknown artist
No/unknown value Museu d'Història de València
Paintings in the Museu d'Història de València painting by Vrancke van der Stockt
Vrancke van der Stockt Museu d'Història de València

Museu de Belles Arts de Castelló

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Laparotomy painting by Vicent Castell i Domènech
Vicent Castell i Domènech Museu de Belles Arts de Castelló

Museu de Belles Arts de València

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Porträt der Germaine of Foix (1490-1536) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Museu de Belles Arts de València
Arribada del Crist del Salvador a València.
Museu de Belles Arts de València
Still life with fish painting by Alexander Adriaenssen
Alexander Adriaenssen Museu de Belles Arts de València
Francisco de Moncada, III marqués de Aytona
Anthony van Dyck Museu de Belles Arts de València
The smuggler painting by Asensio Juliá
Asensio Juliá Museu de Belles Arts de València
Garland of flowers with the 'Noli me tangere painting by Daniel Seghers
Daniel Seghers Museu de Belles Arts de València
Garland of flowers with the 'Adoration of the shepherds
Daniel Seghers Museu de Belles Arts de València
Früchte-Stillleben painting by Emili Sala Francés
Emilio Sala Museu de Belles Arts de València
Landscape sketch painting by Emilio Sala Francés
Emilio Sala Museu de Belles Arts de València
Porträt der Ana Colín i Perinat painting by Emilio Sala
Emilio Sala Museu de Belles Arts de València
Señora de Álvarez painting by Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench
Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench Museu de Belles Arts de València
Interior de alquería valenciana painting by Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench
Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench Museu de Belles Arts de València
Landscape (València) painting by Jan Frans van Bloemen
Jan Frans van Bloemen Museu de Belles Arts de València
Última comunió de la Magdalena painting by Jerónimo Jacinto de Espinosa
Jerónimo Jacinto de Espinosa Museu de Belles Arts de València
Aparition of the apostoles S Peter an S Paul to emperor Constatin painting by Jerónimo Jacinto de Espinosa
Jerónimo Jacinto de Espinosa Museu de Belles Arts de València
Aparición de Cristo a san Ignacio de Loyola
Jerónimo Jacinto de Espinosa Museu de Belles Arts de València
Grupa valenciana
Joaquín Sorolla Museu de Belles Arts de València
Yo soy el pan de la vida Joaquín Sorolla Museu de Belles Arts de València
Selbstporträt painting by Josep Vergara
Josep Vergara Museu de Belles Arts de València
Virgin of the Seat or of the Miracle painting by José Camarón y Bononat
José Camarón y Bononat Museu de Belles Arts de València
St Matthew the Evangelist painting by Juan Rexach
Juan Rexach Museu de Belles Arts de València
St John the Evangelist painting by Juan Rexach
Juan Rexach Museu de Belles Arts de València
St Luke the Evangelist painting by Juan Rexach
Juan Rexach Museu de Belles Arts de València
Virgen de la Esperanza con ángeles músicos
Juan Zariñena Museu de Belles Arts de València
Christ the Saviour
Juan de Juanes Museu de Belles Arts de València
San Sebastián atendido por santa Irene y su criada Jusepe de Ribera Museu de Belles Arts de València
Madonna der Milch painting by Maestro de Perea
Maestro de Perea Museu de Belles Arts de València
Saint Lucy painting by Maestro de Perea
Maestro de Perea Museu de Belles Arts de València
Nativity painting by Martín Torner
Martín Torner Museu de Belles Arts de València
Q110698005 painting by Modest Urgell
Modest Urgell Museu de Belles Arts de València
The Death of St Martin painting by Nicolás Falcó
Nicolás Falcó Museu de Belles Arts de València
The Agony in the Garden painting by Paolo da San Leocadio
Paolo da San Leocadio Museu de Belles Arts de València
Dánae recibiendo la lluvia de oro painting by Paolo de Matteis
Paolo de Matteis Museu de Belles Arts de València
Das Postschiff fährt in den Hafen von Havanna ein painting by Rafael Monleón y Torres
Rafael Monleón Museu de Belles Arts de València
Paisatge català painting by Ramon Martí Alsina
Ramon Martí Alsina Museu de Belles Arts de València
La herida del rey don Jaime en la conquista de Valencia painting by Salvador Martinez Cubells
Salvador Martínez Cubells Museu de Belles Arts de València
El riu Onyar al seu pas per Girona painting by Santiago Rusiñol
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Museu de Belles Arts de València
Portrait of Charles IV of Spain (1748-1819) painting by Vicente López Portaña
Vicente López Portaña Museu de Belles Arts de València
Calvary of Redemption painting by Vicente Masip
Vicente Masip Museu de Belles Arts de València
Rincón de cocina. painting by Vicente Victoria
Vicente Victoria Museu de Belles Arts de València
Portrait of Saint Simon of Rojas dead painting by Vincenzo Carducci
Vincenzo Carducci
Diego Velázquez
Museu de Belles Arts de València

Museu de Mallorca

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Marià Aguiló i Fuster painting by Antoni Fuster i Fortesa
Antoni Fuster i Fortesa Museu de Mallorca

Museu de Valls

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Garrofer painting by Jaume Mercadé i Queralt Jaume Mercadé i Queralt Museu de Valls

Museu de l'Empordà

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of deceased Elisa Masrieras painting by Francesc Masriera
Francesc Masriera Manovens Museu de l'Empordà

Museu de la Ciutat de València

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Playa de la Malvarrosa painting by Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench
Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench Museu de la Ciutat de València

Museu de la Garrotxa

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Les Lavandières painting by Joaquim Vayreda i Vila
Joaquim Vayreda i Vila Museu de la Garrotxa

Museu de la Noguera

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retaule de Sant Salvador (Balaguer) painting by Mestre de Balaguer
Mestre de Balaguer Museu de la Noguera
Adoration of the Magi to the Child Jesus painting by Mestre de Balaguer
Mestre de Balaguer Museu de la Noguera

Museu del Patriarca

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Margarita Agulló
Museu del Patriarca
The Adoration of the Shepherds (Valencia) painting by El Greco
El Greco Museu del Patriarca
Allegory of the Order of the Camaldolese painting by El Greco (Museo del Partriarca)
El Greco Museu del Patriarca
St Francis and Brother Leo Meditating on Death painting by El Greco (Valencia)
El Greco Museu del Patriarca
Annunciation painting by Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina
Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina Museu del Patriarca
Miracle of Our Lady of the Rosary and the Knight of Cologne painting attributed to Miguel Esteve
Miguel Esteve Museu del Patriarca

Museum of Contemporary Art, Vigo

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Q109415552 painting by Ramon Casas
Ramon Casas Museum of Contemporary Art, Vigo

Museum of Cádiz

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Q125170504 Alonso Cano, possible copy of a original but lost self-portrait
No/unknown value Museum of Cádiz
The burial of Christ painting by Fabrizio Santafede
Fabrizio Santafede Museum of Cádiz
Miracle of the Portiuncula painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Museum of Cádiz
Pentecost painting by Francisco de Zurbaran
Francisco de Zurbarán Museum of Cádiz
Julius Cäsar vor der Alexanderstatue im Herkules-Tempel in Cádiz. painting by José Morillo Ferradas
José Morillo Ferradas Museum of Cádiz
Patio of the Convent of San Francisco de Cádiz painting by Salvador Viniegra
Salvador Viniegra Museum of Cádiz
Psyche and Cupid painting by Victoria Martín de Campo
Victoria Martín de Campo Museum of Cádiz
Decanter still life painting by Willem Claesz. Heda
Willem Claesz. Heda Museum of Cádiz

Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retrato de Doña Carmen Estremera Tragó painting by Eduardo Chicharro Agüera Eduardo Chicharro y Agüera Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
Essai de kultur drawing by Jean Louis Forain Jean-Louis Forain Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
Patio de Toledo painting by José Alcázar Tejedor José Alcázar Tejedor Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
Collection of Ángel Avilés
Paisaje de Granada painting by Rafael Romero Barros
Rafael Romero Barros Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba

Museum of Huelva

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence
Museum of Huelva

Museum of Huesca

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Antonio Veián y Monteagudo painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Museum of Huesca

Museum of Jaén

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Tierra Franciscana painting by José Nogué Massó José Nogué Massó Museum of Jaén

Museum of Montserrat

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Blocked Seine at Port-Marly painting by Alfred Sisley
Alfred Sisley Museum of Montserrat
Penitent Mary Magdalena painting by El Greco in Museum of Montserrat
El Greco Museum of Montserrat
El joven payés painting by Joaquim Vayreda i Vila
Joaquim Vayreda i Vila Museum of Montserrat
Salida de la luna painting by Joaquim Vayreda i Vila
Joaquim Vayreda i Vila Museum of Montserrat
Campo de alfalfa painting by Joaquim Vayreda i Vila
Joaquim Vayreda i Vila Museum of Montserrat
La petita que fa mitja painting by Josep Obiols i Palau Josep Obiols i Palau Museum of Montserrat
The tapestry seller painting by Marià Fortuny
Marià Fortuny Marsal Museum of Montserrat
Picador painting painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso Museum of Montserrat
Tigre painting by Ramon Martí Alsina
Ramon Martí Alsina Museum of Montserrat
The Sailor. Neo-cubist Academy painting by Salvador Dalí Salvador Dalí Museum of Montserrat

Museum of Navarre

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of the Marquis of San Adrián painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Museum of Navarre

Museum of Romanticism

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Basilio de Chávarri
Museum of Romanticism
Children playing with a ram
Museum of Romanticism
Attack on the Stagecoach painting by Jenaro Pérez Villaamil
Genaro Pérez Villaamil Museum of Romanticism
View of City of Fraga and its Hanging Bridge painting by Genaro Pérez Villaamil
Genaro Pérez Villaamil Museum of Romanticism
Una mártir en tiempos de Diocleciano painting by José María Rodríguez de Losada
José María Rodríguez de Losada Museum of Romanticism
Satire of Romantic Suicide painting by Leonardo Alenza
Leonardo Alenza Museum of Romanticism
Allégorie du suicide painting by Lucas Velázquez
Lucas Velázquez Museum of Romanticism

Museum of Santa Cruz

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Ildefonso painting by El Greco (Museo de Santa Cruz)
No/unknown value
El Greco
Museum of Santa Cruz
Saint Peter painting by El Greco (Museo de Santa Cruz)
No/unknown value
El Greco
Museum of Santa Cruz
The Coronation of the Virgin painting by El Greco (Altarpiece of Talavera la Vieja)
El Greco
No/unknown value
Museum of Santa Cruz
Saint Dominic praying painting by El Greco (Museo de Santa Cruz)
El Greco Museum of Santa Cruz
St Joseph and the Christ Child painting by El Greco at Museum of Santa Cruz
El Greco Museum of Santa Cruz
El Greco Museum of Santa Cruz
Three Franciscan Martyrs in Japan painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda
Juan Carreño de Miranda Museum of Santa Cruz
Tanners Workshop - Tanners Workshop of Ubide painting by Ricardo Arredondo Calmache (1850–1911)
Ricardo Arredondo Calmache Museum of Santa Cruz

Museum of the Americas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Sor Juana de la Cruz, great-granddaughter of Hernán Cortés
No/unknown value Museum of the Americas
Spanjaard en mesties, kasteschilderij Miguel Cabrera Museum of the Americas
Casta Painting, 9. From male Black and female Amerindian, china cambuja (Zamba) painting by Miguel Cabrera
Miguel Cabrera Museum of the Americas
Pintura de Castas, 2. De español y mestiza, castiza. painting by Miguel Cabrera
Miguel Cabrera Museum of the Americas
Miguel González
Juan González
Museum of the Americas

Museum of the History of Barcelona

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Otger Cataló painting by Claudi Lorenzale
Claudi Lorenzale Museum of the History of Barcelona

Museum of the History of Catalonia

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Pere II el Gran al coll de Panissars painting by Bartomeu Ribó i Terriz
Bartomeu Ribó i Terriz Museum of the History of Catalonia
The Little Weaver painting by Joan Planella i Rodríguez (1882)
Joan Planella i Rodríguez Museum of the History of Catalonia

Narros palace

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Paul 1586 painting by El Greco (Marquesa de Narros, San Sebastian)
El Greco Narros palace

National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts González Martí.

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Desnudo de frente painting
Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts González Martí.

National Sculpture Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Santo Domingo de Guzmán y Santa Catalina de Siena
National Sculpture Museum
Great retable of San Benito el Real painting by Alonso Berruguete
Alonso Berruguete National Sculpture Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra
Naval Museum of Madrid
José Joaquín Romero y Fernández de Landa
Naval Museum of Madrid
El capitán general Francisco Javier Everardo-Tilly
Naval Museum of Madrid
Antonio de Oquendo
Naval Museum of Madrid
Antonio de Oquendo
Naval Museum of Madrid
José Antonio de Gaztañeta e Iturribalzaga
Naval Museum of Madrid
Antonio de Escaño
Naval Museum of Madrid
Antonio Pareja y Serrano de León
Naval Museum of Madrid
Antonio Serrano
Naval Museum of Madrid
Antonio Barcelo, with his courrier xebec, rejects two algerian galiots (1738) painting by Angel Cortellini y Sánchez
Angel Cortellini y Sánchez Naval Museum of Madrid
Q111240226 painting by Cerresiete
Antonio Muñoz Degrain Naval Museum of Madrid
Q110727634 painting by Antonio de Brugada
Antonio de Brugada Naval Museum of Madrid
Portrait of King Ferdinand VI of Spain (1713-1759) as Prince of Asturias painting by Jean Ranc
Jean Ranc Naval Museum of Madrid
Embarque del rey Amadeo en el puerto de La Spezia, Italia painting by Luis Álvarez Catalá
Luis Álvarez Catalá Naval Museum of Madrid
Alfonso XII de España painting by Manuel Ojeda y Siles
Manuel Ojeda y Siles Naval Museum of Madrid
Attack on the Callao of Chilean independentists painting by Rafael Monleón
Rafael Monleón Naval Museum of Madrid
Q114606758 painting by Rafael Monleón
Rafael Monleón Naval Museum of Madrid
Portrait of Spanish Admiral José Navarro
Rafael Tejeo Naval Museum of Madrid
Antonio Valdés y Fernández Bazán painting by Rafael Tejeo
Rafael Tejeo Naval Museum of Madrid

Orihuela Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Temptation of St. Thomas painting by Diego Velázquez
Diego Velázquez Orihuela Cathedral

Palace of Albéniz

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Jardins de Mallorca painting by Santiago Rusiñol
Santiago Rusiñol i Prats Palace of Albéniz

Palace of Zarzuela

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Manufacture of bullets in the Sierra de Tardienta painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Palace of Zarzuela

Palace of the Senate

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Conference Room of the Senate in March 1904 painting by Asterio Mañanós Martínez
Asterio Mañanós Martínez Palace of the Senate
Colecta para sepultar el cadáver de don Álvaro de Luna
José María Rodríguez de Losada Palace of the Senate
Entrée de Roger de Flor à Constantinople painting by José Moreno Carbonero
José Moreno Carbonero Palace of the Senate

Palacio de las Cortes

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Ejecución de los comuneros de Castilla painting by Antonio Gisbert
Antonio Gisbert Palacio de las Cortes

Palacio de las Dueñas

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Eugenia de Montijo, condesa de Teba painting by Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz Palacio de las Dueñas

Palacio de los Marqueses de Viana

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Felipe IV mit zwei Dienern painting by Gaspar de Crayer
Gaspar de Crayer Palacio de los Marqueses de Viana
Alfonso XIII de España painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Palacio de los Marqueses de Viana
Adoración de los Reyes Magos painting by Luca Giordano
Luca Giordano Palacio de los Marqueses de Viana

Palau Reial de Vilafranca del Penedès

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Marina painting by Eliseo Meifrén y Roig
Eliseo Meifrén y Roig Palau Reial de Vilafranca del Penedès

Palau de Cervelló

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Fernando VII con el manto de la Orden de Carlos III painting by Vicent López Portaña
Vicente López Portaña Palau de Cervelló

Palencia Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian painting by El Greco
El Greco Palencia Cathedral

Palma City Hall

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retrat de Jaume I painting by anonymous
No/unknown value Palma City Hall

Patrimonio Nacional

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Carlos Domingo of Bourbon (1780-1783), second son of Charles IV of Spain. painting by Antonio Carnicero
Antonio Carnicero Patrimonio Nacional
Queen Isabella II and her daughter the Princess of Asturias painting by Franz Xaver Winterhalter
Franz Xaver Winterhalter Patrimonio Nacional
Retrato de Alfonso XIII con uniforme de húsar painting by Georges Scott
Georges Scott Patrimonio Nacional
Portrait of King Alfonso XIII in a Hussar's Uniform painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Patrimonio Nacional

Pontevedra Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple painting by El Greco (Pontevedra)
El Greco Pontevedra Museum
En el locutorio painting by Luis Menéndez Pidal Luis Menéndez Pidal Pontevedra Museum
Render unto Caesar painting by Michiel Coxie
Michiel Coxie Pontevedra Museum

Provincial Council of Valencia

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Padre Jofré defending a crazy painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Provincial Council of Valencia
The palleter's cry painting by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida
Joaquín Sorolla Provincial Council of Valencia
Alfonso XIII con el hábito de Gran Maestre de las Órdenes Militares painting by Josep Mongrell i Torrent
Josep Mongrell i Torrent Provincial Council of Valencia

Provincial Deputation of Barcelona

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Bodegón con flores, hortalizas y un cesto de cerezas (Sánchez Cotán) painting by Juan Sánchez Cotán
Juan Sánchez Cotán
Juan Sánchez Cotán
Provincial Deputation of Barcelona
No/unknown value

Real Academia de Bellas Artes de la Purísima Concepción

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The village chapel painting by Marcelina Poncela
Marcelina Poncela Real Academia de Bellas Artes de la Purísima Concepción

Real Colegio de Doncellas Nobles

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint Francis with Brother Leo painting by El Greco (Colegio de Doncellas Nobles)
El Greco Real Colegio de Doncellas Nobles

Real Círculo de la Amistad

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Rosas en la balconada painting by Julio Romero de Torres
Julio Romero de Torres
Enrique Romero de Torres
Real Círculo de la Amistad

Real Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Santa Lutgarda painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Real Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana
The transit of St. Joseph painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Real Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux curing a cripple painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Real Monasterio de San Joaquín y Santa Ana

Reales Alcázares

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Virgin of the Navigators painting by Alejo Fernández
Alejo Fernández Reales Alcázares
Godofredo de Bouillon en el Monte Sinaí painting by Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz Reales Alcázares

Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Saint George painting by an unknown artist No/unknown value Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Reflections on Gaudi painting by unknown artist No/unknown value Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Assumption Day painting by Francesco Albani Annibale Carracci
Francesco Albani
Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Adonis pulls a splinter from the heel of Venus painting by Francesco Albani Francesco Albani Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Good Samaritan painting by Pelegrín Clavé
Pelegrí Clavé Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
El intendente Antonio Barata painting by Vicenç Rodés i Aries
Vicenç Rodés i Aries Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi

Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The arrest of Jesus
Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Garlands of Flowers surrounding the Virgin, the Child and Little Saint John
Daniel Seghers
Erasmus Quellinus II
Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Carlos IV de España painting by Francisco Bayeu y Subías
Francisco Bayeu y Subías Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
The Burial of the Sardine painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
La Tirana painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
The Inquisition Tribunal painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Self-portrait in the Studio painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
A Procession of Flagellants painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
The Madhouse painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Portrait of Manuel Godoy painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
A Village Bullfight painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
José Luis Munárriz painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Giovanni Do
Giovanni Do Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Carlo Broschi, dito Farinelli painting by Jacopo Amigoni
Jacopo Amigoni Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Asunción de la Magdalena, by José de Ribera painting by Jusepe de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Alegoría de la Cultura Española painting by Luis García Sampedro
Luis García Sampedro Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Hércules y Anteo. painting by Rafael Tejeo
Rafael Tejeo Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Portrait of María Francisca de Braganza painting by Vicent López Portaña
Vicente López Portaña Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando

Royal Academy of History

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Antonio Benavides Fernández de Navarrete painting by Antonio María Esquivel
Antonio María Esquivel Royal Academy of History
Portrait of Mariano Luis de Urquijo Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of History
Brother Juan Fernández de Rojas painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of History
José de Vargas Ponce painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Academy of History
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo painting by José Casado del Alisal
José Casado del Alisal Royal Academy of History
Portrait of Cervantes painting by Juan de Jáuregui
Juan Royal Academy of History
El rey Alfonso XII de España painting by Marcos Hiráldez Acosta
Marcos Hiráldez Acosta Royal Academy of History

Royal Alcazar of Madrid

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Calydonian boar hunt painting by Peter Paul Rubens, 1592-1628, 167 x 417,5 cm Peter Paul Rubens Royal Alcazar of Madrid
No/unknown value
The Calydonian boar hunt painting by Peter Paul Rubens, 1630s, 125 x 300cm Peter Paul Rubens Royal Alcazar of Madrid

Royal Basilica of Saint Francis the Great

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
San Bernardino of Siena preaching before Alfonso V of Aragon painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Basilica of Saint Francis the Great
Święty Jakub w bitwie pod Clavijo painting by José Casado del Alisal
José Casado del Alisal Royal Basilica of Saint Francis the Great

Royal Chapel of Granada

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La Nativitad de Granada painting by a follower of Hans Memling
No/unknown value Royal Chapel of Granada
The descent from the cross painting by Dieric Bouts
Dieric Bouts Royal Chapel of Granada
The Virgin and Child with angels in a Loggia painting by Dieric Bouts
Dieric Bouts Royal Chapel of Granada
Diptych with deposition painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling Royal Chapel of Granada
The Virgin Showing the Man of Sorrows painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling Royal Chapel of Granada
Tronende Madonna met kind painting by Hans Memling
Hans Memling Royal Chapel of Granada
Agony in the Garden painting by Sandro Botticelli
Sandro Botticelli Royal Chapel of Granada

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Charles IV in the uniform of a colonel of the Guardia de Corps painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Collections Gallery

Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Coronation of the Virgin Mary painting by El Greco
El Greco Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Apostle Andrew at full-length painting by El Greco
El Greco Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Museum of Santa Cruz
Apostle Peter at full-length painting by El Greco
El Greco Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Museum of Santa Cruz
Mass of Father Cabañuelas painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Friar Andrés de Salmeron Comforted by Christ painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Friar Gonzalo de Illescas painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Friar Martín de Vizcaya Giving Alms painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Friar Fernando Yáñez Refusing the Biretta of the Archbishop of Toledo painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Farewell of Father Juan de Carrión painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Friar Diego de Orgaz's Fight Against the Demons painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Friar Pedro de Salamanca's Premonitory Vision painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Apotheosis of Saint Jerome
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Flagellation of Saint Jerome
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Temptation of Saint Jerome painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Portrait of a Young Aristocrat (Juan Francisco de la Cerda Enríquez de Ribera, Marqués de Cogolludo)
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Basket of bread painting by Francisco Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Imposición de la casulla a San Ildefonso painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Saint Nicholas of Bari painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe
Doña María Luisa de Orleans painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda
Juan Carreño de Miranda Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe

Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ Crowned with Thorns painting by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch
No/unknown value Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Antonio Pérez, secretario de Felipe II painting by Antonio Ponz
Antonio Ponz Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Virgin and Child with a Rosary painting by Artemisia Gentileschi
Artemisia Gentileschi Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Adoración de la Sagrada Forma painting by Claudio Coello
Claudio Coello Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Flowers in a glass vase in a decorated niche, 1660 painting by Daniël Seghers
Daniel Seghers Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Flowers in a glass vase in a decorated niche, 1660 painting by Daniel Seghers follower
Daniel Seghers Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Joseph's Tunic painting by Diego Velázquez
Diego Velázquez Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Adoration of the name of Jesus painting by El Greco in the Escorial
El Greco Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Saint Ildefonso of Toledo painting by El Greco (El Escorial)
El Greco Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Saint Peter (1608) painting by El Greco
El Greco Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata painting by El Greco (El Escorial)
El Greco Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Saint Francis receiving stigmata painting by El Greco (El Escorial)
El Greco Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Powder manufacturing in the Sierra de Tardienta painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Landscape with St. Christopher painting by Joachim Patinir
Joachim Patinir Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Charles II of Spain painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda, from c.1675 now in Monasterio de El Escorial
Juan Carreño de Miranda Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Felipe II de España painting by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
Juan Pantoja de la Cruz Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Still life with fruit bowl on a table and view of a landscape through an open window painting by Juan van der Hamen
Juan van der Hamen Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Jacob Tending His Flock painting by Jusepe de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Innocent X with a prelate painting by Pietro Martire Neri
Pietro Martire Neri Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Saint Jerome in Penitence painting by Titian
Titian Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Christ on Mount Olive painting by Titian in El Escorial
Titian Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
Last Supper painting by Titian and his workshop
Titian Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial

Royal Palace of Aranjuez

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retrato de D. Maria Ana de Bragança painting by Vieira Lusitano
Vieira Lusitano Royal Palace of Aranjuez
Retrato de D. Maria Francisca de Bragança painting by Vieira Lusitano
Vieira Lusitano Royal Palace of Aranjuez
Retrato de D. Maria Francisca Doroteia de Bragança painting by Vieira Lusitano
Vieira Lusitano Royal Palace of Aranjuez

Royal Palace of El Pardo

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Maria Luisa de Parma (1751-1819) painting by Giuseppe Baldrighi
Giuseppe Baldrighi Royal Palace of El Pardo
Patrimonio Nacional
Carlos Antonio de Borbón como Hércules niño painting by Giuseppe Bonito
Giuseppe Bonito Royal Palace of El Pardo

Royal Palace of Madrid

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Philip the Good portrait of Philip the Good (1396-1467), third Duke of Burgundy
No/unknown value Royal Palace of Madrid
Portrait of Maria Carolina of Austria
Anton Raphael Mengs Royal Palace of Madrid
Últimos momentos del príncipe Don Carlos painting by Antonio Gisbert
Antonio Gisbert Royal Palace of Madrid
La familia de Juan Carlos I painting by Antonio López García Antonio López García Royal Palace of Madrid
Retrato de hombre con capa terciada y gorra painting by Corneille de Lyon
Corneille de Lyon Royal Palace of Madrid
A White Horse painting by Diego Velázquez
Diego Velázquez Royal Palace of Madrid
The Entombment of Christ painting by El Greco (stolen 1936) El Greco Royal Palace of Madrid
La infanta Luisa Fernanda de Borbón, duquesa de Montpensier painting by Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz Royal Palace of Madrid
La enfermedad de Fernando VII painting by Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz Royal Palace of Madrid
La infanta Isabel de Borbón
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz Royal Palace of Madrid
Charles IV in his Hunting Clothes painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Palace of Madrid
The Boar Hunt painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Royal Palace of Madrid
Portrait of Maria Carolina of Austria (1752-1814)
Giuseppe Bonito Royal Palace of Madrid
Christ Carrying the Cross painting by Hieronymus Bosch
Hieronymus Bosch Royal Palace of Madrid
Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial
El infante Carlos de Borbón (futuro Carlos III de España) painting by Jean Ranc
Jean Ranc Royal Palace of Madrid
Portrait of Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904)
José Casado del Alisal Royal Palace of Madrid
Retrato del rey don Alfonso XII painting by José Casado del Alisal
José Casado del Alisal Royal Palace of Madrid
Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen painting by Juan de Flandes
Juan de Flandes Royal Palace of Madrid
The Canaanite Woman asks for healing for her daughter painting by de Flandes Juan
Juan de Flandes Royal Palace of Madrid
Reiterporträt des Juan José de Austria (1629-1679) painting by Jusepe de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Royal Palace of Madrid
King Ferdinand VI of Spain (1713-1759) painting by Louis-Michel van Loo
Louis-Michel van Loo Royal Palace of Madrid
The four fathers of the Latin Church painting by Luigi Primo
Luigi Primo Royal Palace of Madrid
Carlos III con el hábito de su Orden painting by Mariano Salvador Maella
Mariano Salvador Maella Royal Palace of Madrid
El infante Fernando de Borbón (futuro Fernando VI de España) painting by Miguel Jacinto Meléndez
Miguel Jacinto Meléndez Royal Palace of Madrid
María Luisa de Parma painting by Vicente López Portaña
Vicente López Portaña Royal Palace of Madrid

Royal Pantheon

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ Pantocrator
No/unknown value Royal Pantheon
Murder of the Innocents in Bethlehem
No/unknown value Royal Pantheon
The Annunciation to the Shepherds
No/unknown value Royal Pantheon

Sabadell Art Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Corpus de Sang painting by Antoni Estruch i Bros Antoni Estruch i Bros Sabadell Art Museum
Josefina Grau, muller de l'artista painting by Antoni Vila Arrufat Antoni Vila i Arrufat Sabadell Art Museum

Saint John the Baptist's Church, Jadraque

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ gathering his robes painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán Saint John the Baptist's Church, Jadraque

San Telmo Museoa

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The siege of San Sebastian (1813) painting by anonymous
No/unknown value San Telmo Museoa
Fuente de la Salud
Eugenio Arruti González-Pola San Telmo Museoa
St. Joseph in adoration before the Madonna and Child painting by Rubens (San Telmo) Peter Paul Rubens San Telmo Museoa

Sanctuary of the Miracle

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Altarpiece of the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament Altarpiece with paintings by Pere Nunyes
Pere Nunyes Sanctuary of the Miracle

Sant Feliu de Codines

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Sant Feliu de Codines altarpiece painting by Pere Cuquet
Pere Cuquet Sant Feliu de Codines

Santa Maria de Manresa

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
God the Holy Spirit Polyptych painting by Pere Serra
Pere Serra
Lluís Borrassà
Santa Maria de Manresa

Santa Maria del Camí

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Altarpiece of Madonna with child and Crucifixion painting by Joan Massana
Joan Massana Santa Maria del Camí

Saragossa Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Consecration of Aloysius Gonzaga as patron saint of youth painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Saragossa Museum
Saint Christopher painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Saragossa Museum
Juan Martín de Goicoechea y Galarza painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Saragossa Museum
Self-portrait painting by Lavinia Fontana in the Saragossa Museum
Lavinia Fontana Saragossa Museum
Portrait of Gian Paolo Zappi painting by Lavinia Fontana
Lavinia Fontana Saragossa Museum,%20Lavinia&simpleSearch=0&hipertextSearch=1&search=simpleSelection&MuseumsSearch=MZ%7C&MuseumsRolSearch=3&listaMuseos=

Segovia Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Triptych of Descent by Ambrosius Benson painting by Ambrosius Benson
Ambrosius Benson Segovia Cathedral
Bautismo de Cristo painting by Ignacio de Ries
Ignacio de Ries Segovia Cathedral
Conversión de San Pablo, de Ignacio de Ries painting by Ignacio de Ries
Ignacio de Ries Segovia Cathedral
The Tree of Life painting by Ignacio de Ries
Ignacio de Ries Segovia Cathedral

Senate of Spain

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
La conversion de Recaredo painting by Antonio Muñoz Degrain
Antonio Muñoz Degrain Senate of Spain
Apertura de las Cortes en el año 1919 (Plaza del Senado) painting by Asterio Mañanós Martínez
Asterio Mañanós Martínez Senate of Spain
Jura de la Constitución por S.M. la Reina Regente Doña María Cristina
Francisco Jover y Casanova Senate of Spain
Death of the Marquis of Duero painting by Joaquín Agrasot y Juan
Joaquín Agrasot y Juan Senate of Spain
The Battle of Lepanto painting by Juan Luna
Juan Luna Senate of Spain
Victoria Eugenia, reina de España painting by Luis Menéndez Pidal
Luis Menéndez Pidal Senate of Spain
Alfonso XIII y doña María Cristina, reina regente painting by Luis Álvarez Catalá
Luis Álvarez Catalá Senate of Spain
Jura de Santa Gadea painting by Marcos Hiráldez Acosta
Marcos Hiráldez Acosta Senate of Spain
Cánovas del Castillo painting by Ricardo de Madrazo
Ricardo de Madrazo Senate of Spain

Seville City Council

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Arcángel San Rafael painting by Alonso Miguel de Tovar
Alonso Miguel de Tovar Seville City Council
Arcángel San Gabriel painting by Alonso Miguel de Tovar
Alonso Miguel de Tovar Seville City Council
Antonio de Ulloa painting by Andrés Cortés y Aguilar
Andrés Cortés y Aguilar Seville City Council
The Immaculate Conception painting by Francisco de Zurbarán in Seville
Francisco de Zurbarán Seville City Council
Alfonso X el Sabio painting by Joaquín Domínguez Bécquer
Joaquín Domínguez Bécquer Seville City Council
The Vestals painting by José Rico Cejudo
José Rico Cejudo Seville City Council
Charles II of Spain painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda from c. 1678, now at Seville
Juan Carreño de Miranda Seville City Council
La derrota de los sarracenos painting by Juan de Valdés Leal
Juan de Valdés Leal Seville City Council
La procesión de Santa Clara de Asís painting by Juan de Valdés Leal
Juan de Valdés Leal Seville City Council
Alfonso XII of Spain painting by Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda
Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda Seville City Council

Sorolla Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
White slave trade painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Chapel on the Láchar estate painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Instantánea Capturing the moment (Instantánea-Joaquín Sorolla)
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Autorretrato Joaquín Sorolla (1904) Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida - Self Portrait (1904)
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
The Skipping Rope painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Enfant au bâteau painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Oxen in the Sea painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Boats and Fishermen, Valência painting by Joaquin Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Gondolas, Venice painting by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Boat in the Albufera of Valencia painting by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
The Old Bridge of Ávila painting by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
The Cathedral of Burgos painting by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
The Pool painting by Joaquin Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Nude Woman painting by Joaquin Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Campos de trigo, Castela painting by Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Segel flicken, Valência painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Os Guitarristas, hábitos valencianos painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
O Arco-íris, El Pardo painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
O Menino do barquinho painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
O Guadarrama visto de Angorilla painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
A fonte, Buñol painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Adelfas de La Malvarrosa painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum
Almonds in Blossoms painting by Joaquín Sorolla
Joaquín Sorolla Sorolla Museum

Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christ on the Road to Calvary painting by Andrea di Bartolo
Andrea di Bartolo Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Still life with stoneware jug, beer glass, brazier and pipe painting in manner of/after Pieter Claesz.
No/unknown value
Pieter Claesz
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
De vlucht naar Egypte Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Flowers in a glass vase with a butterfly on a marble ledge Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Sts Cosma, Damian and Pantaleon painting by unknown Master, German (active 1450-1480 in Cologne)
No/unknown value Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
The Virgin of Humility with Angels and Donor painting by unknown Master, Italian (active around 1360 in Venice)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Kind met pop painting by Alexej von Jawlensky Alexej von Jawlensky Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
The Blue Boat painting by Claude Monet, 1887
Claude Monet Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Winter Landscape with Ice-sailors and Ice skating painting by David Vinckboons
David Vinckboons
Adriaen van de Venne
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Autumn in North America painting by Frederic Edwin Church
Frederic Edwin Church Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Balcony, Boulevard Haussmann painting by Gustave Caillebotte
Gustave Caillebotte Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Sur les rives de la Marne près de Montevrain
Henri Lebasque Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Landschap met de H. Christoforus painting by Herri met de Bles Herri met de Bles Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection
Man playing the cithern with a young woman and maid offering oysters painting by Jacob Ochtervelt Jacob Ochtervelt Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection
Dune landscape with figures and a house beyond painting attributed to Jan Vermeer van Haarlem (I) Jan Vermeer van Haarlem the Elder Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
View of Castle Montfoort painting by Jan van Goyen
Jan van Goyen Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Beach at Scheveningen painting by Jan van Goyen
Jan van Goyen Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
View near Sherburne, Chenango County painting by Jasper Francis Cropsey
Jasper Francis Cropsey Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
The lamentation painting by Meester van de Legende van de Heilige Lucia Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection
Donaes de Moor en de H. Donatius painting by Meester van de Legende van de Heilige Lucia Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection
Adrienne de Vos en de H. Adrianus painting by Meester van de Legende van de Heilige Lucia Master of the Legend of Saint Lucy Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection
Embankment painting by Olga Rozanova
Olga Rozanova Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Landscape with a distant town painting attributed to Philips Koninck Philips Koninck Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Stelvio Road by Lago di Como painting by Sanford Robinson Gifford
Sanford Robinson Gifford Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Study on the Massachusetts Coast painting by Sanford Robinson Gifford
Sanford Robinson Gifford Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Mourning madonna painting by El Greco
El Greco Thyssen-Bornemisza family Collection
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

Toledo Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The Tears of Saint Peter by El Greco (Toledo)
No/unknown value
El Greco
Toledo Cathedral
Holy Family with sleeping Child painting by Anthony van Dyck (Toledo version)
Anthony van Dyck Toledo Cathedral
Saint John the Baptist painting by Caravaggio (Toledo)
Bartolomeo Cavarozzi
Toledo Cathedral
The Disrobing of Christ painting by El Greco at the Toledo Cathedral
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Apostle St James the Less 1609 painting by El Greco, now in Toledo Cathedral
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Luke the Evangelist painting by El Greco
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint James the Greater painting by El Greco (Apostolado Toledo Cathedral)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Salvator Mundi painting by El Greco (Apostolado Toledo Cathedral)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Andrew painting by El Greco (Apostolado Toledo Cathedral)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Jude painting by El Greco (Apostolado Toledo Cathedral)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Matthew painting by El Greco (Apostolado Toledo Cathedral)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Paul painting by El Greco (Apostolado Toledo Cathedral sacristy)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Peter painting by El Greco (Apostolado Toledo Cathedral sacristy)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Francis with Brother Leo painting by El Greco (Toledo Cathedral sacristy)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
John the Evangelist painting by El Greco (Catedral de Toledo)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Thomas painting by El Greco (Catedral de Toledo)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Philip painting by El Greco (Catedral de Toledo)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Simon painting by El Greco (Catedral de Toledo)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Saint Dominic in Prayer painting by El Greco (Toledo Cathedral)
El Greco Toledo Cathedral
Don Álvaro de Luna painting by Maestro de los Luna
Maestro de los Luna Toledo Cathedral

Toledo City Council

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retrato ecuestre de la reina María Luisa de Orleans painting by Francisco Rizi
Francisco Rizi Toledo City Council

Tortosa Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retaule de la Transfiguració - Jaume Huguet painting by Jaume Huguet
Jaume Huguet Tortosa Cathedral

Town hall of Cartagena, Spain

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Tomás Valarino y Gattorno painting by Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda
Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda Town hall of Cartagena, Spain
Portrait of José María Navarro y Vera painting by Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda
Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda Town hall of Cartagena, Spain
Portrait of Luis Angosto y Lapisburu painting by Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda
Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda Town hall of Cartagena, Spain

Tudela Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Porträt des Pedro Rodríguez de Campomanes painting by Antonio Carnicero
Antonio Carnicero Tudela Cathedral

Tàpies Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Taronja sobre decorat de teatre painting by Antoni Tàpies Antoni Tàpies Tàpies Museum
Porta metàl·lica i violí artwork by Antoni Tàpies Antoni Tàpies Tàpies Museum

University of Granada

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Vicente Joaquín Osorio de Moscoso y Guzmán painting by Agustín Esteve
Agustín Esteve University of Granada

University of Salamanca

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Alonso de Fonseca painting by Pedro Mico
University of Salamanca
Adoración de los Reyes Magos painting by anonymous
No/unknown value University of Salamanca
Verkündigung des Herrn painting by Francisco de Comontes Francisco de Comontes University of Salamanca

University of Seville

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retrato del rey Carlos III de España
University of Seville
Amadeo I de España
University of Seville

University of Valencia

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Retrato de Alfonso XIII painting by Francisco Gras (1897-1941)
University of Valencia
Eduardo Pérez Pujol painting by Julio Cebrián Mezquita
Julio Cebrián Mezquita University of Valencia

Valencia Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
St. Francis Borgia Helping a Dying Impenitent painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya Valencia Cathedral

Vinseum – Catalan Wine Cultures Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Altarpiece of the VINSEUM Virgin painting by Pasqual Ortoneda
Pasqual Ortoneda Vinseum – Catalan Wine Cultures Museum

Zaragoza City Council

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Alfonso I de Aragón painting by Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz
Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz Zaragoza City Council

Zuloaga's House-Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Camilo Goya painting by Francisco Goya
Francisco Goya Zuloaga's House-Museum

Zumalacárregui Museum

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Donostia - San Sebastian painting by Didier Petit de Meurville
Didier Petit de Meurville Zumalacárregui Museum

art collection of Juan Abelló Gallo

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Family of the Virgin painting by Francisco de Zurbarán
Francisco de Zurbarán art collection of Juan Abelló Gallo

church of Saint Andrew

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
El milagro de la fuente painting by Juan Carreño de Miranda
Juan Carreño de Miranda church of Saint Andrew

convent of San Pascual

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The three Maries at the open Tomb painting by Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz convent of San Pascual

iglesia de San Miguel

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
San Joaquín y Santa Ana con la Virgen niña painting by Luca Giordano
Luca Giordano iglesia de San Miguel

shrine of Chircales

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Christus of Chircales painting by unknown artist
No/unknown value shrine of Chircales

Álava Foral Council

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
S. Francis meditating on the knees painting by El Greco
El Greco Álava Foral Council
No/unknown value
Christ crucified painting by José de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Álava Foral Council
S. Paul painting by José de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Álava Foral Council
S. Peter painting by José de Ribera
Jusepe de Ribera Álava Foral Council

Ávila Cathedral

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
Portrait of Don Garcia Ibañez de Mugica Bracamonte painting by El Greco
El Greco Ávila Cathedral

école Pías de San Antón

label description image creator inventory number collection described at URL
The last communion of St Joseph of Calasanz painting by Francisco de Goya
Francisco Goya école Pías de San Antón
End of automatically generated list.