Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Check creator

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This is a list of paintings (painting (Q3305213)) with creator (P170) set, but the target item doesn't have occupation (P106) -> painter (Q1028181). This needs to be checked. Generally the solution to solve this is:

  1. The creator is correct, but occupation (P106) -> painter (Q1028181) is missing. Add it.
  2. The creator is incorrect. Remove the creator and if possible, add the right creator
  3. The object isn't a painting. Change the instance of (P31)

This is split by creator (minimum of 2 entries) and will be updated by a bot.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P170 ?creator . MINUS { ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q4233718 } . MINUS { ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q4294967294 } . MINUS { ?creator wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 } . }

label description creator collection
Lienzo de Quauhquechollan No/unknown value
Cristo del Mármol No/unknown value
The Ceiling painting by Cy Twombly in Louvre Museum No/unknown value Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre
Saint Francis in meditation painting by Francisco de Zurbarán No/unknown value Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Annunciation painting After El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) No/unknown value Barnes Foundation
Council of bishops chaired by the Virgin Provincial council of bishops, gathered in Marseille in 533, to judge the bishop of Riez ; painted panel located in the Saint-Trophime church in Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) No/unknown value St. Trophimius church
Femme agenouillée près d'un malade couché dans un lit bateau à rideaux blancs et une tasse sur la table de chevet No/unknown value
Saint Pierre repentant No/unknown value
St Pierre Apôtre No/unknown value
L'Assomption de la Vierge No/unknown value
Sainte Réparate (cimetière St Baudile Nîmes) No/unknown value
la Mort de saint François d'Assise (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
Le Mariage de la Vierge (Nîmes St Joseph) No/unknown value
Jésus et les docteurs (Nîmes St Joseph) No/unknown value
la Fuite en Égypte (Nîmes St Joseph) No/unknown value
Saint Jacques le Majeur (Nîmes chapelle St Joseph) No/unknown value
Christ en croix (Nîmes St Joseph) No/unknown value
Saint Marc (Villevieille) No/unknown value
Saint Mathieu (Villevieille) No/unknown value
Saint Luc (Villevieille) No/unknown value
Saint Jean (Villevieille) No/unknown value
le Christ en croix et sainte Madeleine (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
Martyre couronnée par un ange (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
le Martyre de saint Baudile (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
la Transverbération de sainte Thérèse (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
la Mort de saint Joseph (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
l'Annonciation (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
la Flagellation (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
le Christ au Jardin des Oliviers (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
martyr présentant sa tête à la Vierge et à l'Enfant Jésus No/unknown value
l'Annonciation (Nîmes Ste Perpétue) No/unknown value
Saint Jean à Patmos No/unknown value
Marie-Madeleine méditant sur la mort (N.D. la Réal Perpignan) No/unknown value
Transverbération de sainte Thérèse d'Avila (N.D. la Réal Perpignan) No/unknown value
La Sainte Feuille (Perpignan) No/unknown value
L'Immaculée Conception (N.D. la Réal Perpignan) No/unknown value
The Delivery of the scapular to Saint Simon Stock and to Saint Teresa of Ávila painting located in the Notre-Dame La Real church in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) No/unknown value
Prédication de saint Jean-Baptiste (cathédrale de Perpignan) No/unknown value
Rencontre de saint Dominique et de saint François d'Assise (Elne) No/unknown value
Saint Sébastien soigné par Irène (Perpignan) No/unknown value
Vierge couronnée de roses (cathédrale de Perpignan) No/unknown value
Saint Peter, first pope of Christendom (Perpignan) painting from the former Discalced Carmelite convent in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France), now kept in the northern apsidiole of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste cathedral No/unknown value
Cardinal écrivant (cathédrale de Perpignan) No/unknown value
Saint Basilissa painting adorning the northern transept of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste cathedral in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) No/unknown value
Saint Joseph carrying the Child Jesus (Perpignan) painting (and its frame) in the manner of Antoni Guerra the Younger with the character standing in front of a landscape background, located in the St Eulalia chapel (north transept) of the cathedral in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) No/unknown value
Saint François agenouillé devant la Vierge à l'Enfant No/unknown value
Saint Dominique agenouillé devant la Vierge à l'Enfant No/unknown value
The Rosary Virgin between Saint Dominic and Saint Teresa 18th century painting in the Saint-Jacques church in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) No/unknown value
The Votive Procession of the Rosary painting from the first half of the 17th century located in the Saint-Jacques church in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) No/unknown value
Le Baptême (Perpignan) No/unknown value
The Charity of Saint Thomas of Vilanova (Perpignan) 17th century painting in the Saint-Jacques church in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales, France) No/unknown value
Christ aux outrages (cathédrale de Perpignan) No/unknown value
2 volets peints de buffet d'orgue (cathédrale de Perpignan) No/unknown value
L'Adoration des Bergers, l’Épiphanie, Jésus devant les docteurs du Temple (Montlaur) No/unknown value
Vierge à la chaise No/unknown value
Saint Isidore le laboureur No/unknown value
Le Repentir de saint Pierre No/unknown value
Marie-Madeleine au pied de la croix No/unknown value
Saint Vincent de Paul No/unknown value
Baptême d'une sainte No/unknown value
la prédication aux poissons No/unknown value
la résurrection du jeune-homme assassiné No/unknown value
la jambe coupée réparée No/unknown value
la mule s'agenouillant devant l'Eucharistie No/unknown value
saint Dominique et le miracle du feu (Arles La Major) No/unknown value
la naissance de la Vierge (Arles la Major) No/unknown value
saint Charles en prière devant un crucifix (Arles La Major) No/unknown value
Vierge à l'Enfant (Arles La Major) No/unknown value
apparition de la Vierge à sainte Rose de Lima (Arles) No/unknown value
quatre miracles de saint Antoine de Padoue No/unknown value
la Sainte Famille (Raphèle-lès-Arles) No/unknown value
le baptême du Christ (Raphèle-lès-Arles) No/unknown value
la mort de saint François d'Assise (Arles Saint-Césaire) No/unknown value
le couronnement de la Vierge (Arles Saint-Césaire) No/unknown value
saint Pierre (Arles Saint-Césaire) No/unknown value
saint Thomas d'Aquin écrivant sous l'inspiration de saint Pierre et saint Paul (Arles Saint-Césaire) No/unknown value
saint Nicolas et les trois enfants (Arles Saint-Césaire) No/unknown value
Franciscan saint giving alms (Arles St Trophime church) allegory of charity : a Franciscan saint (St. Anthony of Padua?) gives alms to a mother and her child ; located in the former Saint-Trophime cathedral in Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône, France). No/unknown value
l'Annonciation (Arles Saint-Trophime) No/unknown value
Baptism of Clovis Baptism of Clovis by Sait Remi on a Christmas Day (499 ?) No/unknown value
the Transfiguration into the St Trophimus church in Arles frame and painting by an anonymous 17th century author illustrating the revelation of Jesus' divine nature No/unknown value
l’éducation de la Vierge (Arles Saint-Trophime) No/unknown value
delivery of the lily to Saint Anthony of Padua (Arles Saint-Trophime) puttis give a lily, a symbol of purity attrived by the Virgin, to St Anthony of Padua No/unknown value
Stoning of St Stephen in Saint-Trophime church in Arles painting of the martyrdom of Saint Stephen and its frame , St Stephen chapel in the former cathedral St Trophimus of Arles No/unknown value
échange des cœurs entre le Christ et sainte Catherine de Sienne No/unknown value
3 tableaux (Arles La Major) No/unknown value
Vierge de Pitié (Arles Saint-Trophime) No/unknown value
saint François de Sales (Arles Saint-Trophime) No/unknown value
2 membres de la famille de Chiavari (Arles) No/unknown value
saint Julien et sainte Basilisse (Arles Saint-Julien) No/unknown value
l'adoration des mages (Arles Saint-Julien) No/unknown value
sainte Rusticule, patronne de Vaison, abbesse de Saint-Césaire (Vaison-la-Romaine) No/unknown value
Crucifixion (Nîmes Ste Perpétue) No/unknown value
Mise au tombeau (Nîmes Ste Perpétue) No/unknown value
Apparition de saint Joseph et l'Enfant Jésus à saint François d'Assise (Nîmes Ste Perpétue) No/unknown value
Bataille entre Hussites et Impériaux painting No/unknown value Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre
Threatened Swan painting after Jan Asselyn No/unknown value Bavarian State Painting Collections
Femme au piano painting by Stredoeurópsky autor z 20. storočia No/unknown value Bratislava City Gallery
Portrait of a woman, known as "L'Européenne" No/unknown value Department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities of the Louvre
Servant presenting a mirror to her mistress-E 25333 drawing on limestone depicting a servant presenting a mirror and a khol box to her mistress breastfeading a child No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre
Retrato do Barão de Pindamonhangaba painting from the Paulista Museum collection No/unknown value Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Royal portrait of Mentuhotep I-MAHG 4587 royal portrait of Mentuhotep I No/unknown value Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva
Gentleman in black coat painting by J. Barnard No/unknown value National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Portrait of a Young Woman painting by Jacques-Louis David No/unknown value
Jacques-Louis David
Fogg Museum
Harvard Art Museums
A Ceremonial Procession No/unknown value Rashtrapati Bhavan
Nathan Jackson painting in the Williams College Museum of Art No/unknown value Williams College Museum of Art
twin mountain drawing No/unknown value
La Vierge de douleur et Saint Jean l’Évangéliste et Saint Antoine No/unknown value Department of Paintings of the Louvre
tableau : Le mandylion d'Édesse No/unknown value
tableau : saint Vincent No/unknown value
Portrait of Jacques Claude Beugnot painting No/unknown value
Calvarie No/unknown value KathedraalMuseum
Італія. Батальная сцэна No/unknown value Belarusian National Arts Museum
Apollo and Artemis Killing Niobe's Children No/unknown value Belarusian National Arts Museum
Strakonický obraz No/unknown value
Raising of Drusiana by John the Evangelist painting by Salzburger Meister(?) No/unknown value Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
saint Jérôme (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
saint Charles Borromée et les pestiférés de Milan (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
descente de croix (Nîmes St Charles) No/unknown value
Vierge de Miséricorde (Arles Saint-Césaire) No/unknown value
Portrait de Karim Khan Zand fumant le qalyan No/unknown value Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre
La Lapidation de saint Étienne No/unknown value
The Tyche of Constantinople (AF 10878) a woman wearing a turreted crown with a Greek inscription mentioning her as "the flourishing beauty", i.e. Constantinople. No/unknown value Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre

A. B. Frost

label description creator collection
All Paint and No Engine painting by Arthur Burdett Frost A. B. Frost Brandywine River Museum
Stan' Up! painting by Arthur Burdett Frost A. B. Frost Brandywine River Museum

A. Correa Costa

label description creator collection
Pedra tumular de Estácio de Sá Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection A. Correa Costa Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Interior da igreja de São Sebastião do Castelo Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection A. Correa Costa Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Chafariz do antigo cais da Glória Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection A. Correa Costa Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Oratório colonial Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection A. Correa Costa Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Chafariz da Rua Riachuelo Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection A. Correa Costa Museu Histórico Nacional collection

A. Curtis Williamson

label description creator collection
Fish Sheds, Newfoundland painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of Homer Watson painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
From my Studio Window, Yonge St. Arcade painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Dutch Interior painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Negro Girl painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Klaasje painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of Dr. J.M. MacCallum ("Lord Lonsdale") painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Head of an Old Man painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Saw-mill painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
A Brolles Interior painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
G. Blair Laing painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of Dr. J.M. MacCallum ("A Cynic") painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of Archibald Browne painting by A. Curtis Williamson A. Curtis Williamson National Gallery of Canada

A.J. Savage

label description creator collection
Portrait of a Man painting by A.J. Savage A.J. Savage Cincinnati Art Museum
Portrait of a Woman painting by A.J. Savage A.J. Savage Cincinnati Art Museum

Aarne Vasar

label description creator collection
Õhtupoolik painting by Aarne Vasar Aarne Vasar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Teisipäevane mässukatse painting by Aarne Vasar Aarne Vasar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Aaron Morse

label description creator collection
Canoe Epic painting by Aaron Morse Aaron Morse Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Canoe Epic (#3) painting by Aaron Morse Aaron Morse Albright–Knox Art Gallery


label description creator collection
Two Folios from a Jain Manuscript: Great Poem about Twos (Dvyashraya Mahakavya) of Hemachandra with commentary by Abhayatilaka painting by Abhayatilakagani (Indian) (1971.130) Abhayatilakagani Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: first page from a Great Poem about Twos (Dvyashraya Mahakavya) of Hemachandra, with commentary by Abhayatilaka: seated Parshva with attendants being lustrated by a pair of elephants painting by Abhayatilakagani (Indian) (1971.130.1) Abhayatilakagani Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: page from a Great Poem about Twos (Dvyashraya Mahakavya) of Hemachandra, with commentary by Abhayatilaka: Text (recto); Monk in the Gift-giving Gesture before a Layman (verso) painting by Abhayatilakagani (Indian) (1971.130.2) Abhayatilakagani Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: page from a Great Poem about Twos (Dvyashraya Mahakavya) of Hemachandra, with commentary by Abhayatilaka: Text (recto) painting by Abhayatilakagani (Indian) (1971.130.2.a) Abhayatilakagani Cleveland Museum of Art

Abraham de Haen

label description creator collection
Landscape with Travellers some of them in Oriental Costume painting by Abraham de Haen d.Y. Abraham de Haen Statens Museum for Kunst
Høns og duer painting by Abraham de Haan (II) Abraham de Haen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Ad Dekkers

label description creator collection
Relief mit Segment painting by Ad Dekkers (1938-1974) Ad Dekkers Rijksmuseum
Variatie op cirkels IV painting by Ad Dekkers (1938-1974) Ad Dekkers Rijksmuseum
Division in 3 Parts by 2 Deepening Saw Cuts painting by Ad Dekkers Ad Dekkers Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Ada Kangur-Jürisson

label description creator collection
Tütarlaps painting by Ada Kangur-Jürisson Ada Kangur-Jürisson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Klaasmaali kavand painting by Ada Kangur-Jürisson Ada Kangur-Jürisson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Ada Mühlen

label description creator collection
Maastik kasega painting by Ada Mühlen Ada Mühlen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lõikus painting by Ada Mühlen Ada Mühlen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mererannal painting by Ada Mühlen Ada Mühlen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Adem Rusinovci

label description creator collection
Contact II painting by Adem Rusinovci Adem Rusinovci National Gallery of Kosovo
Contact II Adem Rusinovci National Gallery of Kosovo

Agim Salihu

label description creator collection
Agron`s Castle Agim Salihu National Gallery of Kosovo
The fall of the meteor Agim Salihu National Gallery of Kosovo
Return to the Cursed Mountains painting by Agim Salihu Agim Salihu National Gallery of Kosovo
The fall of the meteor painting by Agim Salihu Agim Salihu National Gallery of Kosovo
Return to the Cursed Mountains II painting by Agim Salihu Agim Salihu National Gallery of Kosovo
Agron`s Castle painting by Agim Salihu Agim Salihu National Gallery of Kosovo

Agnes Lamp

label description creator collection
Autoportree painting by Agnes Lamp Agnes Lamp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sõjaaegne Tartu painting by Agnes Lamp Agnes Lamp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tütre portree (Piret) painting by Agnes Lamp Agnes Lamp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Agnes Lamp Agnes Lamp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
L. Mikko portree painting by Agnes Lamp Agnes Lamp Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
L. Mikko portree painting by Agnes Lamp Agnes Lamp Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tütarlaps toolil painting by Agnes Lamp Agnes Lamp Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Agnolo di Domenico del Mazziere

label description creator collection
Madonna and Christ Child painting attributed to the workshop of Agnolo Domenico del Mazziere and Donnino Domencio del Mazziere Agnolo di Domenico del Mazziere
Donnino Domenico del Mazziere
Birmingham Museum of Art
Portrait of a Youth painting by Agnolo di Domenico del Mazziere, Donnino di Domenico del Mazziere Agnolo di Domenico del Mazziere
Donnino Domenico del Mazziere
National Gallery of Art
Samuel H. Kress Collection

Ago Teedema

label description creator collection
Maastik IV painting by Ago Teedema Ago Teedema Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik V painting by Ago Teedema Ago Teedema Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nemecsek painting by Ago Teedema Ago Teedema Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Agu Pilt

label description creator collection
Fauni pärastlõuna painting by Agu Pilt Agu Pilt Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Perseus, Andromeda ja ilus draakon painting by Agu Pilt Agu Pilt Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Aimar Kristerson

label description creator collection
Mälu püsivus painting by Kreg A-Kristring Aimar Kristerson Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Madonna painting by Kreg A-Kristring Aimar Kristerson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Aino Alamaa

label description creator collection
Suvimajake painting by Aino Alamaa Aino Alamaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talu painting by Aino Alamaa Aino Alamaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Aki Turunen

label description creator collection
Snakes in Light, Snakes in Darkness painting by Aki Turunen Aki Turunen Finnish National Gallery
All About the Snakes: Hesperia, Laos painting by Aki Turunen Aki Turunen Finnish National Gallery

Aksel Eist

label description creator collection
Portree musta kaabuga painting by Aksel Eist Aksel Eist Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort tangidega painting by Aksel Eist Aksel Eist Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Alan Siegel

label description creator collection
Blue Mountain Red painting by Alan Siegel Alan Siegel Whitney Museum of American Art
Cloud Box painting by Alan Siegel Alan Siegel Whitney Museum of American Art

Albert Beljakov

label description creator collection
Sula painting by Albert Beljakov Albert Beljakov Narva Museum's art collection
Narva motiiv painting by Albert Beljakov Albert Beljakov Narva Museum's art collection

Albert Flocon

label description creator collection
Ascension painting by Albert (Albert Mentzel Flocon dit) Albert Flocon Musée d'art moderne de Paris
La côte sauvage painting by Albert (Albert Mentzel Flocon dit) Albert Flocon Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Albert Grün

label description creator collection
Bildnis des Gymnasialdirektors Professor Schönborn painting by Julius Grün Albert Grün Berlin State Museums
Bildnis des Generals der Infanterie Konstantin Bernhard von Voigts-Rhetz painting by Julius Grün Albert Grün Berlin State Museums

Albert Martorell Portas

label description creator collection
Composició decorativa amb paós (1913) artwork by Albert Martorell Portas, 1913 Albert Martorell Portas Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Composició decorativa amb galls (1912) artwork by Albert Martorell Portas, 1912 Albert Martorell Portas Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Esbós de sanefa decorativa per a un tapet amb gossos i llebre (1912) artwork by Albert Martorell Portas, 1912 Albert Martorell Portas Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi

Albert Toomapoeg

label description creator collection
Mees naisega painting by Albert Toomapoeg Albert Toomapoeg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Albert Toomapoeg Albert Toomapoeg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Albert Toomapoeg Albert Toomapoeg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Landscape from suburb of Tartu painting by Albert Toomapoeg Albert Toomapoeg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poisi portree painting by Albert Toomapoeg Albert Toomapoeg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tartu vaade kaubahooviga painting by Albert Toomapoeg Albert Toomapoeg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Albrecht Dürer the Elder

label description creator collection
Salvator Mundi painting by Albrecht Dürer Albrecht Dürer the Elder Metropolitan Museum of Art
Head of a Young Woman painting by Albrecht Dürer Albrecht Dürer the Elder Metropolitan Museum of Art

Aldo Iacobelli

label description creator collection
Artist's balls and pill painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia
Bill is a child molester painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia
Blue painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia
Critical mind painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia
Foot and mouth painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia
Painting of a pot painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia
Side one record no. 9 painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia
Rolls of lawn painting by Aldo Iacobelli Aldo Iacobelli Art Gallery of South Australia

Aleksander Grinev

label description creator collection
Pannoo istuva naisfiguuriga painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Peeter Tauki portree painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
J. Genssi portree painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Roos painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Grotesk - pea painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tornid painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Paljukäeline tantsijanna painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik tammega. (Maastik) painting by Aleksander Grinev Aleksander Grinev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Aleksander Normak

label description creator collection
Kevadmaastik painting by Aleksander Normak Aleksander Normak Narva Museum's art collection
Narva jõe buksiirid painting by Aleksander Normak Aleksander Normak Narva Museum's art collection
Kaluripaadid Narva-Jõesuus painting by Aleksander Normak Aleksander Normak Narva Museum's art collection
Peipsi järv painting by Aleksander Normak Aleksander Normak Narva Museum's art collection
Ivangorodi kindluse vaade painting by Aleksander Normak Aleksander Normak Narva Museum's art collection
Vana Narva painting by Aleksander Normak Aleksander Normak Narva Museum's art collection
Vana Narva Heinaturu ääres painting by Aleksander Normak Aleksander Normak Narva Museum's art collection

Aleksander Pilar

label description creator collection
Nõuame rahu! painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Lilled painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Floksid painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Pilvine päev painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Töötav Tartu painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ateljees painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Raudtee depoo painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sahhalin painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Samarkand painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tallinna vaade painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Linn II painting by Aleksander Pilar Aleksander Pilar Tallinn City Museum's art collection

Aleksander Tarvis

label description creator collection
Viimane leivalaev/ Aurulaev Mars painting by Aleksander Tarvis Aleksander Tarvis Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Titanicu hukkumine painting by Aleksander Tarvis Aleksander Tarvis Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
/Maastik tuulikuga/ painting by Aleksander Tarvis Aleksander Tarvis Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Aleksandr Patrakejev

label description creator collection
Allee Pimeaia ees painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Must meri Jevpatooria lähistel painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Narva veehoidla painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Heinategu painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Liilia suvilas painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Ivangorodi kindlus painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Natüürmort pihlamarjadega painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Valdejevi küla Arhangelski oblastis painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Narva veehoidla painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Ivangorodi kindlus painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection
Ivangorodi kindlus painting by Aleksandr Patrakejev Aleksandr Patrakejev Narva Museum's art collection

Aleksei Viilup

label description creator collection
Akt päikesepaistes painting by Aleksei Viilup Aleksei Viilup Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt selgvaates painting by Aleksei Viilup Aleksei Viilup Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toolil istuv akt painting by Aleksei Viilup Aleksei Viilup Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maas istuv akt selgvaates painting by Aleksei Viilup Aleksei Viilup Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Alexander Georg von Ungern-Sternberg

label description creator collection
Rannamaastik lootsikuga painting by Alexander Georg von Ungern-Sternberg Alexander Georg von Ungern-Sternberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Purjekas tormisel merel painting by Alexander Georg von Ungern-Sternberg Alexander Georg von Ungern-Sternberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Alexander Gordon McKay

label description creator collection
Image of Antiquity painting by Art McKay Alexander Gordon McKay National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Art McKay Alexander Gordon McKay National Gallery of Canada
Flat Blue, Flat White, Stove Enamel painting by Art McKay Alexander Gordon McKay National Gallery of Canada
Descending Whites painting by Art McKay Alexander Gordon McKay National Gallery of Canada

Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi

label description creator collection
Senza Titolo, Blu painting by Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Senza Titolo, Blu painting by Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi (Albright–Knox 2008:53.14) Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Senza Titolo, Rosso painting by Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Senza Titolo, Rosso painting by Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi (Albright–Knox 2008:53.16) Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Senza Titolo, Rosso painting by Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi (Albright–Knox 2008:53.17) Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Senza Titolo, Verde painting by Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Albright–Knox Art Gallery
#123 Blu Medio (K23060) (Royal Blue) painting by Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Alfonso Fratteggiani Bianchi Albright–Knox Art Gallery

Alfred Baxter

label description creator collection
Winter Sunshine, Kaikoura painting by Alfred Baxter Alfred Baxter Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Tantallon Castle, Scotland painting by Alfred Baxter Alfred Baxter Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Countisbury Common, North Devon painting by Ethel Birch Alfred Baxter Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Entrance from High Street to Magdalen College, Oxford painting by Ethel Birch Alfred Baxter Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Brendon, North Devon painting by Ethel Birch Alfred Baxter Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Duffield, Derbyshire painting by Ethel Birch Alfred Baxter Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui

Alfred Calisay Kodaseet

label description creator collection
War Dancer painting by Alfred Calisay Kodaseet Alfred Calisay Kodaseet Gilcrease Museum
Indian Hunter painting by Alfred Calisay Kodaseet Alfred Calisay Kodaseet Gilcrease Museum

Alfred Hindorf

label description creator collection
Maria-Anna, Princess of Anhalt, Princess Frederick Charles of Prussia (1837-1906) painting by Alfred Hindorf Alfred Hindorf Royal Collection
Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia (1828-85) painting by Alfred Hindorf Alfred Hindorf Royal Collection
Maastik painting by Alfred Hindorf Alfred Hindorf Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Alfred Kohler

label description creator collection
Kirche und Staatsgebäude, Akt in Architektur painting by Alfred Kohler Alfred Kohler Bavarian State Painting Collections
Abendlandschaft painting by Alfred Kohler Alfred Kohler Bavarian State Painting Collections
Komposition painting by Alfred Kohler Alfred Kohler Bavarian State Painting Collections
Landschaft painting by Alfred Kohler Alfred Kohler Bavarian State Painting Collections
Landschaft painting by Alfred Kohler (BStGS HST 341) Alfred Kohler Bavarian State Painting Collections

Alfred Mickle

label description creator collection
Tower and Mill Pond, Swanage, Dorset painting by Alfred Mickle Alfred Mickle National Gallery of Canada
Dyke-lands of Grand Pré painting by Alfred Mickle Alfred Mickle National Gallery of Canada

Alfred Sharpe

label description creator collection
A golden eve, Waiheke Island painting by Alfred Sharpe Alfred Sharpe Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Burial place of Hone Heke, Bay of Islands painting by Alfred Sharpe Alfred Sharpe Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Alfred V. Lawton

label description creator collection
Logging Scene painting by Alfred V. Lawton Alfred V. Lawton National Gallery of Canada
Spring, Bonnechère River painting by Alfred V. Lawton Alfred V. Lawton National Gallery of Canada

Alfred Vaga

label description creator collection
Taani rannik painting by Alfred Vaga Alfred Vaga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Argentiina vaade. Etüüd painting by Alfred Vaga Alfred Vaga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Alise Stein-Anvelt

label description creator collection
Autoportree painting by Alise Stein-Anvelt Alise Stein-Anvelt Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Viktor Kingissepa portree. painting by Alise Stein-Anvelt Alise Stein-Anvelt Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Viktor Kingissepa vestlus töölislehe väljaandjatega. painting by Alise Stein-Anvelt Alise Stein-Anvelt Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Alma Klauren

label description creator collection
/Lilled/ painting by Alma Klauren Alma Klauren Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Neli aadlipreilit mõisahoone taustal painting by Alma Klauren Alma Klauren Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Alo Hoidre

label description creator collection
Linn painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaikelu kotermanidega painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pidu painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kirgastumine painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punane viiul painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pärnu sild painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuldne keskaeg painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rünnak painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine pudelitega painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Liikumine I painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
1905. aasta. Kohus töötab painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Madonnad painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ateljees painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kitarr painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ateljees painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kassari painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hall kompositsioon painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna sadamas painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Seadeldis painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Karjakell painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
1905. aasta. Mõis põleb painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Laululeegid painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ateljees painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
1905. aasta. Ülestõus algab painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Velikije Luki. Võõral maal painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ime painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
A. Hoidre. Paadisadam painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Virumaa Museums' art collection
Lõhed painting by Alo Hoidre Alo Hoidre Virumaa Museums' art collection

Alois Holub

label description creator collection
Rieka painting by Alois Holub Alois Holub Slovak National Gallery
Krajina po daždi painting by Alois Holub Alois Holub Slovak National Gallery
Kôpkovanie painting by Alois Holub Alois Holub Slovak National Gallery
Dievča pri potoku painting by Alois Holub Alois Holub Slovak National Gallery
Predjarná krajina painting by Alois Holub Alois Holub Slovak National Gallery

Alvar Jansson

label description creator collection
Olle Baertling, 1911-1981 painting by Alvar Jansson Alvar Jansson Nationalmuseum
Självporträtt painting by Alvar Jansson Alvar Jansson Nationalmuseum
Hans Stenkil Leijonhufvud (1941-), friherre, PhD, skribent, informationschef vid Kooperativa Förbundet, gallerist, med ett porträtt av Alvar Jansson (1922-1991), konstnär, professor painting by Alvar Jansson Alvar Jansson Nationalmuseum
Torsten Andersson, född 1926 painting by Alvar Jansson Alvar Jansson Nationalmuseum
Ingemar Hedenius, 1908-1982 painting by Alvar Jansson Alvar Jansson Nationalmuseum

Amalia Wilhelmina Königsmarck

label description creator collection
Catharina Ebba Horn af Åminne, 1666-1736 painting by Amalia Wilhelmina von Königsmarck Amalia Wilhelmina Königsmarck National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
Allegory with self-portrait and profile portrait of Ulrika Eleonora the Elder painting attributed to Amalia Wilhelmina von Königsmarck Amalia Wilhelmina Königsmarck Nationalmuseum
Self-portrait painting by Amalia von Königsmarck Amalia Wilhelmina Königsmarck Nationalmuseum

Amos Ferguson

label description creator collection
Bahamian Dancers painting by Amos Ferguson Amos Ferguson Princeton University Art Museum
Bahamian Bride painting by Amos Ferguson Amos Ferguson Princeton University Art Museum

Anders Clausen

label description creator collection
on't know what to do painting by Anders Clausen Anders Clausen Bavarian State Painting Collections
Not Found painting by Anders Clausen Anders Clausen Bavarian State Painting Collections

Anders Hansson

label description creator collection
Anders af Håkanson (1749-1813), friherre, president i Kommerskollegium. Gift med Anna Catharina Fehrman. painting by Anders Johan Hansson Anders Hansson Nationalmuseum
Okänd man painting by Anders Johan Hansson Anders Hansson Nationalmuseum
Petter Winblad painting by Anders Johan Hansson Anders Hansson Nationalmuseum
Okänd herre painting by Anders Johan Hansson Anders Hansson Nationalmuseum

Anders Lundquist

label description creator collection
Portrait of Lorenzo Hammarsköld painting by Anders Lundqvist Anders Lundquist National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
Karl XII (1682-1718), pfalzgreve av Zweibrücken, kung av Sverige. Död vid Fredrikshald painting by Anders Lundqvist Anders Lundquist Nationalmuseum

Anders Widoff

label description creator collection
Afasi, gemenskap och glömska: 4 painting by Anders Widoff Anders Widoff National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Intention and Idea painting by Anders Widoff Anders Widoff National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Morgon painting by Anders Widoff Anders Widoff National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Ando Keskküla

label description creator collection
Kaks buketti linnavaatega painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Finiš painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Freskostuudium painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtused uudised painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kreeka motiiv painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaikelu roosa pilvega painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kommertsvaikelu ENSV I painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree (Kaksikportree) painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik noaga painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade võõrale linnale II painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuiv tänav 6a I painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaikelu müüdiga painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Agressioon painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kivine vaikelu painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Saadetis painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suur vaikelu painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Põhja - Eesti maastik painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna sadam lõpetamata meremaaliga (triptühhon) painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tööstusinterjöör painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtu painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ehitus painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuiv tänav 6a II painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaikelu köögiviljadega painting by Ando Keskküla Ando Keskküla University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Andre Normil

label description creator collection
The Expulsion from the Garden painting by André Normil Andre Normil The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
The Sacrifice of the Lamb painting by André Normil Andre Normil The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Andrea Scacciati

label description creator collection
Flowerpiece painting by Andrea Scacciati Andrea Scacciati Nationalmuseum
Flowerpiece painting by Andrea Scacciati (NM 2326) Andrea Scacciati Nationalmuseum

Andreas Bindl

label description creator collection
Ohne Titel (Kahn, Figur), 17.9.97 painting by Andreas Bindl Andreas Bindl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Landschaft mit schwarzen Fliesen painting by Andreas Bindl Andreas Bindl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Akt painting by Andreas Bindl Andreas Bindl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel painting by Andreas Bindl Andreas Bindl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Akt painting by Andreas Bindl (BStGS KM 158) Andreas Bindl Bavarian State Painting Collections

Andreas Thornborg

label description creator collection
Juliane Marie of Braunschweiz-Wolfenbüttel, Queen of Denmark and Norway painting by Andreas Thornborg Andreas Thornborg Nationalmuseum
Vibeke Kruse (död 1648), mätress till Kristian IV av Danmark och Norge Andreas Thornborg (1730-1780), dansk, hans ateljé painting by Andreas Thornborg Andreas Thornborg Nationalmuseum
Sofia Magdalena (1700-1770), prinsessa av Brandenburg-Kulmbach, drottning av Danmark och Norge, gift med Kristian VI av Danmark och Norge painting Andreas Thornborg Nationalmuseum
King Kristian VI of Denmark and Norway painting by Andreas Thornborg Andreas Thornborg Nationalmuseum
Frederik V (1723-1766), kung av Danmark och Norge painting by Andreas Thornborg Andreas Thornborg Nationalmuseum

Andrei Jegorov

label description creator collection
Allee painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik puudega painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Uvelka küla painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hiiu neiu painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuressaare tänav painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Peeter I majake Kadriorus painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talu õu painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vana Tallinn painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lambad (Võsu maastik) painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Loksa vaade. Etüüd painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kajakad merel painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvemaastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Seal, kus rukkiväli lagendikul (Saaremaal) painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvemaastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sadam painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvine tee painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vana Narva painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvemaastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Narva Hermanni kindlusele painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvemaastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtu külas painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Võsu painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vabastatud Tallinn painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hanesöötja painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Etüüd painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna vaade painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik reega painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree (Olga Vassiljevna Kameneva) painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuupaisteline öö painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Veekandja painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Motiiv Arukülast painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Raekoja väljak Tallinnas painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna sadamas painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sügismaastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ruhnu talu painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik valge majaga painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Haridusministeeriumi hoone painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rataskaevu tänav painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ruhnu vana kirik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
E. Peterson - Särgava painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Narva - Jõesuu motiiv painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sirelid painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pärnu motiiv painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Metropoliit Aleksander painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jõemaastik majadega painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuressaare raekoda painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kunstniku abikaasa portree painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mustjala pank. Rannamaastik painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort kaetud lauaga painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Abikaasa portree painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jõel painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine lapsega painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Narva painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Narva Museum's art collection
Narva linna vaade painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Narva Museum's art collection
Ruhnu painting by Andrei Jegorov Andrei Jegorov Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Andro Kööp

label description creator collection
Suvi! 93 painting by Andro Kööp Andro Kööp Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuldvillak painting by Andro Kööp Andro Kööp Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tähesära painting by Andro Kööp Andro Kööp Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Andrus Kasemaa

label description creator collection
Sillad painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Antiikne I painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nimeta painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Antiikne III painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Katsub vett painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õrnalt ja rõvedalt painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Koonduv painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Ratsanik painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Käest kätte painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kompositsioon painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Harmoonikuga painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kompositsioon mehikesega painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Ümar kompositsioon kahe figuuriga painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Jaakupi paine painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Pasunaga painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Abstraktne kompositsioon figuuridega painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Ümar abstraktne kompositsioon painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Peatu painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kutsub vett I painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Visiidid I - II painting by Andrus Kasemaa Andrus Kasemaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Andy Warhol

label description creator collection
Marilyn Diptych silkscreen painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Riaillé
Joseph Beuys series of portraits by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Campbell's Soup Cans artwork by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Eight Elvises painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol private collection
Green Coca-Cola Bottles painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol collège Jean-Rostand
Portrait of Seymour H. Knox painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Shot Marilyns painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol No/unknown value
Silver Car Crash (Double Disaster) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol private collection
Ten Lizes painting made by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National museum of modern art
Ethel Scull 36 Times painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Race Riot Andy Warhol painting Andy Warhol Gagosian Gallery
Green Car Crash painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol private collection
Men in Her Life painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol private collection
Embracing Couple with Marbleised Background painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Tate
Female Bust, Two Children with Marbleised Background painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Tate
“The Runaway Pigeon” painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Tate
Portrait of Charles Ireland painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Birmingham Museum of Art
Triple Elvis painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Orange Disaster #5 painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
One Hundred and Fifty Multicolored Marilyns painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Water Heater painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Before and After painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Gold Marilyn Monroe painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
S&H Green Stamps painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Orange Car Crash Fourteen Times painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Double Elvis painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (MoMA, 513.1998.a-i) Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Silkscreen for Portrait of Sidney Janis painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Seven Decades of Janis painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Ten-Foot Flowers painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Lita Curtain Star [Lita Hornick] painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Hammer and Sickle painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Last Supper painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1977.226.9) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1985.426) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Milan Hollow Farm painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Nine Jackies painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dr. Scholl's Corns painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1979.549) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.6) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Still Life painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.1) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of Stephen Mazoh painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.2) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.8) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.2-13) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.11) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Before and After I painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
A Boy for Meg painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Art
Green Marilyn painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Art
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Rauschenberg Family) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Art
Man painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (NGA, 2014.79.50) Andy Warhol National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (NGA, 2000.28.1) Andy Warhol National Gallery of Art
Kimiko Powers painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.3) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.4) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.5) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.9) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.10) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.12) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1983.606.13) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Skull painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of Stephen Mazoh painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 2004.224.2) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mona Lisa painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (MET, 1995.282) Andy Warhol Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (Artic, 1974.230) Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Self-portrait no. 9 painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Victoria
Loti Smorgon painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Victoria
Corporate Trade Ad painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Smithsonian American Art Museum
Red Disaster painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts
Oxidation Painting painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts
Mick Jagger painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts
Jackie painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts
Jackie painting by Andy Warhol (MFA, 1994.87) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts
Campbell's Soup Can painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Red Airmail Stamps painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Small Campbell's Soup Can (Tomato) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Black and White Disaster painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Two Marilyns painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Suicide (Purple jumping man) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art
129 Die in Jet! painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum Ludwig
Bellevue II painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Flowers [Large Flowers] painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Prince painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol private collection
Knives (Cuchillos) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Socialite painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Skulls painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Portrait of Joseph Beuys painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Man Ray painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Gilbert & George painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Alexandre Iolas painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Gun painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Robert Mapplethorpe painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Hamburger painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Dollar Sign painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Camouflage painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (NGoS AR00501) Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Self-Portrait with Skull painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Repent and Sin No More! painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Map of Eastern U.S.S.R. Missile Bases painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Are you Different? painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Energy - Power painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
The Mark of the Beast painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Christ $9.98 (negative and positive) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Paratrooper Boots painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Self -Portrait Strangulation painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Self-portrait strangulation painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Self-portrait with skull painting by Andy Warhol (NGoS AL00225) Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Portrait of Maurice painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Galleries of Scotland
Caroline painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Caroline painting by Andy Warhol (MFAH 2007.1867) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Caroline painting by Andy Warhol (MFAH 2007.1866) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Caroline painting by Andy Warhol (MFAH 2000.951) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Caroline painting by Andy Warhol (MFAH 2000.950) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Caroline painting by Andy Warhol (MFAH 2000.949) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Joan Collins painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Portrait Gallery
John Kobal painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Portrait Gallery
Caroline painting by Andy Warhol (MFAH 2000.948) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (MFAH 88.34) Andy Warhol Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Self Portrait painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Carnegie Museum of Art
Andrew Carnegie painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Carnegie Museum of Art
Andrew Carnegie painting by Andy Warhol (CMoA 88.20) Andy Warhol Carnegie Museum of Art
Electric Chair painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Tate
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (Tate T07146) Andy Warhol Tate
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (Tate T01288) Andy Warhol Tate
Brooke Hayward painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Tate
Grasshopper Heaven from the Bottom of My Garden painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Midwest Museum of American Art
Details of the Last Supper painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Eggs painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Cindy Johnson painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Crosses painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Camouflage painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Campbell's Soup Can (German) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Pat Hearn painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Still Life (Hammer and Sickle) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 525) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Lenin painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Still Life (Hammer and Sickle) painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 543) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Gun painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Hammer and Sickle painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Joseph Beuys painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Knives painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Porträt Joseph Beuys painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Repent and Sin No More! (negative) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Gale Smith painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Joseph Beuys painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS GV 126) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Shadows painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Mustard Race Riot painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Round Jackie painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Fourty Two Dollar Bills (Fronts and Backs) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 510) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 529) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 521) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 523) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 527) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 513) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 522) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 526) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 578) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 580) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Pat Hearn painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 585) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Natalie Wood painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
The American Man (Portrait of Watson Powell) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Self Portrait painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS 14254) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Aids/Jeep/Bicycle painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Diamond Dust Shadow painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Diamond Dust Shoes painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Art (positive) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 508) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
This Side Up painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Oxidation Painting painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 593) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 787) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS L 2492) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Shadow painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Shadows painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 672) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Marilyn painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Somebody Wants to Buy Your Apartment Building! (positive) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Still Life (Hammer and Sickle) painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 546) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 524) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 528) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 515) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 520) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Diamond Dust Shadow painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 561) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Eggs painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 576) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Crosses painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 571) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Camouflage painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 597) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Camouflage painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 595) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Hammer and Sickle painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 550) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Knives painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 574) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 519) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 516) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
One Dollar Bill (Front) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Shadows painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 557) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Shadows painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 558) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Torso painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Somebody Wants to Buy Your Apartment Building! (negative) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Repent and Sin No More! (negative) painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 586) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Eggs painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 577) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Cindy Johnson painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 581) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Art (negative) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Diamond Dust Shadow painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 562) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Diamond Dust Shadow painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 564) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Diamond Dust Shadow painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 560) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Gale Smith painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 553) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 514) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ladies and Gentlemen painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 518) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Knives painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 573) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
The Last Supper painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Triple Elvis painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Still Life (Hammer and Sickle) painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 544) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Still Life (Hammer and Sickle) painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 545) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 579) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Oxidation Painting painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 555) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
The Last Supper painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 599) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Diamond Dust Shadow painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 563) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Converse Extra Special Value painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Christ $9.98 (negative) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Christ $9.98 (positive) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Christ $9.98 (positive) painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 591) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Pete Rose painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Cincinnati Art Museum
Soup Can (Cream of Mushroom) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Cincinnati Art Museum
Michael Jackson painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Portrait Gallery
Electric Chair painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Yale University Art Gallery
Flower painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Yale University Art Gallery
Reichstag painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Yale University Art Gallery
Egg painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Yale University Art Gallery
Tunafish Disaster painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Joseph Beuys painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Silver Marlon painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Robert Mapplethorpe painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA FC.609) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Drills 7.88 painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Jackie Triptych painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Two Jackies painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA 97.892) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Skull painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA 97.894) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Puma Invader painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Liz #6 painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA 78.196.A-F) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Paul Anka painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Most Wanted Men No. 12, Frank B. painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Nine Marilyns painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA FC.607) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Paul Anka painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA 79.457) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Dolly Parton painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Dolly Parton painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA FC.527.1) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA FC.616) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Before and After painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA FC.675) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
National Velvet painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA FC.507) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Little Electric Chair painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (SFMOMA 92.283) Andy Warhol San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Henry Gillespie painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Australia
Elvis painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Australia
Electric chair painting by Andy Warhol (NGA NGA 77.795) Andy Warhol National Gallery of Australia
Portrett av Kronprinsesse Sonja painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Heinz Tomato Ketchup painting by Paul Warhola Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
In the Bottom of My Garden painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol (Artic 2015.123) Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) (1992.302) Andy Warhol Cleveland Museum of Art
Marilyn x 100 painting by Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) (1997.246) Andy Warhol Cleveland Museum of Art
Liz #3 [Early Colored Liz] painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Four Mona Lisas painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Big Electric Chair painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Little Race Riot painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Twelve Jackies painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Pat Hearn painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (Artic 2015.126) Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Self-Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (Artic 2015.127) Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Pat Hearn painting by Andy Warhol (Artic 2015.130) Andy Warhol Art Institute of Chicago
Hammer and Sickle painting by Andy Warhol (BStGS UAB 547) Andy Warhol Bavarian State Painting Collections
Race Riot painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Rhode Island School of Design Museum
$199 Television painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Before and After, 4 painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Dance Diagram, 5 (Fox Trot: "The Right Turn--Man") painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Elvis 2 Times painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Ethel Scull 36 Times painting by Andy Warhol (Whitney 86.61a-jj) Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Nine Jackies painting by Andy Warhol (Whitney 2002.273) Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Mao painting by Andy Warhol (Whitney 76.44) Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Gertrude Stein painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Portrait of Emily Fisher Landau painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol (Whitney 96.279) Andy Warhol Whitney Museum of American Art
Baseball painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Little Campbell's Soup Can (Consommé) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Marion Bloch painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Marion Bloch painting by Andy Warhol (Nelson-Atkins 26.2007.2) Andy Warhol The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Portrait of Marion Bloch painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Self Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (DIA 68.292.2) Andy Warhol Detroit Institute of Arts
Panda painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Detroit Institute of Arts
Self Portrait painting by Andy Warhol (DIA 68.292.1) Andy Warhol Detroit Institute of Arts
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Städel Museum
Neuschwanstein painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Lenbachhaus
Lenin (rot) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Lenbachhaus
Lenin (schwarz) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Lenbachhaus
Golda Meir painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Israel Museum
100 Cans painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Portrait of Seymour H. Knox painting by Andy Warhol (Albright–Knox 1985:12) Andy Warhol Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Double Elvis painting by Andy Warhol (Seattle 76.9) Andy Warhol Seattle Art Museum
Jane Lang painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Seattle Art Museum
Rorschach painting by Andy Warhol (Seattle 2019.24) Andy Warhol Seattle Art Museum
Campbell's Soup Can (Tomato) painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Worcester Art Museum
Portrait of Fritz Scholder painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Dallas Museum of Art
Portrait of Fritz Scholder painting by Andy Warhol (DMA 2018.46.2) Andy Warhol Dallas Museum of Art
Electric Chair painting by Andy Warhol (DMA 1991.388) Andy Warhol Dallas Museum of Art
Schlitz Cans painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Israel Museum
3 Coke Bottles painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol
Coca-Cola Andy Warhol
Coca-Cola painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol
Ethel Scull painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Israel Museum
Flowers painting by Andy Warhol 292034 Andy Warhol Israel Museum
Jackie painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Museum of Grenoble
Coca-Cola [3] painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Dolly Parton painting by Andy Warhol (Crystal Bridges 2010.11) Andy Warhol Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Hammer and Sickle painting by Andy Warhol (Crystal Bridges 2012.495) Andy Warhol Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Henry Gillespie painting by Andy Warhol (AGSA 964P17) Andy Warhol Art Gallery of South Australia
Speed Scater painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol National Gallery of Kosovo
Round Jackie painting by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol Princeton University Art Museum
Round Jackie painting by Andy Warhol (Princeton L.1989.1.40) Andy Warhol Princeton University Art Museum

Angelika Sieger

label description creator collection
Halme painting by Angelika Sieger Angelika Sieger Bavarian State Painting Collections
Winterlich painting by Angelika Sieger Angelika Sieger Bavarian State Painting Collections
Winterzweige painting by Angelika Sieger Angelika Sieger Bavarian State Painting Collections
o. T. painting by Angelika Sieger Angelika Sieger Bavarian State Painting Collections

Anja Levoranta

label description creator collection
Pihan puolta painting by Anja Levoranta Anja Levoranta City of Pori art collection
Syksyn satoa painting by Anja Levoranta Anja Levoranta City of Pori art collection
Still Life painting by Anja Levoranta Anja Levoranta City of Pori art collection
Madness I painting by Anja Levoranta Anja Levoranta City of Pori art collection
Turha puhua rauhasta painting by Anja Levoranta Anja Levoranta City of Pori art collection
Spring painting by Anja Levoranta Anja Levoranta City of Pori art collection

Ann Audova

label description creator collection
Sünge pea painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort. (Valged saapad) painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled valges vaasis painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hämarik. (Mehe portree) painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valges vaasis painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Saapad painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naised. 1968-1972 painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portree painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Päevalilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Päevalilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portree painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon aktidega painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Grupp figuure painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled kausiga painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pead painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort. Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe pea painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tütarlapse pea painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Võõrasemad painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nägu painting by Ann Audova Ann Audova Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Anna Luik-Püüman

label description creator collection
Jüri Vilmsi portree painting by Anna Luik-Püüman Anna Luik-Püüman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ado Pudel painting by Anna Luik-Püüman Anna Luik-Püüman Estonian Theatre and Music Museum's painting collection

Anna Lukats-Laigo

label description creator collection
Natüürmort kaktusega painting by Anna Lukats-Laigo Anna Lukats-Laigo Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Anna Lukats-Laigo Anna Lukats-Laigo Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Anne Rossi

label description creator collection
Sirkka painting by Anne Rossi Anne Rossi Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Portti painting by Anne Rossi Anne Rossi City of Pori art collection

Anne Wallace

label description creator collection
Idyll painting by Anne Wallace Anne Wallace National Gallery of Victoria
She Is painting by Anne Wallace Anne Wallace National Gallery of Australia

Annie Bergman

label description creator collection
Henning Söderbaum painting by Annie Bergman Annie Bergman Nationalmuseum
Ernst Rolf (1891-1932) och Karl Gerhard, 1891-1964 painting by Annie Bergman Annie Bergman Nationalmuseum
Gertrud (Gerda) Linnea Sprinchorn (1871-1951), artist, sculptor painting by Annie Bergman Annie Bergman Nationalmuseum

Annie E. Duff

label description creator collection
Adam and Eve painting by Annie E. Duff Annie E. Duff National Gallery of Canada
Woman by the Sea painting by Annie E. Duff Annie E. Duff National Gallery of Canada


label description creator collection
View of S. Peter's Place painting by anonymous painter of the Roman school Anonymous Art collections of Fondazione Cariplo
Trajan's Column painting of anonymous painter of the Roman school Anonymous Art collections of Fondazione Cariplo

Anthony Caruana

label description creator collection
Paradise Lost. Diptühhon painting by Anthony Caruana Anthony Caruana Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Paradise Regained. Diptühhon. painting by Anthony Caruana Anthony Caruana Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Anton Georg Bosse

label description creator collection
Mehe portree painting by Anton Georg Bosse Anton Georg Bosse Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Laulev tütarlaps painting by Anton Georg Bosse Anton Georg Bosse Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Anton Gllasniqi

label description creator collection
The Catalan painting by Anton Gllasniqi Anton Gllasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition painting by Anton Gllasniqi Anton Gllasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo

Anton Windmaier

label description creator collection
Winter landscape painting by Anton Windmaier Anton Windmaier Bavarian State Painting Collections
Autumn Near Munich painting by Anton Windmaier Anton Windmaier Reading Public Museum
Sunset Near Munich painting by Anton Windmaier Anton Windmaier Reading Public Museum

Anu Uustalu

label description creator collection
Rütmiline variatsioon I painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Möödaniku varjud I painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Veemaastik painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Millal, millal! painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suvemaastik painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rütmiline variatsioon II painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Öine Chicago painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Linda Sõbra portree painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kojuigatsus painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Möödunud vaimud II painting by Anu Uustalu Anu Uustalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Apo Elomaa

label description creator collection
Troolari painting by Apo Elomaa Apo Elomaa City of Pori art collection
Piharakennus painting by Apo Elomaa Apo Elomaa City of Pori art collection

Aram Zakaryan

label description creator collection
Ընդօրինակություն 13-րդ դարի Սմբատ Գունդեստաբլի Ավետարանի «Խաչելությունը» մանրանկարի painting by Aram Zakaryan Aram Zakaryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1395 թ. ավետարանի «Քրիստոսի ձերբակալումը», «Պիղատոսը» մանրանկարների painting by Aram Zakaryan Aram Zakaryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 12-րդ դարի ավետարանի «Խորան»-ի մանրանկարի painting by Aram Zakaryan Aram Zakaryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1340 թ. ավետարանի 10 մանրանկարների painting by Aram Zakaryan Aram Zakaryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 12-րդ դարի ավետարանի Խորանի մանրանկարի painting by Aram Zakaryan Aram Zakaryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1205թ-ի «Ճառընտիր» ձեռագրի 17 լուսանցազարդերի մանրանկարի painting by Aram Zakaryan Aram Zakaryan National Gallery of Armenia

Arie Berkulin

label description creator collection
Zonder titel painting by Arie Berkulin Arie Berkulin Noordbrabants Museum
Gepantserde figuur painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Dahomey painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Portret painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Avondlandschap met sneeuw painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Landschap painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
In 4 fasen ingevouwen vierkant painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Groep painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Stilleven op tafel painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Laddermachine painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Piloot painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Smid painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Figuur painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Ronde vormen painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by A.J. Berkulin Arie Berkulin Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Arno Vihalemm

label description creator collection
Maastik painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise pea painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Peremees tuli külla painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Majad jõe ääres painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine tumepunases painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaljusein I painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sadam painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maal. Nature morte korviga. painting by Arno Vihalemm Arno Vihalemm Pärnu Museum's art collection

Arnold Alas

label description creator collection
Varakevad painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vana Saaremaa painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik Tarassovost painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sõja jäljed painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas
Arnold Akberg
Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaade Kaarnajärvele painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügisene mets painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaade Toompealt painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lõuna-Eesti maastik painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Varemed painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Otepää maastik Linnamäega painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvine linn painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hoov Jaroslavlis painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ema portree painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Teel tasumisele painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtune linnavaade painting by Arnold Alase Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mets talvel painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Punane Kunda painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pärnad Toompeal painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pöide kirik painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kevadine Kadriorg painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik rõukudega painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vana Jerevani motiiv painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kljasma maastik painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtune rannamaastik painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pirita jõgi purjekatega painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Alas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Arnon Ben David (Gross)

label description creator collection
She Keeps Her Sadness to Herself painting by Arnon Ben David Arnon Ben David (Gross) Israel Museum
She Keeps Her Sadness to Herself painting by Arnon Ben David (Gross) Arnon Ben David (Gross) Israel Museum

Art & Language

label description creator collection
Study for Index: The Studio at 3 Wesley Place painting by Art & Language Art & Language Philippe Méaille Collection
Secret painting painting by Art & Language (Mel Ramsden, England b. 1944) Art & Language Art Gallery of New South Wales
Picasso's Guernica in the Style of Jackson Pollock painting by Art & Language, first version destroyed during exhibition Art after '69. Current version in collection is the second creation, made the same year. Art & Language S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
Portrait of V.I. Lenin with Cap, in the Style of Jackson Pollock III painting by Art & Language (Michael Baldwin, born 1945; Mel Ramsden, born 1944) Art & Language Tate
Mirror Piece (Art & Language) conceptual art work Art & Language Philippe Méaille Collection
Raped and strangled by the man who forced her into Prostitution: A Dead Woman; drawn and painted by mouth painting by Art & Language Art & Language Philippe Méaille Collection
Attacked by an unknown man in a city park: a dying woman; drawn and painted by mouth painting by Art & Language Art & Language
A man battering his daughter to death as she sleeps; Drawn and painted by mouth painting by Art & Language Art & Language

Artan Hajrullahu

label description creator collection
Play boy painting by Artan Hajrullahu Artan Hajrullahu National Gallery of Kosovo
Play boy Artan Hajrullahu National Gallery of Kosovo

Arthur Choisy

label description creator collection
Maastik painting by Arthur Choisy Arthur Choisy Narva Museum's art collection
Maastik painting by Arthur Choisy Arthur Choisy Narva Museum's art collection

Arthur Everett Austin, Jr.

label description creator collection
Madonna and Child with Ss. Jerome and Bernard and Angels painting by Arthur Everett Austin Arthur Everett Austin, Jr. Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
Saint Agnes, after Ambrogio Lorenzetti painting by Arthur Everett Austin Arthur Everett Austin, Jr. Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
Madonna and Child, after Bartolo di Fredi painting by Arthur Everett Austin Arthur Everett Austin, Jr. Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum

Arthur Gaskin

label description creator collection
Kilhwych, The King's Son painting by Arthur Joseph Gaskin Arthur Gaskin Birmingham Museums Trust
The Wild Swans (The Twelve Brothers Turned Into Swans) painting by Arthur Joseph Gaskin Arthur Gaskin Birmingham Museums Trust
The Twelve Brothers painting by Arthur Joseph Gaskin Arthur Gaskin Birmingham Museums Trust
Portrait of Mrs Henry Gaskin painting by Arthur Joseph Gaskin Arthur Gaskin Birmingham Museums Trust
Portrait Of A Reflective Lady painting by Arthur Joseph Gaskin Arthur Gaskin Birmingham Museums Trust
Fiammetta (Portrait Of Georgie Gaskin) painting by Arthur Joseph Gaskin Arthur Gaskin Birmingham Museums Trust

Arthur Holman

label description creator collection
Reflection painting by Arthur Holman Arthur Holman San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Summer painting by Arthur Holman Arthur Holman San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Artur Mihkelsoo

label description creator collection
Fantastiline õis painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jorjenid vaasis painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik mägedega painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon lillade joontega painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
A: Naisakt geomeetriliste pindadega. B: Fantastiline kompositsioon painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon joontega painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kristus painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree (Koopia) painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Peter Weide portree painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Meremaastik painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Scarborough kallas painting by Artur Mihkelsoo Artur Mihkelsoo Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Arved Erich Dörvald

label description creator collection
Maastik painting by Arved Erich Dörvald Arved Erich Dörvald Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kukulinn. Eskiis painting by Arved Erich Dörvald Arved Erich Dörvald Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Danzigi vaade painting by Arved Erich Dörvald Arved Erich Dörvald Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastiku visand painting by Arved Erich Dörvald Arved Erich Dörvald Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik (visand) painting by Arved Erich Dörvald Arved Erich Dörvald Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Ashley Havinden

label description creator collection
KLM, The right time to fly painting by Ashley Havinden Ashley Havinden National Galleries of Scotland
Better Drink Martini; Quod Crown Size painting by Ashley Havinden Ashley Havinden National Galleries of Scotland
Outerspace painting by Ashley Havinden Ashley Havinden National Galleries of Scotland
Untitled painting by Ashley Havinden Ashley Havinden National Galleries of Scotland
Platform in Space painting by Ashley Havinden Ashley Havinden National Galleries of Scotland
Rope and Scissors painting by Ashley Havinden Ashley Havinden National Galleries of Scotland
BP painting by Ashley Havinden Ashley Havinden National Galleries of Scotland

Ashley Wodalpa Djardie

label description creator collection
Ngambi Stone Spear Heads painting by Djardie Ashley Ashley Wodalpa Djardie Art Gallery of South Australia
Stone spear heads from Wagilag sisters story painting by Djardie Ashley Ashley Wodalpa Djardie Art Gallery of South Australia

Ashot Jegikjan

label description creator collection
Mina olen sild painting by Ashot Jegikjan Ashot Jegikjan Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mummuistlik ruum praegu painting by Ashot Jegikjan Ashot Jegikjan Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

August Karro

label description creator collection
Pargivaade painting by August Karro August Karro Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik jõega painting by August Karro August Karro Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik lilledega painting by August Karro August Karro Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

August Mölder

label description creator collection
Kristus apostlitega painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Neli apokalüptilist ratsanikku painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Esitlemine rahvale painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Surnust ülesse äratamine painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
St. Croce painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Chartres' katedraal painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
München painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Püha õhtu söömaaeg painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Öö lagedal mäel painting by August Mölder August Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

August Pulst

label description creator collection
Kodupere ja kari põllult painting by August Pulst August Pulst Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pärnu motiiv painting by August Pulst August Pulst Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kevadised veed painting by August Pulst August Pulst Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toanurk etnograafiliste esemetega painting by August Pulst August Pulst Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Riia, hall päev painting by August Pulst August Pulst Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Motiiv Riiast painting by August Pulst August Pulst Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rõugud põllul painting by August Pulst August Pulst Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maal. Ruhnu õuevärav. painting by August Pulst August Pulst Pärnu Museum's art collection

August Roosileht

label description creator collection
Kalevipoeg mõõka kandmas. Sorts Kalevipoja mõõgaga painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Võitlus sortsidega painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kalevipoeg Põrgu väravas painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Linnavaade painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kalevipoeg kivi viskamas painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Saunas painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Paide vaade painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Talvemaastik painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort kahe vaasiga painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvine vaade õuele painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade aknast painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rahvuslike motiividega kaksikportree painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaas painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mõis painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade varemetele (Paide ordulinnus?) painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree interjööris painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaksikportree painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Miinakivi (Ohvrikivi) painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort päevalilledega painting by August Roosileht August Roosileht Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Auguste Dutuit

label description creator collection
Porte du palais Farnèse à Rome painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
La halte des chevaux à l'auberge painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Marchands ambulants à Tivoli painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Scène de rue en Italie painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Catéchisme dans une église painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Dutuit collection
La prière painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Dutuit collection
Le vannier painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
L'homme à la pipe painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Dutuit collection
Cardinaux sortant du Vatican par la porte des Suisses, après une audience du Saint-Père painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Dutuit collection
Modèles dans un atelier, pendant l'absence du peintre painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
La leçon de chant des enfants de choeur, dans une sacristie à Rome painting by Auguste Dutuit Auguste Dutuit Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Dutuit collection

Auguste Rodin

label description creator collection
Miss Jean Simpson, Seated painting by Auguste Rodin Auguste Rodin Brooklyn Museum
Estudio de desnudo, Mujer desnuda recostada (Femme nue allongée) painting by René François Auguste Rodin Auguste Rodin Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
The female model painting by Auguste Rodin Auguste Rodin National Gallery of Armenia

Auguste Wynantz

label description creator collection
Le pont Royal et le Pavillon de Flore, vus du quai Voltaire painting by Auguste Wynantz Auguste Wynantz Musée Carnavalet
L'église Saint-Laurent painting by Auguste Wynantz Auguste Wynantz Musée Carnavalet

Aurélio de Figueiredo

label description creator collection
Beach in Fortaleza painting by Aurélio Figueiredo Aurélio de Figueiredo Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection
Paisagem painting by Aurélio de Figueiredo Aurélio de Figueiredo Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Museu Paulista collection
Girl at the window painting by Aurelio de Figueiredo Aurélio de Figueiredo Sergio Sahione Fadel Collection
Girl at the piano painting by Aurelio de Figueiredo Aurélio de Figueiredo Sergio Sahione Fadel Collection
Corcovado painting by Aurelio de Figueiredo Aurélio de Figueiredo Art Museum of Belém
O Último baile da Ilha Fiscal painting by Aurelio de Figueiredo Aurélio de Figueiredo
Homem em traje civil (3) Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Aurélio de Figueiredo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Vista de uma fortaleza Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Aurélio de Figueiredo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
A ilusão do Terceiro Reinado Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Aurélio de Figueiredo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Martírio de Tiradentes (atribuído) Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Aurélio de Figueiredo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Retrato de criança Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Aurélio de Figueiredo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Descobrimento do Brasil Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Aurélio de Figueiredo Museu Histórico Nacional collection

Axel Fredrik Cederholm

label description creator collection
Tribute to King Carl XIV Johan painting by Axel Fredrik Cederholm Axel Fredrik Cederholm Nationalmuseum
The Acclamation of King Carl XIV Johan of Sweden painting by Axel Fredrik Cederholm Axel Fredrik Cederholm Nationalmuseum
A View of Kungsträdgården, Stockholm painting by Axel Fredrik Cederholm Axel Fredrik Cederholm Nationalmuseum

Axel Kulle

label description creator collection
The Ridge painting by Axel Teodor Kulle Axel Kulle Nationalmuseum
The Plain at Romeleklint painting by Axel Teodor Kulle Axel Kulle Nationalmuseum

Axel Löwen

label description creator collection
Karl XII, King of Sweden painting by Axel Löwen Axel Löwen Nationalmuseum
Karl XII, King of Sweden painting by Axel Löwen (Nationalmuseum NMB 2133) Axel Löwen Nationalmuseum
Stanislaus I Leszcynski (1677-1766), kung av Polen painting by Axel Löwen Axel Löwen Nationalmuseum

Barbara Tuck

label description creator collection
Asylum painting by Barbara Tuck Barbara Tuck Auckland Art Gallery
Gamut #7 painting by Barbara Tuck Barbara Tuck Auckland Art Gallery

Barron Storey

label description creator collection
Jimmy Carter painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
Richard Nixon painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
F. Lee Bailey and Patty Hearst painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
Jimmy Connors painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
Mikhail Baryshnikov painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
Moscow's Bold Challenge painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
Daniel P. Moynihan painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
Enrico Berlinguer painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery
Yitzhak Rabin painting by Ross Barron Storey Barron Storey National Portrait Gallery

Barthold van Riemsdijk

label description creator collection
Michelangelostraat in wording painting by Barthold van Riemsdijk Barthold van Riemsdijk Amsterdam Museum
Brug over Jan van Goyenkade bij de Emmastaat painting by Barthold van Riemsdijk Barthold van Riemsdijk Amsterdam Museum
Jan van Goyenkade in wording painting by Barthold van Riemsdijk Barthold van Riemsdijk Amsterdam Museum
Jan van Goyenkade painting by Barthold van Riemsdijk Barthold van Riemsdijk Amsterdam Museum


label description creator collection
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Thirty-first night: The donkey, in a tiger’s skin, reveals his identity by braying aloud painting by Basavana (Indian, active c. 1560–1600) (1962.279.207.a) Basavana Cleveland Museum of Art
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Fifth night: The hunter throws away the baby parrots, who pretend to be dead, and captures the mother painting by Basavana (Indian, active c. 1560–1600) (1962.279.35.a) Basavana Cleveland Museum of Art
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): text page painting by Basavana (Indian, active c. 1560–1600) (1962.279.35.b) Basavana Cleveland Museum of Art
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): text page painting by Basavana (Indian, active c. 1560–1600) (1962.279.36.a) Basavana Cleveland Museum of Art
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Fifth night: The hunter offers the mother parrot to the king of Kamarupa painting by Basavana (Indian, active c. 1560–1600) (1962.279.36.b) Basavana Cleveland Museum of Art
Jain Ascetic Walking Along a Riverbank painting by Basavana (Indian, active c. 1560–1600) (1967.244) Basavana Cleveland Museum of Art

Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins

label description creator collection
Early Jurassic Marine Reptiles painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Pleistocene Edentates of Patagoni painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Silurian Shore at Low Tide painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Pleistocene Fauna of Asia painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Irish Elk and Palaeolithic Hunter painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Tertiary Mammals of Europe painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Attack in Pleistocene England painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Cretaceous Life of New Jersey painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
The Glacial Epoch in Europe painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Moas of Prehistoric New Zealand painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Triassic Life of Germany painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Devonian Life of the old red sandstone painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Jurassic Life of Europe painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum
Triassic Life of Great Britain painting by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Princeton University Art Museum

Benno Fischer

label description creator collection
Portrait of a Woman painting by B. Fischer Benno Fischer Slovak National Gallery
Portrét neznámeho muža painting by B. Fischer Benno Fischer Bratislava City Gallery

Bernardus van de Laar

label description creator collection
Interieur van de Sint Jan painting by Bernardus van de Laar Bernardus van de Laar Noordbrabants Museum
Interior from a Gothic Church painting by Bernardus van de Laar Bernardus van de Laar National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Bernd Hahn

label description creator collection
Gelb painting by Bernd Hahn Bernd Hahn Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Blau painting by Bernd Hahn Bernd Hahn Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Bertil Lundberg

label description creator collection
Palisades painting by Bertil Lundberg Bertil Lundberg National Gallery of Kosovo
The sign painting by Bertil Lundberg Bertil Lundberg National Gallery of Kosovo

Bertil Lybeck

label description creator collection
Yngve Berg, 1887-1963 painting by Bertil Lybeck Bertil Lybeck Nationalmuseum
Konstnären Carl Frisendahls flyttning i Montparnasse, Paris painting by Bertil Lybeck Bertil Lybeck Nationalmuseum

Betty Kuntiwa Pumani

label description creator collection
Antara painting by Betty Pumani Betty Kuntiwa Pumani Art Gallery of New South Wales
Antara painting by Betty Pumani (NGA NGA 2013.152) Betty Kuntiwa Pumani National Gallery of Australia

Birgit Broms

label description creator collection
Erland Josephson, 1923 painting by Birgit Broms Birgit Broms Nationalmuseum
Olof Lagercrantz, född 1911 painting by Birgit Broms Birgit Broms Nationalmuseum
Allan Edwall, 1924-1997 painting by Birgit Broms Birgit Broms Nationalmuseum
Ingmar Bergman, född 1918 painting by Birgit Broms Birgit Broms Nationalmuseum
Benny Andersson (född 1946), kompositör, musiker, producent, professors namn, gift med 1. sångerskan Anni-Frid Lyngstad, 2. Mona Nörklit painting by Birgit Broms Birgit Broms Nationalmuseum
Inga Thorsson, 1915-1994 painting by Birgit Broms Birgit Broms Nationalmuseum
Karin Kavli, 1906-1990 painting by Birgit Broms Birgit Broms Nationalmuseum

Blanche Ames Ames

label description creator collection
Paul Christoph Mangelsdorf (1899-1989) painting by Blanche Ames Ames Blanche Ames Ames Harvard Art Museums
George Lincoln Goodale (1839-1923) painting by Blanche Ames Ames Blanche Ames Ames Harvard Art Museums
Oakes Ames (1874-1950) painting by Blanche Ames Ames Blanche Ames Ames Harvard Art Museums

Blerim Luzha

label description creator collection
Design I painting by Blerim Luzha Blerim Luzha National Gallery of Kosovo
Design II painting by Blerim Luzha Blerim Luzha National Gallery of Kosovo
Design III painting by Blerim Luzha Blerim Luzha National Gallery of Kosovo

Bob De Groof

label description creator collection
Head in doubt painting by Bob De Groof (FRB 0733) Bob De Groof King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Wording painting by Bob De Groof (FRB 0887) Bob De Groof King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Artotheque Mons
Hommage à Asger Jorn painting by Bob De Groof (FRB 0988) Bob De Groof King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons

Bob Peak

label description creator collection
Gang War painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Great White Shark painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Salvador Allende painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Richard Nixon painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
The Band painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Tip O'Neil painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Henry Kissinger painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Carl Albert painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Ian Smith painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Anwar Sadat painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery
Joni Mitchell painting by Robert M. Peak Bob Peak National Portrait Gallery

Bob Thompson

label description creator collection
Ornette painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Birmingham Museum of Art
St. Matthew's Description of the End of the World painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Museum of Modern Art
Allegory painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Metropolitan Museum of Art
Four Bathers painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tree painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson National Gallery of Art
Death of the Infant Bethel painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Art Institute of Chicago
The Descension painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Art Institute of Chicago
The Drying After painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Art Institute of Chicago
The Procession painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Art Institute of Chicago
Cell painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Smithsonian American Art Museum
Descent from the Cross painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Smithsonian American Art Museum
Enchanted Rider painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Smithsonian American Art Museum
Prayers in a Landscape (from Piero Della Francesca, the Legend of the Cross: Hercules Bringing the Cross to Jerusalem) painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Smithsonian American Art Museum
The Spinning, Spinning, Turning, Directing painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Smithsonian American Art Museum
Two Figures painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Smithsonian American Art Museum
Untitled painting by Robert (Bob) Thompson Bob Thompson Museum of Fine Arts
Untitled (Paris) painting by Robert (Bob) Thompson Bob Thompson Museum of Fine Arts
Untitled (Procession at Aqueduct) painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
The Conversion of St. Paul painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Red Nude on Beach painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Running Woman painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Triumph of Bacchus painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Whitney Museum of American Art
An Allegory painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Whitney Museum of American Art
Blue Madonna painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Detroit Institute of Arts
The Death of Camilla painting by Bob Thompson Bob Thompson Detroit Institute of Arts

Bogdan Jovana Kršić

label description creator collection
Stop painting by Bogdan Krsic Bogdan Jovana Kršić National Gallery of Kosovo
Fight painting by Bogdan Krsic Bogdan Jovana Kršić National Gallery of Kosovo

Boijan Lilliehöök

label description creator collection
Okänd pojke i blåa hängbyxor och vit skjorta painting by Boijan Lilliehöök Boijan Lilliehöök Nationalmuseum
Louise Mounbatten (1889-1965), drottning av Sverige, g.m. Gustav VI Adolf painting by Boijan Lilliehöök Boijan Lilliehöök Nationalmuseum

Boris Krõlov

label description creator collection
Maal. Boriss Krõlov. Talvine maastik. Õli. 1948. Boris Krõlov Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. Boris Krõlov. P.I. Tsaikovski pink. 1950. Õli. Boris Krõlov Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection

Boriss Uvarov

label description creator collection
Leinaja painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Autoportree painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Valge joone vaatlus painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Elu ja surm painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Boheem painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Vana Narva painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Elu maitse painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Jaht painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Nimeta. Portree painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Pänduri tagasitulek painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Apostol painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Narva painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Budda, Lääs-Ida 21. sajand painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Unetus painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Naise portree painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Kukeaasta painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Eedeni aed painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
See Kuldlinn painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Naise portree painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Apostel Andrei ja Pääataja painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Raekoda painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Naine sinises painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Kolm sajandit hiljem painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Suur Maarjapäev (Pokrov) painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Püha söömaaeg painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Margarita painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Narva bastionid painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Minu kodu painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Triptühhon painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Babai (Meditatsioon) painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Oht pöördub ära painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Narva. Pikk Hermann painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Teo päev painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Mõtiskleja painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Interjöör painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Boriss ja Gleb painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Pontiusse Pilatiusse kannatused painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Lapsepõlvest painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Narva. Vanalinn painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Narva Museum's art collection
Lääs. Diptühhonist "Ida-Lääs. XXI sajand". Sarjast "Sild" painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tunnistaja painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maa teekonnad. Sarjast "Sild" painting by Boriss Uvarov Boriss Uvarov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Botalatala Bolofé Bwailenge

label description creator collection
Le requin, la pêche à la ligne painting by Botalatala Bolofe Bwailenge Botalatala Bolofé Bwailenge Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Perestroïka painting by Botalatala Bolofe Bwailenge Botalatala Bolofé Bwailenge Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Géometrie plane painting by Botalatala Bolofe Bwailenge Botalatala Bolofé Bwailenge Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Interpelation pour la survie painting by Botalatala Bolofe Bwailenge Botalatala Bolofé Bwailenge Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Peinture painting by Botalatala Bolofe Bwailenge Botalatala Bolofé Bwailenge Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by Botalatala Bolofe Bwailenge Botalatala Bolofé Bwailenge Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Branimir Karanović

label description creator collection
Bus painting by Branimir Karanovic Branimir Karanović National Gallery of Kosovo
The rock painting by Branimir Karanovic Branimir Karanović National Gallery of Kosovo

Brian Brake

label description creator collection
Untitled [New Zealand] painting by Brian Brake (Te Papa CT.062892) Brian Brake Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Untitled [New Zealand] painting by Brian Brake (Te Papa CT.062893) Brian Brake Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Untitled [New Zealand] painting by Brian Brake (Te Papa CT.062890) Brian Brake Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Untitled [New Zealand] painting by Brian Brake (Te Papa CT.062889) Brian Brake Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Bror Utter

label description creator collection
Seven Vessels by Moonlight painting by Bror Utter Bror Utter Dallas Museum of Art
Under Milkwood painting by Bror Utter Bror Utter Dallas Museum of Art
Villa in Tuscany painting by Bror Utter Bror Utter Dallas Museum of Art

Bruce Nauman

label description creator collection
Read/Reap painting by Bruce Nauman Bruce Nauman Museum of Modern Art
Beating with a Baseball Bat painting by Bruce Nauman Bruce Nauman Bavarian State Painting Collections
Big Welcome painting by Bruce Nauman Bruce Nauman Bavarian State Painting Collections
Untitled painting by Bruce Nauman Bruce Nauman Bavarian State Painting Collections

Budim Berisha

label description creator collection
Play painting by Budim Berisha Budim Berisha National Gallery of Kosovo
Visions painting by Budim Berisha Budim Berisha National Gallery of Kosovo
Thanks to progress painting by Budim Berisha Budim Berisha National Gallery of Kosovo

Caesar Kunwald

label description creator collection
Sureva mies painting by Cesar Kunwald Caesar Kunwald Finnish National Gallery
Johannes V. Jensen painting by Caesar Kunwald Caesar Kunwald Museum of Copenhagen

Cameron Platter

label description creator collection
Cameron Platter 1 Cameron Platter artwork Cameron Platter
Cameron Platter 2 Cameron Platter artwork Cameron Platter

Carl August Raedlein

label description creator collection
Tütarlapse portree painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Etüüd mooniõitest painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jõeäärne maastik painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Etüüd võõrasemadest painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort seentega painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaas lilledega painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jõemaastik vesiroosidega painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Etüüd sirelikobarast painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pargi vaade painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Talvemaastik tee ja talumajadega painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Estonian National Museum's art collection
Maastik talumajadega painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Estonian National Museum's art collection
Maastik talumaja ja inimestega painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Estonian National Museum's art collection
Laudad painting by Carl August Raedlein Carl August Raedlein Estonian National Museum's art collection

Carl Bille

label description creator collection
A steamship in a storm in the Atlantic painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille Statens Museum for Kunst
Seascape off Kronborg with numerous ships and a pilot boat painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
A moonlit night by the North Sea. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Cruisers and steamers in severe weather painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille Maritime Museum
A Dutch fishing boat in the North Sea in Moonlight paintingby Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Steamer at Sea painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Sailing Steamer at Sea painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Marine with ship on rough sea at full moon painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Shipwreck with a surviving dog painting by Car Bille Carl Bille unknown
Summerday in the Øresund painting by Carl bille Carl Bille unknown
Two sailing ships at Sea. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
The Channel Fleet at Copenhagen in 1862. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Fishing vessels taking out to sea by moonlight. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
A squadron of sailing ships. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Seascape with numerous ships in the Sound off Kronborg, Denmark. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
The bark "Ludvig Holm" anchored at the roads of Copenhagen. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Urban of Svaneke painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille Bornholm Museum
Seascape with a Dutch warship, sailing ships and a fishing boat. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
A damaged ship of the line at sunset. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Cargo Sailing Ship off the Coast painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Segelschiffe vor der Küste, Mondstimmung painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown
Shipping in Table Bay. painting by Carl Bille Carl Bille unknown

Carl Dahl

label description creator collection
The Castle of Heidelberg painting by Carl Dahl Carl Dahl Nationalmuseum
Lissabons rhed painting by Carl Dahl Carl Dahl Statens Museum for Kunst
Fregat i en storm med rebede undersejl painting by Carl Dahl Carl Dahl Statens Museum for Kunst
view of the port of Korsor painting by Carl Dahl Carl Dahl Musée départemental de l'Oise

Carl Fredrik Darell

label description creator collection
Magnus Jakob Crusenstolpe, 1795-1865, gift med Sofia Palmstruch painting by Carl Fredrik Darell Carl Fredrik Darell Nationalmuseum
Sofia Crusenstolpe, 1807-1865, född Palmstruch, gift med Magnus Jakob Crusenstrolpe painting by Carl Fredrik Darell Carl Fredrik Darell Nationalmuseum

Carlo Eggermont

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0009) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0060) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0117) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0123) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0124) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0180) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0181) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Untitled painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0220) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
La réalité est tout autre painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0328) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Sans titre painting by Carlo Eggermont (FRB 0603) Carlo Eggermont King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons

Carlos León

label description creator collection
Sin título I (Untitled I) painting by Carlos León Carlos León Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Sin título II (Untitled II) painting by Carlos León Carlos León Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Sin título III (Untitled III) painting by Carlos León Carlos León Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Carmen Calvo

label description creator collection
Serie Paisajes (Reconstrucción) (Landscape Series [Reconstruction]) painting by Carmen Calvo Carmen Calvo Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Naturalezas (Nature) painting by Carmen Calvo Carmen Calvo Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Carmit Weizman

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Carmit Weizman Carmit Weizman Janco Dada Museum
Untitled painting by Carmit Weizman C.263.2005 Carmit Weizman Janco Dada Museum
Untitled painting by Carmit Weizman C.347.2010 Carmit Weizman Janco Dada Museum

Carol Martyn

label description creator collection
Blue Nest painting by Carol Martyn Carol Martyn National Gallery of Canada
Homage to James Pinto No. 2 painting by Carol Martyn Carol Martyn National Gallery of Canada
Fire Field painting by Carol Martyn Carol Martyn National Gallery of Canada
Viva painting by Carol Martyn Carol Martyn National Gallery of Canada

Cathy Wilkes

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Cathy Wilkes Cathy Wilkes Carnegie Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Cathy Wilkes (CMoA 2012.9.6) Cathy Wilkes Carnegie Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Cathy Wilkes (CMoA 2012.9.3) Cathy Wilkes Carnegie Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Cathy Wilkes (CMoA 2012.9.4) Cathy Wilkes Carnegie Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Cathy Wilkes (CMoA 2012.9.7) Cathy Wilkes Carnegie Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Cathy Wilkes (Artic 2016.70) Cathy Wilkes Art Institute of Chicago

Cecil Tremayne Buller

label description creator collection
Market painting by Cecil Buller Cecil Tremayne Buller National Gallery of Canada
Market, Concarneau painting by Cecil Buller Cecil Tremayne Buller National Gallery of Canada
Beach Scene, Brittany painting by Cecil Buller Cecil Tremayne Buller National Gallery of Canada
On the Beach, France painting by Cecil Buller Cecil Tremayne Buller National Gallery of Canada
Breton Women on the Beach painting by Cecil Buller Cecil Tremayne Buller National Gallery of Canada

Chanchal Banga

label description creator collection
Red Sea Hamburger painting by Chanchal Banga Chanchal Banga Janco Dada Museum
Red Sea painting by Chanchal Banga Chanchal Banga Janco Dada Museum

Charles Bentley

label description creator collection
Map of Guayana Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Hermann Schromburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Ataraipu or the Devil's Rock Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Schomburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Pirara and Lake Amucu Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Schomburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Roraima Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Schomburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Esmeralda on the Orinoco Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Schomburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Brazilian Fort of St. Gabriel Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Schomburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Watu Ticaba Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Schomburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Caribi Village Anai, Near the River Rupunumi Lithograph by Charles Bentley and Robert Schomburgk Charles Bentley
Robert Hermann Schomburgk
Ackermann & Co
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros

Charles Decimus Barraud

label description creator collection
Settlement at Port Ross, Auckland Islands painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Mitre Peak painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
The Waiau painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Wanganui in the Early Days painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Rocky Coastline painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Ferry, Whanganui River painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Pembroke Peak painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
The Sugar Loaves, New Plymouth painting by Charles Decimus Barraud Charles Decimus Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui

Charles Eamer Kempe

label description creator collection
Oak Canopy Settle: Four Seasons: Winter painting by Charles Eamer Kempe Charles Eamer Kempe National Trust
Oak Canopy Settle: Four Seasons: Spring painting by Charles Eamer Kempe Charles Eamer Kempe National Trust
Oak Canopy Settle: Four Seasons: Summer painting by Charles Eamer Kempe Charles Eamer Kempe National Trust
Oak Canopy Settle: Four Seasons: Autumn painting by Charles Eamer Kempe Charles Eamer Kempe National Trust
Oak Canopy Settle painted canopy by Charles Eamer Kempe Charles Eamer Kempe National Trust

Charles Eugene Moss

label description creator collection
Dr. Kingsford painting by Charles E. Moss Charles Eugene Moss National Gallery of Canada
The Goose Girl painting by Charles E. Moss Charles Eugene Moss National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of J.W.H. Watts painting by Charles E. Moss Charles Eugene Moss National Gallery of Canada

Charles Heaphy

label description creator collection
New Zealand Moths artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-22 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Nga Hiwi of Roro...[?] artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-3-4-1 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
[View of hills with sea and ship in foreground] artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-6 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Wellington Head, Great Barrier Id. artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-23 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Cave Gt Barrier Id. artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-14 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Pipi wau rau roa [Pipiwharauroa] Cuckoo N.Z. artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-12 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Pigeon (size of life) Loyalty Isles artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-7 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Kari Mako [Korimako] Mahurangi N.Z. artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-20 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Pirangi rangi N.Z. artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-1-17 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Te Rangieata or Mokau 1840 artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1970-2-33 Cultural permissions apply) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Untitled. [Island with ship] artwork by Charles Heaphy (Auckland War Memorial Museum, PD-1952-2-24 ) Charles Heaphy Auckland War Memorial Museum
Nelson Regatta 1843 artwork attributed to Charles Heaphy (Nelson Provincial Museum, AC 959) Charles Heaphy Marsden Loan Collection
Allied camp at Kowloon painting attributed to Charles Heaphy (National Library of Australia, PIC Screen 43 #T282 NK20) Charles Heaphy National Library of Australia

Charles Hepburn Scott

label description creator collection
Resting in Howe Sound, B.C. painting by Charles H. Scott Charles Hepburn Scott National Gallery of Canada
Self-portrait painting by Charles H. Scott Charles Hepburn Scott National Gallery of Canada

Charles Jones

label description creator collection
Highland Cattle and Sheep in a Mountainous Landscape painting by Charles Jones Charles Jones National Trust
Dogs at play painting by Charles Jones Charles Jones National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales

Charles Keene

label description creator collection
Self-Portrait painting by Charles Samuel Keene Charles Keene Tate
National Gallery
The Barrel Organ Player painting by Charles Samuel Keene Charles Keene National Trust

Charles Livingston Bull

label description creator collection
Crane and Snake painting by Charles Livingston Bull Charles Livingston Bull Brandywine River Museum
Arctic Animals painting by Charles Livingston Bull Charles Livingston Bull Brandywine River Museum
The Egret painting by Charles Livingston Bull Charles Livingston Bull Brandywine River Museum

Charles M. Relyea

label description creator collection
Illustration for James Whitcomb Riley's "A Defective Santa Claus" painting by Charles M. Relyea Charles M. Relyea Indianapolis Museum of Art
Illustration for James Whitcomb Riley's "A Defective Santa Claus" painting by Charles M. Relyea (IMA 1985.127) Charles M. Relyea Indianapolis Museum of Art
Frontispiece for James Whitcomb Riley's 'A Defective Santa Clause' painting by Charles M. Relyea Charles M. Relyea Indianapolis Museum of Art
ILLUSTRATION FOR JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY'S 'A DEFECTIVE SANTA CLAUS' painting by Charles M. Relyea Charles M. Relyea Indianapolis Museum of Art
ILLUSTRATION FOR JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY'S 'A DEFECTIVE SANTA CLAUS' painting by Charles M. Relyea (IMA 1985.125) Charles M. Relyea Indianapolis Museum of Art

Charles Mahoney

label description creator collection
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden painting by Charles Mahoney Charles Mahoney Tate
National Gallery
Outhouses painting by Charles Mahoney Charles Mahoney Tate
National Gallery
Wrotham Place from the Garden painting by Charles Mahoney Charles Mahoney Tate

Charles Raymond Chabrillac

label description creator collection
L'Atelier du peintre Guillaume Guillon-Lethière (1760-1832) painting by Charles Raymond Chabrillac Charles Raymond Chabrillac Musée Carnavalet
Groupe de femmes dans la rue painting by Charles Raymond Chabrillac Charles Raymond Chabrillac Musée Carnavalet
La Rue du Petit-Musc painting by Charles Raymond Chabrillac Charles Raymond Chabrillac Musée Carnavalet
Le tocsin rue Saint-Martin, le 28 juillet 1830 painting by Charles Raymond Chabrillac Charles Raymond Chabrillac Musée Carnavalet
Épisode de la nuit du 23 au 24 février 1848 painting by Charles Raymond Chabrillac Charles Raymond Chabrillac Musée Carnavalet

Charles XV of Sweden

label description creator collection
Utsigt af byn Sälen painting by Charles XV of Sweden Charles XV of Sweden Upplandsmuseet
Norwegian Landscape in the Light of Early Morning painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Winter Landscape from Queen Christina's Road in Djurgården, Stockholm painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Landscape from Tröndelagen painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
View of Ulriksdal painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Scenery from Kvikkjokk painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
By the Brook in the Forest painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Lake Scene painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
View from Värmdö painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Painting painting by Karl XV av Sverige og Norge Charles XV of Sweden National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
The Castle Gripsholm painting by Karl XV av Sverige og Norge Charles XV of Sweden National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Hardanger Fjord painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
View of Bäckaskog painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Vaagevannet in the Gudbrandsdalen Valley painting by Kung Karl XV Charles XV of Sweden Nationalmuseum

Charlie Numbulmoore

label description creator collection
Wandjina spirit painting by Charlie Numbulmoore Charlie Numbulmoore Art Gallery of South Australia
Wandjina spirit painting by Charlie Numbulmoore (AGSA 741P72) Charlie Numbulmoore Art Gallery of South Australia

Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi

label description creator collection
Dreaming at Lake Mackay painting by Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Art Gallery of South Australia
Dreaming at Tjitturru Waterhole painting by Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Art Gallery of South Australia
Old Man and the Ants painting by Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Art Gallery of South Australia
Women Dreaming painting by Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Charlie Tarawa Tjungarrayi Art Gallery of South Australia

Charlotte Harding

label description creator collection
Portrait of Miriam S. Ruhe painting by Charlotte Harding Charlotte Harding Brandywine River Museum
Vase of Roses painting by Charlotte Harding Charlotte Harding Brandywine River Museum

Charlotte L. Goldsworthy

label description creator collection
Humming Birds and Orchids painting by Charlotte L. Goldsworthy Charlotte L. Goldsworthy National Trust
Humming Birds and Orchids painting by Charlotte L. Goldsworthy (NT 1529616.2) Charlotte L. Goldsworthy National Trust

Chen Wen-Lung

label description creator collection
山城映照A painting by Chen Wen-Lung Chen Wen-Lung
山城映照B painting by Chen Wen-Lung Chen Wen-Lung
Flow painting by Chen Wen-Lung Chen Wen-Lung

Chris Ballantyne

label description creator collection
Untitled (Diving Board) painting by Chris Ballantyne Chris Ballantyne Whitney Museum of American Art
Untitled (Split Pool) painting by Chris Ballantyne Chris Ballantyne Whitney Museum of American Art

Christian Bonnefoi

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Christian Bonnefoi (FRB 0019) Christian Bonnefoi King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Eureka II painting by Christian Bonnefoi (FRB 0059) Christian Bonnefoi King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Eurêka painting by Christian Bonnefoi Christian Bonnefoi Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Christine Ott

label description creator collection
Int.Fz. 00.003, 2000 painting by Christine Ott Christine Ott Bavarian State Painting Collections
Interferenz III painting by Christine Ott Christine Ott Bavarian State Painting Collections
KON.X.01.001, 2000 painting by Christine Ott Christine Ott Bavarian State Painting Collections

Christoph Meyer

label description creator collection
Die Königin painting by Christoph Meyer Christoph Meyer Berlinische Galerie
Die Königin painting by Christoph Meyer Christoph Meyer Berlinische Galerie
Die Königin painting by Christoph Meyer Christoph Meyer Berlinische Galerie
Die Königin painting by Christoph Meyer Christoph Meyer Berlinische Galerie

Christopher Pease

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Christopher Pease Christopher Pease National Gallery of Victoria
Hunting party painting by Christopher Pease Christopher Pease National Gallery of Australia

Cincinato Mavignier

label description creator collection
Duquesa de Caxias Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cincinato Mavignier Museu Histórico Nacional collection
D. Pedro II (1) Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cincinato Mavignier Museu Histórico Nacional collection

Clara Lobedan

label description creator collection
Stilleben. Miniatur aus der Sammlung Loewe painting by Clara Lobedan Clara Lobedan Berlin State Museums
Overgrown with wine and flowers pergola over the sea painting by Clara Lobedan Clara Lobedan
Still life with grapes painting by Clara Lobedan Clara Lobedan

Claude Lawrence

label description creator collection
Saturday Night painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dancing Eyes painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence Metropolitan Museum of Art
Oasis painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Evil Twin painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Point of Departure painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Saunter painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
reet and mary painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence Detroit Institute of Arts
Dormir painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence Detroit Institute of Arts
Untitled painting by Claude Lawrence Claude Lawrence Detroit Institute of Arts

Clemens Krauss

label description creator collection
Ich, meiner, mir, mich, du, deiner, dir, dich...(aus der Serie das Körperkörper-Problem) painting by Clemens Krauss Clemens Krauss Berlinische Galerie
Ich, meiner, mir, mich, du, deiner, dir, dich...(aus der Serie das Körperkörper-Problem) painting by Clemens Krauss Clemens Krauss Berlinische Galerie
Ich, meiner, mir, mich, du, deiner, dir, dich... (aus der Serie das Körperkörper-Problem). ^ painting by Clemens Krauss Clemens Krauss Berlinische Galerie
Ich, meiner, mir, mich, du, deiner, dir, dich...(aus der Serie das Körperkörper-Problem) painting by Clemens Krauss Clemens Krauss Berlinische Galerie
Ich, meiner, mir, mich, du, deiner, dir, dich...(aus der Serie das Körperkörper-Problem) painting by Clemens Krauss Clemens Krauss Berlinische Galerie
Ich, meiner, mir, mich, du, deiner, dir, dich...(aus der Serie das Körperkörper-Problem) painting by Clemens Krauss Clemens Krauss Berlinische Galerie

Cordelia Oliver

label description creator collection
Cordelia Oliver, 1923 - 2009. Artist (Self-portrait) painting by Cordelia Oliver Cordelia Oliver National Galleries of Scotland
Tertia Liebenthal at the Edinburgh International Festival 1966 painting by Cordelia Oliver Cordelia Oliver National Galleries of Scotland

Craig Kauffman

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Craig Kauffman Craig Kauffman San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Amarillo #4 painting by Craig Kauffman Craig Kauffman San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Untitled painting by Craig Kauffman (SFMOMA 83.25) Craig Kauffman San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Violet-Green painting by Craig Kauffman (American, 1932-2010) (1978.163) Craig Kauffman Cleveland Museum of Art

Crusoe Kuningbal

label description creator collection
Mimih spirits painting by Crusoe Kuningbal Crusoe Kuningbal National Gallery of Victoria
Mimih spirits painting by Crusoe Kuningbal (NGV O.27-1992) Crusoe Kuningbal National Gallery of Victoria

Cuzco School

label description creator collection
São Marcos Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cuzco School Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Casamento místico de santa Rosa Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cuzco School Museu Histórico Nacional collection
O papa e os quatro doutores Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cuzco School Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Flagelação de Cristo Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cuzco School Museu Histórico Nacional collection
San Lucas Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cuzco School Museu Histórico Nacional collection
São João Evangelista (1) Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cuzco School Museu Histórico Nacional collection
A Anunciação Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Cuzco School Museu Histórico Nacional collection

César Antonio López

label description creator collection
Montaña [Mountain] painting by César Antonio López César Antonio López National Gallery of Canada
Guarida [Hideout] painting by César Antonio López César Antonio López National Gallery of Canada
Chamán [Shaman] painting by César Antonio López César Antonio López National Gallery of Canada

Daan Wildschut

label description creator collection
Landschap Eben-Emael painting by D.P. Wildschut Daan Wildschut Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Portret (Vrouw) painting by D.P. Wildschut Daan Wildschut Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Dag Erik Elgin

label description creator collection
Sinthome painting by Dag Erik Elgin Dag Erik Elgin National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Abendzeichnungen painting by Dag Erik Elgin Dag Erik Elgin National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Damian Moppett

label description creator collection
Sculpture with Candles painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Stone Carving with Maquette painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Figure Study for 'Acrobat' painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Caryatid, Lamp and Sofa in Studio painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Large Red Candle painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Damian Moppett (NGA Canada 47423) Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Damian Moppett (NGA Canada 47424) Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Damian Moppett (NGA Canada 47425) Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Damian Moppett (NGA Canada 47426) Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Damian Moppett (NGA Canada 47427) Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Exhibition at 22 Fitzroy St. London, May 1953 painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Studio and City at Night painting by Damian Moppett Damian Moppett National Gallery of Canada

Dan Wingren

label description creator collection
The Thicket painting by Dan Wingren Dan Wingren Carnegie Museum of Art
Fish and Chandelier painting by Dan Wingren Dan Wingren Dallas Museum of Art
Explorer painting by Dan Wingren Dan Wingren Dallas Museum of Art
Out of the Tunnel painting by Dan Wingren Dan Wingren Dallas Museum of Art

Darcy Huebler

label description creator collection
This Side/That Side painting by Darcy Huebler Darcy Huebler Los Angeles County Museum of Art
This Side/That Side painting by Darcy Huebler (LACMA, M.2002.125.2) Darcy Huebler Los Angeles County Museum of Art
This Side/That Side painting by Darcy Huebler (LACMA, M.2002.125.1) Darcy Huebler Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Darryl Sapien

label description creator collection
Cenotaph painting by Darryl Sapien Darryl Sapien San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
It's Lucky When You Live in America painting by Darryl Sapien Darryl Sapien San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

David Craven

label description creator collection
Tracer painting by David Craven David Craven National Gallery of Canada
Blister (Bruise) painting by David Craven David Craven National Gallery of Canada
Give and Take painting by David Craven David Craven National Gallery of Canada
Noranda painting by David Craven David Craven National Gallery of Canada

David Driskell

label description creator collection
Dancing Angel painting by David Driskell David Driskell Smithsonian American Art Museum
Masks painting by David Clyde Driskell David Driskell Georgia Museum of Art

David Francis Thomson

label description creator collection
Trees, Shore and Water painting by David Francis Thomson David Francis Thomson National Gallery of Canada
Artist Painting Watercolour on Easel on Dock painting by David Francis Thomson David Francis Thomson National Gallery of Canada
Swamp with Dead Trees painting by David Francis Thomson David Francis Thomson National Gallery of Canada
Swamp with Logs painting by David Francis Thomson David Francis Thomson National Gallery of Canada

David Frumerie

label description creator collection
Henrik II, 1489-1568, hertig av Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel painting attributed to David Frumerie David Frumerie National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
Kristoffer, 1515-1568, hertig av Würtemberg painting by David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum
Ulrik VI, 1487-1550, hertig av Würtemberg painting by David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum
Maximilian I, 1459-1519, tysk-romersk kejsare painting by David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum
Henrik den fromme, 1473-1541, hertig av Sachsen painting by David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum
Johan den beständige, 1469-1532, kurfurste av Sachsen painting by David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum
Henrik VIII, 1491-1547, konung av England painting attributed to David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum
George, Duke of Saxony (1471-1539) painting by David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum
Filip I, 1504-1567, lantgreve av Hessen-Kassel painting by David Frumerie David Frumerie Nationalmuseum

David Gulpilil

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by David Gulpilil David Gulpilil National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by David Gulpilil (attributed To) David Gulpilil National Gallery of Victoria

David Lam Chun-Fai

label description creator collection
Hong Kong Painting by David Lam Chun-Fai David Lam Chun-Fai Hong Kong travel poster collection
Hong Kong Painting by David Lam Chun-Fai. David Lam Chun-Fai Hong Kong travel poster collection
Hong Kong Painting by David Lam Chun-Fai. David Lam Chun-Fai Hong Kong travel poster collection
Hong Kong Painting by David Lam Chun-Fai. David Lam Chun-Fai Hong Kong travel poster collection

David Luders

label description creator collection
Portrait of Ambassador P.G. Chernyshev with Family painting by David Luders David Luders Hermitage Museum
Portrait of Grigory Teplov painting by David Lüders David Luders Hermitage Museum

David Nash

label description creator collection
Pyramid painting by David Nash David Nash Tate
Sphere painting by David Nash David Nash Tate
Cube painting by David Nash David Nash Tate

David Thauberger

label description creator collection
Mack's Garage painting by David Thauberger David Thauberger National Gallery of Canada
White Christmas (Varscona) painting by David Thauberger David Thauberger National Gallery of Canada

Declan Apuatimi

label description creator collection
Armbands painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Kurlama painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Kurlama painting by Declan Apuatimi (NGV O.9-1992) Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Design for Pukumani spear painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Bark painting painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
No title painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Bark painting in wooden frame painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Design on canvas painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Pamijini painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Clubs painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Bark painting painting by Declan Apuatimi (NGA NGA 92.207.15) Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
No title painting by Declan Apuatimi (NGA NGA 84.765) Declan Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Pukamani decoration and body painting painting by Declan Apuatimi Declan Apuatimi Art Gallery of South Australia

Delfim Deodato Guedes

label description creator collection
Marinha painting by Delfim Deodato Guedes Delfim Deodato Guedes private collection
Vista do Palácio da Pena, Sintra painting by Delfim Deodato Guedes Delfim Deodato Guedes private collection

Denis-Sébastien Leroy

label description creator collection
Portrait d'inconnu (Denis Le Roy ?) painting by Sébastien Le Roy Denis-Sébastien Leroy Musée Carnavalet
Portrait de Denis Le Roy, vétérinaire de la maison du roi Louis XVI painting by Sébastien Le Roy Denis-Sébastien Leroy Musée Carnavalet


label description creator collection
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: The Story of Kalakacharya of Devachandra: Text (recto); Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: The Story of Kalakacharya of Devachandra: Brahmanshanti Yaksha (verso) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.5) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: The Story of Kalakacharya of Devachandra: Text (recto) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.5.a) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: The Story of Kalakacharya of Devachandra: Brahmanshanti Yaksha (verso) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.5.b) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Kalpa-sutra: Enthroned Monk (recto); Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Kalpa-sutra: Text (verso) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.6) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Kalpa-sutra: The Monk Gautama, Enthroned (recto) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.6.a) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Kalpa-sutra: Text (verso) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.6.b) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Colophon page, Kalpa-sutra and The Story of Kalakacharya of Devachandra: Monk Teaching Lay Disciple painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.7) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Colophon page, Kalpa-sutra and The Story of Kalakacharya of Devachandra: Monk Teaching Lay Disciple (recto) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.7.a) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Colophon page, Kalpa-sutra and The Story of Kalakacharya of Devachandra: Monk Teaching Lay Disciple (verso) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.7.b) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Jain Monk Holding a Flower Venerated by a Royal Follower, colophon page from a Story of the Religious Teacher Kalaka (Kalakacharya-katha, verso) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.8) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: The Story of Kalakacharya: Colophon Page, Text (recto) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.8.a) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Jain Monk Holding a Flower Venerated by a Royal Follower, colophon page from a Story of the Religious Teacher Kalaka (Kalakacharya-katha, verso) painting by Devachandra (Indian) (1971.118.8.b) Devachandra Cleveland Museum of Art

Dhimitër Theodori

label description creator collection
Man with a `qeleshe` painting by Dhimiter Theodori Dhimitër Theodori National Gallery of Kosovo
Man with a `qeleshe` Dhimitër Theodori National Gallery of Kosovo

Dhuwarrwarr Marika

label description creator collection
Djang'kawu painting by Dhuwarrwarr Marika Dhuwarrwarr Marika National Gallery of Victoria
Djang'kawu creation story painting by Dhuwarrwarr Marika Dhuwarrwarr Marika National Gallery of Victoria
Wititj swallowing the Wawilak Sisters painting by Dhuwarrwarr Marika Dhuwarrwarr Marika National Gallery of Australia
Milngurr painting by Dhuwarrwarr Marika Dhuwarrwarr Marika National Gallery of Australia
Milngurr painting by Dhuwarrwarr Marika (NGA NGA 2008.678) Dhuwarrwarr Marika National Gallery of Australia

Diana Wynyard

label description creator collection
La Cruche Cassee Object from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Diana Wynyard Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
La Cruche Cassee Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Diana Wynyard Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery

Diane Esmond

label description creator collection
Still Life of Apples on a Plate painting by Diane Esmond Diane Esmond National Trust
Still Life of Pears with Cup and Jug painting by Diane Esmond Diane Esmond National Trust

Dick Ngulmarmar

label description creator collection
Gurramatji ceremony painting by Dick Ngulmarmar Dick Ngulmarmar National Gallery of Victoria
Rainbow Serpents painting by Dick Ngulmarmar Dick Ngulmarmar National Gallery of Victoria
Gurramatji ceremony painting by Dick Ngulmarmar (NGV O.43-1990) Dick Ngulmarmar National Gallery of Victoria
Gurramatji, the Magpie Goose painting by Dick Ngulmarmar Dick Ngulmarmar National Gallery of Victoria
Totemic dog painting by Dick Ngulmarmar Dick Ngulmarmar National Gallery of Australia

Diego Rivera

label description creator collection
Carnaval de la vida mexicana painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera
Sueño de una Tarde Dominical en la Alameda Central mural created by Diego Rivera in Mexico City in 1946-1947 Diego Rivera Museo Mural Diego Rivera
The History of Mexico painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera National Palace
Niña Parada painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Arizona State University Art Museum
Portrait of Dr. Otto Rühle painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Dallas Museum of Art
Cubist Landscape painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museum of Modern Art
Young Man in a Gray Sweater (Jacques Lipchitz) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museum of Modern Art
Flower Festival: Feast of Santa Anita painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museum of Modern Art
Agrarian Leader Zapata painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museum of Modern Art
The Café Terrace painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Metropolitan Museum of Art
Montserrat painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera National Gallery of Art
No. 9, Nature Morte Espagnole painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera National Gallery of Art
Chester Dale painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera National Gallery of Art
Two Women and a Child painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Izetta Jewel Smith Watkins painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Portrait of Florence Arquin painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Art Institute of Chicago
The Weaver painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Art Institute of Chicago
Portrait of Marevna painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Art Institute of Chicago
The French Sculptor Paul Cornet painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Statens Museum for Kunst
Nature morte painting by Diego Maria Rivera Diego Rivera Statens Museum for Kunst
Liberation of the Peon painting by José Diego María Rivera Diego Rivera Philadelphia Museum of Art
Nieves Orozco painting by José Diego María Rivera Diego Rivera Philadelphia Museum of Art
Portrait of Mrs. J. Stogdell Stokes painting by José Diego María Rivera Diego Rivera Philadelphia Museum of Art
Sugar Cane painting by José Diego María Rivera Diego Rivera Philadelphia Museum of Art
Portrait of Mrs. Carr (Retrato de la Sra. Carr) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Sunset (Acapulco) (Atardecer [Acapulco]) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Huts (Chozas) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Portrait of John Dunbar (Retrato de John Dunbar) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Portrait of Frida Kahlo (Retrato de Frida Kahlo) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Flower Day (Día de Flores) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Still Life with Bread and Fruit (Naturaleza muerta con pan y fruta) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Portrait of the Knight Family painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Minneapolis Institute of Art
Glorious victory mural by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
Portrait of Ramón Gómez de la Serna (cubist painting) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera MALBA
Still Life painting by Diego Maria Rivera Diego Rivera Hermitage Museum
Stilleven met likeurfles painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Kröller-Müller Museum
The Meager Table painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Still Life with Green House painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Pesadilla de guerra, sueño de paz painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera
Baile de Tehuantepec painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera
Le bock (Beer Glass) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Vendedora de flores (Flower Vendor) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Cheminée (Chimney) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Composición con reloj painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Still Life painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Tate
Man and Machinery mural by Diego Rivera in Detroit Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Miss Mary Joy Johnson painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Cincinnati Art Museum
Os semeadores painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera São Paulo Museum of Art
O carregador (Las ilusiones) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera São Paulo Museum of Art
The Flower Carrier painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Symbolic Landscape painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Kneeling Child on Yellow Background (Mexican Girl-Child) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Indian Girl with Coral Necklace painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Untitled (Mural Study) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Untitled (Mural Study) painting by Diego Rivera (SFMOMA 99.680) Diego Rivera San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
The Meal painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Vultures on Cactus painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Industry, South Wall painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Industry, West Wall painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit Industry: East Wall painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Robert Tannahill painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Robert H. Tannahill painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Edsel B. Ford painting by Diego M. Rivera Diego Rivera Detroit Institute of Arts
Still-life with Glass painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Israel Museum
Mason painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Alistan do la Fisga (Getting the Harpoon Ready) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Still Life painting by Diego Rivera (SLAM 386:1955) Diego Rivera Saint Louis Art Museum
Cabeza de Indio; Portrait of an Indigenous Man; Head of Indian painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Gilcrease Museum
Planteas del Desierto painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Gilcrease Museum
Le sucrier et les bougies (Sugar Bowl and Candles) painting by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Man, Controller of the Universe mural painted by Diego Rivera Diego Rivera Palace of Fine Arts

Dietrich Langko

label description creator collection
Blick von Dachau auf das Gebirge painting by Dietrich Langko Dietrich Langko Bavarian State Painting Collections
Waldlandschaft painting by Dietrich Langko Dietrich Langko Bavarian State Painting Collections
Mühle am Wasser painting by Dietrich Langko Dietrich Langko Bavarian State Painting Collections
Landscape painting by Dietrich Langko Dietrich Langko Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery

Djalu Gurruwiwi

label description creator collection
Bol’ngu, the Thunderman painting by Djalu Gurruwiwi Djalu Gurruwiwi National Gallery of Victoria
Wititj, the Olive python painting by Djalu Gurruwiwi Djalu Gurruwiwi National Gallery of Victoria

Djambu Barra Barra

label description creator collection
Young boys' ceremony painting by Djambu Barra Barra Djambu Barra Barra National Gallery of Victoria
Preparing for ceremony painting by Djambu Barra Barra Djambu Barra Barra National Gallery of Victoria

Djawida Nadjongorle

label description creator collection
Female lightning figure painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Bark painting: Female mimi spirit with butchered kangaroo painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Marine creatures painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Fish painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Bark painting: Rainbow serpent with rainbow painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Kangaroo painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Fish trap and nail fish painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Nawura's two women with their dilly bags painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Nawura in the form of a Rainbow Serpent painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Nawura, Ancestor spirit painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Crocodile Dreaming painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia
Copulation of Nawura and one of his two women painting by Djawida Nadjongorle Djawida Nadjongorle National Gallery of Australia

Doel Reed

label description creator collection
Evening Mood painting by Doel Reed Doel Reed The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Las Cordovas painting by Doel Reed Doel Reed Dallas Museum of Art

Dominique Trachel

label description creator collection
Vue de la plage de la Païole à Nice Dominique Trachel collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris
Naufrage vers la côte italienne Dominique Trachel collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris
Retour de pêche Dominique Trachel collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris
Barques et pêcheurs près de Nice Dominique Trachel collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris
Entrée du port de Nice Dominique Trachel collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris
Bateaux en régate et scène de pêche au large du cap d'Antibes Dominique Trachel collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris

Don Ivan Punchatz

label description creator collection
Jose Napoleon Duarte painting by Don Ivan Punchatz Don Ivan Punchatz National Portrait Gallery
Jerry Falwell painting by Don Ivan Punchatz Don Ivan Punchatz National Portrait Gallery
John Connally painting by Don Ivan Punchatz Don Ivan Punchatz National Portrait Gallery
B.F. Skinner painting by Don Ivan Punchatz Don Ivan Punchatz National Portrait Gallery
Our Filthy Seas painting by Don Ivan Punchatz Don Ivan Punchatz National Portrait Gallery
John Le Carre painting by Don Ivan Punchatz Don Ivan Punchatz National Portrait Gallery

Don Thompson

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Donald Thompson 1996.146 Don Thompson Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Untitled painting by Donald Thompson 1996.147 Don Thompson Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Untitled painting by Donald Thompson 1996.148 Don Thompson Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Untitled painting by Donald Thompson 1996.149 Don Thompson Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Untitled painting by Donald Thompson 1996.150 Don Thompson Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery

Dorothy Djukulul

label description creator collection
Warrnyu (Flying foxes) painting by Dorothy Djukulul Dorothy Djukulul National Gallery of Victoria
Dhamiling, Blue-tongued lizards painting by Dorothy Djukulul Dorothy Djukulul National Gallery of Australia

Dorothy Thornhill

label description creator collection
Tree portrait painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill National Gallery of Victoria
Morning at Cremorne painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill Art Gallery of New South Wales
London bunch painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill Art Gallery of New South Wales
Beaulieu painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill Art Gallery of New South Wales
Landscape painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill Art Gallery of New South Wales
Manly Ferry, Sunday Night painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill Auckland Art Gallery
Kitchen garden, St. Cere, France painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill National Gallery of Australia
Still life with dragon dog painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill National Gallery of Australia
Resting Diana painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill National Gallery of Australia
Rocky Hill, Murrundi painting by Dorothy Thornhill Dorothy Thornhill National Gallery of Australia

Douglas Morton

label description creator collection
Auction painting by Douglas Morton Douglas Morton National Gallery of Canada
Green Night painting by Douglas Morton Douglas Morton National Gallery of Canada
Tiger Lily painting by Douglas Morton Douglas Morton National Gallery of Canada

Dragomir Jašović

label description creator collection
Composition painting by Dragomir Jasovic Dragomir Jašović National Gallery of Kosovo
The Event and then… painting by Dragomir Jasovic Dragomir Jašović National Gallery of Kosovo
Abandonded table painting by Dragomir Jasovic Dragomir Jašović National Gallery of Kosovo

Dutch School

label description creator collection
Townscape with extensive landscape painting by Dutch School Dutch School National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Extensive landscape painting by Dutch School Dutch School National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Portrait of a gentleman painting by Dutch School Dutch School National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Scholar reading in study painting by Dutch School Dutch School National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales

E. Viidas

label description creator collection
A. Kruuspere portree painting by E. Viidas E. Viidas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maal. Vaade Pärnu Vanale pargile. painting by E. Viidas E. Viidas Pärnu Museum's art collection

Eda Lõhmus

label description creator collection
Mõtted I (2 osa) painting by Eda Lõhmus Eda Lõhmus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon. II osa painting by Eda Lõhmus Eda Lõhmus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Heinamaa painting by Eda Lõhmus Eda Lõhmus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Edgar Valter

label description creator collection
Teater painting by Edgar Valter Edgar Valter Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tants painting by Edgar Valter Edgar Valter University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Unenägu painting by Edgar Valter Edgar Valter University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Edgar Voss

label description creator collection
Töölised painting by Edgar Voss Edgar Voss Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Töölised painting by Edgar Voss Edgar Voss Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Praktikandid painting by Edgar Voss Edgar Voss Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Edita Ambrušová

label description creator collection
Pracovný stôl painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery
Na pláži painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery
Letná večera painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery
Moje okno painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Slovak National Gallery
Trnavský cukrovar painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Slovak National Gallery
Autoportrét painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Čas havranov painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Ostrhy painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Žlté zátišie painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Lazy na Zamagurí painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Letné zátišie painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Samota painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Starec painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Opustené hniezdo painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Liptov Gallery of Peter Michal Bohúň
Bratislavským hodinárom painting by Edita Ambrušová Edita Ambrušová Slovak National Gallery

Edmund Gouldsmith

label description creator collection
Creek scene, South Australia painting by Edmund Gouldsmith Edmund Gouldsmith Art Gallery of South Australia
Morning scene on the Onkaparinga painting by Edmund Gouldsmith Edmund Gouldsmith Art Gallery of South Australia
Sunset painting by Edmund Gouldsmith Edmund Gouldsmith Art Gallery of South Australia

Edmund S. Valtman

label description creator collection
Mõttes painting by Edmund S. Valtman Edmund S. Valtman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Helmi Valtmani portree painting by Edmund S. Valtman Edmund S. Valtman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Edouard Antonin Vysekal

label description creator collection
We Don't Know Where We're Going, But We're On The Way painting by Edouard Antonin Vysekal Edouard Antonin Vysekal Los Angeles County Museum of Art
The Herwigs painting by Edouard Antonin Vysekal Edouard Antonin Vysekal Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Edouard Chastel

label description creator collection
Madame A. painting by Édouard Henri Roger Chastel Edouard Chastel Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Le libraire painting by Édouard Henri Roger Chastel Edouard Chastel Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Némésis painting by Édouard Henri Roger Chastel Edouard Chastel Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Eduard Hein

label description creator collection
Jeseň v lese painting by Eduard Hein Eduard Hein Bratislava City Gallery
Zima v lese painting by Eduard Hein Eduard Hein Bratislava City Gallery

Eduard Maaser

label description creator collection
Talveõhtu painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Botaanikaaed. Etüüd diplomitööle painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvine vaade painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kavadi järv painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Doktor Panovi kabinetis painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tartu aiad sügisel painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tartu äärelinna vaade painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Oši vaade painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tartu aiad kevadel painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tartu aiad talvel painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Botaanikaaia kasvuhoones painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Botaanikaaed painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tartu vaade painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Botaanikaaias painting by Eduard Maaser Eduard Maaser University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Eduard Poland

label description creator collection
Männimets painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Männitukk painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tiskre kallas painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtune rannamaastik painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Männik ehapunas painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toompea motiiv painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik mändidega painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Põld painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toompea vaade painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talu künkal painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mererand suure kiviga painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Dekoratsioonikavand painting by Eduard Poland Eduard Poland Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Eduard Reisberg

label description creator collection
Nikolai II portree painting by Eduard Reisberg Eduard Reisberg Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Koer painting by Eduard Reisberg Eduard Reisberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Metsamaastik painting by Eduard Reisberg Eduard Reisberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nikolai II portree painting by Eduard Reisberg Eduard Reisberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Eduard Verber

label description creator collection
Narva vaade painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Rannamaastik painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mererand painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vene kerjus painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Narva Jõesuu motiiv. Visand painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Varakevade Narva ümbruses painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuused lumes painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Motiiv Narva Jõesuust painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Silmupüüdmise aed Narvas painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Orlovi maja Narvas painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Paemurru metsanurk Narvas painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Motiiv Narva poolt “Popovka” juures painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Silgulaevad painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tänava vaade Narvast. Orlovi vaade painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mustjõgi Narva Jõesuus painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Bulvar Narvas painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õuenurk Narvas painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Narva Jõesuu vaade painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Varakevadine maastik Narvas painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pärast vanni painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
Varane kevad painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
Manalasse painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
Tundmatu sõjaväelase portree painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
Surija painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
Helveetsia maastik painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
1905. aasta painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
Narva kerjus painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection
Põgenejad painting by Eduard Verber Eduard Verber Narva Museum's art collection

Edward Mason Eggleston

label description creator collection
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi by Edward Mason Eggleston Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, a 1919 painting by Edward Mason Eggleston (1882-1941) Edward Mason Eggleston
Cleopatra, 1934 painting by Edward Mason Eggleston (1882-1941) The painting "Cleopatra", by Edward Mason Eggleston, finished by 1934. Edward Mason Eggleston
Adventuress painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
The Treasure Princess painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Going Up Artographic print from painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Indian Love Call Louis F. Dow print from painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
A Day in June Brown & Bigelow print from painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
On Time by Edward Mason Eggleston C. E. South print of the painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Memories Brown & Bigelow print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Enchantment painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Top of the World Brown & Bigelow print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Evening Star painting by Edward Mason Election Edward Mason Eggleston
Wonderful One Knapp company print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Woman with fishing pole painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Smiling Through Usher Rae Colson print, from painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Red Wing painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
A-Milking We Will Go Beatrice Decker print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Found Beatrice Decker print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Beatrice Decker print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Mariquita Louis F. Dow print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Miss Universe Artographic print from painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Moonlight and Roses print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Reaching for the Moon Usher Rae Colson print, from painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Sitting Pretty Louis F. Dow print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Paradise of Peter Pan Thomas D. Murphy print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Playmates of Peter Pan Thomas D. Murphy print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Peter Pan American Lithographic print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Queen of the Mountain Tribes painting by Edward Mason Eggleston, also published as calendar artwork by Beatrice Decker Edward Mason Eggleston
Flaming Arrow painting by Edward Mason Eggleston, also published as calendar artwork by Beatrice Decker Edward Mason Eggleston
Joy of Youth Osborne company print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Hello Osborne company print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Lantern Glow Osborne company print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Lure of the Beach American Art Works print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
In the Spotlight painting by Edward Mason Eggleston, also published as a calendar print by American Art Works Edward Mason Eggleston
Who – Who's There American Art Works print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Lady of Mystery V. P. Wright print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Orchids V. P. Wright print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Bonnie Lassie Gerlach-Barklow print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
You are the one Osborne company print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Smiling Through, 1936 Osborne company print of painting by Edward Mason Eggleston Edward Mason Eggleston
Washington—The City Beautiful, Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad travel poster advertising Washington D.C. Edward Mason Eggleston
Atlantic City— America’s All-Year Resort, Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad travel poster advertising Atlantic City, published by the Osborne Company Edward Mason Eggleston
Atlantic City—America's Great All Year Resort, Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad travel poster advertising Atlantic City, published by the Osborne Company Edward Mason Eggleston

Edward Rosenberg

label description creator collection
Autumn Day after Mist painting by Edvard Rosenberg Edward Rosenberg Nationalmuseum
An Evening in March painting by Edvard Rosenberg Edward Rosenberg Nationalmuseum
A Winter Night painting by Edvard Rosenberg Edward Rosenberg Nationalmuseum
Summer Landscape painting by Edvard Rosenberg Edward Rosenberg Nationalmuseum
Summer Landscape painting by Edvard Rosenberg (Nationalmuseum NM 2327) Edward Rosenberg Nationalmuseum

Edward von Lõngus

label description creator collection
Koidula painting by Edward von Lõngus Edward von Lõngus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tammsaare painting by Edward von Lõngus Edward von Lõngus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Eero Markuksela

label description creator collection
Legend. Kari Pyykkö, Eero Markuksela and Han-Shan, Shi-De painting and photograph by Eero Markuksela; 4 parts Eero Markuksela City of Pori art collection
24.7.1999 painting by Eero Markuksela Eero Markuksela City of Pori art collection
unnamed painting by Eero Markuksela Eero Markuksela City of Pori art collection

Eeva Peura

label description creator collection
Cinema painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Bones painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
The Spell painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Teosnimi: Ansa / Trap painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Caspian sea lovers (underwater merfolk) painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Salty liquorice breakfast buffet painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Teosnimi: La Belle et la Bête painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Aphasia painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Under the Sea and Above painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
The only way to get what you want, is to become a human yourself painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Softwood painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Shapes of love painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Honeymoon (Lady) painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
Kalannahkanainen I painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection
My melancholy painting by Eeva Peura Eeva Peura City of Pori art collection

Eigil Schwab

label description creator collection
Carl Fagerberg (1878-1948), sculptor, medal engraver painting by Eigil Schwab Eigil Schwab Nationalmuseum
Carl Cederström (1867-1918), baron, pilot, director, agronomist, married to 1. baroness, author Marika Stiernstedt, 2. Maria Poppius painting by Eigil Schwab Eigil Schwab Nationalmuseum
Karin Kock (1891-1976), doctor of philosophy, economist, member of the cabinet, married to Karl Hugo Lindberg painting by Eigil Schwab Eigil Schwab Nationalmuseum
Eigil Schwab (1882-1952), artist, graphic artist, cartoonist, professor, married to 1. the artist Anna Elvira Augusta Axén, 2. Ebba Viktoria Hellsten, 3. Anna Runa Lindahl painting by Eigil Schwab Eigil Schwab Nationalmuseum
Torsten Schonberg (1882-1970), artist, graphic artist, cartoonist, married to Ingrid Linnéa Wiberg painting by Eigil Schwab Eigil Schwab Nationalmuseum

Einar Vene

label description creator collection
Ivanova portree painting by Einar Vene Einar Vene Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaimsekssaaja I painting by Einar Vene Einar Vene Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jõgi voolab merre painting by Einar Vene Einar Vene Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Valikuvõimalus painting by Einar Vene Einar Vene Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Eira Ruottunen

label description creator collection
House on the Hill painting by Eira Ruottunen Eira Ruottunen City of Pori art collection
Oma koti kullan kallis painting by Eira Ruottunen Eira Ruottunen City of Pori art collection

Eiraku Hozen

label description creator collection
Making Ceramics painting by Eiraku Hozen Eiraku Hozen Metropolitan Museum of Art
Making Ceramics painting by Eiraku Hozen (MET 18.77.6) Eiraku Hozen Metropolitan Museum of Art
Making Ceramics painting by Eiraku Hozen (MET 18.77.5) Eiraku Hozen Metropolitan Museum of Art
Making Ceramics painting by Eiraku Hozen (MET 18.77.4) Eiraku Hozen Metropolitan Museum of Art
Making Ceramics painting by Eiraku Hozen (MET 18.77.3) Eiraku Hozen Metropolitan Museum of Art
Making Ceramics painting by Eiraku Hozen (MET 18.77.2) Eiraku Hozen Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fox with Staff (Hakuzōsu) painting by Eiraku Hozen Eiraku Hozen Metropolitan Museum of Art

Elbridge Ayer Burbank

label description creator collection
Tah-Bo-Ho-Ya/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
Pah-Puh/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
Shu-Pe-La/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
Wick-Ah-Te-Wah/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
Ho-Mo-Vi/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
Ko-Pe-Ley/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
Kah-Kap-Tee/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
Wick-Ey/Moqui painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Art Institute of Chicago
A-a-wah painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Chief Black-Coyote painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Che-ke-ah-pe-kee painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Estzan-Nap-Pa painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Ho-me-hep-no-my painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
One-star painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Pah-lah-wool-ey painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Poe-shom-ee painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Tlo-be-nel-ly painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Ton-had-dle painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Geronimo painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Ne-i-so-meh painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Ton-had-dle painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank (American Art, 1985.66.362,058) Elbridge Ayer Burbank Smithsonian American Art Museum
Red Cloud (Makhpiya-luta) painting by Elbridge Ayer Burbank Elbridge Ayer Burbank National Portrait Gallery

Elfrina Bergström

label description creator collection
Habemiku portree painting by Elfrina Bergström Elfrina Bergström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Elfrina Bergström Elfrina Bergström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Elfrina Bergström Elfrina Bergström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maja painting by Elfrina Bergström Elfrina Bergström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Elfrina Bergström Elfrina Bergström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise pea painting by Elfrina Bergström Elfrina Bergström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Elisa Guillaume

label description creator collection
Alphonso d'Avalose portree painting by Elisa Guillaume Elisa Guillaume Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Baldassare Castiglione portree painting by Elisa Guillaume Elisa Guillaume Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection

Elisabeth Mehrl

label description creator collection
Ohne Titel painting by Elisabeth Mehrl Elisabeth Mehrl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel painting by Elisabeth Mehrl (BStGS KM 943) Elisabeth Mehrl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel painting by Elisabeth Mehrl (BStGS KM 911) Elisabeth Mehrl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Resumee painting by Elisabeth Mehrl Elisabeth Mehrl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel - 43/II painting by Elisabeth Mehrl Elisabeth Mehrl Bavarian State Painting Collections

Eliyahou Eric Bokobza

label description creator collection
Baram, The Church Israel, 2012 painting by Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica
Baram, The synagogue, Israel, 2012 painting by Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica
Baram, A Gril With a Red Flag, Israel, 2011 painting by Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica
Baram, The First dining hall, Israel 2012 painting by Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica
Baram, Man With a Red Flag, Israel, 2011 painting by Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Eliyahou Eric Bokobza Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica

Elizabeth Josephine Peckover

label description creator collection
Kitchen Garden, Bank House painting by Elizabeth Josephine Peckover, Mrs James Doyle Penrose Elizabeth Josephine Peckover National Trust
A Leafy Glade in the Month of June (In Bank House Garden) painting by Elizabeth Josephine Peckover, Mrs James Doyle Penrose Elizabeth Josephine Peckover National Trust

Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle

label description creator collection
Cover for "Everybody's Magazine" painting by Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Brandywine River Museum
The Immigrants painting by Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Brandywine River Museum
Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Brandywine River Museum
It Took Much Urging to Get Phil to Yield painting by Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Ellen Bernard Thompson Pyle Brandywine River Museum

Ellen Trotzig

label description creator collection
A Village Street painting by Ellen Trotzig Ellen Trotzig Nationalmuseum
Street at Vik painting by Ellen Trotzig Ellen Trotzig Nationalmuseum
Self-portrait, Ellen Trotzig (1878-1949), artist painting by Ellen Trotzig Ellen Trotzig Nationalmuseum

Elliott Puckette

label description creator collection
Untitled (One Liner) painting by Elliott Puckette Elliott Puckette Whitney Museum of American Art
Lobe painting by Elliott Puckette Elliott Puckette Whitney Museum of American Art

Elsa Flensburg

label description creator collection
Anna Flensburg painting by Elsa Flensburg Elsa Flensburg Nationalmuseum
Självporträtt painting by Elsa Flensburg Elsa Flensburg Nationalmuseum
David Assarsson painting by Elsa Flensburg Elsa Flensburg Nationalmuseum

Emiko Horimoto

label description creator collection
Hope Emiko Horimoto National Gallery of Kosovo
Hope painting by Emiko Horimoto Emiko Horimoto National Gallery of Kosovo

Emil Dragulj

label description creator collection
The horseman and the tower painting by Emil Dragulj Emil Dragulj National Gallery of Kosovo
The big hill painting by Emil Dragulj Emil Dragulj National Gallery of Kosovo

Emilia Lönblad

label description creator collection
Elisabeth Hesselblad painting by Emilia Lönblad Emilia Lönblad Nationalmuseum
Why? Portrait of Ellen Gudman painting by Emilia Lönblad Emilia Lönblad Nationalmuseum
Head of a Girl painting by Emilia Lönblad Emilia Lönblad Nationalmuseum

Emilie von Palmenberg

label description creator collection
Kopist in der Alten Pinakothek painting by Emilie von Palmenberg Emilie von Palmenberg Bavarian State Painting Collections
Kopistin in der Alten Pinakothek painting by Emilie von Palmenberg Emilie von Palmenberg Bavarian State Painting Collections
Parkcafé II painting by Emilie von Palmenberg Emilie von Palmenberg Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ort im Schwarzwald painting by Emilie von Palmenberg Emilie von Palmenberg Bavarian State Painting Collections
Kopist in der Alten Pinakothek painting by Emilie von Palmenberg (BStGS 9695) Emilie von Palmenberg Bavarian State Painting Collections

Emma Josepha Sparre

label description creator collection
King Karl IX's Bedchamber at Gripsholm painting by Emma Sparre Emma Josepha Sparre Nationalmuseum
Marguerites dans un verre painting by Emma Sparre Emma Josepha Sparre Nationalmuseum

Emma Korkhmazyan

label description creator collection
Ընդօրինակություն 10-րդ դարի Տաթևի վանքի Պողոս-Պետրոս եկեղեցու «Ահեղ դատաստան» որմնանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1302թ-ի ձեռագիր Նոր կտակարանի «Թաղումն Քրիստոսի» և «Յուղաբեր կանայք» մանրանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1302թ-ի Սյունիքի ձեռագիր-ավետարանի «Համբարձում» մանրանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1256թ-ի Կիլիկիայի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1256թ-ի ձեռագիր-ավետարանի «Մաթեոսի ավետարանի անվանաթերթը» մանրանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1232 թ. «Թարգմանչաց» ձեռագիր-ավետարանի «Ավետում» մանրանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1360 թ. «Ճաշոց»-ի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 14-րդ դ. ձեռագիր-ավետարանի խորանների բացվածքի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 14-րդ դ. ձեռագիր-ավետարանի «Մուտքն ի Երուսաղեմ» մանրանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 14-րդ դ. ձեռագրի «Ժողովրդի մկրտությունը» մանրանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1356 թ. ձեռագիր-ավետարանի «Համբարձում» մանրանկարի painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1057թ-ի ձեռագիր-ավետարանի 16 զարդանկարների մոտիվների painting by Emma Korkhmazyan Emma Korkhmazyan National Gallery of Armenia

Emma Regis

label description creator collection
A study of four peasants painting by Emma Regis Emma Regis
Noblewoman in interior painting by Emma Regis Emma Regis

Emmett Williams

label description creator collection
Soldiers VI painting by Emmett Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Soldiers II painting by Emmett Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Soldiers III painting by Emmett Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Soldiers IV painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Soldiers I, II, III. aus einer Serie von 8 painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Soldiers IV, V, VI. aus einer Serie von 8 painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Alphabet Square painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Potsdamer Platz II painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Potsdamer Platz I painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Soldiers I painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Hitler's Chancellery painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie
Soldiers V painting by Emmett (1925-2007) Williams Emmett Williams Berlinische Galerie

Enda Bardell

label description creator collection
Quadrangle painting by Enda Bardell Enda Bardell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Reljeef painting by Enda Bardell Enda Bardell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Enda Naaber

label description creator collection
Etüüd painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Mägede harjale painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Kodusaar painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Hellus painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Vilsandi painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Idüll painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Tundras II painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Tundras I painting by Enda Naaber Enda Naaber Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Endis Bergström

label description creator collection
Anna Margareta Tersmeden, 1850-1940, författare, kvinnosakskvinna, fredskämpe, gift med professor Frithiof Holmgren painting by Endis Bergström Endis Bergström Nationalmuseum
Interior of a Cottage at Nedangården painting by Endis Bergström Endis Bergström Nationalmuseum
Mrs Greta Sundin painting by Endis Bergström Endis Bergström Nationalmuseum
A Woman in Black painting by Endis Bergström Endis Bergström Nationalmuseum

Enn Erisalu

label description creator collection
Konstruktsioonid painting by Enn Erisalu Enn Erisalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nimetu (Viis vormi) painting by Enn Erisalu Enn Erisalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Trompe L´oeil painting by Enn Erisalu Enn Erisalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Likk Mile painting by Enn Erisalu Enn Erisalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Enno Raun

label description creator collection
Angla tuulikud painting by Enno Raun Enno Raun Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Ekskursandid painting by Enno Raun Enno Raun Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Suursild painting by Enno Raun Enno Raun Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Olavi Pesti mungarüüs painting by Enno Raun Enno Raun Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Enrique Granados

label description creator collection
Retrat d'un lloro painting by Enric Granados i Campiña Enrique Granados Fundació Orfeó Català - Palau de la Música Catalana
Violí painting by Enric Granados i Campiña Enrique Granados Fundació Orfeó Català - Palau de la Música Catalana

Ensio Lamberg

label description creator collection
Kivenhakkaajat painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Aallonmurtajalla painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Sortuneet muurit painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Vuono painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Simpukkasatu painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Memory of the Night painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Linnake painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Still Life painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Lantern painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Pöydällinen painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Composition V painting, collage art by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Pälvikuu painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Iltasumu painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Black on Red painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Still Life Back and Forward painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Sinistä vasten painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Tyhjän pantti painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Torso painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
After-effect painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Side-effect painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Kaalimaan vahti painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Mullitorin laidasta painting by Ensio Lamberg Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Still Life painting by Ensio Lamberg TM 0467 Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection
Still Life painting by Ensio Lamberg TM 0870 Ensio Lamberg City of Pori art collection

Enver Jaka

label description creator collection
The big lane painting by Enver Jaka Enver Jaka National Gallery of Kosovo
Emin Duraku painting by Enver Jaka Enver Jaka National Gallery of Kosovo

Epp Ojamaa

label description creator collection
Kompositsioon II painting by Epp Ojamaa Epp Ojamaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon I painting by Epp Ojamaa Epp Ojamaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon III painting by Epp Ojamaa Epp Ojamaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Equipo Crónica

label description creator collection
La comida (The Meal) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Mr. Cézanne en el Carrer Avinyó (Mr. Cézanne on Avinyó Street) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Las peñas (The Clubs) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Interior con traje nuevo I (Interior with New Suit I) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Alta sociedad (High Society) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Pintar es como golpear (Painting is Like Hitting) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Interior con traje nuevo II (Interior with New Suit II) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Orden de operaciones (Order of Operations) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Guernica cortado (Guernica Cut Up) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Deformación profesional (Professional Deformation) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
La derrota de Samotracia (The Defeat of Samothrace) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Paredón 2 (Wall 2) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
El realismo socialista y el Pop Art en el campo de batalla (Socialist Realism and Pop Art in the Battle Field) painting by Equipo Crónica Equipo Crónica Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Equipo Realidad

label description creator collection
La divina proporción (Divine Proportion) painting by Equipo Realidad Equipo Realidad Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
86 misses en traje de baño (86 Beauty Contestants in Swimwear) painting by Equipo Realidad Equipo Realidad Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía


label description creator collection
Composición (Composition) painting by Equipo 57 Equipo/57 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Tríptico (Triptych) painting by Equipo 57 Equipo/57 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
P. A. 20 painting by Equipo 57 Equipo/57 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Eraldo Carugati

label description creator collection
Sandra Day O'Connor painting by Eraldo Carugati Eraldo Carugati National Portrait Gallery
Judging the Judges painting by Eraldo Carugati Eraldo Carugati National Portrait Gallery
Alexander Haig painting by Eraldo Carugati Eraldo Carugati National Portrait Gallery
The Money Chase painting by Eraldo Carugati Eraldo Carugati National Portrait Gallery
Feeling Super in Detroit painting by Eraldo Carugati Eraldo Carugati National Portrait Gallery

Eric Bowen

label description creator collection
Vagrant Thoughts: Happy Spots of Time painting by Eric Bowen Eric Bowen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
C + W + W 2 painting by Eric Bowen Eric Bowen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
White + White 1 painting by Eric Bowen Eric Bowen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Eric Cameron

label description creator collection
Sellotape Painting No. 5 painting by Eric Cameron Eric Cameron National Gallery of Canada
Reds and Yellows on Green (type 111q, 1/2" tape) painting by Eric Cameron Eric Cameron National Gallery of Canada

Erik Gustaf William Nording

label description creator collection
William Nording (1884-1956), artist, married to Maja Uddenberg painting by William Nording Erik Gustaf William Nording Nationalmuseum
Carl Ryd (1883-1958), artist, married to Karin Fyhr painting by William Nording Erik Gustaf William Nording Nationalmuseum

Erik Raadal

label description creator collection
Street with Figure painting by Erik Raadal Erik Raadal Statens Museum for Kunst
Girls Waiting for the Train painting by Erik Raadal Erik Raadal Statens Museum for Kunst

Erika Roots

label description creator collection
Naised rannas painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mandoliinimängijad painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valge näoga naine rohelises mütsis painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Triikija. Kaks naist painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mees magab laua taga painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vanemad painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Munk painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ratsanik painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mees pudeliga painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Metallitöökojas painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Haigevoodi juures painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suusatajad painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kolm naist painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lamaja painting by Erika Roots Erika Roots Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Erki Kasemets

label description creator collection
Jäädvustus painting by Erki Kasemets Erki Kasemets Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Aja taasringlus III painting by Erki Kasemets Erki Kasemets Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Erna Kreischmann

label description creator collection
Maal. Naine aknal istumas. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Õhtune rand. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Erna Kreischmanni (s. Montiner) autoportree. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Sügisene aianurk. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal, visand. Meri. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Raamatut lugev mees. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Sügismotiiv. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Suvine maastik järvega. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Erna Kreischmanni (1885-1929) autoportree. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Abikaasa Max Kreischmanni portree. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Kivine kuusemets. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Interjöör. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Mees avatud aknal. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Pärnu jõe motiiv. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Lumine väli teerajaga. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Ema portree. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Politseinik, pakikandja ja trammikonduktor. painting by Erna Kreischmann Erna Kreischmann Pärnu Museum's art collection

Ernest Fosbery

label description creator collection
James Wilson painting by Ernest Fosbery Ernest Fosbery National Gallery of Canada
Self-portrait painting by Ernest Fosbery Ernest Fosbery National Gallery of Canada
Breakfast painting by Ernest Fosbery Ernest Fosbery National Gallery of Canada
Sir James Aikins painting by Ernest Fosbery Ernest Fosbery National Gallery of Canada
Affy, Daughter of the Artist painting by Ernest Fosbery Ernest Fosbery National Gallery of Canada
Private M. J. O'Rourke, VC painting by Ernest Fosbery Ernest Fosbery Canadian War Museum
Sergeant T.W. Holmes, VC painting by Ernest Fosbery Ernest Fosbery Canadian War Museum

Ernest Hamlin Baker

label description creator collection
South County Life in the Days of the Narragansett Planters (mural study, Wakefield, Rhode Island Post Office) painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker Smithsonian American Art Museum
Bernard Montgomery painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Leo Durocher painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Simon Boliver Buckner, Jr. painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Georgi K. Zhukov painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Dwight D. Eisenhower painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Reinhold Niebuhr painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Sidney Hillman painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Joseph McCarthy painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Sumner Welles painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Gamal Abdel Nasser painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Benito Mussolini painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Robert Lee Ghormley painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Jonathan Wainwright painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Oveta Culp Hobby painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Viaschelav Molotov painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
John Foster Dulles painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Benito Mussolini painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker (NPG NPG.96.TC20) Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Raymond A. Spruance painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
William Green painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
James O. Eastland painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Pandit Nehru painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Georgi K. Zhukov painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker (NPG NPG.96.TC28) Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Thomas C. Hart painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Francisco Franco painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Ralph J. Bunche painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
William J. Levitt painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Henry A. Wallace painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Earl Kemp Long painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Joseph McCarthy painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker (NPG NPG.95.TC1) Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Asa Philip Randolph painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
George S. Patton painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Frederick Moore Vinson painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Dwight D. Eisenhower painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker (NPG NPG.78.TC348) Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Erwin Rommel painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Sir Winston Churchill painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Harry Hopkins painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Herbert Hoover painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Henry Lewis Stimson painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Albert Einstein painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
J. Robert Oppenheimer painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Ernest Joseph King painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Husband E. Kimmel painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Richard Nixon painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Heinrich Himmler painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Omar Nelson Bradley painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Francisco Franco painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker (NPG NPG.96.TC10) Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Joseph Stilwell painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Strom Thurmond painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Harold Ickes painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Howard Hughes painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
George S. Kaufman painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Dwight D. Eisenhower painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker (NPG NPG.97.TC41) Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
Henry Ford painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
John L. Lewis painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery
American Soldier painting by Ernest Hamlin Baker Ernest Hamlin Baker National Portrait Gallery

Ernest Psichari

label description creator collection
Paysage d'Afrique (Congo) painting by Ernest Psichari Ernest Psichari Musée de la Vie romantique
Paysage d'Afrique (Congo) painting by Ernest Psichari Ernest Psichari Musée de la Vie romantique

Ernst Alfred Mühler

label description creator collection
Venedig painting by Ernst Alfred Mühler Ernst Alfred Mühler Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Auslaufende Dampfer painting by Ernst Alfred Mühler Ernst Alfred Mühler Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Segelboote am Abend painting by Ernst Alfred Mühler Ernst Alfred Mühler Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Fest auf dem Canale Grande painting by Ernst Alfred Mühler Ernst Alfred Mühler Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
Ships in the Harbour painting by Ernst Alfred Mühler Ernst Alfred Mühler Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery

Ernst Jõesaar

label description creator collection
Renate Jõesaare portree painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kanaari maastik painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Daam kollase kübaraga painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree (Maalija) painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kevad painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaks inimest painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügis painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Korfu maastik painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Istuv akt painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kreeka maastik painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kreeta maastik painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Asalea banaanidega painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talv painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvi painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportee painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Itaalia maastik painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kolmteist painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sügisratsanikud painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mees valge mütsiga painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ringlemine painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaikelu painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree (Mees kaabuga) painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sinine kiri painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mees valge põllega painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mööduv painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Floksid maskidega painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suur urn painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vivaldi flöödid painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Supleja (Naine purjekatega) painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Madeira painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lahkuvate laevade linn painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hüdramaastik (Kreekas) painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Fruängen talvel painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Stig Jalmarson (Jõesaar) painting by Ernst Jõesaar Ernst Jõesaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Ervin Foerster

label description creator collection
Rannaküla painting by Ervin Foerster Ervin Foerster Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kevadine maastik painting by Ervin Foerster Ervin Foerster Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kevad metsas painting by Ervin Foerster Ervin Foerster Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talumaastik painting by Ervin Foerster Ervin Foerster Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Esko Koivukari

label description creator collection
Reposaaresta painting by Esko Koivukari Esko Koivukari City of Pori art collection
Väärämaa I painting by Esko Koivukari Esko Koivukari City of Pori art collection
Talvihämärää painting by Esko Koivukari Esko Koivukari City of Pori art collection
Syksy Lattomerellä painting by Esko Koivukari Esko Koivukari City of Pori art collection

Esther Warkov

label description creator collection
Memorial to a Dead Lover painting by Esther Warkov Esther Warkov National Gallery of Canada
A Girl with her Imaginary Parents painting by Esther Warkov Esther Warkov National Gallery of Canada

Ethel Spowers

label description creator collection
The gust of wind painting by Ethel Spowers Ethel Spowers National Gallery of Australia
The skaters painting by Ethel Spowers Ethel Spowers National Gallery of Australia

Euclides Fonseca

label description creator collection
Igreja da Misericordia Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Euclides Fonseca Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Ruínas do Solar da Marquesa de Santos Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Euclides Fonseca Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Estrada para o Convento da Penha de Vitória Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Euclides Fonseca Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Convento de São Francisco Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Euclides Fonseca Museu Histórico Nacional collection

Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg

label description creator collection
Vaade Hernhuti asundusele Hutbergist painting by Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Grosshenersdorfi kasvatusasutus painting by Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Gross – Henersdorfi kasvatusmaja painting by Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Grosshennersdorfi külale painting by Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Eugen Gotthard von Ungern-Sternberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Eugène de Ménorval

label description creator collection
La rue Daubenton vers 1902 painting by Eugène de Ménorval Eugène de Ménorval Musée Carnavalet
La rue du Pot-au-Lait en 1894 painting by Eugène de Ménorval Eugène de Ménorval Musée Carnavalet
Le Pont-Marie en 1902 painting by Eugène de Ménorval Eugène de Ménorval Musée Carnavalet
La Butte aux Cailles, vue de la rue Vulpian, 13ème arrondissement painting by Eugène de Ménorval Eugène de Ménorval Musée Carnavalet

Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier

label description creator collection
Portrait of a Young Gentleman painting by Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier National Gallery of Ireland
The Port of Boulogne painting by Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier National Gallery of Ireland
A Sunset painting by Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier National Gallery of Ireland
A Ship's Prow painting by Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier National Gallery of Ireland
An Apple Tree in Blossom painting by Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier National Gallery of Ireland
Study for 'Contemplation' painting by Eugène Emmanuel Lemercier Eugène-Emmanuel Lemercier National Gallery of Ireland

Eulàlia Grau

label description creator collection
Los V.I.P. (Etnografia) (The V.I.P. [Etnography]) painting by Eulàlia Grau Eulàlia Grau Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
De dia i de nit (Etnografia) (By Day and by Night [Ethnography]) painting by Eulàlia Grau Eulàlia Grau Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Entre la vida i la mort (Etnografia) (Between Life and Death [Ethnography]) painting by Eulàlia Grau Eulàlia Grau Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Temps de lleure (Etnografia) (Leisure Time [Ethnography]) painting by Eulàlia Grau Eulàlia Grau Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Eulália Nascimento Silva

label description creator collection
Bambual (atribuído) Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Eulália Nascimento Silva Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Porteira Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Eulália Nascimento Silva Museu Histórico Nacional collection

Eva Juliane Magdalene Zoege von Manteuffel

label description creator collection
Mäestik painting by Eva Juliane Magdalene Zoege von Manteuffel Eva Juliane Magdalene Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Metsamaastik painting by Eva Juliane Magdalene Zoege von Manteuffel Eva Juliane Magdalene Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Eve Aschheim

label description creator collection
Lines and Helium painting by Eve Aschheim Eve Aschheim Yale University Art Gallery
The Proper Marcel Sense of Endlessness painting by Eve Aschheim Eve Aschheim Yale University Art Gallery
XYZ painting by Eve Aschheim Eve Aschheim National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art

Evelyn Alice Vernon-Harcourt

label description creator collection
A Vase with Pink Flowers painting by Evelyn Alice Vernon-Harcourt, Mrs Clutton-Brock Evelyn Alice Vernon-Harcourt National Trust
Study of the Head of an Adolescent painting by Evelyn Alice Vernon-Harcourt, Mrs Clutton-Brock Evelyn Alice Vernon-Harcourt National Trust
A View of a House, possibly in France, surrounded by Trees painting by Evelyn Alice Vernon-Harcourt, Mrs Clutton-Brock Evelyn Alice Vernon-Harcourt National Trust

Evi Tihemets

label description creator collection
Tallinna vaade painting by Evi Tihemets Evi Tihemets Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Randlase portree painting by Evi Tihemets Evi Tihemets Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Ants Viirese portree painting by Evi Tihemets Evi Tihemets Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Töölisasula õhtul painting by Evi Tihemets Evi Tihemets Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaika saared painting by Evi Tihemets Evi Tihemets Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Fatmir Krypa

label description creator collection
Mountain men III painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Mountain men IV Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Emancipation II painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Mountain men IV painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Woman from Has II Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Mountain woman I painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Tower and mountain men painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Mountain woman IV painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Woman from Has II painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Mountain woman V painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Mountain men I painting by Fatmir Krypa Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Woman from Has II Fatmir Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo

Federico Reymundo

label description creator collection
El último trago painting by Federico Reymundo Federico Reymundo Centre de Lectura (Reus, Spain)
Banderillero painting by Federico Reymundo Federico Reymundo Centre de Lectura (Reus, Spain)

Fedor Tulov

label description creator collection
Portrait of a Woman painting by 1792-1855 Fedor Tulov Hermitage Museum
Portrait of Ivan Markov, the Governor of Mogilev painting by Unknown artist Fedor Tulov Hermitage Museum
Portrait of Ye.Ye. Baranov painting by 1792-1855 Fedor Tulov Hermitage Museum

Felicia Meyer Marsh

label description creator collection
Self Portrait painting by Felicia Meyer Felicia Meyer Marsh Whitney Museum of American Art
Vermont Hillside painting by Felicia Meyer Felicia Meyer Marsh Whitney Museum of American Art

Felix Nylund

label description creator collection
Self-Portrait painting by Felix Nylund Felix Nylund Finnish National Gallery
Puutarhassa painting by Felix Nylund Felix Nylund Finnish National Gallery

Felix Philipp Kanitz

label description creator collection
Tarnovo painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The ruins near Kula painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
View to Troyan Monastery painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Kavarna painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Nessebar painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Troyan Monastery painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Rousse painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sevlievo. The Bridge of the Rositsa River painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Vidin painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Gabrovo painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Iskar gorge near Karlukovo painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Svishtov painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Karlovo painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Antique ruins near the village of Yalar painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Nikopol painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Shumen painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sliven and Sinite kamani painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The Belogradchik Fortress painting by Felix Philipp Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Varna painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Vratsata painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Provadia painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Balchik painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
View to the Belogradchik Fortress painting by Felix Philipp Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Stara planina near Sopot painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Silistra painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Mouth of the Vit river near Sadovets painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The Stryama river valley near Karlovo painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The yard of the Belogradchik Fortress painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Koriten Fortress painting by Felix kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Kalofer Monastery painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Iskar gorge near Cherepish monastery painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Ancient wreck in the village of Nikyup painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
View from Stara planina painting by Felix Kanitz Felix Philipp Kanitz Scientific archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Felix Randel

label description creator collection
Sügis (Natüürmort) painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kassid painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poeg loeb painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühapäev painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lambapügaja painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suplejad painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Poisi portree painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Poja painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Töölise portree painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Eduard Ole portree painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Harald Tammer painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Juhan Raudsepa portree painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naised rannal painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ema portree painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaks naist painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naisakt vauga painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kontsert painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suvi painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tekla Koha portree painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Narva etüüd painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Narva etüüd. Põlend eluase painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Peetri maja pritsokuur painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Kreenholmi kirik painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Vaade Peetri platsile painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Narva etüüd painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Narva etüüd painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Narva etüüd. Kreenholmi vabriku värav painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Narva etüüd painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Narva etüüd. Tara põlend puudega painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Hermanni kindluse torn I painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection
Vaade võlvialusest Turu tänavale painting by Felix Randel Felix Randel Narva Museum's art collection

Ferdinand Boberg

label description creator collection
Skiss till Thielska Galleriets byggnad painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Thiel Gallery
A Dressing Room at Drottningholm Theatre painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
A Temple in Tanjore, India painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Astankina Church near Moscow painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Jewish Cemetery in Prague painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Interior of the Maximilian Church, Innsbruck painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Interior, Chartres Cathedral painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Baptistry of St. Mark's, Venice painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Tomb of Galla Placida, Ravenna painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
View from Kronborg Castle painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Turnery at Skokloster Castle painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Shrubbery Theatre, Drottningholm painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The House of the Nobility, Stockholm painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Theatre of Dionysos, Athens painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
At the Erechtheum, Athens painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Stockholm from Mälartorget Square painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Leksand Church painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Portal at the Torstenson Palace, Stockholm painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Princess in the St. George Group, Storkyrkan, Stockholm painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
St. Anne with the Virgin and Child painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Vadstena Castle painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Ekenäs Castle, Östergötland painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Manor House at Svanå Factory Village, Västmanland painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
A Farm in Skåne painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Windmills in Halland painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
A Farm at Selja, Mora painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Loft at Ornäs painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Bell-Tower, Nyköping painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Riddarholmen Church, Stockholm painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Royal Palace and Strömparterren, Stockholm painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
A Sawmill by a Waterfall painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
Riddarholmen, Stockholm painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum
The Forge at Korsån in Dalarna painting by Ferdinand Boberg Ferdinand Boberg Nationalmuseum

Ferdinand Sannamees

label description creator collection
Portree painting by Ferdinand Sannamees Ferdinand Sannamees Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Karl August Kink'i portree painting by Ferdinand Sannamees Ferdinand Sannamees Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mari Sannamehe (Adamsoni) portree painting by Ferdinand Sannamees Ferdinand Sannamees Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection


label description creator collection
Man being stabbed in a tent item EA1962.153 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Iskandar and Queen Qaydafa item EA2012.49 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Page from a dispersed manuscript with a flowering plant item EA2012.67 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Kay Kavus on his flying machine item LI2067.3 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Bodleian Library
Sam before Manuchihr item EA2012.51 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Rustam captures Barzu item EA1961.55 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Battle scene item EA1978.204 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Rustam killing the White Div item EA2003.49 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Rustam's battle against the king of Hamavaran item EA2003.51 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum
Rustam kills the White Div item EA2003.50 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ferdowsi Ashmolean Museum

Fermí Tubau Pujol

label description creator collection
Periquitos (1914) artwork by Fermí Tubau Pujol, 1914 Fermí Tubau Pujol Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Disseny floral i lliris (1914) artwork by Fermí Tubau Pujol, 1914 Fermí Tubau Pujol Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Diversos disseny d'ocells (periquitos) (1914) artwork by Fermí Tubau Pujol, 1914 Fermí Tubau Pujol Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Nobiliari Català. Disseny d'enquadernació d'un llibre. Esbós (1914) artwork by Fermí Tubau Pujol, 1914 Fermí Tubau Pujol Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi

Fernand Maglen

label description creator collection
Small Village painting by Fernand Maglen Fernand Maglen Hermitage Museum
Town with a Cathedral painting by Fernand Maglen Fernand Maglen Hermitage Museum

Fernando Almela

label description creator collection
Espejo de Anita (Anita's Mirror) painting by Fernando Almela Fernando Almela Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Romance de ciego (Blind Romance) painting by Fernando Almela Fernando Almela Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Filippo Giacomo Remondini

label description creator collection
Johan Gustav Lagerbjelke (1745-1812), överamiral painting by Filippo Giacomo Remondini Filippo Giacomo Remondini Nationalmuseum
Unknown man painting by Filippo Giacomo Remondini Filippo Giacomo Remondini Nationalmuseum


label description creator collection
L'Homme et la Femme painting by Fillìa Fillìa Museum of Grenoble
Mistero aereo painting by Fillìa Fillìa

Flemish School

label description creator collection
Porcelain Bowl with Flowers and Fruit, Surrounded by a Wreath of Flowers and Fruit painting by anonymous painter Flemish School Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
The Angel Appearing to Shepherds (in background) painting by Flemish School Flemish School Birmingham Museums Trust
Portrait of Nicholas Gaze and His Son and St Nicholas painting by Flemish School Flemish School Birmingham Museums Trust

Florence Kate Kingsford

label description creator collection
Joan Kingsford painting by Florence Kingsford Cockerell Florence Kate Kingsford Fitzwilliam Museum
Joan and Olive Kingsford, and Malcolm Burgess painting by Florence Kingsford Cockerell Florence Kate Kingsford Fitzwilliam Museum
'Sweet Thames! run Softly' (from Edmund Spenser's 'Prothalamion' [1596]) painting by Florence Kate Kingsford Cockerell Florence Kate Kingsford National Trust

Florence McClung

label description creator collection
Squaw Creek Valley painting by Florence E. McClung Florence McClung Dallas Museum of Art
Cypress Swamp, Caddo Lake painting by Florence E. McClung Florence McClung Dallas Museum of Art

Folke Andréasson

label description creator collection
Självporträtt painting by Folke Andréasson Folke Andréasson Nationalmuseum
Bro i Auvers-sur-Oise painting by Folke Andréasson Folke Andréasson Nationalmuseum

Frances Stark

label description creator collection
Memento Mori I painting by Frances Stark Frances Stark Art Institute of Chicago
If conceited girls want to show they have a Seat (standing) painting by Frances Stark Frances Stark Whitney Museum of American Art
Pretty Ugly painting by Frances Stark Frances Stark Whitney Museum of American Art
Ian F. Svenonius’s “Censorship Now” for the 2017 Whitney Biennial, Spread 1 of 8 (Sincerely) painting by Frances Stark Frances Stark Whitney Museum of American Art
Ian F. Svenonius’s “Censorship Now” for the 2017 Whitney Biennial, Spread 3 of 8 (pp. 16–17) (the state, like a rampaging mob boss) painting by Frances Stark Frances Stark Whitney Museum of American Art

Francis Bacon

label description creator collection
Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion triptych by Francis Bacon Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon
National Gallery
Figure with Meat painting depicting a distorted man surrounded by meat Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon
Art Institute of Chicago
Three Studies for the Portrait of Henrietta Moraes painting by Francis Bacon Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon
Museum of Modern Art
Two Figures Lying On A Bed With Attendants painting by Francis Bacon Francis Bacon Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

Francis Edward Nairn

label description creator collection
Bush Scene painting by Francis NAIRN (English, b.1819, d.1910) Francis Edward Nairn The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Mount Arthur, Motueka painting by James NAIRN (Scottish, b.1859, d.1904) Francis Edward Nairn The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Lady Barkley at the Old Wharf painting by James NAIRN (Scottish, b.1859, d.1904) Francis Edward Nairn The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Wellington Harbour painting by James NAIRN (Scottish, b.1859, d.1904) Francis Edward Nairn The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū

Francis Marion Pebbles

label description creator collection
Walter Quintin Gresham painting by Francis Marion Pebbles Francis Marion Pebbles National Portrait Gallery
David Davis painting by Francis Marion Pebbles Francis Marion Pebbles National Portrait Gallery
Peter Stenger Grosscup painting by Francis Marion Pebbles Francis Marion Pebbles National Portrait Gallery
Nathaniel Pope painting by Francis Marion Pebbles Francis Marion Pebbles National Portrait Gallery

Francis Philip Barraud

label description creator collection
Prisoners of War painting by Francis Philip Barraud Francis Philip Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Basilica Saint-Urbain of Troyes painting by Francis Philip Barraud Francis Philip Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Abbeville Cathedral, 1885 painting by Francis Philip Barraud Francis Philip Barraud Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui

Frank Lodeizen

label description creator collection
Aangevallen Dorp painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Kind op reis painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Trappen painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Verwonderd landschap painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Landschap met vier zonnen painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Landschap 1 painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Schilderij 3 painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Verwant landschap II painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel II painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Oorlog processie painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Verwant landschap III painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by Frank Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Simon Carmiggelt (1913-1987), auteur painting by Frank Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Amsterdam Museum
Schilderij II painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Schilderij 2 painting by F. Lodeizen Frank Lodeizen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Franz Ludwig Close

label description creator collection
Okänd man, pendang till NMDs 930 painting by Franz Ludwig Close Franz Ludwig Close Nationalmuseum
Okänd kvinna, 1781 pendang till Ds 584 painting by Franz Ludwig Close Franz Ludwig Close Nationalmuseum
Okänd kvinna painting by Franz Ludwig Close Franz Ludwig Close Nationalmuseum

Franz de Merlier

label description creator collection
At Work painting by Franz De Merlier Franz de Merlier Brandywine River Museum
Kerosene Tank painting by Franz De Merlier Franz de Merlier Brandywine River Museum
Wheatfield painting by Franz De Merlier Franz de Merlier Brandywine River Museum
Brandywine Mill Race painting by Franz De Merlier Franz de Merlier Brandywine River Museum
Daffodils painting by Franz De Merlier Franz de Merlier Brandywine River Museum
Spotted Lilies painting by Franz De Merlier Franz de Merlier Brandywine River Museum

François-Raoul Larche

label description creator collection
Le Vieux Fossoyeur painting by François-Raoul Larche François-Raoul Larche
Portrait de Madame Ida Larche painting by François-Raoul Larche François-Raoul Larche
Autoportrait de jeunesse painting by François-Raoul Larche François-Raoul Larche

Freddy Rodríguez

label description creator collection
Amor Africano painting by Freddy Rodríguez Freddy Rodríguez Smithsonian American Art Museum
Danza de Carnaval painting by Freddy Rodríguez Freddy Rodríguez Smithsonian American Art Museum
Danza Africana painting by Freddy Rodríguez Freddy Rodríguez Smithsonian American Art Museum

Frederick Alexcee

label description creator collection
Fort Simpson painting by Frederick Alexcee Frederick Alexcee National Gallery of Canada
Fort Simpson painting by Frederick Alexcee (NGA Canada 42366) Frederick Alexcee National Gallery of Canada

Frederick Challener

label description creator collection
The Triumph of the Drama painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
A Sewing Lesson painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
The Evening Breeze painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
Hate painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
Love painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
Wild Steeds of the Prairie painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
A Selkirk Pioneer painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
A Song at Twilight painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
The Workers of the Fields painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
Aphrodite's Realm painting by Frederick Challener Frederick Challener National Gallery of Canada
Canada's Grand Armada, 1914 painting by Frederick Sproston Challener Frederick Challener Canadian War Museum

Frederick Charles John Morgan, 6th Baron Tredegar

label description creator collection
The Bullfight painting by John (Frederick Charles) Morgan, 6th Baron Tredegar Frederick Charles John Morgan, 6th Baron Tredegar National Trust
Still Life of Yellow Roses, a Lily and Grasses in a Vase painting by John (Frederick Charles) Morgan, 6th Baron Tredegar Frederick Charles John Morgan, 6th Baron Tredegar National Trust
An Urn with Lemons painting by John (Frederick Charles) Morgan, 6th Baron Tredegar Frederick Charles John Morgan, 6th Baron Tredegar National Trust

Frederick Mulhaupt

label description creator collection
Ice Bound Vessels painting by Frederick John Mulhaupt Frederick Mulhaupt Indianapolis Museum of Art
Boats at Dock painting by Frederick J. Mulhaupt Frederick Mulhaupt Princeton University Art Museum

Frederick William John Shore, 3rd Baron Teignmouth

label description creator collection
The Market of Tetuan painting by Captain the Hon. Frederick William John Shore Frederick William John Shore, 3rd Baron Teignmouth National Trust
The Moorish Castle, Gibraltar painting by Captain the Hon. Frederick William John Shore Frederick William John Shore, 3rd Baron Teignmouth National Trust

Fredrika Bremer

label description creator collection
Fredrika Gustava Poppius (1812-1888), fröken painting by Fredrika Bremer Fredrika Bremer Nationalmuseum
Kristusbarnet painting by Fredrika Bremer Fredrika Bremer Nationalmuseum

Frida Moukulainen

label description creator collection
Released figures of suppressed painting, collage art by Frida Moukulainen Frida Moukulainen City of Pori art collection
Whaleing over painting, collage art by Frida Moukulainen Frida Moukulainen City of Pori art collection
Resting place painting, collage art by Frida Moukulainen Frida Moukulainen City of Pori art collection
Leaving the Fishtank painting, collage art by Frida Moukulainen Frida Moukulainen City of Pori art collection
Rain catcher painting, collage art by Frida Moukulainen Frida Moukulainen City of Pori art collection

Friedel Stern

label description creator collection
Stamp Proposal (Yemenite with Jug) painting by Friedel Stern Friedel Stern Israeli Cartoon Museum
Untitled painting by Friedel Stern Friedel Stern Israeli Cartoon Museum
Untitled,1977 oil painting by Stern, Friedel Friedel Stern Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica

Friedrich Deppen

label description creator collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sügismaastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sild painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Öine maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannamaastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pargi vaade painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannavaade painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nõmme maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vihterpalu rand painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägine maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade linnale painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannavaade painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pargi vaade painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik jõega painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik karjaga painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Merevaade painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannavaade painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Merevaade painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade aiale painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Friedrich Deppen Friedrich Deppen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Friedrich Schiff

label description creator collection
Hong Kong, a sporting paradise Painting by Friedrich Schiff. Friedrich Schiff Hong Kong travel poster collection
Fly to the Far East B.O.A.C Painting by Friedrich Schiff. Friedrich Schiff Hong Kong travel poster collection

Friedrich Weise

label description creator collection
Magdalena Ulrica Falkenberg af Trystorp (1784-1845), friherrinna painting by Friedrich Weise Friedrich Weise Nationalmuseum
Okänd kvinna painting by Friedrich Weise Friedrich Weise Nationalmuseum

Frits Maats

label description creator collection
Ost und West painting by Frits Maats Frits Maats Groninger Museum
zonder titel painting by Frits Maats Frits Maats Groninger Museum
Karnak painting by Frits Maats Frits Maats Groninger Museum
Zonder titel painting by Frits Maats (Groninger 1987.0515) Frits Maats Groninger Museum
Video painting by Frits Maats Frits Maats Groninger Museum

Furuyama Moromasa

label description creator collection
Portrait of Ichikawa Danjuro II as Kamakura no Gongorô painting by Furuyama Moromasa Furuyama Moromasa Art Institute of Chicago
Courtesan Resting on the Veranda painting by Furuyama Moromasa Furuyama Moromasa Metropolitan Museum of Art

Fyodor Bryullov

label description creator collection
Archangel Michael painting by Fyodor Bryullo Fyodor Bryullov Hermitage Museum
St Blessed N. Kochanov painting by Fyodor Bryullo Fyodor Bryullov Hermitage Museum

G. Tomás Mendez

label description creator collection
Canelobre amb rosa i gerro de vidre painting by G. Tomás Mendez G. Tomás Mendez Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Bodegó amb flors painting by G. Tomás Mendez G. Tomás Mendez Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer

Garibaldi Lindberg

label description creator collection
The Model painting by Garibaldi Lindberg Garibaldi Lindberg Nationalmuseum
Autumn painting by Garibaldi Lindberg Garibaldi Lindberg Nationalmuseum
Centaurs painting by Garibaldi Lindberg Garibaldi Lindberg Nationalmuseum
The Breaking-Up of the Ice painting by Garibaldi Lindberg Garibaldi Lindberg Nationalmuseum
Ivan Aguéli, the Artist painting by Garibaldi Lindberg Garibaldi Lindberg Nationalmuseum

Garry Kennedy

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Garry Neill Kennedy Garry Kennedy National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Garry Neill Kennedy (NGA Canada 23199) Garry Kennedy National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Garry Neill Kennedy (NGA Canada 23200) Garry Kennedy National Gallery of Canada
Untitled painting by Garry Neill Kennedy (NGA Canada 23201) Garry Kennedy National Gallery of Canada
Figure Paintings painting by Garry Neill Kennedy Garry Kennedy National Gallery of Canada
An American History Painting (In Semi-gloss) (The Complete List of Pittsburgh Paints Historic Colour Series) painting by Garry Neill Kennedy Garry Kennedy National Gallery of Canada
An American History Painting (The Complete List of Pittsburgh Paints Historic Colour Series) painting by Garry Neill Kennedy Garry Kennedy National Gallery of Canada

Gavriil Frolov

label description creator collection
Ikoon. Laatsaruse ülesäratamine painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maarja kuulutus. Ikoon painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ikoon. Uskumatu Toomas painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ikoon. Jeesus Kristuse taevaminek painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaasani (Smolenski?) jumalaema. Ikoon painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vanausuliste ikoon Peipsi äärest. Jumalaema painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ikoon. Issanda risti püstitamine painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ikoon. Püha Vaimu väljavalamine painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kristuse ristimine. Ikoon painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kristuse sündimine. Ikoon painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Saabumine Jeruusalemma. Ikoon painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Neitsi Maarja templisse viimine. Ikoon painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ikoon. Issanda muutmine painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ikoon. Jumalaema suikumine (taevaminek) painting by Gavriil Frolov Gavriil Frolov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Geertjan van Oostende

label description creator collection
Akker painting by Geert Jan van Oostende Geertjan van Oostende Frans Hals Museum
A rising star a dying light painting by Geert Jan van Oostende Geertjan van Oostende Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Akker painting by Geert Jan van Oostende (RMT 1000) Geertjan van Oostende Rijksmuseum Twenthe

General Idea

label description creator collection
White AIDS #3 painting by General Idea General Idea Art Institute of Chicago
The Hand of the Spirit of Miss General Idea painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Eyeyeye painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Down the Drink painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Nine Lives painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Passion over Reason painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
The Honeymoon is Over painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Dr. Brute Shield painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Cornucopia: The Birth of the Red, White and Blue painting by General Idea General Idea Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Georg Stoopendaal

label description creator collection
Flicka i brunt painting by Georg Stoopendaal Georg Stoopendaal Nationalmuseum
Landskap med träd och byggnader painting by Georg Stoopendaal Georg Stoopendaal Nationalmuseum

George Alexis Weymouth

label description creator collection
August painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Our Crowd painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Eleven O'Clock News painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Mrs. E. Miles Valentine painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Indian Hanna painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Andy on Southern Island painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Milk Room painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Mrs. Battle painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Study for August, #1 painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Eugene Eleuthere du Pont painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Self-Portrait painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Bluebells painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum
Winter Landscape at "The Big Bend" painting by George A. Weymouth George Alexis Weymouth Brandywine River Museum

George Cruikshank

label description creator collection
Sancho Panza och näsan painting by George Cruikshank George Cruikshank Finnish National Gallery
Herne's Oak from 'The Merry Wives of Windsor,' V, v painting by George Cruikshank George Cruikshank Yale Center for British Art
The First Appearance of William Shakespeare on the Stage of the Globe Theatre painting by George Cruikshank George Cruikshank Yale Center for British Art
The Worship of Bacchus painting by George Cruikshank George Cruikshank Tate
National Gallery

George Hanley Cartilidge

label description creator collection
Portrait tile artwork by George Hanley Cartilidge and Sherwin and Cotton George Hanley Cartilidge
Sherwin and Cotton
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Portrait tile painting by George Hanley Cartilidge and Sherwin and Cotton (Te Papa CG001750) George Hanley Cartilidge
Sherwin and Cotton
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Portrait tile artwork by George Hanley Cartilidge and Sherwin and Cotton (Te Papa CG001747) George Hanley Cartilidge
Sherwin and Cotton
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

George Kishketon

label description creator collection
Warrior on Horse painting by George Kishketon George Kishketon Gilcrease Museum
Man and Pipe painting by George Kishketon George Kishketon Gilcrease Museum

George Silverhorn

label description creator collection
Kiowa and Ute Fight painting by George "Dutch" Silverhorn George Silverhorn Gilcrease Museum
Kiowa Family Moving Camp painting by George "Dutch" Silverhorn George Silverhorn Gilcrease Museum

George Steinmann

label description creator collection
Indikator: "Doppelzonation" GAIA (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Zonation -Series painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Zonation -Series painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikation: Oekologie des Bewusstseins (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikation: Strategie eines neuen planetaren Bewusstseins (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: "Doppelzonation" GAIA (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Doppelzonation (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Doppelzonation A/B Diagenese (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: "Doppelzonation" A/B GALA (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Palsamoor/Palsasuo "Doppelzonation" GAIA (teosnimi) painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: "Zonation", Reorganization of the Birth of the Earth painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Transmitter, Radar painting by George Steinmann George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Zonation -Series painting by George Steinmann TM 1018 George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Zonation -Series painting by George Steinmann TM 1019 George Steinmann City of Pori art collection
Indikator: Zonation -Series painting by George Steinmann TM 1020 George Steinmann City of Pori art collection

George Tsatsos

label description creator collection
Võrgustumine (Networking) painting by George Tsatsos George Tsatsos Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pilved armastavad värve (Pterodaktülused) (Pterodactylus Ducks) painting by George Tsatsos George Tsatsos Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

George Warner Allen

label description creator collection
The Return from Cythera painting by George Warner Allen George Warner Allen Tate
Picnic at Wittenham painting by George Warner Allen George Warner Allen Tate

Georges François Souillet

label description creator collection
Les travaux du métropolitain, place Saint-Michel painting by Georges Souillet Georges François Souillet Musée Carnavalet
Les travaux du Grand Palais et du pont Alexandre-III, en 1899 painting by Georges Souillet Georges François Souillet Musée Carnavalet
Intérieur de Notre-Dame : le Te Deum en l'honneur de l'armistice, le 17 novembre 1918 painting by Georges Souillet Georges François Souillet Musée Carnavalet
Le Grand Palais et le Petit Palais en construction (1899) painting by Georges Souillet Georges François Souillet Musée Carnavalet

Georges Jean Baptiste Rouard

label description creator collection
Vue intérieure des ruines de l'ancienne Cour des comptes, quai d'Orsay (P303) painting by Georges Rouard Georges Jean Baptiste Rouard Musée Carnavalet
Vue intérieure des ruines de l'ancienne Cour des comptes, quai d'Orsay (P304(3)) painting by Georges Rouard Georges Jean Baptiste Rouard Musée Carnavalet

Georges Lepape

label description creator collection
Fruit d'automne painting by Georges Lepape Georges Lepape Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
Coup de vent painting by Georges Lepape Georges Lepape Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
Maquette d'affiche pour l'Exposition internationale de 1937 painting by Georges Lepape Georges Lepape Musée Carnavalet

Georgi Tšerkašin

label description creator collection
Toomingas painting by Georgi Tšerkašin Georgi Tšerkašin Narva Museum's art collection
Sild ei kuhugi painting by Georgi Tšerkašin Georgi Tšerkašin Narva Museum's art collection
Udu soos painting by Georgi Tšerkašin Georgi Tšerkašin Narva Museum's art collection

Georgiana Chatterton

label description creator collection
Triptych: centre panel: The Madonna in Adoration; pediment: Virgin in Glory; exterior of wings: Virgin Annunciate and Archangel Gabriel; interior of wings: The Visitation; Nativity; Presentation; Chri painting by Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles Iremonger, Lady Chatterton (1806 – 1876) and Rebecca Dulcibella Orpen Georgiana Chatterton
Rebecca Dulcibella Orpen
National Trust
The Woman of Samaria (after Guercino) painting by Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles Iremonger, Lady Chatterton Georgiana Chatterton National Trust
Subalpine Valley with a Village below painting by Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles Iremonger, Lady Chatterton Georgiana Chatterton National Trust
Subalpine Mountain Scenery with a Village below painting by Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles Iremonger, Lady Chatterton Georgiana Chatterton National Trust
Subalpine Mountain Scenery with a Valley painting by Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles Iremonger, Lady Chatterton Georgiana Chatterton National Trust
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist (after Reni) painting by Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles Iremonger, Lady Chatterton Georgiana Chatterton National Trust

Gerald Mathew Trottier

label description creator collection
The Building painting by Gerald Trottier Gerald Mathew Trottier National Gallery of Canada
Golgotha painting by Gerald Trottier Gerald Mathew Trottier National Gallery of Canada
Good Friday painting by Gerald Trottier Gerald Mathew Trottier National Gallery of Canada

Gerardus Wieringa

label description creator collection
Landschap met figuren painting by Gerardus Wieringa Gerardus Wieringa Groninger Museum
Weidelandschap painting by Gerardus Wieringa Gerardus Wieringa Groninger Museum
Landschappen - geschilderd kamerbehangsel painting by Gerardus Wieringa Gerardus Wieringa Groninger Museum
Serie van drie schilderstukken met allegorische voorstellingen van vrede, landbouw en koophandel painting by Gerardus Wieringa Gerardus Wieringa Groninger Museum
Bergachtig landschap painting by Gerardus Wieringa Gerardus Wieringa Groninger Museum
Bergachtig landschap painting by Gerardus Wieringa (Groninger 0000.2016.B) Gerardus Wieringa Groninger Museum

Gerda Tomson

label description creator collection
Enda Naaber painting by Gerda Tomson Gerda Tomson Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Urve Kirss painting by Gerda Tomson Gerda Tomson Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Gerhard Henning

label description creator collection
Gerhard Henning (1880-1967), artist, sculptor, married to 1. Alma Christine Bissen, 2. textile artist Gerda Heydorn, 3. Sidsel Kathrine Kristensen painting by Gerhard Henning Gerhard Henning Nationalmuseum
Ester Sahlin, 1882-1959, gift med 1. E. Killander, 2. T. Lundgren painting by Gerhard Henning Gerhard Henning Nationalmuseum
Gerhard Henning, 1880-1967 painting by Gerhard Henning Gerhard Henning Nationalmuseum

Gerrit Rietveld

label description creator collection
Portrait of Anthonie Begeer (1856-1910) painting by Gerrit Thomas Rietveld Gerrit Rietveld Centraal Museum
O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden painting by Gerrit Thomas Rietveld Gerrit Rietveld Centraal Museum

Gil Marco Shani

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Gil Marco Shani Gil Marco Shani Israel Museum
Untitled painting by Gil Marco Shani 309947 Gil Marco Shani Israel Museum

Gina Beavers

label description creator collection
Yummm painting by Gina Beavers Gina Beavers Whitney Museum of American Art
Burger eye painting by Gina Beavers Gina Beavers Whitney Museum of American Art

Giovan Francesco Capoferri

label description creator collection
Arca di Noè painting by Giovan Francesco Capoferri Giovan Francesco Capoferri
Davide e Golia (Lorenzo Lotto) painting by Giovan Francesco Capoferri Giovan Francesco Capoferri
Giuseppe venduto dai fratelli painting by Giovan Francesco Capoferri Giovan Francesco Capoferri
Annunciazione painting by Giovan Francesco Capoferri Giovan Francesco Capoferri
Creazione (Lotto) painting by Giovan Francesco Capoferri Giovan Francesco Capoferri

Giovanni Volpato

label description creator collection
Villa Farnese painting by Giovanni Volpato Giovanni Volpato Nationalmuseum
Antonii och Faustinas tempel i Rom painting by Giovanni Volpato Giovanni Volpato Nationalmuseum

Gjalt Blaauw

label description creator collection
Zonder titel painting by Gjalt Blaauw Gjalt Blaauw Groninger Museum
Poortje painting by Gjalt Blaauw Gjalt Blaauw Groninger Museum
Poortje painting by Gjalt Blaauw (Groninger 2013.0505) Gjalt Blaauw Groninger Museum
Zonder titel painting by Gjalt Blaauw (Groninger 1981.1025) Gjalt Blaauw Groninger Museum
Zonder titel painting by Gjalt Blaauw (Groninger 1981.1026) Gjalt Blaauw Groninger Museum
Zonder titel painting by Gjalt Blaauw (Groninger 1981.1027) Gjalt Blaauw Groninger Museum

Glynn Williams

label description creator collection
Two Girls From 1907 (after Picasso) painting by Glynn Williams Glynn Williams David Bowie's art collection
Sitting, Holding, Looking painting by Glynn Williams Glynn Williams David Bowie's art collection
Papageno/Bird Catcher painting by Glynn Williams Glynn Williams David Bowie's art collection
Still Life With Yellow Table painting by Glynn Williams Glynn Williams David Bowie's art collection

Gordon Rayner

label description creator collection
Magnetawan No. 2 painting by Gordon Rayner Gordon Rayner National Gallery of Canada
Little Egypt painting by Gordon Rayner Gordon Rayner National Gallery of Canada
Dew Wet painting by Gordon Rayner Gordon Rayner National Gallery of Canada
Watch This Space painting by Gordon Rayner Gordon Rayner National Gallery of Canada

Gottfried Honegger

label description creator collection
Tableau-Relief W. Z. 425 painting by Gottfried Honegger Gottfried Honegger Carnegie Museum of Art
Cornelia painting by Gottfried Honegger Gottfried Honegger Yale University Art Gallery
Permanence painting by Gottfried Honegger Gottfried Honegger Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Z-611 painting by Gottfried Honegger Gottfried Honegger Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Lbisy painting by Gottfried Honegger Gottfried Honegger Dallas Museum of Art
Z - BI - 73 painting by Gottfried Honegger Gottfried Honegger Dallas Museum of Art
P. 684 painting by Gottfried Honegger Gottfried Honegger Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Graciano Mendilaharzu

label description creator collection
Portrait of Gervasio Méndez painting by Graciano Mendilaharzu Graciano Mendilaharzu Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
La vuelta al hogar painting by Graciano Mendilaharzu Graciano Mendilaharzu Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Graham Noble Norwell

label description creator collection
Autumn, Ottawa Valley painting by Graham Norwell Graham Noble Norwell National Gallery of Canada
Winter Landscape painting by Graham Norwell Graham Noble Norwell National Gallery of Canada
Winter painting by Graham Norwell Graham Noble Norwell National Gallery of Canada

Gregory Pryor

label description creator collection
Landscape with thermometer painting by Gregory Pryor Gregory Pryor National Gallery of Victoria
Blue (Peanuts) painting by Gregory Pryor Gregory Pryor National Gallery of Victoria
Blue (Giant woman and minor protest) painting by Gregory Pryor Gregory Pryor National Gallery of Victoria
Red (Gassing the limes) painting by Gregory Pryor Gregory Pryor National Gallery of Victoria
Red (Defeat) painting by Gregory Pryor Gregory Pryor National Gallery of Victoria

Gregório Lopes

label description creator collection
Visitation - Saint Benedict altarpiece painting by Gregório Lopes Gregório Lopes
Jorge Leal
National Museum of Ancient Art
Adoração dos Reis Magos painting by Gregório Lopes Gregório Lopes
Jorge Leal
National Museum of Ancient Art
Apresentação do Menino no Templo painting by Gregório Lopes Gregório Lopes
Jorge Leal
National Museum of Ancient Art
Menino Jesus entre os Doutores painting by Gregório Lopes Gregório Lopes
Jorge Leal
National Museum of Ancient Art

Gretchen Andrew

label description creator collection
L'Appel du Vide 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 02 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 03 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 04 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 05 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 06 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 07 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 08 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 09 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 10 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 11 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 12 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 13 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 14 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 15 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
L'Appel du Vide 16 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 02 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 03 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 04 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 05 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 06 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 07 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 08 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 09 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 10 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 11 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 12 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 13 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 14 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Perfect Female Body 15 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 02 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 03 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 04 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 05 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 06 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 07 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 08 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 09 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 10 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 11 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 12 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 13 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 14 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 15 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 16 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 17 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Powerful person 18 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 02 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 03 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 04 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 05 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 06 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 07 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 08 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 09 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 10 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 11 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 12 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
What is Ubuntu 13 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 02 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 03 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 04 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 05 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 06 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 07 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 08 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 09 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 10 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 11 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 12 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 13 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 14 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 15 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 16 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 17 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 18 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 19 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 20 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 21 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 22 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 23 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 30 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 31 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 32 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 33 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 34 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 35 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 36 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 37 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 38 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 39 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 40 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 41 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 42 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 43 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 44 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 45 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 46 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 47 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Bow New Hampshire 48 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 02 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 03 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 04 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 05 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 06 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 07 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 08 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 09 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 10 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 11 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 12 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer 13 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Malignant epithelial ovarian cancer painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 02 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 03 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 04 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 05 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 07 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 08 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 09 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 10 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 11 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 12 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 13 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Female conception 14 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 0 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 1 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 2 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 3 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 4 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 5 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 6 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 7 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 8 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Displacement 9 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (a) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (aa) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (ab) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (ac) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (b) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (c) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (d) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (e) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (f) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (g) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (h) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (i) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (j) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (k) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (l) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (m) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (n) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (o) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (p) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (q) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (s) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (t) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (u) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (v) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (w) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (x) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (y) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman (z) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29 year old woman.jpg painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (1) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (10) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (11) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (13) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (14) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (15) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (16) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (17) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (18) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (2) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (20) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (200) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (21) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (22) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (23) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (24) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (25) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (26) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (27) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (28) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (29) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (3) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (4) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (5) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (6) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (7) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (8) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman (9) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
29-year-old-woman.jpg painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Gretchen Andrew Painting 01 painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Gretchen Andrew Painting painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Gretchen Andrew Painting 03 painting of Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (2) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (3) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (4) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (5) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (6) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (7) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (8) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (9) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (10) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (11) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (12) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (13) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (14) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (15) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew
Cover of Artforum (16) painting by Gretchen Andrew Gretchen Andrew

Guillaume-Isidore Baron de Montbel

label description creator collection
Chateau de Garros I painting by Isidore de Montbel Guillaume-Isidore Baron de Montbel National Galleries of Scotland
Chateau de Garros II painting by Isidore de Montbel Guillaume-Isidore Baron de Montbel National Galleries of Scotland

Guillem Seguer

label description creator collection
Altar frontal of the Corpus Christi painting by Master of Vallbona de les Monges (Guillem Seguer ?) Guillem Seguer Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Announcement to the Shepherds and Annunciation painting by Master of Vallbona de les Monges (Guillem Seguer ?) Guillem Seguer Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Altarpiece of the Corpus Christi painting by Master of Vallbona de les Monges (Guillem Seguer ?) Guillem Seguer Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Guram Abramishvili

label description creator collection
Never say good-bye painting by Guram Abramishvili and Boris Matrosov Guram Abramishvili
City of Pori art collection
Presence painting by Guram Abramishvili and Boris Matrosov Guram Abramishvili
City of Pori art collection

Gustaf Rydberg

label description creator collection
Spring in Skåne painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
The Shore of Ringsjön I painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
The Shore at Ringsjön II painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Landscape at Torsebro, near Kristianstad painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Lime Kiln near Visby painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
A Barn at Kronetorp, Skåne painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
In the Forest. Motif from Stehag, Skåne. Study painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
The Sound. Motif from Ven painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Landscape at Köpingebro, near Ystad painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Summer Landscape. Motif from Mörrum in Blekinge painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
A Crofter's Cottage in Skåne painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
A Winter Moonrise painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Summer Landscape at Viby painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Winter. Motif from Hagbyholm, Västmanland painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Flat Country at Brunnby, Västmanland painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
A Plain in Skåne painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Målningen försvunnen 1945. På Bukowskis april 1979 painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
The Breaking up of the Ice. Motif from Västerås painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
The Edge of the Forest. Motif from the Stockholm Archipelago painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Open Country near Kävlinge in Skåne painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Dunes. Motif from Ven painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Trees. Motif from Vintrie, Skåne painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Open Country in Skåne painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
A Fischer Lad. Study painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
The Stream. Study painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Snow on the Roof Tops. Study painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Urban Snow. Study painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum
Fishing Boats on the Beach painting by Gustaf Rydberg Gustaf Rydberg Nationalmuseum

Gustav III of Sweden

label description creator collection
Landskap med en vattenkvarn painting by Kung Gustav III Gustav III of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Landskap painting by Kung Gustav III Gustav III of Sweden Nationalmuseum

Gustavus Ellinthorpe Sintzenich

label description creator collection
Samuel Ward, BD painting by Gustavus Ellinthorpe Sintzenich Gustavus Ellinthorpe Sintzenich Mansfield College
Hugh Peters, MA painting by Gustavus Ellinthorpe Sintzenich Gustavus Ellinthorpe Sintzenich Mansfield College

Guy Ben-Ner

label description creator collection
Fruit of Love painting by Guy Ben-Ner Guy Ben-Ner Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Fruit of Love painting by Ben Ner, Guy Guy Ben-Ner Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

Gwen Knight

label description creator collection
Mediterranean scene painting by Gwen Knight Gwen Knight Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Sunset, Tauranga painting by Gwen Knight Gwen Knight Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

Gwen Raverat

label description creator collection
Jeu de Boules, Vence painting by Gwendolen Raverat Gwen Raverat Fitzwilliam Museum
Mountain Scenery painting by Gwendolen Raverat Gwen Raverat Fitzwilliam Museum
Punting painting by Gwendolen Raverat Gwen Raverat Fitzwilliam Museum

Gwendolyn Knight

label description creator collection
Diva artwork by Gwendolyn Knight Gwendolyn Knight Minneapolis Institute of Art
Pleas and Thank Yous: 100 True Stories painting by Gwendolyn Knight Gwendolyn Knight Minneapolis Institute of Art
Self-Portrait painting by Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Gwendolyn Knight Seattle Art Museum
Standing Female Nude with Scarf painting by Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Gwendolyn Knight Seattle Art Museum
Unfinished self portrait painting by Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Gwendolyn Knight Seattle Art Museum
Jacob painting by Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Gwendolyn Knight Seattle Art Museum

György Bartusz

label description creator collection
To čo ostalo painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Central Slovakian Gallery
Zlomy II. painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Central Slovakian Gallery
Biblická zem painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Udalosť na mori painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Túžba Amfitrity painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Z Danteho kruhov painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Stroskotanie painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Gestá s rastlinou - obraz pre Etiópčana Asefu painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Zlomy painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Údery a gestá painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz East Slovak Gallery
Zápas Jakuba s anjelom painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz East Slovak Gallery
Čln, gejzír a vták painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz East Slovak Gallery
Kresba za 9 sekúnd painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz East Slovak Gallery
Zlomy I. painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Slovak National Gallery
Osum dvanásť painting by Juraj Bartusz György Bartusz Nitra Gallery

Gérard Diaz

label description creator collection
Port de Tunis painting by Gerardiaz Gérard Diaz National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Reflets dans l'eau painting by Gerardiaz Gérard Diaz National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
La joie de vivre painting by dit) Gérardiaz (Gérard Diaz Gérard Diaz Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Gérard Holmens

label description creator collection
zonder titel painting by Gérard Holmens Gérard Holmens Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
zonder titel painting by Gérard Holmens (Mu.ZEE K000741) Gérard Holmens Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
zonder titel painting by Gérard Holmens (Mu.ZEE K000742) Gérard Holmens Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee

Göran Brunius

label description creator collection
Göran Brunius, född 1911 painting by Göran Brunius Göran Brunius Nationalmuseum
Självporträtt painting by Göran Brunius Göran Brunius Nationalmuseum

Gösta Nordblad

label description creator collection
Femme asssise dans un fauteuil painting by Gösta Nordblad Gösta Nordblad Nationalmuseum
Kvinna med pälskrage (I tankar) painting by Gösta Nordblad Gösta Nordblad Nationalmuseum
Stilleben, byst och äpplen painting by Gösta Nordblad Gösta Nordblad Nationalmuseum
Landskap från Norrland painting by Gösta Nordblad Gösta Nordblad Nationalmuseum

Günther Reindorff

label description creator collection
Taluvaade painting by Günther Reindorff Günther Reindorff Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lõuna-Eesti maastikumotiiv painting by Günther Reindorff Günther Reindorff Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Laeva ehitamine.(Tütarsaar) painting by Günther Reindorff Günther Reindorff Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

H+H Joos

label description creator collection
Multibalance painting by H+H Joos H+H Joos Belvedere
Transvibration painting by H+H Joos H+H Joos Belvedere
Allover painting by H+H Joos H+H Joos Belvedere
Rot/Blau painting by H+H Joos H+H Joos Belvedere
ZBR Nr. 3 painting by H+H Joos H+H Joos Belvedere

H.G. Glyde

label description creator collection
Miners' Cottages, Canmore, Alberta painting by H.G. Glyde H.G. Glyde National Gallery of Canada
Imperial Wildcat No. 3, Excelsior Field, near Edmonton painting by H.G. Glyde H.G. Glyde National Gallery of Canada

Hamdi Terziqi

label description creator collection
Cofee bean in a shell painting by Hamdi Terziqi Hamdi Terziqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Phantasy I painting by Hamdi Terziqi Hamdi Terziqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Phantasy II painting by Hamdi Terziqi Hamdi Terziqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Cofee bean in a shell II painting by Hamdi Terziqi Hamdi Terziqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Piece of land I painting by Hamdi Terziqi Hamdi Terziqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Piece of land II painting by Hamdi Terziqi Hamdi Terziqi National Gallery of Kosovo

Hamish Fulton

label description creator collection
Wind Blown Snow painting by Hamish Fulton Hamish Fulton National Gallery of Canada
Kent, England painting by Hamish Fulton Hamish Fulton National Gallery of Canada
Wheeldale Moor painting by Hamish Fulton Hamish Fulton Art Gallery of South Australia

Hannu Lindholm

label description creator collection
Myöhäissyksyistä pellonlaitaa painting by Hannu Lindholm Hannu Lindholm City of Pori art collection
Syksy Kiikassa painting by Hannu Lindholm Hannu Lindholm City of Pori art collection

Hans Kanters

label description creator collection
Trojaanse zet painting by J.H. Kanters Hans Kanters Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Kunst & vliegwerk painting by J.H. Kanters Hans Kanters Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Monument van een solist painting by J.H. Kanters Hans Kanters Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Blue bird painting by J.H. Kanters Hans Kanters Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Hans Kuusik

label description creator collection
Palvetav nooruk painting by Hans Kuusik Hans Kuusik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Hans Kuusik Hans Kuusik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kristuse pea (vitraaž) painting by Hans Kuusik Hans Kuusik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Hans Linstow

label description creator collection
Slottet painting by Hans Ditlev Franciscus von Linstow (Oslo Museum, OB.01013) Hans Linstow Oslo Museum
Slottet med parken painting by Hans Ditlev Franciscus von Linstow (Oslo Museum, OB.01376) Hans Linstow Oslo Museum
Slottet og slottsparken painting by Hans Ditlev Franciscus von Linstow (Oslo Museum, OB.01020) Hans Linstow Oslo Museum
Akershus sett fra Tyveholmen painting by Hans Ditlev Franciscus von Linstow (Oslo Museum, OB.01014) Hans Linstow Oslo Museum

Hans Mattis–Teutsch

label description creator collection
Mattis-Teutsch, Hans. Composition, [1923]. Painting painting by Hans Mattis–Teutsch Hans Mattis–Teutsch Hans Mattis–Teutsch Collection at Braşov Art Museum
Mattis-Teutsch, Hans. Forestry Worker, n.d. Painting painting by Hans Mattis–Teutsch Hans Mattis–Teutsch Hans Mattis–Teutsch Collection at Braşov Art Museum
Mattis-Teutsch, Hans. Manual workers and intellectuals, [1927]. Painting painting by Hans Mattis–Teutsch Hans Mattis–Teutsch Hans Mattis–Teutsch Collection at Braşov Art Museum

Hans Mets

label description creator collection
Natüürmort painting by Hans Mets Hans Mets Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Istuv daam painting by Hans Mets Hans Mets Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvine park figuuridega painting by Hans Mets Hans Mets Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pargis painting by Hans Mets Hans Mets Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Puhkus (Seltskond pargis; Maastik figuuridega) painting by Hans Mets Hans Mets Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ponte Vecchio painting by Hans Mets Hans Mets Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Hans Ticha

label description creator collection
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Duo painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Geiger painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie
Brausende Hochrufe painting by Hans Ticha Hans Ticha Berlinische Galerie

Hansjoerg Dobliar

label description creator collection
Hypnagogic Hallucination (aus der Gruppe "Anthologie") painting by Hansjoerg Dobliar Hansjoerg Dobliar Bavarian State Painting Collections
The monster triangle painting by Hansjoerg Dobliar Hansjoerg Dobliar Bavarian State Painting Collections
Velvet Night (aus der Gruppe "Anthologie") painting by Hansjoerg Dobliar Hansjoerg Dobliar Bavarian State Painting Collections
Phosphoric House (aus der Gruppe "Anthologie") painting by Hansjoerg Dobliar Hansjoerg Dobliar Bavarian State Painting Collections
Schwabylon erase painting by Hansjoerg Dobliar Hansjoerg Dobliar Bavarian State Painting Collections

Harald Arnkil

label description creator collection
Largo painting by Harald Arnkil Harald Arnkil Finnish National Gallery
Painting painting by Harald Arnkil Harald Arnkil City of Pori art collection

Harald Tannberg

label description creator collection
Puud painting by Harald Tannberg Harald Tannberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine mustas (Velda Otsus) painting by Harald Tannberg Harald Tannberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Harendra Narayan Das

label description creator collection
Vijoya painting by Harendra Narayan Das Harendra Narayan Das National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Homewards painting by Harendra Narayan Das Harendra Narayan Das National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Ferry Boats painting by Harendra Narayan Das Harendra Narayan Das National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎

Harold Ancart

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Harold Ancart Harold Ancart Whitney Museum of American Art
Untitled painting by Harold Ancart * Harold Ancart S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst

Harri Pudersell

label description creator collection
Talvine Tartu painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Keskpäev Muhus (Maastik) painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sydney laht painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort kannuga painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Floksid painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvemaastik painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pärnu jõgi painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kadakad painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Saaremaa kadakad painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvemaastik painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Karjala maastik painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Viljandi järv painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvemaastik Lõuna-Eestis painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kääriku painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection
Sügis painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection
Tartu tähetorn. Õlimaal painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection
Maal. Lilled vaasis painting by Harri Pudersell Harri Pudersell Tartumaa Museum's art collection

Harry Britton

label description creator collection
Italian Women Washing painting by Harry Britton Harry Britton National Gallery of Canada
Departure of Day painting by Harry Britton Harry Britton National Gallery of Canada
Interior of a Sail Loft painting by Harry Britton Harry Britton National Gallery of Canada
Marguerite painting by Harry Britton Harry Britton National Gallery of Canada
On the Quay, St. Ives painting by Harry Britton Harry Britton National Gallery of Canada

Harry Hall

label description creator collection
'Crucifix' with John Day Up painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall Yale Center for British Art
Sir Tatton Sykes Leading in the Horse 'Sir Tatton Sykes' with William Scott Up painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall Yale Center for British Art
Springfield with his trainer, James Ryan painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall Royal Collection
Paddy, with JW Prince, Stud Groom painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall Royal Collection
John Barham Day with his Sons John and William on Newmarket Heath painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall Tate
West Australian winner in the Triple Crown, 1853, with Frank Butler up painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall National Gallery of Australia
Emblem painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall National Trust
Tim Whiffler painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall National Trust
'Emperor' in his Stall painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall National Trust
'Hermit' with Jockey up painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall National Trust
'Broomilaw' with Jockey up on Epsom Downs painting by Harry Hall Harry Hall National Trust
Bloomsbury, winner of the 1839 Derby Harry Hall painting Harry Hall South African National Gallery

Harry Harryan

label description creator collection
Kamratporträtt 1917 painting by Harry Andersson Harry Harryan Nationalmuseum
Harry Harryan Andersson painting by Harry Andersson Harry Harryan Nationalmuseum
Sigfrid Hansson (1884-1939), politician, journalist, director general, married to Anna-Lisa Mathilda Hedström painting by Harry Andersson Harry Harryan Nationalmuseum
Byst painting by Harry Andersson Harry Harryan Nationalmuseum

Harry Rogers

label description creator collection
Hong Kong: Qantas - Australia's round the world airline Painting by Harry Rogers. Harry Rogers Hong Kong travel poster collection
New Qantas 707 V-Jets to the Far East Painting by Harry Rogers. Harry Rogers Hong Kong travel poster collection

Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp

label description creator collection
Ung flicka painting by Drottning Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp Nationalmuseum
Amorin in Landscape painting by Drottning Hedvig Elisabet Charlotta Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp Nationalmuseum

Heikki Hautala

label description creator collection
Vauhtisokeus painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Happikato painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Aistitukos painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Game Over painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Time to Rest painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Untitled painting, diptych by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Välitiloja painting by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Välitiloja painting by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Erillään painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Erillään painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection
Tyhjän päällä painting, aquarelle by Heikki Hautala Heikki Hautala City of Pori art collection

Heino Sampu

label description creator collection
Otepää maastik painting by Heino Sampu Heino Sampu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Nõukogude noorsoo päev painting by Heino Sampu Heino Sampu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Heinrich Buchholz

label description creator collection
Allegory of the Victory of the Russian Fleet over the Turks in the Turkish War of 1768-1774 painting by Heinrich Buchholz Heinrich Buchholz Hermitage Museum
Portrait of Count Munnich painting by anonymous painter Heinrich Buchholz Hermitage Museum
Portrait of Emperor Peter I painting by Heinrich Buchholz Heinrich Buchholz Hermitage Museum

Heinrich von Bergen

label description creator collection
Kunstniku abikaasa portree painting by Heinrich von Bergen Heinrich von Bergen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Portrait of Peter Posyet painting by Heinrich von Bergen Heinrich von Bergen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Heinz Hajek-Halke

label description creator collection
Ohne Titel painting by Heinz (1898-1983) Hajek-Halke Heinz Hajek-Halke Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Heinz (1898-1983) Hajek-Halke Heinz Hajek-Halke Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Heinz (1898-1983) Hajek-Halke Heinz Hajek-Halke Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Heinz (1898-1983) Hajek-Halke Heinz Hajek-Halke Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Heinz (1898-1983) Hajek-Halke Heinz Hajek-Halke Berlinische Galerie

Heitti Polli

label description creator collection
Rai (Pärnu maantee) painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portree sadamas painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mõttevahetus painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Näitleja Martin Veinmanni portree painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaas painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvine meeleolu painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Koinat Roptin Uelhenist painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuningas painting by Heitti Polli Heitti Polli Estonian National Museum's art collection

Helen Fuller

label description creator collection
Apron string painting by Helen Fuller Helen Fuller Art Gallery of South Australia
Loose ends painting by Helen Fuller Helen Fuller Art Gallery of South Australia

Helen McKie

label description creator collection
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) standing in the Upper War Room at Admiralty, Whitehall painting by Helen Madeleine McKie Helen McKie National Trust
Two Soldiers Wearing Blue Hospital Uniforms painting by Helen McKie Helen McKie Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui

Helena van der Kraan

label description creator collection
Rode schilderij I painting by H.J. van der Kraan-Maazel Helena van der Kraan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Noot painting by H.J. van der Kraan-Maazel Helena van der Kraan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by H.J. van der Kraan-Maazel Helena van der Kraan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Onbekend painting by H.J. van der Kraan-Maazel Helena van der Kraan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Het schip painting by H.J. van der Kraan-Maazel Helena van der Kraan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Rode schilderij II painting by H.J. van der Kraan-Maazel Helena van der Kraan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Parasol painting by H.J. van der Kraan-Maazel Helena van der Kraan Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Blood Corpuscles painting by Helena van der Kraan Helena van der Kraan Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

Helene Mölder

label description creator collection
Tütarlapse portree painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vihmane päev. (Rakvere maastik) painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Põllulilled painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vanamehe portree painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vanamees painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Virumaa Museums' art collection
Maastik Mõdrikus painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Virumaa Museums' art collection
Tiiu painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Virumaa Museums' art collection
Maastik Mõdrikus painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Virumaa Museums' art collection
Autoportree painting by Helene Mölder Helene Mölder Virumaa Museums' art collection

Helene Reichardt

label description creator collection
Vanamehe portree painting by Helene Reichardt Helene Reichardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaieldav küsimus painting by Helene Reichardt Helene Reichardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Helene Reichardt Helene Reichardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Helga Herm

label description creator collection
Võrumaa rahvarõivad painting by Helga Herm Helga Herm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Virumaa rahvarõivad painting by Helga Herm Helga Herm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Petserimaa rahvarõivad painting by Helga Herm Helga Herm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tartumaa rahvarõivad painting by Helga Herm Helga Herm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Järvamaa rahvarõivad painting by Helga Herm Helga Herm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Helge Revold

label description creator collection
Collioure III painting by Helge Revold Helge Revold National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Hveteåkre painting by Helge Revold Helge Revold National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Folk på stranden, Collioure painting by Helge Revold Helge Revold National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram

label description creator collection
Maal. H.L. Zauram. Tulbid. 1976.Õli, papp. painting by Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. H.L. Zauram. Vaade Haapsalu Eeslahele. 1960-1974. Õli. painting by Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. H.L. Zauram. Arbuus, viinamarjad, vein ja kaks õuna. 1960. Õli. painting by Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. H.L. Zauram. Pudelid. 1976. Õli, papp. painting by Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. H.L. Zauram. Mort õunaga triibulisel foonil. 1961. Õli, kartong. painting by Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Helju-Laine Sarnet-Zauram Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection

Helle Vahersalu

label description creator collection
Olnu I painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tiina Viirelaid painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tuba painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Illu Erma portree painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastikuline painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Linnaäärne lumi painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sinine plekk ja tuust painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Krookused painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Olnu III painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pank painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tume ruum painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Asetatud. XII osa sarjast "Jäänukid" painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Põud painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ago Kivi painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Torn painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Olnu II painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Reet Varblase portree painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pirnid ja tuttav naisterahvas painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tüdruk avara maastikuga painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tunginud. VI osa sarjast "Jäänukid" painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hangealune painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maie isa painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Läbipaistev struktuur painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punapea painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kai Luiga painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mari Pill painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kristiina painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vana tool painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mask painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Horisont painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Järveäärses linnas painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sirje Parve hämaral õuel painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Järveäärses linnas I painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Üks noor naine painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilli Toom “Sangarist” painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rebitud painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Narva Museum's art collection
Kompositsioon täpiga painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Virumaa Museums' art collection
Mustad silmad painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Virumaa Museums' art collection
Kompositsioon painting by Helle Vahersalu Helle Vahersalu Virumaa Museums' art collection

Helmi Juvonen

label description creator collection
Circumvolution painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Manifestations of Thought painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Carnival painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Beaver Frog Face - Totem Pole Motif painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (Nativity) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (old woman on green paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (man on burgandy paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (man in pink costume with blue-striped background) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (mother and two children on green background) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (four head and one mask on gray paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (family group on burgundy paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (black shirt on burgandy paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (family group with fish on gray paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (head and three designs) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Floral Bead Design painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Popular Bead Design of Patriotic Emblem painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima corn Husk Design (green central motif) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Corn Husk Design (pink central motif) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Puget Sound Women painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Bead Design painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Lummi, Swinomish Woman's Dance Costume of Shredded Cedar Bark painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Ceremonial Costume Adopted by Modern Indians; Large Shell at Neck painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Modern Ceremonial Dress painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Beaded Designs (pouches) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Tobey's Bathroom painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Nativity painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (geometric motifs on gray paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima Corn Husk Design (blue, purple, and red zig-zags) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Corn Husk Design painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (male in bark costume on pinkish paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Noah's Ark painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Yakima - Primitive Summer House painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Untitled (male dancer holding white animal skin on green paper) painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Mark Tobey painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum
Owl painting by Helmi Juvonen Helmi Juvonen Seattle Art Museum

Helmut Hoffmann

label description creator collection
Bildnis J. N. painting by Helmut Hoffmann Helmut Hoffmann Bavarian State Painting Collections
Stilleben painting by Helmut Hoffmann Helmut Hoffmann Bavarian State Painting Collections

Hely Falttu

label description creator collection
Ketokukan rukous painting by Hely Falttu Hely Falttu City of Pori art collection
Sumun seireeni painting by Hely Falttu Hely Falttu City of Pori art collection


label description creator collection
Pair of Two-Sided Leaves from a Jain Manuscript painting by Hemachandra (Indian) (1971.128) Hemachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Yoga-shastra: Text (recto); Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Yoga-shastra: Jain monk with Disciple and Two Laymen, Two Nuns and a Laywoman below (verso) painting by Hemachandra (Indian) (1971.128.1) Hemachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Yoga-shastra: Text (recto) painting by Hemachandra (Indian) (1971.128.1.a) Hemachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Yoga-shastra: Jain monk with Disciple and Two Laymen, Two Nuns and a Laywoman below (verso) painting by Hemachandra (Indian) (1971.128.1.b) Hemachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Yoga-shastra: Seated Yellow Jina Shantinatha Enshrined painting by Hemachandra (Indian) (1971.128.2) Hemachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Yoga-shastra: Seated Yellow Jina Shantinatha Enshrined (recto) painting by Hemachandra (Indian) (1971.128.2.a) Hemachandra Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Yoga-shastra: Seated Yellow Jina Shantinatha Enshrined (verso) painting by Hemachandra (Indian) (1971.128.2.b) Hemachandra Cleveland Museum of Art

Hemltrud Nystrom

label description creator collection
The harvest celebration painting by Hemltrud Nystrom Hemltrud Nystrom National Gallery of Kosovo
Wedding witnwsses painting by Hemltrud Nystrom Hemltrud Nystrom National Gallery of Kosovo

Hendrik Hartemink

label description creator collection
Ceiling Piece painting by Hendrik Hartemink (Centraal Museum 2656 I) Hendrik Hartemink Centraal Museum
Ceiling Piece painting by Hendrik Hartemink (Centraal Museum 2656 J) Hendrik Hartemink Centraal Museum

Henk Overduin

label description creator collection
Straatjes en steegjes uit Leiden painting by Hendrik (Henk) Overduin Henk Overduin Museum De Lakenhal
Drieluik met kruis op Verversplein painting by Henk Overduin Henk Overduin Museum Catharijneconvent

Henk Visch

label description creator collection
Dear Audience painting - gouache on paper by Henk Visch (De Pont 2000.HV.02) Henk Visch De Pont
Untitled painting - gouache on paper by Henk Visch (De Pont 2011.HV.03) Henk Visch De Pont

Henn Põlluaas

label description creator collection
Kohtumine painting by Henn Põlluaas Henn Põlluaas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tagasitulek painting by Henn Põlluaas Henn Põlluaas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Henn Sarap

label description creator collection
Maastik mägedega painting by Henn Sarap Henn Sarap Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannamaastik painting by Henn Sarap Henn Sarap Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Henri Hamm

label description creator collection
Plans painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Relief painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Entrelacs painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Soleil et signes painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Formes painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Composition painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Genèse painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Abstraction painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Formes blanches et grises painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Signes painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Espaces gris painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Composition (AMVP 1985) painting by Henri Hamm Henri Hamm Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Henri Martin Vos

label description creator collection
Une loge d'artiste à l'Opéra-Comique, après l'incendie du 15 mai 1887 painting by Henri-Martin Vos Henri Martin Vos Musée Carnavalet
Le Foyer de l'Opéra-Comique, après l'incendie du 15 mai 1887 painting by Henri-Martin Vos Henri Martin Vos Musée Carnavalet

Henri Seghers

label description creator collection
Schelde vrij Painting; Made by Henri Seghers (1848 - 1919) Henri Seghers Print Room of the University of Antwerp
Werken aan de Schelde Painting; Made by Henri Seghers (1848 - 1919) Henri Seghers Print Room of the University of Antwerp

Henri and Charles Beaubrun

label description creator collection
portrait de Claire-Clémence de Maillé, princesse de Condé painting by Henri and Charles Beaubrun Henri and Charles Beaubrun Château de Chambord
Marie Thérèse of Austria in Royal Costume painting by Charles and Henri Beaubrun, now in Versailles Henri and Charles Beaubrun Palace of Versailles
Museum of the History of France
Anne d'Autriche endeuillée présentant le portrait en miniature de Louis XIII painting attributed to Henri and Charles Beaubrun Henri and Charles Beaubrun Museum of the History of France
Portrait d'Anne d'Autriche en veuve painting by Henri and Charles Beaubrun Henri and Charles Beaubrun Museum of the History of France
Anne d'Autriche, reine de France painting attributed to Henri and Charles Beaubrun Henri and Charles Beaubrun Museum of the History of France
Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche, reine de France painting attributed to Henri and Charles Beaubrun Henri and Charles Beaubrun Museum of the History of France

Henriette Helffreich

label description creator collection
Nelgioks painting by Henriette Helffreich Henriette Helffreich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nelgioks painting by Henriette Helffreich Henriette Helffreich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled painting by Henriette Helffreich Henriette Helffreich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon painting by Henriette Helffreich Henriette Helffreich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Visand marjadest, redistest ja virsikust painting by Henriette Helffreich Henriette Helffreich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Roosid painting by Henriette Helffreich Henriette Helffreich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õied painting by Henriette Helffreich Henriette Helffreich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Henrik August Ankarcrona

label description creator collection
Portrait of Charles XII of Sweden painting by Henrik August Ankarcrona Henrik August Ankarcrona National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
View of an Oriental City painting by Henrik August Ankarcrona Henrik August Ankarcrona Nationalmuseum
African Landscape painting by Henrik August Ankarcrona Henrik August Ankarcrona Nationalmuseum
Karl XII of Sweden at Narva painting by Henrik August Ankarcrona Henrik August Ankarcrona Nationalmuseum
Winter Landscape with Dalecarlians Walking painting by Henrik August Ankarcrona Henrik August Ankarcrona Nationalmuseum
The Battle of Uad-Ras in Morocco, March 23, 1860 painting by Henrik August Ankarcrona Henrik August Ankarcrona Nationalmuseum

Henrik Olvi

label description creator collection
Klooga rand painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tallinn. Kuningaaed painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Dekoratsioonikavand näidendile "Jumala kloun" painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtu painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jõelähtme öösel. Liinile painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Hommik Emumäel painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Isa portree painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rüütli tänava motiiv painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Paasvere. Vahtramäe painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mirabeau „Jean Roue tänav“. Teatridekoratsioon painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Veskilised painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Veskilised painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jüri. Portree-etüüd painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Võru motiiv painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pariis öösel painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Itaalia motiiv painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Philipp „Jumala kloun“ tagalava. Teatridekoratsioon painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ema portree painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Veneetsia vaade painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
a) Autoportree b) Maastikumotiiv taluhoonetega painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suveöö painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Valgassoo motiiv painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lumised katused painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Äntu Punamägi painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Virumaa Museums' art collection
Otepää maastik painting by Henrik Olvi Henrik Olvi Virumaa Museums' art collection

Henry Bataille

label description creator collection
Portrait d'homme malade (P René?) painting by Henry Bataille Henry Bataille Musée Carnavalet
Portrait de Camille Mauclair (1872-1945), critique d'art painting by Henry Bataille Henry Bataille Musée Carnavalet

Henry Merimaa

label description creator collection
Sarjasta kentillä ja ristillä painting by Henry Merimaa Henry Merimaa City of Pori art collection
Sarjasta kentillä ja ristillä painting by Henry Merimaa Henry Merimaa City of Pori art collection
Sarjasta kentillä ja ristillä painting by Henry Merimaa TM 0968 Henry Merimaa City of Pori art collection

Herb Patten

label description creator collection
Koori shields series painting by Herb Patten Herb Patten National Gallery of Victoria
Latje Latje shield painting by Herb Patten Herb Patten National Gallery of Victoria
Wurundjeri shield painting by Herb Patten Herb Patten National Gallery of Victoria
Kirrae Wurrung / Gunditjmara shield painting by Herb Patten Herb Patten National Gallery of Victoria
Yorta Yorta painting by Herb Patten Herb Patten National Gallery of Victoria
Gunnai / Kurnai shield painting by Herb Patten Herb Patten National Gallery of Victoria

Herman Halliste

label description creator collection
Autoportree kaabulotiga painting by Herman Halliste Herman Halliste Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Herman Halliste Herman Halliste Tartu City Museum's art collection

Herman Hebler

label description creator collection
J.N.-2 painting by Herman Hebler Herman Hebler National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
J.N.-1 painting by Herman Hebler Herman Hebler National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Heungseon Daewongun

label description creator collection
Orchids and Rocks painting by Yi Ha-ŭng (also known as Taewŏn’gun) Heungseon Daewongun Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Orchids and Rocks painting by Yi Ha-ŭng (also known as Taewŏn’gun) (Harvard 2005.99) Heungseon Daewongun Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Orchids and Rocks painting by Yi Ha-ŭng (also known as Taewŏn’gun) (Harvard 2005.99.1) Heungseon Daewongun Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Orchids and Rocks painting by Yi Ha-ŭng (also known as Taewŏn’gun) (Harvard 2005.99.4) Heungseon Daewongun Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Orchids and Rocks painting by Yi Ha-ŭng (also known as Taewŏn’gun) (Harvard 2001.72) Heungseon Daewongun Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Orchids and Rocks painting by Yi Ha-ŭng (also known as Taewŏn’gun) (Harvard 2005.99.3) Heungseon Daewongun Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum

Hilda Kamdron

label description creator collection
Eestimaa painting by Hilda Kamdron Hilda Kamdron Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügis Käreveres painting by Hilda Kamdron Hilda Kamdron Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaks võitlevat luike painting by Hilda Kamdron Hilda Kamdron Tartu City Museum's art collection

Hilda Mikkelsaar

label description creator collection
Lapse portree painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õnnistus painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ario A. Marist (Näitleja) painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Needus painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk lindudega painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jutlus painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ahastus painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Digitalis painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Palve painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pr. Alice Torma portree painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Eluratas painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Piruett painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pime tüdruk painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Semud painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ema lapsega painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Istuv modell painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Embus painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Saladuse ütlemine painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ruth Tulvingu portree painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Elu sümbol painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jeesus lastega painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Laps (Elo Tulving) painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kloostri tänav Tartus painting by Hilda Mikkelsaar Hilda Mikkelsaar Estonian National Museum's art collection

Hildegard Norberg

label description creator collection
Mr Johan Henrik Scharp painting by Hildegard Norberg Hildegard Norberg Nationalmuseum
Mrs Tekla Blanck, née Fredlund painting by Hildegard Norberg Hildegard Norberg Nationalmuseum

Hillar Jaanus

label description creator collection
Kodurand painting by Hillar Jaanus Hillar Jaanus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kallas painting by Hillar Jaanus Hillar Jaanus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtu painting by Hillar Jaanus Hillar Jaanus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Hillar Tatar

label description creator collection
Kostabi portree painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maal. H. Tatar. Haapsalu Gunnar. Õli, fotokollaaž. 2003. painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. H. Tatar. Kunstnik Helju Zauram. Õli, 2002. painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. H. Tatar. Valge Daami dialoog. Õli, lõuend. 1993. painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. Hillar Tatar. Mees punase baretiga (Gunnar Meyeri portree). 2003. Õli. painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. H. Tatar. Kunstnik Elmar Kell. Õli, 2003. painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. Hillar Tatar. Lõks. 2009. Õli, kollaaž. painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Maal. Hillar Tatar. Eeri (Erich Jaansoo). Õli, 2002. 62*88 cm. painting by Hillar Tatar Hillar Tatar Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection

Hiroshi Yoshida

label description creator collection
Waterfall painting by Yoshida Hiroshi (Japanese, 1876-1950) (1924.803) Hiroshi Yoshida Cleveland Museum of Art
Memories of Japan painting by Hiroshi Yoshida Hiroshi Yoshida Detroit Institute of Arts
Climbing Mount Fuji painting by Yoshida Hiroshi Hiroshi Yoshida Seattle Art Museum
Climbing Mount Fuji painting by Yoshida Hiroshi (Seattle 2006.30) Hiroshi Yoshida Seattle Art Museum
Hama no tsuru (Cranes by the Shore) painting by Yoshida Hiroshi Hiroshi Yoshida Toledo Museum of Art
Two Cranes in Water painting by Yoshida Hiroshi Hiroshi Yoshida Toledo Museum of Art
Shozan, Village scene painting by Yoshida Hiroshi Hiroshi Yoshida John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Road with Ox Cart and Coolies painting by Yoshida Hiroshi Hiroshi Yoshida Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum

Hjalmar Linde

label description creator collection
View of San Gimignano painting by Hjalmar Linde Hjalmar Linde Nationalmuseum
Houses in Tivoli painting by Hjalmar Linde Hjalmar Linde Nationalmuseum

Horacio Butler

label description creator collection
Siesta painting by Horacio Alberto Butler Horacio Butler Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Playa painting by Horacio Alberto Butler Horacio Butler Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Desnudo painting by Horacio Alberto Butler Horacio Butler Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
La cesta de verduras painting by Horacio Alberto Butler Horacio Butler Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
La visita painting by Horacio Alberto Butler Horacio Butler Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Bodegón painting by Horacio Alberto Butler Horacio Butler Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Horacio Ferrer

label description creator collection
Cinco figuras en un metro cuadrado (Five Figures in One Square Metre) painting by Horacio Ferrer Horacio Ferrer Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Madrid 1937 (Aviones negros) (Madrid 1937 [Black Aeroplanes]) painting by Horacio Ferrer Horacio Ferrer Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Hovhannes Asatryan

label description creator collection
Նատյուրմորտ. Ծաղիկներ painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Բնանկար Թումանյան գյուղից painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Աշուն painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Գարուն painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Լենինյան երիտասարդություն painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Աշտարակ painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Կապույտ տներ painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ձմեռ painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ներքին Արաբկիր painting by Hovhannes Asatryan Hovhannes Asatryan National Gallery of Armenia

Hovhannes Muradyan

label description creator collection
Արաբկիրի շրջակայքը painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Հին տներ Երևանում 45 painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Երևանյան լիճը painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Գյուղական բնանկար. Ձմեռ painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Աշնանային բնանկար painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Երևանյան տեսարան painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Անձրևային երեկո (Անձրևից հետո) painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Եկատերինայի դիմանկարը painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Բրիգադիր Ստեփանյանի դիմանկարը painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia
Քարհանքում painting by Hovhannes Muradyan Hovhannes Muradyan National Gallery of Armenia

Hugh Scott

label description creator collection
Portrait of a Woman (Berlin) painting by Alfred SCHWARZ (German, b.1867, d.1951) Hugh Scott The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Untitled painting by Hugh SCOTT (English, b.1869, d.1944) Hugh Scott The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Seascape painting by Hugh SCOTT (English, b.1869, d.1944) Hugh Scott The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Lieutenant-Colonel Dunbar-Stewart painting by Hugh SCOTT (English, b.1869, d.1944) Hugh Scott The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū

Hugo Mitt

label description creator collection
Usbeki vanamees painting by Hugo Mitt Hugo Mitt Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Jaanituli painting by Hugo Mitt Hugo Mitt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Hyrije Krypa

label description creator collection
Ganimete Tërbeshi painting by Hyrije Krypa Hyrije Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Cats Hyrije Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Fish painting by Hyrije Krypa Hyrije Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
Cats painting by Hyrije Krypa Hyrije Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo
The red fish painting by Hyrije Krypa Hyrije Krypa National Gallery of Kosovo

Ida Emilie Adamson

label description creator collection
Elutee (R.Rohu ainetel) painting by Ida Emilie Adamson Ida Emilie Adamson Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naisakt painting by Ida Emilie Adamson Ida Emilie Adamson Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Ida von Schulzenheim

label description creator collection
Rabbits painting by Ida von Schulzenheim Ida von Schulzenheim Nationalmuseum
In a French Cow-House painting by Ida von Schulzenheim Ida von Schulzenheim Nationalmuseum
A Calf. Study painting by Ida von Schulzenheim Ida von Schulzenheim Nationalmuseum
Calves. Study painting by Ida von Schulzenheim Ida von Schulzenheim Nationalmuseum
A River in France. Study painting by Ida von Schulzenheim Ida von Schulzenheim Nationalmuseum

Ignace Jean Victor Campana

label description creator collection
Anne Flore Millet, m. de Brehan, Marquess painting by Ignazio Pio Vittoriano Campana Ignace Jean Victor Campana Nationalmuseum
Portrait d'une jeune femme painting by Pio-Ignazio-Vittoriano Campana Ignace Jean Victor Campana Musée Cognacq-Jay

Igor Gordin

label description creator collection
Videvik. Narva painting by Igor Gordin Igor Gordin Narva Museum's art collection
1990.a. painting by Igor Gordin Igor Gordin Narva Museum's art collection

Ilmar Linnat

label description creator collection
Alev mäel painting by Ilmar Linnat Ilmar Linnat Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Linnat, Ilmar. Tänapäeva Lõuna-Eesti. 1958. Pastell, guašš. Ava: 45,7x71 painting by Ilmar Linnat Ilmar Linnat Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tänapäeva Lõuna-Eesti (Tõravere motiiv) painting by Ilmar Linnat Ilmar Linnat Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tänav painting by Ilmar Linnat Ilmar Linnat Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Ilpo Pynnä

label description creator collection
Vaikka ruumis suloillaan houkuttelee sielussa luikertelee jo valmiiksi valjastettu peto painting by Ilpo Pynnä Ilpo Pynnä City of Pori art collection
Aistien valtakunta painting by Ilpo Pynnä Ilpo Pynnä City of Pori art collection

Ilpo Stor-Pellinen

label description creator collection
Pato painting by Ilpo Stor-Pellinen Ilpo Stor-Pellinen City of Pori art collection
Kaadettua lepikkoa painting by Ilpo Stor-Pellinen Ilpo Stor-Pellinen City of Pori art collection

Infante Gabriel of Spain

label description creator collection
La vendimiadora painting by Gabriel de Borbón Infante Gabriel of Spain Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
Niño con perro en los brazos painting by Gabriel de Borbón Infante Gabriel of Spain Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
El vinatero painting by Gabriel de Borbón Infante Gabriel of Spain Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
Vieja pidiendo limosnas painting by Gabriel de Borbón Infante Gabriel of Spain Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba

Inga Aru

label description creator collection
Todhmoosi väljad II painting by Inga Aru Inga Aru Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Dominus Berenike painting by Inga Aru Inga Aru Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Ingeborg Lindborg

label description creator collection
Loulou (Glen Dorothy) Lindborg (f. 1908), redaktör, konstnärens dotter, 1924 painting by Ingeborg Andréasen-Lindborg Ingeborg Lindborg Nationalmuseum
Loulou and Rigmor Lindborg, Editor and Author respectinely, the Artist´s Daughters, 1922 painting by Ingeborg Andréasen-Lindborg Ingeborg Lindborg Nationalmuseum

Ingrid Zuhr

label description creator collection
Oscar Rydbeck, 1878-1951 painting by Ingrid Rydbeck-Zuhr Ingrid Zuhr Nationalmuseum
Hugo Zuhr (1895-1971), artist, professor, married to 1. Elin Margareta Diedring, 2. artist Ingrid Rydbeck painting by Ingrid Rydbeck-Zuhr Ingrid Zuhr Nationalmuseum
Fritz Eriksson, 1889-1970 painting by Ingrid Rydbeck-Zuhr Ingrid Zuhr Nationalmuseum
Skärgårdslandskap painting by Ingrid Rydbeck-Zuhr Ingrid Zuhr Nationalmuseum
Naken modell med ryggen till painting by Ingrid Rydbeck-Zuhr Ingrid Zuhr Nationalmuseum

Innocêncio Borghese

label description creator collection
Igreja de São Miguel painting by Innocêncio Borghese Innocêncio Borghese Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Igreja de M'Boy (Lateral) painting by Innocêncio Borghese Innocêncio Borghese Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Igreja de M'Boy (Fachada) painting by Innocêncio Borghese Innocêncio Borghese Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Igreja de São Miguel painting by Innocêncio Borghese - 2 Innocêncio Borghese Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection

Inyuwa Nampitjinpa

label description creator collection
Women's Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Art Gallery of New South Wales
Untitled (Pukunya) painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Art Gallery of New South Wales
Women’s Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Women’s Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa (NGV 2016.1065) Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Women’s Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa (NGV 2016.1064) Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Women’s Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa (NGV 2016.1063) Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Women's Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa (NGV 2009.168) Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Pulkatja painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Travelling women's Dreaming painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Women's Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa (NGV 1998.287) Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Women's Dreaming at Kumpulnga painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria
Women's Dreaming at Punkilpirri painting by Inyuwa Nampitjinpa (NGV 1997.71) Inyuwa Nampitjinpa National Gallery of Victoria

Irina Bržeska

label description creator collection
A. Tsvetajeva ja A. Kurina painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Roosid painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Eesrindliku madruse V. Maksimenkovi portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kirurg Normani portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Läti maalikunstnik Paluki portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Gurzufi motiiv painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kihnu eided painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Läksin! painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Koer poiss painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Skulptor G. Markelovi portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sm. Majaka portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Evald Okase portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Anna Ekstoni portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Juhan Raudsepa portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tütarlaps aknal painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
G. Reindorffi portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Leo Soonpää portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Z. Hmelnitski painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kirjanik Uno Laht painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Juhan Raudsepa portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Poisi portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talumotiiv painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Taat eidega painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
maal. Irina Bržeska: Jaanus Orgulas, 1979 painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Estonian Theatre and Music Museum's painting collection
Maal, miilitsaleitnandi portree painting by Irina Bržeska Irina Bržeska Virumaa Museums' art collection

Irina Zhdanko

label description creator collection
Raudtee maastik. Kurski vaksal painting by Irina Zhdanko Irina Zhdanko Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Suvituskoha raudtee - perrooni ehitamisel painting by Irina Zhdanko Irina Zhdanko Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Isabella Howland

label description creator collection
Factories, Lambertville painting by Isabella Howland Isabella Howland Whitney Museum of American Art
Pasture painting by Isabella Howland Isabella Howland Whitney Museum of American Art
Rodeo painting by Isabella Howland Isabella Howland Whitney Museum of American Art

Isak Asllani

label description creator collection
The Shepherd painting by Isak Asllani Isak Asllani National Gallery of Kosovo
The Nest painting by Isak Asllani Isak Asllani National Gallery of Kosovo

Ismael Smith

label description creator collection
Portrait of Mònica Marí, the Artist's Mother painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Garilo Prinzip (Allegory of the World War I) painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Fisherman painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Catalan Fisherman painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Riverside Drive 96 Street (New York) painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Riverside Drive 98 Street (New York) painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Riverside Drive 97 Street (New York) painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Portrait of Isaac Albéniz painting by Ismael Smith Ismael Smith Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Cap d'home (Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, inv 050089-000) artwork by Ismael Smith, Barcelona, 1886 – Nova York, 1972 (1910) Ismael Smith Art Modern Art MNAC
Al·legoria de la Primera Guerra Mundial artwork by Ismael Smith, Barcelona, 1886 – Nova York, 1972 (cap a 1914) Ismael Smith Art Modern Art MNAC
Caricatura de l'actor Ramon Tor Desheures artwork by Ismael Smith, Barcelona, 1886 – Nova York, 1972 (1910) Ismael Smith Drawing Section
Gavrilo Prinzip (Al·legoria de la Primera Guerra Mundial) artwork by Ismael Smith, Barcelona, 1886 – Nova York, 1972 (cap a 1914) Ismael Smith Art Modern Art MNAC

Ismet Drançolli

label description creator collection
Composition I painting by Ismet Drancolli Ismet Drançolli National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition II painting by Ismet Drancolli Ismet Drançolli National Gallery of Kosovo
Remembering the memory painting by Ismet Drancolli Ismet Drançolli National Gallery of Kosovo

Ivan Kolmõtšenko

label description creator collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal Ivan Kolmõtšenko Pärnu Museum's art collection

Ivan Sokolov

label description creator collection
Kunstnike koosolek painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tartu vaade Emajõelt painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Perekonna portree painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poisi pea painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Metsatööd painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik kevadel painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tartu vaade. 20. sajand. painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu City Museum's art collection
Toomemäel painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Tartu City Museum's art collection
Jaan Hargel painting by Ivan Sokolov Ivan Sokolov Estonian Theatre and Music Museum's painting collection

Izaäk Schmidt

label description creator collection
Portret van Jhr.Mr. Diederik van der Burch van Spieringhoek painting by Izaak Schmidt Izaäk Schmidt Frans Hals Museum
Portret van Helena van der Dussen painting by Izaak Schmidt Izaäk Schmidt Frans Hals Museum

J. Sultan Ali

label description creator collection
Old Fisherman painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore J. Sultan Ali National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Pancha Seera painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore J. Sultan Ali National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore

Jaan Jensen

label description creator collection
J. Püttsepp. Šarž painting by Jaan Jensen Jaan Jensen Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
A. Starkopf. Šarž painting by Jaan Jensen Jaan Jensen Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Jaan Punga

label description creator collection
Autoportree. Blondiin painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mööda raadiust painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Künd painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kiri koju painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Avar ruum painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mees painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rondo painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Elektrik painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Keskendus painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Asjad painting by Jaan Punga Jaan Punga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Jaan Siirak

label description creator collection
Tallinna vaade painting by Jaan Siirak Jaan Siirak Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Linnavaade. Pariis painting by Jaan Siirak Jaan Siirak Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Jaan Tassa

label description creator collection
Haanjamaa motiiv painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Viljapõllud painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portreeetüüd painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Interjöör II. Videvik painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort apelsinidega painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punased lilled (Godeetsiad) painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Puuviljad painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hilisõhtu. Loojak. painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort puuviljadega painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kirsipuud sügisel painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kollased lilled painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügispäev painting by Jaan Tassa Jaan Tassa Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Jaan Toomik

label description creator collection
Autoportree painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poeg ja isa painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mees, naine ja luik painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nimeta painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sugupuu II painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ema portree painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuumees painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuupuhastus painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tantsija II painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sünnipäev I painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tantsija painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sünnipäev II painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jeesuse hommikune väljaoksendamine painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suur pea painting by Jaan Toomik Jaan Toomik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Jack Davis

label description creator collection
Malcolm Fraser and Gough Whitlam painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Baseball Springs Eternal painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Watergate Breaks Wide Open painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Year of the Hare painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Last Pitch painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Other Contestants painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
My Guys painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Scrambling to Break Clear painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Joe Namath painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Tony Greig and Dennis Lillee painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
China vs. Russia painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Food Prices: Big Beef painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Carter and Opponents painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Year of the Snake painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Testing Detente painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Plight of the GOP painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Agnew on Tightrope painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Superbowl painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Henry Kissinger painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Richard Nixon painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Abraham David Beame painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Europe and the Mideast painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Economy painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Nixon II painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Ailing Alliance painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Recession's Greetings painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Exxon: Testing Tiger painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Third World painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Republican Rumble painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
The Great Kissinger painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Britain Adrift painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Economic Recovery: Waiting for the U.S. painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Britain Balancing painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery
Gerald Ford painting by Jack Davis Jack Davis National Portrait Gallery

Jack Hutchison

label description creator collection
Auckland Cityscape painting by Jack Hutchison Jack Hutchison Auckland Art Gallery
El Morocco painting by Jack Hutchison Jack Hutchison Auckland Art Gallery
Industrial Landscape, Auckland painting by Jack Hutchison Jack Hutchison Auckland Art Gallery

Jack Johnson

label description creator collection
Convocation, San Marco painting by Jack Johnson (American, 1933-1957) (1958.319) Jack Johnson Cleveland Museum of Art
Gondola Group painting by Jack Johnson (American, 1933-1957) (1958.321) Jack Johnson Cleveland Museum of Art

Jack Wunuwun

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Victoria
Artist's father's Dreaming at Mewirnbi painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Yam plants painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Larajeje, long tom fish, and derrka, canoes painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Morning Star story painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Artist's father's Dreaming and hollow logs painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Larajeje, long tom fish, seaweed and lorrkon, hollow log painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Larajeje, long tom fish, and garkurr, bream painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Malawarrawurr painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Husband and wife with child painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
In the beginning of time painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Barnumbirr the Morning Star painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
Morning star painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia
The Japanese boats painting by Jack Wunuwun Jack Wunuwun National Gallery of Australia

Jacques Halpern

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Halpern, Jacques Jacques Halpern Israel Museum
Untitled painting by Halpern, Jacques 192811 Jacques Halpern Israel Museum

Jacques-Joseph de Gault

label description creator collection
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte (1778–1851), Daughter of Louis XVI painting by Jacques Joseph de Gault Jacques-Joseph de Gault Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bacchus as a Young Man painting by Jacques-Joseph de Gault Jacques-Joseph de Gault Cincinnati Art Museum

James B. Spencer

label description creator collection
Wave No. 1 painting by James B. Spencer James B. Spencer National Gallery of Canada
Wave No. 2 painting by James B. Spencer James B. Spencer National Gallery of Canada
Wave No. 3 painting by James B. Spencer James B. Spencer National Gallery of Canada
Wave No. 4 painting by James B. Spencer James B. Spencer National Gallery of Canada
Mountain No. 3 painting by James B. Spencer James B. Spencer National Gallery of Canada

James Brantley

label description creator collection
Painter's Painting painting by James Brantley James Brantley Philadelphia Museum of Art
Brother James painting by James Brantley James Brantley Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Some Sunday Morning painting by James Brantley James Brantley Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Vanessa's Lips painting by James Brantley James Brantley Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

James Gleeson

label description creator collection
Harbinger painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
Massive journey of personally nocturne'd object painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
The sower painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
The oracle painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Study for "Flight" painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Flight painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Study for 'Italy' painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Italy painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Across the threshold painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Synaptic displacement painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Orion becomes a constellation painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
The arrival of implacable gifts painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Composition painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Lapsed shadows recycled to a capable coast painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
(Three women in a glade) painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Studies for 'Fête Champêtre, a lethal regulation' (Two ... painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Prospero's workshop painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
The Ubu diptych: Ubu regnant and The senior ... painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Sunset in a subduction zone painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Crater with revenant painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Self portrait painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of New South Wales
Spring painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
Signals from the frontier painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
We inhabit the corrosive littoral of habit painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
Icons of hazard painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
Rising to the night painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
The Siamese moon painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
The darkening stage painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
Facades painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Victoria
The attitude of lightning towards a lady-mountain painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Spain painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Fête champêtre, a lethal regulation painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Temptation of St Anthony painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Pretext of accident painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The fall painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Flowerpiece painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The personal contortion painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The citadel painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The nerve garden painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Neo-organic figuration describing the inclination of entities painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Funeral procession in a wounded landscape painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Perseus painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
not titled [head study] painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Arm banner painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The infernal machine painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The fortress painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The harbour painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Torso painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Conference at the caldera painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The secret heart of the headland painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The five wounds painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The lovers painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Figure in a chair painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The authority of the shell painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Deposition painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Weeping head painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Nostalgia painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Picasso-esque female head (Woman in hat) painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Study for 'Cathedral' painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The guardian of the rocks (The Guardian of E) painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
Principles of the ritual of homicide painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson National Gallery of Australia
The message arrives painting by James Gleeson James Gleeson Art Gallery of South Australia

James L. Graham

label description creator collection
Across the Lea painting by James L. Graham James L. Graham National Gallery of Canada
Landscape painting by James L. Graham James L. Graham National Gallery of Canada
A Corner of the Pasture painting by James L. Graham James L. Graham National Gallery of Canada

Jamian Juliano-Villani

label description creator collection
Boar’s Head, a Gateway, my Pinecone painting by Jamian Juliano-Villani Jamian Juliano-Villani Whitney Museum of American Art
My Memories Projected in the Hallways of the Titanic painting by Jamian Juliano-Villani Jamian Juliano-Villani Whitney Museum of American Art

Jan Baptist Morel

label description creator collection
Portrait of a Lady Encircled by a Wreath of Flowers painting attributed to Jean Baptiste Morel Jan Baptist Morel Mauritshuis
Portrait of a Man Encircled by a Wreath of Flowers painting attributed to Jean Baptiste Morel Jan Baptist Morel Mauritshuis
Still life with fruits painting by J. Morell Jan Baptist Morel Slovak National Gallery

Jan-Erik Andersson

label description creator collection
Chinese garden painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Giacomo Balla painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Luigi Russolo Giacomo painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Umberto Boccioni painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Carlo Carra painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Filippo Marinetti painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Francesco Cangiullo painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Anton Bragaglia painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Fortunato Depero painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Enrico Prampolini painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Felice Azari painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Antonio Sant' Elia painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection
"The Triangle, the Square and the Circle Face the italian Futurists": Gino Severini painting by Jan-Erik Andersson Jan-Erik Andersson City of Pori art collection

Jane Gardiner

label description creator collection
Double Pink Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Jane Gardiner Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
The Whistler Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Jane Gardiner Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Pink Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Jane Gardiner Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery

Jarinyanu David Downs

label description creator collection
Kurtal painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Paritjari painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Kurtal dance painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Yapunu painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Malu Dreaming (Kangaroo Dreaming) painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Kurtal painting by Jarinyanu David Downs (NGV O.160-1989) Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Worgia - a ceremony painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Corroboree I, Kurtal painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
My country – Kaningarra painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Yapunu painting by Jarinyanu David Downs (NGV O.154-1989) Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Yapunu painting by Jarinyanu David Downs (NGV O.151-1989) Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Yapurnu painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria
Yantalungu (Shield) painting by Jarinyanu David Downs Jarinyanu David Downs National Gallery of Victoria

Jarmo Lepistö

label description creator collection
Onnellisten talo painting by Jarmo Lepistö Jarmo Lepistö City of Pori art collection
Ikkuna merelle painting by Jarmo Lepistö Jarmo Lepistö City of Pori art collection

Javier Rubio

label description creator collection
Pintura n.º 15 (Painting No. 15) painting by Javier Rubio Javier Rubio Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Pintura (Painting) painting by Javier Rubio Javier Rubio Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Jaya Ganguly

label description creator collection
Woman & Animal painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Jaya Ganguly National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Breaking the Harmony painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Jaya Ganguly National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore

Jean Antoine Injalbert

label description creator collection
Le Graveur painting by Jean-Antoine Injalbert Jean Antoine Injalbert musée des Beaux-Arts de Béziers
Nature morte à la pipe painting by Jean-Antoine Injalbert Jean Antoine Injalbert musée des Beaux-Arts de Béziers
Nature morte aux allumettes painting by Jean-Antoine Injalbert Jean Antoine Injalbert musée des Beaux-Arts de Béziers

Jean Baptiste Apuatimi

label description creator collection
Pamijini amintiya tutini painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Pamijini painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Pamijini painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi (NGV O.56-1992) Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Pamijini amintiya japalingini painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Pukumani yoyi painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Jilamara painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Jilamara painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi (NGV O.58-1992) Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Jilamara painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi (NGV O.93-1994) Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Pamijini alikwampini amintiya tutini painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Purrukuparli ngirramini painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Jirtaka (Sawfish) painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Pukumani poles painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi (NGA NGA 99.30) Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Nguiu 'Bathurst Island' painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Yirrikapayi painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Jikapayinga painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Jirtaka [Sawfish] painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Yirrikamini painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Tunga and Pukumani pole painting by Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi National Gallery of Australia
Nguiu painting by Jean Baptist Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Art Gallery of South Australia
Untitled painting by Jean Baptist Apuatimi Jean Baptiste Apuatimi Art Gallery of South Australia

Jean Eric Rehn

label description creator collection
Ruins painting by Jean Eric Rehn Jean Eric Rehn Nationalmuseum
Teaterkostym painting by Jean Eric Rehn Jean Eric Rehn Nationalmuseum

Jean Lacy

label description creator collection
Welcome to My Ghetto Land painting by Jean Lacy Jean Lacy Dallas Museum of Art
Little Egypt Condo. . .New York City painting by Jean Lacy Jean Lacy Dallas Museum of Art

Jean Leon Gerome Ferris

label description creator collection
The Fall of New Amsterdam painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris Jean Leon Gerome Ferris private collection
The Christmas coach, 1795 painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, nr 31 from series "The Pageant of a Nation" Jean Leon Gerome Ferris Independence Hall
private collection

Jean Marie Bijtebier

label description creator collection
Zonder titel painting by Jean-Marie Bijtebier Jean Marie Bijtebier Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Zonder titel (1997) painting by Jean Marie Bijtebier Jean Marie Bijtebier Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Boom painting by Jean Marie Bijtebier Jean Marie Bijtebier Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Zonder titel (1997) painting by Jean Marie Bijtebier Jean Marie Bijtebier Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap

Jean-Jacques Waltz

label description creator collection
Hansi - Colmar, cour de l'hôpital painting by Jean-Jacques Waltz Jean-Jacques Waltz Unterlinden Museum
Hansi - Colmar, puits de la place des Dominicains painting by Jean-Jacques Waltz Jean-Jacques Waltz Unterlinden Museum
Hansi - Colmar, puits place des Dominicains painting by Jean-Jacques Waltz Jean-Jacques Waltz Unterlinden Museum
Hansi - Colmar, rue de l'Église painting by Jean-Jacques Waltz Jean-Jacques Waltz Unterlinden Museum
Hansi - Colmar, rue Schongauer painting by Jean-Jacques Waltz Jean-Jacques Waltz Unterlinden Museum

Jean-Marie Ribou

label description creator collection
Portrait de Marie-Anne-Christine-Victoire de Bavière, femme de Louis, Dauphin painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou Condé Museum
Portrait de Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie, femme de Louis, duc de Bourgogne painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou Condé Museum
Portrait of Charlotte-Marguerite de Montmorency, Princesse of Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou Condé Museum
Portrait de Anne de Bavière, femme de Honoré-Jules, prince de Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou Condé Museum
Portrait of the Duchess of Bourbon, Louise-Françoise de Bourbon, Mademoiselle de Nantes painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou Condé Museum
Portrait de Charlotte de Hesse, mère de S.A.S. Mgr le prince de Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou Condé Museum
Portrait de Louise-Marie-Thérèse-Bathilde d'Orléans, duchesse de Bourbon painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou Condé Museum

Jean-Michel Basquiat

label description creator collection
Taxi, 45th/Broadway painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol Jean-Michel Basquiat
Andy Warhol
private collection
Zenith painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol Jean-Michel Basquiat
Andy Warhol
private collection

Jenni Yppärilä

label description creator collection
Naulakko painting by Jenni Yppärilä Jenni Yppärilä City of Pori art collection
Sit Anywhere You Want painting by Jenni Yppärilä Jenni Yppärilä City of Pori art collection
Porilainen 3-dimensional painting by Jenni Yppärilä Jenni Yppärilä City of Pori art collection
Jäljet jääneet 3-dimensional painting by Jenni Yppärilä Jenni Yppärilä City of Pori art collection

Jennifer Higgie

label description creator collection
Abstract painting #15 painting by Jennifer Higgie Jennifer Higgie National Gallery of Victoria
Abstract painting #4 painting by Jennifer Higgie Jennifer Higgie National Gallery of Victoria

Jenny von Tobiesen

label description creator collection
Mehe rinnapilt painting by Jenny von Tobiesen Jenny von Tobiesen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tütarlapse portree painting by Jenny von Tobiesen Jenny von Tobiesen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Jens Fänge

label description creator collection
Klensmide painting by Jens Fänge Jens Fänge National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Repetition painting by Jens Fänge Jens Fänge National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Jeram Patel

label description creator collection
Unit-Oil, 2004 painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Jeram Patel National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
untitled, 2004 painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Jeram Patel

Jeremias Paul Schweyer

label description creator collection
Gesellschaftsstück painting by Jeremias Paul Schweyer Jeremias Paul Schweyer Bavarian State Painting Collections
Gesellschaftsstück painting by Jeremias Paul Schweyer (BStGS 6149) Jeremias Paul Schweyer Bavarian State Painting Collections

Jesús Molina García de Arias

label description creator collection
Concentración de tropas (Troop Gathering) painting by Jesús Molina García de Arias Jesús Molina García de Arias Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Desnudos (Nudes) painting by Jesús Molina García de Arias Jesús Molina García de Arias Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Combatientes en la trinchera (Combatants in the Trench) painting by Jesús Molina García de Arias Jesús Molina García de Arias Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Sanfermines (Feast of S. Fermin) painting by Jesus Garcia di Arias Molina Jesús Molina García de Arias Princeton University Art Museum

Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw

label description creator collection
Maam, malignant spirits painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Freshwater tortoise painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Two barramundi painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Barramundi painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Barramundi painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw (NGA NGA 85.1257) Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Barramundi painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw (NGA NGA 85.1258) Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Bark painting: Maam, malignant spirit painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Sitting woman painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Female mimi spirit painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Nawarran, rock python painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirit painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Warramurrungunjdji the First Mother painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
male and female kangaroo/spirit figures painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Female mimi spirit painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw (NGA NGA 85.1245) Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirit painting by Jimmy Midjaw-midjaw (NGA NGA 85.1249) Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw National Gallery of Australia

Joan Busquets i Jané

label description creator collection
'Salus Infirmorum' side painting from the Cendoya chapel painting by Joan Busquets Joan Busquets i Jané Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
'Virgo Fidelis' side painting from the Cendoya chapel painting by Joan Busquets Joan Busquets i Jané Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
'Sancta Maria' side painting from the Cendoya chapel painting by Joan Busquets Joan Busquets i Jané Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
«Sancta Maria» pintura lateral de l'oratori Cendoya artwork by Joan Busquets, Barcelona, 1874-1949. Josep Pey, Barcelona, 1875-1956, (dibuix dels àngels i pintures de les sarges) (1905) Joan Busquets i Jané
Josep Pey i Farriol
Art Modern Art MNAC
«Virgo Fidelis» pintura lateral de l'oratori Cendoya artwork by Joan Busquets, Barcelona, 1874-1949. Josep Pey, Barcelona, 1875-1956, (dibuix dels àngels i pintures de les sarges) (1905) Joan Busquets i Jané
Josep Pey i Farriol
Art Modern Art MNAC
«Rosa Mística» pintura lateral de l'oratori Cendoya artwork by Joan Busquets, Barcelona, 1874-1949. Josep Pey, Barcelona, 1875-1956, (dibuix dels àngels i pintures de les sarges) (1905) Joan Busquets i Jané
Josep Pey i Farriol
Art Modern Art MNAC
«Salus Infirmorum» pintura lateral de l'oratori Cendoya artwork by Joan Busquets, Barcelona, 1874-1949. Josep Pey, Barcelona, 1875-1956, (dibuix dels àngels i pintures de les sarges) (1905) Joan Busquets i Jané
Josep Pey i Farriol
Art Modern Art MNAC
«Stella Matutina» pintura lateral de l'oratori Cendoya artwork by Joan Busquets, Barcelona, 1874-1949. Josep Pey, Barcelona, 1875-1956, (dibuix dels àngels i pintures de les sarges) (1905) Joan Busquets i Jané
Josep Pey i Farriol
Art Modern Art MNAC
'Stella Matutina' side painting from the Cendoya chapel painting by Joan Busquets Joan Busquets i Jané Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Joan Kempsmith

label description creator collection
Carnival Time painting by Joan Kempsmith (American, 1926-2013) (1950.111) Joan Kempsmith Cleveland Museum of Art
Cathedral painting by Joan Kempsmith (American, 1926-2013) (1951.138) Joan Kempsmith Cleveland Museum of Art

Johan August Anckarsvärd

label description creator collection
Norwegian Mountain Landscape painting by Johan August Anckarswärd Johan August Anckarsvärd Nationalmuseum
Kalmar Slott painting by Johan August Anckarsvärd Johan August Anckarsvärd Nationalmuseum
Bohus Fästning painting by Johan August Anckarsvärd Johan August Anckarsvärd Nationalmuseum
Sveaborg painting by Johan August Anckarsvärd Johan August Anckarsvärd Nationalmuseum
Målning föreställande Karlskrona painting by Johan August Anckarsvärd Johan August Anckarsvärd Nationalmuseum

Johan Holmbergsson

label description creator collection
Intåget i Moskva 1610 painting by Johan Holmbergsson Johan Holmbergsson National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
Portrait of a Gentleman painting by Johan Holmbergsson Johan Holmbergsson Nationalmuseum

Johan Johansson

label description creator collection
Kronprins Gustav (VI) Adolf, 1882- 1973 painting by Johan Johansson Johan Johansson Nationalmuseum
Reinhold Edstrand (1882-1923), director, art collector painting by Johan Johansson Johan Johansson Nationalmuseum
The Window painting by Johan Johansson Johan Johansson National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Johann Friedrich Meyer

label description creator collection
Potsdam vom Brauhausberg, Premier Vue painting by Johann Friedrich Meyer Johann Friedrich Meyer Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg
Potsdam vom Brauhausberg, Seconde Vue painting by Johann Friedrich Meyer Johann Friedrich Meyer Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg
Potsdam, Schlossstraße und Fiakerplatz painting by Johann Friedrich Meyer Johann Friedrich Meyer Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg

Johann Friedrich Tielker

label description creator collection
Mererand jalutavate inimestega painting by Johann Friedrich Tielker Johann Friedrich Tielker Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Rannamaastik painting by Johann Friedrich Tielker Johann Friedrich Tielker Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Johann Heinrich Schmidt

label description creator collection
Maria Anna, 1761-1829, prinsessa av Sachsen painting by Johann Heinrich Schmidt Johann Heinrich Schmidt Nationalmuseum
Eugène de Beauharnais, 1781-1824, hertig av Leuchtenburg painting by Johann Heinrich Schmidt Johann Heinrich Schmidt Nationalmuseum

Johann Michael Kaufmann

label description creator collection
Duke Clement Francis of Bavaria (1722-1770) painting by Johann Michael Kauffmann Johann Michael Kaufmann Bavarian State Painting Collections
Maria Anna of Sulzbach painting by Johann Michael Kauffmann Johann Michael Kaufmann Bavarian State Painting Collections

Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone

label description creator collection
Par i grønn og svart strek painting by Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Hunt for Wind in Grey Triangle painting by Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Mann med fugl i handa painting by Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Telt med par painting by Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Utenfor teltet painting by Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone Johanne Marie Hansen-Krone National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Johannes Alphen Eusebius

label description creator collection
Portrait of Countess van Lebel painting by Johan Eusebius Alphen Johannes Alphen Eusebius Nationalmuseum
Portrait of a Lady in Blue Dress painting by Johan Eusebius Alphen Johannes Alphen Eusebius Nationalmuseum
Maria Theresia, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire painting by Johann Eusebius Alphen Johannes Alphen Eusebius Nationalmuseum

Johannes Einsild

label description creator collection
Otepää landscape painting by Johannes Einsild Johannes Einsild Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Otepää maastik painting by Johannes Einsild Johannes Einsild Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvemaastik painting by Johannes Einsild Johannes Einsild Narva Museum's art collection

Johannes Greenberg

label description creator collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naisakt (Naine maskiga) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pannooetüüd painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pierrot painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ema lapsega/Mehe portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine maasikaga painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaks naist painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mees kahe tulbipotiga painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mõtiskleja painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maskeraad painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Detail kompositsioonist painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sepikoda painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ema ja laps (Mehed) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Näitlejanna painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pierrot ja Colombina painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Istuv naine lapsega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine õuntega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kalmistul painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaks naist painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vanadekodu painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon (Kohvikus) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mehe pea (Don Pedro) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsiooni kavand. (Perekonnatüli) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsiooni kavand painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ema lapsega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mustlane. Don Pedro painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
a) Jaan Linnamäe portree; b) Rahvahulk kahe puu all (visand) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tantsijanna painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Daam Valges painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suusataja painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
a)Töölisnaine; b) Kaks naist painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ristilt võtmine painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk lilledega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise pea painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon kolme figuuriga painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Näitleja. (Pärast maskiballi) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Punase rätikuga naise portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Läänemaa maastik painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Teatri interjöör painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Näitleja. (Therese Masing) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Barcelona painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Varemetel tõuseb uus elu painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Uue elu lävel painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine lilledega. (Lillemüüja) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade pargist. Etüüd painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kolmekesi. Eskiis painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Istuv naine painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naisfiguur kiriku taustal painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaks pead. Etüüd painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kohvikus painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaks näitlejat. Th. Masing painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon figuuridega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tööline painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Näitleja portree. Therese Masing painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine rätiga (Naine valge rätikuga) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik. Rõuge maastik painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Noormees painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Näitlejad painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Istuv mees painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tütarlaps kirjus kleidis painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Näitleja painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Salome painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kolmekesi painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Perekond painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon figuuridega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kahekesi painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine maskidega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vanamehe portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Töölt painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Daam lillega painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Teatriloož Pariisis (Restoranis) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaksikportree. (Surnute püha) painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaks naist painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Leinajad painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Punane raamat. Lootus painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik. Etüüd painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lillemüüja painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Istuv naine painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Perekond painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
a) Igavesti naiselik; b) Tütarlaps harmoonikuga painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Peegli ees painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
M. Laarmani portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
a) Vana veski. (Munalaskme); b) Saunas painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kodutud painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kurbus painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lillemüüjad painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
a) Naise portree; b) Üksinda painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik veskiga painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kontrast painting by Johannes Greenberg Johannes Greenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Johannes Uiga

label description creator collection
Sügisel Pühajärvel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Enne vihma painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bajadeer painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvine Nüpliorg painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lamav akt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poolakt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vanamees painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mees laua taga painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Piigandi järv kevadjääs painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärve maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärve motiiv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt kirjul taustal painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv sügisel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Baleriinid painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pangodi maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hommik Kitsemäelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lamav akt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lepassaar painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pärast vihmasadu painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Väina meri painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Päikeseloojang Pühajärvel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärve motiiv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Moonid painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sirelid painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik Kuutsemäelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Istuv naisakt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valged pilved painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled roosal taustal painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv Sõsarsaartega painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Juusa järv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaskna järv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtuloojang painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtu järvel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled rohelisel taustal painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Külitav akt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poollamav akt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sõsarsaare tamm painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Haanja maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nüplijärv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügismotiiv Pühajärvelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Neiu põlvedel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Neiu paadis painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärvelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Motiiv Pühajärvelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv Kolga kaldalt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Murumetsa kallas painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Saared painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaarnajärve maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik järvega painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nüpli maastik õhtul painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt heledal riidel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastikumotiiv Väikselt Munamäelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärvelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik Sumamäelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv saarega painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hobustemägi painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kääriku järv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Motiiv Kloostrisaarega painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv Kloostrisaarega painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mees pudeliga painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sinine Pühajärv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Loojang painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv kevadel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sünge akt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv. Vaade Hermani mäelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sinine Pühajärv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Motiiv Emajõe kaldalt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügismaastik Käärikult painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv. Pärast lõunat painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaskna järv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärve motiiv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bukett painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kevadmaastik Pilkuselt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pilves päev painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv Kloostrisaare juurest painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled rohelisel taustal painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vihmasel päeval Pühajärvel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Liiliad painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärve maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärve motiiv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pilkuse järvemaastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kõlli järve motiiv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügismaastik Pilkuselt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Motiiv Pühajärvelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvemaastik Otepäält painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaarnajärve maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Otepää maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Värviline naisfiguur painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Värviline naisfiguur painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Sürrealistlik maastik Pühajärvelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pühajärv triibulise taevaga painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Murumetsa kallas sügisel painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Haanja maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaikne Pühajärv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kevadmaastik Lõuna-Eestis painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Haanja maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pühajärv. Idakalda vaade painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pühajärve motiiv (õhtul) painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kääriku maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled punasel põhjal painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pilkuse maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tartu motiiv painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lüüsjärve maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Väike-Munamägi ja Tedremägi painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Hobusemäelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik Suurelt Munamäelt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Võidu sild Tartus painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartu City Museum's art collection
Maal. Maastikumotiiv Neerutist. painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Pärnu Museum's art collection
Istuv naisakt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Istuv naisakt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kääriku spordibaas lõunast painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Istuv naisakt painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaks naisakti painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik Kaarna järvega painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maal. Otepää maastik painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Tartumaa Museum's art collection
Naise portree painting by Johannes Uiga Johannes Uiga Estonian National Museum's art collection

John Boyle

label description creator collection
Batoche - Drawing Room painting by John Boyle John Boyle National Gallery of Canada
Making Bombs painting by John Boyle John Boyle National Gallery of Canada
Lakeside Park painting by John Boyle John Boyle National Gallery of Canada
Rebel Series: Totem painting by John Boyle John Boyle National Gallery of Canada
Rebel Series: Big Bear and Brendan painting by John Boyle John Boyle National Gallery of Canada
Rebel Series: Louis and Gregory painting by John Boyle John Boyle National Gallery of Canada

John Crace

label description creator collection
An Allegory of Poetry painting by John Crace John Crace National Trust
An Allegory of Drama painting by John Crace John Crace National Trust
An Allegory of Music painting by John Crace John Crace National Trust
An Allegory of Painting painting by John Crace John Crace National Trust

John Gilroy

label description creator collection
Will Hay painting by John Gilroy John Gilroy National Portrait Gallery
Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis painting by John Gilroy John Gilroy National Portrait Gallery
Elizabeth II dining on board HMS Vanguard, 15 June 1953 painting by John Thomas Young Gilroy John Gilroy Royal Museums Greenwich

John Hungerford Pollen

label description creator collection
Wall painting painting by John Hungerford Pollen John Hungerford Pollen National Trust
Allegory of Learning: A Female Figure with a Tree of Knowledge painting by John Hungerford Pollen John Hungerford Pollen National Trust

John J. Eyers

label description creator collection
Hanging Game Birds (Pheasant) painting by John J. Eyers John J. Eyers Philadelphia Museum of Art
Still Life With Squirrel painting by John J. Eyers John J. Eyers
Game painting by John J. Eyers John J. Eyers

John Kelt Edwards

label description creator collection
Classical statues in a garden painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Lake and mountains painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Illustration painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Cei Newydd, near Talsarnau painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Dee Bridge at Cynwyd painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Ellen Gwendolen Edwards (1884–1902) painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Farm Buildings painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Felin Isaf, Cynwyd painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Harlech painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Harlech Castle from Cae Llan painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
J. N. Edwards (1847–1915) painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Llan Ffestiniog painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Margaret Edwards, the Artist's Mother painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Portrait of a Young Man with a Moustache painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Reflections painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Rocky Landscape painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Tree in a Landscape painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Watermill painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Y Ddraig Goch a Ddyry Gychwyn painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Mrs. Griffith John Williams? painting by John Kelt Edwards John Kelt Edwards National Library of Wales
Welsh Portrait Collection

John Kipara Tjakamarra

label description creator collection
Mala Dreaming at Wingantjirinya painting by John Kipara Tjakamarra John Kipara Tjakamarra Art Gallery of South Australia
Origin of a tree painting by John Kipara Tjakamarra John Kipara Tjakamarra Art Gallery of South Australia
Tingari Dreaming at Kiritjinya painting by John Kipara Tjakamarra John Kipara Tjakamarra Art Gallery of South Australia
Tingari Men and Dingo painting by John Kipara Tjakamarra John Kipara Tjakamarra Art Gallery of South Australia
Tingari Men and Owl at Pilyarlpilyaringa painting by John Kipara Tjakamarra John Kipara Tjakamarra Art Gallery of South Australia

John Latham

label description creator collection
Man Caught Up with a Yellow Object painting by John Latham John Latham Tate
Full Stop painting by John Latham John Latham Tate
P(n)2:3/12 painting by John Latham John Latham Tate

John M Armleder

label description creator collection
Mosaic Mirror Wall Piece painting by John M. Armleder John M Armleder Städel Museum
Untitled (Furniture Sculpture) painting by John M. Armleder John M Armleder Städel Museum

John Mawurndjul

label description creator collection
Ngaldadmurrng, saratoga painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Ngalyod, the Rainbow Serpent at Dilebang painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Kakodbebuldi painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Mardayin Burrk-dorreng (Mardayin body design) painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Namorrorddo, the Shooting star spirit at Mankorlod painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Namarrkon ngal-daluk, the female lightning spirit painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Mardayin at Kudjarnngal painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Mardayin at Dilebang painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Mardayin design at Mukkamukka painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Billabong at Milmilngkan painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Mimih spirits painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Yingarna painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Saratoga fish from Mumeka painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Mimih spirit from Kabadyorrkbun painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Victoria
Yawkyawk spirits: the site at Kurdjarnngal painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Mardayin design at Dilebang painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Milmilngkan Site painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Mardayin painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Mardayin at Mukkamukka painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Ngalkunburriyaymi or Yawkyawk painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Birrlmu (barramundi) painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Rainbow Serpent (with buffalo horns) painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Yawkyawk spirits: waterholes at Kurdjarnngal painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Rainbow Serpent (Ngalyod) with female mimi spirit painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Rainbow Serpent at Kurdjarnngal painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Rainbow Serpent's antilopine kangaroo painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Mardayin at Milmilngkan painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Ngalyod and the Yawkyawk girls painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Milmilngkan painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Mardayin at Mumeka painting by John Mawurndjul am John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Mardayin painting by John Mawurndjul am (NGA NGA 99.91) John Mawurndjul National Gallery of Australia
Billabong at Milmilngkan painting by John Mawurndjul (AGSA 20032P6) John Mawurndjul Art Gallery of South Australia
Djulng ancestral bones painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul Art Gallery of South Australia
Milmilngkan painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul Art Gallery of South Australia
Milmilngkan painting by John Mawurndjul (AGSA 20166P55) John Mawurndjul Art Gallery of South Australia
Namanjwarre, saltwater crocodile painting by John Mawurndjul John Mawurndjul Art Gallery of South Australia

John Michael Skipper

label description creator collection
In the starter's hands painting by John Michael Skipper John Michael Skipper Art Gallery of South Australia
Ambush at night, Adelaide Hills painting by John Michael Skipper John Michael Skipper Art Gallery of South Australia
Artist and his wife Frances Amelia on horses painting by John Michael Skipper John Michael Skipper Art Gallery of South Australia
Jungle Perils painting by John Michael Skipper John Michael Skipper Art Gallery of South Australia

John Middleton

label description creator collection
A Landscape with a Horseman painting by John Middleton John Middleton Yale Center for British Art
Landscape painting by John Middleton John Middleton Yale Center for British Art
A path through a wooded landscape painting by John Middleton John Middleton Fitzwilliam Museum

John Walters

label description creator collection
Mrs Jane Ebrell (b. 1706), former Housemaid and 'Spider-brusher', aged 87 painting by John Walters of Denbigh John Walters National Trust
Jack Henshaw (b.1731/2), Gamekeeper painting by John Walters of Denbigh John Walters National Trust
Jack Nicholas (b. 1720), Kitchen Porter, aged 71 painting by John Walters of Denbigh John Walters National Trust

John Walters of Denbigh

label description creator collection
William Williams (b. 1723), Blacksmith, aged 70 painting by John Walters of Denbigh John Walters of Denbigh National Trust
Thomas Jones (b. 1760), Butcher and Publican of Wrexham, aged 36 painting by John Walters of Denbigh John Walters of Denbigh National Trust
Edward Prince (b.1718/19), Carpenter, aged 73 painting by John Walters of Denbigh John Walters of Denbigh National Trust

John Wentworth Russell

label description creator collection
Portrait of Sir Wilfrid Laurier painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada
Madame de B. and Son painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada
Luxembourg Gardens painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada
Children Skipping, Luxembourg Gardens painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of Curtis Williamson painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada
Bar in Paris painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada
Berneval (Dieppe) - The Beach painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada
Festival of Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde at Billiers painting by John W. Russell John Wentworth Russell National Gallery of Canada

John William Lewin

label description creator collection
Fish catch and Dawes Point, Sydney Harbour painting by John William Lewin John William Lewin Art Gallery of South Australia
Trajan inconsolable after the Battle of Ctesiphon painting by John William Lewin John William Lewin Art Gallery of South Australia

John Worsley

label description creator collection
Attack on St Nazaire Harbour painting by John Worsley John Worsley Royal Collection
Lieutenant Donald Cameron, VC, 1916-61 painting by John Worsley John Worsley Royal Museums Greenwich
Lieutenant Commander Stephen Halden Beattie (1908-1975) painting by John Worsley John Worsley Royal Museums Greenwich
Lieutenant (Basil Charles) Godfrey Place, VC, DSC, 1921-94 painting by John Worsley John Worsley Royal Museums Greenwich
Sir Cloudesley Varyl Robinson (1883-1959) painting by John Worsley John Worsley Royal Museums Greenwich
Naval officers room at Marlag O, prisoner of war camp painting by John Worsley John Worsley Royal Museums Greenwich
Major General Hamilton Wilkie Simpson (1895-1986) painting by John Worsley John Worsley Royal Museums Greenwich

Jon Arne Mogstad

label description creator collection
Voices of Spring (Seven Little Girls) painting by Jon Arne Mogstad Jon Arne Mogstad Finnish National Gallery
Painting painting by Jon Arne Mogstad Jon Arne Mogstad National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Til deg painting by Jon Arne Mogstad Jon Arne Mogstad National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Jon Schueler

label description creator collection
Winter Series (Eigg), 8 painting by Jon R. Schueler Jon Schueler National Galleries of Scotland
The Sound of Rhum painting by Jon R. Schueler Jon Schueler National Galleries of Scotland
Greys: Echo, II painting by Jon R. Schueler Jon Schueler National Galleries of Scotland
Sky Blown, II painting by Jon R. Schueler Jon Schueler National Galleries of Scotland
Blues/Light painting by Jon R. Schueler Jon Schueler National Galleries of Scotland
The Sound of Sleat (June Night, XI) [o/c 48] Romasaig painting by Jon R. Schueler Jon Schueler National Galleries of Scotland
A Yellow Sun [o/c 58-55] Arcueil painting by Jon R. Schueler Jon Schueler National Galleries of Scotland
Snow Cloud and Blue Sky painting by Jon Schueler Jon Schueler Whitney Museum of American Art
Red Snow Cloud painting by Jon Schueler Jon Schueler Whitney Museum of American Art

Jonathan Moorhouse

label description creator collection
Flatford Mill (Nr. Dedham) painting by Jonathan Moorhouse Jonathan Moorhouse Finnish National Gallery
Flatford Mill and Willy Lott’s Cottage painting by Jonathan Moorhouse Jonathan Moorhouse Finnish National Gallery

Jonathan Throsby

label description creator collection
New cow, mucus cow painting by Jonathan Throsby Jonathan Throsby National Gallery of Victoria
Sulphur stack painting by Jonathan Throsby Jonathan Throsby National Gallery of Victoria
Mt Isa Open Cut IV painting by Jonathan Throsby Jonathan Throsby National Gallery of Australia
Ranger Mine, night painting by Jonathan Throsby Jonathan Throsby National Gallery of Australia
Mulawa coal painting by Jonathan Throsby Jonathan Throsby National Gallery of Australia

Josef Ongenae

label description creator collection
Ropewalk painting by Josef Ongenae Josef Ongenae Centraal Museum
BRG 1 painting by Josef Ongenae Josef Ongenae Centraal Museum
Lilat '76 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
A.U.M. 1-78 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Mandala chandra okt. '82 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Mei-nacht 1980 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Bhairavi 1974 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Stel Air "M" 73 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Raga TODI 1 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Rood blauw painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Avondzon II '81 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Um painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Mandala Randa II '81 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Open zwarte structuur painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Randa II mei '79 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Chicago-city painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Rode lijn painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Wagad '76 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Machtsontwikkeling van vierkanten en vrije lijnen rhytme painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Afscheid van lynchmayor painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Beatae Mariae no. 1 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
The mother 2 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Bonany (Baleares) painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Racini I '83 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Matrika 1 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Horizontool I '80 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zen painting by Josef Ongenae Josef Ongenae Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Sûrya painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Bogen en diagonale painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Veena painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Sringara painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Bhairavis painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Bhairavi S painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Tall diagonaal II painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
New York III painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Antes + hoy 83 I painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Majori dia painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Tantris II painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Devi Tara painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Chacra devi II painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Het spel der moeder 1 painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Maria de l'isla I painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Raga painting by J.J.M. Ongenae Josef Ongenae Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Josefina Holmlund

label description creator collection
Roddtur på fjorden painting by Josefina Holmlund Josefina Holmlund Nationalmuseum
Coastal Landscape with Fishermen painting by Josefina Holmlund Josefina Holmlund Nationalmuseum

Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs

label description creator collection
Retrat de Víctor Balaguer painting by Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Retrat de Víctor Balaguer painting by Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Sanefa de mocador sobre sarga (1880 ?) artwork by Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs, 1880 c. Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Sanefa de mocador de seda (1880) artwork by Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs, 1880 Josep Antoni Trias i Tastàs Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi

Josep Beltran Sanfeliu

label description creator collection
Branques de pí (c. 1908) artwork by Josep Beltran Sanfeliu, 1908 c. Josep Beltran Sanfeliu Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Esbós de composició decorativa d'un fris esgrafiat per a una capella de cementeri (c. 1908) artwork by Josep Beltran Sanfeliu, 1908 Josep Beltran Sanfeliu Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Vista d'un carrer amb arbre i escales (c. 1908) artwork by Josep Beltran Sanfeliu, 1908 c. Josep Beltran Sanfeliu Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Composició decorativa amb flors (c. 1908) artwork by Josep Beltran Sanfeliu, 1908 c. Josep Beltran Sanfeliu Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Esbós de composició decorativa d'un fris per a una capella de cementeri (1908) artwork by Josep Beltran Sanfeliu, 1908 Josep Beltran Sanfeliu Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Racó de poble artwork by Josep Beltrán, Barcelona, 1879 [?]-1955 (1914) Josep Beltran Sanfeliu Art Modern Art MNAC

Josep Ricart i Giroud

label description creator collection
Onatge a la platja (c. 1908) artwork by Josep Ricart i Giroud, 1908 c. Josep Ricart i Giroud Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Posta de sol a la platja (1908) artwork by Josep Ricart i Giroud, 1908 Josep Ricart i Giroud Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Paisatge. Vespre al camp (1906) artwork by Josep Ricart i Giroud, 1906 Josep Ricart i Giroud Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Paisatge. Albada al pantà (1895) artwork by Josep Ricart i Giroud, 1895 Josep Ricart i Giroud Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Paisatge. La llera seca (1898) artwork by Josep Ricart i Giroud, 1898 Josep Ricart i Giroud Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi

Josep Soler i Vidal

label description creator collection
Pintura 1960 painting by Josep Soler Vidal Josep Soler i Vidal Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Composició painting by Josep Soler Vidal Josep Soler i Vidal Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer

Joseph Anton Muxel

label description creator collection
Karl II. August, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein und Herzog von Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld painting by Joseph Anton Muxel Joseph Anton Muxel Bavarian State Painting Collections
Oberst Alois von Safferling painting by Joseph Anton Muxel Joseph Anton Muxel Bavarian State Painting Collections

Joseph Comingo

label description creator collection
Robert Hart Hamilton painting by Joseph Comingo Joseph Comingo National Gallery of Canada
Lady with a Blue Shawl painting by Joseph Comingo Joseph Comingo National Gallery of Canada
Officer of a Dragoon Regiment of the British Regular Army painting by Joseph Comingo Joseph Comingo National Gallery of Canada

Joseph Henry Lonas

label description creator collection
FB III painting by Joseph Henry (1925-2011) Lonas Joseph Henry Lonas Berlinische Galerie
FBS II painting by Joseph Henry (1925-2011) Lonas Joseph Henry Lonas Berlinische Galerie
FB I painting by Joseph Henry (1925-2011) Lonas Joseph Henry Lonas Berlinische Galerie

Joseph Magnus Stäck

label description creator collection
Landscape Near Tivoli. Study painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Winter in Småland painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Motif from Capri painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Dutch View of a Town by Moonlight painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Talvimaisema Hollannista painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Finnish National Gallery
Vy från La Spezia painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Johan August Pauli, 1790-1847, köpman painting attributed to Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Landscape with a River. Motif from Älvdalen painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Italian Landscape painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Moonlit Sea painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Winter Landscape. De Oude Staadport in Haarlem painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
An Oak. Study painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Seine-Fishing painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
From the Roman Campagna painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Fishermen in the Moonlight painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum
Gripsholm Castle and Mariefred painting by Joseph Magnus Stäck Joseph Magnus Stäck Nationalmuseum

Joseph Pollet

label description creator collection
Ben's Bean-Poles painting by Joseph Pollet Joseph Pollet Whitney Museum of American Art
Midsummer painting by Joseph Pollet Joseph Pollet Whitney Museum of American Art
Neighbor Green painting by Joseph Pollet Joseph Pollet Whitney Museum of American Art
Black Walnuts painting by Joseph Pollet Joseph Pollet Whitney Museum of American Art

Joseph Tully

label description creator collection
Lagoa de Freitas Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection (4 of 5) Joseph Tully Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection
Fundação Estudar collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
Lagoa de Freitas Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection (5 of 5) Joseph Tully Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection
Fundação Estudar collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica

Joseph Urban

label description creator collection
Sphynx painting by Joseph Urban Joseph Urban Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
The Mastersingers of Nürnberg painting by Joseph Urban Joseph Urban Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Joseph-Fortunet Layraud

label description creator collection
Esquisse pour le salon des Arts de l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris : La sculpture painting by Joseph Fortuné Layraud Joseph-Fortunet Layraud Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
Esquisse pour le salon des Arts de l'Hôtel de Ville : La Sculpture painting by Joseph Fortuné Layraud Joseph-Fortunet Layraud Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris

Joseph-Marie Bouton

label description creator collection
A Woman Playing a Harp painting by Joseph Marie Bouton Joseph-Marie Bouton Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait présumé de la cantatrice Carolina Bianchi painting by Joseph-Marie Bouton Joseph-Marie Bouton Musée Cognacq-Jay
George Couthon (1755-1794), fransk revolutionsman, advokat painting by Joseph Marie Bouton Joseph-Marie Bouton Nationalmuseum

José Carlos de Borbón

label description creator collection
Paisaje con ruinas y figuras painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Marina con naufragio painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Marina con las columnas de Hércules painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Marina painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Paisaje con ruinas clásicas painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Paisaje con ruinas painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Paisaje con vacas y cabras painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Paisaje con ruinas personajes y vacas painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Marina con escena de naufragio painting by José Carlos de Borbón José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado
Paisaje con ruinas painting by José Carlos de Borbón (El Prado P005289) José Carlos de Borbón Museo del Prado

José Wasth Rodrigues

label description creator collection
Antiga Rua do Rosário (Rua XV de Novembro) painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Batalha de Ituzaingó painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Brasão com Armas de Cananéa painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Brasão com Armas de Jaú painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Brasão com Armas de Santo André painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Casas Velhas de Santos, 1826 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Dama Paulista, 1808 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Igreja de Santo Antonio, 1826 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Igreja e Páteo da Misericórdia painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Largo do Rosário, 1880 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Largo e Mosteiro de São Bento, 1830 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Monumento a Bartolomeu de Gusmão (Face Principal) painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Monumento a Bartolomeu de Gusmão em Santos (Face Posterior) painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Paço Municipal, 1628 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Passarola painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Páteo da Sé, 1862 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Pateo do Colégio, 1858 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Páteo e Igreja da Sé e São Pedro, 1840 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Paulistas Antigos, 1825 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Rua da Glória e Largo de São Paulo painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Rua Direita e Largo São Pedro no Páteo da Sé, 1858 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Rua do Rosário (Rua Xv de Novembro) painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Rua do Rosário, 1858 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Soldado da Legião Paulista na Cisplatina e Gaúcho painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Trecho final da antiga Rua do Rosário, 1858 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Várzea do Carmo e Rio Tamanduateí, 1858 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
Páteo da Igreja de São Francisco, 1862 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Rua São Bento, 1858 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Rua Direita, 1860 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de São Vicente painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de Laguna painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de Mogi das Cruzes painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de Itú painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de São Francisco do Sul painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de Parnaíba painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de Lorena painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de Jaú painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Aspecto da Rua do Rosário à noite em 1862 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Igreja do Largo Santa Ifigênia, 1864 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Páteo da Sé e Igreja de São Pedro, 1858 painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Passarola de Bartolomeu de Gusmão painting by José Wasth Rodrigues 1 of 2 José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão com Armas de São Paulo painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
João Ramalho e Filho painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Passarola de Bartolomeu de Gusmão painting by José Wasth Rodrigues 2 of 2 José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Cacique Tibiriçá e neto painting José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão com Armas de Santos painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão com Armas de São Vicente painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Museu Paulista collection
Brasão de Monte Alto painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de São José dos Campos painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de São Carlos painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Jaboticabal painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão da Cidade de Tatuí painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Guarulhos painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Campinas painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Joinville painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Guaratinguetá painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Porto Seguro painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Franca painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Ubatuba painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Rua Direita painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão com Armas de Campinas painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Retrato de D. João III painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Retrato de Martim Afonso de Sousa painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Taubaté painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Porto Feliz painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Parnaíba painting by José Wasth Rodrigues - 2 José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Sorocaba painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Itú painting by José Wasth Rodrigues - 2 José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Brasão de Itanhaém painting by José Wasth Rodrigues José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Paulista collection
José Wasth Rodrigues collection
Conde de Bobadela Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Capela de Santana Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Expedição de Antônio de Albuquerque Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Aljube de Mariana Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Batalha do Tuiuti Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Batalha de Monte Caseros Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Guerra do Paraguai Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Capela de São João Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Tanque de lavar ouro Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Alferes Joaquim José da Silva Xavier. "O Tiradentes\"",156 Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection José Wasth Rodrigues Museu Histórico Nacional collection

Jouni Lehtinen

label description creator collection
Paikallaan oleva muoto painting by Jouni Lehtinen Jouni Lehtinen City of Pori art collection
Vaellus II painting by Jouni Lehtinen Jouni Lehtinen City of Pori art collection

Joyce Wieland

label description creator collection
Balling painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada
Sailing on the Bay painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada
Paint Phantom painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada
Veriditas painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada
Untitled (Young Couple) painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada
Spring Blues painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada
Summer Blues painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada
Experiment with Life painting by Joyce Wieland Joyce Wieland National Gallery of Canada

João Pedroso

label description creator collection
Chegada da Rainha D. Estefânia ao Tejo painting by João Pedroso João Pedroso Palace of Ajuda
Marinha painting by João Pedroso João Pedroso private collection
Marinha com veleiro ostentando a bandeira Real Portuguesa painting by João Pedroso João Pedroso
Fábrica de Tabaco de Xabregas painting by João Pedroso João Pedroso Museum of Lisbon

Judith Grassl

label description creator collection
DGG 4 painting by Judith Grassl Judith Grassl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Wüstenlandschaft painting by Judith Grassl Judith Grassl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Waldstück painting by Judith Grassl Judith Grassl Bavarian State Painting Collections

Judith Wright

label description creator collection
Propositions 1 painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
Propositions 2 painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
Propositions 3 painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
A continuing fable [part 2] painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
Propositions 7 painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
Propositions 8 painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
Propositions 9 painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
A continuing fable [part 1] painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia
A continuing fable [part 3] painting by Judith Wright Judith Wright National Gallery of Australia

Juhan Hennoste

label description creator collection
Istuv naisakt painting by Juhan Hennoste Juhan Hennoste Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine rõdul painting by Juhan Hennoste Juhan Hennoste Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Keelatud veed painting by Juhan Hennoste Juhan Hennoste Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine klaasiga painting by Juhan Hennoste Juhan Hennoste Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Julius Gentalen

label description creator collection
Sadam painting by Julius Gentalen Julius Gentalen Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tallinna vaade painting by Julius Gentalen Julius Gentalen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sadam painting by Julius Gentalen Julius Gentalen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna vaade painting by Julius Gentalen Julius Gentalen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lõuna-Eesti maastik painting by Julius Gentalen Julius Gentalen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Julius Hare

label description creator collection
Lady Pryse (d.1925) painting by Julius Hare Julius Hare National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
Sir Pryse Pryse (1838–1906) painting by Julius Hare Julius Hare National Library of Wales
National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection

Julius Runge

label description creator collection
Coastal Landscape with an Old Tower painting by Julius Runge Julius Runge
Hamburger Hafen, Kaiserquai painting by Julius Runge Julius Runge Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Julián Gil

label description creator collection
Caja de imprenta (Printing Box) painting by Julián Gil Julián Gil Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Medianería (Dividing Wall) painting by Julián Gil Julián Gil Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Sin título (Untitled) painting by Julián Gil Julián Gil Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Jumana Emil Abboud

label description creator collection
Untitled (unknown) painting by Jumana Emil Abboud Jumana Emil Abboud Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
A Fish Tail painting by Jumana Emil Abboud Jumana Emil Abboud Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Untitled (unknown) painting by Jumana Emil Abboud C1196.01 Jumana Emil Abboud Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

Justus Lundegård

label description creator collection
Breakfast in Summer painting by Justus Lundegård Justus Lundegård Nationalmuseum
The Dining Room painting by Justus Lundegård Justus Lundegård Nationalmuseum
Interior painting by Justus Lundegård Justus Lundegård Nationalmuseum
Evening Shadows on the Chapel painting by Justus Lundegård Justus Lundegård Nationalmuseum

Juuso Leppälä

label description creator collection
Sarjasta Runner´s Hallucinations: Toimistorakennus painting by Juuso Leppälä Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection
Sarjasta Runner´s Hallucinations: Unettomuus painting by Juuso Leppälä Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection
Sarjasta Runner´s Hallucinations: Geenimuunneltu maissi sairastutti heidät painting by Juuso Leppälä Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection
From the Series "Stalking" painting, aquarelle by Juuso Leppälä Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection
From the Series "Stalking" painting, aquarelle by Juuso Leppälä Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection
From the Series "Stalking" painting by Juuso Leppälä Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection
From the Series "Stalking" painting, aquarelle by Juuso Leppälä TM 2276 Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection
From the Series "Stalking" painting, aquarelle by Juuso Leppälä TM 2277 Juuso Leppälä City of Pori art collection

Jyrki Siukonen

label description creator collection
Tekstipaneeli painting by Jyrki Siukonen Jyrki Siukonen Finnish National Gallery
Villa painting by Jyrki Siukonen Jyrki Siukonen Finnish National Gallery

Józef Berger

label description creator collection
Na apel painting by Jozef Berger Józef Berger Slovak National Gallery
Mŕtvi žalujú painting by Jozef Berger Józef Berger Slovak National Gallery

József Könyöki

label description creator collection
Krajina s cestou painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Bratislava City Gallery
Alhambra painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Bratislava City Gallery
Orientálna krajina painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Bratislava City Gallery
Pohľad na Patrónku v Bratislave painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Bratislava City Gallery
Hričovský hrad painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery
Trenčiansky hrad painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery
Zrúcaniny hradu v Strečne painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery
Portrét grófa Juraja Csákyho de Körösszegh et Adorján IV. painting by Jozef Könyöki József Könyöki Bratislava City Gallery

Jörgen HM Byström

label description creator collection
Redelid (Förs ök till Enlevering) painting by Jörgen HM Byström Jörgen HM Byström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Seisja painting by Jörgen HM Byström Jörgen HM Byström Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Jürgen Hinrichs

label description creator collection
Okänd man painting by Jürgen Hinrichs Jürgen Hinrichs Nationalmuseum
Okänd man painting by Jürgen Hinrichs (Nationalmuseum NMB 1143) Jürgen Hinrichs Nationalmuseum

K. Vanaveski

label description creator collection
Eeslinna maja painting by K. Vanaveski K. Vanaveski Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kabel painting by K. Vanaveski K. Vanaveski Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Kaarel Vulla

label description creator collection
Ahv kanalas painting by Kaarel Vulla Kaarel Vulla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Iisak ja Jaakop painting by Kaarel Vulla Kaarel Vulla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon kodusõjast painting by Kaarel Vulla Kaarel Vulla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Armastatud telefoni ärasaatmine (Nokia matused). Diptühhon painting by Kaarel Vulla Kaarel Vulla Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Kaarina Alava

label description creator collection
Palman katedraali illalla painting by Kaarina Alava Kaarina Alava City of Pori art collection
Monastery painting by Kaarina Alava Kaarina Alava City of Pori art collection

Kadrush Rama

label description creator collection
Silent Memory painting by Kadrush Rama Kadrush Rama National Gallery of Kosovo
Wounded painting by Kadrush Rama Kadrush Rama National Gallery of Kosovo
Encounter painting by Kadrush Rama Kadrush Rama National Gallery of Kosovo
The walk painting by Kadrush Rama Kadrush Rama National Gallery of Kosovo

Kaido Ole

label description creator collection
Nimeta XIX painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nimeta LXXII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaikelu igikestvast harmooniast ja rahust painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
The Band CCXXIX painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta XXVIII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CXLVIII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CXIII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CL painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXXII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta XII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CXLV painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXXI painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXXV painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta XXIX painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CXV painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suur sotsiaalne vaikelu I painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXXIII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CIL painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXVIII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXX painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXVI painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXVII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Band CCXXIV painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CXLVII painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nimeta CXLVI painting by Kaido Ole Kaido Ole Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Kaisa Soini

label description creator collection
Kastemalja painting by Kaisa Soini Kaisa Soini City of Pori art collection
Takan sulkupelti painting by Kaisa Soini Kaisa Soini City of Pori art collection

Kaisu Koivisto

label description creator collection
Saaria I painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Camouflage painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Twins painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Marked painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Blind painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Atlas painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Untitled painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Hot Bath painting by Kaisu Koivisto Kaisu Koivisto City of Pori art collection

Kaja Kärner

label description creator collection
Ameerika Häält kuulamas painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree kätega painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pildivaatajad painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaarma kirik painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaade veetornist I painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ülevaatus painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Keskustelu painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Varemed talvel painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Varahommik Tähe tänavas painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Äärelinn painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Roheline moment painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bukett painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hommage professor A. Vabbe painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bakalaureus painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtuvalgus painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvemaastik III painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Varakevad painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Trigonaalne painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pargis painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Paju põõsad painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuuloojak painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õues painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tolstoi tänav painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügishommik painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Peied painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvepäev painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kohvikus painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Uks esikusse painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ehavalgus painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvi Elvas painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pastoraal painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ürgorg painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kevadhommik III painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Astrid painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Sügis Karulas painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Haanja motiiv painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Okupandid Kuressaares (Madrused) painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kummutipealne painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Saunas painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Heiastus painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Meditatsioon painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Marta tänav painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tiina ja leivavedajad painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Viini tool painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Juukselõikus painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Üks talvehommik painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Salme tänav öösel painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suvi 1977 - III painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Regatt painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tiir painting by Kaja Kärner Kaja Kärner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Kanō school

label description creator collection
Four Herons on a Snowy Mountain painting by Kano Nagayoshi Kanō school Yale University Art Gallery
Birds and Flowering Plants with Poem Slips painting by Kano School Kanō school Yale University Art Gallery

Karel van Veen

label description creator collection
Portret van Karel Wijlacker (1893-1981), directeur RVS painting by Karel van Veen Karel van Veen Museum Rotterdam
Portret van Theo Wijlacker (1867-1937), directeur RVS painting by Karel van Veen Karel van Veen Museum Rotterdam
Portret van Hendrik Willem Adriaan van Oordt (1888-1975) painting by Karel van Veen Karel van Veen Museum Rotterdam
Portret van mr. Frederik Jacobus Brevet (1893-1983) painting by Karel van Veen Karel van Veen Museum Rotterdam
Juliana, koningin der Nederlanden painting by K.J. van Veen Karel van Veen Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Willem Pluygers (1914-2015), president-directeur Elsevier-NDU 1978-1981 painting by Karel van Veen Karel van Veen Amsterdam Museum

Karin Siim-Juse

label description creator collection
Kostüümikavand “Tütarlaps läänest” (Dick Johnson) painting by Karin Siim-Juse Karin Siim-Juse Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kostüümikavand “Tütarlaps läänest” (Jose Castro) painting by Karin Siim-Juse Karin Siim-Juse Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl August Hindrey

label description creator collection
Talumaastik painting by Karl August Hindrey Karl August Hindrey Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvemaastik painting by Karl August Hindrey Karl August Hindrey Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl Burman

label description creator collection
Lüpsmine kolhoosi lehmalaudas painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tulbid painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Neeva õhtul painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Nikerjärv Aegviidus painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Toomkiriku sisevaade. Etüüd painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rootsi saarestikus (Staftsridda) painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toompea loss painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maerand painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinn painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toomkiriku sisevaade. Etüüd painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lago di Como painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kündja painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannamõisa maastik painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Breemeni motiiv painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvine tänav. Etüüd painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalasadam Tallinnas painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ranna motiiv painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuressaare linnuse siseõu painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talve maastik painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Peterburi Nikolai sild Neeval painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tabasalu painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Leningrad painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik järvega (Nikerjärv) painting by Karl Burman Karl Burman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl Burman junior

label description creator collection
Kaks ratsanikku painting by Karl Burman junior Karl Burman junior Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Uue gaasipatarei ehitusplatsil painting by Karl Burman junior Karl Burman junior Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sügismotiiv Kadriorust painting by Karl Burman junior Karl Burman junior Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl Ferdinand Wilhelm Krüger

label description creator collection
Johanna Karoline Hoffmanni portree painting by Karl Ferdinand Wilhelm Krüger Karl Ferdinand Wilhelm Krüger Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Karl Ferdinand Wilhelm Krüger Karl Ferdinand Wilhelm Krüger Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl Free

label description creator collection
Landscape, Oyster Bay painting by Karl Free Karl Free Whitney Museum of American Art
Epiphany painting by Karl Free Karl Free Whitney Museum of American Art

Karl Godeg

label description creator collection
Ohne Titel painting by Karl Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Karl (1896-1982) Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Karl (1896-1982) Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Karl (1896-1982) Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Karl (1896-1982) Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Karl (1896-1982) Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie
Rosa Plastik. Träumen painting by Karl (1896-1982) Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie
Ohne Titel painting by Karl (1896-1982) Godeg Karl Godeg Berlinische Galerie

Karl Herman

label description creator collection
Leopold Triumfi portree painting by Karl Herman Karl Herman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Aino painting by Karl Herman Karl Herman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Karl Herman Karl Herman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kindralmajor Aru portree painting by Karl Herman Karl Herman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl Leopold Marley

label description creator collection
Viimane lumi painting by Karl Leopold Marley Karl Leopold Marley Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hommik rabal painting by Karl Leopold Marley Karl Leopold Marley Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik suvel painting by Karl Leopold Marley Karl Leopold Marley Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl Ludwig Maibach

label description creator collection
Romantiline maastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik veega painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jõemaastik paatidega painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Raiesmik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Päikesetõus painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik jahimeestega painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rukkilõikajad painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rukkilõikajad painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Visand maalile "Duc de Croy" painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tirooli maastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Sorrentolt Vesuuvile painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik Põhja-Tiroolist painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pühajärv painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik sillaga painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik veekoguga (etüüd) painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rukkivedu painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaljune kallas painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jõemaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastiku etüüd painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaljulõhe joaga painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Majad mäestiku taustal (skits) painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Alpimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik (skits) painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Päikeseloojang painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik (skits) painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik kaljurahnudega painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pargivaade majaga painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik (pooleli jäänud skits) painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Alpimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Võru linnale painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaljurahnud painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik jõega painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägine maastik (skits) painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik (Šveitsi motiiv?) painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Bodeni järve kallas Šveitsis painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Romantiline maastik painting by Karl Ludwig Maibach Karl Ludwig Maibach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl Manberg

label description creator collection
Kaks naist painting by Karl Manberg Karl Manberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hoovis painting by Karl Manberg Karl Manberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karl-Kristjan Nagel

label description creator collection
Paris-Donbas painting by Karl-Kristjan Nagel Karl-Kristjan Nagel Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Koalitsiooni sünd painting by Karl-Kristjan Nagel Karl-Kristjan Nagel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Karp Koritko

label description creator collection
/Talvemaastik/ painting by Karp Koritko Karp Koritko Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
/Sügisene maastik/ painting by Karp Koritko Karp Koritko Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Karsten Keiseraas

label description creator collection
Renessanse painting by Karsten Keiseraas Karsten Keiseraas National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Le Cheri painting by Karsten Keiseraas Karsten Keiseraas National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Kathleen Petyarre

label description creator collection
Mountain devil lizard Dreaming (with winter sandstorm) painting by Kwementyaye (Kathleen) Petyarre Kathleen Petyarre Art Gallery of South Australia
My country (bush seeds) painting by Kwementyaye (Kathleen) Petyarre Kathleen Petyarre Art Gallery of South Australia
My country - Sandhills after hailstorm painting by Kwementyaye (Kathleen) Petyarre Kathleen Petyarre Art Gallery of South Australia
Thorny devil lizard Dreaming painting by Kwementyaye (Kathleen) Petyarre Kathleen Petyarre Art Gallery of South Australia

Kathy Koski

label description creator collection
Tea painting by Kathy Koski Kathy Koski City of Pori art collection
Vanha tinatuoppi painting by Kathy Koski Kathy Koski City of Pori art collection
Woman And a Cat painting by Kathy Koski Kathy Koski City of Pori art collection

Katy Moran

label description creator collection
Rooms of the Mind painting by Katy Moran Katy Moran Tate
Lady Things painting by Katy Moran Katy Moran Tate
cemetery patch painting by Katy Moran Katy Moran San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Kaul Annuk

label description creator collection
Aleksander Lätte painting by Kaul Annuk Kaul Annuk Tartu City Museum's art collection
Tartu raudteejaam painting by Kaul Annuk Kaul Annuk Tartu City Museum's art collection
Miina Härma painting by Kaul Annuk Kaul Annuk Tartu City Museum's art collection
Maal. Aleksander Läte painting by Kaul Annuk Kaul Annuk Tartumaa Museum's art collection

Keisai Eisen

label description creator collection
The Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaidō painting by Keisai Eisen Keisai Eisen
Woman with a Veil painting by Keisai Eisen. 1790-1848 Keisai Eisen Hermitage Museum
Courtesan painting by Ikeda Eisen (Japanese, 1790-1848) (1985.253) Keisai Eisen Cleveland Museum of Art

Keith Anthony Morrison

label description creator collection
Con brio painting by Keith Morrison Keith Anthony Morrison Art Institute of Chicago
Zombie Jamboree painting by Keith Morrison Keith Anthony Morrison Smithsonian American Art Museum

Ken Reinhard

label description creator collection
Ticket box painting by Ken Reinhard Ken Reinhard National Gallery of Victoria
A moto-guzzi 944 painting by Ken Reinhard Ken Reinhard National Gallery of Victoria
Autocologne painting by Ken Reinhard Ken Reinhard National Gallery of Victoria
EK painting by Ken Reinhard Ken Reinhard Art Gallery of New South Wales
Kinetic painting/100100100010 painting by Ken Reinhard Ken Reinhard National Gallery of Australia

Kenneth Robertson Macqueen

label description creator collection
McCauley's Farm painting by Kenneth MacQueen Kenneth Robertson Macqueen Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Birds and Sheep, Darling Downs painting by Kenneth Macqueen Kenneth Robertson Macqueen Art Gallery of South Australia

Kent Monkman

label description creator collection
Portrait of the Artist as Hunter painting by Kent Monkman Kent Monkman National Gallery of Canada
The Triumph of Mischief painting by Kent Monkman Kent Monkman National Gallery of Canada
Hanky Panky painting by Kent Monkman Kent Monkman
mistikôsiwak (Wooden Boat People): Resurgence of the People painting by Monkman Kent Monkman Metropolitan Museum of Art
mistikôsiwak (Wooden Boat People): Welcoming the Newcomers painting by Monkman Kent Monkman Metropolitan Museum of Art

Kersti Rattus

label description creator collection
Kauge liiva tormi taustal painting by Kersti Rattus Kersti Rattus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sinine tasakaal painting by Kersti Rattus Kersti Rattus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtune armastus roheliste õunte vastu painting by Kersti Rattus Kersti Rattus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine kassi ja õunaga painting by Kersti Rattus Kersti Rattus Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Etteaste palli ja kalaga painting by Kersti Rattus Kersti Rattus Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Lamav kass roosa järve kaldal painting by Kersti Rattus Kersti Rattus Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Khoren Ter-Harutyun

label description creator collection
Հորինվածք. Մուսա-լեռ (Արարատի պատերազմը) painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Մարաշ (Եփրատի ափին) painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Կերասոնդ (Եփրատի հատակը) painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Սամսուն (Եղեռն) painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Նկարչի կինը. Յոլանտա Տեր-Հարության painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Տիեզերք painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Վերացական հորինվածք գուաշով painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Տեր-Զոր painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Անանուն (Հիրոսիմա) painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Բանանի ծառ painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Երեք նստած ֆիգուր. Զրույց painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Քեյփ Քոդի տեսարան. Մասաչուսե painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Լեռնային բնանկար. Ջամայկայի լեռները painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Աղոթք painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Թղթախաղ. Թուղթ խաղացողները painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Նատյուրմորտ կուռքի արձանիկով. Կուռք և պտուղներ painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Ջամայկայի սիրահարները painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Երեք ձի painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia
Ինքնադիմանկար painting by Khoren Ter-Harutyun Khoren Ter-Harutyun National Gallery of Armenia

Kimmo Sarje

label description creator collection
'He' is not he but just "he" painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje Finnish National Gallery
Musta neliö painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje Finnish National Gallery
Flowers for Elsa painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection
Untitled (Kreml) painting, collage art by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection
Untitled (Guard) painting, collage art by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection
Asetelma (Sauna), sarjasta Petroskoin päiväkirja painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection
Asetelma (Haluan), sarjasta Petroskoin päiväkirja painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection
Asetelma (Meloni torilta), sarjasta Petroskoin päiväkirja painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection
Asetelma (Vehnäpitko torilta), sarjasta Petroskoin päiväkirja painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection
Asetelma (Spartakiadit), sarjasta Petroskoin päiväkirja painting by Kimmo Sarje Kimmo Sarje City of Pori art collection

Kirsi Jaakkola

label description creator collection
Leap painting by Kirsi Jaakkola Kirsi Jaakkola City of Pori art collection
Ylilento painting by Kirsi Jaakkola Kirsi Jaakkola City of Pori art collection
Askel, askel, hyppy painting by Kirsi Jaakkola Kirsi Jaakkola City of Pori art collection
Crick, Crack, Splash painting by Kirsi Jaakkola Kirsi Jaakkola City of Pori art collection
Silittelyä painting by Kirsi Jaakkola Kirsi Jaakkola City of Pori art collection


label description creator collection
Nimeta painting by Kiwa Kiwa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nimetu painting by Kiwa Kiwa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Post - psychoanalysis (sarjast "Jaapanlannad") painting by Kiwa Kiwa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Self-portrait as a Japanese Chick (sarjast "Jaapanlannad") painting by Kiwa Kiwa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Kjell Löwenadler

label description creator collection
Edvin Adolphson, 1893-1979 painting by Kjell Löwenadler Kjell Löwenadler Nationalmuseum
Engelsk missionär i Somalien painting by Kjell Löwenadler Kjell Löwenadler Nationalmuseum

Klara Zeidler

label description creator collection
Aias painting by Klara Zeidler Klara Zeidler Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Vana eeskoda Tallinnas painting by Klara Zeidler Klara Zeidler Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled vaasis painting by Klara Zeidler Klara Zeidler Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Interjöör painting by Klara Zeidler Klara Zeidler Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna vaade painting by Klara Zeidler Klara Zeidler Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Kliment Siritsius

label description creator collection
Jutt painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Muundus painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Vana linn painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Interjöör valge vaasiga painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Valge sild painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Harjutus painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Sirel õitseb painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Menuett painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Läinud suvel painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Tervenemine painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection
Hotell Vanalinn painting by Kliment Siritsius Kliment Siritsius Narva Museum's art collection

Knut Lundström

label description creator collection
Stilleben (Abstrakt komposition) painting by Knut Lundström Knut Lundström Nationalmuseum
Stilleben painting by Knut Lundström Knut Lundström Nationalmuseum
Abstrakt komposition (Chinatown?) painting by Knut Lundström Knut Lundström Nationalmuseum

Konni Zilliacus

label description creator collection
Ihmisen suhde eläimeen painting by Konni Zilliacus Konni Zilliacus City of Pori art collection
Lihavankila painting by Konni Zilliacus Konni Zilliacus City of Pori art collection

Konstant Karlsonn

label description creator collection
Tallinna vaade merelt painting by Konstant Karlsonn Konstant Karlsonn Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Metsamaastik tiigiga painting by Konstant Karlsonn Konstant Karlsonn Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toompea vallivärav painting by Konstant Karlsonn Konstant Karlsonn Tallinn City Museum's art collection

Konstantin Carlson

label description creator collection
Meri painting by Konstantin Carlson Konstantin Carlson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna supelsalon painting by Konstantin Carlson Konstantin Carlson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Kadrioru mererannalt Tallinnale painting by Konstantin Carlson Konstantin Carlson Tallinn City Museum's art collection
Tallinna vaade Kadrioru rannast painting by Konstantin Carlson Konstantin Carlson Tallinn City Museum's art collection
Vaade Tallinnale reidilt painting by Konstantin Carlson Konstantin Carlson Tallinn City Museum's art collection

Konstantin Karlson

label description creator collection
Tiik Kolu mõisa pargis painting by Konstantin Karlson Konstantin Karlson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Nikolai II portree painting by Konstantin Karlson Konstantin Karlson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jüri Probeni portree painting by Konstantin Karlson Konstantin Karlson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
A View of Tallinn from Nõmme painting by Konstantin Karlson Konstantin Karlson
Mai Watzberg painting by Konstantin Karlson Konstantin Karlson Estonian National Museum's art collection

Konstantin Nieländer

label description creator collection
Rothenburgi raekoja trepp öövahiga painting by Konstantin Nieländer Konstantin Nieländer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kloostri õu. Viru värav painting by Konstantin Nieländer Konstantin Nieländer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine tapetud lindudega painting by Konstantin Nieländer Konstantin Nieländer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna linnamüür torniga painting by Konstantin Nieländer Konstantin Nieländer Tallinn City Museum's art collection


label description creator collection
Beauty Beneath a Willow Tree painting by Isoda Koryusai Koryusai Art Institute of Chicago
Courtesan and Two Attendants on New Year's Day painting by Isoda Koryūsai Koryusai Metropolitan Museum of Art
Courtesan-Dancer (Shirabyōshi) for the New Year painting by Isoda Koryūsai Koryusai Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mother and Child at Play painting by Isoda Koryūsai Koryusai Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting the Eyes on a Snow Rabbit painting by Isoda Koryūsai Koryusai Metropolitan Museum of Art

Krishen Khanna

label description creator collection
Bandwala painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Krishen Khanna National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
The Persuit painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Krishen Khanna National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Portrait of a person painting by Krishen Khanna Krishen Khanna National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Portraits of three persons painting by Krishen Khanna Krishen Khanna National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎

Kunie Sugiura

label description creator collection
Sidewalk Palms painting by Kunié Sugiura Kunie Sugiura Dallas Museum of Art
Central Park 3 painting by Kunié Sugiura Kunie Sugiura Dallas Museum of Art

Kunmanara Baker

label description creator collection
Emu and Bush-Turkey Tjukurpa painting by Kunmanara (Nyukana) Baker Kunmanara Baker Art Gallery of South Australia
Malilanya (The woman Malila) painting by Kunmanara (Nyukana) Baker Kunmanara Baker Art Gallery of South Australia
Mulayangu Munu Ikarka painting by Kunmanara (Nyukana) Baker Kunmanara Baker Art Gallery of South Australia

Kunmanara Pompey

label description creator collection
Country Band painting by Kunmanara (Jimmy) Pompey Kunmanara Pompey Art Gallery of South Australia
Horses and Country Music painting by Kunmanara (Jimmy) Pompey Kunmanara Pompey Art Gallery of South Australia
Riding Horses painting by Kunmanara (Jimmy) Pompey Kunmanara Pompey Art Gallery of South Australia
Working on the Station painting by Kunmanara (Jimmy) Pompey Kunmanara Pompey Art Gallery of South Australia

Kunmanara Williamson

label description creator collection
Ngayuku Ngura - My Country painting by Kunmanara Williamson Kunmanara Williamson Art Gallery of South Australia
Puli Murpu (mountain range) painting by Kunmanara Williamson Kunmanara Williamson Art Gallery of South Australia
Puli murpu - mountain range painting by Kunmanara Williamson Kunmanara Williamson Art Gallery of South Australia

Kurt Edvin Blix Hansen

label description creator collection
Fordelt energi painting by Kurt Edvin Blix Hansen Kurt Edvin Blix Hansen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Blå tavle painting by Kurt Edvin Blix Hansen Kurt Edvin Blix Hansen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Uten tittel painting by Kurt Edvin Blix Hansen Kurt Edvin Blix Hansen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Kuzja Zverev

label description creator collection
Kunstnik ja tema ülekuulamine painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kunstnik ja muusa painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
maal, Ядам - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Ядум - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Сам - Адам painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Недум - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Недам - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Ядобръ - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Ядел - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Недобр - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection
maal, Недел - сын Адама painting by Kuzja Zverev Kuzja Zverev Narva Museum's art collection

Ky-Yut Khan

label description creator collection
Watercolour 31 July 1995 painting by Ky-Yut Khan Ky-Yut Khan Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Water painting by Ky-Yut Khan Ky-Yut Khan Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection

Kálmán Tichy

label description creator collection
Boj o chlieb painting by Koloman Tichy Kálmán Tichy Slovak National Gallery
Chata pod Gerlachom painting by Koloman Tichy Kálmán Tichy Tatra Gallery

Kōno Bairei

label description creator collection
Trip to Lake Biwa painting by Kôno BAIREI Kōno Bairei Art Gallery of New South Wales
Luring the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Out of a Cave; Death of the Historical Buddha (Nehan-zu) painting by Kōno Bairei Kōno Bairei Metropolitan Museum of Art

L. Schunemann

label description creator collection
John Leslie, 7th Earl and 1st Duke of Rothes, 1630 - 1681. Lord Chancellor painting by L. Schuneman L. Schunemann National Galleries of Scotland
William Drummond, 1st Viscount Strathallan, c 1617 - 1688. Royalist general painting by L. Schuneman L. Schunemann National Galleries of Scotland
Patrick Lyon, 1st Earl of Strathmore, 1643 - 1695. Privy Councillor painting by L. Schuneman L. Schunemann National Galleries of Scotland
Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of Argyll, 1629 - 1685. Confederate of the Duke of Monmouth painting by L. Schuneman L. Schunemann National Galleries of Scotland
General Thomas Dalyell, c 1599 - 1685. Soldier in Russia and Commander-in-Chief in Scotland painting by L. Schuneman L. Schunemann National Galleries of Scotland
Henry Erskine, 3rd Lord Cardross, c 1649 - 1693. Privy Councillor and General of the Mint painting by L. Schuneman L. Schunemann National Galleries of Scotland

L.M. Kilpin

label description creator collection
Landscape with Stream painting by L.M. Kilpin L.M. Kilpin National Gallery of Canada
Laurentian Farm painting by L.M. Kilpin L.M. Kilpin National Gallery of Canada

Lagle Israel

label description creator collection
Helgi Hirve portree painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tütarlapse portree painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tulbid painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Pruunid tulbid painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Liiranelgid painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Sinililled painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kimp Anumäelt painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Koiduvalgus painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Ristikhein painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Soolilled painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Lavendel painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Krookused painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Sookailud painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Laupäeva õhtu punases toas painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Lumeroosid painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Nurmenukud painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Viirpuuoksad painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Mari Räägu portree painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kanarbik painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Karuohakad painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sinililled painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Heinalilled painting by Lagle Israel Lagle Israel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Lara Baladi

label description creator collection
KAIRO, EAT ME painting by Lara Baladi Lara Baladi City of Pori art collection
KAI'RO, Bimbo painting by Lara Baladi Lara Baladi City of Pori art collection
KAI'RO, Disco dancing lesson on TV for Japanese Housewives painting by Lara Baladi Lara Baladi City of Pori art collection
KAI'RO painting by Lara Baladi Lara Baladi City of Pori art collection

Laurence Irving

label description creator collection
Street Scene in France painting by Laurence Henry Foster Irving Laurence Irving National Trust
A Town Square with Market in France painting by Laurence Henry Foster Irving Laurence Irving National Trust
'Lady of Title removing Stallion from Croquet Lawn: Midnight - by the Master of the Horrid School of Teutonic Nights' painting by Laurence Henry Foster Irving Laurence Irving National Trust
The Gardens of Greys Court with Members of the Brunner Family painting by Laurence Henry Foster Irving Laurence Irving National Trust

Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun

label description creator collection
Scorched Earth, Clear-cut Logging on Native Sovereign Land. Shaman Coming to Fix painting by Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun National Gallery of Canada
Tweaker painting by Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun National Gallery of Canada
Lost my Legend Downtown Last Night painting by Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun National Gallery of Canada
Red Man Watching White Man Trying to Fix Hole in the Sky painting by Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun National Gallery of Canada
Usufruct painting by Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun National Gallery of Canada

Lawrence Stafford

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Lawrence Stafford Lawrence Stafford Whitney Museum of American Art
Orabu painting by Lawrence Stafford Lawrence Stafford Whitney Museum of American Art

Le Nain Brothers

label description creator collection
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by the Le Nain Brothers Le Nain Brothers
Louis Le Nain
National Gallery
Ariane in Naxos painting by the Le Nain brothers Le Nain Brothers Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Orléans
A Woman and Five Children painting by the Le Nain Brothers Le Nain Brothers National Gallery
Three Men and a Boy painting by the Le Nain Brothers Le Nain Brothers National Gallery
Four Figures at a Table painting by the Le Nain Brothers Le Nain Brothers National Gallery
The Young Card-players painting by The Brothers Le Nain Le Nain Brothers Royal Collection
L'Annonciation painting by Le Nain Brothers Le Nain Brothers Église Saint-Jacques-du-Haut-Pas
Conservation of Religious and Civil Works of Art
Birth of the Virgin painting by Le Nain Brothers Le Nain Brothers
The Birth of Christ painting by Le Nain Le Nain Brothers Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Les Disciples d'Emmaüs painting by Frères Le Nain Le Nain Brothers Department of Paintings of the Louvre
L'Adoration des bergers painting by Frères Le Nain Le Nain Brothers Department of Paintings of the Louvre
La Cène painting by Frères Le Nain Le Nain Brothers
Louis Le Nain
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Smokers in an Interior painting by Frères Le Nain Le Nain Brothers
Louis Le Nain
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Child Christ before the instruments of the Passion painting by Le Nain brothers Le Nain Brothers private collection
Self-portrait of an Artist painting by manner of Antoine Le Nain (Laon c.1588 - Paris 1648), Louis Le Nain (Laon 1593-1648) and Mathieu Le Nain Le Nain Brothers National Trust
A Peasant Family painting by Antoine Le Nain (Laon c.1588 - Paris 1648), Louis Le Nain (Laon 1593-1648) and Mathieu Le Nain Le Nain Brothers National Trust
A Family Meal painting by Le Nain family (French); Le Maître des Jeux (French) (1958.174) Le Nain Brothers
Maître des jeux
Cleveland Museum of Art
Peasants in a Landscape painting by The Le Nain Brothers, Wadsworth Atheneum Le Nain Brothers Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
Kinder mit Vogelkäfig und Katze painting by brothers Le Nain Le Nain Brothers Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
Réunion musicale painting by brothers Le Nain Le Nain Brothers Museum der bildenden Künste

Le chevalier de Chateaubourg

label description creator collection
King Georg IV of England painting by Charles-Joseph de La Celle Le chevalier de Chateaubourg Finnish National Gallery
Eva Sophia Piper (1757-1816), f von Fersen, grevinna painting by Charles Joseph de La Celle chevalier de Chateaubourg Le chevalier de Chateaubourg Nationalmuseum

Leena Passilahti

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Leena Passilahti Leena Passilahti City of Pori art collection
Untitled (Imago 6) painting by Leena Passilahti Leena Passilahti City of Pori art collection
Untitled painting by Leena Passilahti, TM 1891 Leena Passilahti City of Pori art collection
Untitled painting by Leena Passilahti, TM 1892 Leena Passilahti City of Pori art collection

Leif Egil Reitan

label description creator collection
Lysning painting by Leif Egil Reitan Leif Egil Reitan National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Ekspress painting by Leif Egil Reitan Leif Egil Reitan National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
(Uten tittel) painting by Leif Egil Reitan Leif Egil Reitan National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Lembit Lepp

label description creator collection
Vanemuine, 1970 painting by Lembit Lepp Lembit Lepp Tartu City Museum's art collection
Jalakäijate sild painting by Lembit Lepp Lembit Lepp Tartu City Museum's art collection
Udmurdi küla vaade painting by Lembit Lepp Lembit Lepp Estonian National Museum's art collection

Lembit Rand

label description creator collection
Puud tee ääres painting by Lembit Rand Lembit Rand Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled šampusega painting by Lembit Rand Lembit Rand Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rõdud painting by Lembit Rand Lembit Rand Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ranna pilt painting by Lembit Rand Lembit Rand Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Majad ja puud painting by Lembit Rand Lembit Rand Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Lembit Rull

label description creator collection
Lahing painting by Lembit Rull Lembit Rull Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bahtšisarai oru baas (Paplid) painting by Lembit Rull Lembit Rull University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Lembit Saarts

label description creator collection
Õhtupoolik Otepää lähistel painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suve lõpp painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lendav taldrik painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ikla päeval painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kevadine tundmus painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Purjekas painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jäljed rannaliival painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tagasitulijad. Otepää linnamäel painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Eha painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rannapungerja painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine kannuga painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tiina kuuga painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punane kompositsioon painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ikla öösel painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Alatskivi motiiv painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kevadine pesupäev painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Toomel painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kristalluhmer painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kahitud kuningas painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik viljapõlluga painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tambet isaga painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaade Väikeselt Munamäelt painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaukaasia motiiv painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kerge eine painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Motiiv Jerevanist painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suveöö painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bukett painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tühi rand painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Aukiri painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Muna ja kuu painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügismaastik painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Unes nähtud südasuvine interjöör painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Keeruline ülesanne painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Videvik painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pilvine päev painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suve värvid painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Apokalüpsis painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mõtisklus talvest painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nokturn painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuu faasid III painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilleostja painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ihtüoloogiline painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sinine liblikas painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Uustulnuka üllatus painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Loetav käekiri painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jutustus painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Plaaž painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Inimene ja koer painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Roosiline meeleolu painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mootoriremondi tsehhis painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine sinises mantlis painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suveõhtu painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Monument painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannapungerja I painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jaanusjärv painting by Lembit Saarts Lembit Saarts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Lembit Sarapuu

label description creator collection
Ann painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Anu Variksoo portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Leedu kunstniku Birute Zhylite portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Läänemere sünd painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hillar painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tütarlapse portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rõuge maastik painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vana maja painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kunstiõpilase portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naiskodaniku portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jõe ääres painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Allikas painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õunad, taldrik ja muud painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Töörõõm painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvel painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Keskustelu painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Leitnant J. M. Kozlovi portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jaamaülem painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Liivia painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ingrid Kase portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Poeedi annetus Eesti heaks painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naisterahva portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalevipoeg ja saareneiu painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tütarlaps Lõuna-Eestist painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Baltisaksa parun (Henn Kochi portree) painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Magav Veenus painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kirjanik Mihkel Mutt painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toidukaupluse müüja painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tütarlaps Tallinnast painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Laine painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Anita painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kevad painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kunstnik Aili Vint painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suveõhtu painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suplevad neitsid painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naiskodaniku portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Gildihoone painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Flora painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kolm tütarlast painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Neiu portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalevipoeg allmaailmas painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ilus õhtupoolik painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtu painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suverõõmud painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naisakt painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Silva painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Agnes painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mets painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Keskustelu painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Noor sprinter painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sõbra portree painting by Lembit Sarapuu Lembit Sarapuu University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Leonhard Lapin

label description creator collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F1 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jaotatud väli painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suprealism VI painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F9 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kaks figuuri aknal painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F12 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F2 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F10 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F3 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F5 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F4 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F8 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F11 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F6 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Muuseum sillal. Tartu kunstimuuseum sillana üle Emajõe painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rütmid, sfäärid, F7 painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nimeta painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Keelpillimuusika painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kood LXX painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtumaa loojang painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rahva Hääl painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Koodid LXV a,b,c painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Valguse poole painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kood LXXII painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kood LXXVII painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kood LXXI painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kosmiline masin painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ornament Kalevipoja ja Sarvikuga painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kood LXXIV painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kood LXXIII painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ristuvad jooned III painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Valge interjöör painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ruum painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kood LXXIX painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalevi kojutulek painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lydia Koidula. Graafiline teos painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin Pärnu Museum's art collection
Kahekesi murul painting by Leonhard Lapin Leonhard Lapin University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Leonhard Räkk

label description creator collection
Tartu Õlletehas painting by Leonhard Räkk Leonhard Räkk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled painting by Leonhard Räkk Leonhard Räkk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Leonhard Räkk Leonhard Räkk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Leonhard Räkk Leonhard Räkk Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Leverton Harris

label description creator collection
George Moore painting by Frederick Leverton Harris Leverton Harris Fitzwilliam Museum
Souillac painting by Frederick Leverton Harris Leverton Harris Fitzwilliam Museum

Lilian Mosolainen

label description creator collection
Nimeta painting by Lilian Mosolainen Lilian Mosolainen Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Leda ja luik painting by Lilian Mosolainen Lilian Mosolainen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Päike painting by Lilian Mosolainen Lilian Mosolainen Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Linda Kohk

label description creator collection
Ado Grossi portree painting by Linda Kohk Linda Kohk Tartu City Museum's art collection
Eesti kuningate tapmine Paide Ordulossis painting by Linda Kohk Linda Kohk Järvamaa Museum's art collection
Ema portree painting by Linda Kohk Linda Kohk Estonian National Museum's art collection

Linda Lepik

label description creator collection
Maastik II painting by Linda Lepik Linda Lepik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Linda Lepik Linda Lepik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik järvega painting by Linda Lepik Linda Lepik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik III painting by Linda Lepik Linda Lepik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik I painting by Linda Lepik Linda Lepik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Linda Marrinon

label description creator collection
Short man with two dogs painting by Linda Marrinon Linda Marrinon Art Gallery of New South Wales
In memory of little puss painting by Linda Marrinon Linda Marrinon National Gallery of Victoria
Turned down Harvard painting by Linda Marrinon Linda Marrinon National Gallery of Australia
Guitar with yellow wrist band painting by Linda Marrinon Linda Marrinon National Gallery of Australia

Linda Rääts

label description creator collection
Gloksiinia painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Puuvõra painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kannikesed painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suvemaja Peedul painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort apelsinidega painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vapramäe motiiv painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Krüsanteemid painting by Linda Rääts Linda Rääts Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Lionel Thomas

label description creator collection
Autumn Impressions painting by Lionel Thomas Lionel Thomas National Gallery of Canada
Recollection of the Forest painting by Lionel Thomas Lionel Thomas National Gallery of Canada

Lise Schonberg

label description creator collection
Necklace painting by Lise Schonberg Lise Schonberg National Gallery of Kosovo
Three rings painting by Lise Schonberg Lise Schonberg National Gallery of Kosovo

Liu Wei

label description creator collection
Swimmers painting by Liu Wei Liu Wei San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Two Drunk Painters painting by Liu Wei Liu Wei San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Ljubomir Stahov

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Ljubomir Stahov Ljubomir Stahov National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled painting by Ljubomir Stahov Ljubomir Stahov National Gallery of Kosovo

Lloyd B. Embry

label description creator collection
Edwin Cassius Taylor (1874-1935), B.F.A. 1910, M.A. (Hon.) 1919 painting by Lloyd Bowers Embry Lloyd B. Embry Yale University Art Gallery
Gustaf Herman Eriksson painting by Lloyd Embry Lloyd B. Embry Nationalmuseum

Lotte Laserstein

label description creator collection
Sir Ernst Chain painting by Lotte Laserstein Lotte Laserstein National Portrait Gallery
Helena Klein painting by Lotte Laserstein-Marcus Lotte Laserstein Nationalmuseum
Elsa Backlund-Celsing, 1880-1974 painting by Lotte Laserstein-Marcus Lotte Laserstein Nationalmuseum
Russian Girl with Compact painting by Lotte Laserstein Lotte Laserstein Städel Museum
Boy with Kasper Puppet (Wolfgang Karger) painting by Lotte Laserstein Lotte Laserstein Städel Museum

Louis Auguste Déchelette

label description creator collection
Dernière étape! painting by Louis-Auguste Déchelette Louis Auguste Déchelette Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Synthèse du bonheur painting by Louis-Auguste Déchelette Louis Auguste Déchelette Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Les Parisiennes painting by Louis-Auguste Déchelette Louis Auguste Déchelette Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Les oiseaux painting by Louis-Auguste Déchelette Louis Auguste Déchelette Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Le dimanche (en Beaujolais) painting by Louis-Auguste Déchelette Louis Auguste Déchelette Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Le travail painting by Louis-Auguste Déchelette Louis Auguste Déchelette Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Louis B. Sloan

label description creator collection
Manayunk painting by Louis Baynard Sloan Louis B. Sloan Philadelphia Museum of Art
Backyards painting by Louis B. Sloan Louis B. Sloan Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Frost Valley in the Catskills painting by Louis B. Sloan Louis B. Sloan Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Gathering Storm over Philadelphia painting by Louis B. Sloan Louis B. Sloan Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Rooftops painting by Louis B. Sloan Louis B. Sloan Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Louis Bogaerts

label description creator collection
Portret van Marcellus Adrianus M. Dorenbosch painting by Aloysius Antonius Henricus Maria Bogaerts Louis Bogaerts
Peinture H. Bogaerts
Noordbrabants Museum
N. Rost Ezn. painting by H.A.W.M Bogaerts Louis Bogaerts
Peinture H. Bogaerts
Groninger Museum

Louis Cameron

label description creator collection
American Express painting by Louis Cameron Louis Cameron Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Reynolds Wrap painting by Louis Cameron Louis Cameron Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Apple & Eve, 100% Apple Juice painting by Louis Cameron Louis Cameron Albright–Knox Art Gallery

Louis Glanzman

label description creator collection
Neil Armstrong painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
James Albert Pike painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Richard Nixon painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Charles De Gaulle painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Russian Invasion Cssr painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Vo Nguyen Giap painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Abe Fortas painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Paul VI painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Hubert Humphrey painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Suharto painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Arthur da Costa e Silva painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Gamal Abdel Nasser painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Georges Pompidou painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Nicolae Ceausescu painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
George Washington painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Robert F. Kennedy painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Anita Caspary and James Shannon painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Levi Eshkol painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
William L. Calley painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Sergei Gorshkov painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Francisco Franco painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Melvin Robert Laird painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Creighton Abrams painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery
Pierre-Paul Schweitzer painting by Louis S. Glanzman Louis Glanzman National Portrait Gallery

Louis Pasteur

label description creator collection
Portrait de Jean-Joseph Pasteur painting by Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur Musée Pasteur
Portrait de Jeanne-Étiennette Roqui painting by Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur Musée Pasteur

Louis Sullivan

label description creator collection
Ceiling Frieze, from the Trading Room of the Chicago Stock Exchange Building, Chicago painting by Louis Henri Sullivan Louis Sullivan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
decoration painted fragment from the trading room of the chicago stock exchange painting by Louis Sullivan Louis Sullivan Musée d'Orsay

Louis-Ami Arlaud-Jurine

label description creator collection
A Gentleman painting by Louis-Ami Arlaud-Jurine Cincinnati Art Museum
Femme assise dans un parc avec un épagneul painting by Louis-Ami (dit Arlaud-Jurine) Arlaud Louis-Ami Arlaud-Jurine Musée Cognacq-Jay
Fanny Uginet, m. Mercier painting by Louis-Ami Arlaud Louis-Ami Arlaud-Jurine Nationalmuseum

Louise Rösler

label description creator collection
Zerstörte Brücke am Teltowkanal painting by Louise (1907-1993) Rösler Louise Rösler Berlinische Galerie
Straße in Berlin NO painting by Louise (1907-1993) Rösler Louise Rösler Berlinische Galerie
Kurfüstendamm painting by Louise Rösler Louise Rösler Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin

Lu, Gi-Zen

label description creator collection
Kanryuji Temple oil paint by Lu,Gi-Zen Lu, Gi-Zen private collection
Colorful Clouds amidst Guanyuan painting by Lu, Gi-Zen Lu, Gi-Zen
Guanyin mountain painting by Lu, Gi-Zen Lu, Gi-Zen
The peak of Jade Mountain Oil paint by Lu, Gi-Zen Lu, Gi-Zen
赤崁樓 painting by Lu, Gi-Zen Lu, Gi-Zen
Fish market Oil paint by Lu Gi-Zen in 1950 Lu, Gi-Zen

Ludmilla Siim

label description creator collection
Andres Ehini portree painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Metall painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Peegel painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Daam Hullost painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punane gladiool painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ringis painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Heinavedu painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtu painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Koduigatsus painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jaak Kangilaski portree painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mati Undi portree painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Andres Toltsi portree painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort linna foonil painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kollane tuba painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kollane valgus painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Planeerijad painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mees ja raamat painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Juhan Viidingu portree painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ateljees painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Eetriruum painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hämarus painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Raadiomaja painting by Ludmilla Siim Ludmilla Siim Estonian History Museum's visual arts collection

Ludwik Dutkiewicz

label description creator collection
Classic abstract painting by Ludwik Dutkiewicz Ludwik Dutkiewicz Art Gallery of South Australia
Green Village painting by Ludwik Dutkiewicz Ludwik Dutkiewicz Art Gallery of South Australia

Lui Shou-Kwan

label description creator collection
Blue Houses item EA1968.3 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Journey Around Hong Kong Island item EA2011.73 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Victoria Peak item EA2011.72 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
The Light of Hong Kong item LI2022.75 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Autumn Promontory item LI2022.145 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Reflection item EA1962.246 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Naturalness item EA1981.71 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Lotus item EA2008.55 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Chan Painting item EA1975.4 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Chan painting item EA1981.68 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Chan painting item EA1981.69 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum
Chan painting item EA1981.70 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lui Shou-Kwan Ashmolean Museum

Luis Lagarto

label description creator collection
The Annunciation painting by Luis Lagarto Luis Lagarto Museo Nacional de Arte
The Virgin of the Rosary with Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Catherine of Sienna painting by Luis Lagarto Luis Lagarto Museo Nacional de Arte
Los cinco señores painting by Luis Lagarto Luis Lagarto Museo Soumaya at Plaza Carso

Luke Elwes

label description creator collection
Claremont Fête 1991 painting by Luke Elwes Luke Elwes National Trust
Uppark from the South West: Late Summer before the Fire painting by Luke Elwes Luke Elwes National Trust

Luma Luma Yunupingu

label description creator collection
The Spirit's Journey painting by LUMA LUMA Yunupingu Luma Luma Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia
Minhala the long necked tortoise painting by LUMA LUMA Yunupingu Luma Luma Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia

Luule Dmitrijeva

label description creator collection
Minu kodu aknad painting by Luule Dmitrijeva Luule Dmitrijeva Narva Museum's art collection
Helevalgustus painting by Luule Dmitrijeva Luule Dmitrijeva Narva Museum's art collection
Kiri painting by Luule Dmitrijeva Luule Dmitrijeva Narva Museum's art collection

Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell

label description creator collection
Poisi akt painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Daami portree painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Poiss apelsiniga painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Daami portree painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Apelsinimüüja painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree. Etüüd painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Daami portree painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Daami portree painting by Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Lydia Christine von Ruckteschell Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Lydia Durnovo

label description creator collection
Ընդօրինակություն 1211 թ. Հաղպատի ավետարանի «Քրիստոսը և պատվիրատու եղբայրները` Սահակը և Առաքելը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1286 թ. «Ճաշոցի»-ի «Յուղաբեր կանայք և հրեշտակը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1320 թ. անհայտ նկարիչների և Սարգիս Պիծակի նկարազարդված ավետարանի «Քրիստոսի փորձությունը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1286 թ. «Ճաշոց»-ի «Հրեաների ծովից անցնելը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1211 թ. Հաղպատի ավետարանի խորանների բացվածքի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1332 թ. ավետարանի «Անպտուղ արմավենու անեծքը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1332 թ. ավետարանի «Պետրոս Առաքյալի զղջումը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1332 թ. ավետարանի «Քրիստոսը և սամարացի կինը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1332 թ. ավետարանի «Աստվածածին և Աբրահամ» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1232 թ. «Թարգմանչաց» ավետարանի «Յուղաբեր կանայք և հրեշտակը» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն Ախթալայի վանքի Ապսիդայի կամարի «Տիրամայրը գահի վրա» որմնանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1232թ-ի «Թարգմանչաց» ավետարանի 37 զարդանկարների painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 11-րդ դարի «Մուղնու» ավետարանի «Խորանի» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1286թ-ի Հեթում թագավորի «Ճաշոց»-ի 9 լուսանկարների մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1286թ-ի Կիլիկիայի Հեթում թագավորի «Ճաշոցի» «Հովնանի պատմությանը» 2 մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1286թ-ի Կիլիկիայի Հեթում թագավորի «Ճաշոցի» 12 մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1320թ-ի ավետարանի «Հիվանդների բուժումն» և «Քրիստոսը իր աշակերտներով» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 13-րդ դարի և 1320թ-ի ավետարանի «Սիմոնի զոքանչի բուժումը», «Դիվահարների բուժումը», «Աննա Մարգարե» և 2 զարդանկարի մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 13-րդ դարի և 1320թ-ի ավետարանի «Դիվահարների բուժումը», «Զրույց քահանապետերի հետ» և «Զրույց աշակերտի հետ» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 12-13-րդ դարերի ավետարանի «Խորանի» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1232թ-ի «Թարգմանչաց» ավետարանի «Խորանի» մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
A copy of 9 miniatures of the manuscript of the “Dinner” of 1286 by King Hetum painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia
Ընդօրինակություն 1211թ-ի Հաղպատի ավետարանի խորանի բացվածքի մանրանկարի painting by Lydia Durnovo Lydia Durnovo National Gallery of Armenia

Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark

label description creator collection
Kontserdi kuulajad painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Karksi maastik painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Linnavaade painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tütarlapse portree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valve Janovi portree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Toomas painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tütarlaps sinise lõngakeraga painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Helgi Hirve portree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maskid painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ema ja laps painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Uisutee painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Majad (katused ja müürid) painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jaak Nõlvaku portree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Meloodia painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Majad mäeveerul painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poolfiguur painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
L. Israeli portree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portree hallil foonil painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kitarri mängiv noormees painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pioneeri portree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Agulimotiiv painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portree tumedal taustal painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nägemus painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mannekeen oma maailmas painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree musta kübaraga painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Talvine linn painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pühajärve maastik (õhtul) painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Joosu savikarjäär painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lembus painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Varakevadel painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Henn Roode painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pilkuse maastik (Otepää maastik) painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Mured ja rõõmud painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Illustratsioon muinasjutule "Lumeeit" painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Illustratsioon Usbeki muinasjutule "3 arbuusiseemet" painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Illustratsioon muinasjutule "Lumeeit" painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Illustratsioon Usbeki muinasjutule "3 arbuusiseemet" painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Illustratsioon muinasjutule "Lumeeit" painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Otepää maastik painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kunstnik Saartsi portree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuivanud puu painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talvemaastik painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lamav akt painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ruhnu maastik painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Lüüdia Vallimäe-Mark Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

M. Zoege von Manteuffel

label description creator collection
Laulasmaa männik painting by M. Zoege von Manteuffel M. Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õu kuivava pesuga painting by M. Zoege von Manteuffel M. Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Heinalised painting by M. Zoege von Manteuffel M. Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sügismaastik painting by M. Zoege von Manteuffel M. Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mägimaastik kabeliga painting by M. Zoege von Manteuffel M. Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lammas rohtu söömas painting by M. Zoege von Manteuffel M. Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Interjöör Toomkirikust painting by M. Zoege von Manteuffel M. Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Maarit Murka

label description creator collection
Autoportree painting by Maarit Murka Maarit Murka Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Secret sex painting by Maarit Murka Maarit Murka Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Mabel Killam Day

label description creator collection
The Milk Bottle painting by Mabel Killam Day Mabel Killam Day National Gallery of Canada
Stormy Sea painting by Mabel Killam Day Mabel Killam Day National Gallery of Canada
Blue Water painting by Mabel Killam Day Mabel Killam Day National Gallery of Canada

MacDonald Gill

label description creator collection
Punch and Judy painting by Macdonald Gill MacDonald Gill Tate
National Gallery
Wind Indicator Map of Holy Island and the Northumberland Coast painting by Macdonald Gill MacDonald Gill National Trust

Madelon Hooykaas

label description creator collection
Time Piece II painting by Else Madelon Hooykaas Madelon Hooykaas Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Time Piece IV painting by Else Madelon Hooykaas Madelon Hooykaas Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Time Piece VI painting by Else Madelon Hooykaas Madelon Hooykaas Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Madli Kirchhoff

label description creator collection
Indira painting by Madli Kirchhoff Madli Kirchhoff Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suvepuhkus painting by Madli Kirchhoff Madli Kirchhoff Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Mai Paris

label description creator collection
Korvpall painting by Mai Paris Mai Paris Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Laulupidu painting by Mai Paris Mai Paris University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Maido Toll

label description creator collection
Nasva sild painting by Maido Toll Maido Toll Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Lapsed õues painting by Maido Toll Maido Toll Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Lõuna-Eesti maastik painting by Maido Toll Maido Toll Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Maija Luutonen

label description creator collection
Los Angeles painting by Maija Luutonen Maija Luutonen Finnish National Gallery
Mitä jää näkyviin painting by Maija Luutonen Maija Luutonen Finnish National Gallery
Saturn Return painting by Maija Luutonen Maija Luutonen Finnish National Gallery
Cut It painting by Maija Luutonen Maija Luutonen Finnish National Gallery

Maire Koll

label description creator collection
Keerukuju painting by Maire Koll Maire Koll Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Madonna painting by Maire Koll Maire Koll Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Maj Bring

label description creator collection
Johan Ramstedt, 1852-1935 painting by Maj Bring Maj Bring Nationalmuseum
Anna Behle (1876-1966), dance teacher, romance singer, singing teacher painting by Maj Bring Maj Bring Nationalmuseum

Maja Bergh Holtermann

label description creator collection
Maja Bergh Holtermann, 1899-1993 painting by Maja Bergh Holtermann Maja Bergh Holtermann Nationalmuseum
Självporträtt painting by Maja Bergh Holtermann Maja Bergh Holtermann Nationalmuseum

Mall Paris

label description creator collection
Kasvamise pilt painting by Mall Paris Mall Paris Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Koos painting by Mall Paris Mall Paris Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ole see, kes sa oled IV painting by Mall Paris Mall Paris Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ole see, kes sa oled I painting by Mall Paris Mall Paris Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ole see, kes sa oled III painting by Mall Paris Mall Paris Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ole see, kes sa oled II painting by Mall Paris Mall Paris Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Manuel Saiz

label description creator collection
Biological Chips No. 2 painting by Manuel Saiz Manuel Saiz Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Biological Chips No. 3 painting by Manuel Saiz Manuel Saiz Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Manuel Vicente

label description creator collection
Assunção de Maria Madalena painting by Manuel Vicente Manuel Vicente Machado de Castro National Museum
Santa Catarina de Alexandria painting by Manuel Vicente Manuel Vicente Machado de Castro National Museum

Marco Lodola

label description creator collection
Rockstar painting by Marco Lodola Marco Lodola Groninger Museum
Hare krishna Kirtan painting by Marco Lodola Marco Lodola Groninger Museum

Margaret Gove Camfferman

label description creator collection
Landscape painting by Margaret Gove Camfferman Margaret Gove Camfferman Seattle Art Museum
View from Old Homestead Ranch painting by Margaret Gove Camfferman Margaret Gove Camfferman Seattle Art Museum

Margarethe Fuks

label description creator collection
Lugemas painting by Margarethe Fuks Margarethe Fuks Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lehmalüps painting by Margarethe Fuks Margarethe Fuks Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen

label description creator collection
La Famille impériale d’Autriche fêtant la Saint-Nicolas painting by Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen Schönbrunn Palace
Self-portrait painting by Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen Maria Christina, Duchess of Teschen Schönbrunn Palace

Maria Emília Campos

label description creator collection
Soldado equipado Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Maria Emília Campos Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Soldado do 1º Batalhão de Infantaria do Exército Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Maria Emília Campos Museu Histórico Nacional collection

Maria Lalić

label description creator collection
History Painting 42 C20th. Winsor Yellow painting by Maria Lalic Maria Lalić Tate
History Painting 17 Italian. Naples Yellow painting by Maria Lalic Maria Lalić Tate
History Painting 8 Egyptian. Orpiment painting by Maria Lalic Maria Lalić Tate
History Painting 35 C18/19th. Cadmium Yellow painting by Maria Lalic Maria Lalić Tate
History Painting 14 Greek. Massicot painting by Maria Lalic Maria Lalić Tate
History Painting 2 Cave. Yellow Earth painting by Maria Lalic Maria Lalić Tate

Marian Burguès i Serra

label description creator collection
Paisatge artwok by Marian Burguès i Serra, 1887 Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum
Paisatge artwok by Marian Burguès i Serra, 1887 Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum
Paisatge painting by Marian Burguès i Serra Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum
Paisatge painting by Marian Burguès i Serra Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum
Paisatge painting by Marian Burguès i Serra Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum
Paisatge painting by Marian Burguès i Serra Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum
Paisatge artwok by Marian Burguès i Serra, 1887 Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum
Paisatge artwok by Marian Burguès i Serra, c. 1887 Marian Burguès i Serra Sabadell Art Museum

Marianne Heske

label description creator collection
Full Moon Mountain III painting by Marianne Heske Marianne Heske National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Mountains of the Mind painting by Marianne Heske Marianne Heske National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Trolltindene painting by Marianne Heske Marianne Heske National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Fragment av Fanaråken I painting by Marianne Heske Marianne Heske National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Mountain of the mind painting by Marianne Heske Marianne Heske City of Pori art collection

Marianne Lindberg De Geer

label description creator collection
Leif Nylén, born 1939, art and literature critic, author, musician painting by Marianne Lindberg De Geer Marianne Lindberg De Geer Nationalmuseum
Carlo Derkert (1915-1994), professor, konstpedagog, museiman, gift med Kerstin Hildinger painting by Marianne Lindberg De Geer Marianne Lindberg De Geer Nationalmuseum
Gudrun Schyman, born 1948, leader of the political party Vänsterpartiet, spokes person of the political party Feministiskt Initiativ painting by Marianne Lindberg De Geer Marianne Lindberg De Geer Nationalmuseum

Marianne Männi

label description creator collection
Passime niisama painting by Marianne Männi Marianne Männi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Veenuse sünd painting by Marianne Männi Marianne Männi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Marianne Wiig Storaas

label description creator collection
Tenvik 2.5 painting by Marianne Wiig Storaas Marianne Wiig Storaas National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Kine painting by Marianne Wiig Storaas Marianne Wiig Storaas National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Marie-Victoire Jaquotot

label description creator collection
Self-portrait painting by Marie Victoire Jaquotot Marie-Victoire Jaquotot private collection
Countess Woronzow painting by Marie Victorie Jaquotot Marie-Victoire Jaquotot Nationalmuseum
Still life. A vase of carnations and other flowers, with vine leaves and tendrils and blue & green grapes, other fruit & trailing nastursium on a stone ledge painting by Marie Victoire Jaquotot Marie-Victoire Jaquotot Fitzwilliam Museum

Mario Doucette

label description creator collection
The Acadian Deportation (after Sir Frank Dicksee) painting by Mario Doucette Mario Doucette National Gallery of Canada
Melpomene Welcomes Henry Wadsworth Longfellow painting by Mario Doucette Mario Doucette National Gallery of Canada
Dispersion of the Acadians (after Henri Beau) painting by Mario Doucette Mario Doucette National Gallery of Canada
Dispersion of the Acadians (after Henri Beau) painting by Mario Doucette (NGA Canada 47690) Mario Doucette National Gallery of Canada

Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg

label description creator collection
Narva. Kreenholmi manufaktuur painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Öökuninganna painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Trelleborg. Talv painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Sotši painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Moon painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Narva-Jõesuu mererannal painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Põhja-Rootsi motiiv painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Rootsi asula. Bjärnum. painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Teine rand painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Püha Anastasius (koopia Rembrandti originalist) painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Vana Narva vaade painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Tallinn. Pirita painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Hele park. Narva-Jõesuu painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Laine. Trelleborg painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Pime aed 1930. aastatel painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Narva-Jõesuu painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Päikese loojang. Põhja-Rootsi painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection
Lapimaa värav. Rootsi painting by Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Marjam Smirnova-Hallberg Narva Museum's art collection

Marjorie Gwynne

label description creator collection
Landscape - farm by the sea painting by Marjorie Gwynne Marjorie Gwynne Art Gallery of South Australia
Mrs Daisy Bates C.B.E. painting by Marjorie Gwynne Marjorie Gwynne Art Gallery of South Australia
Pay parade painting by Marjorie Gwynne Marjorie Gwynne Art Gallery of South Australia
The pink cap painting by Marjorie Gwynne Marjorie Gwynne Art Gallery of South Australia

Mark Henry Howson

label description creator collection
A mid-summer's night dream painting by Mark Howson Mark Henry Howson National Gallery of Victoria
The torture of A. Panagoulis painting by Mark Howson Mark Henry Howson National Gallery of Australia
Nativity group painting by Mark Howson Mark Henry Howson National Gallery of Australia

Mark Wallinger

label description creator collection
Half-Brother (Exit to Nowhere - Machiavellian) painting by Mark Wallinger Mark Wallinger Tate
Where There’s Muck painting by Mark Wallinger Mark Wallinger Tate

Markku Mäkelä

label description creator collection
Vastakkain I painting by Markku Mäkelä Markku Mäkelä City of Pori art collection
Vastakkain II painting by Markku Mäkelä Markku Mäkelä City of Pori art collection

Marko Krsmanović

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Marko Krsmanovic Marko Krsmanović National Gallery of Kosovo
The thinker painting by Marko Krsmanovic Marko Krsmanović National Gallery of Kosovo
Street painting by Marko Krsmanovic Marko Krsmanović National Gallery of Kosovo
Without a white dot painting by Marko Krsmanovic Marko Krsmanović National Gallery of Kosovo

Marko Mäetamm

label description creator collection
Sovhoos Tallinn painting by Kaido Ole Marko Mäetamm
Kaido Ole
Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Boing! Boing! Wa wa wa wa ww !!! painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lovely Little Rabbit Drives The Fancy Carriage painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuidas tappa punane ratsanik painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Flowers and Candle painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuidas mitte tappa punast ratsanikku painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Come on, choot painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ooh Baby! I´m Positively Shocked! painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuidas alustada punase ratsaniku tapmist painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nuttev karu painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Fenomen painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Car World III. Abikambri seguklapi ajam painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Car World. Uks painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Car World. Measuring instruments painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Holocaust painting by Kaido Ole Marko Mäetamm
Kaido Ole
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Car World IV. 6 võimalust auto parkimiseks painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Proovi mind! I painting by Marko Mäetamm Marko Mäetamm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Markus Kasemaa

label description creator collection
Figuur poksikinnaste ja haloga painting by Markus Kasemaa Markus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naisfiguur automaadiga painting by Markus Kasemaa Markus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Figuur ujumisrõngaga painting by Markus Kasemaa Markus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Peaaegu puhas painting by Markus Kasemaa Markus Kasemaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Markus Linnenbrink

label description creator collection
Slowlight painting by Markus Linnenbrink Markus Linnenbrink San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Untitled painting by Markus Linnenbrink Markus Linnenbrink Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Untitled painting by Linnenbrink, Markus Markus Linnenbrink Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

Mart Org

label description creator collection
Naine rõdul painting by Mart Org Mart Org Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Apricale painting by Mart Org Mart Org Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Peegeldus läbi akna painting by Mart Org Mart Org Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Punane juuksurisalong painting by Mart Org Mart Org Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ema surivoodil painting by Mart Org Mart Org Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pesuruum painting by Mart Org Mart Org Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kollaaž koduakna seeriast painting by Mart Org Mart Org Pärnu Museum's art collection

Mart Pukits

label description creator collection
August Kitzbergi portree painting by Mart Pukits Mart Pukits Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
O. J. L. Virkhausi portree painting by Mart Pukits Mart Pukits Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Eduard Kivastiku portree painting by Mart Pukits Mart Pukits Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Imatra kosk painting by Mart Pukits Mart Pukits Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik kaskedega painting by Mart Pukits Mart Pukits Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jakob Hurda portree painting by Mart Pukits Mart Pukits University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Martin Rudolf Heland

label description creator collection
Utsikt från Arsenalsgatan painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholms slott och Norrström painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Riddarhustorget painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Vy över Strömmen (Sthlm slott fr Skeppsholmen ?) painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Slottsbacken painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Vy över Munkbron painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholms slott från Gustaf Adolfs torg painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Utsikt från Arsenalsgatan painting by Martin Rudolf Heland (Nationalmuseum NMB 1613) Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholmsvy, Stortorget med Pumphuset painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholmsvy, utsikt över Strömmen painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholmsvy, utsikt från Blasieholmen (?) painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholmsvy, utsikt från Kungsholmen över Mälaren painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholmsvy, Slottets vänstra flygel ? painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stockholmsvy, utsikt från Strömsborg painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Drottningholms slott painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Uppsala slott och domkyrka painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum
Stortorget, Stockholm painting by Martin Rudolf Heland Martin Rudolf Heland Nationalmuseum

Maruyama Oshin

label description creator collection
Carp painting by Maruyama Ōshin Maruyama Oshin Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Calabash Flowers and Beetle painting by Maruyama Ōshin Maruyama Oshin Metropolitan Museum of Art

Master of Aiguatèbia

label description creator collection
Saint John the Evangelist's Dream at Patmos painting by Master of Aiguatèbia Master of Aiguatèbia Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Martyrdom of Saint John the Evangelist painting by Master of Aiguatèbia Master of Aiguatèbia Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Master of Estamariu

label description creator collection
Retablo de la leyenda de Santa Lucía painting by Maestro de Estamariú Master of Estamariu Museo del Prado
Retablo de la leyenda de Santa Lucía painting by Maestro de Estamariú (El Prado P002535) Master of Estamariu Museo del Prado

Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra

label description creator collection
Winged Ox of Saint Luke from Sant Esteve d'Andorra painting by Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Paintings from Sant Esteve d'Andorra painting by Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Plant border from Sant Esteve d'Andorra painting by Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Frieze with the City of Jerusalem from Sant Esteve d'Andorra painting by Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Christ washing the Disciples’ Feet painting by Maestro de San Esteve de Andorra Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Museo del Prado
Christ of the Crown of Thorns from Sant Esteve d'Andorra painting by Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Master of Sant Esteve d'Andorra Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Master of Sorpe

label description creator collection
Annunciation, Birth and Crucifixion from Sorpe painting by Master of Sorpe Master of Sorpe Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Paintings from Sorpe painting by Master of Sorpe Master of Sorpe Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Master of the Berlin Sketchbook

label description creator collection
Virgin on a Moon Crescent painting by the Master of the Berlin Sketchbook Master of the Berlin Sketchbook Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg
Saint Anne carrying the Virgin and Child painting by the Master of the Berlin Sketchbook Master of the Berlin Sketchbook Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg

Master of the Cini Madonna

label description creator collection
Annunciation painting by Master of the Cini Madonna Master of the Cini Madonna Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Dormition of the Virgin painting by Master of the Cini Madonna Master of the Cini Madonna Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple painting by Master of the Cini Madonna Master of the Cini Madonna Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Master of the Greek school

label description creator collection
A Bishop Saint painting by Mästare av Grekiska skolan Master of the Greek school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Forty Martyrs of Sevastis painting by Mästare av Grekiska skolan Master of the Greek school icon collection of Sweden National Museum

Master of the Moscow school (icons)

label description creator collection
The Descent into Hell "Anastasis" painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Presentation of the Child in the Temple painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons)
Master of the Stroganov school
icon collection of Sweden National Museum
"In Thee Rejoiceth" painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Nativity of the Mother of God painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Annunciation painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Saint Alexander of Svir in adoration of the Old Testament Trinity painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Liturgical Eucarist painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Liturgical Eucarist painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan (NMI 201) Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Den gammaltestamentliga Treenigheten, Kristus utdelar sakramenten, Evangelister. painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan (NMI 202) Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Saint Mark the Evangelist painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan (NMI 203) Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Saint Matthew the Evangelist painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Women at the Tomb painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Christ holding the Gospel painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Saint George in Adoration of Christ "Not Made by Human Hands" painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Apostles Peter and Paul in Adoration of Christ Emmanuel painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
"Weep not for me, Mother" painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Kristus på korset painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Heavenly Hierarchy painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The_Mother_of_God._Part_of_Deesis painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
St_John_the_Baptist._Part_of_Deesis painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Portable Deesis tier painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Old Testament Trinity painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The New Testament Trinity painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Christ Pantokrator painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Christ Emmanuel painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Nativity of Christ painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The_Miracle_of_St_George painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
* Evangelister painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Transfiguration painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Last Judgement, "The Second Coming of Christ" painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Förklaringen painting by Mästare av Moskvaskolan Master of the Moscow school (icons) icon collection of Sweden National Museum

Master of the San Lucchese Altarpiece

label description creator collection
A Baptism painting by Master of the San Lucchese Altarpiece Master of the San Lucchese Altarpiece National Galleries of Scotland
A Martyrdom painting by Master of the San Lucchese Altarpiece Master of the San Lucchese Altarpiece National Galleries of Scotland

Master of the Stroganov school

label description creator collection
The Six Days of Creation "Shestodnev" painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Archangel Michael painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Mother of God of Tikhvin painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Mother of God of the Don painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Appearance of the Mother of God to Saint Sergii of Radonezh painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Miracle of Saint George painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
The Congregation of Archangel Michael painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school icon collection of Sweden National Museum
Portable Triptych with Christ Saviour of Smolensk painting by Mästare av Stroganovskolan Master of the Stroganov school Nationalmuseum

Mateu Culell Aznar

label description creator collection
Projecte per a un paravent: fragment lateral esquerre artwork by Mateu Culell, Barcelona, 1879-1943 (1898) Mateu Culell Aznar Art Modern Art MNAC
Projecte per a un paravent: fragment central artwork by Mateu Culell, Barcelona, 1879-1943 (1898) Mateu Culell Aznar Art Modern Art MNAC
Projecte per a un paravent: fragment lateral dret artwork by Mateu Culell, Barcelona, 1879-1943 (1898) Mateu Culell Aznar Art Modern Art MNAC
Projecte per a un paravent artwork by Mateu Culell, Barcelona, 1879-1943 (1898) Mateu Culell Aznar Art Modern Art MNAC

Mathew Cerletty

label description creator collection
Quilty painting by Mathew Cerletty Mathew Cerletty Whitney Museum of American Art
Shelf Life painting by Mathew Cerletty Mathew Cerletty Whitney Museum of American Art
Workforce painting by Mathew Cerletty Mathew Cerletty Whitney Museum of American Art

Mats Massar

label description creator collection
Tartu motiiv painting by Mats Massar Mats Massar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Interjöör painting by Mats Massar Mats Massar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Matthias Peterson

label description creator collection
Pühak painting by Matthias Peterson Matthias Peterson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Matthias Peterson Matthias Peterson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Matti Kulmala

label description creator collection
Merkitty lanka painting by Matti Kulmala Matti Kulmala Finnish National Gallery
Vanha tatti painting by Matti Kulmala Matti Kulmala City of Pori art collection

Maud Mildred Whitmore

label description creator collection
Isabella Bazely, Mrs Francis Henry (Laing) Wolryche-Whitmore (1811-1902) painting by Maud M. Whitmore Maud Mildred Whitmore National Trust
Frances Evelyn Wolryche-Whitmore, Mrs George Blacklock (1872-1948) painting by Maud M. Whitmore Maud Mildred Whitmore National Trust
Geoffrey Charlton Wolryche-Whitmore (1881 - 1969) painting by Maud M. Whitmore Maud Mildred Whitmore National Trust

Mawalan Marika

label description creator collection
Turtle Dreaming painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Coming of the Djankawu painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Untitled painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Daimiri the whale painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Bremer Island painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Ceremony at Beach Camp painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Muruma painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Warrana painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
The Milky Way painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Wititj swallowing the Wawilak Sisters painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
No title (six birds) painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
Coming of the Macassan traders painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ painting by Mawalan 1 Marika Mawalan Marika National Gallery of Australia

Medrie MacPhee

label description creator collection
Pop Goes the Weasel painting by Medrie MacPhee Medrie MacPhee National Gallery of Canada
Opera painting by Medrie MacPhee Medrie MacPhee National Gallery of Canada
Invisible City (For Calvino) painting by Medrie MacPhee Medrie MacPhee National Gallery of Canada
Restoration from Drowning painting by Medrie MacPhee Medrie MacPhee National Gallery of Canada

Meister der Madonna von Covarrubias

label description creator collection
Painted Marble Panel in a Stone Frame painting by Master of the Virgin at Covarrubias Meister der Madonna von Covarrubias Städel Museum
Painted Marble Panel in a Stone Frame painting by Master of the Virgin at Covarrubias (Städel 2079R) Meister der Madonna von Covarrubias Städel Museum

Meiu Münt

label description creator collection
Roosa kleidike painting by Meiu Münt Meiu Münt Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Löödud mees. A. P. portree painting by Meiu Münt Meiu Münt Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Merike Estna

label description creator collection
Inimese parim sõber painting by Merike Estna Merike Estna Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mina ja kurbus painting by Merike Estna Merike Estna Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Merritt Johnson

label description creator collection
Buffalo Vector Border Crossing (Yellowstone) painting by Merritt Johnson Merritt Johnson Birmingham Museum of Art
Crow Booming the One Big Water, Gulls Flying Away painting by Merritt Johnson Merritt Johnson Birmingham Museum of Art

Meruzhan Harutyunyan

label description creator collection
Նատյուրմորտ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Գյուղական մոտիվ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Արզնիգէսի շինարարությունը painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Նատյուրմորտ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Լեռների լանջին painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Երևանի ջերմակայանը painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Սև լիճ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ղուկասյանի սարերը painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Նատյուրմորտ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Անտառի եզրին painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ծառ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Բնանկար painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Պարտիզպան painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ախթալա չհասած painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Հայաստանի համար painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Հովվերգություն painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Գարնանային մոտիվ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Կապույտ Սևանը painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Լճակի ափին painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Անընկճելին painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Թումանյան. Վարդի տոն painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Աղջիկներ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Կարմիր առավոտ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Երեկո (պատշգամբ) painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Քամի painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia
Պատշգամբ painting by Meruzhan Harutyunyan Meruzhan Harutyunyan National Gallery of Armenia

Mestre de Balaguer

label description creator collection
Retaule de Sant Salvador (Balaguer) painting by Mestre de Balaguer Mestre de Balaguer Museu de la Noguera
Adoration of the Magi to the Child Jesus painting by Mestre de Balaguer Mestre de Balaguer Museu de la Noguera

Michael Bevilacqua

label description creator collection
Yer Self Is Steam painting by Michael Bevilacqua Michael Bevilacqua Whitney Museum of American Art
High-Speed Gardening painting by Michael Bevilacqua Michael Bevilacqua Dallas Museum of Art

Michael Engelhardt

label description creator collection
Himmelstäuschung painting by Michael Engelhardt Michael Engelhardt Bavarian State Painting Collections
Selbstbildnis in blauer Landschaft painting by Michael Engelhardt Michael Engelhardt Bavarian State Painting Collections

Michael Ludwig Claus

label description creator collection
Peter August Friedrich von Koskulli portree painting by Michael Ludwig Claus Michael Ludwig Claus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Paruness Margaretha Elisabeth von Stackelbergi portree painting by Michael Ludwig Claus Michael Ludwig Claus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Michael Morrill

label description creator collection
Divided Square No. 48 painting by Michael Morrill Michael Morrill Carnegie Museum of Art
Trilogy of Squares painting by Michael Morrill Michael Morrill Carnegie Museum of Art
Janus Series IV painting by Michael Morrill Michael Morrill Carnegie Museum of Art

Michael Riedel

label description creator collection
Vier Vorschläge zur Veränderung von Modern (31-34) painting by Michael Riedel Michael Riedel Städel Museum
Vier Vorschläge zur Veränderung von Modern (32) painting by Michael Riedel Michael Riedel Städel Museum

Miguel Chevalier

label description creator collection
Module 1 painting by Miguel Chevalier Miguel Chevalier Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Module 2 painting by Miguel Chevalier Miguel Chevalier Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Module 3 painting by Miguel Chevalier Miguel Chevalier Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Miguel Diomede

label description creator collection
Estudio (Retrato de mujer) painting by Miguel Diomede Miguel Diomede Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Naranjas painting by Miguel Diomede Miguel Diomede Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Uvas, higo y durazno painting by Miguel Diomede Miguel Diomede Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes
Naturaleza muerta painting by Miguel Diomede Miguel Diomede Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Mihhail Makarenko

label description creator collection
Kalinin Tallinna vedurite ja vagunite remonditehases painting by Mihhail Makarenko Mihhail Makarenko Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kasakas ja tütarlaps painting by Mihhail Makarenko Mihhail Makarenko Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Mihhail Roskin

label description creator collection
Küla mägedes Mihhail Roskin Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Vanalinn Mihhail Roskin Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Riia lahe kaldal Mihhail Roskin Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Kalurikolhoosis Mihhail Roskin Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection

Mihkel Ilus

label description creator collection
Esimene meetod III painting by Mihkel Ilus Mihkel Ilus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Esimene meetod IV painting by Mihkel Ilus Mihkel Ilus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Esimene meetod I painting by Mihkel Ilus Mihkel Ilus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Esimene meetod II painting by Mihkel Ilus Mihkel Ilus Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Miika Nyyssönen

label description creator collection
Color sequences II painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences III painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences IV painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences V painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences VI painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences VII painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences VIII painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences IX painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences X painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences XI painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences XII painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences XIII painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences XIV painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Color sequences XV painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection
Wall Painter's Wall painting by Miika Nyyssönen Miika Nyyssönen City of Pori art collection

Mika Rättö

label description creator collection
Istunto drawing and painting by Mika Rättö Mika Rättö City of Pori art collection
Pyhiinvaeltajat saapuvat Suppelskoffenin katedraaliin hämmästelemään Markan talosta näytteille haalittua pimeässä hohtavaa piparipyhimystä drawing and painting by Mika Rättö Mika Rättö City of Pori art collection

Mikko Kättylä

label description creator collection
Tuhkimon jäljillä painting by Mikko Kättylä Mikko Kättylä City of Pori art collection
Keskittyminen painting by Mikko Kättylä Mikko Kättylä City of Pori art collection

Mikko Paakkola

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Mikko Paakkola Mikko Paakkola Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Sysi I painting by Mikko Paakkola Mikko Paakkola City of Pori art collection

Miljard Kilk

label description creator collection
Puhkehetkel painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ecce homo painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mati Vaitmaa Rebellaga painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sibyll painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pärnu linna motiiv painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Toomas Raudami portree painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk
August Roosileht
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Väikekodanlased on väljunud tänavatele painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Let`s go! painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maal painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection
Andrus Kasemaa ateljees painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection
Kadunud poja tagasitulek. Vaade kööki painting by Miljard Kilk Miljard Kilk University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection

Miljuš Branko

label description creator collection
Images and shadows painting by Miljus Branko Miljuš Branko National Gallery of Kosovo
Nostalgia painting by Miljus Branko Miljuš Branko National Gallery of Kosovo

Milutin Kostić

label description creator collection
Sunflower field painting by Milutin Kostic Milutin Kostić National Gallery of Kosovo
Reservists painting by Milutin Kostic Milutin Kostić National Gallery of Kosovo
Reservists II painting by Milutin Kostic Milutin Kostić National Gallery of Kosovo
Good man from Sachuan painting by Milutin Kostic Milutin Kostić National Gallery of Kosovo
Hotel Kashta tempera by Milutin Kostic Milutin Kostić National Gallery of Kosovo
Dunda Maroje tempera by Milutin Kostic Milutin Kostić National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled tempera by Milutin Kostic Milutin Kostić National Gallery of Kosovo

Minimini Mamarika

label description creator collection
Liva-liva (canoe) painting by Minimini Mamarika Minimini Mamarika Art Gallery of South Australia
Orion and the Pleiades painting by Minimini Mamarika Minimini Mamarika Art Gallery of South Australia
The Malay prau painting by Minimini Mamarika Minimini Mamarika Art Gallery of South Australia

Minnie Evans

label description creator collection
Design Made at Airlie Gardens painting by Minnie Evans Minnie Evans Smithsonian American Art Museum
Untitled painting by Minnie Evans Minnie Evans Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Miodrag Mlađović

label description creator collection
Portrait III painting by Miodrag Mladovic Miodrag Mlađović National Gallery of Kosovo
The Event painting by Miodrag Mladovic Miodrag Mlađović National Gallery of Kosovo

Miodrag Nagorni

label description creator collection
Space world painting by Miodrag Nagorni Miodrag Nagorni National Gallery of Kosovo
The big wheel painting by Miodrag Nagorni Miodrag Nagorni National Gallery of Kosovo
The big fruit painting by Miodrag Nagorni Miodrag Nagorni National Gallery of Kosovo

Miriam Cahn

label description creator collection
desaster painting by Miriam Cahn Miriam Cahn Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
fremd / schmerz, 24.12.14+3.10.16 painting by Miriam Cahn Miriam Cahn Lenbachhaus
zurückschauen, 21.2.2016 painting by Miriam Cahn Miriam Cahn Lenbachhaus
Brutalich painting by Miriam Cahn Miriam Cahn FRAC Alsace

Mirko Ilić

label description creator collection
Germany painting by Mirko Ilic Mirko Ilić National Portrait Gallery
Flashpoint painting by Mirko Ilic Mirko Ilić National Portrait Gallery
Carlos Saúl Menem painting by Mirko Ilic Mirko Ilić National Portrait Gallery
German Unity painting by Mirko Ilic Mirko Ilić National Portrait Gallery

Mistrz Zwiastowania z Jodłownika

label description creator collection
Vision of St. Jack Odrowąża by Master of the Annunciation of Jodlownik Mistrz Zwiastowania z Jodłownika
Zwiastowanie z Jodłownika painting by Mistrz Zwiastowania z Jodłownika Mistrz Zwiastowania z Jodłownika Muzeum Diecezjalne w Tarnowie

Mitar Miša Aleksić

label description creator collection
Play painting by Mitar Misa Aleksic Mitar Miša Aleksić National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition painting by Mitar Misa Aleksic Mitar Miša Aleksić National Gallery of Kosovo

Mitsuhiro Karasumaru

label description creator collection
Ten Oxherding Songs painting by Karasumaru Mitsuhiro Mitsuhiro Karasumaru Metropolitan Museum of Art
Illustrated Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari emaki), 2nd of 2 Volumes painting by Karasumaru Mitsuhiro Mitsuhiro Karasumaru Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Illustrated Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari emaki), 1st of 2 Volumes painting by Karasumaru Mitsuhiro Mitsuhiro Karasumaru Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Illustrated Tales of Ise (Ise monogatari emaki) in 2 Volumes painting by Karasumaru Mitsuhiro Mitsuhiro Karasumaru Harvard Art Museums
Arthur M. Sackler Museum

Mladen Popović

label description creator collection
Landscape painting by Mladen Popovic Mladen Popović National Gallery of Kosovo
Landscape Mladen Popović National Gallery of Kosovo
Motif from river Ibër painting by Mladen Popovic Mladen Popović National Gallery of Kosovo

Mollie Faustman

label description creator collection
Ung flicka vid fönstret painting by Mollie Faustman Mollie Faustman Nationalmuseum
Syskon painting by Mollie Faustman Mollie Faustman Nationalmuseum

Monsù Desiderio

label description creator collection
Hell painting by Monsù Desiderio Monsù Desiderio
François de Nomé
Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon
The Fall of Atlantis painting by Monsù Desiderio Monsù Desiderio
View of Metz from colline Bellecroix painting by Monsù Desiderio Monsù Desiderio

Moritz Alexander Roderich von Engelhardt

label description creator collection
Vene küla painting by Moritz Alexander Roderich von Engelhardt Moritz Alexander Roderich von Engelhardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik kaljudega painting by Moritz Alexander Roderich von Engelhardt Moritz Alexander Roderich von Engelhardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kavand kabelile painting by Moritz Alexander Roderich von Engelhardt Moritz Alexander Roderich von Engelhardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Mort Drucker

label description creator collection
Rupert Murdock painting by Mort Drucker Mort Drucker National Portrait Gallery
Battle for the Senate painting by Mort Drucker Mort Drucker National Portrait Gallery
Doctoring the Economy painting by Mort Drucker Mort Drucker National Portrait Gallery
Bobby Riggs painting by Mort Drucker Mort Drucker National Portrait Gallery
Mao Tse Tung and Richard Nixon painting by Mort Drucker Mort Drucker National Portrait Gallery

Morten Thrane Brünnich

label description creator collection
Portrait of an Unknown Man painting by Morten Thrane Brünnich Morten Thrane Brünnich Hermitage Museum
Portrait of Princess Tatiana B. Potemkina (1796-1869) painting by Morten Thrane Brünnich Morten Thrane Brünnich Hermitage Museum

Munggurrawuy Yunupingu

label description creator collection
Fire story at Caledon Bay painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Victoria
Fire story at Caledon Bay painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu (NGV O.9-1993) Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Victoria
Bäru fire story painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Victoria
Ancestral figures painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia
Man hunting painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia
Fire Story painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia
Fire story at Caledon Bay painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu (NGA NGA 85.1340) Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia
The Womaku Story painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia
Five Gumatj stories relating to the story of Birimbira painting by Munggurrawuy Yunupingu Munggurrawuy Yunupingu National Gallery of Australia

Murtiyarru Sunfly Tjampitjin

label description creator collection
Luurnpa painting by Murtiyarru Sunfly Tjampitjin Murtiyarru Sunfly Tjampitjin National Gallery of Victoria
Tjikarri painting by Murtiyarru Sunfly Tjampitjin Murtiyarru Sunfly Tjampitjin National Gallery of Victoria

Musa Kalaveshi

label description creator collection
Mother Theresa painting by Musa Kalaveshi Musa Kalaveshi National Gallery of Kosovo
Mother Theresa Musa Kalaveshi National Gallery of Kosovo

Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu

label description creator collection
Bidimita (sky snakes) painting by Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Art Gallery of South Australia
Malay women weaving painting by Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Art Gallery of South Australia
Spirits of the dead catching dugongs painting by Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Art Gallery of South Australia
The sea and the sky painting by Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Muŋgurrawuy Yunupiŋu Art Gallery of South Australia

Myfanwy Macleod

label description creator collection
Hex V painting by Myfanwy MacLeod Myfanwy Macleod National Gallery of Canada
Hex II painting by Myfanwy MacLeod Myfanwy Macleod National Gallery of Canada
Hex VI painting by Myfanwy MacLeod Myfanwy Macleod National Gallery of Canada
Hex VIII painting by Myfanwy MacLeod Myfanwy Macleod National Gallery of Canada
Hex IV painting by Myfanwy MacLeod Myfanwy Macleod National Gallery of Canada
Hex III painting by Myfanwy MacLeod Myfanwy Macleod National Gallery of Canada
Hex VII painting by Myfanwy MacLeod Myfanwy Macleod National Gallery of Canada

Nahum Tevet

label description creator collection
B8 painting by Nahum Tevet Nahum Tevet Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
8A painting by Nahum Tevet Nahum Tevet Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

Nakahara Nantenbo

label description creator collection
Zen horse painting by Nakahara NANTENBÔ Nakahara Nantenbo Art Gallery of New South Wales
Daruma Facing the Wall painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Scarecrow painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Calligraphy: The moon fills the pure clouds with light painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Staff painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Hoe painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Calligraphy: The east mountain floats on the water painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Mt. Fuji painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Eel Emerging from a Creel painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Horizontal Staff: If you follow the way, Nantenbō! If you do not follow the way, Nantenbō! painting by Nakahara Nantenbō Nakahara Nantenbo Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Enso painting by Nakahara Nantenbo Nakahara Nantenbo Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Scarecrow painting by Nakahara Nantembo Nakahara Nantenbo Yale University Art Gallery
Kinoe-ne (Daikokuten) painting by Nakahara Nantembo Nakahara Nantenbo Yale University Art Gallery
The stick of Nantenbo painting by Nakahara Nantenbo Nakahara Nantenbo National Gallery of Victoria
Procession of monks painting by Nakahara Nantenbo Nakahara Nantenbo National Gallery of Victoria
Procession of monks painting by Nakahara Nantenbo (NGV 2003.666.1) Nakahara Nantenbo National Gallery of Victoria
Enso with a poem ‘If that moon falls, I will give it to you. Now try to take it’ painting by Nakahara Nantenbo Nakahara Nantenbo National Gallery of Victoria
Procession of monks painting by Nakahara Nantenbo (NGV 2003.666.1-2) Nakahara Nantenbo National Gallery of Victoria
Staff painting by Nakahara Nantenbō 中原南天棒 Nakahara Nantenbo Princeton University Art Museum


label description creator collection
Bangudja (the shark) attacking the dolphin painting by Nangapiana Nangapiana Art Gallery of South Australia
Tera-cu-cu (Dove) painting by Nangapiana Nangapiana Art Gallery of South Australia

Napuwarri Marawili

label description creator collection
Barraltja painting by Napuwarri Marawili Napuwarri Marawili National Gallery of Australia
Djunungguyangu at Yathikpa painting by Napuwarri Marawili Napuwarri Marawili National Gallery of Australia

Narkiz Bunin

label description creator collection
Sentry of the Life-Guards Horse Regiment in the Winter Palace painting by 1856-1912 Narkiz Bunin Hermitage Museum
Empreror Nicholas II Presenting the Colour to the 145th Novocherkassk Infantry Regiment painting by anonymous painter Narkiz Bunin Hermitage Museum
The Mill in the Davydov's Estate painting by Narkiz Bunin Narkiz Bunin Hermitage Museum

Nayland Blake

label description creator collection
Untitled (Made with pride by a Queen) painting by Nayland Blake Nayland Blake San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Untitled (Tourist Sculpture) painting by Nayland Blake Nayland Blake San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

Neal Beggs

label description creator collection
Lake district painting by Neal Beggs, MAC's CF-2011-007 Neal Beggs MAC's
Ben Nevis and Glencoe painting by Neal Beggs, MAC's CF-2011-008 Neal Beggs MAC's

Neeme Mets

label description creator collection
Pöide Maarja kirik painting by Neeme Mets Neeme Mets Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Pöide Maarja kirik kirik 6. augustil 1940. aastal painting by Neeme Mets Neeme Mets Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Pöide Maarja kirik hobusetallina painting by Neeme Mets Neeme Mets Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Nestor L'Hôte

label description creator collection
Karnak, Thèbes painting by Nestor L'Hôte Nestor L'Hôte Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Le Ramesseum, Thèbes Ouest et Philae painting by Nestor L'Hôte Nestor L'Hôte Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Temple de Séthi Ier à Gournah painting by Nestor L'Hôte Nestor L'Hôte Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Temple de Philae painting by Nestor L'Hôte Nestor L'Hôte Department of Paintings of the Louvre

Nexhat Krasniqi

label description creator collection
Caricature tempera by Nexhat Krasniqi Nexhat Krasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Caricature tempera by Nexhat Krasniqi Nexhat Krasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Caricature Nexhat Krasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Caricature painting by Nexhat Krasniqi Nexhat Krasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Caricature Nexhat Krasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo
World 82 painting by Nexhat Krasniqi Nexhat Krasniqi National Gallery of Kosovo

Nici Cumpston

label description creator collection
Flooded Gum, Katarapko Creek, Murray River National Park painting by Nici Cumpston Nici Cumpston National Gallery of Victoria
Nookamka - Lake Bonney painting by Nici Cumpston Nici Cumpston National Gallery of Victoria
Tree stumps, western shoreline - Nookamka painting by Nici Cumpston Nici Cumpston National Gallery of Victoria
Campsite V, Nookamka Lake painting by Nici Cumpston Nici Cumpston National Gallery of Australia

Nick Mauss

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Nick Mauss Nick Mauss Whitney Museum of American Art
Voice Through A Cloud painting by Nick Mauss Nick Mauss Whitney Museum of American Art
Details of the conversation painting by Nick Mauss Nick Mauss Whitney Museum of American Art
Level painting by Nick Mauss Nick Mauss Whitney Museum of American Art
only that painting by Nick Mauss Nick Mauss Whitney Museum of American Art

Nicola Bechevitch

label description creator collection
A. Weizenbergi portree painting by Nicola Bechevitch Nicola Bechevitch Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Esimene Eesti Metropoliit Aleksander painting by Nicola Bechevitch Nicola Bechevitch Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Nigul Espe

label description creator collection
21. juuni tänav Tartus painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Riia tänav painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Emajõe maastik painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik heinalistega painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik tuulikutega painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tartu õhtul (Lutsu tänav) painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Klaipeda sadam painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Taastamistööd Tartus painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Bensiiniutmine painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tartu uusehitused painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Tartu City Museum's art collection
Maal. Maastik. painting by Nigul Espe Nigul Espe Pärnu Museum's art collection

Niklāvs Strunke

label description creator collection
Man Entering a Room painting by Niklāvs Strunke Niklāvs Strunke Latvian National Museum of Art
The Town of Kraslava painting by Niklavs Strunke Niklāvs Strunke Tate
National Gallery
Still Life painting by Niklāvs Strunke Niklāvs Strunke Latvian National Museum of Art

Niko Palokangas

label description creator collection
Sumu painting by Niko Palokangas Niko Palokangas City of Pori art collection
Sumu2 painting by Niko Palokangas Niko Palokangas City of Pori art collection

Nikolai James Bergholz

label description creator collection
Mererand lehmadega. Etüüd painting by Nikolai James Bergholz Nikolai James Bergholz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Poiss kitsedega painting by Nikolai James Bergholz Nikolai James Bergholz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Küla motiiv painting by Nikolai James Bergholz Nikolai James Bergholz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lehmad painting by Nikolai James Bergholz Nikolai James Bergholz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Nikolai Jasnetski

label description creator collection
Autoportree painting by Nikolai Jasnetski Nikolai Jasnetski Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort kindaga painting by Nikolai Jasnetski Nikolai Jasnetski Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mehe portree painting by Nikolai Jasnetski Nikolai Jasnetski Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rindekunstniku ateljees painting by Nikolai Jasnetski Nikolai Jasnetski Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lahingustseen painting by Nikolai Jasnetski Nikolai Jasnetski Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Nikolai Kobzev

label description creator collection
Ikoon. painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Autoportree roosal maastikul painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Kolm õde. Uus ruum. painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Egiptus. Tee. Puu painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Daniel. Prohvet. Tunnistus. painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Unistust kaotav inimene painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Makedoonia Aleksandri ülistamine painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Soma. Tee. Rändur. painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Tee. Makedoonia. painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Teekond Jeruusalemma. Kolmainsus painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Egiptus. IV painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Apostel Paulus painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Mooses. Teekond painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Taasärkav Ikarius painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Puu. Aafrika. Tee – 3 painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Portree painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Kaksikud. Tantsijanna painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Soma. Tee. Kohtumine painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Kuningas Saalomon painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Rändur painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Hesekiel. Prohvet. Tunnistus painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Ideeali elustamine painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Egiptus. Tee painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Soma. Tee painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Minu töökoda painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Lätted painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Ikoon. Tee painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Val Camonica painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Jumalaema lapsukesega painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Kuningas David painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection
Natüürmort painting by Nikolai Kobzev Nikolai Kobzev Narva Museum's art collection

Nikolai Root

label description creator collection
Rannamaastik painting by Nikolai Root Nikolai Root Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Nikolai Root Nikolai Root Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Nikolai Semjonov

label description creator collection
Pimeda tervekstegemine painting by Nikolai Semjonov Nikolai Semjonov Narva Museum's art collection
Vene troika painting by Nikolai Semjonov Nikolai Semjonov Narva Museum's art collection
Vaade Eelkaukaasias painting by Nikolai Semjonov Nikolai Semjonov Narva Museum's art collection
Kaukaasia mäed painting by Nikolai Semjonov Nikolai Semjonov Narva Museum's art collection
Mäed painting by Nikolai Semjonov Nikolai Semjonov Narva Museum's art collection
Borissi ja Glebi nägemus Pelguiusele painting by Nikolai Semjonov Nikolai Semjonov Narva Museum's art collection

Nikolai Tihhonov

label description creator collection
Jaan Anveldi portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
A.Tkatš – Balti SEJ keevitaja Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
G.Fokina – Narva Raudbetoontoodete Tehase normeerija. Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Malmi tänav Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Nõukogude Liidu kangelase Pjotr Romanenko portree. Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Vanem seersant Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Juhan Lilanderi portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Muldonn Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Soldat-kasahh Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Varemed Narva äärelinnas Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Meriküla dessant Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Sõdur S. Generalovi portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Rahuliku taeva kaitsel. Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Lembit Pärna portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Rüütli tänav Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Vanalinna varemed Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Varemed Raekoja väljakul Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Taissia Martšenko portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Balti SEJ 4. järgu ehitus Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Haavatud seersant Voropajev Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Peeter I Maja ja Narva linnamuuseum Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Hans Pöögelmanni portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Torm merel Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Kapten Manko käskjalg Kolja Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Kindral Valentin Starikovi portree. Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Nõukogude Liidu kangelase Anatoli Kozijevi portree. Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Nõukogude Liidu kangelase Ivan Fedjuninski portree. Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Sõpruse sild Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Veremed vanalinna servas Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Hommik Narvas Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Baltimaade maastik Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
N. Iljina portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
I. Zmievski portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Rindejoon Narvast läänes Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Radist A. Korobitsin Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Arheoloogilised kaevamised Joaorus Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Õhtu vabastatud Narvas Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Vjatšeslav Ostroverhov – tehase Baltijets lukksepp Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Rajekoja väljak Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Lidia Kalinina – komsomolikomitee sekretär. Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Laskemoonaauto varjendis Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Viktor Kingissepa portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Tulekahju Narvas Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Seersant A. Rjazanov Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Puusilla ehitamine Narvas Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Vennaskalmistu purustatud kiriku juures Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Leonhard Kronki portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Kaluriküla Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection
Linda Vaarmani portree Nikolai Tihhonov Narva Museum's art collection

Nina Terno

label description creator collection
Lepohetki painting by Nina Terno Nina Terno Finnish National Gallery
Kylpijä painting by Nina Terno Nina Terno Finnish National Gallery
Ratsastaja painting by Nina Terno Nina Terno Finnish National Gallery
Circus Rider painting by Nina Terno Nina Terno Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection

Nora von Wahl

label description creator collection
Lapse unenägu painting by Nora von Wahl Nora von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lapse unenägu painting by Nora von Wahl Nora von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lapse unenägu painting by Nora von Wahl Nora von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lapse unenägu painting by Nora von Wahl Nora von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lapse unenägu painting by Nora von Wahl Nora von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lapse unenägu painting by Nora von Wahl Nora von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Norman de Garis Davies

label description creator collection
Detail of a Griffin, Tomb of Khety Facsimile, Khety (Beni Hasan 17), griffin by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.14) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Detail of a Desert Animal, Tomb of Khnumhotep Facsimile, Khnumhotep (Beni Hasan 3), desert animal by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.11) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Detail of a Wild Feline, Tomb of Khnumhotep Facsimile, Khnumhotep (Beni Hasan 3), desert animal by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.12) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Detail of a Fish, Tomb of Khnumhotep Facsimile, Khnumhotep (Beni Hasan 3), fish by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.13) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Detail of a Ram, Tomb of Khnumhotep Facsimile, Khnumhotep (Beni Hasan 3), ram by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.9) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Detail of a Bird, Tomb of Khnumhotep Facsimile, Khnumhotep (Beni Hasan 3), bird by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.10) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Delegation of Foreigners, Tomb of User Facsimile, User (TT 131), foreigners by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.95) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fishing and Fowling, Tomb of Ipuy Facsimile, Ipuy (TT 217), fishing, fowling by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.119) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Facsimile painting from the 'Green Room' in the North Palace at Amarna Facsimile, Amarna, North Palace, papyrus swamp by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.136) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Lunette Over a Door Facsimile, Qenamun (TT 93), lunette by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.62) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Female Celebrants in Funeral Procession, Tomb of Qenamun Facsimile, Qenamun (TT 93), music, dancer, sistrum, menat by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.63) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Name Rings of Subject Nations Beneath the King's Throne Facsimile, Qenamun (TT 93), foreigners, name rings by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.69) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Chariot and Weapons, Tomb of Qenamun Facsimile, Qenamun (TT 93), chariot, weapons by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.74) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Craftsman using a Bow Drill, Tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky Facsimile, Nebamun (TT 181), Ipuky, bow drill by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.156) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Scene of Birds and Border Decoration Facsimile, Amarna, North Palace, floor by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 33.8.19) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fishing Scene, Tomb of Ipuy Facsimile, Ipuy (TT 217), fishing by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 15.5.6) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ceiling Pattern, Tomb of Haremhab Facsimile, Haremhab (TT 207), ceiling decoration by Nina de Garis Davies (MET, 30.4.113) Norman de Garis Davies
Nina M. Davies
Metropolitan Museum of Art

Nura Rupert

label description creator collection
Papa tjuta Tjukurpa (Camp dogs story) painting by Nura Rupert Nura Rupert National Gallery of Victoria
Papa tjuta Tjukurpa (Camp dogs story) painting by Nura Rupert (NGV 2013.306) Nura Rupert National Gallery of Victoria

Nuredin Loxha

label description creator collection
White Rainbow painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Set Design painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Madamme Sou Zhien I painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Madamme Sou Zhien II painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Dr. Nushiq painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Ilyrian tree tempera by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Ilyrian tree painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Great besa I painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Great besa II painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Great besa III painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Golgotha painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Family of fishermen painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Sketch I painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Sketch II painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo
Sketch III painting by Nuredin Loxha Nuredin Loxha National Gallery of Kosovo

Nyaparu Gardiner

label description creator collection
Eric Tinker painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Drover painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
I Can't Call His Name painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Jack. He can do anything painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Jimmy Gardiner painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
My Old Man, Jimmy Gardiner painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
New Count painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Our Old People painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Old Fella painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Old Man painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Old People painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Strelley Fellas painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia
Young Fella painting by Nyaparu (William) Gardiner Nyaparu Gardiner Art Gallery of South Australia

Okumura Toshinobu

label description creator collection
The Actor Sanogawa Mangiku as a woman walking in the snow painting by Okumura Toshinobu Okumura Toshinobu Art Institute of Chicago
The Actor Sawamura Kamesaburo as Nagoya Kosanza in the play "Keisei Fukubiki Nagoya," performed at the Nakamura Theater in the first month, 1731 painting by Okumura Toshinobu Okumura Toshinobu Art Institute of Chicago

Ole Nesvik

label description creator collection
Autoretreto ute painting by Ole Nesvik Ole Nesvik National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Vindu i sky painting by Ole Nesvik Ole Nesvik National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Det frie roms dragning painting by Ole Nesvik Ole Nesvik National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Ole Rinnan

label description creator collection
Birdlovers painting by Ole Rinnan Ole Rinnan National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Fuglene mates painting by Ole Rinnan Ole Rinnan National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Kvinne Blues painting by Ole Rinnan Ole Rinnan National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Olev Soans

label description creator collection
Maal. Kihnu pukkveskis. painting by Olev Soans Olev Soans Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Koti talu Kihnus. painting by Olev Soans Olev Soans Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Kihnu Kossu talu perspektiivvaade. painting by Olev Soans Olev Soans Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Suveköök Kihnu saarel. painting by Olev Soans Olev Soans Pärnu Museum's art collection

Olev Subbi

label description creator collection
September painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sügislilled painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punase peaga tüdruk painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tütarlaps Toilast painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kiviktaimla painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Krüsanteemid ja must riie painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt hämaras painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Päev painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punane, roheline ja must painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vana aed painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Must ja valge riie painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtupoolik vanas majas painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Päikeseline tänav painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Varakevadine õhtu painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
O. Lääne portree painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Augustikuine maastik figuuridega painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Istuv akt painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kummaline vasknõu painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt puu all painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Interjöör painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lamav akt painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Punane linn painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naine telkide juures painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt tugitoolis painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Grupiportree põhjaranniku inimestest painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Esimene september painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt rätikuga painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mees hämaras ruumis painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Unustatud natüürmort painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tolmunud laud painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Grupiportree painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tee-ehitajad painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk tugitoolis painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Helgi ja Enn Põldroosi portree painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt maastiku taustal painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort potililledega painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hilissuvi painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk roosa pluusiga painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort veinikannuga painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt helesinisel riidel painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk heledal riidel painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kanal painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Daam rohelises seelikus painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon interjööris (Suvine interjöör) painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk uksel painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tiiger turuplatsil painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort maalitud kruusiga painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mäed ja pilved painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon interjööris (Sügisene interjöör) painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt avaras ruumis painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt astritega painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtused põllud painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Südasuvine Tartumaa painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuldne kauss painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt valge maja juures painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Valma rand painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Valge maja painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk sinises kleidis painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Raudsild painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt sinises ruumis painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ema portree painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Ülo Sepa portree painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sügis Valmas painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt järvega painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vana mõrd painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mees valge hobusega painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pikasilla maastik painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Akt kauge järve taustal painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mees Kolga rannast painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suvekohvik painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Oktoober painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled ümmargusel laual painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort valge kannuga painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannanaise pühapäev painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hämar interjöör painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort rohelise pudeliga painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Linn jõe ääres painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtu painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdruk avatud akna all painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik nelkidega painting by Olev Subbi Olev Subbi Estonian History Museum's visual arts collection

Oliver Messel

label description creator collection
The Herbaceous Border in Summer, Nymans, West Sussex painting by Oliver Messel Oliver Messel National Trust
Maud Frances Sambourne, Mrs Leonard Charles Rudolph Messel (1875-1960) painting by Oliver Messel Oliver Messel National Trust
Lilies painting by Oliver Messel Oliver Messel National Trust
Princess Natalia Pavlovna Paley (1905-1981) with Lilies painting by Oliver Messel Oliver Messel National Trust
Portrait of a Black Man painting by Oliver Messel Oliver Messel Israel Museum

Olle Dahl

label description creator collection
Epitaph V painting by Olle Dahl Olle Dahl National Gallery of Kosovo
The fall painting by Olle Dahl Olle Dahl National Gallery of Kosovo

Olle Nordberg

label description creator collection
Juhannusyö painting by Olle Nordberg Olle Nordberg Finnish National Gallery
Black Bed painting by Olle Nordberg Olle Nordberg Finnish National Gallery

Olli Summanen

label description creator collection
Valentine's Day painting by Olli Summanen Olli Summanen City of Pori art collection
Samovaari painting by Olli Summanen Olli Summanen City of Pori art collection

Olli-Pekka Riihikoski

label description creator collection
Punatulkut painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Talvi tuli tulvaan painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Mustikassa painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Pienvijelijän perhe painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Good Morning, Finland 6. December painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Onnelliset vaivaiset painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Tanssivat vaivaisukot painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Pieni vaivaisukko painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Vaivaisukon vaimo painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Sotainen vaivaisukko painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
So, so, pojat painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection
Talvi tuli tulvaan painting by Olli-Pekka Riihikoski TM 0320 Olli-Pekka Riihikoski City of Pori art collection

Oronzo Vito Gasparo

label description creator collection
Portrait of Onya painting by Oronzo Vito Gasparo Oronzo Vito Gasparo Indianapolis Museum of Art
Teacher painting by Oronzo Vito Gasparo Oronzo Vito Gasparo Indianapolis Museum of Art
Dan Harris painting by Oronzo Vito Gasparo Oronzo Vito Gasparo Indianapolis Museum of Art

Oscar Fehrer

label description creator collection
Sand Dunes, Provincetown painting by Oscar Fehrer Oscar Fehrer Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
Mary Magdalene Washing the Feet of Christ painting by Oscar Fehrer Oscar Fehrer Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum

Oskar Obst

label description creator collection
Jõevaade. Õngitsemas painting by Oskar Obst Oskar Obst Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pesuloputajad mere ääres painting by Oskar Obst Oskar Obst Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Osvald Saulep

label description creator collection
Maal. Põllumees Saar. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Ainult julgust. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Pärnu kirik. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Pärnu lahel. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Tori põrgu painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Autoportree. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Pärnu ehitab. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Lapua linna kirik Soomes. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Pärnu Kaluri laevaremont. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Estonia laeva hukkumine. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Reiu sild. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection
Maal. Pikk Hermann. painting by Osvald Saulep Osvald Saulep Pärnu Museum's art collection

Osvald Timmas

label description creator collection
Meafordi kalurid painting by Osvald Timmas Osvald Timmas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Muuli ülevaatus painting by Osvald Timmas Osvald Timmas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kevad Varju järvel painting by Osvald Timmas Osvald Timmas University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vulkaanilised kaljud, Mexico painting by Osvald Timmas Osvald Timmas Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Ott Kangilaski

label description creator collection
Vigur rehepapp painting by Ott Kangilaski Ott Kangilaski Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ahjualune painting by Ott Kangilaski Ott Kangilaski Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suur Peeter ja Väike Peeter painting by Ott Kangilaski Ott Kangilaski Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors

label description creator collection
Pesurullija painting by Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Narva kindlusele painting by Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mees õlleklaasiga painting by Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vanamees kassiga painting by Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik tammega painting by Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Buddeuse portree painting by Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors Otto Friedrich von Pistohlkors
Eduard Hau
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Otto Hesselbom

label description creator collection
Our Country. Motif from Dalsland painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Nationalmuseum
Over Forest and Lake painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Nationalmuseum
Winter Night in the Forest painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Nationalmuseum
Summer Night. Study painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Nationalmuseum
Blick über den Aerransee painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Belvedere
Ice and Snow painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Nationalmuseum
The Breaking Up of the Ice painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Nationalmuseum
Evening Landscape painting by Otto Hesselbom Otto Hesselbom Nationalmuseum

Outi Heiskanen

label description creator collection
Äidin täti painting by Outi Heiskanen Outi Heiskanen Finnish National Gallery
Iiris painting by Outi Heiskanen Outi Heiskanen Finnish National Gallery
Goa painting by Outi Heiskanen Outi Heiskanen Finnish National Gallery

Ove Olson

label description creator collection
Hamnen painting by Ove Olson Ove Olson Nationalmuseum
Stilleben painting by Ove Olson Ove Olson Nationalmuseum
Snölandskap painting by Ove Olson Ove Olson Nationalmuseum
Collioure painting by Ove Olson Ove Olson Nationalmuseum
Vid Seinens strand painting by Ove Olson Ove Olson Nationalmuseum

P. N. Bažanov

label description creator collection
K. Hackenschmidti portree P. N. Bažanov Tartu City Museum's art collection
R. Reichi portree P. N. Bažanov Tartu City Museum's art collection
Jl. Sturmi portree P. N. Bažanov Tartu City Museum's art collection
Fischeri portree P. N. Bažanov Tartu City Museum's art collection
Al. Brauni portree P. N. Bažanov Tartu City Museum's art collection
J. A. Nikolai portree P. N. Bažanov Tartu City Museum's art collection

Pablo Siquier

label description creator collection
9801 painting by Pablo Siquier Pablo Siquier Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
0101 painting by Pablo Siquier Pablo Siquier Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Paddy Compass Namatbara

label description creator collection
No Title (long neck turtle) painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Barramundi painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Mimi spirits; two male figures painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirits associated with love magic painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Mimi spirits; two male figures painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara (NGA NGA 85.1267) Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirit, male figure with multiple arms and two penises painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam spirit painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Female mimi figure painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Mimi spirits two female figures painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Goanna, Dua moiety animal painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirit, one male figure with multiple arms and legs painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirit, one male figure with multiple arms legs and penises painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Mimi spirits, five figures two of whom carry woomeras painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Female Mimi figure painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara (NGA NGA 85.1264) Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirit, one figure with multiple arms and legs painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Mimi spirits, two male figures painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Male Mimi figure painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirits, one female figure with multiple arms and legs and one male figure painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Mimi spirits, two male figures painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara (NGA NGA 85.1266) Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Freshwater goanna painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia
Maam, malignant spirit, male figure with multiple arms and legs painting by Paddy Compass Namatbara Paddy Compass Namatbara National Gallery of Australia

Paddy Dhathangu

label description creator collection
The Wagilag myth painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Wagilag story painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Victoria
Djarrka, goanna from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Wagilag Dhawu painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Wurrdjarra, Sand Palm from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
The Wagilag Sisters Story painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Wititj (Olive Python) painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Wurrdjarra ga Wititj (Sand Palm and Wititj) from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Melkiri ga Bulul (Forked sticks and Cross-Beams) painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Wititj (Olive Pythons) from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Djarrka (water goanna) from the Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Bilma, clapsticks from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Djarrka, goanna from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu (NGA NGA 84.463.1) Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Dhapalany (Itchy caterpillars) from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Wak ga Wititj (Crow and Olive Python) from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Djarrka, goannas from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Wak (crows) painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Dhamaling (Blue-tongued lizard) from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Djarrka ga Wititj (Goannas and Olive Python) from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
A group of 15 bark paintings and 1 didjeridu relating to the Wagilag Sisters Story painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia
Yidaki, didjeridu from The Wagilag Sisters Story series painting by Paddy Dhathangu Paddy Dhathangu National Gallery of Australia

Paddy Jaminji

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Manginta painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Cyclone Tracy painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Paddy Jaminji (NGV O.63-1994) Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Gowillarri country painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Munul yewala country painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Yalumangi painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled (Men's ceremonial ground, Springvale) painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Victoria
Tawurr the kangaroo painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
The Dreaming Kangaroo at Nine Mile, near Wyndham painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Hills and landmarks around Wilwurn, Wantarriya and Chamberlain River painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Julinji and Minjurrji in the Chamberlain River area painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Juwilin, large hills at Jilanji painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
This is my country now painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Wulangkuya, hills visible from Turkey Creek painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Jawurrapa and Piningali painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Still near Yulunpu [Boab trees] painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Nawantji painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Kantmanturr [Elgee Cliff] painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Jilili, big swamp near Mount House painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Kawarrin painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
The spirits Jimpi and Manginta painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Serpents/Darwin painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
Jilyili at Kurnkukurnku painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia
The Kurirr-Kurrir Ceremony: a collection of ten paintings painting by Paddy Jaminji Paddy Jaminji National Gallery of Australia

Paul Jones

label description creator collection
Flowers and fruit painting by Paul Jones Paul Jones Art Gallery of New South Wales
Camellia Virginia Franco painting by Paul Jones Paul Jones Art Gallery of New South Wales
Chimbu painting by Paul Jones Paul Jones Art Gallery of New South Wales
(Still life with banksia and shells) painting by Paul Jones Paul Jones Art Gallery of New South Wales
Flowers and fruit painting by Paul Jones (NGV, 1999-4) Paul Jones National Gallery of Victoria
Fruit painting by Paul Jones Paul Jones National Gallery of Victoria
Black Pirate Peony painting by Paul Jones Paul Jones National Trust

Paul Martelliere

label description creator collection
La rue Lhomond, au droit de la rue Vauquelin painting by Paul Martellière Paul Martelliere Musée Carnavalet
La rue Rataud painting by Paul Martellière Paul Martelliere Musée Carnavalet
Le Pavillon de chasse de M de Jullienne, ruelle des Gobelins painting by Paul Martellière Paul Martelliere Musée Carnavalet
La rue Rataud, au coin de la rue Lhomond painting by Paul Martellière Paul Martelliere Musée Carnavalet

Paul Rayner

label description creator collection
Cloudbank, July 1991 painting by Paul Rayner Paul Rayner Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Rabbits painting by Paul Rayner Paul Rayner Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Untitled (Whanganui Landscape) painting by Paul Rayner Paul Rayner Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Self portrait as Dorian Gray, emerging through Narcissus Curtains painting by Paul Rayner Paul Rayner Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui

Paul Reeveer

label description creator collection
Jõe ületamine painting by Paul Reeveer Paul Reeveer Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Purustatud Narva painting by Paul Reeveer Paul Reeveer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Onnike metsa all painting by Paul Reeveer Paul Reeveer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Med. San. pataljon painting by Paul Reeveer Paul Reeveer Tallinn City Museum's art collection

Pauline Augustin

label description creator collection
Portrait of a man painting by Pauline Augustin Pauline Augustin Nationalmuseum
A Gentleman painting by Pauline du Cruet Augustin Pauline Augustin Cincinnati Art Museum
A Gentleman painting by Pauline du Cruet Augustin (CAM 1990.1759) Pauline Augustin Cincinnati Art Museum
Unknown woman painting by Pauline Augustin Pauline Augustin Nationalmuseum

Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam

label description creator collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Nocturne painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Puukallistaja painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Ujujad painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Nocturne painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vana naine painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Talvised puud / Wintry Trees painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vana naine painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Jõuluõhtu / Cristmas Eve painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Banaanid ja pirnid painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Akaatsia painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Pirn ja õun/Pear and Apple painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Naise pea / Head of a Woman painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Talvised puud / Wintry Trees painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vana naine painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vahtralehed painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vahtralehed painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Tuhkatriinu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Jõuluõhtu / Cristmas Eve painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Talvised puud / Wintry Trees painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Naisakt painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vahtralehed painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Pirn ja õun/Pear and Apple painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Talvised puud / Wintry Trees painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Kalad painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Jõuluõhtu / Cristmas Eve painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Ujujad painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Kalad painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Üksik kuusk painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Heinamaal / On the Meadow painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Pirn ja õun/Pear and Apple painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Pirn ja õun/Pear and Apple painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Ujujad painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Talvised puud / Wintry Trees painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vahtralehed painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Jõuluõhtu / Cristmas Eve painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vahtralehed painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lillepuhmas painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Nocturne painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Naise pea / Head of a Woman painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Kuusk/Spruce painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Ujujad painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Nocturne painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Ujujad painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vahtralehed painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Pirn ja õun/Pear and Apple painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lillepuhmas painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vana naine painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Vana naine painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Üksik kuusk painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Jõuluõhtu / Cristmas Eve painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Naise pea / Head of a Woman painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Heinamaal / On the Meadow painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Lumesadu painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection
Üksik kuusk painting by Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pauline Elfriede Leps-Estam Pärnu Museum's art collection

Pavol Hammel

label description creator collection
Lietajúci koberec painting by Pavol Hammel Pavol Hammel Orava Gallery
Trombocyty painting by Pavol Hammel Pavol Hammel Orava Gallery

Pays-Bas du Nord Anonyme

label description creator collection
Portrait de femme painting by Pays-Bas du Nord Anonyme Pays-Bas du Nord Anonyme
Dirck Jacobsz.
Collection of paintings of the Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille
Portrait d'homme painting by Pays-Bas du Nord Anonyme Pays-Bas du Nord Anonyme
Dirck Jacobsz.
Collection of paintings of the Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille

Peder Mørk Mønsted

label description creator collection
Aftenlandskab ved floden Sarca painting by Peder Mønsted Peder Mørk Mønsted Statens Museum for Kunst
A summer's day in Lyngby painting by Peder Mørk Mønsted Peder Mørk Mønsted
Summer Reflections on a Lake, Silkjeborg painting by Peder Mørk Mønsted Peder Mørk Mønsted
A village in the snow painting by Peder Mørk Mønsted Peder Mørk Mønsted

Pedro Wonaeamirri

label description creator collection
Pwoja - Pukumani body paint design painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri Art Gallery of New South Wales
Pwoja - Pukumani body paint design painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri (AGNSW, 254.2004) Pedro Wonaeamirri Art Gallery of New South Wales
Yimunga amintiya taparra painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Parlini jilamara painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Muriupranala painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Pwoja (Pukumani body paint design) painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Parlini jilamara painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri (NGV 1995.646) Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Parlini jilamara painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri (NGV 1995.645) Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Pwoja - Pukumani painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Pukumani painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri (NGV 2014.357) Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Victoria
Pwoja - Pukumani Body Paint Design painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri (NGA NGA 2010.271) Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Australia
Pwoja - Pukumani body paint design painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri (NGA NGA 2010.272) Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Australia
Pwoja painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Australia
Jilamara painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Australia
Jilamara painting by Pedro Wonaeamirri (NGA NGA 2016.29) Pedro Wonaeamirri National Gallery of Australia

Peet Moorats

label description creator collection
Mart Kuuskleri portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Leena Kuuskleri portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ilmar Köstneri portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Self-portrait painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kunstniku õe Marie Mooratsi portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kunstniku venna Jüri Mooratsi portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Isa portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jaan Jürissoni portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Gustav Terieni portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Robert Kuuskleri portree painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Talvemaastik. Etüüd painting by Peet Moorats Peet Moorats Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Peeter Heller

label description creator collection
Liisuvõtmine painting by Peeter Heller Peeter Heller Narva Museum's art collection
Kooliõpetaja painting by Peeter Heller Peeter Heller Narva Museum's art collection
Ivan Julm ja Nikolai Salos Pihkva väraval painting by Peeter Heller Peeter Heller Narva Museum's art collection
Peeter I ja Louis XV painting by Peeter Heller Peeter Heller Narva Museum's art collection
Paluja painting by Peeter Heller Peeter Heller Narva Museum's art collection
Varjupaiga laste esitamine patroonile painting by Peeter Heller Peeter Heller Narva Museum's art collection

Peeter Linzbach

label description creator collection
Dekoratsioonikavand filmile "Pöördel" painting by Peeter Linzbach Peeter Linzbach Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Dekoratsioonikavand filmile "Jahid merel" painting by Peeter Linzbach Peeter Linzbach Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Peeter Pere

label description creator collection
Olemine painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Väljasõit rohelusse painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Reaalne illusioon II painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Juht painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Reaalne illusioon I painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lingering memories VI painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Üksi painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lingering memories IV painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jäämine painting by Peeter Pere Peeter Pere Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Peeter Sepp

label description creator collection
Abstraktsioon painting by Peeter Sepp Peeter Sepp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon painting by Peeter Sepp Peeter Sepp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Peeter Ulas

label description creator collection
Meri painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Hellenurme motiiv painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Sügis Saalusel painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Tedremägi painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Meri (Vaade merele) painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Salacgriva motiiv painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Moldaavia maastik II painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vana naine Koolast (Vana naine Tšalmnõ-Varrest) painting by Peeter Ulas Peeter Ulas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Peggy Napangardi Jones

label description creator collection
Self-portrait painting by Peggy Napangardi Jones Peggy Napangardi Jones National Gallery of Victoria
White cocky, black cocky and goanna painting by Peggy Napangardi Jones Peggy Napangardi Jones National Gallery of Victoria
Ngulya painting by Peggy Napangardi Jones Peggy Napangardi Jones National Gallery of Victoria
Goanna, soakage and birds painting by Peggy Napangardi Jones Peggy Napangardi Jones National Gallery of Victoria
Three lizards and nail-tail wallaby painting by Peggy Napangardi Jones Peggy Napangardi Jones National Gallery of Victoria

Peinture H. Bogaerts

label description creator collection
Portret van burgemeester Jhr Mr P.J.J.S.M. van der Does de Willebois (1843-1937) painting by Hendricus Adrianus Bogaerts Peinture H. Bogaerts Noordbrabants Museum
Statieportret van Koningin Wilhelmina (1880-1962) painting by De; Peinture H. Bogaerts Roo en Sainthill Peinture H. Bogaerts Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Wilhelmina (1880-1962), Koningin der Nederlanden painting by Peinture H. Bogaerts Peinture H. Bogaerts Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Anton Caspar Rudolph Dreesmann (1854-1934), mede-oprichter Vroom & Dreesmann painting by H. Bogaerts Peinture H. Bogaerts Amsterdam Museum

Pekka Mattila

label description creator collection
Rauhallinen tila painting by Pekka Mattila Pekka Mattila City of Pori art collection
Muutoksen merkit painting by Pekka Mattila Pekka Mattila City of Pori art collection
Relief painting by Pekka Mattila Pekka Mattila City of Pori art collection

Pekka Pitkänen

label description creator collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper painting and drawing by Pitkänen, Pekka Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper painting by Pekka Pitkänen Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kain Tapper Pekka Pitkänen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection

Pelle Swedlund

label description creator collection
A Summer Evening painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum
The Yellow House. Motif from Visby painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum
Blue Girl painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum
The Church painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum
On the Telephone painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum
Houses in Visby painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum
The Black and the Red Gate painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum
Vanitas painting by Pelle Swedlund Pelle Swedlund Nationalmuseum

Percy Tsisete Sandy

label description creator collection
Zuni Harvest God painting by Percy Tsisete Sandy Percy Tsisete Sandy Gilcrease Museum
Zuni Corn Dancer painting by Percy Tsisete Sandy Percy Tsisete Sandy Gilcrease Museum
Buffalo Hunt painting by Percy Tsisete Sandy Percy Tsisete Sandy Gilcrease Museum

Pertti Lohiniva

label description creator collection
Threat painting by Pertti Lohiniva Pertti Lohiniva City of Pori art collection
If you believe painting by Pertti Lohiniva Pertti Lohiniva City of Pori art collection

Peter Agostini

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini ((Albright–Knox 2008:29.1) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini (Albright–Knox 2008:29.2) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini (Albright–Knox 2008:29.3) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini (Albright–Knox 2008:29.4) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini (Albright–Knox 2008:29.5) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini (Albright–Knox 2008:29.6) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini (Albright–Knox 2008:29.7) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Peter Agostini (Albright–Knox 2008:29.8) Peter Agostini Albright–Knox Art Gallery

Peter Andersen Lillie

label description creator collection
Niels Pedersen Støren painting by Peter Andersen Lillie (presumably) Peter Andersen Lillie
Peder Mentzen Darre d.y. painting by Peter Andersen Lillie Peter Andersen Lillie
Peder Henriksen Ascanius painting by Peter Andersen Lillie (presumably) Peter Andersen Lillie
Lorentz Lossius painting by Peter Andersen Lillie Peter Andersen Lillie

Peter Baum-Nadji

label description creator collection
The Heart of the Sun painting by Peter Baum-Nadji Peter Baum-Nadji Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel painting by Peter Baum-Nadji Peter Baum-Nadji Bavarian State Painting Collections
El brujo (Der Zauberer) painting by Peter Baum-Nadji Peter Baum-Nadji Bavarian State Painting Collections
Indian Summer painting by Peter Baum-Nadji Peter Baum-Nadji Bavarian State Painting Collections
The Gold of the Prinzhorn Collection painting by Peter Baum-Nadji Peter Baum-Nadji Bavarian State Painting Collections
Screaming/Klappsmühle I painting by Peter Baum-Nadji Peter Baum-Nadji Bavarian State Painting Collections

Peter Carl Fabergé

label description creator collection
Framed Miniature: Portrait of Czar Nicholas II portrait miniature by House of Fabergé, (Russian, 1842-1918); Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin (Russian, 1860-1903); Johannes Zehngraf (Russian, 1857-1908) (1966.458.1) Peter Carl Fabergé Cleveland Museum of Art
Triangular Frame with Portrait of Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna portrait miniature by House of Fabergé (Russian, 1842-1918) (1966.456) Peter Carl Fabergé Cleveland Museum of Art
Imperial Framed Miniature: Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Nicolaievna portrait miniature by House of Fabergé, (Russian, 1842-1918); Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin (Russian, 1860-1903); Johannes Zehngraf (Russian, 1857-1908) (1966.458.2) Peter Carl Fabergé Cleveland Museum of Art
Imperial Framed Miniatures portrait miniature by House of Fabergé (Russian, 1842-1918); Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin (Russian, 1860-1903); Johannes Zehngraf (Russian, 1857-1908) (1966.458) Peter Carl Fabergé Cleveland Museum of Art

Peter Lyders Dyckmann

label description creator collection
Portrait of Nils Thaulow painting by Peter Lyders Dyckmann Peter Lyders Dyckmann Norwegian Museum of Cultural History
Portrait of Anne Cathrine Thaulow, b. Tyrholm painting by Peter Lyders Dyckmann Peter Lyders Dyckmann Norwegian Museum of Cultural History
Portrait of Anne Dorthea Thune painting by Peter Lyders Dyckmann Peter Lyders Dyckmann Norwegian Museum of Cultural History
Portrait of Sophie Elisabeth Thaulow painting by Peter Lyders Dyckmann Peter Lyders Dyckmann Norwegian Museum of Cultural History

Peter Rose Pulham

label description creator collection
Horse's Skull, Sphere and Moon painting by Peter Rose Pulham Peter Rose Pulham National Galleries of Scotland
L’Hôtel Sully, Courtyard with Figures painting by Peter Rose Pulham Peter Rose Pulham Tate

Peter Schlosser

label description creator collection
ALAN 2 painting by Peter Schlosser Peter Schlosser Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel painting by Peter Schlosser Peter Schlosser Bavarian State Painting Collections

Peter Sternang

label description creator collection
Improvisation I painting by Peter Sternang Peter Sternang National Gallery of Kosovo
The creole cut painting by Peter Sternang Peter Sternang National Gallery of Kosovo

Peter Tollens

label description creator collection
218 painting by Peter Tollens Peter Tollens Albright–Knox Art Gallery
230 painting by Peter Tollens Peter Tollens Albright–Knox Art Gallery
236 painting by Peter Tollens Peter Tollens Albright–Knox Art Gallery
271 painting by Peter Tollens Peter Tollens Albright–Knox Art Gallery
209 painting by Peter Tollens Peter Tollens Albright–Knox Art Gallery
205 painting by Peter Tollens Peter Tollens Albright–Knox Art Gallery

Petri Niemelä

label description creator collection
THE CROSS painting by Petri Niemelä Petri Niemelä City of Pori art collection
THE GHOSTS painting by Petri Niemelä Petri Niemelä City of Pori art collection

Piero Fornasetti

label description creator collection
Varenna by Castello di Vezio painting by Fornasetti Piero Fornasetti Art collections of Fondazione Cariplo
Vierteiliger Paravent painting by Piero Fornasetti Piero Fornasetti Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Pierre Boulicaut

label description creator collection
Bougainville painting by Pierre Boulicaut Pierre Boulicaut Centre national des arts plastiques
Ducouëdic painting by Pierre Boulicaut Pierre Boulicaut Centre national des arts plastiques
Forbin painting by Pierre Boulicaut Pierre Boulicaut Centre national des arts plastiques

Pierre Pallut

label description creator collection
Nature morte aux poissons painting by Pierre Pallut Pierre Pallut Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Blanche 31 painting by Pierre Pallut Pierre Pallut Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Pierre et Gilles

label description creator collection
Narcisse painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
La Colère d’Achille painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Grimaces painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Tempest painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
In Le Havre Harbor painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Lovers painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Dead Song painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
40 years - Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Little Gardener painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Mummy ! painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Rebirth painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Eden painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Orestes painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Souvenir painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Arab Spring painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
King Salomon and the Queen of Sheba painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Mercury Photo of Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Little Sailor painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Legend painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Long live France painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
David and Jonathan painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Full Moon painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Another Morning painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Forbidden Fruit painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Crazy Love painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Candy Paradise painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The black tears painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Marianne painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Funny Balls painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Homo Erectus - Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
On the other side of Love painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Saint Sebastian of the War painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Doll House painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
For Ever painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Gerard in the countryside painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The little ball painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
From the sidewalk to the catwalk painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Adam's Sin painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Bloody Amélie painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Breakdown painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Virgin and Child painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Étienne Daho artwork by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Shipwrecked – Pierre painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Shipwrecked – Fabrice painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Shipwrecked – Philippe painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Sailor painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Yves Saint Laurent painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Adam and Eve painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Cowboy painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Shipwrecked – Ed painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Rose and the Knife - Caroline painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Pretty Bad Boy – Eric painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Rose and the Knife - Vincent painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Rose and the Knife - Wilfried painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Rose and the Knife - Marie-France painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Rose and the Knife - Yann painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Pretty Bad Boy – Tony painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Pretty Bad Boy – José painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Neptune painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Totem – Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Enzo painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Saint Vincent de Paul painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Saint Sébastian painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Krishna 1989 artwork Pierre et Gilles
Mourner – Claire painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Mourner – Catherine painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Two Sailors – Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Nationale 7 - Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Fragile painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Saint Peter – Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Brides – Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Saint Gilles – Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Nina Hagen work of art by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Cosmonauts – Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Medusa painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Clairvoyante painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Little Communist painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Black Dalhia - † January 15 1947 painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Pink Triangle painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Sainte Mary MacKillop painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Little Romanian painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Self-portrait 78 painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Marriage for All - Self-portrait painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The White Queen painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Eliane Pine Carringhton painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Subway Vendor painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
A Beach Story painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Laundry painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Mermaid and the Sailor painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
Ganymede painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles
The Desperate painting by Pierre et Gilles Pierre et Gilles

Pimen Sofronov

label description creator collection
Tredje etappen av en ikons tillkomst painting by Pimen Sofronov Pimen Sofronov Nationalmuseum
Panels showing different phases of icon painting; The Mother of God of Tenderness painting by Pimen Sofronov Pimen Sofronov Nationalmuseum
Fjärde etappen av en ikons tillkomst painting by Pimen Sofronov Pimen Sofronov Nationalmuseum
Andra etappen av en ikons tillkomst painting by Pimen Sofronov Pimen Sofronov Nationalmuseum

Piotr Mleczko

label description creator collection
Removal painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Lazarus I painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Afternoon walk painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Sunday evening painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Year 1944 II painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Empty can painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Lazarus III painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Artist in front of a canvas painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
No. 39651 – camp prisoner painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Year 1944 II painting by Piotr Mleczko (MNW MPW 997 MNW) Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Lazarus II painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Waiting painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Year 1944 I painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Black lady painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Welsh Landscape V painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Wanderers I painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Transport painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Picnic painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Travelling artists painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Landscape with figures painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
March II painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
March III painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Football match painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Nurses painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Mountainscape painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Evening hour painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
March VI painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Paola painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Playing children painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
At a table painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Meeting painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Docks painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw
Last chapter painting by Piotr Mleczko Piotr Mleczko National Museum in Warsaw

Pirjo Huttunen

label description creator collection
Pakkahuoneenkatu painting by Pirjo Huttunen Pirjo Huttunen City of Pori art collection
Snowy Landscape painting by Pirjo Huttunen Pirjo Huttunen City of Pori art collection

Pjotr Loginov

label description creator collection
Narva turg talvel painting by Pjotr Loginov Pjotr Loginov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Narva painting by Pjotr Loginov Pjotr Loginov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Pjotr Loginov Pjotr Loginov Narva Museum's art collection


label description creator collection
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Shalibhadra: Jain Monk Teaching with a Manuscript Page a Disciple and Two Laywomen and Two Laymen Below (recto); Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Shalibhadra: Text (verso) painting by Pradyumnasuri (Indian) (1971.125) Pradyumnasuri Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Shalibhadra: Jain Monk Teaching with a Manuscript Page a Disciple and Two Laywomen and Two Laymen Below (recto) painting by Pradyumnasuri (Indian) (1971.125.a) Pradyumnasuri Cleveland Museum of Art
Leaf from a Jain Manuscript: Shalibhadra: Text (verso) painting by Pradyumnasuri (Indian) (1971.125.b) Pradyumnasuri Cleveland Museum of Art

Prince Frederick Adolf of Sweden

label description creator collection
Landskap med ett slott painting by Prins Fredrik Adolf Prince Frederick Adolf of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Landskap med sjö painting by Prins Fredrik Adolf Prince Frederick Adolf of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Sjöstycke med några båtar under segel painting by Prins Fredrik Adolf Prince Frederick Adolf of Sweden Nationalmuseum
Landskap med en flod painting by Prins Fredrik Adolf Prince Frederick Adolf of Sweden Nationalmuseum

Prince of Wales (Midpul)

label description creator collection
Body marks painting by Prince of Wales Prince of Wales (Midpul) Art Gallery of New South Wales
Body Marks painting by Prince of Wales (AGNSW, 60.2005) Prince of Wales (Midpul) Art Gallery of New South Wales

Princess Alice of the United Kingdom

label description creator collection
Lochnagar from the Sluggan painting by Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse & by Rhine, consort of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse & by Rhine, 2nd daughter of Queen Victoria Princess Alice of the United Kingdom Royal Collection
Portrait of the artist painting by Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse & by Rhine, consort of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse & by Rhine, 2nd daughter of Queen Victoria Princess Alice of the United Kingdom Royal Collection

Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld

label description creator collection
A Classical Landscape with Figures painting by Princess Victoria, Duchess of Kent, wife of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, 4th daughter of Prince Franz, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Royal Collection
A Classical Landscape with Figures painting by Princess Victoria, Duchess of Kent, wife of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, 4th daughter of Prince Franz, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (Royal Collection RCIN 404026) Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Royal Collection
Peasants at an outdoor table painting by Princess Victoria, Duchess of Kent, wife of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, 4th daughter of Prince Franz, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Royal Collection

Päivi Jokinen

label description creator collection
Valon rajalla painting by Päivi Jokinen Päivi Jokinen City of Pori art collection
Runosuoni painting by Päivi Jokinen Päivi Jokinen City of Pori art collection
Renovation painting by Päivi Jokinen Päivi Jokinen City of Pori art collection
Fossiles painting by Päivi Jokinen Päivi Jokinen City of Pori art collection
Message painting by Päivi Jokinen Päivi Jokinen City of Pori art collection

Queen Victoria

label description creator collection
A Scene from 'Der Hahnenschlag' painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
A Scene from Racine's "Athalie" painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
Archibald Macdonald (1842-90) painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
Annie Macdonald (1848-?66) painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
Princess Helena (1846-1923) painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
Princess Amalie of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1848-1894) painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
Simplicity painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
Tyrolese Woman and Child after Philip Foltz painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection
Head of a Maid painting by Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom Queen Victoria Royal Collection

R.F. Gagen

label description creator collection
Late Afternoon painting by R.F. Gagen R.F. Gagen National Gallery of Canada
The Pulpit Rock painting by R.F. Gagen R.F. Gagen National Gallery of Canada
Surf painting by R.F. Gagen R.F. Gagen National Gallery of Canada

Rafael Masó i Valentí

label description creator collection
Paisatge rural artwork by Rafael Masó Pagès Rafael Masó i Valentí Casa Masó
Carrer de poble artwork by Rafael Masó Pagès Rafael Masó i Valentí Casa Masó
Marina artwork by Rafael Masó Pagès Rafael Masó i Valentí Casa Masó
Carrer artwork by Rafael Masó Pagès Rafael Masó i Valentí Casa Masó
Masia amb pou artwork by Rafael Masó Pagès Rafael Masó i Valentí Casa Masó
Marina artwork by Rafael Masó Pagès Rafael Masó i Valentí Casa Masó
Paisatge campestre artwork by Rafael Masó Pagès Rafael Masó i Valentí Casa Masó

Raimo Saare

label description creator collection
Alatskivi jõgi painting by Raimo Saare Raimo Saare Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portree etüüd painting by Raimo Saare Raimo Saare Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kevadine äärelinn painting by Raimo Saare Raimo Saare Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaade Tartu raekojale painting by Raimo Saare Raimo Saare Tartu City Museum's art collection

Raivo Ird

label description creator collection
Retro I painting by Raivo Ird Raivo Ird Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Retro II painting by Raivo Ird Raivo Ird Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Ramon Aulina de Mata i de Pinós

label description creator collection
Laberint painting by Ramon Aulina de Mata i de Pinós Ramon Aulina de Mata i de Pinós Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Sardana de les monges painting by Ramon Aulina de Mata i de Pinós Ramon Aulina de Mata i de Pinós Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer

Ramon Isern

label description creator collection
Studie til polykrom skulptur painting by Ramon Isern Ramon Isern National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Studie til et relieff painting by Ramon Isern Ramon Isern National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Ramon Pichot i Soler

label description creator collection
Retrat de senyora painting by Ramon Pichot i Soler Ramon Pichot i Soler Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Llegint el diari painting by Ramon Pichot i Soler Ramon Pichot i Soler Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer

Raoul Kurvitz

label description creator collection
Trois des coupes painting by Raoul Kurvitz Raoul Kurvitz Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sus scrofa II painting by Raoul Kurvitz Raoul Kurvitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rebased, piisonid ja muusad painting by Raoul Kurvitz Raoul Kurvitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Emamesilase lend painting by Raoul Kurvitz Raoul Kurvitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Koletised äratavad uinunud mõistuse painting by Raoul Kurvitz Raoul Kurvitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sus scrofa III painting by Raoul Kurvitz Raoul Kurvitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kirvesjuhtum Vaala tähtkujus painting by Raoul Kurvitz Raoul Kurvitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Raoul Lind

label description creator collection
Aiamotiiv painting by Raoul Lind Raoul Lind Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannik painting by Raoul Lind Raoul Lind Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Raul Rajangu

label description creator collection
Final curtain - Vilja F painting by Raul Rajangu Raul Rajangu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valgel ööl Kadrioru lossis painting by Raul Rajangu Raul Rajangu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kunstnik R. Rajangu ja abiliste saabumine Viljandisse painting by Raul Rajangu Raul Rajangu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lumememm anatoomikumi kohal painting by Raul Rajangu Raul Rajangu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Reijo Kärkkäinen

label description creator collection
Who is knocking at your door? painting by Reijo Kärkkäinen Reijo Kärkkäinen City of Pori art collection
Wasteland painting by Reijo Kärkkäinen Reijo Kärkkäinen City of Pori art collection

Rein Ereb

label description creator collection
Kolme tipuga totrus painting by Rein Ereb Rein Ereb Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Täpisriist painting by Rein Ereb Rein Ereb Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Selge II painting by Rein Ereb Rein Ereb Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon painting by Rein Ereb Rein Ereb Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Ereb, Rein. Porgand ei püsi kotis. 1998. Kollaaž, pastell, omavalmistatud paber. Ava 25x25,3 painting by Rein Ereb Rein Ereb Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Rein Raamat

label description creator collection
Operaator Juri Garšneki portree painting by Rein Raamat Rein Raamat Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Naise portree painting by Rein Raamat Rein Raamat Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hans Uus, "Paala" kolhoosi esimees painting by Rein Raamat Rein Raamat Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
maal. Rein Raamat: Vladimir Alumäe ja Hugo Lepnurm, 1957 painting by Rein Raamat Rein Raamat Estonian Theatre and Music Museum's painting collection
Kavand nukufilmile "Peetrikese unenägu" painting by Rein Raamat Rein Raamat Tallinn City Museum's art collection

Reinhold Ljunggren

label description creator collection
Ingvar Andersson (1899-1974), docent, historian, Keeper of the Public Records, member of the Swedish Academy, married to master of arts Ally Nilsson painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Erik Jorpes (1894-1973), professor, biochemist, married to Ida Ståhl painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Gunnar Helén, född 1918 painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Jarl Kulle, 1927-1997 painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Evert Taube (1890-1976), author, singer, artist, married to the sculptor Astri Bergman painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Gustav VI Adolf, 1882-1973, kung av Sverige painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Hilding Rosenberg (1892-1985), composer, professor, married to Vera Josephson painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Natanael Wessén painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum
Sven Jerring, 1895-1979 painting by Reinhold Ljunggren Reinhold Ljunggren Nationalmuseum

Reiu Tüür

label description creator collection
Linnutee painting by Reiu Tüür Reiu Tüür Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Saaremaa valss painting by Reiu Tüür Reiu Tüür Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Turist painting by Reiu Tüür Reiu Tüür Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection

Reko Rennie

label description creator collection
No Sleep Till Dreamtime painting by Reko Rennie Reko Rennie Art Gallery of New South Wales
Initiation painting by Reko Rennie Reko Rennie National Gallery of Victoria
Message Stick (Green) painting by Reko Rennie Reko Rennie National Gallery of Australia

Remus Wilson

label description creator collection
Tatoo, bananas Remus Wilson National Gallery of Kosovo
Tatoo, bananas painting by Remus Wilson Remus Wilson National Gallery of Kosovo

René Kari

label description creator collection
Hääletu müra painting by René Kari René Kari Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Teaduse triumf painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Doomino. Triptühhon painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kummaline sõnum võõralt tähelt painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Teel igavikku painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Eeden painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Korrastatud mulje painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Fragment painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Triumfikaar painting by René Kari René Kari Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

René Quillivic

label description creator collection
Devant l’océan painting by René Quillivic René Quillivic Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
La fille du pêcheur painting by René Quillivic René Quillivic Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
Le phare painting by René Quillivic René Quillivic Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
Pluie fine sur le môle d'Audierne painting by René Quillivic René Quillivic Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts

Rhoda Delaval

label description creator collection
Sir Jacob Astley, 1st Baron Astley of Reading (1579-1652) painting by Rhoda Delaval, Lady Astley Rhoda Delaval National Trust
Rhoda Delaval, later Lady Astley (1725 - 1757), and her brother, Sir Francis Blake Delaval (1727-71), as ‘Painting and Poetry’ (after Luini) painting by Rhoda Delaval, Lady Astley Rhoda Delaval National Trust

Ricardo Ruivo

label description creator collection
Auto-retrato painting by Ricardo Ruivo Ricardo Ruivo Chiado Museum
Retrato de mendigo painting by Ricardo Ruivo Ricardo Ruivo Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves
Retrato do pintor José Campas painting by Ricardo Ruivo Ricardo Ruivo Chiado Museum
Cristãos Fugindo à Perseguição de Nero painting by Ricardo Ruivo Ricardo Ruivo Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa
Retrato de Avelino de Almeida Pereira painting by Ricardo Ruivo Ricardo Ruivo MU.SA - Museu de Artes de Sintra
Retrato de Velha painting by Ricardo Ruivo Ricardo Ruivo private collection

Ricci Albenda

label description creator collection
psycho! painting by Ricci Albenda Ricci Albenda Whitney Museum of American Art
Diptych painting by Ricci Albenda Ricci Albenda Whitney Museum of American Art
diptych from monochrome to polychrome painting by Ricci Albenda Ricci Albenda Whitney Museum of American Art
i was just thinking painting by Ricci Albenda Ricci Albenda Whitney Museum of American Art

Richard Uutmaa

label description creator collection
Maastik. Motiiv Pedassaarelt painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Viljapeks painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kuuvalge maastik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rand painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Meri painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kalurid Eesti põhjarannikul painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kalurid painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kalurid merel painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rand painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rannal painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vääna motiiv painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Öisel merel painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Hundikuristik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õitsvad õunapuud painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Heinatööl painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Eskiis kompositsioonile “Rannal” painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannamaastik. Pöördel Palgiparvetajad painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Estonia teater (Estonia ees) painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna sadam painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalurid merel painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannal painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalarand. Pöördel Külavaade painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannaküla vaade (Altja) painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Õhtune rand painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Angerjapüüdjad rannas painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vainupea sadam / Lilled vaasis painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Puise neemel painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kaluriküla painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Traalrid püügil painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Eesti maastik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Heinalised painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuuvalge maastik heinasaaduga painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rand. Eskiis painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Randlased painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Enne äikest painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pirita jõel painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Purtse maastik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Viimane lumi. Pöördel Vaas pojengidega painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Keskpäev Väänas painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Otepää vaade painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lambapügamine taluõuel painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalurid painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Väike-Munamäelt painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kalarand painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Metsaveer Altjas painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Randlased painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Palgiparvetajad painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vääna niit painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rannal painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tallinna kalasadamas painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rand (Pärnu kalakombinaadis) painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rukkilõikajad painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Saaremaa maastik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lilled, õli painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Virumaa Museums' art collection
Kalapaatkond painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Virumaa Museums' art collection
Rannamaastik painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Virumaa Museums' art collection
R. Uutmaa. Lilled painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Virumaa Museums' art collection
Pirita jõgi silla ja kloostrivaremete juures painting by Richard Uutmaa Richard Uutmaa Tallinn City Museum's art collection

Richard Wallwork

label description creator collection
Departing day, Omihi, Kaikoura coast painting by Richard Wallwork Richard Wallwork Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
A Fairy Audience painting by Richard WALLWORK (English, b.1882, d.1955) Richard Wallwork The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū

Richard Wunderlich

label description creator collection
Fantastiline metsamotiiv painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rannik painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Liiliad vaasis painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Aedlinna vaade painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik majaga painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Linnavaade painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naine sinises kleidis painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lilled painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vana Tallinn painting by Richard Wunderlich Richard Wunderlich Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Rie Wouda-Letterie

label description creator collection
Kermis op de Nieuwmarkt painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Hippies op de Dam painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Zo vierde de Recht Boomssloot Pasen in 1975 painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Protestbijeenkomst in de Koningsstraat, Pasen 1975 painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
In de warme buurt painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Kinderen vieren Sint Maarten painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Aan het Zandvoortse strand painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Wintergezicht painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
De Weesperstraat painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Biljarten in Kras (de biljartzaal in hotel Krasnapolski aan de Dam) painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Boetiek NANA in de Koningsstraat painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
De bloemenmarkt op het Amstelveld painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Bruin café painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Het Waterlooplein painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Groentewinkel painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
De Montelbaanstoren painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Zangduo met orkest painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Stadsgezicht met groepje mensen en kinderen painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Overdekt zwembad painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum
Kermis op de Nieuwmarkt (twee) painting by Rie Wouda-Letterie Rie Wouda-Letterie Amsterdam Museum

Rifat Gecaj

label description creator collection
Untitled Rifat Gecaj National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled painting by Rifat Gecaj Rifat Gecaj National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled Rifat Gecaj National Gallery of Kosovo

Robert Alan Mowbray Stevenson

label description creator collection
Houses in Snow painting by Robert Alan Mowbray Stevenson Robert Alan Mowbray Stevenson Tate
National Gallery
A Village Church painting by Robert Alan Mowbray Stevenson Robert Alan Mowbray Stevenson National Gallery of Ireland

Robert Ambrose Cole

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Robert Ambrose Cole Robert Ambrose Cole Art Gallery of New South Wales
Untitled painting by Robert Ambrose Cole (AGNSW, 313.1993) Robert Ambrose Cole Art Gallery of New South Wales
(untitled) painting by Robert Ambrose Cole Robert Ambrose Cole Art Gallery of New South Wales
Untitled painting by Robert Ambrose Cole (AGNSW, 17.2015) Robert Ambrose Cole Art Gallery of New South Wales
Untitled painting by Robert Ambrose Cole (NGA NGA 99.153) Robert Ambrose Cole National Gallery of Australia
Untitled painting by Robert Ambrose Cole (NGA NGA 92.1419) Robert Ambrose Cole National Gallery of Australia
Untitled painting by Robert Ambrose Cole (NGA NGA 92.1420) Robert Ambrose Cole National Gallery of Australia
Untitled painting by Robert Ambrose Cole (NGA NGA 2002.124) Robert Ambrose Cole National Gallery of Australia

Robert Anier

label description creator collection
Tallinn painting by Robert Anier Robert Anier Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kanneldaja. (K. Raua järgi) painting by Robert Anier Robert Anier Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Viljandi lossi varemed painting by Robert Anier Robert Anier Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Robert Gordy

label description creator collection
Boxville Tangle, Number 1 painting by Robert Gordy Robert Gordy Whitney Museum of American Art
Boxville Tangle #4 painting by Robert Gordy Robert Gordy Dallas Museum of Art

Robert Helm

label description creator collection
Thursday painting by Robert Helm Robert Helm Metropolitan Museum of Art
October painting by Robert Helm Robert Helm Whitney Museum of American Art
Sleeping on Trains painting by Robert Helm Robert Helm Seattle Art Museum
Over the Bridge painting by Robert Helm Robert Helm Seattle Art Museum
Bon Fire painting by Robert Helm Robert Helm Seattle Art Museum
Pacific Cedar painting by Robert Helm Robert Helm Seattle Art Museum

Robert Theodor Alexander von Engelhardt

label description creator collection
Maastik jõega painting by Robert Theodor Alexander von Engelhardt Robert Theodor Alexander von Engelhardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Lõuna - Saksa maastik. Maastik silla ja veskiga painting by Robert Theodor Alexander von Engelhardt Robert Theodor Alexander von Engelhardt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Robert Therrien

label description creator collection
Untitled (Blue Oval) painting by Robert Therrien Robert Therrien Los Angeles County Museum of Art
No titlel (blue bow) painting - ink, gouache, graphite on paper by Robert Therrien (De Pont 2011.RTH.06) Robert Therrien De Pont

Roberto Burle Marx

label description creator collection
Fuzileiro naval painting by Roberto Burle Marx Roberto Burle Marx São Paulo Museum of Art
Composição Abstrata Work at Antonio Parreiras museum collection Roberto Burle Marx Museu Antônio Parreiras

Robin Nganjmirra

label description creator collection
Lumaluma with Mimih spirits painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Lumaluma painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Mimih spirits painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Gunarraluluku and descendants painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Lorrkkon ceremony painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Balarlah Balarlah Dreaming story painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Mimih spirit and brolga painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Mimih spirit and kangaroo painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Brolga Dreaming painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Victoria
Likanaya painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Australia
Crocodile Dreaming painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Australia
Rainbow Serpent painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Australia
Mimi and namarodo spirits painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Australia
Brolga dance painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Australia
Animals and mimi figures painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Australia
Kundaagi and Mimih spirits painting by Robin Nganjmirra Robin Nganjmirra National Gallery of Australia

Rogelio López Cuenca

label description creator collection
Odumodneurtse painting by Rogelio López Cuenca Rogelio López Cuenca Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Verité painting by Rogelio López Cuenca Rogelio López Cuenca Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Luxe painting by Rogelio López Cuenca Rogelio López Cuenca Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Roger Huyssen

label description creator collection
Is it Good For America? (Wall Street) painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Europe's Fear painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Australia painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Asia West painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
A Defector's Story painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Airbus Takes Wing painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Peter Ueberroth painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Test Tube Baby painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Falklands Faceoff painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Sanctions painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Israel painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Anzus painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Ax Falls painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Here Comes Skylab painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Communists at War painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
U.S. in Space painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Letitia Baldridge painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Nguyen Van Linh painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Arming the World painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Star War Games painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Splitting AT&T painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery
Inside the USSR painting by Roger Huyssen Roger Huyssen National Portrait Gallery

Roger Lambert-Loubère

label description creator collection
Parsifal painting by dit) Lambert-Loubère (Roger Lambert Roger Lambert-Loubère Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Roquenoire painting by dit) Lambert-Loubère (Roger Lambert Roger Lambert-Loubère Musée d'art moderne de Paris

Roger Palmer

label description creator collection
Panel for Mixed Primates painting by Roger Palmer (Ringling SN11030.46) Roger Palmer John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Panel for Mixed Primates painting by Roger Palmer (Ringling SN11030.31) Roger Palmer John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Panel for Mixed Primates painting by Roger Palmer (Ringling SN11030.16) Roger Palmer John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Panel for Mixed Primates painting by Roger Palmer (Ringling SN11030.20) Roger Palmer John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Panel for Mixed Primates painting by Roger Palmer (Ringling SN11030.5) Roger Palmer John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

Rolf Adel

label description creator collection
Vreemd lid painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
1962-11 painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Gevecht painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
De dondergod van het midden painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
No.4 painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zwarte hemelhond painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Het land der Goden painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
1962-3 painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Doorzichtig waterdier painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Rode vrouw painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Watergeest painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
De vogel als profeet painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Schilderij I painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Doorschijnende hemelhond painting by R. Adel Rolf Adel Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Rolf Stoll

label description creator collection
Pater Familias (Self-Portrait) painting by Rolf Stoll (American, 1892-1978) (1979.68) Rolf Stoll Cleveland Museum of Art
Bouquet painting by Rolf Stoll (American, 1892-1978) (1941.54) Rolf Stoll Cleveland Museum of Art

Roman Poljakov

label description creator collection
Taluõu Mõnnuste külas painting by Roman Poljakov Roman Poljakov Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Balti mere põhjas painting by Roman Poljakov Roman Poljakov Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Roman Treuman

label description creator collection
Kolhoosi tallimees painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort haugiga painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tedrekukk painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Saaremaa kalur painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Rehetuba painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kapten Kallaste portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pesija painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Põlevkivikaevurid painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sm. Š. Jassmani portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Prof. Lemba portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
H. Olvi portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kunstnik Kangilaski painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Leetbergi portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Prof. Artur Lemba portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Alfred Rõude painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kindralleitnant L. Pärna portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Naiseportree. (Ukrainlanna) painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
“Volta” tehase naistöölise V. Žukova portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Leivalõikaja painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vanamehe portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sotsialistliku töö kangelane Jaan Kärdi painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vanamehe portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vanad bolševikud painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Stahhaanovlase Jaan Vaaraku portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Agitaator valijate keskel painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort õllekannuga painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Autoportree. Etüüd painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Prof. F. Sannamehe portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kirjanik Mart Raua portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Johannes Mikkeli portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Art Museum of Estonia's Johannes Mikkel collection
Fr. Engelsi portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Estonian History Museum's visual arts collection
K.Marx. Portree painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Estonian History Museum's visual arts collection
Poisi portree. 1928 painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
Autoportree. 1932 painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
Vanamehe portree. 1932 painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
Tütarlapse portree. 1930 painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
Autoportree. 1932 painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
Helene Mölder painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
V.Möldri portree, õli painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
Naise portree. 1932 painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection
Noormehe portree. 1932 painting by Roman Treuman Roman Treuman Virumaa Museums' art collection

Ron Terada

label description creator collection
Jack painting by Ron Terada Ron Terada National Gallery of Canada
Untitled (Jeopardy Painting) painting by Ron Terada Ron Terada National Gallery of Canada
Untitled (Jeopardy Painting) painting by Ron Terada (NGA Canada 40368) Ron Terada National Gallery of Canada
Untitled (Jeopardy Painting) painting by Ron Terada (NGA Canada 40387) Ron Terada National Gallery of Canada
Untitled (Jeopardy Painting) painting by Ron Terada (NGA Canada 45441) Ron Terada National Gallery of Canada

Ronald Benjamin Moppett

label description creator collection
Signal (Decoy with Mirrors) painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
All I Know (Ark) painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Breath painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Home and Away painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Whatif/Twilight painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Blue Car Painting for WL Stevenson painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
December (Rose) - B painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Rose/Value 5 painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Veiled Threats painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Black Candle / Tumbleweed / Dunce painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Dunce: 2 (Tango) painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Oenone painting by Ron Moppett Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Blue Car Painting for WL Stevenson painting by Ron Moppett (NGA Canada 47502) Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada
Oenone painting by Ron Moppett (NGA Canada 47501.1-7) Ronald Benjamin Moppett National Gallery of Canada

Ronald Spickett

label description creator collection
Maternal Figure painting by Ronald Spickett Ronald Spickett National Gallery of Canada
Aspect of the Wipeout painting by Ronald Spickett Ronald Spickett National Gallery of Canada

Ronald in 't Hout

label description creator collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-O) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-N) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-M) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-L) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-K) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-J) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-I) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-H) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-G) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-F) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-E) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-D) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-C) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-B) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-A-P) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Studies in groen painting by R.M. in 't Hout (RCE DV5425-A) Ronald in 't Hout Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Roni Horn

label description creator collection
Between Visibility and Nonexistence painting - gouache on paper by Roni Horn (De Pont 1995.RH.08) Roni Horn De Pont
Double / Distant 2.1. AB, 1989 (RH 55) painting by Roni Horn Roni Horn Bavarian State Painting Collections
Also II (Twinning 4) (RH 845) painting by Roni Horn Roni Horn Bavarian State Painting Collections
Untitled (RH 326) painting by Roni Horn Roni Horn Bavarian State Painting Collections
Distant Double 2.32 XY (RH 497) painting by Roni Horn Roni Horn Bavarian State Painting Collections
Just XII (RH 550) painting by Roni Horn Roni Horn Bavarian State Painting Collections

Ronnie Janbardi

label description creator collection
Wandurrk in Atjorndo Grove painting by Ronnie Janbardi Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk painting by Ronnie Janbardi Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk at Gubalorlo painting by Ronnie Janbardi Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk painting by Ronnie Janbardi (NGV O.35-1992) Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk at Gubalorlo painting by Ronnie Janbardi (NGV O.102-1990) Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Mawurrk painting by Ronnie Janbardi Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Mawurrk painting by Ronnie Janbardi (NGV O.99-1990) Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk painting by Ronnie Janbardi (NGV O.100-1990) Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk painting by Ronnie Janbardi (NGV O.95-1990) Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk at Guyun painting by Ronnie Janbardi Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk painting by Ronnie Janbardi (NGV 1995.223) Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria
Wandurrk at Gubalorlo painting by Ronnie Janbardi (NGV O.94-1990) Ronnie Janbardi National Gallery of Victoria

Rosalie Caroline Chichester

label description creator collection
Black Cock and a Setter (after Heywood Hardy) painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Head of a Yorkshire Terrier painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
A Bunch of Polyanthus Flowers on a Dark Background painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Blue and White Vase, Prayer Book, Flowers and a Brass Tray painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Apples with Bowls and a Knife painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of a Basket of Strawberries painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Long-stemmed Daisies in a Vase painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Apples with Autumn Leaves and Honesty Pods painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Daisies and Rosehips in a Vase with a Book painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Assorted Soft Fruits and a Basket painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Shells and a Casket painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Miss Chichester's Parrot, 'Polly' painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Miss Chichester's Parrot, 'Polly' painting by Rosalie Chichester (NT 988014) Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Miss Chichester's Parrot, 'Polly' painting by Rosalie Chichester (NT 988015) Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life of Cyclamen, Astilbes and Scissors painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
A Kiwi (Apertya) painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
A Toucan painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life with Birds and Bread painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Flowers in a Basket painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Still Life with Figures and Frog painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
Polly the Parrot painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust
White Flowers, Bottle and Casket painting by Rosalie Chichester Rosalie Caroline Chichester National Trust

Rosamond Lombard Smith Bouvé

label description creator collection
Elizabeth painting by Rosamond Lombard Smith Bouvé Rosamond Lombard Smith Bouvé
Seated nude combing her hair painting by Rosamond Lombard Smith Bouvé Rosamond Lombard Smith Bouvé
From the Annisquam Pasture painting by Rosamond Lombard Smith Bouvé Rosamond Lombard Smith Bouvé

Roxy Paine

label description creator collection
Pigeon Holes painting by Roxy Paine Roxy Paine National Gallery of Art
PMU#4 painting by Roxy Paine Roxy Paine San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Competing Crusts painting by Roxy Paine Roxy Paine Whitney Museum of American Art

Rrustem Bujupi

label description creator collection
Consequences of war I painting by Rrustem Bujupi Rrustem Bujupi National Gallery of Kosovo
Consequences of war II painting by Rrustem Bujupi Rrustem Bujupi National Gallery of Kosovo
Triptych painting by Rrustem Bujupi Rrustem Bujupi National Gallery of Kosovo

Rudolf Gowenius

label description creator collection
Åsna med kärra painting by Rudolf Gowenius Rudolf Gowenius Nationalmuseum
Mattsäljare i Marrakech painting by Rudolf Gowenius Rudolf Gowenius Nationalmuseum

Rudolf Granberg

label description creator collection
View of Norrtälje painting by Rudolf Granberg Rudolf Granberg Nationalmuseum
A River Landscape painting by Rudolf Granberg Rudolf Granberg Nationalmuseum
The Cardplayer. Fragment painting by Rudolf Granberg Rudolf Granberg Nationalmuseum
Landscape with Watercourse painting by Rudolf Granberg Rudolf Granberg Nationalmuseum
Landscape Study painting by Rudolf Granberg Rudolf Granberg Nationalmuseum
Landscape Study painting by Rudolf Granberg (Nationalmuseum NM 3528) Rudolf Granberg Nationalmuseum

Rudolf Kriisa

label description creator collection
Tütarlapse portree/Tütarlaps käsitööga painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Hermiine portree painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Luule portree painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Valve Aderi portree painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Pr. Kiviste portree painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Istuv tütarlaps painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Meri painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Naise portree painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Abikaasa portree painting by Rudolf Kriisa Rudolf Kriisa Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Rudy Pozzatti

label description creator collection
Still Life with Lemons and Chestnuts painting by Rudy O. Pozzatti (American, 1925-) (1956.124) Rudy Pozzatti Cleveland Museum of Art
Xanadu painting by Rudy Pozzatti Rudy Pozzatti Whitney Museum of American Art

Rui Alves Campelo

label description creator collection
Professor Joaquim Menezes de Oliva Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Rui Alves Campelo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Arco do Teles Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Rui Alves Campelo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Convento de Santa Teresa Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Rui Alves Campelo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Alfândega Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Rui Alves Campelo Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Largo da Misericórdia Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Rui Alves Campelo Museu Histórico Nacional collection

Russell Barnett Aitken

label description creator collection
Study for Hercules and the Amazons painting by Russell B. Aitken Russell Barnett Aitken Metropolitan Museum of Art
Hercules and the Amazons artwork by Russell B. Aitken Russell Barnett Aitken Metropolitan Museum of Art

Russell Hoban

label description creator collection
Harlem painting by Russell Hoban Russell Hoban National Portrait Gallery
Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris painting by Russell Hoban Russell Hoban National Portrait Gallery

S. G. Vasudev

label description creator collection
Tree of Life painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore S. G. Vasudev
Theater of Life painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore S. G. Vasudev National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore

S.D. Panaiotaky

label description creator collection
Hong Kong, the Riviera of the Orient Painting by S.D. Panaiotaky S.D. Panaiotaky Hong Kong travel poster collection
See HongKong, the Riviera of the Orient Painting by S.D. Panaiotaky S.D. Panaiotaky Hong Kong travel poster collection

Saija Hairo

label description creator collection
Viettelys painting by Saija Hairo Saija Hairo City of Pori art collection
Kruununvalvojaiset painting by Saija Hairo Saija Hairo City of Pori art collection

Sakari Tohka

label description creator collection
Pyhimykset painting by Sakari Tohka Sakari Tohka Finnish National Gallery
Self-Portrait painting by Sakari Tohka Sakari Tohka Finnish National Gallery
Alaston malli Ullanlinnassa 7.4.1939 painting by Sakari Tohka Sakari Tohka Finnish National Gallery

Salome Trei

label description creator collection
Istuv tüdruk painting by Salome Trei Salome Trei Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
a) Autoportree; b) Natüürmort seentega painting by Salome Trei Salome Trei Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Saaremaa pukktuulik painting by Salome Trei Salome Trei Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Maastik viljavihkudega painting by Salome Trei Salome Trei Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Salvador Abril i Blasco

label description creator collection
Mariners amb rems painting by Salvador Abril Blasco Salvador Abril i Blasco Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Finisterre painting by Salvador Abril Blasco Salvador Abril i Blasco Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer

Salvador Corona

label description creator collection
Night Festival Scene painting by Salvador Corona Salvador Corona Tucson Museum of Art
Warrior Princess painting by Salvador Corona Salvador Corona Tucson Museum of Art
Painting of Mexican Scene painting by Salvador Corona Salvador Corona Indianapolis Museum of Art

Sam Middleton

label description creator collection
Come Sunday painting by Sam Middleton Sam Middleton Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Out Chorus painting by Sam Middleton Sam Middleton Whitney Museum of American Art

Samia Halaby

label description creator collection
Mediterranean #279 painting by Samia A. Halaby Samia Halaby Indianapolis Museum of Art
Abstract Painting #276 painting by Samia A. Halaby Samia Halaby Indianapolis Museum of Art

Samu Raatikainen

label description creator collection
Concealed Entry painting by Samu Raatikainen Samu Raatikainen City of Pori art collection
Status quo painting by Samu Raatikainen Samu Raatikainen City of Pori art collection

Samuel Spode

label description creator collection
A Dark Bay Racehorse held by a Trainer in a Landscape painting by Samuel Spode Samuel Spode National Trust
Birdcatcher, with jockey up painting by Samuel Spode Samuel Spode

Samuel Wallin

label description creator collection
David Howe painting by Attributed to Samuel Wallin Samuel Wallin Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mrs. David Howe (Sarah Whitney) painting by Attributed to Samuel Wallin Samuel Wallin Metropolitan Museum of Art

Sandeep Mukherjee

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Sandeep Mukherjee Sandeep Mukherjee Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Sandeep Mukherjee (LACMA, M.2010.12.3) Sandeep Mukherjee Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Sandra Scolnik

label description creator collection
Cathy painting by Sandra Scolnik Sandra Scolnik San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Self-Portrait in Contemporary Living Room I & II painting by Sandra Scolnik Sandra Scolnik Whitney Museum of American Art

Sankho Chaudhuri

label description creator collection
Going to market painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Miners painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Khasi Market painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Rain Trees painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Study of Ducks painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Santhal painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Coal para painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Lotus painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Ellora Scenes painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Meerut Congress painting by Sankho Chaudhuri Sankho Chaudhuri National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎

Sarah Bernhardt

label description creator collection
Old lady with a Book painting by Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt Hermitage Museum
Autoportrait painting by Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt Fondation Bemberg
Nature morte aux fruits painting by Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt Musée de la Vie romantique
Nature morte aux pêches painting by Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt Musée Carnavalet

Sarkis Sarkisian

label description creator collection
Still Life with Grapes and Figs painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Still Life with Fruit painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Plums and Grapes painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Red Peppers painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Young Girl painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Clown painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Untitled painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
A Woman painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Head of a Girl painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Still Life with Seascape Beyond painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Still Life with White Pitcher painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Anna Werbe painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
The Boy from Yakima Valley, 1957 painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Still Life with Fruit painting by Sarkis Sarkisian (DIA F72.294) Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Man With Red Fez painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Bowl with Flowers and Fruit painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts
Student painting by Sarkis Sarkisian Sarkis Sarkisian Detroit Institute of Arts

Sauli Suni

label description creator collection
Morning mist painting by Sauli Suni Sauli Suni City of Pori art collection
Talven odotus painting by Sauli Suni Sauli Suni City of Pori art collection

Second Master of Estopanyà

label description creator collection
Archangel Gabriel from an Annunciation painting by Second Master of Estopanyà Second Master of Estopanyà Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Virgin Suckling the Child painting by Second Master of Estopanyà Second Master of Estopanyà Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Dormition of the Virgin painting by Second Master of Estopanyà Second Master of Estopanyà Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Virgin Borne to Burial painting by Second Master of Estopanyà Second Master of Estopanyà Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Seppo Anttila

label description creator collection
Makholma II painting by Seppo Anttila Seppo Anttila City of Pori art collection
Siikarantaa painting by Seppo Anttila Seppo Anttila City of Pori art collection
Kullaalta painting by Seppo Anttila Seppo Anttila City of Pori art collection

Shaip Çitaku

label description creator collection
Figure II painting by Shaip Citaku Shaip Çitaku National Gallery of Kosovo
Vase with flowers painting by Shaip Citaku Shaip Çitaku National Gallery of Kosovo
Figure I painting by Shaip Citaku Shaip Çitaku National Gallery of Kosovo
Windmill painting by Shaip Citaku Shaip Çitaku National Gallery of Kosovo
Windmill painting by Shaip Citaku Shaip Çitaku National Gallery of Kosovo
Vase with flowers painting by Shaip Çitaku Shaip Çitaku National Gallery of Kosovo
Figure I painting by Shaip Citaku Shaip Çitaku National Gallery of Kosovo

Shalom Flash

label description creator collection
Sight of Herzliya Industrial Zone, 1994 painting by Shalom Flash Shalom Flash Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Sight of Herzliya Industrial Zone, 1994 painting by Flash, Shalom Shalom Flash Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

Sherrard Grauer

label description creator collection
Weather Strips painting by Sherrard Grauer Sherrard Grauer National Gallery of Canada
Point Grey Swallow Screen painting by Sherrard Grauer Sherrard Grauer National Gallery of Canada

Shieh Ka Ho

label description creator collection
Figure with ritual tripod vessel item EA2002.127 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Shieh Ka Ho Ashmolean Museum
Figure standing in a teapot item EA2002.128 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Shieh Ka Ho Ashmolean Museum
Figure within a model of a chicken coop item EA2002.129 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Shieh Ka Ho Ashmolean Museum
Figure with a horse item EA2002.130 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Shieh Ka Ho Ashmolean Museum
Figure boating on a lotus pond item EA2002.131 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Shieh Ka Ho Ashmolean Museum
Figure with a porcelain bowl item EA2002.132 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Shieh Ka Ho Ashmolean Museum
Figure with a double-gourd vase item EA2002.133 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Shieh Ka Ho Ashmolean Museum


label description creator collection
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Eighth night: The deceitful wife returns to her terrace after caressing her lover painting by Shravana (Indian) (1962.279.67.a) Shravana Cleveland Museum of Art
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Eighth night: The deceitful wife ejects the procuress after blackening her face painting by Shravana (Indian) (1962.279.67.b) Shravana Cleveland Museum of Art

Sies Bleeker

label description creator collection
Composition #47 painting by Sies Bleeker Sies Bleeker Centraal Museum
Zonder titel painting by Sies Bleeker Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
Zonder titel painting by Sies Bleeker (Fries Museum S1996-098A) Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
De sprekende man painting by Sies Bleeker Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
Zonder titel painting by Sies Bleeker (Fries Museum S1996-095) Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
Zonder titel painting by Sies Bleeker (Fries Museum S1996-094) Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
De lopende man painting by Sies Bleeker Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
Compositie in witte en blauwe blokjes painting by Sies Bleeker Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
Zonder titel painting by Sies Bleeker (Fries Museum S1996-097) Sies Bleeker Fries Museum
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59086) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59083) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59085) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ66889) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ82396) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59069) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ66886) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ66898) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59068) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ66900) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ82399) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ82395) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel No. 4 painting by S.J. Bleeker Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59070) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK69207) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ66890) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ66892) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59077) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Zonder titel painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE BK59082) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Compositie painting by S.J. Bleeker (RCE SZ66896) Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Twee kleursystemen painting by S.J. Bleeker Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Tegen elkaar gaande kleursystemen painting by S.J. Bleeker Sies Bleeker Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection

Sigge Bergström

label description creator collection
Axel Klinckowström (1867-1936), baron, author, zoologist, married to Sigrid Maria Thyra Gyldén painting by Sigge Bergström Sigge Bergström Nationalmuseum
Sigge Bergström (1880-1975), artist, graphic artist, married to 1. Elsa Eklind, 2. Brita Ericsson painting by Sigge Bergström Sigge Bergström Nationalmuseum

Sigismund III Vasa

label description creator collection
Mater dolorosa painting by Vara, seit 1587 König von Polen Sigismund III. Sigismund III Vasa Bavarian State Painting Collections
Allegory of the foundation of the Society of Jesus. painting by Sigismund III Vasa Sigismund III Vasa Bavarian State Painting Collections

Silva Eher

label description creator collection
Jagamine painting by Silva Eher Silva Eher Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vabanemine painting by Silva Eher Silva Eher Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Embus painting by Silva Eher Silva Eher Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Üksmeel painting by Silva Eher Silva Eher Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kooskõla painting by Silva Eher Silva Eher Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maa lapsed painting by Silva Eher Silva Eher Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jõgi painting by Silva Eher Silva Eher Virumaa Museums' art collection

Silvia Jõgever

label description creator collection
Unenägu painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kitsed udus painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Näitelaval painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Väike kitsekarjus painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt tumedal taustal painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Teotüdrukud painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lagle painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valve Janovi portree painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hüpiknukk painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Poolkaar painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Nukker painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jalad I painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lembit Saartsi portree painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon mustal painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hobused painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tulekahju painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Monument. Sügisene ringmäng painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Looklevad kujundid painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon munaga painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vaene maalija painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sõbratarid (Sõbrannad) painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valged hobused kuupaistel painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Autoportree painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt tumedal taustal painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Akt III painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Südasuvi painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lüüdia Vallimäe-Marki portree painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Uputaja painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kunstnikud ja modell painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kahekesi painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Käpulikäijad painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik põlluga painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õhtune tänav painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Hobune painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portree painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Musitseerimas painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Õngitsejad painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Roheline pudel painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Jõevaade II painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Flamenko painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Haaslava maastik painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kunstnikud ja modell painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suveõhtul painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pargis painting by Silvia Jõgever Silvia Jõgever University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Simo Suominen

label description creator collection
Nami-Namimaan kuningas tuli lentäen painting by Simo Suominen Simo Suominen City of Pori art collection
Mennään kirjastoon painting by Simo Suominen Simo Suominen City of Pori art collection

Simon Denny

label description creator collection
Founders New Zealand, Seasteading, Moon, Mars Projection painting by Simon Denny Simon Denny Auckland Art Gallery
Founders Resource Hexagons Projection painting by Simon Denny Simon Denny Auckland Art Gallery
Founders Decaying Earth Board Projection painting by Simon Denny Simon Denny Auckland Art Gallery
Founders Box Cover Projection painting by Simon Denny Simon Denny Auckland Art Gallery

Simon Hogan

label description creator collection
Ilkurlka painting by Simon Hogan Simon Hogan National Gallery of Victoria
Lingka painting by Simon Hogan Simon Hogan National Gallery of Victoria

Sinikka Palonen

label description creator collection
Blue Lillies painting by Sinikka Palonen Sinikka Palonen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Morning Prayer painting by Sinikka Palonen Sinikka Palonen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Early Morning painting by Sinikka Palonen Sinikka Palonen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Pihajuhla painting by Sinikka Palonen Sinikka Palonen City of Pori art collection
Risto ja savikissa painting by Sinikka Palonen Sinikka Palonen City of Pori art collection
Morning painting by Sinikka Palonen Sinikka Palonen City of Pori art collection

Sir Henry Thompson, 1st Baronet

label description creator collection
Isola dei Piscatori and Sasso del Ferro, Lago Maggiore painting by Sir Henry Thompson Sir Henry Thompson, 1st Baronet Royal Collection
Carlo Pellegrini painting by Sir Henry Thompson Sir Henry Thompson, 1st Baronet National Portrait Gallery

Siri Derkert

label description creator collection
Landscape painting by Siri Derkert Siri Derkert Finnish National Gallery
Professor Gustav Jonsson (1907-1994), barnpsykiater, grundare av barnbyn Skå, professors namn painting by Siri Derkert Siri Derkert Nationalmuseum
Elise Ottesen-Jensen (1886-1973), born Ottesen, journalist, association chairman, editor, honorary doctor, sex educator, married to editor Albert Jensen painting by Siri Derkert Siri Derkert Nationalmuseum
Carlo Derkert, art educator painting by Siri Derkert Siri Derkert Nationalmuseum
Liv Derkert, Artist painting by Siri Derkert Siri Derkert Nationalmuseum
Elisabeth Tamm, 1880-1958 painting by Siri Derkert Siri Derkert Nationalmuseum
Painting of Honorine Hermelin painting by Siri Derkert Siri Derkert Nationalmuseum

Slavoljub Čvorović

label description creator collection
Embrace painting by Slavoljub Cvorovic Slavoljub Čvorović National Gallery of Kosovo
Message from space painting by Slavoljub Cvorovic Slavoljub Čvorović National Gallery of Kosovo

Soili Pitkälä

label description creator collection
Landscape II painting by Soili Pitkälä Soili Pitkälä City of Pori art collection
Landscape III painting by Soili Pitkälä Soili Pitkälä City of Pori art collection

Sophie Lienard

label description creator collection
François Orléans, Prince de Joinville painting by Sophie Lienard Sophie Lienard Saint Louis Art Museum
Louis-Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, King of France painting by Sophie Lienard Sophie Lienard Saint Louis Art Museum

Sophie de Condorcet

label description creator collection
Self-portrait painting by Sophie de Condorcet Sophie de Condorcet
Self-portrait painting by Sophie de Condorcet, 1780s Sophie de Condorcet

Sophie von Wahl

label description creator collection
Tirooli alpid painting by Sophie von Wahl Sophie von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pargimaastik painting by Sophie von Wahl Sophie von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Garda järv painting by Sophie von Wahl Sophie von Wahl Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Sophus Theobald Levinsen

label description creator collection
The Town Hall, Brussels (Royal Collection RCIN 406380) painting by Sophus Théobald Levinsen Sophus Theobald Levinsen Royal Collection
The Town Hall, Brussels painting by Sophus Théobald Levinsen (Royal Collection RCIN 406381) Sophus Theobald Levinsen Royal Collection

Stanislav Kolíbal

label description creator collection
As a Table painting by Stanislav Kolibal Stanislav Kolíbal Metropolitan Museum of Art
Propast painting by Stanislav Kolíbal Stanislav Kolíbal Moravian Gallery in Brno

Stanley K. Whitney

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Stanley K. Whitney Stanley K. Whitney Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
[Block abstraction] painting by Stanley K. Whitney Stanley K. Whitney Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
[Painting] painting by Stanley K. Whitney Stanley K. Whitney Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Upstate painting by Stanley Whitney Stanley K. Whitney The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Endless Time painting by Stanley Whitney Stanley K. Whitney Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Out into the Open painting by Stanley Whitney Stanley K. Whitney Saint Louis Art Museum

Stepan Taryan

label description creator collection
Գրիգոր Լուսավորիչ եկեղեցու ավերակները. Անի painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Անիի ավերակները painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Այրիվանք գյուղը painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Գ. Հարությունյանի դիմանկարը painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
«Հրաբխի վրա» ներկայացման էսքիզ painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ստալինը պետական գործիչնեի հետ painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Դեպուտատի հանդիպումը painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Մեր բակը painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Վերջին հրաժեշտը Ե. Թադևոսյանին painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Բնանկար painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Արագածի լանջերը painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Բնապատկեր painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Բնապատկեր painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Կնոջ դիմանկար painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Կնոջ դիմանկար painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Ծծմբի բաղնիքների տանիքները painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia
Բորժոմ. Սև գետը painting by Stepan Taryan Stepan Taryan National Gallery of Armenia

Stephan Melzl

label description creator collection
Spiel painting by Stephan Melzl Stephan Melzl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Kopf painting by Stephan Melzl Stephan Melzl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Geheimnis painting by Stephan Melzl Stephan Melzl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Projektion 2 painting by Stephan Melzl Stephan Melzl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel painting by Stephan Melzl Stephan Melzl Bavarian State Painting Collections
Kopf painting by Stephan Melzl (BStGS GV 176) Stephan Melzl Bavarian State Painting Collections

Stephen Willats

label description creator collection
The Vampiress painting by Stephen Willats Stephen Willats Centraal Museum
What is the Difference between the Inside and the Outside? (Three panels: 1, Conception; 2, Realisation; 3, Presentation) painting by Stephen Willats Stephen Willats National Galleries of Scotland

Sterling Boyd Strauser

label description creator collection
Louise Nevelson Spraying Oil on Canvas painting by Sterling Boyd Strauser Sterling Boyd Strauser Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Pear Blossoms painting by Sterling Boyd Strauser Sterling Boyd Strauser Reading Public Museum
Portrait of Cullen Yates, NA painting by Sterling Boyd Strauser Sterling Boyd Strauser Reading Public Museum
painting painting by Sterling Boyd Strauser Sterling Boyd Strauser Reading Public Museum
Hans Conreid painting by Sterling Boyd Strauser Sterling Boyd Strauser Reading Public Museum
Spring Floral painting by Sterling Boyd Strauser Sterling Boyd Strauser Reading Public Museum
April Visit to the City painting by Sterling Boyd Strauser Sterling Boyd Strauser Reading Public Museum

Steve DiBenedetto

label description creator collection
Rotorvision painting by Steve DiBenedetto Steve DiBenedetto Tucson Museum of Art
Torment of the Metals painting by Steve DiBenedetto Steve DiBenedetto Whitney Museum of American Art

Stig Baumgartner

label description creator collection
Private Collection painting by Stig Baumgartner Stig Baumgartner Finnish National Gallery
Eva painting by Stig Baumgartner Stig Baumgartner Finnish National Gallery
Private Collection painting by Stig Baumgartner (NGV, N-2007-25) Stig Baumgartner Finnish National Gallery
Private Collection painting by Stig Baumgartner (NGV, N-2007-26) Stig Baumgartner Finnish National Gallery

Stig Claesson

label description creator collection
Ingmar Ström (1912-2003), biskop, kyrkoman, gift med Karin Faxén painting by Stig Claesson Stig Claesson Nationalmuseum
Per Anders Fogelström, 1917 - 1998 painting by Stig Claesson Stig Claesson Nationalmuseum
Hans Alfredson (1931-2017), författare, skådespelare, regissör, Skansen-chef painting by Stig Claesson Stig Claesson Nationalmuseum
Erik Asklund, 1908-1980 painting by Stig Claesson Stig Claesson Nationalmuseum
Lena Nyman (1944-2011), actress painting by Stig Claesson Stig Claesson Nationalmuseum

Stig Olson

label description creator collection
Självporträtt painting by Stig Olson Stig Olson Nationalmuseum
Rolf Edberg (1912-1997), författare, fil.dr h.c., politiker, landshövding, gift med Astrid Persson painting by Stig Olson Stig Olson Nationalmuseum

Suellen Rocca

label description creator collection
Sleepy-Head with Handbag painting by Suellen Rocca Suellen Rocca Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Bare Shouldered Beauty and the Pink Creature painting by Suellen Rocca Suellen Rocca Art Institute of Chicago

Sulejman Kadrija

label description creator collection
Epilogue painting by Sulejman Kadrija Sulejman Kadrija National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition painting by Sulejman Kadrija Sulejman Kadrija National Gallery of Kosovo
Autumn painting by Sulejman Kadrija Sulejman Kadrija National Gallery of Kosovo

Suren Stepanyan

label description creator collection
Հուշ painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia
Նատյուրմորտ painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ծովային կայարան. Խոստա painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia
Արարատյան դաշտավայրը painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia
Բյուրական painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia
Երգ painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia
Ճայեր painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia
Խնջույք painting by Suren Stepanyan Suren Stepanyan National Gallery of Armenia

Suzanne Archer

label description creator collection
Kites painting by Suzanne Archer Suzanne Archer Art Gallery of New South Wales
I'll remember New York painting by Suzanne Archer Suzanne Archer National Gallery of Victoria

Sven Rybin

label description creator collection
Rikard Hallén painting by Sven Rybin Sven Rybin Nationalmuseum
Stilleben painting by Sven Rybin Sven Rybin Nationalmuseum
Spanskt landskap painting by Sven Rybin Sven Rybin Nationalmuseum
Spanskt kustlandskap painting by Sven Rybin Sven Rybin Nationalmuseum
Kustlandskap painting by Sven Rybin Sven Rybin Nationalmuseum

Sven Saag

label description creator collection
Uks painting by Sven Saag Sven Saag Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Uks I painting by Sven Saag Sven Saag Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Unes näivad asjad selgemad painting by Sven Saag Sven Saag Narva Museum's art collection

Sverre Pettersen

label description creator collection
Q55427154 painting by Sverre Pettersen Sverre Pettersen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Flugten til Ægypten painting by Sverre Pettersen Sverre Pettersen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Nadverden painting by Sverre Pettersen Sverre Pettersen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Sveta Martinović

label description creator collection
Duel painting by Sveta Martinovic Sveta Martinović National Gallery of Kosovo
Bull and the moon painting by Sveta Martinovic Sveta Martinović National Gallery of Kosovo
Bull and the moon Sveta Martinović National Gallery of Kosovo

Svetozar Kamenović

label description creator collection
Composition A-G painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Painting XIII painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Motif from Peja painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Willow over the stream painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Blue Mosque painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Emina painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Old Woman painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
White Painting painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Accords of the abandonded sity painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition painting by Svetozar Kamenovic Svetozar Kamenović National Gallery of Kosovo

Syd Solomon

label description creator collection
Take Rise painting by Syd Solomon Syd Solomon Whitney Museum of American Art
Untitled painting by Syd Solomon (Ringling SN11388) Syd Solomon John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

Sydenham Edwards

label description creator collection
Vistas da Baía do Rio de Janeiro Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection (1 of 2) Sydenham Edwards Brasiliana Itaú Collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
Vistas da Baía do Rio de Janeiro Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection (2 of 2) Sydenham Edwards Brasiliana Itaú Collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica

Sydney Hodges

label description creator collection
Rear-Admiral Sir James Hope (1808-1881) painting by J. Sydney Willis Hodges Sydney Hodges Royal Museums Greenwich
Admiral Arthur William Acland Hood,1824-1901, Baron Hood of Avalon painting by J. Sydney Willis Hodges Sydney Hodges Royal Museums Greenwich
Pt. of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Fergusson, Bart, P.C., G.C.S.I., K.C.M.G., C.I.E., L.L.D painting by J Sydney Hodges Sydney Hodges Art Gallery of South Australia

Tahi Moore

label description creator collection
Politics vs aesthetics painting by Tahi Moore Tahi Moore Auckland Art Gallery
Internal logic, figures painting by Tahi Moore Tahi Moore Auckland Art Gallery

Tai Xiangzhou

label description creator collection
Divine Pavilion and Solitary Spring painting by Tai Xiangzhou Tai Xiangzhou Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
To See the Large Within the Small painting by Tai Xiangzhou Tai Xiangzhou The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Taliesin Williams

label description creator collection
Landscape with waterfall, south Wales painting by Taliesin Williams Taliesin Williams National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Landscape, South Wales painting by Taliesin Williams Taliesin Williams National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Landscape, South Wales Painting by Taliesin Williams Taliesin Williams National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Mumbles lighthouse painting by Taliesin Williams Taliesin Williams National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales

Taller dels germans Serra

label description creator collection
Adoració dels Pastors painting by Taller dels germans Serra Taller dels germans Serra Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
La Virgen de la Humildad con donante painting by Ramón Destorrens and Hermanos Serra Taller dels germans Serra
Ramón Destorrents
Museo del Prado

Talvi Johani

label description creator collection
Torm ja tung painting by Talvi Johani Talvi Johani Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuum jõud painting by Talvi Johani Talvi Johani Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Tammi Campbell

label description creator collection
Works in Progress (series) (April 2013 B) painting by Tammi Campbell Tammi Campbell National Gallery of Canada
Works in Progress (series) (April 2013 C) painting by Tammi Campbell Tammi Campbell National Gallery of Canada

Taneyuki Dan Harada

label description creator collection
Barracks painting by Taneyuki (Dan) Harada Taneyuki Dan Harada Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Typical Barrack Plan - Tule Lake painting by Taneyuki Dan Harada Taneyuki Dan Harada Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Barracks - Tule Lake painting by Taneyuki Dan Harada Taneyuki Dan Harada Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Tatu Tuominen

label description creator collection
Works from the collage suite Studying Modern Architecture with a Knife No. 14 painting by Tatu Tuominen Tatu Tuominen Finnish National Gallery
Works from the collage suite Studying Modern Architecture with a Knife No. 44 painting by Tatu Tuominen Tatu Tuominen Finnish National Gallery
Works from the collage suite Studying Modern Architecture with a Knife No. 59 painting by Tatu Tuominen Tatu Tuominen Finnish National Gallery
Works from the collage suite Studying Modern Architecture with a Knife No. 45 painting by Tatu Tuominen Tatu Tuominen Finnish National Gallery

Tellinger István

label description creator collection
Haligovce painting by István Tellinger Tellinger István East Slovak Gallery
Myšlienky o Slovensku painting by István Tellinger Tellinger István East Slovak Gallery

Tero Kiiskinen

label description creator collection
unnamed painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Ghazni 24. june 76 painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Ghazni 25. june 76 painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Pahalgam, Kashmir, India 14. may 1979 painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Kashmir, India 14. may 1979 painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Bamian, Afghanistan 11. June 1976, fresco study of the large Buddha painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Bamian 3. May 1976, part of the fresco of the small Buddha painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Bamian, Afghanistan, 3. june 76 painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Bamian 1976, Fresco Study painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Bamian 6. june 76 painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
Bamian painting by Tero Kiiskinen Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
unnamed painting by Tero Kiiskinen TM 2117 Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection
unnamed painting by Tero Kiiskinen TM 2118 Tero Kiiskinen City of Pori art collection

Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin

label description creator collection
Betty painting by Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Art Gallery of South Australia
Doris painting by Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Art Gallery of South Australia
Grace painting by Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Art Gallery of South Australia
Nyinta painting by Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Art Gallery of South Australia
Sally painting by Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Thea Anamara Perkins-Zabidin Art Gallery of South Australia

Theodor Heinrich Rickmann

label description creator collection
Stseen telgis painting by Theodor Heinrich Rickmann Theodor Heinrich Rickmann Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Laadastseen painting by Theodor Heinrich Rickmann Theodor Heinrich Rickmann Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Theodor Josef Hubert Hoffbauer

label description creator collection
Vue panoramique de Paris en 1588, depuis les toits du Louvre, avec le Pont-Neuf en construction painting by Fédor Hoffbauer Theodor Josef Hubert Hoffbauer Musée Carnavalet
La tour de l'Horloge, la Conciergerie et le pont au Change, en 1621 painting by Fédor Hoffbauer Theodor Josef Hubert Hoffbauer Musée Carnavalet

Third Master of Sorpe

label description creator collection
Holy Shepherd and the Zodiacal symbol for Cancer from Sorpe painting by Third Master of Sorpe Third Master of Sorpe Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Archangel and elephant from Sorpe painting by Third Master of Sorpe Third Master of Sorpe Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Saint Felix and the Zodiacal symbol for Geminis from Sorpe painting by Third Master of Sorpe Third Master of Sorpe Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Archangel and the Zodiacal symbol for Sagittarius from Sorpe painting by Third Master of Sorpe Third Master of Sorpe Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Thomas Bock

label description creator collection
Captain William Robertson painting by Thomas Bock Thomas Bock Art Gallery of South Australia
John Robertson painting by Thomas Bock Thomas Bock Art Gallery of South Australia
Mrs William Robertson painting by Thomas Bock Thomas Bock Art Gallery of South Australia
Jessie Robertson painting by Thomas Bock Thomas Bock Art Gallery of South Australia

Thomas Lange

label description creator collection
Wasserlandschaft III painting by Thomas Lange Thomas Lange Berlinische Galerie
Brandung - Meerjungfrau painting by Thomas Lange Thomas Lange Berlinische Galerie
Hammer for two painting by Thomas Lange Thomas Lange Berlinische Galerie
Rote Musik 2 painting by Thomas Lange Thomas Lange Berlinische Galerie

Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula

label description creator collection
Macassan prau painting by Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Victoria
Totem paintings; Set 3. No. 1. Bush yams painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 2. No. 1: from Woman and Dog Story painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 2. No. 2: from Woman and Dog Story painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 4. No. 4: from the story of the Baby sitter painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Totem paintings: Set 3. No. 4. Dugong painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Totem paintings: Set 3. No. 3. Fresh Water Turtle painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 2. No. 4: from Woman and Dog Story painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 2. No. 5: from Woman and Dog Story painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 2. No. 7: from Woman and Dog Story painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 2. No. 6: from Woman and Dog Story painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 2. No. 3: from Woman and Dog Story painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No.7: from the "Headhunter Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No. 3: from the "Headhunter Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No. 6: from the "Headhunter Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No. 1: from the "Headhunter [sic] Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No. 2: from the "Headhunter Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 4. No. 5: from Story of the Baby Sitter painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Totem paintings; Set 3. No. 6. Mangrove Emu painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No. 5: from the "Headhunter Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No. 4: from the "Headhunter Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 1. No. 8: from the "Headhunter Set" painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 4. No. 6: from Story of the Baby Sitter painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 4. No. 3: from Story of the Baby Sitter painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 4. No. 2: from Story of the Baby Sitter painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Set 4. No. 1: from Story of the Baby Sitter painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Totem paintings: Set 3. No. 5. Blue bottle jelly fish painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia
Totem paintings: Set 3. No. 2. Bush yams painting by Thomas Nandjiwarra amagula Thomas Nanjiwarra Amagula National Gallery of Australia

Thomas Nast

label description creator collection
William Cullen Bryant painting by Thomas Nast Thomas Nast National Portrait Gallery
Charles T. McClenachan painting by Thomas Nast Thomas Nast National Portrait Gallery
Lester Wallack painting by Thomas Nast Thomas Nast National Portrait Gallery

Thomas Youngman Gooderson

label description creator collection
Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore and Kings Newton (1785-1856) painting by Thomas Youngerman Gooderson Thomas Youngman Gooderson National Trust
Anne Stanhope, Duchess of Somerset (?1497-1587), aged 16 (in the manner of Bernaert van Orley) painting by Thomas Youngerman Gooderson Thomas Youngman Gooderson National Trust


label description creator collection
Zachary Bayly Esq painting by Thredder Thredder National Trust
Miss Bayly painting by Thredder Thredder National Trust

Théophile Gautier

label description creator collection
Jeune femme nue painting by Théophile Gautier Théophile Gautier Maison de Balzac
Portrait de femme painting by Théophile Gautier Théophile Gautier Maison de Balzac
Portrait de femme painting by Théophile Gautier Théophile Gautier Maison de Balzac

Tiina Viirelaid

label description creator collection
Kiivi painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Karjasekepp painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Narmas painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Süsteem painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kolmnurk painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Ilmakangas painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Silmitseja I painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Silmitseja II painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Põhjavesi painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tume painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Jalg kivil painting by Tiina Viirelaid Tiina Viirelaid Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Tiit Jaanson

label description creator collection
Ma olen tagasi mõnel õnnelikul päeval painting by Tiit Jaanson Tiit Jaanson Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pikk päev painting by Tiit Jaanson Tiit Jaanson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kompositsioon nr. I painting by Tiit Jaanson Tiit Jaanson Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Tiit Raid

label description creator collection
Seotus painting by Tiit Raid Tiit Raid Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Raudteesilla nurk painting by Tiit Raid Tiit Raid Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
So Why? Miks siis? painting by Tiit Raid Tiit Raid Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Creeki oja kallas painting by Tiit Raid Tiit Raid Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Timothy Cook

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Timothy Cook Timothy Cook Art Gallery of New South Wales
Kulama painting by Timothy Cook Timothy Cook Art Gallery of New South Wales
Jilamara painting by Timothy Cook Timothy Cook National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Timothy Cook (NGV 2001.148) Timothy Cook National Gallery of Victoria
Jilamara painting by Timothy Cook (NGV 1997.431) Timothy Cook National Gallery of Victoria
Kulama painting by Timothy Cook (NGA NGA 2010.1115) Timothy Cook National Gallery of Australia
Kulama painting by Timothy Cook (NGA NGA 2009.584) Timothy Cook National Gallery of Australia
Kulama painting by Timothy Cook (NGA NGA 2010.1116) Timothy Cook National Gallery of Australia
Pumpuni Jilamara painting by Timothy Cook Timothy Cook National Gallery of Australia
Tunga painting by Timothy Cook Timothy Cook National Gallery of Australia
Kulama painting by Timothy Cook (NGA NGA 2013.4822) Timothy Cook National Gallery of Australia
Kulama painting by Timothy Cook (NGA NGA 2013.82) Timothy Cook National Gallery of Australia

Tjakko Borgesius

label description creator collection
Klooster Ter Apel painting by Tjakko Borgesius Tjakko Borgesius Groninger Museum
Gezicht op het klooster van Ter Apel painting by Tjakko Borgesius Tjakko Borgesius Groninger Museum

Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira

label description creator collection
Aralya painting by Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Art Gallery of South Australia
Aralya: Tjukurpa Aralyanya Tjara painting by Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Art Gallery of South Australia
Anapalaya Walka painting by Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Art Gallery of South Australia
Mai Putja painting by Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Tjulkiwa Atira-Atira Art Gallery of South Australia

Toivo Koivisto

label description creator collection
Talkkunatehdas painting by Toivo Koivisto Toivo Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Legend painting by Toivo Koivisto Toivo Koivisto City of Pori art collection

Tomislav Garić

label description creator collection
Pastoral painting by Tomislav Garic Tomislav Garić National Gallery of Kosovo
Partisan line painting by Tomislav Garic Tomislav Garić National Gallery of Kosovo
Apollo painting by Tomislav Garic Tomislav Garić National Gallery of Kosovo

Tomislav Trifić

label description creator collection
Landscape painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
Man and the space painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
Man and the space painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
Window and fleece painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
The man and the bird painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
The man and the bird painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
The birds II painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
Play I painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
Man and space painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo
Fleece painting by Tomislav Trific Tomislav Trifić National Gallery of Kosovo

Tommaso Ruiz

label description creator collection
The Bay of Naples, with the Chiaia, seen from Posillipo painting by Tommaso Ruiz Tommaso Ruiz National Trust
View Towards Capo Miseno and Procida painting by Tommaso Ruiz Tommaso Ruiz National Trust
The Bay of Naples looking towards Posillipo painting by Tommaso Ruiz Tommaso Ruiz National Trust
The Bay of Naples near the Slopes of Vesuvius with the Sorrentine Peninsula in the distance painting by Tommaso Ruiz Tommaso Ruiz National Trust

Tomàs Aymat Martínez

label description creator collection
San Isidoro de León (1911) artwork by Tomàs Aymat Martínez, 1911 Tomàs Aymat Martínez Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Capilla del Condestable de la catedral de Burgos (1911) artwork by Tomàs Aymat Martínez, 1911 Tomàs Aymat Martínez Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi

Tony Feher

label description creator collection
Black Light One painting by Tony Feher Tony Feher Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Yellow painting by Tony Feher Tony Feher Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Trojan Blue or Helen's Downfall painting by Tony Feher Tony Feher Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Bug + Bush #2 painting by Tony Feher Tony Feher Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Corpus Christi Deposition painting by Tony Feher Tony Feher Albright–Knox Art Gallery
The Number Green painting by Tony Feher Tony Feher Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Thunderbird painting by Tony Feher Tony Feher Albright–Knox Art Gallery

Toomas Altnurme

label description creator collection
Mõistuse vangla painting by Toomas Altnurme Toomas Altnurme Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Päikesetõus painting by Toomas Altnurme Toomas Altnurme Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Äikesega telkimas painting by Toomas Altnurme Toomas Altnurme Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Toomas Sarapuu

label description creator collection
Sigareti õnn painting by Toomas Sarapuu Toomas Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maalivaras painting by Toomas Sarapuu Toomas Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pop eestlane painting by Toomas Sarapuu Toomas Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Eesti Kunstnike Liidu president painting by Toomas Sarapuu Toomas Sarapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Toos Koedam

label description creator collection
Kind van de rekening, tweedelig painting by Toos Koedam Toos Koedam Amsterdam Museum
Kind van de rekening (1) painting by Toos Koedam Toos Koedam Amsterdam Museum
Kind van de rekening (2) painting by Toos Koedam Toos Koedam Amsterdam Museum

Torii Kiyonaga

label description creator collection
Beauty in Summer Breeze painting by Torii Kiyonaga Torii Kiyonaga Metropolitan Museum of Art
Two Beauties after the Bath painting by Torii Kiyonaga Torii Kiyonaga Metropolitan Museum of Art
Three Girls on a Riverbank painting by Torii Kiyonaga Torii Kiyonaga Metropolitan Museum of Art

Torii Kiyoshige

label description creator collection
Ichikawa Danjurō IV painting by Torii Kiyoshige Torii Kiyoshige Rhode Island School of Design Museum
The Warrior Asahina Yoshihide Lifting a Puppet of a Courtesan on a Go Board painting by Torii Kiyoshige Torii Kiyoshige Metropolitan Museum of Art

Torsten Bergmark

label description creator collection
Sixten Ehrling (1918-2005) painting by Torsten Bergmark Torsten Bergmark Nationalmuseum
Gösta Ekman (1939-2017), skådespelare, regissör, gift med 1. konstnären Fatima Gerhard, 2. skådespelerskan Pia Harahap, 3. professor Marie Louise Fuchs painting by Torsten Bergmark Torsten Bergmark Nationalmuseum
Svevende figur painting by Torsten Bergmark Torsten Bergmark National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Selvportrett painting by Torsten Bergmark Torsten Bergmark National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Trak Wendisch

label description creator collection
El Colosso painting by Trak Wendisch Trak Wendisch Berlinische Galerie
Gitter II painting by Trak Wendisch Trak Wendisch Berlinische Galerie
Mann mit Koffer painting by Trak Wendisch Trak Wendisch Berlinische Galerie

Tuomas Helin

label description creator collection
Kirjaviisaus painting by Tuomas Helin Tuomas Helin City of Pori art collection
Lupaus painting by Tuomas Helin Tuomas Helin City of Pori art collection

Tuomo Rosenlund

label description creator collection
Tässä kohtauksessa ohjaaja painotti läsnäoloa ja eläytymistä painting by Tuomo Rosenlund Tuomo Rosenlund City of Pori art collection
City Portraits painting by Tuomo Rosenlund Tuomo Rosenlund City of Pori art collection
Windows to the World painting by Tuomo Rosenlund Tuomo Rosenlund City of Pori art collection
Mememe painting by Tuomo Rosenlund Tuomo Rosenlund City of Pori art collection

Tuula Solin

label description creator collection
Leikki painting by Tuula Solin Tuula Solin City of Pori art collection
Piha siistiksi painting by Tuula Solin Tuula Solin City of Pori art collection

Tyra Lundgren

label description creator collection
Estrid Ericson, interior designer, founder of Swedish Tenn painting by Tyra Lundgren Tyra Lundgren Nationalmuseum
Estrid Ericson, 1894-1981 painting by Tyra Lundgren Tyra Lundgren Nationalmuseum
Self portrait painting by Tyra Lundgren Tyra Lundgren Nationalmuseum

Tõnu Talve

label description creator collection
Ma... painting by Tõnu Talve Tõnu Talve Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kompositsioon “Mesilve ja Agni” painting by Tõnu Talve Tõnu Talve Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Ubaldo Izquierdo Carvajal

label description creator collection
Panorama de Barcelona desde las canteras o casa Bato (Panoramic View of Barcelona from the Quarry or Casa Bato) painting by Ubaldo Izquierdo Carvajal Ubaldo Izquierdo Carvajal Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Un aspecto gris de Barcelona (Barcelona's Grey Look) painting by Ubaldo Izquierdo Carvajal Ubaldo Izquierdo Carvajal Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Urmas Muru

label description creator collection
D painting by Urmas Muru Urmas Muru Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ma ei taha vanaks saada painting by Urmas Muru Urmas Muru Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tüdrukud, te sööte liiga palju! painting by Urmas Muru Urmas Muru Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Proovipihtimus painting by Urmas Muru Urmas Muru Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mine võta oma nimekaart ära, üks ajakirjanik istub selle taga painting by Urmas Muru Urmas Muru Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kas sa panid tähele nende inimeste riietust seal Arhitektuurimuuseumis - nad kuuluksid nagu ühte ususekti painting by Urmas Muru Urmas Muru Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Urmas Pedanik

label description creator collection
Linnalähedane maastik painting by Urmas Pedanik Urmas Pedanik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Valgus elektrikilbil painting by Urmas Pedanik Urmas Pedanik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bulgaaria painting by Urmas Pedanik Urmas Pedanik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Elektrikud painting by Urmas Pedanik Urmas Pedanik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuressaare loss painting by Urmas Pedanik Urmas Pedanik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Urmas Ploomipuu

label description creator collection
Vaikelu kotiga painting by Urmas Ploomipuu Urmas Ploomipuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pilt hanega painting by Urmas Ploomipuu Urmas Ploomipuu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Vaade uksest sisse painting by Urmas Ploomipuu Urmas Ploomipuu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Sinine painting by Urmas Ploomipuu Urmas Ploomipuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Urmas Viik

label description creator collection
Sarjast "Viis meest" painting by Urmas Viik Urmas Viik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sarjast "Viis meest" painting by Urmas Viik Urmas Viik Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Vaike Liibus

label description creator collection
Eruption (Vulkaanipurse) painting by Vaike Liibus Vaike Liibus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Mystic (Müstik) painting by Vaike Liibus Vaike Liibus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Vaike Liibus Vaike Liibus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Val Britton

label description creator collection
Reverberation 21 painting by Val Britton Val Britton De Saisset Museum
Reverberation 22 painting by Val Britton Val Britton De Saisset Museum

Vanessa Baird

label description creator collection
Seven Steps to Heaven (6) (Here every Bird sings O-Solemio) painting by Vanessa Baird Vanessa Baird National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Seven Steps to Heaven (5) painting by Vanessa Baird Vanessa Baird National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Seven Steps to Heaven (2) painting by Vanessa Baird Vanessa Baird National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Seven Steps to Heaven (3) painting by Vanessa Baird Vanessa Baird National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Seven Steps to Heaven (4) (Jesus y Maria volando hacia San Francisco) painting by Vanessa Baird Vanessa Baird National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Seven Steps to Heaven (1) (and on the Eight Day God Created a Holiday House for his Son) painting by Vanessa Baird Vanessa Baird National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Untitled painting by Vanessa Baird Vanessa Baird National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Vano Allsalu

label description creator collection
Buliimia painting by Vano Allsalu Vano Allsalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Neliteist painting by Vano Allsalu Vano Allsalu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection

Vassili Efimovich Ekhorst

label description creator collection
Talvemaastik painting by Vassili Efimovich Ekhorst Vassili Efimovich Ekhorst Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Talvemaastik painting by Vassili Efimovich Ekhorst Vassili Efimovich Ekhorst Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Talvemaastik painting by Vassili Efimovich Ekhorst Vassili Efimovich Ekhorst Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection

Veera Lantsova

label description creator collection
Hermanni linnus painting by Veera Lantsova Veera Lantsova Narva Museum's art collection
Pieta painting by Veera Lantsova Veera Lantsova Narva Museum's art collection
Georgi vabrik painting by Veera Lantsova Veera Lantsova Narva Museum's art collection
Puude hing painting by Veera Lantsova Veera Lantsova Narva Museum's art collection

Vegard Stalsberg

label description creator collection
Gitarist painting by Vegard Stalsberg Vegard Stalsberg National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Atelierbilde III painting by Vegard Stalsberg Vegard Stalsberg National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Veli Blakqori

label description creator collection
Caricature painting by Veli Blakqori Veli Blakqori National Gallery of Kosovo
Ramiz Kelmendi painting by Veli Blakqori Veli Blakqori National Gallery of Kosovo

Vera Nilsson

label description creator collection
The Sick Girl painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson Statens Museum for Kunst
Townscape painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson Statens Museum for Kunst
Gösta Olson (1883-1966), director of the Swedish-French art gallery, editor, married to singer Gertrud Rydbeck painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson Nationalmuseum
Einar Sjögren (1887-1970), agronomist, member of parliament, director of Sweden's agriculture union, married to Greta Ericson painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson Nationalmuseum
Children are sledging painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Minne fra Afrika painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Negerhode painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Girl in a yellow Dress painting by Vera Nilsson Vera Nilsson National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Vergos family

label description creator collection
Altarpiece of Saint Stephen artwork by Grup Vergós Vergos family
Joan Gascó
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Saint Stephen's Glorification painting by Vergós Group Vergos family Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Birth of Saint Stephen painting by Vergós Group Vergos family Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Calvary painting by Vergós Group (Pau Vergós [?]) Vergos family Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Princess Eudoxia before the Tomb of Saint Stephen painting by Vergós Group Vergos family Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Invention of the Body of Saint Stephen painting by Vergós Group Vergos family Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Retaule de Sant Sebastià i Santa Tecla painting by Vergos family Vergos family Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia

Victor Huggins

label description creator collection
Landscape painting by Victor Huggins 1979.0091 Victor Huggins Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Landscape painting by Victor Huggins 1979.0092 Victor Huggins Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Pink Shift painting by Victor Huggins Victor Huggins Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery

Victor Kraus

label description creator collection
Horizontale Abläufe painting by Victor Kraus Victor Kraus Bavarian State Painting Collections
Mit Karl und Karel painting by Victor Kraus Victor Kraus Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel painting by Victor Kraus Victor Kraus Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ars mundi (Hommage an Mimmo Paladino) painting by Victor Kraus Victor Kraus Bavarian State Painting Collections
Ohne Titel - Lascaux painting by Victor Kraus Victor Kraus Bavarian State Painting Collections

Viktor Aleksejev

label description creator collection
Still life painting by Viktor Aleksejev Viktor Aleksejev Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Forest Landscape painting by Viktor Aleksejev Viktor Aleksejev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Peedu. Elva painting by Viktor Aleksejev Viktor Aleksejev Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Vilhelm Bille

label description creator collection
Topsailschooner in rough weather, taking the wind from the port. painting by Vilhelm Bille Vilhelm Bille unknown
Ships off a Town at the Coast. painting by Vilhelm Bille Vilhelm Bille unknown
Seascape with the Frigat Jylland. painting by Vilhelm Bille Vilhelm Bille unknown
Seascape with numerous boats at Sea. painting by Vilhelm Bille Vilhelm Bille private collection
Seascape with numerous sailing ships. painting by Vilhelm Bille Vilhelm Bille private collection
Boats off the coast of Dover. painting by Vilhelm Bille Vilhelm Bille
Sailing ships on a stormy sea painting by Vilhelm Bille Vilhelm Bille private collection

Ville Tops

label description creator collection
An act with eight balls painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Läbimurre I painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sõjamasin painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ähvardav pilv painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Gotlandi vaikelu painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Mäng maskidega painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Keerismaal painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Läbimurre I painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Illusion I painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Illusioon III painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Illusioon II painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Neli figuuri painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tuuletiivik painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Prügi rannal painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kujuteldav lend painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Roheline diagonaal painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Natüürmort painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kindralid painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Tundmatu portree painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Valmis võitluseks painting by Ville Tops Ville Tops Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection

Vincenza Benzi-Basteris

label description creator collection
Portrait de jeune femme en chapeau à plumes painting by Vincenza Benzi-Basteris Vincenza Benzi-Basteris Musée Cognacq-Jay
Portrait de femme en chapeau à plumes et à ruban painting by Vincenza Benzi-Basteris Vincenza Benzi-Basteris Musée Cognacq-Jay

Violeta Xhaferi

label description creator collection
Ophelia 1 painting by Violeta Xhaferi Violeta Xhaferi National Gallery of Kosovo
XIV century costumes painting by Violeta Xhaferi Violeta Xhaferi National Gallery of Kosovo
Ophelia II painting by Violeta Xhaferi Violeta Xhaferi National Gallery of Kosovo
Gothic costumes painting by Violeta Xhaferi Violeta Xhaferi National Gallery of Kosovo
National costumes from Albania painting by Violeta Xhaferi Violeta Xhaferi National Gallery of Kosovo

Vlada Radović

label description creator collection
Partisan painting by Vlada Radovic Vlada Radović National Gallery of Kosovo
Portrait painting by Vlada Radovic Vlada Radović National Gallery of Kosovo
Woman with a white scarf painting by Vlada Radovic Vlada Radović National Gallery of Kosovo
Old man`s portrait painting by Vlada Radovic Vlada Radović National Gallery of Kosovo
Deçan painting by Vlada Radovic Vlada Radović National Gallery of Kosovo

Vladimir Ignatovitš

label description creator collection
Aleksander Ohakas painting by Vladimir Ignatovitš Vladimir Ignatovitš Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
City by night painting by Vladimir Ignatovitš Vladimir Ignatovitš Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Portrait of Viktor Kingissep painting by Vladimir Ignatovitš Vladimir Ignatovitš Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Aleksander Koit painting by Vladimir Ignatovitš Vladimir Ignatovitš Saaremaa Museum's painting collection

Walter Newton Reinsel

label description creator collection
Night City painting by Walter Newton Reinsel Walter Newton Reinsel Reading Public Museum
July Landscape painting by Walter Newton Reinsel Walter Newton Reinsel Reading Public Museum
Self Portrait painting by Walter Newton Reinsel Walter Newton Reinsel Reading Public Museum

Wiking Svensson

label description creator collection
Landskap painting by Wiking Svensson Wiking Svensson Nationalmuseum
Naken kvinnlig modell med ryggen till painting by Wiking Svensson Wiking Svensson Nationalmuseum

Wilhelm Wik

label description creator collection
Wilhelm Wik (1897-1987), artist, graphic artist, postal official, married to the artist Laila Margareta Elisabet Prytz painting by Wilhelm Wik Wilhelm Wik Nationalmuseum
Inför tjurfäktning painting by Wilhelm Wik Wilhelm Wik Nationalmuseum
Systrarna painting by Wilhelm Wik Wilhelm Wik Nationalmuseum
I saluhallen painting by Wilhelm Wik Wilhelm Wik Nationalmuseum

Willard Thomas Sears

label description creator collection
Fenway Court Gatehouse painting by Willard Thomas Sears (Gardner P33s78.3) Willard Thomas Sears Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Fenway Court Gatehouse painting by Willard Thomas Sears (Gardner P33s78.2) Willard Thomas Sears Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Fenway Court Gatehouse painting by Willard Thomas Sears (Gardner P33s78.1) Willard Thomas Sears Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

William Heatley Wilder

label description creator collection
Marie France Vindevogel, First Abbess of the St. Clair Sisters painting by William Heatley Wilder William Heatley Wilder Detroit Institute of Arts
Bishop Rese painting by William Heatley Wilder William Heatley Wilder Detroit Institute of Arts

William Roos

label description creator collection
Half length portrait of woman painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Portrait of an unidentified cleric painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Revd. William Morris painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Unidentified man painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Benjamin Roos, Parys painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Christmas Evans painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Christmas Evans painting after William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Dewi Wyn o Eifion painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Dic Aberdaron painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Gutyn Peris painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Hugh Derfel Hughes painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Hugh Thomas, died 1848 painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
John Cox, died 1870 painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
John Davies painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
John Jones, 'Talhaiarn' painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
John Thomas painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Margaret Mary Thomas, died 1872 painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
R. W. Price painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Rev R S Williams (Dowlais), 1833-1900 painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Rev. John Jones,Tremadog painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Rev. Simon Lloyd of Plasyndre, Bala painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Revd John Williams, 'Yr Hen Syr' painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Thomas Charles, Bala painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Twm o'r Nant painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
William Thomas (1825-1862) painting by William Roos William Roos National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales

William Sharp

label description creator collection
Railroad Jubilee on Boston Common painting by William Sharp William Sharp Museum of Fine Arts
Fruit and Flower Piece painting by William Sharp William Sharp Museum of Fine Arts

William Yorke MacGregor

label description creator collection
Loch A Ghille Ghobaich, Morar Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow William Yorke MacGregor Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
The Carse of Lecropt Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow William Yorke MacGregor Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery

Willibald Storn

label description creator collection
Det gode Lofothav og fiskerne painting by Willi Storn Willibald Storn National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Streikebryter painting by Willi Storn Willibald Storn National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Grønt hode og blodige hender painting by Willi Storn Willibald Storn National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Korsfestelse painting by Willi Storn Willibald Storn National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design

Willie Birch

label description creator collection
Saturday Morning painting by Willie Birch Willie Birch Metropolitan Museum of Art
Summer Night on Keap Street painting by Willie Birch Willie Birch Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sunday Morning painting by Willie Birch Willie Birch Metropolitan Museum of Art
Crossing the Williamsburg Bridge painting by Willie Birch Willie Birch Metropolitan Museum of Art
Winter Day on 14th Street painting by Willie Birch Willie Birch Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Couple painting by Willie Birch Willie Birch Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wilson McLean

label description creator collection
Michael Blumenthal painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Pat Benedict painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Unemployment painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Getting Out of Canal painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
James W. Rouse painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Garret Fitzgerald painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Creighton Abrams painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Saddam Hussein painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Global War on Heroin painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
America's Mood painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery
Manuel Noriega painting by Wilson McLean Wilson McLean National Portrait Gallery

Winston Churchill

label description creator collection
The Loup River, Alpes Maritimes painting by Sir Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Tate
Blue Room, Trent Park painting by Winston Churchill Winston Churchill São Paulo Museum of Art
Les Calanques de Cassis, near Marseilles painting by Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, KG, DL, OM, CH, PC, MP Winston Churchill National Trust
Ightham Mote, Kent painting by Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, KG, DL, OM, CH, PC, MP Winston Churchill National Trust
View of Menton painting by Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Dallas Museum of Art
Harbour scene, Cannes painting by Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Dallas Museum of Art
Vase of Red Tulips (after Cézanne) painting by Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Dallas Museum of Art
Sea and Pine Trees, Cap d'Ail painting by Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Dallas Museum of Art
Custody of the Child painting by Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Dallas Museum of Art
Avenue and Formal Pool at St-Georges-Motel painting by Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum
Tower of the Koutoubia Mosque Winston Churchill private collection

Wjm Kok

label description creator collection
Untitled (Pink Panther) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Clock) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Untitled (Charlie Brown) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Untitled (Felix) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Untitled (Woody Woodpecker) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Clock) painting by Wjm Kok (Stedelijk 1990.4.0311) Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Bird) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Tent) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Grapes) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Bear) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Cherries) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Clown) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Maxi-Color (Cubes) painting by Wjm Kok Wjm Kok Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Village Road Along Canal painting by W.J. Kok Wjm Kok Centraal Museum
Zonder titel (Katrien) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Zonder titel (Sidonia) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Lamp) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Bird) painting by WJM Kok (Lakenhal S 4855.1) Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Ice Cream) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Tree) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Cherries) painting by WJM Kok (Lakenhal S 4855.4) Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Present) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Church) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Train) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color (Flower) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Zonder titel (Popeye) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Zonder titel (Superman) painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal
Maxi-Color painting by WJM Kok Wjm Kok Museum De Lakenhal

Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz

label description creator collection
Calligraphy painting by Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Art Gallery of South Australia
Landscape painting by Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Art Gallery of South Australia
The corroboree painting by Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Art Gallery of South Australia
Water holes painting by Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz Art Gallery of South Australia

Wout van Heusden

label description creator collection
Fata Morgana II painting by Wout van Heusden Wout van Heusden Dordrechts Museum
Ongewoon Wankel Evenwicht painting by Wout van Heusden Wout van Heusden Kunstmuseum Den Haag
Woeste grond painting by Wout van Heusden Wout van Heusden Kunstmuseum Den Haag

Wu Rangzhi

label description creator collection
Flowering Plants (2000.7) painting by Wu Rangzhi (Chinese, 1799-1870) Wu Rangzhi Cleveland Museum of Art
Landscape painting by Wu Xizai Wu Rangzhi Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cicada painting by Wu Xizai Wu Rangzhi Metropolitan Museum of Art
Apricot painting by Wu Xizai Wu Rangzhi Metropolitan Museum of Art

Y.Z. Kami

label description creator collection
Faces #53 painting by Y.Z. Kami Y.Z. Kami Metropolitan Museum of Art
Faces #10 painting by Y.Z. Kami Y.Z. Kami Metropolitan Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Y.Z. Kami Y.Z. Kami Whitney Museum of American Art

Yanggarriny Wunungmurra

label description creator collection
Dhalwangu miny'tji painting by Yanggarriny Wunungmurra Yanggarriny Wunungmurra National Gallery of Victoria
Minhala painting by Yanggarriny Wunungmurra Yanggarriny Wunungmurra National Gallery of Victoria

Yaozhong Wu

label description creator collection
San-Hsia painting by Yaozhong Wu Yaozhong Wu Taipei Fine Arts Museum
洞天 painting by Yaozhong Wu Yaozhong Wu Taipei Fine Arts Museum

Yishai Jusidman

label description creator collection
Mamekazu painting by Yishai Jusidman Yishai Jusidman Finnish National Gallery
Mamehiro painting by Yishai Jusidman Yishai Jusidman Finnish National Gallery
Yukio painting by Yishai Jusidman Yishai Jusidman Finnish National Gallery

Ymer Shaqiri

label description creator collection
Composition painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Tower I painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Ray painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
The door Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door X Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door Z painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door X painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door F painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Kosovar motifs painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Colours of the brush painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Colours of the brush Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Brush tracks painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Portrait XIV painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Portrait XVI painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Portrait III painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Portrait II painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
The door painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door X Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
The door painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door V painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door IX painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door I painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Motif painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
My land Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
My land painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Portrait painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Landscape II painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Memories Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Memories painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
The window painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Doors painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Door Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Under branches painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Tombstones painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
My home painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Dear home Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo
Dear home painting by Ymer Shaqiri Ymer Shaqiri National Gallery of Kosovo

Yu Youren

label description creator collection
Poetry Couplet painting by Yu Youren Yu Youren Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Calligraphy painting by Yu Youren Yu Youren Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Zacharias Wagenaer

label description creator collection
African Man with Weapons, Brazil painting by Zacharias Wagener / Albert Eckhout Zacharias Wagenaer Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden
Molher Negra - Black woman with child and basket painting by Zacharias Wagener / Albert Eckhout Zacharias Wagenaer Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden
Mameluca painting by Zacharias Wagener / Albert Eckhout Zacharias Wagenaer Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden

Zake Prelvukaj

label description creator collection
X- es talk and an end of the century painting by Zake Prelvukaj Zake Prelvukaj National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled painting by Zake Prelvukaj Zake Prelvukaj National Gallery of Kosovo

Zef Toçi

label description creator collection
The Composition painting by Zef Toçi Zef Toçi National Gallery of Kosovo
Spider painting by Zef Toci Zef Toçi National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition in space painting by Zef Toci Zef Toçi National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition in space painting by Zef Toçi Zef Toçi National Gallery of Kosovo

Zhu Yunming

label description creator collection
Retreat on an Autumn Day painting by Zhu Yunming 祝允明 Zhu Yunming Princeton University Art Museum
Letter painting by Zhu Yunming 祝允明 Zhu Yunming Princeton University Art Museum
Epitaph for Madam Han (Duchayuan youfudu yushi Mao gong qi qianfeng ruren Han shi muzhiming) painting by Zhu Yunming 祝允明 Zhu Yunming Princeton University Art Museum

Zoran Furunović

label description creator collection
September Zoran Furunović National Gallery of Kosovo
September painting by Zoran Furunovic Zoran Furunović National Gallery of Kosovo

Zoran Jovanović - Dobratin

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Zoran Jovanovic - Dobratin Zoran Jovanović - Dobratin National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled Zoran Jovanović - Dobratin National Gallery of Kosovo

Zoran Jovanović - Dobrotin

label description creator collection
Untitled painting by Zoran Jovanovic - Dobrotin Zoran Jovanović - Dobrotin National Gallery of Kosovo
Birds III painting by Zoran Jovanovic - Dobrotin Zoran Jovanović - Dobrotin National Gallery of Kosovo
The bird IV painting by Zoran Jovanovic - Dobrotin Zoran Jovanović - Dobrotin National Gallery of Kosovo
Birds painting by Zoran Jovanovic - Dobrotin Zoran Jovanović - Dobrotin National Gallery of Kosovo
The birds painting by Zoran Jovanovic - Dobrotin Zoran Jovanović - Dobrotin National Gallery of Kosovo

Zou Zhilin

label description creator collection
Leisurely Copying the Ancients painting by Zou Zhilin Zou Zhilin Indianapolis Museum of Art
Landscape painting by Zou Zhilin Zou Zhilin Metropolitan Museum of Art

Zvest Apolonio

label description creator collection
A.B.C.D. painting by Zvest Apolonio Zvest Apolonio National Gallery of Kosovo
Table II painting by Zvest Apolonio Zvest Apolonio National Gallery of Kosovo

anonymous master

label description creator collection
Madonna and child wall painting at St. Lambertus church in Düsseldorf anonymous master
La Montée au Calvaire painting by anonymous master anonymous master King Baudouin Foundation
Museum Mayer van den Bergh
Déploration du Christ painting by anonymous master anonymous master King Baudouin Foundation
Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula
Zonder titel painting byAnonieme meester from the Thomas Neiyrinck Collection (FRB 1065) anonymous master King Baudouin Foundation
Artotheque Mons
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Zonder titel painting byAnonieme meester from the Thomas Neiyrinck Collection (FRB 1139) anonymous master King Baudouin Foundation
Artotheque Mons
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Партрэт Льва Сапегі painting by anonymous master anonymous master Belarusian National History and Culture Museum

anonymous work

label description creator collection
The Mocking of Job painting by anonymous work anonymous work De Coninck
Ten Thousand Miles along the Yellow River painting anonymous work Metropolitan Museum of Art
Asian Art
An interior of a barn with a scullery maid at a well painting by workshop of David Teniers II anonymous work private collection
Metropolitan Museum of Art


label description creator collection
Rider on the Beach with Two Ships painting by Odilon Redon board Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery
La Toilette painting by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec board Ashmolean Museum


label description creator collection
Our Lady of Valvanera Painting by Unknown (MET, 2018.652.3) unknown Metropolitan Museum of Art
Christ Carrying the Cross, called "The Lord of the Fall" Painting by Unknown (MET, 2018.652.5) unknown Metropolitan Museum of Art

various artists

label description creator collection
Pomona Envisions the Future mural various artists California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
album of 56 Chinese paintings painting by various artists various artists Indianapolis Museum of Art

Àngel Jové i Jové

label description creator collection
S.T. (Tríptic) painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T. (Tríptic) painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Opus 29 painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Sense títol painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol (sèrie Màrius Torres) painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol (sèrie Màrius Torres) painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol (sèrie Màrius Torres) painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
sense títol (sèrie Màrius Torres) painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Untitled painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Profundoscuro painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
Profundoscuro painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera
S.T painting by Àngel Jové i Jové Àngel Jové i Jové Museu d'Art Jaume Morera

Ömer Adil

label description creator collection
The 'Girls' Atelier painting by Ömer Adil, Ömer Adil Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum
Mission Run painting by Ömer Adil Ömer Adil Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum

Đoko Krstevski

label description creator collection
Tremble in depth painting by Doko Krstevski Đoko Krstevski National Gallery of Kosovo
Potrait painting by Doko Krstevski Đoko Krstevski National Gallery of Kosovo

Սեդա Ղարագյոզյան

label description creator collection
Still life painting by Seda Gharagyozyan Սեդա Ղարագյոզյան National Gallery of Armenia
square near the station painting by Seda Gharagyozyan Սեդա Ղարագյոզյան National Gallery of Armenia
Thirst painting by Seda Gharagyozyan Սեդա Ղարագյոզյան National Gallery of Armenia


label description creator collection
Majken Johansson painting by Åse Christian Danell A C Danell Nationalmuseum
Roses in a Vase painting by A. Bernhard A. Bernhard Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Antonio Bachini painting by A. Giralt A. Giralt Museo Histórico Nacional
Thoughtful Youth painting by A. Henry Nordhausen (American, 1901-1993) (1949.182) A. Henry Nordhausen Cleveland Museum of Art
Phool Mala painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore A. Paidiraju National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
View from Hospital Window painting by A. Vuorilehto A. Vuorilehto City of Pori art collection
Still Life painting by Aarno Salosmaa Aarno Salomaa City of Pori art collection
Hong Kong, Pan American : world's most experienced airline Painting by Aaron Amspoker. Aaron Amspoker Hong Kong travel poster collection
Kaksi mäntyä painting by Aarre Alanko Aarre Alanko Finnish National Gallery
Mond Crucifixion painting by Raphael Abdel National Gallery
Portrait of My Wife painting by Abel George Warshawsky (American, 1883-1962) (1936.22) Abel George Warshawsky Cleveland Museum of Art
Müsteerium painting by Abel Lee Abel Lee Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Overdoor painting by Abraham van der Hart Abraham van der Hart Amsterdam Museum
Le Matin painting by Théodore-Etienne-Pierre Rousseau Absolute privilege in English law Appleton Museum of Art
Assemblies item LI1432.2 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Abu al-Hariri Ashmolean Museum
Bodleian Library
White Image painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Achuthan Kudallur
Cheikh Anta Diop painting Ade Olufeko private collection
Untitled Fashion Sketch painting by Adele E. Balkan Adele Balkan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
pintures murals romàniques del Pirineu painting by Adolf Mas i Ginestà Adolf Mas i Ginestà
Pintura 0356 (Painting 0356) painting by Adolfo Estrada Adolfo Estrada Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Le Pont-Neuf et l'Ile de la Cité painting by Adolphe Couvelet Adolphe Hippolyte Couvelet Musée Carnavalet
Gloucester Gate, Regent’s Park, May painting by Adrian Berg Adrian Berg Tate
Spring Feeling painting by Agnes Wieslander Agnes Wieslander Nationalmuseum
Padre Antônio Vieira Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Agostinho de Jesus Maria Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Dropping a Han Dynasty urn painting by Ai Weiwei Ai Weiwei National Gallery of Victoria
Lilled painting by Aili Tarkus Aili Tarkus Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Mass painting by Akseli Leinonen Akseli Leinonen Helsinki Art Museum
Alfred Caplin painting by Alfred Gerald Caplin Al Capp National Portrait Gallery
A Madrid (To Madrid) painting by Alain Arias-Misson Alain Arias-Misson Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
BBRY (6-Y) painting by Alan Belcher Alan Belcher National Gallery of Canada
Don Quixote Object from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Alan Fletcher Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Moodulis painting by Alar Tuul Alar Tuul Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Paisatge amb el Cerví artwork by Albert Duplain Albert Duplain Pau Casals Museum
Le cuirassé Edgar Quinet en achèvement à Brest painting by Albert Sébille Albert Sébille collections du musée national de la Marine de Brest
Chiesa di campagna painting by Alberto Adonai Renzi Alberto Adonai Renzi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Beggar woman painting by Aleksa Popovic Aleksa Popović National Gallery of Kosovo
Paadisild kivisel rannal painting by Aleksander Hagen Aleksander Hagen Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Maal. A. Ridali. Jüriöö ülestõus. Õli, lõuend. 1936. painting by Aleksander Ridali Aleksander Ridali Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Mere rannal II painting by Aleksander Salmin Aleksander Salmin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Laura Bush painting by Aleksander Titovets Aleksander Titovets National Portrait Gallery
Serce Jezusowe painting by Aleksander Trojkowicz Aleksander Trojkowicz
Südaöö painting by Aleksandr Morejev Aleksandr Morejev Narva Museum's art collection
Mehe portree painting by Aleksandra Snegireva-Jurgenson Aleksandra Snegireva-Jurgenson Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Interior of the Colosseum in Rome. painting by Aleksandra z Potockich Potocka Aleksandra z Potockich Potocka National Museum in Warsaw
Autoritratto Cane painting by Alessandro Pessoli Alessandro Pessoli San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Roentgenologist's Nightmare painting by Aleta Cornelius Aleta Cornelius Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
A Troop of 11th Hussars led by Lt.-Colonel Charles Crauford Fraser, V.C., India painting by Sir Alexander James Hardy Elliot Alexander Elliot Royal Collection
Eigg and Rum Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Alexander Galt Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Oliver Ellsworth Daggett (1810-1880), B.A. 1828, M.A. 1831 painting by Alexander Hamilton Emmons Alexander Hamilton Emmons Yale University Art Gallery
James McCosh (1811-1894) painting by Alexander Hay Ritchie Alexander Hay Ritchie Princeton University Art Museum
Mehe portree painting by Alexander Heinrich Johann Grünfeldt Alexander Heinrich Johann Grünfeldt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Bosgezicht painting by Alexander Hieronymus (II) Bakhuyzen Alexander Hieronymus Bakhuyzen Kunstmuseum Den Haag
Maastik painting by Alexander Peltzer Alexander Peltzer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Portret painting by Alexander Schabracq Alexander Schabracq Rijksmuseum Twenthe
The Public Reception of John Low (1788-1880) by Nasir-ud-Din Haidar, King of Oudh, 4 March 1834. painting by A Dufay de Casanova Alexandre Benoit Jean Dufay Royal Collection
Le repas de mariage de Napoléon Ier aux Tuileries, le 2 avril 1810 painting by Alexandre Dufay Alexandre Dufay Musée Carnavalet
Antigo Chafariz de Goiás Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Alexandre Mário Parko Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Boulevard. Vichy. France. painting by Alex Stepanovich Stepanov. Alexei Stepanov
La tour Eiffel, la nuit painting by Alexei-Petrovitch Bogoliouboff Alexei-Petrovitch Bogoliouboff Musée Carnavalet
Portrait of a young lady (so-called Anna Karenina). painting by Alexey M. Kolesov Alexey M. Kolesov National Museum in Warsaw
Mererand üksiku puuga painting by Alfons Rammo Alfons Rammo Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Alonso Carrillo's Mass of St Gregory painting by Alfonso Carillo de Acuña Alfonso Carrillo de Acuña Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Composición (Composition) painting by Alfonso de Olivares Alfonso de Olivares Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Peasants playing Cards in a Tavern painting by Sir Alfred Gilbert RA Alfred Gilbert National Trust
Kompositsioon punasega painting by Alfred Hoffman Alfred Hoffman Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sunset in the Park painting by Alfred Jansson Alfred Jansson Nationalmuseum
Nature morte painting Alfred Lindon Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Krokus und Mädchen painting by Alfred Schöpffe Alfred Schöpffe Bavarian State Painting Collections
Portrait painting by Alije Vokshi Alije Vokshi National Gallery of Kosovo
Ernabella design painting by Alison Milyika Carroll Alison Carroll Art Gallery of South Australia
Külatänav painting by Allan Aav Allan Aav Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Medicine Man with Patient painting by Allan Bushyhead Allan Bushyhead Gilcrease Museum
Haapsalu motiiv painting by Alma Abels Alma Abels Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik hobustega painting by Alma Willy Boltho von Hohenbach Alma Willy Boltho von Hohenbach Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Almar Bech (1876-1950), artist painting by Almar Bech Almar Bech Nationalmuseum
Vista do Largo do Depósito Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Almiro Reis Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Allégorie du sommeil painting by Alphonse Cornet Alphonse Cornet Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
static_12 painting by Carsten Nicolai Alva Noto Städel Museum
Wilhelmina Carolina Amalie Appel geb. Tischbein painting by Amalie Tischbein Amalie Tischbein private collection
The Artist's Niece, Miss Mary Christine Austin painting by Amanda Petronella Austin Amanda Petronella Austin The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert, rescued by the Voice of an Angel (after Pier Francesco Mola) painting by Amelia Sophia Hume, Lady Brownlow Amelia Sophia Hume National Trust
Leaving painting by Amir Ibrahimi Amir Ibrahimi National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled (fear) painting by Amy Gartrell Amy Gartrell Whitney Museum of American Art
Anders Odel (1718-1773), writer, director painting by Anders Odel Anders Odel National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
St. Augustine relief by Andrea Della Robbia Andrea della Robbia Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum
Metamorfoos painting by Andres Sütevaka Andres Sütevaka Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kala painting by Andres Tali Andres Tali Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Judged painting by Andrew Wilf Andrew Wilf Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Self-Portrait painting by Andrey Bolotov 1738-1833 Andrey Bolotov Hermitage Museum
Aledoia ehk kunstnik armastab koletist, koletis armastab kunstnikku painting by Andrus Joonas Andrus Joonas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Bouquet painting by André Breton André Breton Israel Museum
Peinture sans fin/Unlimited painting painting by André Cadere André Cadere Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Hong Kong - SAS Painting by Crab, André. André Crab Hong Kong travel poster collection
Conjoined Obliqueness painting by André Théroux André Théroux National Gallery of Canada
Portraits de Georges et de Jeanne Hugo painting by Charles Voillemot André-Charles Voillemot Maison de Victor Hugo
Joaquim Augusto Ribeiro de Sousa Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Angelo Agostini Museu Histórico Nacional collection
(Visão de Paraguaçu) Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Angelo da Silva Romão Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Maal sarjast "Vesi" painting by Ann Frössén Ann Frössén Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
II painting by Anna Hõbemäe Anna Hõbemäe Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Retrat de Ludwig van Beethoven (copia de l'original de Joseph Willibrod Mähler) artwork by Anna Jäger Anna Jäger Pau Casals Museum
Elutants painting by Anna Litvinova-Merilo Anna Litvinova-Merilo Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Rosen painting by Anna Louise von Berner Anna Louise von Berner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Portrait d'un chef éthiopien avec sa canne painting by Anna Quinquaud Anna Quinquaud Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
Lars Beckman, 1928-2005, professor, rektor för Umeå Universitet, gift med professor Gunhild Beckman painting by Anna Sjödahl Anna Sjödahl Nationalmuseum
Portree (Eesti tüüp) painting by Anna Triik-Põllusaar Anna Triik-Põllusaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik Tiroolis painting by Anna von Dellingshausen Anna von Dellingshausen Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Yosemite no. 1 painting by Anne Chu Anne Chu Indianapolis Museum of Art
Forest painting by Anne Honkasalo Anne Honkasalo City of Pori art collection
Tartu asfaltbetoontehas painting by Annes Varjun Annes Varjun Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kullervo's Remorse painting by Annette Juusela Annette Juusela Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
M. I. Kalinin Volta tehases painting by Ano Mägi-Palm Ano Mägi-Palm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (1867-1942), composer, music critic, author painting by Ante Karlsson-Stig Ante Karlsson-Stig Nationalmuseum
Beach View in Scheveningen painting by Anthonie Willem Hendrik Nolthenius de Man Anthonie Willem Hendrik Nolthenius de Man Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Draai Orgy painting by Antistrot Antistrot Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
L'eglise du village painting by Antoine Fortuné Marion Antoine-Fortuné Marion Fitzwilliam Museum
"Queequeg Won't Harm a Hair of Your Head," Said the Landlord with a Grin painting by Anton Otto Fischer Anton Otto Fischer Brandywine River Museum
The Red Bear painting by Anton Skorubsky-Kandinsky Anton Skorubsky Kandinsky Royal Collection
Sense títol (Untitled) painting by Antoni Llena Antoni Llena Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Trigonal painting by Antoni Malinowski Antoni Malinowski Tate
Portret van Hendrik Bernard Martini (1768-1848) painting by Antoni Martini van Geffen Antoni Martini van Geffen private collection
Jonathan Wainwright painting by Antonin Sterba Antonin Sterba National Portrait Gallery
Медальон-портрет императора Максимилиана II painting by Antonio Abondio Antonio Abondio Kunsthistorisches Museum
Pintura 107 painting by Antonio Suarez Antonio Suárez Vázquez National Trust
Virgin and Child painting by Antonio Vaz Antonio Vaz Alberto Sampaio Museum
The Angry Buffalo painting by Antowine Warrior Antowine Warrior Gilcrease Museum
Miguel I, rei de Portugal Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Antônio José dos Santos Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Study of clouds painting by Apel·les Mestres Apel·les Mestres i Oñós Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Things that others can`t see painting by Arben Golemi Arben Golemi National Gallery of Kosovo
Hot House painting by Archie Rand Archie Rand Carnegie Museum of Art
When You Give Your Love Away painting by Arcmanoro Niles Arcmanoro Niles Dallas Museum of Art
Mined Island painting by Arian Berisha Arian Berisha National Gallery of Kosovo
Volcanic Ash Series #4 painting by Arin Dwihartanto Sunaryo Arin Dwihartanto Sunaryo Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Maalari kesäyössä painting by Arja Karppinen Arja Karppinen-Rekola City of Pori art collection
Tapetoituja unia I painting by Arja-Riitta Nieminen Arja-Riitta Ihalainen City of Pori art collection
Lapse surm painting by Arlis Narusberg Arlis Narusberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
3 schilderijen van Armand Funcken painting by Armand Funcken Armand Funcken King Baudouin Foundation
Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Céramique
Alain Patrick (6) painting by Armand Jalut Armand Jalut Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Smedens stue i Stenåsa painting by Armand Rossander Armand Rossander National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Retrato de Carmen Pimentel Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Armando Assis Pacheco Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Ulf Linde (1929-), professor, jazz musician, art critic, member of the Swedish Academy, married to Nina Öhman painting by Arne Jones Arne Jones Nationalmuseum
Valge linn painting by Arne Lepla Arne Lepla
Elmar Leppik
Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vitraazi kavand painting by Arnold Alas Arnold Akberg
Arnold Alas
Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Landscape after the Ancient Masters painting by Zhang Hong Arnold Chang Art Institute of Chicago
Jet to Hong Kong by B.O.A.C Painting by Arnold Fujita. Arnold Fujita Hong Kong travel poster collection
Självporträtt painting by Aron Jerndahl Aron Jerndahl Nationalmuseum
James Madison, Class of 1771 (1751-1836) painting by Arthur Edwin Bye Arthur Bye Princeton University Art Museum
You painting by Arthur E. Becher Arthur E. Becher Brandywine River Museum
Allen painting by Arthur Murch Arthur Murch
Pierre Sabatier
Art Gallery of New South Wales
Under parasolen, Vickleby painting by Arthur C:son Percy Arthur Percy Nationalmuseum
Autoportree painting by Artur Mangus Artur Mangus Narva Museum's art collection
A Unknown Lady painting by Arvid Erik Elis Drake af Hagelsrum Arvid Drake af Hagelsrum Nationalmuseum
Shlomzion painting by Assaf Romano Assaf Romano Israel Museum
Let's Eradicate the Place oil painting by Assi Meshullam Assi Meshullam Janco Dada Museum
Kirjastotoimenjohtaja Marjaana Karjalaisen muotokuva painting by Asta Niemistö Asta Niemistö City of Pori art collection
Juhan Simmi portree painting by Asta Vaks-Kiviloo Asta Vaks-Kiviloo Tartu City Museum's art collection
Vårkväll painting by August Berg August Berg Nationalmuseum
Huvila Kaivopuistossa painting by August Boman August Boman Finnish National Gallery
Naise portree painting by August Kilgas August Kilgas Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Maastik painting by August Liisment August Liisment Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sea Bay painting by Hagen, August Mathias August Mathias Hagen Hermitage Museum
The Grave of Princess Elizabeth of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1830-1851) painting by August Peters August Peters Royal Collection
Vue de Paris, prise de l'arc de triomphe de l'Étoile painting by Auguste Cadolle Auguste Cadolle Musée Carnavalet
Tütarlapse portree painting by Auguste Gentz Auguste Gentz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The cemetery of S. Tropez painting by Auguste Pegurier Auguste Pegurier Musée des Beaux-Arts Jules Chéret
Le quai des Orfèvres, vu du quai des Grands-Augustins, vers 1860 painting by Auguste Thiollet Auguste Thiollet Musée Carnavalet
Vue de Saint-Pierre-de-Montmartre painting by Augustin Enfantin Augustin Enfantin Musée Carnavalet
Immaculata painting by August Alexander Silva Tarouca Augustinus Alexander Graf von Silva-Tarouca Moravian Gallery in Brno
View of Capri painting by Augusto Lovatti Augusto Lovatti Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
The Entrance Hall of Pugin's House at Ramsgate painting by A W N Pugin Augustus Pugin Birmingham Museums Trust
Late Autumn painting by Aune Saarnisto-Juvonen Aune Saarnisto-Juvonen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Dr. José Pedro Ramírez painting by Aurelio Figueredo Aurelio Figueredo Museo Histórico Nacional
Moon Port painting by Avi Sabah Avi Sabah Israel Museum
Olof Melin, 1861-1940, överste, konstruerade Melins system för stenografi, gift med Christina Charlotta Sundborg painting by Axel Julius Smith Axel Julius Smith Nationalmuseum
Axel Lagrelius (1863-1944), fil.dr., överintendent, generalkonsul painting by Axel Lagrelius Axel Lagrelius Nationalmuseum
Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson, ca 1390-1436, fantasiporträtt painting by Axel Otto Mörner af Morlanda Axel Otto Mörner Nationalmuseum
White Angel painting by Bozidar Damjanovic B. D. Benedikt National Gallery of Kosovo
Hedelmää ojentava nainen painting by Bahram Abayati Bahram Abayati Finnish National Gallery
The Village Carpenter Bringing a Coffin for a Dead Child painting by Christen Dalsgaard Baldur Statens Museum for Kunst
Cristo del Socorro de las Benditas Ánimas del Purgatorio venerado en la Catedral Metropolitana painting by Baltasar Troncoso Baltasar Troncoso
Calligraphy (Zen Master's Staff) painting by Banjin Dōtan Banjin Dōtan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Devolved Parliament 2009 oil-on-canvas painting by Banksy Banksy
Ngayuku ngura - My Country painting by Barbara Moore Barbara Mbitjana Moore National Gallery of Australia
Staking a claim: Feminist spiral drawing and Land and gold painting by Barbara Strathdee Barbara Strathdee Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Claude Bénigne Paul Gouge (1804-1877) painting by Barbe Edmée Chardon Barbe Edmée Chardon Nationalmuseum
A Warship at Sea painting by Barend Bosman Barend Bosman Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Boulevard 52 painting by Barry Masteller Barry Masteller Monterey Museum of Art
It Turned a Look of Terrible Malevolence painting by Barry Moser Barry Moser Brandywine River Museum
The Earthstopper 1773 painting Beka Odisharia Derby Museum and Art Gallery
Main Street Cafe Society painting by Benjamin Newton Messick Ben Messick Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Deer in the Moonlight painting by Ben Quintana Ben Quintana Gilcrease Museum
Landskap, Vägen painting by Bengt Orup Bengt Orup Nationalmuseum
Barn i snön painting by Bengt (Bengtolle) Oldinger Bengtolle Oldinger Nationalmuseum
California Poppies painting by Benjamin Brown Benjamin Brown Pasadena Museum of History
Bresil. Vue de Rio de Janeiro Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection Benjamin Mary Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection
Fundação Estudar collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
Vanitas painting, Amsterdam, 1681 painting by Benjamin Senior Godines Benjamin Senior Godines Jewish Museum London
Sans titre painting by Descamp (FRB 0769) Bernard Descamps King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Gouache originale pour un projet d'affiche (?) : Avec la Légion française des combattants (LFC) ou contre l'Empire painting by Bernard Grambert Bernard Grambert Musée de la Libération de Paris – musée du Général-Leclerc – musée Jean-Moulin
Louis XV painting by Bernard Picart Bernard Picart Cincinnati Art Museum
Study of a Nude Woman painting by Bernard Sanders Bernard Sanders Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
El rey don Rodrigo arengando a los jefes de su ejército antes de dar la batalla del Guadalete painting by Bernardo Blanco y Pérez Bernardo Blanco y Pérez Museo del Prado
Døgnets tider. Symboliseret ved fire vingede skikkelser painting by Bertel Thorvaldsen Bertel Thorvaldsen Statens Museum for Kunst
Portrait of a Woman painting by Bertha von Bayer Bertha von Bayer Pera Museum
Self portrait painting by Bertil Almqvist Bertil Almqvist Nationalmuseum
Självporträtt painting by Bertil Andersson Bertil Andersson Nationalmuseum
Sem título 28 Work at the Museu Victor Meirelles Bettina Vaz Guimarães Museu Victor Meirelles
Front Door painting by Betty Sutherland Betty Sutherland National Gallery of Canada
The Red Table painting by Betty Woodman Betty Woodman Dallas Museum of Art
Ancestral Guardian Spirits painting by Bevan Hayward/pooaraar Bevan Hayward Pooaraar National Gallery of Australia
Leaf from a Kalpa Sutra (Jain Book of Rituals) painting by Bhadrabahu Bhadrabahu Metropolitan Museum of Art
Alf Henrikson (1905-1995), author, journalist, married to Ebba Weck And Birger Lundquist (1910-1952), artist, cartoonist, married to 1. Carin Ingeborg Sandqvist, 2. the ceramicist Karin Bernstone painting by Birger Lundquist Birger Lundquist Nationalmuseum
Margareta Renberg (1946-2005), konstnär, grafiker, lyriker painting by Bo Trankell Bo Trankell Nationalmuseum
Marigold III painting by Bob Cato Bob Cato Tucson Museum of Art
Portrait of Joseph Brandt painting by Bolesław Szańkowski Bolesław Szańkowski National Museum in Warsaw
Art (according to Marlboro) painting by Boris Bućan Boris Bućan Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art
Swing painting by Boris Jasik Boris Jasik National Gallery of Kosovo
Noormehe portree painting by Boris Oras Boris Oras Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Lihavõtted. Kaduv Venemaa painting by Boriss Sokolov Boriss Sokolov Narva Museum's art collection
Ice skater painting by Bouke Jagt Bouke Jagt unknown
From the Pedernales #1 painting by Boyer Gonzales Jr. Boyer Gonzales, Jr. Dallas Museum of Art
The Gisborne triptych painting by Boyle Family Boyle Family Auckland Art Gallery
Six spheres painting by Bosko Karanovic Boško Karanović National Gallery of Kosovo
Motif from Boka painting by Boza Prodanovic Boža Prodanović National Gallery of Kosovo
Heads painting by Bozidar Dzemerkovic Božidar Džemerković National Gallery of Kosovo
Red Space painting by Branimir Minic Bane Branimir Minić Bane National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled painting by Branislav Bane Ilic Branislav Bane Ilić National Gallery of Kosovo
Roland SP-404 Playing Bank D, Pads 1, 4, 5, 9, 12 with Saws Motif, Open Lock 3 painting by Brendan Fowler Brendan Fowler Los Angeles County Museum of Art
J.G. Ballard painting by Brigid Marlin Brigid Marlin National Portrait Gallery
Ohne Titel (weiß I) painting by Brigitte Voit Brigitte Voit Bavarian State Painting Collections
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu painting by Brinsley Le Fanu Brinsley Le Fanu National Gallery of Ireland
Portrait of a Gentleman portrait said to be of Christopher Marlowe British School Corpus Christi College
Dorothea Sara Marie Krieger b. Meincke painting by Broder Lysholm Krohg Broder Lysholm Krohg
"How Old Bill Escaped Being Shot in August 1914" painting by Bruce Bairnsfather Bruce Bairnsfather Brandywine River Museum
Väike kontsert toonides painting by Bruno Sõmeri Bruno Sõmeri Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Study of a Landscape painting by Vojtech Bencúr Béla Benczúr Slovak National Gallery
Mrs. Sylvia Alden Dearborn painting by C.B. Clifford C.B. Clifford Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Evening on the Conestogo painting by C.M. Manly C.M. Manly National Gallery of Canada
L'Épopée, scène du théâtre d'ombres du "Chat noir" painting by Caran d'Ache Caran d'Ache Musée Carnavalet
Jongenskop met rood haar painting by Carel Adolph Lion Cachet Carel Adolph Lion Cachet Rijksmuseum
Strömsholmsslott painting by Carl Alexander Hård af Segerstad Carl Alexander Hård Nationalmuseum
Self-Portrait of Carl Edward Bolin painting by Carl Eduard Bolin Carl Edvard Bolin Hermitage Museum
Fredrik I, 1676-1751, kung av Sverige, lantgreve av Hessen-Kassel painting by Carl Didrik Ehrenpreus Carl Ehrenpreus Nationalmuseum
Johan Fredrik Höckert, 1826-1866, konstnär, professor painting by Carl Erik Källström Carl Erik Källström Nationalmuseum
Sankta Cecilia?, 1813 painting by Carl Friedrich Laffert Carl Friedrich Laffert Nationalmuseum
Landscape painting by Carl Gustaf Qvarnström Carl Gustaf Qvarnström Nationalmuseum
Jazdecký portrét Františka Jozefa I. painting by Carl Heitzmann Carl Heitzmann Bratislava City Gallery
Alpine Landscape painting by Carl Johan Billmark Carl Johan Billmark Nationalmuseum
Vesivärimaalaus Turun teatterille painting by Karl Johan Fredrik von Heideken Carl Johan von Heideken Finnish National Gallery
Carl Jonas Love Almqvist (1793-1866), författare, gift med Anna Maria Andersdotter Lundström painting by Carl Jonas Ludvig (Love) Almquist Carl Jonas Love Almqvist Nationalmuseum
Early Spring Landscape with Female Figure painting by Carl Kjellin Carl Kjellin Nationalmuseum
Lars Gustafsson, 1936-, författare painting by Carl Köhler Carl Köhler Nationalmuseum
Der Brief. Miniatur aus der Sammlung Loewe painting by Carl (der Jüngere) Schwenninger Carl Schweninger der Jüngere Berlin State Museums
Countryside south of Dannevirke painting by Carl Laugesen Carl Thorwald Laugesen Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
At the City Wall of Rome painting by Carl Wagner Carl Wagner
Teasels painting by Carl William Broemel (American, 1891-1984) (1938.134) Carl William Broemel Cleveland Museum of Art
Carl-Erik Hammarén, 1922-1990 painting by Carl-Erik Hammarén Carl-Erik Hammarén Nationalmuseum
Composició B painting by Carles Planell Viñals Carles Planell i Viñals Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Portrait of Father Francisco Esthacio de Almeida painting by Carlo Antoni Leoni Carlo Leoni Necessidades Palace
My Roots painting by Carlos Villa Carlos Villa Whitney Museum of American Art
Ruines de Nonohay painting by Carlos da Cunha Carlos da Cunha Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Chant painting by Carol Haerer Carol Haerer Whitney Museum of American Art
The Enclosed Garden - A Memorial painting by Carol Fraser Carol Hoorn Fraser National Gallery of Canada
Yes Master painting by Carol Jackson Carol Jackson Art Institute of Chicago
Eldorado (painting) painting Carol M. Highsmith
Shield for Athene painting by Carole Shepherd Carole Shepheard Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
The Canal Lock House painting by Caroline Scally Caroline Scally National Gallery of Ireland
Koolpop #12 painting by Carrie Yamaoka Carrie Yamaoka Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Maria Kohl, g. Seele/Scheel painting by Casten Rönnow Casten Rönnow Nationalmuseum
Madalena Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Castro Alves Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Sheep’s Skull and Ferns painting by Catherine Dean Catherine Dean Tate
National Gallery
Portrait of Miss D.K. Richmond painting by Ceridwyn Thornton Ceridwyn Thornton Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Saint Martin of Tours painting by Cesare Breveglieri Cesare Breveglieri Art collections of Fondazione Cariplo
Leonardo Painting the Mona Lisa painting by Cesare Maccari Cesare Maccari
The Last Supper copy in Milano of the mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci Cesare da Sesto
Parody of a Bullfight painting by Cesay Cujorega Cesay Cujorega Tucson Museum of Art
Självporträtt painting by Channa Bankier Channa Bankier Nationalmuseum
Sand Dune painting by Chapman Kelley Chapman Kelley Dallas Museum of Art
Three Figures painting by Charles Cajori Charles Cajori Whitney Museum of American Art
Autoportrait de Charles Courtry (1846-1897), graveur painting by Charles-Jean-Louis Courtry Charles Courtry Musée Carnavalet
Tokens painting by Charles D. Weldon Charles Dater Weldon Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Napoléon Ier signant son abdication à Fontainebleau painting by Charles Dusaulchoy Charles Dusaulchoy Musée napoléonien de l'île d'Aix
The Wood Sawyer painting by Charles E. Weir Charles E. Weir Metropolitan Museum of Art
Untitled (Green) painting by Charles Fine Charles Fine Los Angeles County Museum of Art
The Lily Pond painting by Charles Harry Eaton Charles Harry Eaton Detroit Institute of Arts
Fleurs painting by Charles d'Auverney Hugo Charles Hugo Maison de Victor Hugo
S A R Monseigneur le duc de Bordeaux présenté au peuple et à l'armée par S A R Madame la duchesse de Berry, le roi étant sur son trône entouré de la famille royale et des principaux personnages de l'État painting by Charles Lafont Charles Lafont Musée Carnavalet
El viejo Esmirna painting by Charles Manciet Charles Manciet Museo del Prado
Le Pont de Solférino et le Pavillon de Flore, vus du quai d'Orsay, en 1888 painting by Charles Mercier Charles Mercier Musée Carnavalet
Portrait of a Woman (Mrs. Turner or Mrs. Walpole?) painting by Charles Muss Charles Muss Cincinnati Art Museum
La descente de la Courtille painting by Charles Nanteuil Charles Nanteuil Musée Carnavalet
Lord Metcalfe painting by Charles Pote Charles Pote Victoria Memorial
Edward Vansittart Neale painting by Charles Richard Bone Charles Richard Bone Cincinnati Art Museum
The O'Connell Centenary Celebrations painting by Charles Russell Charles Russell National Gallery of Ireland
A Great Big Enormous Trout Came Up--Kerpflop-p-p-p! with a Splash--and It Seized Mr. Jeremy with a Snap painting by Charles Santore Charles Santore Brandywine River Museum
Sex & Tennis painting by Charles David Saxon Charles Saxon National Portrait Gallery
An Extensive View of the Oxford Race painting by Charles Turner Charles Turner Yale Center for British Art
Scène homérique painting by Charles-Auguste Edelmann Charles-Auguste Edelmann
Door One painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Chennupati Jagadish
Sarada Ukil
National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Suzanne's Green Overlap painting by Cherie Raciti Cherie Raciti San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Post office painting by Chigusa Kitani Chigusa Kitani Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka
Landscape painting by Chikuseki Nagamachi (Japanese, 1747-1806) (1972.117.2.5) Chikuseki Nagamachi Cleveland Museum of Art
Elisabeth Ivanovna Mengdeni portree painting by Christian Rosée Christian Rosée Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Stymphalian Birds painting by Christoforos Savva Christoforos Savva State Gallery of Contemporary Art
Kreeka maastik painting by Christopher Ferdinand Leuttner Christopher Ferdinand Leuttner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Four Diamonds Marching painting by Christopher Hewat Christopher Hewat Metropolitan Museum of Art
Françoise-Athénaïs de Rochechouart de Mortemart, marquise de Montespan painting Château de Bussy-Rabutin
Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002), born Ericsson, author, doctor of philosophy honorary doctor, married to Sture Lindgren painting by Claes Bäckström Claes Bäckström Nationalmuseum
The Slave Market painting by Claud Lovat Fraser Claud Lovat Fraser Tate
La Rose de l'Infante painting by Claude Escholier Claude Escholier Maison de Victor Hugo
Sans titre painting by Claude Lévêque Claude Lévêque Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Escape Reality painting by Claudia Hart Claudia Hart Berlinische Galerie
Street Scene Kentish Town painting by Cliff Rowe Cliff Rowe Tate
The Nature of Things painting by Colin Muir Dorward Colin Muir Dorward National Gallery of Canada
Coastline painting by Colin Lovell-Smith 1982/20/2 Colin Stuart Lovell-Smith Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
A Village Next to a Stretch of Water painting by Conrad Eckhard Conrad Eckhard Städel Museum
salon of the ladies-in-waiting in the Marienburg Watercolour by Conrad Wilhelm Hase Conrad Wilhelm Hase
Apples painting by Constance Roth Constance Roth Art Gallery of New South Wales
Portret van Elvire l'Hermignaux painting by Constant Prosper Hoste Constant Prosper Hoste Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
L'Hôpital Laënnec vu de la rue de Sèvres painting by Corard Corard Musée Carnavalet
Cena de batalha Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Corinto Brissac de Lucena Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Arthur, Duke of Connaught (1850-1942) painting by Cornelius Jabez Hughes Cornelius Jabez Hughes Royal Collection
The Problem No One Talks About painting by Cornelius Keagon Cornelius Keagon
Autoportrait painting by Corona Schröter Corona Schröter
Pr 371 nr 1 painting by Cyr Frimout Cyr Frimout Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Life Force No. 2 (Evolution series) painting by D. Mackay Houstoun D. Mackay Houstoun National Gallery of Canada
Ohne Titel painting by Dagmar Demming Dagmar Demming National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
The Crane's Universe painting by Daishin Gitō Daishin Gitō Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Bodegó amb gerro i flors blaves painting by Damià Torrents Brunet Damià Torrents Brunet Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Plate 51 from The Plan of Chicago painting by Daniel Hudson Burnham Daniel Burnham Art Institute of Chicago
Okänd man kallad dels Erik den helige och Karl XI, 1655-1697 painting attributed to Daniel Fehrman Daniel Fehrman Nationalmuseum
Untitled painting by Don Kunkel Daniel Kunkel Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
A View in the Island of Jamaica, of Part of the River Cobre near Spanish Town Engraving by Daniel Lerpinière Daniel Lerpinière
George Robertson
John Boydell
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
La lumière est la même partout painting by Daniel Ravel Daniel Ravel Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Porträt der Elisa von der Recke painting by Darbes, Josef Friedrich August Darbes, Josef Friedrich August Märkisches Museum
The Blue Umbrella painting by Darragh Park Darragh Park The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Studio practice - Shoal painting by Daryl Austin Daryl Austin Art Gallery of South Australia
Grim Precision painting by David Alfred Vaughan David Alfred Vaughan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Putin - Mona Lisa image of Vladimir Putin as a collage of Mona Lisa images David Datuna
Untitled painting by David Diao (Whitney 69.148) David Diao Whitney Museum of American Art
The Black Hole and a Traumanaut's Uncertain Journey painting by David Huffman David Huffman San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Le cerf et la biche painting by David Kandel David Kandel Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva
Alley in Safed oil painting by Labkovski, David David Labkovski Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica
Sir David Low painting by Sir David Low David Low National Portrait Gallery
Moving woman II painting by David Rose David Rose Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Schuttersstuk - het gezicht van de M.E. painting by David Veldhoen David Veldhoen Amsterdam Museum
Portrait of Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890) painting by David Woodlock David Woodlock National Gallery of Ireland
Portrait of a Man painting by David van der II Kellen David van der Kellen Jr. Centraal Museum
Terre de feu painting by Davos Hanich Davos Hanich Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Stilleven met tulpen, anjers en andere bloemen in een vaas painting by G. de Witte De Witte Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Noordbrabants Museum
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Last Days at Edgewater painting by Dean Ellis (American, 1920-2009) (1950.106) Dean Ellis Cleveland Museum of Art
Atlantis painting by Deborah Brown Deborah Brown Indianapolis Museum of Art
Works of Art painting by Denis Cohn Denis Cohn Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
I Will Not Steal painting by Denise Ziegler Denise Ziegler Finnish National Gallery
Forward (Up) Right and Around (Encrustation) painting by Dennis Hollingsworth Dennis Hollingsworth Dallas Museum of Art
No 73 painting by Derek Fordjour Derek Fordjour Dallas Museum of Art
Late Summer painting by Derk Smit Derk Smit Indianapolis Museum of Art
30 painting by Dhurata Ramosaj Dhurata Ramosaj National Gallery of Kosovo
Now fly JAL to Japan and on to Hong Kong : Japan Air Lines, wings of the new Japan Travel poster promoting Hong Kong. Diamond Hong Kong travel poster collection
Saint John of the Cross painting by Diego de Sanabria Diego de Sanabria Museo Nacional de Arte
Cherries painting by Dimitar Miladinov Dimitar Miladinov National Gallery of Kosovo
Mental Attitude painting by Dirk Oeghoede Dirk Oeghoede Noordbrabants Museum
Casamento de Pedro e Leopoldina (alegoria) Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Domingos Clementino Museu Histórico Nacional collection
São Miguel painting by Domingos Lopes Rosa Domingos Lopes Rosa Igreja de Santa Isabel
Five Pegged One painting by Don Potts Don Potts San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Birth of the Ring painting by Don Sorenson Don Sorenson Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Trees at Hanbury Hall painting by Doris Allen, Lady Vernon Doris Allen National Trust
Mount Grace Priory painting by Dorothea ('Vesla') Valen-Sendstad, Mrs Haakon Natvig Dorothea Sendstad National Trust
Crocodile Tears: Buried Treasure (Gauguin I) painting by Douglas Huebler Douglas Huebler Whitney Museum of American Art
Vertical Figure painting by Douglas Kirton Douglas Kirton National Gallery of Canada
Cracks painting by Dragan Bikov Dragan Bikov National Gallery of Kosovo
Moment of call painting by Dragan Karadzic Dragan Karadžić National Gallery of Kosovo
Landscape painting by Dragan Kostic Dragan Kostic National Gallery of Kosovo
Border space in the horizon painting by Dragan Mojovic Dragan Mojović National Gallery of Kosovo
Sources painting by Dragan Peric Dragan Perić National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition painting by Dragan Ristic Dragan Ristić National Gallery of Kosovo
Self Portrait painting by Dragoslav Vasiljevic Dragoslav Vasiljević National Gallery of Kosovo
Memories painting by Driton Hajredini Driton Hajredini National Gallery of Kosovo
Midsummer's Election painting by Duncan Macpherson Duncan Macpherson National Portrait Gallery
Hong Kong, fly there by Cathay Pacific Airways : Convair 880-22M faster jet in Orient. Painting by E. Ching. E. Ching Hong Kong travel poster collection
Inarista, Jäniskoski painting by E. Laitinen E. Laitinen City of Pori art collection
John Hugh Macdonald painting by E.E. Hadden E.E. Hadden Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Fishermen painting by Earl Bailly Earl Bailly National Gallery of Canada
Bechtels painting by Eberhard Bosslet Eberhard Bosslet Tucson Museum of Art
Les funérailles de Victor Hugo, le cortège rue Soufflot painting by Edmond Lachenal Edmond Lachenal Maison de Victor Hugo
Untitled painting by Edmund F. Ward Edmund Franklin Ward Brandywine River Museum
'When first I saw sweet Peggy': Irish peasants going to market painting by William H. Hopkins , Edmund Havell Edmund Havell the Younger
William H. Hopkins
Portrait de l'abbé Arthur Mugnier (1879-1939) painting by Edmée de La Rochefoucauld duchesse Edmée de La Rochefoucauld Musée Carnavalet
Bassist painting by Eduard Waskowsky Edu Waskowsky Groninger Museum
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Template:Creator:Eduard Mandel After Raphael, 1483-1520 Eduard Mandel Brooklyn Museum
Paisatge amb esglèsia romànica painting by E. Maristany Eduard Maristany i Gibert Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Nimeta painting by Eduardo Alkope Eduardo Alkope Narva Museum's art collection
Aquatint, ed 42/50 aquatint by Eduardo Chillida (JK 03) Eduardo Chillida King Baudouin Foundation
The Jos Knaepen Collection
Okänd kvinna painting by Edwin Dalton Smith Edward Dalton Smith Nationalmuseum
Portrait of Charlotte McCarthy, Sister of J.H. McCarthy painting by Edward Matthew Hale Edward Matthew Hale National Gallery of Ireland
Portrait of a Gentleman painting by Edward S. Dodge Edward S. Dodge Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Washington Family painting by Edward Savage Edward Savage
Edward Savage
National Gallery of Art
Andrew W. Mellon collection
Transport and Human Endeavor mural by Edward Trumbull Edward Trumbull private collection
Crossing the Lake Object from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Edward Tucker Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Russia/Africa Gambit painting by Edward T. Vebell Edward Vebell National Portrait Gallery
Calcutta from Princep Ghat painting by Edwin Roper Loftus Stocqueler Edwin Roper Loftus Stocqueler Victoria Memorial
Head of a Boy painting by Eemil Halonen Eemil Halonen Finnish National Gallery
Muotokuva kirjailija Kaisa Merestä painting by Eero Niini Eero Niini City of Pori art collection
Sivutuuli painting by Eero Toivonen Eero Toivonen City of Pori art collection
Eric Liddell, 1902 - 1945. Athlete and missionary painting by Eileen Soper Eileen Soper National Galleries of Scotland
Abstrakt komposition painting by Einar Hylander Einar Hylander Nationalmuseum
Komposition painting by Eje Öberg Eje Öberg Nationalmuseum
Tüdruku portree painting by Elfriide Maran Elfriide Maran Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Stilleven painting by Elias Voet Elias Voet (II) Frans Hals Museum
The Wimpole Heifer, 'Honeycomb' painting by Eliot Thomas Yorke MP, DL, Eliot Yorke National Trust
Untitled painting by Breton, Elisa Elisa Breton Israel Museum
Self-portrait as belle jardinière painting by Élisabeth-Christine de Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel-Bevern
Ranunculus painting by Elizabeth Caroline Armstrong Elizabeth Caroline Armstrong Art Gallery of South Australia
Summer Landscape painting by Elizabeth N. Erlanger Elizabeth N. Erlanger Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
The Defence of Rorke's Drift 1880 painting by Lady Butler Elizabeth Thompson
Lady Butler
Royal Collection
Kisses from Home, love Akeake & Horoeka painting by Elizabeth Thomson Elizabeth Thomson Auckland Art Gallery
Sem título 04 Work at the Museu Victor Meirelles Elke Hering Museu Victor Meirelles
Familieportrett painting by Ellen Karin Mæhlum Ellen Karin Mæhlum National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Põgenemine 1944.a. Jämajast painting by Elmar Köster Elmar Köster Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Fruktmarknaden painting by Elsa Ström-Ciacelli Elsa Ström-Ciacelli Nationalmuseum
Natüürmort leivaga painting by Elvi Maaste Elvi Maaste Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Emil Hagström, 1892-1982 painting by Emil Hagström Emil Hagström Nationalmuseum
Still Life with Flowers painting by Emile Godchaux Emile Godchaux Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Sans titre painting by Emile Lanc (FRB 0349) Emile Lanc King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
General Bernadotte painting by Emile Wattier Emile Wattier Nationalmuseum
Hirved painting by Emma von Kleist Emma von Kleist Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Talv pargis painting by Endel Kotsar Endel Kotsar Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Õhtu kalasadamas painting by Endel Maisaar Endel Maisaar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Torso painting by Ene Urbla Ene Urbla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Juunikuu lilled painting by Enno Ootsing Enno Ootsing Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Barão de Piabanha Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Enoé Borges Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Le sommeil painting by Enrique Perez Enrique Pérez Musée d'art moderne de Paris
The adoration by the shepherds painting by Erasmus Quellinus (BStGS 4850) Erasmus Quellinus II
Hubertus Quellinus
Bavarian State Painting Collections
zonder titel painting by Eric De Smet Eric De Smet Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Donald Ross Hamilton [Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics; Dean of the Graduate School 1958-1965] painting by Erik Haupt Erik Guide Haupt Princeton University Art Museum
Konstruktsioon painting by Erika Tiisler Erika Tiisler Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Suojasää painting by Erkki Luhtala Erkki Luhtala City of Pori art collection
Teresia Lönnström painting by Erkki Matilainen Erkki Matilainen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Kolme markkaa kilo painting by Erkki Nurmela Erkki Nurmela City of Pori art collection
Rockport, Massachusetts, No. 2 painting by Ernest David Roth Ernest David Roth Princeton University Art Museum
Bords de l'étang en Camargue painting by Ernest Georges Chauvier de Léon Ernest Georges Chauvier de Léon musée des Beaux-Arts de Béziers
Deer on a Raft painting by Ernest Silva Ernest Silva Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Vassoio di Ventotene painting by Ernesto Rossi Ernesto Rossi
Seascape painting by Ernst Smith Ernst Smith Nationalmuseum
Portret van Henri Louis Marie Defoer (1936-) painting by Ernst van de Wetering Ernst van de Wetering Museum Catharijneconvent
Maal. Ervin Milvek. Õli. painting by Ervin Milvek Ervin Milvek Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Pilt lendamiste ja lauludega painting by Ervin Õunapuu Ervin Õunapuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Wall I painting by Ervin Catovic Ervin Ćatović National Gallery of Kosovo
Wolfskers painting by Erwin Cattoor Erwin Cattoor Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Pine Valley Club, 14th Hole (Par 3, 169 YDS.) painting by Erwin Barrie Erwin S. Barrie Tucson Museum of Art
Puutarhakaupunki painting by Esko Nummelin Esko Nummelin City of Pori art collection
Scows in Wellington Harbour painting by Esmond ATKINSON (New Zealander, b.1888, d.1941) Esmond Hurworth Atkinson The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Hii-riz painting by Espen Gangvik Espen Gangvik National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
¡Que pasa Dios! painting by Estanislao Suárez Inclán Estanislao Suárez Inclán Museo del Prado
Japonízate (Japanese Yourself) painting by Estrujenbank Estrujenbank Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
The Three Candles painting by Eti Jacoby Eti Jacobi Israel Museum
Still Life with Fruit and a Bottle painting by Eugene George Canadé Eugene G Canadé Philadelphia Museum of Art
Painting with Blue Bands painting by Eugene Langford Eugene Langford The Phillips Collection
Landscape painting by Eugene Ludins Eugene Ludins Whitney Museum of American Art
Untitled painting by Eugene Massin Eugene Massin Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Man with a Hobby painting by Eugene W. Dahlstrom Eugene W. Dahlstrom National Gallery of Canada
Cour de maison avec linge séchant painting by Eugène Atget Eugène Atget Musée Carnavalet
Le Canal Saint-Martin painting by Eugène Dabit Eugène Dabit Musée Carnavalet
Christ Asleep during the Tempest painting by Delacroix (c. 1853, MET) Eugène Delacroix
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Le Banquet des dames dans la salle de spectacle des Tuileries (bals de 1835) painting by Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc Eugène Viollet-le-Duc Musée Carnavalet
Maria Theresa of Hapsburg, Empress of Austria painting by Johann Eusebius Alphen Eusebius Johann Alphen Cincinnati Art Museum
Old Friend painting by Ev Thomas Ev Thomas San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Jalutuskäik üle Inglisilla painting by Evald Voitk Evald Voitk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Viva N.S. do Rosario da Bahia painting by E Norbim (FRB 0812) Evandro Norbim King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Karl-Ewert Christenson (1888-1965) painting by Evert Taube Evert Taube Nationalmuseum
Grave pinakes by Exekias black-figure style series of grave pinakes by the ancient attic-greek vase-painter Exekias Exekias Antikensammlung Berlin
National Archaeological Museum of Athens
Visit Of King And Queen To Bournville, 16th May 1919 painting by Gregory Brown F Gregory Brown Birmingham Museums Trust
Portrait of Two Small Boys painting by F. Bernini F. Bernini Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Loyal Subjects (Bust of Queen Victoria Surrounded by some of her Dogs) painting by F. C. Fredman F. C. Fredman National Trust
Cecil Day-Lewis painting by Frank Ernest Halliday F. E. Halliday National Portrait Gallery
John William Polidori painting by F.G. Gainsford F.G. Gainsford National Portrait Gallery
The Edge of the Wood painting by F.N. Loveroff F.N. Loveroff National Gallery of Canada
Marsh Haying painting by F.W. Hutchison F.W. Hutchison National Gallery of Canada
Pradera de San Isidro painting by Francisco de Goya Falete Museo del Prado
Leaf from the Muraqqa Gulshan- A Buffalo Fighting a Lioness (recto) Calligraphy (verso) painting by anonymous Farrukh Chela The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Elegant Gathering at the Poetry Niche painting by Fa Shishan et al. Fashishan Saint Louis Art Museum
Chaos painting by Fatmir Zajmi Fatmir Zajmi National Gallery of Kosovo
Juramento Constitucional da Princesa Isabel Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Federico Tirone Museu Histórico Nacional collection
La caída (The Fall) painting by Felipe Ehrenberg Felipe Ehrenberg Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Frederic Mistral painting by Fèlix Gras Felix Gras Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Zelf (Olla ise) painting by Felix Stelten Felix Stelten Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Costal view from south painting by Ferdinand Bonheur Ferdinand Bonheur
The Truce painting by Fernando Escrivà Fernando Escrivá Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Gup de Dansa de Vilanova painting by Fidel Claramunt Fidel Claramunt Lacueva Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Portrait painting by Filip Jankovic Filip Janković National Gallery of Kosovo
Raising of the Son of Teophilus and St. Peter Enthroned painting by Filippino Lippi Filippino Lippi
Gli amici di Nick Hezard
Basilica of Our Lady of Carmel
Håsteinen II painting by Finn Strømsted Finn Strømsted National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Loading of corn painting by Florika Ket Florika Ket National Gallery of Kosovo
Parent`s Joy painting by Florika Puja Florika Puja National Gallery of Kosovo
Návrh na kazateľnicu painting by Florián Klimkovič ml. Florián Klimkovič Slovak National Gallery
Manoeuvres navales à Toulon, juillet 1777 painting by Flotte de Saint Joseph Flotte de Saint Joseph collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris
A flor pelágica Work at the Museu Victor Meirelles Flávia Metzler Museu Victor Meirelles
Still-life painting by Frances-Anne Johnston Frances-Anne Johnston National Gallery of Canada
The Genius in the Service of Misery artwork by F. Berenguer Francesc Berenguer i Mestres Pau Casals Museum
Secció longitudinal de la basílica de Santa Maria de Ripoll (1908) artwork by Francesc de Paula Nebot i Torrens, 1908 Francesc de Paula Nebot i Torrens Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
La maison du pêcheur painting by Francis Montanier Francis Etienne Montanier Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Self Portrait painting by Francis Matte Francis Matte Detroit Institute of Arts
Mytton Hall painting by Seymour Haden Francis Seymour Haden Albright–Knox Art Gallery
Poetry painting by Francis Vaux Wilson Francis Vaux Wilson Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
A View in the White Mountains painting by Colonel Francis Vernon-Harcourt Francis Venables-Vernon-Harcourt Royal Collection
El Pelele painting by Francisco de Goya Francisco Goya
Museo del Prado
Ramón Pignatelli painting by Francisco Lanza Francisco Lanza Museo del Prado
Piedad painting by Francisco de Castillejo Francisco de Castillejo Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
Retrato masculino painting by Franciszek Smiadecki (El Prado P008051) Franciszek Smiadecki Museo del Prado
Maastik kuuvalgel painting by Frans Dreiling Frans Dreiling Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Prinssi Meleager kieltäytyy taistelemasta maan vihollisia vastaan, kopio Jonas Åkerströmin mukaan painting by F. F. Sedmigradsky Frans Fredrik Sedmigradsky Finnish National Gallery
Zelfportret painting by Frans Huygelen Frans Huygelen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
zonder titel painting by Frans Piens Frans Piens S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
Lodiari painting by František Chrástek František Chrástek Slovak National Gallery
Summons One painting by Franz Erhard Walther Franz Erhard Walther Dallas Museum of Art
Ansieht Jer R Residenz in Rio Janeiro Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection Franz Josef Frühbeck Brasiliana Itaú Collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
Okänd kvinna painting by Franz Schneck Franz Schneck Nationalmuseum
Tiskre rand painting by Franz Schrutek von Monte Selva Franz Schrutek von Monte Selva Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Portrait of an architect with a little girl painting by François Dorly François Dorly Palace Museum in Wilanów
Ngapa Jukurrpa (Big rain Dreaming) painting by Fred Jampijinpa Jigili Fred Jampijinpa Jigili National Gallery of Victoria
Man and Three Daughters | Aglaia, Recalling Patti's Triumphs, Dreamed of Opera. painting by Frederic Rodrigo Gruger Frederic Rodrigo Gruger Brandywine River Museum
Quebec Scene painting by Frederick Grant Banting Frederick Banting National Gallery of Canada
Cover for The Merry Magic Lantern Show painting by Frederick Burr Opper Frederick Burr Opper Brandywine River Museum
St Paul's from Bankside painting by Frederick Edward Joseph Goff Frederick Edward Joseph Goff unknown
Church Interior painting by Frederick Richardson Frederick Richardson Musée Alphonse-Georges-Poulain
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel painting by Frederick Taubes Frederick Taubes The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Wapenkaart van pensionarissen en secretarissen van Rotterdam painting by F.D.O. Obreen Frederik Obreen Museum Rotterdam
August Blanche (1811-1868), författare painting by Fredrik Olaus Lindström Fredrik Olaus Lindström Nationalmuseum
Italienskt landskap painting by Fredrik Samuel Silfverstolpe Fredrik Samuel Silverstolpe Nationalmuseum
Classical Landscape painting in the style of Nicolas Poussin, Cartwright Memorial Hall French School The Cartwright Memorial Hall (Art Gallery And Museum) In Lister Park
Gekruisigde Christus met Maria, Johannes en Maria Magdalena painting by Friedrich Wilhelm Mengelberg Friedrich Wilhelm Mengelberg Museum Catharijneconvent
Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum
Maastik painting by Friedrich Wilhelm Spohr Friedrich Wilhelm Spohr Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
In the Forest painting by Fritz Kärfve Fritz Kärfve Nationalmuseum
Mort de Sardanapale painting by Frédéric Villot Frédéric Villot Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Portrait de l'artiste painting Félix Ravaisson-Mollien Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Família do Visconde de Poyares, 1885 painting by Félix da Costa Félix da Costa Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Portrait of a Woman painting by G Baisier G Baisier Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
"Patroclo" Lamp painting by Gae Aulenti Gae Aulenti Metropolitan Museum of Art
Goannas painting by Kallie Yalkarriwuy Gali Yalkarriwuy Gurruwiwi National Gallery of Australia
Calligraphy: Barrier; (to get through it, follow) the pathless path. painting by Gan'ō Zentei Gan'ō Zentei Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Salvation Army Lassie painting by Garrett Price Garrett Price Brandywine River Museum
The Ballad of a Wise and Curious Wizard painting by Gary Lee-Nova Gary Lee-Nova National Gallery of Canada
Argenteuil painting by Gaston Bruelle Gaston Bruelle collections du Musée national de la Marine de Paris
Het model painting by Gaston De Smet Gaston De Smet Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
aquarelsperspectief van het postgebouw painting by Gaston Eysselinck Gaston Eysselinck Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Jerusalem painting by Gavriel Cohen Gavriel Cohen Israel Museum
Bamboo in Rain painting by Genga Genga Cleveland Museum of Art
Summer dawn painting by Gennaro Favai Gennaro Favai Art collections of Fondazione Cariplo
Mehe portree painting by Georg Budewitz Georg Budewitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Portrait Barbara Sophie of Brandenburg painting by Georg Donauer Georg Donauer Landesmuseum Württemberg
Nils Almlöf, 1799-1875 painting by Georg Leonard Dreyer Georg Leonard Dreyer Nationalmuseum
Linnavaade painting by Georg Weckler Georg Weckler Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Memories of 1913 painting by George Broomfield George Broomfield National Gallery of Canada
A view on the Dee painting by George John Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll George Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll Royal Collection
The Serpent Chooses Adam and Eve artwork by George Cohen George Cohen
George Cohen
private collection
Murder painting by George Green George Green Los Angeles County Museum of Art
A Grey Mare, 'Twilight' painting by George Richard Pain George Richard Pain National Trust
A View of Windsor Castle painting by George Samuel George Samuel Royal Collection
Untitled painting by George Stillman George Stillman San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Spring Storm ("Songs of my Prairies" series) painting by George Swinton George Swinton National Gallery of Canada
George Du Maurier painting by George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier George du Maurier National Portrait Gallery
First trials of cancer treatment with X-rays painting by Georges Chicotot Georges Chicotot Musée de l'Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris
Portrait de Michèle Morgan (née en 1920), actrice painting by Georges Comnène Georges Comnene Musée Carnavalet
Berber painting by Georges Platteau Georges Platteau Groeningemuseum
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Georges Trubert Georges Trubert J. Paul Getty Museum
Nadar (Felix Tournachon, 1820-1910, dit), photographe, aéronaute, dessinateur et écrivain painting by Georges Mita Georges-Léopold Mita Musée Carnavalet
Karjas painting by Georgi Solomatin Georgi Solomatin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Juan Marichal painting by Gerald Gooch Gerald Gooch National Portrait Gallery
Skydiver VI painting by Gerald Laing Gerald Laing Tate
Armchair painting by Gerald Summers Gerald Summers Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of John Rocha (b.1953), Designer painting by Geraldine O'Neill Geraldine O'Neill National Gallery of Ireland
Thomas D'Urfey (Tom Durfey) (1653-1723) painting by Gerard Vandergucht Gerard Vandergucht National Trust
Dutch envoy Adriaan Pauw entering Münster in 1646 for Peace Negotiations painting by Gerard ter Borch Gerard ter Borch
Monogrammist G.V.H.
Westphalian State Museum of Art and Cultural History
City Museum of Münster
Komposition painting by Gerd Nordenskjöld Gerd Nordenskjöld Nationalmuseum
The nationalism blows up the nature painting by Gerhard Preuss Gerhard Preuss
We All Share Water painting by Gertie Huddleston Gertie Huddleston National Gallery of Australia
Nothingness (mu) painting by Sōko Gesshū Gesshū Sōko Art Gallery of South Australia
Leahu, Gheorghe. The Văcăreşti Monastery before the Storm, 1976. Watercolour painting by Gheorghe Leahu Gheorghe Leahu Gheorghe Leahu Private Collection
Dialogue between a Cataphore and the Triple (XII) (Dialogue entre Cataphore et le Triple (XII)) painting by Luca Ghérasim Gherasim Luca Israel Museum
Liggend en zittend naakt painting by Ghislain Fernande Ghislain Fernande S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
The Artist and His Model painting by Giacomo Manzu Giacomo Manzù Hermitage Museum
Exhausted painting by Gilbert & George Gilbert & George National Galleries of Scotland
Plaque Portrait of Benjamin Franklin after painting by Jean-Baptiste Nini Giovanni Battista Nini Metropolitan Museum of Art
San Carlo comunica gli appestati painting by Giovanni Battista Parodi Giovanni Battista Parodi
Cristo compianto dagli angeli painting by Giovanni Battista Pozzi Giovanni Battista Pozzi
Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli
Civiche raccolte d'arte di palazzo Marliani-Cicogna
Triptych of the Madonna painting by Jacopo, Gentile und Giovanni Bellini and workshop Giovanni Bellini
Gallerie dell'Accademia
A study painting by Giovanni Guida Giovanni Guida Art Gallery of New South Wales
HMS 'Howe' at Malta painting by Giovanni Schranz Giovanni Jean Schranz Royal Museums Greenwich
Scène de la Comédie Italienne painting by Giovanni Leonardi Giovanni Lenardi Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Polyptych of Saint Peter Polyptych by Giovanni Marinoni and Pietro Bussolo Giovanni Marinoni
Pietro Bussolo
Church of Saint Peter
Appearance of the Christ Child to Saint Anthony painting by Montini, Giovanni Giovanni Montini Hermitage Museum
The National Gallery 1886, Interior of Room 32 painting by Giuseppe Gabrielli Giuseppe Gabrielli Government Art Collection
National Gallery
Carlota Joaquina infanta de España reina de Portugal painting by Giuseppe Trono Giuseppe Trono Museo del Prado
Untitled painting by Gjuro Pulitika Gjuro Pulitika National Gallery of Kosovo
Bernard Butler photograph by Glen McClure Glen McClure Taubman Museum of Art
Karaoké painting by Gloria Friedmann Gloria Friedmann Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Sin título (Untitled) painting by Gloria García Lorca Gloria García Lorca Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Axis painting by Gloria Graham Gloria Graham Whitney Museum of American Art
Familia campesina (Peasant Family) painting by Gloria Merino Gloria Merino Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Untitled, 2013 Painting by Golnaz Fathi (MET, 2014.524a, b) Golnaz Fathi Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ewer painting (oviform copper ewer) by Gorham Manufacturing Company Gorham Manufacturing Company Museum of Fine Arts
William III (1650–1702) painting by Godfrey Keller Gottfried Keller National Galleries of Scotland
Free Speech painting by Grace Golden Grace Golden Tate
National Gallery
The panorama in the Volgograd Panorama Museum painting by Grekov Studio of Military Art Grekov Studio of Military Art Volgograd Panorama Museum
Trompe-l’oeil Still Life painting by 1717-1779 Grigory Teplov Hermitage Museum
Spaarnwouderstraat 72 nr.1 painting by Guillaume Bijl Guillaume Bijl Frans Hals Museum
Stilleven met kruik en vormen painting by Guillaume Roels Guillaume Roels Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
The Wedding at Cana tapestry and national heritage monument (PM59001477) in Saint-Pierre-en-Antioche Church, Ascq, Nord, France Guillaume Werniers
Retablo del monasterio de Cañas painting by Guillén de Holanda Guillén de Holanda
Andrés de Melgar
Ung flicka med fåglar painting by Gull Rosdahl Gull Rosdahl Nationalmuseum
Landskap, Menilmontant, Paris painting by Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius Nationalmuseum
Axel Romdahl (1880-1951), professor, director of the Gothenburg Museum of Art, married to Gudrun Biller painting by Gunnar Romdahl Gunnar Romdahl Nationalmuseum
Gunnar Svenson (1892-1977), artist, professor, married to Lydia Leontina Åström painting by Gunnar Svenson Gunnar Svenson Nationalmuseum
Okänd man painting by Gustaf Adolf Reuterholm Gustaf Adolf Reuterholm Nationalmuseum
Landscape from Norrland painting by Gustaf Ericson Fischer Gustaf Fischer Nationalmuseum
Portrait of G. A. Lammers painting by Gustav Adolph Lammers Gustav Adolph Lammers Telemark Museum
Blick auf Potsdam vom Brauhausberg painting by Gustav Friedrich Eduard Freyhoff Gustav Friedrich Eduard Freyhoff Potsdam Museum
Tivoli painting by Gustav Lærum Gustav Lærum Oslo Museum
Sõbrannad painting by Gustav Mägi Gustav Mägi Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Sieversi portree painting by Gustav Wilhelm Rosenberg Gustav Wilhelm Rosenberg Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
L'anse du Pharo à Marseille painting by Gustave Julien Gustave Julien Musée d'Art de Toulon
Périphrase painting by Guy Rombouts, MAC's CF-2002-003 Guy Rombouts MAC's
Komposition painting by Günter (1926-1994) Meisner Günter Meisner Berlinische Galerie
Talvine surnuaed õhtuvalguses painting by Günther Zoege von Manteuffel Günther Zoege von Manteuffel Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
One Silence Like a Clap of Thunder painting by Gōchō Kankai Gōchō Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Sans titre painting by H. Hastings (FRB 1083) H. Hastings King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Without a Doctrine painting by Habib Kheradyar Habib Kheradyar Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Planeten Speed painting by Haegue Yang Haegue Yang Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Trumpet man painting by Halil Tikvesha Halil Tikvesha National Gallery of Kosovo
Elijah rescuing Prince Nur ad-Dahr from drowning in a river painting by Mir Sayyid Ali Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib British Museum
Portrait of Prof. Dr. Eduard Mulder painting by Han Pieck Han Pieck Centraal Museum
Landscape, 1980's painting by Hanna Levi (Weiler) Hanna Levi (Weiler) Bar-David Museum of Art and Judaica
Kevätpuuhat painting by Hanna-Riikka Heikkilä Hanna-Riikka Heikkilä City of Pori art collection
Winter Sunday painting by Hannu Naski Hannu Naski City of Pori art collection
Emilia maalaa painting by Hannu Niittymäki Hannu Niittymäki City of Pori art collection
Painting for the Boardroom painting by Hans Haacke Hans Haacke National Gallery of Canada
Naise portree painting by Hans Heinrichson Hans Heinrichson Tartu City Museum's art collection
Gerda Boëthius (1890-1961), professor, art historian painting by Hans Johanson-Norsbo Hans Norsbo Nationalmuseum
Landscape painting by Hans Rosenørn Grüner Hans Rosenørn Grüner Oslo Museum
Gezicht in vogelvlucht op het Haringvliet en omgeving, "Circus in de stad" painting by Hans van der Plas Hans van der Plas Museum Rotterdam
Vaade linnusele painting by Harald Oskar Georg Poelchau Harald Oskar Georg Poelchau Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Självporträtt painting by Harald Sallberg Harald Sallberg Nationalmuseum
Tavalised inimesed painting by Hardi Volmer Hardi Volmer Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Yellow Light painting by Harold Baumbach Harold Baumbach Whitney Museum of American Art
Santa Clara Valley painting by Harold G. Peelor Harold G. Peelor Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Edward Hussey III JP, DL (1807-1894) painting by Harry Baldry Harry Baldry National Trust
Omakuva painting by Kivijärvi Harry Harry Kivijärvi Finnish National Gallery
In the Green Room painting by Harry More Gordon Harry More Gordon National Galleries of Scotland
Backyard in summer painting by H. V. Miller Harry Vye Miller Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Naise portree painting by Heiki Kübar Heiki Kübar Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Vaade Emajõele painting by Heiki-Matti Kruus Heiki-Matti Kruus Tartu City Museum's art collection
Jursi mõis painting by Heimar Nellis Heimar Nellis Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Corrientes painting by H. Petersen Heinrich Petersen-Flensburg
Taos Adobes painting by Helen Blumenschein Helen Blumenschein Dallas Museum of Art
Skeletal Study with Seabird Remains painting by Helen Gregory Helen Gregory National Gallery of Canada
Studio interior painting by Helen Crabb Helen Priscilla Crabb Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Heroes of Colonial Encounters - Bidgee Bidgee a painting of Bidgee Bidgee by Helen S Tiernan Helen S. Tiernan Australian National Maritime Museum
Ortensia e un rampicante painting by Helena Pylkkänen Helena Pylkkänen Finnish National Gallery
Flowers painting by Helena Sojakka Helena Sojakka City of Pori art collection
L'été painting by dit) Adamian (Helena Adamoff Helene Adamoff Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Naise portree painting by Helene Julie Marie Strauss Helene Julie Marie Strauss Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kindrali portree painting by Helene von Franken Helene von Franken Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Skåne Landscape. Winter painting by Helge Kemner Helge Kemner Nationalmuseum
Men painting by Heli Tuhkanen Heli Tuhkanen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Wind on the land painting by Helmtrud Nystrom Helmtrud Nyström National Gallery of Kosovo
Lilled painting by Helve Halla Helve Halla Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Dervish painting by Georg Johann Mattarnovi Hendrick Bogaert
Georg Johann Mattarnovi
Hermitage Museum
Gezicht op Laurenskerk gezien vanaf de Binnenrotte painting by Hendrik Altmann Hendrik Altmann Museum Rotterdam
Boat Landing painting by Hendrik Hulk Hendrik Hulk Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Score VI drawing and painting by Henning Christiansen Henning Christiansen City of Pori art collection
Natüürmort painting by Henno Arrak Henno Arrak Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Le Portail de l'hôtel de Clisson, rue des Archives painting by Henri Chapelle Henri Chapelle Musée Carnavalet
La ferme devant la forêt Henri Charles Fabien Havet Museum Baron Martin
Buste de Casimir Courtejaire sculpture by Henri Maurette Henri Marie Maurette Musée des Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne
Q104968530 painting by Henri Renard Henri Renard Musée des beaux-arts de Mulhouse
Trompe l'oeil of the Madonna and Child (after Raphael) and the Two Testaments painting by Henrietta Boyle, The Hon. Mrs John O’Neill Henrietta O'Neill National Trust
Self-portrait painting by Henriette Rath (circa 1800) Henriette Rath Musée Rath
Ratsastaja (Hevoset) painting by Henrik Tikkanen Henrik Tikkanen Finnish National Gallery
The Milkmaid painting by Henry William Bunbury Henry Bunbury Birmingham Museums Trust
Iltarusko painting by Henry Helinkö Henry Helinkö City of Pori art collection
In Inyo County California painting by Henry Joseph Breuer Henry Joseph Breuer Cincinnati Art Museum
Charles Henry Alexander Paget, 6th Marquess of Anglesey (1885-1947) seated in the Music Room painting by George Charles Henry Victor Paget, 7th Marquis of Anglesey Henry Paget, 7th Marquess of Anglesey National Trust
Paysage de Voulangis painting by Henry Yuzuru Sugimoto Henry Sugimoto Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Eastside Rockets painting by Herbert Lawrence Block Herblock National Portrait Gallery
Portree maskiga painting by Herman Aunapuu Herman Aunapuu Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kantwerkster painting by Herman Cantens Herman Cantens Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
A Rocky Trail painting by Herman Wendelborg Hansen Herman Wendelborg Hansen Phoenix Art Museum
Italiensk landskab painting by H.W. Bissen Herman Wilhelm Bissen Statens Museum for Kunst
Sommerfest in nächtlichem Park painting by Hermann Göhler Hermann Göhler Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
H. F. v. Starki portree painting by Hermann-Nikolai Calpus Hermann-Nikolai Calpus Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Entartung Series painting by Herta Müller Herta Müller Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
Arc 8 painting by Hideko Fukushima Hideko Fukushima Tate
Dr. Heldela Suubi portree painting by Hilda Sepp Hilda Sepp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Adolf Meyer painting by Hildegard Woodward Hildegard Woodward National Portrait Gallery
Stilleben painting by Hilding Rösiö Hilding Rösiö Nationalmuseum
Far Away painting by Hilkka-Maija Pääkkönen Hilkka-Maija Pääkkönen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Axel Heiberg, Eureka Sound, Eastern Arctic painting by Hilton Hassell Hilton Hassell National Gallery of Canada
Paisagem (atribuído) Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection (1 of 2) Hippolyte Vanderburch Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection
Fundação Estudar collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
(Untitled) painting by Homer Cooyama Homer Cooyama Detroit Institute of Arts
Belly Full of Hate painting by Howard Finster Howard Finster
Mountain Lake Workshop
Taubman Museum of Art
Head Place Meat Scene painting by Howard Fried (American, 1946-) (1968.197) Howard Fried Cleveland Museum of Art
Քաղաքային բնապատկեր. Տալլին painting by Hrayr Karapetyan Hrayr Karapetyan National Gallery of Armenia
Paysage painting by Huanwu Huang Huanwu Huang Musée Cernuschi
Portrait of Lord Alexander painting by Hubert Rogers Hubert Rogers National Gallery of Canada
Blauw het gelaat (portret) painting by Hugo De Leener Hugo De Leener Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Kanal painting by Hugo Silberberg Hugo Silberberg Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Vermont Autumn painting by Hyde Solomon Hyde Solomon Whitney Museum of American Art
Cheveux painting by Hye-Sook Yoo Hye-Sook Yoo Musée Cernuschi
Psyche painting by Hélène Luminais Hélène Luminais Nantes Museum of Arts
Pariisi tänaval painting by Ida Fielitz Ida Fielitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Orange Eaters painting by Iida Nikitin Iida Nikitin City of Pori art collection
Wakakusa, Album of bird studies painting by Ikeda Mitsumasa Ikeda Mitsumasa Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Shade painting by Ilari Hautamäki Ilari Hautamäki
Naine kollasel foonil painting by Ilmar Torn Ilmar Torn Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Maal. Ilon Wikland. Majblomman (Mailill). 2003. Guašš, akvarell. painting by Ilon Wikland Ilon Wikland Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Udune maastik painting by Ilse Raid Ilse Raid Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kased painting by Imbi Lind Imbi Lind Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
The Black Pyramide painting by Imre Baász Imre Baász Finnish National Gallery
Preisi printsessi Helene portree painting by Ina Liliendfeld Ina Liliendfeld Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
The Devotion of the Heart of Mary, with the angels Custodio, Rafael, Miguel and Gabriel painting by Princess Maria Ana Francisca Josefa Infanta Mariana Francisca of Portugal Estrela Basilica
Fra installasjonen Metro painting by Inghild Karlsen Inghild Karlsen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Seashore painting by Inkeri Koivisto Inkeri Koivisto City of Pori art collection
Estate Map painting by Inventory Inventory Tate
Untitled (Still life with green drum) painting by Irene Barberis Irene Barberis National Gallery of Victoria
Vase of Flowers painting by Irene Hawkins Irene Hawkins National Trust
Uuve ja Ene Peetriga painting by Irene Virve Irene Virve Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
First Words painting by Irene F. Whittome Irene Whittome National Gallery of Canada
Saatus painting by Irina Ševtšuk Irina Ševtšuk Narva Museum's art collection
Merzbau, from the "Dust Storm" Series painting by Hemmo, Irit Irit Hemmo Israel Museum
Mar das Índias Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Isabel Adelaide Guedes Sales Henriques Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Recess #1 painting by Isabel Bishop Isabel Bishop Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Eight Views from The Tale of Genji painting by Ishiyama Moroka Ishiyama Moroka Metropolitan Museum of Art
Krishna and Radha item EAX.2030 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Ishwari Prasad Ashmolean Museum
The Mass of Saint Gregory anonymous painting Israhel van Meckenem National Museum in Warsaw
Chariots painting by Yitzhak Golombek Itzhak Golombek Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
A Stage Above the Catacombs painting by Iva Gueorguieva Iva Gueorguieva Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Red Loop painting by Ivan Kožarić Ivan Kožarić Croatian Museum of Contemporary Art
'Rotala' painting by Ivars Heinrihsons Ivars Heinrihsons Royal Collection
The Mystical Birth of Rotterdam painting by Iwan Smit Iwan Smit Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
The Tunku Azizah Portrait Painting by Izzul Iman Zainal Izzul Iman Zainal
William Jervis Hough and Family painting by J. Brayton Wilcox J. Brayton Wilcox National Portrait Gallery
Zonder titel painting by J. Daams J. Daams Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Calle de la playa de Vilanova painting by J. Francesc Ricart J. Francesc Ricart Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Blues for you painting by Jan-Olof Mallander J.O. Mallander Finnish National Gallery
Cape Bretoni saar Kanadas painting by Jaak Toomas Järve Jaak Toomas Järve Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
UKK Monument painting by Jaakko Pakkala Jaakko Pakkala
Pekka Jylhä
Finnish National Gallery
Helsinki Art Museum
Mees punasel foonil painting by Jaan Paavle Jaan Paavle Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Antinkallio painting by Jaana Saario Jaana Saario Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Sla op de trommel painting by Jack Daws Jack Daws
On No Other Day Did the Sun Warm the Grass as on That Day painting by Jack Earl Jack Earl Los Angeles County Museum of Art
King David painting by Jack Markell Jack Markell National Gallery of Canada
Stardust #3 painting by Jack Pierson Jack Pierson Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Gaby Has Gone to Egypt painting by Jack Reppen Jack Reppen National Gallery of Canada
Fallen Warrior 2 painting by Jack Zajac Jack Zajac San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
A slave ship (?) painting by William Jackson Jackson of Exeter Royal Museums Greenwich
Alfred Winsor of Boston, Mass painting by Jacob B. Schoener Jacob B. Schoener Cincinnati Art Museum
Glamour painting by Jacob Dahlgren Jacob Dahlgren Finnish National Gallery
Garden Nasturtium, Spanish Tree Germander and Scorpion Senna painting by Jacob van Huysum (Henry Fletcher & Elisha Kirkall) Jacob van Huysum
Elisha Kirkall
private collection
Charlemagne Killing a Moorish Leader painting by Jacob van Maerlant Jacob van Maerlant Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Scène de rue painting by Jacques Brissaud Jacques Brissaud Musée Carnavalet
Viru värava torn painting by Jacques Rosenbaum Jacques Rosenbaum Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
La Vierge adorant l'Enfant endormi painting by Jacques Sarrazin Jacques Sarazin Hôtel de Sully
Centre des monuments nationaux
Sèvres porcelain Tableau painting by Jacques-François Micaud Jacques-François Micaud Nationalmuseum
Sapho et deux de ses compagnes painting by Jacques Louis Michel Grandin Jacques-Louis-Michel Grandin Musée Marmottan Monet
After Image - II painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Jagdish Chander National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Sin título (Untitled) painting by Jaime Burguillos (Jaime González Burguillos) Jaime Burguillos Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Little games on a pine tree painting by Jakov Djuricic Jakov Djurićić National Gallery of Kosovo
Poem (The Hermit Does Not Sleep at Night) painting by Jakugon Teijo Jakugon Los Angeles County Museum of Art
The Front Line - At Night Painting by James Alexander Churchman James Alexander Churchman Canadian War Museum
The Stream painting by James Baylis Allen James Baylis Allen Birmingham Museums Trust
The Young Pedlar painting by James Brown James Brown Toledo Museum of Art
Old man pohutukawa tree, Little Omaha, Leigh painting by J. D. Charlton Edgar James Douglas Charlton Edgar Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Woodlands, Emsworth, Hampshire painting by James Gubbins Archer-Burton James Gubbins Archer-Burton Clark Art Institute
Sheep painting by John Haley James Haley The Phillips Collection
Portrait of Sarah Maude Holman painting by James Henry Holman James Henry Holman National Gallery of Canada
A View in the Island of Jamaica, of the Spring-Head of Roaring River on the Estate of William Beckford Esq. Engraving by James Mason James Mason
George Robertson
John Boydell
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Interior with a Monkey on a Table painting by James Miller James Miller
The Cottages, Ightham Mote, Kent painting by James Nasmyth James Nasmyth National Trust
Untitled (Desert Song/Sea Song) painting by James Sterling Pitt James Sterling Pitt San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Surface colorée painting by Van Der Beek James Van Der Beek Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Zelfportret painting by Jan Boeksent Jan Boeksent Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
Portrait of Hendrik van Loon painting by Jan Boon Jan Boon Centraal Museum
Landscape with Hermit painting by Jan de Cock Jan De Cock Indianapolis Museum of Art
Lijnbaansgracht painting by Jan (E.) van der Pek Jan Ernst van der Pek Amsterdam Museum
křížová cesta v kostele Navštívení Panny Marie v Bílé Vodě Jan František Klein
Portrait of Tekla Kościuszko née Ratomska, mother of Thaddeus Kościuszko (c.1715-1768) painting by Jan Kołtonowski Jan Kołtonowski National Museum in Kraków
Portait of a man painting by Jan Lievens in the Louvre Jan Livineius National Museum of Port-Royal-des-Champs
Battle of Racławice painting by Jan Styka Jan Styka
Wojciech Kossak
Włodzimierz Tetmajer
Ludwig Boller
Tadeusz Popiel
Zygmunt Rozwadowski
Teodor Axentowicz
Wincenty Wodzinowski
Michał Sozański
National Museum in Wrocław
Ontmoeting painting by Jan Willem Bierwerts Jan Willem Bierwerts Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Agitpop Train painting by Jan van de Pavert Jan van de Pavert Centraal Museum
Rägastikud. metsa kodustamine painting by Jane Remm Jane Remm Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Wash Day painting by Janet E. Turner Janet E. Turner Dallas Museum of Art
Vakokukat digital painting and paint on mdf-boad, diptych by Janne Sammalmaa Janne Sammalmaa City of Pori art collection
Burning House painting by Jared Bark Jared Bark Whitney Museum of American Art
Sand in my Shoes, Blood in my Mouth painting by Jason Jägel Jason Jägel San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Composición 06 (Composition 06) painting by Jaume Xifra Jaume Xifra Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Ceci n'est pas (This Is Not It) painting by Javier Baldeón Javier Baldeón Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Manuscript Page, Illuminated (Feast of the Transfiguration) painting by Jean Colombe Jean Colombe Carnegie Museum of Art
Log End painting by Jean Cory Beall Jean Cory Beall Seattle Art Museum
Composition 63 painting by Jean Criton Jean Criton Musée d'art moderne de Paris
La Félicité painting by Jean Dubois Jean Dubois Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Carnet painting by Jean Ducrollay Jean Ducrollay Musée Cognacq-Jay
Lady with the Open Door Stomach painting by Jean Follett Jean Follett Whitney Museum of American Art
Windmills of Frétais painting by Jean Fréour Jean Fréour
Entrée de Christine de Pisan à Poissy Jean Robert Pinet
Le pont du Carrousel en reconstruction (1936) painting by Jean Texcier Jean Texcier Musée Carnavalet
Souvenir de Rio de Janeiro Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection Jean-Baptiste Debret
Johann Moritz Rugendas
Victor Barrat
Brasiliana Itaú Collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
Don Quijote painting by Jean-Baptiste de Poilly Jean-Baptiste de Poilly Nationalmuseum
Joséphine, kejsarinna av Frankrike, se dikt av Guichard på baksidan painting by Jean François Soiron Jean-François Soiron Nationalmuseum
Lorgnette de théâtre télescopique lorgnette by Jean-Gabriel-Augustin Chevallier Jean-Gabriel-Auguste Chevallier Musée Cognacq-Jay
Portrait of Eric Satie painting by Jean-Louis Bédouin Jean-Louis Bédouin Israel Museum
La Salle d'introduction du musée des Monuments français painting by Jean-Lubin Vauzelle Jean-Lubin Vauzelle Musée Carnavalet
Opstand binnen het gezin 4+2° painting by Jean-Luc Deprez Jean-Luc Deprez Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
The Shepherds Rococo painting by Antoine Watteau Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio Charlottenburg Palace
Aviatiek painting by Jean-Pierre De Coster Jean-Pierre De Coster S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
Triptych of Baden-Baden painting by Jean-Pierre Ponnelle Jean-Pierre Ponnelle
Vier Philiosophen painting by Jean-Pierre Tassaert Jean-Pierre-Antoine Tassaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Rosendal's castle from the east painting by Jeanna Elisabeth Åkerman Jeanna Åkerman Nationalmuseum
Untitled painting by Jeannette Christensen Jeannette Christensen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Untitled painting by Jedediah Caesar Jedediah Caesar Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Interieur painting by Jef Gysen Jef Gysen Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Basil Hume painting by Jeff Stultiens Jeff Stultiens National Portrait Gallery
Small Painting painting by Jenny Snider Jenny Snider Whitney Museum of American Art
Indian Dancer painting by Jerome Hummingbird Jerome Hummingbird Gilcrease Museum
Midnight Gardening painting by Jerónimo Elespe Jerónimo Elespe Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Viel on Palmaille painting by Jes Bundsen Jes Bundsen Altonaer Museum
Joel Parker, Class of 1839 (1816-1888) painting by Jesse Atwood Jesse Atwood Princeton University Art Museum
Space - Time Picture painting by Jesse Watkins Jesse Watkins National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Plants for the May 5th Festival painting by Jiang Din Jiang Yale University Art Gallery
Kanzan and Jittoku painting by JIUN Sonja Jiun Art Gallery of New South Wales
Tamaracks in Autumn painting by Joachim Gauthier Joachim Gauthier National Gallery of Canada
Wimdamew painting by Joachim Kersten Joachim Kersten Bavarian State Painting Collections
Rostoll i garbes (Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona, inv 444) artwork by Joan Amigó i Barriga Joan Amigó i Barriga Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona
Map of Paranambucae painting by Joan Blaeu / Georg Marcgraf / Frans Post Joan Blaeu Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Christopher Vernon Hassall painting by Joan Hassall Joan Hassall National Portrait Gallery
El Torín. Plaça de toros de la Barceloneta. (1910) artwork by Joan Morales i Mas, 1910 Joan Morales i Mas Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Intimitat painting by Joan Seix Miralta Joan Seix Miralta Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Paisatge del Ripollès (1902) artwork by Joaquim Claret i Vallès, 1902 Joaquim Claret i Vallès Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
An Important Horse Race painting by Joe Beeler Joe Beeler Tucson Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Joe Downing Joe Downing Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Maui Records label design painting by Joe Wylie Joe Wylie Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Okänd officer painting by Johan Deshington Johan Deshington Nationalmuseum
Professorin rva Johanna Schybergson painting by Johan Jakob Tikkanen Johan Jakob Tikkanen Finnish National Gallery
Okänd kvinna painting by Johan Laurentz Caton Johan Laurentz Caton Nationalmuseum
Birger Jarl till Biällbo Pro Rex painting by Johan Lithen Johan Lithen
Altarpiece in Vår Frue Church altarpiece in Our Lady's Church in Trondheim Johan Nicolai Schavenius
Jonas Granberg
Heinrich Kühnemann
Johan Ernst Welhaven painting by Johan Sebastian Welhaven Johan Sebastian Welhaven
Waldlandschaft painting by Johann Benjamin Godron Johann Benjamin Godron Bavarian State Painting Collections
Resting Artists in the Mountains painting by Johann Christoph Erhard Johann Christoph Erhard
Carl Emich, Prince of Leiningen (1804-1856) painting by Johann Daniel Mottet Johann Daniel Mottet Royal Collection
Linn Rheini jõe ääres painting by Johann Ferdinand Blaschewitz Johann Ferdinand Blaschewitz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Portrait of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough painting by Johann Friedrich Ardin Johann Friedrich Ardin Rijksmuseum
Mees koeraga painting by Johann Heinrich Linde Johann Heinrich Linde Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Pompeij varemed painting by Johann Peter Wippermann Johann Peter Wippermann Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
An Unknown Man painting by Johann Weixlbaum Johann Weixlbaum Nationalmuseum
Im Gadener Thale painting by Johann Wilhelm Krause Johann Wilhelm Krause Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Prantsuse luuletaja Charles Baudelaire portree painting by Johannes Aavik Johannes Aavik Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Landscape painting by John Cotton Johannes Cotto Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Kaks tütarlast künkal painting by Johannes Hay Johannes Hay Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Virgin and Child painting by Ioannes Ispanus / Antonio Solario Johannes Hispanus
Antonio Solario
private collection
Maastik (etüüd) painting by Johannes Jans Johannes Jans Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Risttee painting by Johannes Tanner Johannes Tanner Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Postmannen i Arles painting by Johannes Tvedt Johannes Tvedt National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
'The Sun breaks through by Brig' painting by John Alan Lyde Caunter, CBE, MC John Alan Lyde Caunter National Trust
Portrait of Helen painting by John Alfsen John Alfsen National Gallery of Canada
Window in Broken Wall painting by John Armstrong John Armstrong Israel Museum
Winter Solstice painting by John Baily John Baily Art Gallery of South Australia
Late Summer painting by John Bedell Stanford Macilwaine John Bedell Stanford MacIlwaine National Gallery of Ireland
Miss Amelia Boddy painting by John Bell-Smith John Bell-Smith National Gallery of Canada
Untitled (Six Blue Spirit Forms) painting by J. B. Murray John Bunion Murray Smithsonian American Art Museum
Abacus no. 21 painting by John Coley John Coley Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Simon Cameron painting by John Dabour John Dabour National Portrait Gallery
A View of the Grand Walk, Marylebone Gardens painting by John Donowell John Donowell Birmingham Museums Trust
Sports Banner painting by John Dugger John Dugger Tate
Jutland. Battle Cruisers Engaging German Navy painting by John Gibb Glendinning John Gibb Glendinning Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Evening on the Don painting by John H. Beynon John H. Beynon National Gallery of Canada
Self-portrait painting by John H. Griffiths John H. Griffith National Gallery of Canada
Caroline Chrysler Lee painting by John Horsburgh John Horsburgh National Portrait Gallery
To Peking for Peace painting by John Huehnergarth John Huehnergarth National Portrait Gallery
HMS Montagu forcing the enemy to move from Bertheaume Bay, 22 August 1800 painting by Rear-Admiral Rear-Admiral Jeffrey Raigersfeld, Baron von Raigersfeld John Jeffrey Rakovec, pl. Raigersfeld Royal Museums Greenwich
View of the New Brunswick Railroad Bridge painting by John Jesse Barker John Jesse Barker Zimmerli Art Museum at Rutgers University
John Kay, 1742 - 1826. Caricaturist (Self-portrait) painting by John Kay John Kay National Galleries of Scotland
Looking Ahead painting by John Kelly John Kelly Musée Alphonse-Georges-Poulain
Martin Van Buren painting by John Langendoerffer John Langendoerffer National Portrait Gallery
Okinawa Gardens painting by John Martin Socha John Martin Socha Minneapolis Institute of Art
Symonds Yat painting by John Preston Neale John Preston Neale National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
View of the West Front of Tintinhull House painting by John Strickland Goodall John S. Goodall National Trust
Hermia and Lysander painting by John Simmons John Simmons
John Simmons
private collection
Tulips painting by John Strachey John Strachey Auckland Art Gallery
Painting of Mount Earnslaw (New Zealand) by John Thomson Mount Earnslaw by J Thomson from the Hocken Collections John Turnbull Thomson Hocken Collections
Peder Winstrup, 1605-1679 painting by Jonas Coldewy Ahlgren Jonas Coldewy Ahlgren Nationalmuseum
Gripsholms slott painting by Jonas Hallenberg Jonas Hallenberg Nationalmuseum
Tabouret painting by Jonathan Binet Jonathan Binet Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Spacio Tanno - A Dream that Became a Reality and Spread Throughout the Stars painting by JooYoung Choi JooYoung Choi Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Sin título (Untitled) painting by Jordi Galí Camprubi Jordi Galí Camprubí Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Malli punaisessa painting by Jorma Korpela Jorma Korpela City of Pori art collection
Avautuva alavasen painting by Jorma Lahti Jorma Lahti City of Pori art collection
A Military Bivouac in a Royal Palace painting by Josef Munsch Josef Munsch Indianapolis Museum of Art
Cheval painting by Josep Llimona i Bruguera Josep Llimona i Bruguera
Der heilige Sebastian und die Frauen painting by Josef Anton Mesmer Joseph Anton Mesmer Belvedere
Napoleon accepts the surrender of Madrid, 4 December 1808 painting by Antoine-Jean Gros Joseph Joestar Museum of the History of France
Okänd kvinna som vestal painting by Joseph Kaltner Joseph Kaltner Nationalmuseum
Wreck of the Copeland of South Shields Nov 2 1861 at Scarboro Spa painting by Joseph Newington Carter Joseph Newington Carter unknown
Panna Mária - Kráľovná mučeníkov painting by Stredoeurópsky maliar z 18. storočia Joseph Sebastian Klauber Bratislava City Gallery
#7 painting by Joseph Sims Joseph Sims
The Jewish cemetery in Prague painting by Joseph Steiner Joseph Steiner Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert painting by Josiah Gilbert Josiah Gilbert National Portrait Gallery
San Hermenegildo painting by José Amador de los Ríos José Amador de los Ríos Museo del Prado
Retrato do Barão do Rio Branco, 1862 painting by José Maria da Silva Paranhos José Maria da Silva Paranhos Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Museu Paulista collection
Retrato de Dom Pedro I do Brasil e IV de Portugal painting by José Simeão de Oliveira José Simeão de Oliveira Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection
The Lord of Chalma painting by José de Mora José de Mora Museo Nacional de Arte
Metro Lines public painting in Helsinki, Finland Jouko Christiansson Helsinki Art Museum
Order in Green painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Joydip Sengupta National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Bandeira Imperial - Modelo Autografado painting by João Vieira de Carvalho João Vieira de Carvalho Museu Paulista collection
De overwinning painting by Joël De Rore Joël De Rore Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Silver fields painting by Josko Eterovic Joško Eterović National Gallery of Kosovo
Reflections of St. Augustine painting by Juan L. Cota Juan L. Cota Tucson Museum of Art
Ecce Homo painting by Juan Sanches Salmeron Juan Sanches Salmeron El Paso Museum of Art
Retaule de Sant Feliu painting by Juan de Borgoña Juan de Borgoña
Pere Fontaines
Pere Robredo
Joan Dartrica
Girona Museum of Art
A Village Street Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Judd Aiken Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Spirit Wall painting by Judith Lodge Judith Lodge National Gallery of Canada
The Dragon, Lock & Key painting by Judy Bally Jensen Judy Jensen Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Mina Mina painting by Kumanjayi Napangardi Watson Judy Watson Napangardi National Gallery of Victoria
Inset painting painting by Jules Allard et Fils Jules Allard and Sons National Trust
Port of Le Havre painting by Jules Vernier Jules Vernier Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts
Baranki Boże painting by Julia Curyło Julia Curyło
Een boeket bloemen painting by J.C. de Lannoij Juliana de Lannoy Noordbrabants Museum
portrait of Diego de Vargas (1643-1704) in Capilla de la Cuadra de San Isidro, Madrid painting in custody of Real Muy Ilustre y Primitiva Congregación de san Isidro de Naturales de Madrid Julio Barrera Capilla de la Cuadra de San Isidro
White Dwarf painting by Julio Larraz Julio Larraz Phoenix Art Museum
Mütoloogiline stseen painting by Julius Gottfried Siegmund Julius Gottfried Siegmund Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Optotypes painting by Jussi Heikkilä Jussi Heikkilä Finnish National Gallery
TPK painting by Jussi TwoSeven (Jussi P. Koistinen) Jussi TwoSeven City of Pori art collection
Abd El-Kader (1808-1883), emir of Mascara, Algerian resistance Leader, riter painting by Justinian Nicolas Clary Justinien Nicolas Clary Nationalmuseum
Pöllönpoikasia painting by Justus Montell Justus Elias Montell K. H. Renlund art collection
Portselanmaal. Tassil ja alustassil painting by Juuli Suits Juuli Suits Tartu City Museum's art collection
the Cardinal Fesch painting by Jérôme Maglioli Jérôme Maglioli Musée Fesch
Funeral of the Victims of the Year 1848 painting by Józef Zajączkowski Józef Zajączkowski National Museum in Kraków
Helenduv joon painting by Jüri Kermik Jüri Kermik Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Konventa setas pagalms (teosnimi) painting by Jānis Brekte Jānis Brekte City of Pori art collection
Hong Kong - Douglas DC-8 Fan Je Painting by K. Meininger. K. Meininger Hong Kong travel poster collection
Eelõhtul painting by Kaarel Kurismaa Kaarel Kurismaa Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maaema painting by Toomas Tõnissoo Kadri Kangilaski
Toomas Tõnissoo
Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Colors and Sound of Autumn painting by Kaiseki Noro Ryu (Japanese, 1747-1828) (1972.117.2.7) Kaiseki Noro Ryu Cleveland Museum of Art
Static Field 3 painting by Kamau Amu Patton Kamau Amu Patton San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Personage painting by Karel Maes Karel Maes Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Colors on the beach artwork by Karel Martens Karel Martens
Albert VII on the Catafalque painting by Karel van Mallery Karel van Mallery Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
New york (05.22) painting by Karina Bisch Karina Bisch Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Linnamotiiv painting by Karl Ernst Russow Karl Ernst Russow Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Kirsi müütaja painting by Karl Johann Stephan Schultz Karl Johann Stephan Schultz Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Moon Rising in the Skerries painting by Konrad Simonsson Karl Konrad Simonsson Nationalmuseum
Auflehnung painting by Karl Prantl Karl Prantl Belvedere
Untitled painting by Karl Schnetzinger Karl Schnetzinger National Gallery of Kosovo
Ung kvinna painting by Karl-Erik Boman Karl-Erik Boman Nationalmuseum
Fermata painting by Kaspars Teodors Brambergs Kaspars Teodors Brambergs Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Birth of Christ painting on Glass of Christian symbols Katherine Arion
Roses painting by Katherine Lester Crawford Katherine Lester Lamar Crawford Dallas Museum of Art
Mutation painting by Kathryn VanDyke Kathryn VanDyke San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Erdegard, wenn ich gross bin werd' ich Kamikaze painting by Kati Heck Kati Heck Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Snowy trees painting by Kauko Räike Kauko Räike City of Pori art collection
Ngatu Tā‘uli painting by Kautaha Koka‘anga (Tongan women’s barkcloth-making collective) Kautaha Koka‘anga (Tongan women’s barkcloth-making collective) Auckland Art Gallery
Dutchman with a Servant painting by Kawahara Keiga Kawahara Keiga Metropolitan Museum of Art
Koopia Tiepolo teosest "Kleopatra pidusöök" painting by Kazimir Mordasevich Kazimir Mordasevich Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portrait of a Lady painting by Kein Firstler Kein Firstler Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Portrait of Manי-Katz Bénézit painting by Keith Edmier Keith Edmier Mane-Katz Museum
Untitled (Language Painting) painting by Ken Lum Ken Lum National Gallery of Canada
Lady painting by Kenny Meadows Kenny Meadows East Slovak Gallery
I Hear a voice, a Song painting by Kerttu Horila Kerttu Horila Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Northern Wedding painting by Kevin Sansom Kevin Sansom David Bowie's art collection
Composition n°4 painting by Kin Chung Chan Kin-Chung Chan Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Fantaasia Rimski- Korsakovi motiividel Kirill Aleksejevitch Kastalski-Borozdin Art Museum of Estonia's Foreign Painting Collection
Dragon and Tiger painting by Kitamuki Unchiku Kitamuki Unchiku Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Bride painting by KITANO Tsunetomi Kitano Tsunetomi Art Gallery of New South Wales
Hafenlandschaft bei Sonnenuntergang painting by Klaus Ritterbusch Klaus Ritterbusch Berlinische Galerie
The Gate painting by Knut Dahlander Knut Dahlander Nationalmuseum
Kortspelarna painting by Knut Irwe Knut Irwe Nationalmuseum
Detroit Chimera Graffiti Mural mural by Kobie Solomon Kobie Solomon Russell Industrial Center
Menskunde painting by Koen Broucke Koen Broucke Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
A Suite in Chrome Yellow painting by Komar and Melamid Komar and Melamid Whitney Museum of American Art
Water mirror, a scene from the "Tales of Ise" Japanese painting attributed to Tawaraya Sotatsu with calligraphy by Konoe Hisatsugu Konoe Hisatsugu
Tawaraya Sôtatsu
Suntory Museum of Art
Maastik painting by Konstantin Clemens Konstantin Clemens Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Флорентинец painting by Konstantin Velichkov Konstantin Velichkov National Art Gallery
Untitled painting by Eloul, Kosso Kosso Eloul Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
A Bejeweled Lady painting by a Kota School artist Kota School Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Espérance painting by Kozo Inoue Kozo Inoue Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Popović, Koča. Metal cross, 1938. Painting painting by Koča Popović Koča Popović No Art Collection
Novobrda painting by Kujtim Buza Kujtim Buza National Gallery of Kosovo
Karekare painting by Kurt von Meier Kurt Von Meier Auckland Art Gallery
The Path to Ease painting by Kuwabara Kōnan Kuwabara Kōnan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Directions #92 painting by Kohei Nawa Kōhei Nawa National Gallery of Victoria
Crepúsculo painting by L. Bout L. Bout Museu Paulista collection
Paulista Museum Fund Collection
Portrait of a Nobleman with Cap paintingattributed to Lorenzo Lotto L. Lotto Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Phoenix painting by Lafortune Felix Lafortune Felix Yale University Art Gallery
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Eighth night: The handmaiden again pleads for the death of the prince painting by Lalu (1962.279.71.b) Lalu Cleveland Museum of Art
Guardians For Lyfe painting by Larry Walker Larry Walker Los Angeles County Museum of Art
- A STAR FOR ESKO - painting by Lars Breuer Lars Breuer City of Pori art collection
Damen med flaskerne painting by Lars Helweg Lars Helweg
Storfamiljen painting by Lars Hillersberg Lars Hillersberg Nationalmuseum
Flicka med docka painting by Lars Norrman Lars Norrman Nationalmuseum
Untitled painting by Laura Adams Armer Laura Adams Armer Humboldt Arts Council
Saal painting by Laura Põld Laura Põld Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Ääretön II painting by Laura Vainikka Laura Vainikka City of Pori art collection
Les Cordeliers. Épisode du siège de Metz painting by Charles-Laurent Maréchal Laurent Charles Maréchal Museum of Fine Arts of Nancy
From the Series Carbo: "Ranghildholmen, Göteborg" painting by Lauri Anttila Lauri Anttila Finnish National Gallery
Floral Picture painting by Lawrence Waterbury Johnston Lawrence Johnston National Trust
Old Roxbury painting by Lawrence Edward Kupferman Lawrence Kupferman Detroit Institute of Arts
Untitled (Life under the sea) painting by Len Lye Len Lye Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Composition painting by Lenka Jaksic Lenka Jakšić National Gallery of Kosovo
Hayes Platform of Sound Money painting by Lenna Dimock Glackens Lenna Glackens National Portrait Gallery
Abstrakt komposition painting by Lennart Ason Lennart Ason Nationalmuseum
First graders painting by Leo Jokinen Leo Jokinen City of Pori art collection
The Harbour, Padstow, Cornwall painting by Len Annois Leonard Lloyd (Len) Annois Art Gallery of South Australia
Untitled painting by Leonard Nelson Leonard Nelson Dallas Museum of Art
Maja painting by Leonhard Kruusmägi Leonhard Kruusmägi Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Kremlin at Moscow painting by Leonid Brailovsky and Rimma Brailovskaya Leonid Brailovsky
Rimma Nikitichna Brailovskaya
Indianapolis Museum of Art
The Isle of Capri painting by Leopold I, King of the Belgians, 3rd son of Franz, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, consort of Princess Charlotte of Wales, daughter of George IV Leopold I, King of the Belgians (1790-1865) Royal Collection
Untitled painting by Leopoldo Celorrio Irriguible Leopoldo Irriguible Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
ENSV tõusev tööstus painting by Alo Hoidre Lepo Mikko
Priidu Aavik
Alo Hoidre
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Quartette painting by Les Levine Les Levine National Gallery of Canada
Angus McBean painting by (Leslie) Roy Hobdell Leslie Roy Hobdell National Portrait Gallery
Cliff I item LI1486.1 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Leung Kui-ting Ashmolean Museum
Portrait of L.L.Lazareva painting by anonymous painter Levashova, Olga Hermitage Museum
Mountain-draft painting by Li Mei-shu Li Mei-shu
Liao Chi-chun
Lee Shih-chiao
Yang San-lang
Lu, Gi-Zen
Li Mei-shu Memorial Gallery
Discussing The Divine Comedy With Dante 2006 painting Li Tiezi
Dai Dudu
Zhang An
自畫像3 painting by Liao Yuan Liao Yuan Taipei Fine Arts Museum
Family Sitting #2 (from The Family Sitting Series) painting by Lien Truong Lien Truong Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
I am intact and I don't care painting by Lili Reynaud-Dewar Lili Reynaud-Dewar Belvedere
Tajo, Ronda painting by Lilian Holt Lilian Holt Tate
Viljandi järv painting by Lilian Härm Lilian Härm University of Tartu Museum's historical art collection
Sichuan Plateau - Long March Road item LI1486.15 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Lin Gang Ashmolean Museum
Kompositsioon painting by Linas Leonas Katinas Linas Leonas Katinas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Tallinna motiiv painting by Linda Rida Linda Rida Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Piazza dei Signori, Vicenza painting by Lionel Gordon Baliol Brett, 4th Viscount Esher, CBE Lionel Brett, 4th Viscount Esher National Trust
Willfully Whimsical painting by Lisa Corinne Davis Lisa Corinne Davis Philadelphia Museum of Art
Asmund Arle, 1918-1990 painting by Liss Eriksson Liss Eriksson Nationalmuseum
The Bicycle painting by Ljubisha Tanaskovic Ljubisha Tanasković National Gallery of Kosovo
Rambla de Sabadell artwok by Joan Vila i Cinca, 1890 Lluís Bagaria Sabadell Art Museum
Projecte del mosaic dels cantaires que hi ha a la façana painting by Lluís Domènech i Montaner Lluís Domènech i Montaner Fundació Orfeó Català - Palau de la Música Catalana
Orquestra Pau Casals al Palau de la Música artwork by Lluís Suñé i Medan Lluís Suñé i Medan Pau Casals Museum
Fliegenfänger painting by Lois Weinberger Lois Weinberger Städel Museum
Broken Ring painting by Loren Madsen Loren Wakefield Madsen Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Tiroler Schenke painting by Lorenzo Quaglio Lorenzo Quaglio Berlin State Museums
The Wind Flower painting by Lorna F. Reid Lorna F. Reid National Gallery of Canada
Landscape painting by Lo Cun Lou Cun Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Travel Navy Painting by Lou Nolan. Lou Nolan Hong Kong travel poster collection
Costume painting by Loudon Sainthill Loudon Sainthill National Gallery of Victoria
De verbouwing van het Burgerweeshuis tot Historisch Museum Amsterdam 1968 met De Waalpalen painting by Louis Boermeester Louis Boermeester Amsterdam Museum
Portrait d'inconnu, d'époque révolutionnaire painting by Louis Brion de la Tour Louis Brion de la Tour Musée Carnavalet
De veldslag van Poitiers painting by Louis De Taeye Louis De Taeye Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Mere vaade painting by Louis Höflinger Louis Höflinger Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
L'Orpheline Louis Justin Maurice Perrey Museum Baron Martin
Psyché recevant le premier baiser de l'Amour painting by Louis La Caze Louis La Caze Musée des Beaux-Arts de Pau
Nature morte Louis Majorelle musée de l'École de Nancy
Portrait d'Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) et son épouse (née Julie Allard, 1844-1940), dans leur cabinet de travail painting by Louis Montégut Louis Montégut Musée Carnavalet
Don Quijote painting by Louis Surugue Louis Surugue Nationalmuseum
Rebane lindudega painting by Louis Theodor Lindblohm Louis Theodor Lindblohm Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Chemin des cimes à Sassenage painting by Louis Vagnat Louis Vagnat Museum of Grenoble
Louis Vonlanthen Autoportrait Louis Vonlanthen Fribourg museum of art and history
View of Lake Constance painting by Louise Cochelet Louise Cochelet
Riverbank painting, series 7 painting by Louise Lewis Louise Lewis Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Northern Night painting by Lowrie Warrener Lowrie Warrener National Gallery of Canada
Zonder titel painting by Luc Claus Luc Claus Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Madrid - Madrid en 80 jours par an son antipode. painting by Luc Deleu Luc Deleu Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Blue painting byHilderson from the Thomas Neiyrinck Collection (FRB 1061) Luc Hilderson King Baudouin Foundation
Artotheque Mons
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Madonna and Child painting by Luca della Robbia Luca della Robbia Princeton University Art Museum
Brazil painting by Lucien Hervé Lucien Hervé Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery
Les cartes les yeux la tente le ballon painting by Lucio Fanti Lucio Fanti Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Sublimatie painting by Ludo Verbeke Ludo Verbeke Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Eine venezianische Fischerfamilie painting by Ludwig von Beniczky Ludwig von Beniczky Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Selbstportrait painting by Luigi (1901-1975) Malipiero Luigi Malipiero Berlinische Galerie
Retrat de monjo painting by Luís Muñoz Luis Muñoz Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Landscape in the Style of Ni Zan (Fang Ni Zan shanshui 仿倪瓚山水) painting by Song Luo 宋犖 Luo Song Princeton University Art Museum
Das Atelier im Himmel painting by Lutz & Guggisberg Lutz & Guggisberg Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Playboys (Feminist Movement) painting by Lutz Bacher Lutz Bacher Whitney Museum of American Art
La saison dorée painting by Léon Boudot Léon Boudot Musée d'Orsay
Portrait d'Alexandre Schanne (1823-1887), modèle du "Schaunard" de "La Vie de Bohème" de Murger painting by Léon Dehaisne Léon Dehaisne Musée Carnavalet
Watering the Horses painting by Léon-Georges Calvès Léon-Georges Calvès National Gallery of Canada
Scene of Feasting from Sultan Murad III's "Siyer-I Nebi" or "Life of the Prophet" painting by Lütfi Abdullah Lütfi Abdullah Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Chanterelles painting by M. Lehtisaari M. Lehtisaari City of Pori art collection
Down Castle looking east painting by M. Misell M. Misell National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
Walking on a Mountain Path in Spring painting by Ma Yuan Ma Yuan
Ma Yuan
National Palace Museum
Kitchen still life painting by Maestro S. B. Maestro S. B. Museo del Prado
Ecce Homo painting by Maestro de la Santa Sangre Maestro de la Santa Sangre Museo del Prado
The Apostle James painting by Maestro de la Visitación de Palencia Maestro de la Visitación de Palencia Museo del Prado
The Nativity Triptych painting by Maestro del Tríptico del Zarzoso Maestro del Tríptico del Zarzoso Museo del Prado
Madonna and Child painting by Maestro di Sant'Ivo Maestro di Sant'Ivo Städel Museum
Tapiz painting by Magda Bolumar Magda Bolumar Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Sans titre painting by Maggy Kaiser Maggy Kaiser Musée des beaux-arts de Mulhouse
Dick Helander painting by Magnus Bjursten Magnus Bjursten Nationalmuseum
Vanha merimies muistelee painting by Maila Salo Maila Salo City of Pori art collection
Maj Bring, 1880-1971 painting by Maja Braathen Maja Braathen Nationalmuseum
Karl XI (1655-1697), count palatine of Zweibrücken, king of Sweden, married to Ulrika Eleonora the Elder of Denmark painting by Malin Gyllenstierna Malin Gyllenstierna National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
Picture of a Lady painting by Manchershaw Fakirjee Pithawalla Manchershaw Fakirjee Pithawalla National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Ambudirra Rock painting by Mangangina Wurramara Mangangina Wurramara National Gallery of Australia
Platja de Vilanova i la Geltrú painting by Manuel Amat Roses Manuel Amat Rosés Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
La duquesa de Alençon presentada a su hermano el rey de Francia Francisco I por el emperador Carlos V painting by Manuel Arroyo y Lorenzo Manuel Arroyo y Lorenzo Museo del Prado
La piedad en el desierto painting by Manuel Rodríguez Lozano Manuel Rodríguez Lozano Palace of Fine Arts
Immaculate Conception and Saints painting by Manuel Serna Manuel Serna Hispanic Society of America
El gave artwork by Manuel Zárate Manuel Zárate Pau Casals Museum
Taunay Waterfall in Tijuca Forest, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Photograph by Marc Ferrez Marc Ferrez Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
Florence Peak painting by Marc Pally Marc Pally Los Angeles County Museum of Art
180° Berlin painting by Marcel Backhaus Marcel Backhaus
La Rue du Mont-Cenis, effet de neige painting by Marcel Cogniet Marcel Cogniet Musée Carnavalet
Collectie Marcel Van Rooy painting by Marcel Van Rooy Marcel Van Rooy King Baudouin Foundation
Nimeta painting by Marco Nipper Marco Nipper Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Joseph Green (1690-1759) (copy after J. Verelst of 1739) painting by Mrs Basil Hall Margaret Hunter National Trust
Emperor Haute Couture painting by Margaret Sutherland Margaret Sutherland private collection
Still Life painting by Margaret G. Burroughs Margaret Taylor-Burroughs National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
The Wilderness of Waters painting by Margareta Stahl Margareta Stahle Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Triptych: Adoration of the magi, Annunciation and Nativity, and Flight to Egypt and Presentation in the Temple painting by Margareta van Eyck Margareta van Eyck private collection
Maarja Magdalena painting by Margarete Grünewaldt Margarete Grünewaldt Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
T. S. Law, 1916 - 1997. Poet painting by Margarete Seeler Margarete Seeler National Galleries of Scotland
A girl with apples painting by Margarethe Loewe-Bethe Margarethe Loewe-Bethe
Nathaniel Southgate Shaler (1841-1906) painting by Margarita Pumpelly Smyth Margarita Pumpelly Smyth Harvard Art Museums
Red Gorge painting by Margit Beck Margit Beck Whitney Museum of American Art
Näod punasel foonil painting by Margus Meinart Margus Meinart Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Karma painting by Mari Kartau Mari Kartau Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
In Plenty painting by Mari Syrén Mari Syrén Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Queen Maria Carolina and her children overlooking Naples painting by Maria Carolina of Austria Maria Carolina of Austria
44 Bilder painting by Maria Eichhorn Maria Eichhorn Berlinische Galerie
Landscape of Sintra with Shepherd and Goats painting by Guilhemina Reis, 1868, at the MNAC-MC, Lisbon Maria Guilhermina Silva Reis Palace of Ajuda
Auto-retrato de D. Maria das Dores Furtado painting by Maria das Dores de Almeida Furtado Maria das Dores de Almeida Furtado National Museum of Ancient Art
Circle of wishes painting by Mariana Manner Mariana Manner National Gallery of Kosovo
Antoni Casanovas Sallent artwok by Marià Matarrodona, 1881 Mariano Matarrodona Sabadell Art Museum
Depths painting by Marie Gabriëlle Marie Gabriëlle Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Pallase õu painting by Marie Lekstein Marie Lekstein Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
From the village painting by Marija Balan Marija Balan National Gallery of Kosovo
Nõuderiiul painting by Marika Naadel Marika Naadel Tartu City Museum's art collection
Siren painting by Marina Manner Marina Manner National Gallery of Kosovo
Kunstniku fantaasia painting by Marino Alt Marino Alt Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall painting by Mario Dyyon Mario Dyyon Whitney Museum of American Art
Marius Cazeneuve painting by Marius Cazeneuve Marius Cazeneuve Musée du Vieux Toulouse
Torremolinon huiput painting by Marja Sarakorpi Marja Sarakorpi City of Pori art collection
Magic painting by Marja Tarna Marja Tarna City of Pori art collection
Ovi painting by Marjatta Nuoreva Marjatta Nuoreva Finnish National Gallery
The Hillside painting by Marjorie E. Gass Marjorie E. Gass National Gallery of Canada
Hannen Swaffer painting by Marjorie Heath Marjorie Heath National Portrait Gallery
Juhtum I painting by Marju Mutsu Marju Mutsu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
See This Through (4) painting by Mark Flores Mark Flores Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Source painting by Mark Francis Mark Francis Tate
Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh painting by Mark Fredrickson Mark Fredrickson National Portrait Gallery
Portrait of Sir Graeme Davies Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Mark Gilbert Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Let me tell you something about hate painting by Mark Manders Mark Manders S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
On the spot I painting by Marko Vuokola Marko Vuokola Finnish National Gallery
Hands painting by Markus Luiro Markus Luiro City of Pori art collection
Flora painting by Markus Rissanen Markus Rissanen Finnish National Gallery
Untitled painting by Marlon Mullen Marlon Mullen Whitney Museum of American Art
Kireväärtus painting by Marta Stratskas Marta Stratskas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Maastik veekoguga painting by Martin Andreas Reissner Martin Andreas Reissner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Linnaeus in his Lapland Dress painting by Martin Hoffman in Museum Boerhaave Martin Hoffman Museum Boerhaave
Olof Palme, 1927-1986 painting by Martin Lamm Martin Lamm Nationalmuseum
Victory painting by Kapa Martti Kapanen Finnish National Gallery
Untitled painting by Mary Beth Edelson Mary Beth Edelson Indianapolis Museum of Art
Sir Edward Louis Spears, 1st Bt painting by Mary Borden, Lady Spears Mary Borden National Portrait Gallery
Chinese whispers B painting by Mary Evans Mary Evans Rijksmuseum Twenthe
View of Long Barn, Kent, in Winter painting by Mary Margaret Garman, Mrs Roy Campbell Mary Garman National Trust
Pickman-Derby House, 70 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts painting by Mary Jane Derby Mary Jane Derby Detroit Institute of Arts
My James painting by Mary Kelly Mary Kelly National Gallery of Art
Clara Chipman Newton (1848-1936) painting by Mary Louise McLaughlin Mary Louise McLaughlin Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal
Reverend William Ives Buddington (1815-1879), B. A. 1834, M. A. 1837 painting by Mary Theodora Davenport Mary Theodora Davenport Yale University Art Gallery
Annalies painting by Mary Tonkin Mary Tonkin National Gallery of Victoria
Unknown woman calld Margareta Eriksdotter Vasa painting attributed to Mäster Hillebrandt Master Hillebrandt National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
Flagellation of Christ painting by the master L. Cz. Master L. Cz. Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Leaf from a Book of Hours: The Visitation manuscript by Boucicaut Master (French, Paris, active about 1410-25) (1953.366.1) Master of Boucicaut Cleveland Museum of Art
St Jerome in the scriptorium painting by Master of Parral Master of Parral Museo Lázaro Galdiano
The Altarpiece of the Virgin painting by Master of Torralba Master of Torralba Museo del Prado
La Trinidad rodeada de ángeles painting by Maestro de Velilla de Jiloca (El Prado P002666) Master of Velilla de Jiloca Museo del Prado
The Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist painting by Master of Volterra Master of Volterra National Trust
Entry of Charles XIV John of Sweden in Trondheim 31 August 1835 painting by Mathias Anton Dalager Mathias Anton Dalager National Museum of Decorative Arts
Kurfürst Max IV. Joseph von Bayern painting by Mathias Klotz Mathias Klotz Bavarian State Painting Collections
Kahkewaquonaby, the Reverend Peter Jones painting by Matilda Jones Matilda Jones National Gallery of Canada
Erik "Bullen" Berglund, 1887-1963 painting by Mats Björlin Mats Björlin Nationalmuseum
Nils "Mora-Nisse” Karlsson, (1917-2012), skidåkare, olympisk guldmedaljör, g.m. Ulla-Britta Green painting by Mats Ergon Mats Ergon Nationalmuseum
The Holy Kinship painting by Matthäus Gutrecht the Younger Matthaus Gutrecht the Younger Philadelphia Museum of Art
untitled painting by Maureen Kaegi Maureen Kaegi Auckland Art Gallery
Offeraltare i landskap painting by Prins Maximilian Maximilian of Hesse-Kassel Nationalmuseum
Second Journey painting by Maynard (Jr.) Johnny Maynard (Jr.) Johnny National Gallery of Canada
Anna Neagle painting by McClelland Barclay McClelland Barclay National Portrait Gallery
Kääbuste isandad painting by Meeli Paldrok Meeli Paldrok Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Man of Sorrows with Madonna and Saint Catherine of Alexandria painting by Meester van de Heilige Veronica Meester van de Heilige Veronica Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
Livre d'heures à l'usage de Paris anonymous painting Meister der Münchner Legenda Aurea
Talbot Master
Smog painting by Mernet Larsen Mernet Larsen Whitney Museum of American Art
Neighbors painting by Merritt Mauzey Merritt Mauzey Dallas Museum of Art
Mining on traditional land painting by Mervyn Rubuntja Mervyn Rubuntja National Museum of Australia
Landscape with settlers painting by Messenger Sisters Messenger Sisters Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Altar frontal of the Archangels painting by Master of Sant Pau de Casserres Mestre de Sant Pau de Casserres Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
Clouds painting by Metka Krosovec Metka Krošovec National Gallery of Kosovo
Pulse Series Major painting by Mia Westerlund Roosen Mia Westerlund Roosen National Gallery of Canada
Daily Cycle painting by Michael Graves Michael Graves Princeton University Art Museum
Self Portrait Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Michael Kidd Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Break painting by Michael Madigan Michael Madigan Carnegie Museum of Art
Border #8 painting by Michal Rovner (MET, 1999.240) Michal Rovner Metropolitan Museum of Art
Le meurtre n°21 painting by Michel Vautier Michel Vautier Musée d'art moderne de Paris
David Bowie painting by Mick Haggerty Mick Haggerty National Portrait Gallery
Parapluies painting by Mick (Paulette Michey Micheyl dit) Mick Micheyl Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Djang'kawu sisters story painting by Mickey Durrng Mickey Durrng National Gallery of Victoria
Carlos Mª Ramírez painting by Miguel A. Gelly Miguel A. Gelly Museo Histórico Nacional
Gral. Cesar Díaz painting by Miguel Barreiro Miguel Barreiro Museo Histórico Nacional
Monsters under My Bed I painting by Mihkel Maripuu Mihkel Maripuu Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Portrait of a Negro painting by Miki Hayakawa Miki Hayakawa Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Portrait of Hans Keller painting by Milein Cosman Milein Cosman Fitzwilliam Museum
The legend of the Djang’kawu painting by Milirrpum Marika Milirrpum Marika Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Gustav Holst painting by Millicent Woodforde Millicent Woodforde National Portrait Gallery
Interior painting by Milorad Jankovic Milorad Janković National Gallery of Kosovo
The Picnic, Vermont painting by Milton Avery Milton Avery Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
California, Here it Comes painting by Milton Glaser Milton Glaser National Portrait Gallery
Spirit of the Mail (study) painting by Milton Horn Milton Horn Art Institute of Chicago
Untitled painting by Milton Moon Milton Moon Art Gallery of South Australia
Bebe Bain Kenen painting by Milton S. Fox (American, 1904-1971) (1982.347) Milton S. Fox Cleveland Museum of Art
Winter painting by Milutin Mitrovic Milutin Mitrović National Gallery of Kosovo
STOP! Kansen Kakudai -- COVID-19 poster by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Rosa del Lago painting by Miquel Vaquer Calumarte Miquel Vaquer Calumarte Municipal Institute of Museums of Reus
Sin título (Untitled) painting by Mitsuo Miura Mitsuo Miura Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Bernardo Belisário Soares de Souza Filho Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Mme. A. Deharmel Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Boat to Belgrade painting by Momcilo Antonovic Momćilo Antonović National Gallery of Kosovo
Tsirkus painting by Monika Bičiūnienė Monika Bičiūnienė Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Landschap met watervogels painting by Monogrammist IP Monogrammist IP Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
Zeegezicht in Blankenberge painting by Jean Delville Monogrammist M.F. Groeningemuseum
(Sans titre) painting by Mrzyk & Moriceau Moriceau + Mrzyk Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Portrait of Henk Naarendorp painting by Moritz Ebinger Moritz Ebinger Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Alarichs Bestattung im Flussbett des Busento painting by Moritz von Beckerath Moritz von Beckerath Bavarian State Painting Collections
Untitled (Avodat Hashem) painting by Moshe Ninio Moshe Ninio Israel Museum
Elvis Had 94 Gold Songs painting by Howard Finster and the Mountain Lake Workshop Mountain Lake Workshop
Howard Finster
Taubman Museum of Art
View over Brno with bridge over Svratka, painting by Mořic (Mauritz) Vilém Trapp Mořic Vilém Trapp Moravian Gallery in Brno
Eternal river painting by Muhamet Shala Muhamet Shala National Gallery of Kosovo
Portrait de Muzaffar al-Din Shah et de Aziz Khan Mukri Muhammad Hasan Afshar Department of Islamic Arts of the Louvre
King Solomon Enthroned painting by Muhammad Qasim Tabrizi Muhammad Qasim Tabrizi Rhode Island School of Design Museum
Auguste Henri Ponsot painting by Muhammad VI al-Habib Muhammad VI al-Habib Musée d'Orsay
The Chess Problem painting by Muriel C.W. Boulton Muriel C.W. Boulton National Gallery of Canada
Fisherman with black dog painting by Muru Walters Muru Walters Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Musical Instrument painting by Musical instrument Musical instrument
The creation of the Djang’kawu people painting by Mutitjpuy Mununggurr Mutitjpuy Mununggurr Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
The Sitting Room painting by Myra Louisa Bunce (Artist) Myra Bunce Birmingham Museums Trust
Kanpalla painting by Myrtle Pennington Myrtle Pennington National Gallery of Victoria
Paisagem noturna painting by Mário Neme Mário Neme Museu Paulista collection
Mário Neme collection
Mäna ga Djan'kawu at Dhurruputjpi painting by Mänman Wirrpanda Mänman Wirrpanda National Gallery of Victoria
Sunrise painting by Nadica Dekic Nadica Đekić National Gallery of Kosovo
De Dijver in Brugge painting by Nand Depondt Nand Depondt Groeningemuseum
Yinyalma painting by Naomi Hobson Naomi Hobson National Gallery of Australia
Summer Night, North-west Lapland painting by Naomi Jackson Groves Naomi Jackson Groves National Gallery of Canada
La rue d'Orchamp à Montmartre painting by Napoléon-Joseph Bellardel Napoléon Joseph Bellardel Musée Carnavalet
Molino de La Albolafia painting by Narciso Sentenach Narciso Sentenach y Cabañas Museum of Fine Arts of Córdoba
Anna Whitlock, 1852-1930, pedagog, utrikeskorrespondent, kvinnosakskämpe painting by Natanael Beskow Natanael Beskow Nationalmuseum
The Holy Family with St. John the Baptist and an Angel painting by Master of Naumburg Naumburg Master Indianapolis Museum of Art
The Sun Strip painting by Nazmi Sadiku Nazmi Sadiku National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition painting by Nebojsa Josic Nebojša Josić National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled painting by Nenad Radenkovic Nenad Radenković National Gallery of Kosovo
Still life with stools and books painting by Nick de Ville Nicholas de Ville Fitzwilliam Museum
Itaalia maastik painting by Niclas Kruss Niclas Kruss Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kázání sv. Jana Křtitele painting by Nicolaes de Bruyn Nicolaes de Bruyn Moravian Gallery in Brno
The Visitation painting by Nicolas Labbé Nicolas Labbé Musée des beaux-arts de Marseille
Christ Nailed to the Cross (Mary of Burgundy's Book of Hours) painting by Clay/Nicolas Spierinc Nicolas Spierinc Austrian National Library
Alfonso XIII con uniforme de capitán general painting by Nicolás Aquino y Losada Nicolás Aquino Museo del Prado
Untitled painting by Nicolas Kanellos Nicolás Kanellos National Gallery of Kosovo
Collage painting by Nigel Henderson Nigel Henderson Tate
My childhood`s neighbourhood painting by Nijazi Llonçari Nijazi Llonçari National Gallery of Kosovo
Reclining Nude painting by Nikanor Tjutrjumov Nikanor Tjutrjumov Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Prizren painting by Nikola Grahovac Nikola Grahovac National Gallery of Kosovo
Escort painting by Nikola Gvozdenovic Nikola Gvozdenović National Gallery of Kosovo
Kulama ceremony painting by Nina Puruntatameri Nina Puruntatameri National Gallery of Victoria
Sitting Girl painting by Nora Aarnisalo Nora Aarnisalo City of Pori art collection
Yiwarra (Milky Way) painting by Norah Napaljarri Nelson Norah Nelson Napaljarri National Gallery of Victoria
F-16 painting by Norberto Roldan Norberto Roldan Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Disease Detectives painting by Norman Gorbaty Norman Gorbaty National Portrait Gallery
Untitled painting by Norman McLaren Norman McLaren National Gallery of Canada
zonder titel painting by Noëlle Konning Noëlle Konning Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Ngupawarlu painting by Nyuju Stumpy Brown Nyuju Stumpy Brown National Gallery of Victoria
Libro para Manuel (El segundo nombre de las cosas) (Book for Manuel [The Second Name of Things]) painting by Néstor Sanmiguel Néstor Sanmiguel Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Veleiro de três mastros (atribuído) Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection O. Brieu Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection
Fundação Estudar collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
Schiffbruch der Brigg Gustaf im Ärmelkanal am 23. Oktober 1835 painting by Ole Johnsen Sebøy Ole Johnsen Sebøy Maritime Museum
Kükitav poisike painting by Olga Oboljaninova-Krümmer Olga Oboljaninova-Krümmer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Agnes von Krusenstjerna (1894-1940), author, married to David Sprengel painting by Olga Raphael Hallencreutz Olga Raphael-Linden Nationalmuseum
Sans titre painting by Francis Olin (FRB 1140) Olin Francis King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
La place d'Iéna et l'ancien Trocadéro painting by Olive Bigelow Olive Bigelow Musée Carnavalet
Edwin Smith painting by Olive Muriel Cook Olive Cook National Portrait Gallery
Työmaaruokalasta painting by Olli Rainti Olli Rainti City of Pori art collection
Vesikasveja I painting by Olli-Pekka Merimaa Olli-Pekka Merimaa City of Pori art collection
Vision of Chogyur Dechen Lingpa painting by Orgyen Chokgyur Lingpa Orgyen Chokgyur Lingpa private collection
HMS 'Southampton' on the morning of the Battle of Jutland, 31 May 1916 painting by Oscar Parkes Oscar Parkes Royal Museums Greenwich
Oskar Andersson, 1877-1906 painting by Oskar (O.A.) Andersson Oskar Andersson National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
Planche coranique painting by Osman-Mohamed Azouzi Osman-Mohamed Azouzi Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Rengärdet painting by Ossian Elgström Ossian Elgström Nationalmuseum
Frutas Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Oswaldo Cruz Museu Histórico Nacional collection
Riddarhuset i Stockholm painting by Otto August Mankell Otto August Mankell Nationalmuseum
Heinalised teel painting by Otto Engels Otto Engels Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Karikatuur Oskar Liivist tema 50. juubeli puhul painting by Otto Krusten Otto Krusten Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Self-portrait painting by Otto Christoph Joseph Gerhardt Ludwig Overbeck Otto Overbeck National Trust
Unit painting by Otto Prinsen Otto Prinsen Centraal Museum
Plant stand artwork by Otto Prutscher Otto Prutscher Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kreenholmi manufaktuur painting by Otto Using Otto Using Narva Museum's art collection
Here and Now painting and drawing by Outi Kuusisto Outi Kuusisto City of Pori art collection
Predator painting by Alkara, Ovadia Ovadia (Abdulla) Alkara Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art
Pillimees Tašaust painting by P. N. Staronosov P. N. Staronosov Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Talonäkymä painting by P. Taskinen P. Taskinen City of Pori art collection
Girl before a Mirror painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Escobar Museum of Modern Art
Paint Study #68 painting by Pablo Rasgado Pablo Rasgado Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Sin título (Untitled) painting by Pablo Sebastián Pablo Sebastián Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Saint Stephen's Ordination in the Deaconate painting by Vergós Group Pablo Vergós
Vergos family
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
John Hughes painting by Palmer Palmer National Portrait Gallery
Portti painting by Pasi Vainionpää Pasi Vainionpää City of Pori art collection
Julius Caesar died (sad life) painting by Vincenzo Camuccini Patrick Bruel National Museum of Capodimonte
Red-Handed painting by Patrick Hogan Patrick Hogan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Reinterpretácia painting by Patrik Kovačovský Patrik Kovačovský Bratislava City Gallery
Casa rural (1916) artwork by Pau Antoni de Bejar i Novella, 1916 Pau Antoni de Bejar i Novella Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi
Paisatge artwok by Pau Maria Turull i Fournols, 1906 Pau Maria Turull i Fournols Sabadell Art Museum
Approach to the Shrine at Guadalupe, Mexico painting by Paul Ashbrook Paul Ashbrook Cincinnati Art Museum
Abyss of Gold painting by Paul Beaulieu Paul Beaulieu National Gallery of Canada
Alvin B. Kernan, Avalon Foundation Professor of the Humanities; Dean of the Graduate School 1973-1977 painting by Paul C. Burns Paul Callan Vincent Burns Princeton University Art Museum
At the Spring painting by Paul Falconer Poole Paul Falconer Poole Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Untitled painting by Paul Fournier Paul Fournier National Gallery of Canada
Paul Poiret (1879-1944), couturier painting by Paul Guillaume Paul Guillaume Musée Carnavalet
Ella Hofmann painting by Paul Hofmann Paul Hofmann Belvedere
Going painting by Paul Hutner Paul Hutner National Gallery of Canada
Nõukogude liidu hümn (plakat) painting by Paul Luhtein Paul Luhtein Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
After the Pow Wow painting by Paul Anthony Pahsetopah Paul Pahsetopah Gilcrease Museum
Helene v. Schillingi portree painting by Paul Römer Paul Römer Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Limoges enamelled plaque depicting crucifixion of Christ enamel artwork Paul Soyer Khalili Collection: Enamels of the World
Anderson (Tartan, Plaid Series) painting by Paul Tzanetopoulos Paul Tzanetopoulos Los Angeles County Museum of Art
The Wedding at Cana painting by Paolo Veronese (1563, Louvre) Paul Véronèse (Paolo Caliari, dit) (Vérone, 1528-Venise, 1588) peintre Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Poiss vähiga painting by Pauline Geiger Pauline Geiger Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Leaf and Plant (Copied from Needlework screen completed by Julia Lady Calverley, 1727) painting by Pauline Trevelyan, Mrs John Gordon Dower, OBE, CBE Pauline Trevelyan National Trust
Epitaph/painting painted by Peter Andersen Nordmand, carved by Christopher Ridder (Norsk Folkemuseum, NF.1929-0198) Peder Andersen
Christopher Ridder
Norwegian Museum of Cultural History
El fandango de la bomba / Fandangos de Valverde / Faltan (The Bomb Fandango / Valverde Fandangos / Left) painting by Pedro G. Romero Pedro G. Romero Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Sin título (Untitled) painting by Pedro Mora Pedro Mora Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
South African Postcard II painting by Penelope Siopis Penny Siopis David Bowie's art collection
Högfjällsblomma painting by Per Enoksson Per Enoksson National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Scenografi för en opera painting by Pehr Estenberg Per Estenberg Nationalmuseum
Adolf Fredrik (1710-1771), kung av Sverige, g.m. Lovisa Ulrika av Preussen som konsternas beskyddare painting by Per Floding Per Floding Nationalmuseum
Per-Olov Zennström, 1920-1977 painting by Per-Olov Zennström Per-Olov Zennström Nationalmuseum
Entry Cathedral (Tarragona) painting by Pere Duran Pere Duran i Farell Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Composition painting, collage art by Pertti Ala-Outinen Pertti Ala-Outinen City of Pori art collection
At rest painting by Pestonji Bomanjee Pestonji Bomanji National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi‎
Composition painting by Petar Duza Petar Đuza National Gallery of Kosovo
David Marsh in Horse-Drawn Sleigh in a Winter Landscape painting by Peter B. West Peter B. West Clark Art Institute
Mayibuye Head C painting by Peter Bongani Shange Peter Bongani Shange David Bowie's art collection
Peasants in a Landscape painting by Peter le Cave Peter Cave Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Ohne Titel painting by Peter Dietz Peter Dietz Bavarian State Painting Collections
Soweto sixteenth of June, 1976 painting by Peter Kennard Peter Kennard Centraal Museum
Okänd präst painting by Peter Magnus Billman Peter Magnus Billman Nationalmuseum
Diana and Her Nymphs Departing for the Hunt painting by Peter Paul Rubens (Flemish, 1577-1640); Workshop (1959.190) Peter Paul Rubens
Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens
Cleveland Museum of Art
Northbrook collection
The Red House Painting from Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow Peter Thomson Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery
Funeral painting by Phil Frost Phil Frost Princeton University Art Museum
Alfred Chantrey Corbould painting by Philip William ('Phil') May Phil May National Portrait Gallery
The abduction of Helena painting by Philipp Anton Schilgen Philipp Anton Schilgen Bavarian State Painting Collections
Het bestuur van het Brugse chirurgijnsambacht painting by Philippe Bernaerdt Philippe Bernard Groeningemuseum
De Beurs van Hendrick de Keyser painting by Philips (II) Vinckboons Philips Vingboons Amsterdam Museum
Epure gothique painting by Phillipe Decelle Phillipe Decelle King Baudouin Foundation
The Servants' New Year's Eve Ball in the Entrance Hall at Lyme Park painting by The Hon. Phyllis Elinor Legh, Mrs Henry Gerard Walter Sandeman Phyllis Elinor Legh National Trust
La mort de saint Pierre painting by Pierre Cadiou Pierre Cadiou Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Chimigramme painting by Pierre Cordier (FRB 0440) Pierre Cordier King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
South Utopia painting by Pierre Gaboriau Pierre Gaboriau National Gallery of Canada
Susanna and the Elders painting by Pierre Hubert L'Archevêque Pierre Hubert L'Archevêque Nationalmuseum
Matritvm Urbs Regia painting by Pierre Schild painted in 1956 Pierre Schild
Sans titre (Rouge) painting by Pierre Toby, MAC's MAC-2016-001 Pierre Toby MAC's
Esquisse pour l'escalier d'honneur de la mairie du 13ème arrondissement de Paris : Allégorie des Arts painting by Pierre Octave Vigoureux Pierre Vigoureux Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris
La Galerie d'Apollon au musée du Louvre painting Pierre de Castelnau Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Okänd man painting by Louis Alexandre Pierre-Antoine Bellangé Nationalmuseum
Funérailles de Victor Hugo, 31 mai et 1er juin 1885 painting by H Mayeux Pierre-Henri Mayeux Maison de Victor Hugo
Boy with a mouse and a mousetrap painting by Heinrich Guttenberg / Pieter van Slingelandt Pieter Cornelisz van Slingelandt
Heinrich Guttenberg
private collection
Capriccio with Ruins painting by Pietro Bellotti (Mauritshuis 307) Pietro Bellotti Mauritshuis
A Visitação (Duomo de San Miniato) painting by Pietro Bernardini Pietro Bernardini Duomo
Wisecrack painting by Pilvi Ojala Pilvi Ojala Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Fish painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Piraji Sagara
R.T.G. I painting by Pop Pavel Pop Pavel National Gallery of Kosovo
n/eighty nine Painting by Prabhavathi Meppayil (MET, 2017.74) Prabhavathi Meppayil Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painted Basketry Hat painting by Primrose Adams Primrose Adams The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Prince Louis of Hesse (1837-1892), later Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse painting by Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse & by Rhine, consort of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse & by Rhine, 2nd daughter of Queen Victoria Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse (1843-78) Royal Collection
Landscape with a Bridge painting by Princess Helena, consort of Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, 3rd daughter of Queen Victoria Princess Helena of the United Kingdom Royal Collection
Still Life - Flowers painting by Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Autumnal Landscape painting by Ike (Tokuyama) Gyokuran Q46484634 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Two Paintings of Deer Antlers handscrolls (China) by Qianlong Emperor (MET, 13.220.127a, b) Qianlong Emperor Metropolitan Museum of Art
Asian Art
Paisatge amb ànecs i pastor painting by R. Brugadas R. Brugadas Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific Airways Painting by R.G. Davidson. R.G. Davidson Hong Kong travel poster collection
On the Way painting by ROP (artist group Tuomo Rosenlund and Pekko Orava) ROP (taiteilijaryhmä Tuomo Rosenlund ja Pekko Orava) City of Pori art collection
Composition with Dartington Glass painting by Rachel Nicholson Rachel Nicholson Auckland Art Gallery
Картина painting by Radi Kolesov Radi Kolesov
The Cradle painting by Radomir Antic Radomir Antić National Gallery of Kosovo
Blue Square painting by Radomir Damjanovic Radomir Damjanović National Gallery of Kosovo
Dusk painting by Radomir Jankovic Paja Radomir Janković Paja National Gallery of Kosovo
Dans la brousse équatoriale painting by dit) Raffy le Persan (Jean Raffy Raffy-Le-Persan Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Poem painting by Rai Shunfu (Japanese) (1972.117.1.5) Rai Shunfu Cleveland Museum of Art
Poem painting by Shunsui Rai (Japanese, 1746-1816) (1972.117.2.6) Rai Shunsui Cleveland Museum of Art
Poem painting by Kyohei Rai (Japanese, 1756-1834) (1972.117.1.10) Rai kyōhei Cleveland Museum of Art
Muusan päiväunet "Minne se pehmeä hartiahuivi on viety" painting by Raimo Huittinen Raimo Huittinen City of Pori art collection
Rantanäkymä painting by Reino Lehikoinen Raimo Lehikoinen City of Pori art collection
Morgensonne painting by Rainer Metzger Rainer Metzger Bavarian State Painting Collections
Generatsioonid III painting by Raivo Kelomees Raivo Kelomees Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Introspective Anticipation - XVI painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Rajiv Lochan
Untitled painting by Rakefet Viner Omer Rakefet Viner Omer Janco Dada Museum
Across the Tracks painting by Ralph Dubin Ralph Dubin Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Retrat de R. Lisas painting by Ramir Rocamora i Bernat Ramir Rocamora i Bernat Municipal Institute of Museums of Reus
Pau Casals en concert artwork by Ramon Llisas i Fernàndez Ramon Llisas i Fernàndez Pau Casals Museum
Daniel Johnson and John Robarts painting by Ranan Lurie Ranan Lurie National Portrait Gallery
The Wall painting by Ranko Sukic Ranko Šukić National Gallery of Kosovo
The Marriage of the Virgin 1504 painting by Raphael Raphaële Pinacoteca di Brera
Dresden-II 13 II '45 painting by Raquel Maulwurf Raquel Maulwurf Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Wilson Creek Polyptych painting by Ray Kass Ray Kass Taubman Museum of Art
Unfinished Walk painting by Ray Mead Ray Mead National Gallery of Canada
Vineyard on the Hill painting by Raymond August Mintz Raymond August Mintz Whitney Museum of American Art
Portrait de Madame Raoul Larche painting by Raymond Sudre Raymond Sudre
Rotation in the Crosswind painting by Rebecca Horn Rebecca Horn Harvard Art Museums
Busch–Reisinger Museum
Peegeldus painting by Reet Sepp Reet Sepp Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Woman On Boat painting by Reg Butler Reg Butler David Bowie's art collection
In the Park painting by Regina Kylberg Regina Kylberg-Bobeck Nationalmuseum
Water Lilies and Autumn Leaves painting by Reiji Hiramatsu Reiji Hiramatsu musée des impressionnismes Giverny
Vihreän kirkon kummitus painting by Reijo Paavilainen Reijo Paavilainen City of Pori art collection
Hengitystie painting by Reima Nevalainen Reima Nevalainen City of Pori art collection
Star of Lapland painting by Rein Jõgis Rein Jõgis Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Punane vein painting by Rein Mets Rein Mets University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Aufrecht stehen painting by Reinhard Minkewitz Reinhard Minkewitz
Altona painting by Reinhard Mucha Reinhard Mucha Städel Museum
Suffer little children to come unto me painting by Rembrandt attributed by Jan Six Rembrandt
Jan Six I
private collection
Grátis Work at the Museu Victor Meirelles Renata de Andrade Museu Victor Meirelles
Natüürmort painting by Renate Jõesaar Renate Jõesaar Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Donjon No. 4 painting by René Pierre Allain René Pierre Allain National Gallery of Canada
Source painting by Reshat Ahmeti Reshat Ahmeti National Gallery of Kosovo
Sunset painting by Reveau Bassett Reveau Mott Bassett Dallas Museum of Art
Yellow Face painting by Antilhomme Richard Antilhomme Yale University Art Gallery
Vierge de Gloire painting by Richard Brunck de Freundeck Richard Brunck de Freundeck Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Behemoth's World painting by Richard Clifton-Dey Richard Clifton-Dey
Self-Portrait of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo painting by Richard. 1627-1697; Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban Collin Richard Collin Hermitage Museum
A Landscape, with Cattle, and the Story of Tobias and the Angel Painting by Richard Earlom after Claude Lorrain Richard Earlom Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum
Inland ... painting by Richard Gorenko Richard Gorenko National Gallery of Canada
82nd Street - Metropolitan painting by Richard Haas Richard Haas Metropolitan Museum of Art
Head of Joan painting by Richard Lahey Richard Lahey Whitney Museum of American Art
Otsquago Series painting by Richard Pugliese Richard Pugliese S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
Portrait of Elizabeth Isabella Broughton, about seven years old, 1814 painting by Richard Read Richard Read Sr. National Library of Australia
Vaikse ookeani rand painting by Richard Sööt Richard Sööt Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
The Battle of Quiberon Bay, 21 November 1759: the Day After painting by Richard Wright Richard Wright Royal Museums Greenwich
Spring painting by Risto Toivanen Risto Toivanen Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Napoleon at Austerlitz painting by Robert Braun and Michael Russell Robert Braun
Michael Russell
Brown Grand Theatre
Walter Hastings (1815-1879) painting by Robert Hinckley Robert C. Hinckley Harvard Art Museums
Self-Portrait painting by Robert De Niro Robert De Niro Metropolitan Museum of Art
Circus Poster painting by Robert E. Weaver Robert Edward Weaver Indianapolis Museum of Art
Untitled painting by Robert Gober Robert Gober Whitney Museum of American Art
View of Niagara Falls painting by Robert H. Whale Robert H. Whaley National Gallery of Canada
Woodville painting by Robert Jay Wolff Robert Jay Wolff Tate
Portrait of C.H. Granby as Sir Peter Teazle in 'The School for Scandal' painting by Robert Mannix Robert Mannix National Gallery of Ireland
Mountain Series, Number 2 painting by Robert McChesney Robert P. McChesney Whitney Museum of American Art
Richard Gwynne Esq of Taliaris painting by Robert Taylor Robert Taylor National Library of Wales Framed works of art collection
National Library of Wales
My Tentacular Vision of Ottawa painting by Robert Théberge-Trépanier Robert Théberge-Trépanier National Gallery of Canada
Allégorie à la gloire de Voltaire painting by Robert-Guillaume Dardel Robert-Guillaume Dardel Musée Carnavalet
Paisaje del Noroeste Mexicano painting by Roberto Peña Dessens Roberto Peña Dessens
Gilbert Marion painting by Robin Watt Robin Watt National Gallery of Canada
Everyone no 83 painting by Rodney Glick Rodney Glick Art Gallery of New South Wales
André Pinto Rebouças Work of the Museu Histórico Nacional's collection Rodolfo Bernardelli Museu Histórico Nacional collection
A Snow-Capped Mountain painting by Rodolfo Amedeo Lanciani Rodolfo Lanciani Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Návrh na pamätník Antonia Rossiniho painting by Rodolfo Vantini Rodolfo Vantini Bratislava City Gallery
Portrait of a Woman with a Lute painting by Roesler Roesler Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Landschap Sint-Martens-Latem painting by Roger Hespel Roger Hespel Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
I am Glad that you Exist painting by Roi Vaara Roi Vaara Finnish National Gallery
Untitled (Urban Wall) mural by Roland Hobart Roland Hobart Indianapolis
Winter, Kinsmen Park painting by Roland Keevil Roland Keevil National Gallery of Canada
Toreador painting by Roland Kempe Roland Kempe Nationalmuseum
Självporträtt painting by Rolf Swedberg Rolf Swedberg Nationalmuseum
Untitled painting by Ronnie Elliott Ronnie Elliott Whitney Museum of American Art
Princess Victoria of Wales (1868-1935) painting by Rosa Koberwein Rosa Koberwein Royal Collection
Number 3, 1954 painting by Rosemarie Beck Rosemarie Beck Whitney Museum of American Art
Derek Walcott ('The Sun Poet') painting by Ross Wilson Ross Wilson National Portrait Gallery
Schooner "Marie Stuart" Refitting at Yarmouth, N.S. painting by Rowley Murphy Rowley Murphy National Gallery of Canada
Self-Portrait with Disaster and the Earth Trembles in its Center! painting by Ruben Ortiz Rubén Ortiz Torres Metropolitan Museum of Art
Woman with Meat painting by Russell William Wagoshe Russell William Wagoshe Gilcrease Museum
Untitled (BMC.116, Abstraction (dogwood leaves)) painting by Ruth Asawa Ruth Asawa Harvard Art Museums
Busch–Reisinger Museum
Sir Victor Gollancz painting by Ruth Gollancz (née Lowy) Ruth Gollancz National Portrait Gallery
The Picnic painting by Ruth Starr Ruth Starr Rose National Gallery of Canada
Sans titre painting by Ruvem -Levay (FRB 1084) Ruvem Levay King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Beaux-Arts Mons
Patio de uma casa do interior de S. Paulo painting by Ruy de Albuquerque Ruy de Albuquerque Museu Paulista collection
Iron painting by Ruzica Beba Pavlovic Ružica Beba Pavlović National Gallery of Kosovo
La rue Saint-Honoré et l'église Saint-Roch painting by S. Mingasson de Martinazeau S. Mingasson de Martinazeau Musée Carnavalet
Mrs. Henrietta Frances Bryant painting by S. Tensfelds S. Tensfelds Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Horizontality with Green and Brown painting by Sally Elesby Sally Elesby Whitney Museum of American Art
Lilled köögilaual painting by Salme Rida Salme Rida Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Untitled painting by Salome Tanuvasa Salome Tanuvasa Auckland Art Gallery
Composició matèrica painting by Salvador Arias Salvador Arias Montes Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Indomeneo: Echo painting by Alfred DeCredico Samarkand Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
In interior painting by Sami Gjuka Sami Gjuka National Gallery of Kosovo
Along the Wunderbaum Road painting by Samppa Törmälehto Samppa Törmälehto Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Price Raid painting by Samuel J. Reader Samuel J. Reader Kansas Historical Society
Mrs. Simmons painting by Samuel Joseph Brown Samuel Joseph Brown Smithsonian American Art Museum
William Starke Rosecrans painting by Samuel Woodson Price Samuel Woodson Price National Portrait Gallery
Cumulo painting by Sanford Biggers (American, b. 1970) (2015.82) Sanford Biggers Cleveland Museum of Art
Attic Interior with Cat and Mouse painting by The Hon. Sarah Millicent Hermione Churchill (1914-1982), The Hon. Sarah Millicent Hermione von Samek Sarah Churchill National Trust
Autumn Leaves painting by Sarah Jane Prentiss Sarah Jane Prentiss private collection
Hanging Bunch of Grapes painting by Sarah Wilhelmina Wenzler Sarah Wilhelmina Wenzler National Gallery of Art
Painting, stretched painting by Sacha Gallery Sasha Gallery Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
The Madonna and Child painting by Sassoferrato Sassoferrato private collection
Cook collection
Umber painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Satish Panchal National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Sketches for Eduardas Mieželaitis' poetry painting by Saulutė Kisarauskienė Saulutė Kisarauskienė Saulė Aleškevičiūtė-Kisarauskienė
Rugova dance painting by Sava Pavlovic Sava Pavlović National Gallery of Kosovo
Calligraphy painting by Kan Sazan (Japanese) (1972.117.1.12) Sazan Kan Cleveland Museum of Art
Portrait of a Woman, possibly Diane de Poitiers (1499-1566) painting by Anoniem / school of Fontainebleau School of Fontainebleau Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Jacques Goudstikker collection
Collection Goudstikker heirs
Crucifixion of St. Andrew painting by the school of Rubens School of Rubens Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
White Pentagonal Monochrome (tambourine) painting by Scoli Acosta Scoli Acosta Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida painting by Sebastián Cruset Sebastián Cruset Hispanic Society of America
DOOD painting by Sef Peeters Sef Peeters Noordbrabants Museum
Lugeja painting by Selma Loog Selma Loog Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Love under the Moonlight painting by Semiha Berksoy Semiha Berksoy Galerist
Südalinn painting by Sergei Inkatov Sergei Inkatov Narva Museum's art collection
Laatsaruse ülestõusmine painting by Sergei Jatsenko Sergei Jatsenko Narva Museum's art collection
Horisont painting by Sergei Lotsmanov Sergei Lotsmanov Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Number 9 painting by Seymour Boardman Seymour Boardman Whitney Museum of American Art
Lady in a Bamboo Grove after Qiu Ying painting by Shen Shuo Shen Shuo Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sables d'Olonne painting by Shigeru Izumi Shigeru Izumi Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Sparrows and Bamboo painting by Shiken Seidō (Japanese, 1486–1581); Ekkei Reikaku (Japanese, d. 1609) (2015.457) Shiken Seidō
Ekkei Reikaku
Cleveland Museum of Art
The Elephant painting by Shikh Sabbir Alam Shikh Sabbir Alam S.M.A.K. - Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
Pipes Painting by Shiva Ahmadi (MET, 2014.525) Shiva Ahmadi Metropolitan Museum of Art
Images in Space painting by Shpend Goranci Shpend Goranci National Gallery of Kosovo
When it rains forever painting by Shpend Qeriqi Shpend Qeriqi National Gallery of Kosovo
Oinochoe by the Shuvalov Painter famous ancient Greek vase depicting erotic encounter between man and woman Shuvalov Painter Antikensammlung Berlin
Nude painting by Shyqeri Gjurkaj Shyqeri Gjurkaj National Gallery of Kosovo
Jeune fille couchée dans l'herbe painting by Sibylle Riquetti de Mirabeau Sibylle Riquetti de Mirabeau Musée d'Orsay
Man in Boat painting by Sidney Goldsmith Sidney Goldsmith National Gallery of Canada
Ute painting by Sidsel Paaske Sidsel Paaske National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Mõistatus painting by Sigismund Lada Sigismund Lada Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Elagu rahu rahvaste vahel! painting by Siima Škop Siima Škop Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Harwichport, Cape Cod painting by Sam Barber Simeon Barber Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Folk dance painting by Simon Shiroka Simon Shiroka National Gallery of Kosovo
Landscape with a Distant Country House painting by Sir William Elford Sir William Elford, 1st Baronet Royal Collection
Stilleben painting by Siri Rathsman Siri Rathsman Nationalmuseum
Full of Luck painting by Slavkovic Svetislav Kajzer Slavković Svetislav Kajzer National Gallery of Kosovo
Thrown object painting by Slobodan Knezevic Slobodan Knežević National Gallery of Kosovo
Chagall`s Room painting by Slobodanka Rakic Shefer Slobodanka Rakić Shefer National Gallery of Kosovo
(Collaborative Work) painting by Society of Independent Artists Society of Independent Artists Whitney Museum of American Art
View of the First Monastery of the Ursulines in Quebec City painting by Soeur Georgina Vanfelson Soeur Georgina Vanfelson National Gallery of Canada
Tom of Estonia painting by Soho Fond Soho Fond Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Reading a Sutra by Moonlight painting by Sokuhi Nyoitsu (Jifei Ruyi) Sokuhi Nyoitsu Metropolitan Museum of Art
Centaur painting by Sonja Drobnjak Sonja Drobnjak National Gallery of Kosovo
Status Update painting by Sonny Assu Sonny Assu National Gallery of Canada
La mort de Socrate painting by Sophie Bernard Sophie Bernard Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Louis d'Orléans, duc d'Orléans painting by Sophie Rochard Sophie Rochard Museum of the History of France
From Venice painting by Sophus Niels Claussen Sophus Claussen National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
The Raid (House Search with Green Star) painting by Sorel Etrog Sorel Etrog National Gallery of Canada
Equestrian portrait of Charles XII painting by Kung Stanislaus I Leszczynski Stanisław Leszczyński Drottningholm Collection
Motu-maraenui - afternoon painting by Stanley Palmer Stanley Palmer Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Self-portrait painting by Stefan Faliński Stefan Faliński Strasbourg Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg
Lys painting by Steinar Klasbu Steinar Klasbu National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
#5 Untitled (for Robert Ryman) painting by Stephen Antonakos Stephen Antonakos Indianapolis Museum of Art
Subway painting by Stephen De Staebler Stephen De Staebler Princeton University Art Museum
Wings of Love painting by Stephen Pearson Stephen Pearson
Fat Girl Descending Her Staircase painting by Steven Gianakos Steve Gianakos Whitney Museum of American Art
Brown Noise Meditation painting by Steven Yazzie Steven Yazzie National Gallery of Canada
Portrait of John Farnham, Gentleman-Pensioner to Elizabeth I painting by Steven van der Meulen Steven van der Meulen
Steven van Herwijck
Worcester Art Museum
The Complete Beatles painting by Stian Eide Kluge Stian Eide Kluge National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Rooftops painting by Stuart Egnal Stuart Egnal Philadelphia Museum of Art
Wild Duck Kōan painting by Genrō Suiō Suiō Genro Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Kuum päev painting by Sulev Sukmit Sulev Sukmit Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Page from a dispersed muraqqa‘, or album, with calligraphic specimens in nasta’liq script item EA2012.82 in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Sultan Ali Mashhadi Ashmolean Museum
Horse Race at Kamo painting by Sumiyoshi Hiromori Sumiyoshi Hiromori Metropolitan Museum of Art
Vabhruvahana Approaches Arjuna, page from the Khan Khanan's Razm-nama painting by Sur Das Gujarati (Indian, active 16th century) (1960.44) Sur Das Gujarati Cleveland Museum of Art
Page from Tales of a Parrot (Tuti-nama): Eighth night: The young prince is crowned and the wicked handmaiden is executed painting by Suraju (Indian) (1962.279.73.a) Suraju Cleveland Museum of Art
Weaving Women painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore Surinder
New York Portrait painting by Susan Hall Susan Hall Whitney Museum of American Art
Dugong painting by Susan Wanji Wanji Susan Wanji Wanji National Gallery of Australia
Lisette Charlotte Hellman, född 1752 painting by Sven Hedin Sven Anders Hedin Nationalmuseum
Inge Schiöler, 1908-1971 painting by Sven Rydén Sven Rydén Nationalmuseum
Uden titel painting by Svend Danielsen Svend Danielsen Statens Museum for Kunst
Die Geschichte painting by Svetlana Kopystiansky Svetlana Kopystiansky Berlinische Galerie
Sergeant Henry Asbjørn Larsen (1899-1964) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police painting by Sydney March Sydney March Royal Museums Greenwich
T.V... painting by Sylvain Voyer Sylvain Voyer National Gallery of Canada
Harbor II painting by Sylvia Braverman Sylvia Braverman Seattle Art Museum
Zonder titel painting by Grosjean (FRB 0854) Sébastien Grosjean King Baudouin Foundation
Collection Thomas Neirynck
Artotheque Mons
Le Bazar de la Charité après l'incendie du 4 juin 1897 painting by T. Bianco T. Bianco Musée Carnavalet
Beauty painting by Tacita Dean Tacita Dean San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Warrior dedicated to the Itsukushima Shrine painting by Taira no Kiyomori Taira no Kiyomori
Taira no Shigemori
Taira no Yorimori
Taira no Norimori
Itsukushima Shrine
Kasuga Gongen Genki E painted Japanese handscrolls Takatsukasa Mototada
Takatsukasa Fuyuhira
Imperial House of Japan
Tapestry I painting by Talvikki Lehtinen Talvikki Lehtinen City of Pori art collection
Kreenholmi koskede kaja painting by Tamara Barbarina Tamara Barbarina Narva Museum's art collection
Patua, te whe wheia, kill the the enemy... within painting by Tame Iti Tame Iti Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Ruukku painting by Tapani Mikkonen Tapani Mikkonen Finnish National Gallery
Traces painting by Tapta Tapta Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
... painting by Taru Anttila Taru Anttila City of Pori art collection
Shells painting by Tatjana Poznjakova Tatjana Poznjakova National Gallery of Kosovo
Refreshing Snow (Kaisetsu) Calligraphy painting by Tayama Hōnan Tayama Hōnan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Tuoli ja Siveltimet painting by Tellervo Töyry Tellervo Töyry City of Pori art collection
Holding God painting by Tempi & Wolf Tempi & Wolf Groninger Museum
Brighton Belle street mural mural series by Terry Smith Terry Smith Brighton Toy and Model Museum
Virtual Painting: Quad Squad #1 painting by Terry Urbahn Terry Urbahn Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Bo Bergman, 1869-1967 painting by Thage Nordholm Thage Nordholm Nationalmuseum
Images of a Woman painting by The Beatles The Beatles
Kukuri painting by Thea Ekström Thea Ekström Finnish National Gallery
God's Garden painting by Thelma Frazier Winter (American, 1905-1977) (1945.47) Thelma Frazier Winter Cleveland Museum of Art
Swingers Painting of Estonian village celebrations. Theodor Gehlhaar Art Museum of Estonia
Belevenissen 12 painting by Thierry Saey Thierry Saey Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
The Beach painting by Thomas McCormack Thomas Arthur McCormack Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare O Rehua Whanganui
Saal painting by Thomas Demand Thomas Demand Städel Museum
Joseph Haydn painting by Thomas Hardy, Royal College of Music Thomas Hardy
Unknown woman painting by Thomas Hargreaves Thomas Hargreaves Nationalmuseum
Untitled, George Orwell painting by Thomas Hirschhorn Thomas Hirschhorn Art Gallery of South Australia
Primaries painting by Thomas Holland Thomas Holland Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Distant View of Lowestoft from the South painting by Thomas Kerrich Thomas Kerrich National Gallery
The Head of Ullswater, With the Lodge of Patterdale on the Left painting by Thomas Sunderland Thomas Sunderland Yale Center for British Art
Sir James Dewar, 1842 – 1923. Chemist painting by Thomas W. Dewar Thomas William Dewar National Galleries of Scotland
Figures in a Tree-lined Garden painting by Thomas Woolner RA Thomas Woolner National Trust
Mountainlandscape with Village painting by Thorben Viking Bille Thorben Viking Bille National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design
Autoportrait de Théodore Reinach vers l'âge de vingt ans painting by Théodore Reinach Théodore Reinach private collection
The Little Milkmaid painting by Théodule Ribot (French, 1823-1891) (1973.31) Théodule-Armand Ribot Cleveland Museum of Art
zonder titel painting by Thérèse Van Ravels Thérèse Van Ravels Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Punane mägi painting by Tiina Reinsalu Tiina Reinsalu Tartu Art Museum's watercolor collection
Perillä painting by Tiina-Liisa Rauhalammi Tiina-Liisa Rauhalammi City of Pori art collection
Debut of Concorde painting by Louis Mitelberg Tim National Portrait Gallery
This painting by Timo Sälekivi Timo Sälekivi City of Pori art collection
Night Hunting painting by Tom Dorsey Jr. Tom Dorsey, Jr. Gilcrease Museum
Scene in a Coal Mine (recto); Still Life with Tomatoes by a Green Jug (verso) painting by Tom McGuinness Tom McGuinness National Trust
Composition painting by Tonin Tantrakul Tonin Tantrakul National Gallery of Kosovo
Untitled painting by Tony Oursler Tony Oursler John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Looduse ring painting by Toomas Kuusing Toomas Kuusing Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Erootika painting by Toomas Mürk Toomas Mürk Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
The Tale of Genji painting by Tosa School artist Tosa school Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
La Carrega painting by Sara i Carbó Tousmouline Museu de la Garrotxa
My Yard painting by Trajko Stojanovic Trajko Stojanović National Gallery of Kosovo
Le Café des Aveugles, au Palais-Royal painting by Traviès Traviès Musée Carnavalet
Composition painting by Tuula Hölsö Tuula Hölsö City of Pori art collection
Bottom of the Sea painting by Tuula Kuusela Tuula Kuusela Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Ounasvaaralta painting by Tytti af Forselles Tytti af Forselles City of Pori art collection
Elektripirn painting by Udo Jõgi Udo Jõgi Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
One-line Calligraphy: An enlightened mind endures forever painting by Gizan Ryōchū Ueda Gizan Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Vaikus painting by Uku Masing Uku Masing Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Sunny painting by Ulla Söderholm Ulla Söderholm Teresia and Rafael Lönnström Foundation art collection
Mehe portree painting by Ulrich Ewald Stegmann Ulrich Ewald Stegmann Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
bärig painting by Ulrike Pfeiffer Ulrike Pfeiffer Bavarian State Painting Collections
Composition painting by Umberto Mastroianni Umberto Mastroianni Dallas Museum of Art
Eight Views of the Xiao and Xiang River Valley painting by Unkoku Tōkaku Unkoku Tōkaku Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Sinised roosid painting by Urmas Puhkan Urmas Puhkan Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Two Women Admiring the Sights from a Vantage Point Overlooking the Zenpukuji Temple painting by Utagawa (Gountei) Sadahide Utagawa Sadahide Metropolitan Museum of Art
Platform No. 2 painting by V & B V & B Centraal Museum
The poet's passion painting collection of National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore V Ramesh National Gallery of Modern Art, Bangalore
Maal. Vaike Õlekõrs. Hetk Uuemõisast. 2008. Akrüül, papp. 60*85. painting by Vaike Õlekõrs Vaike Õlekõrs Haapsalu and Läänemaa Museums' art collection
Wall games painting by Valbona Rexhepi Valbona Rexhepi National Gallery of Kosovo
Morning painting by Valentino Molina Valentino Molina National Gallery of Canada
Lilled painting by Valeria Sisask Valeria Sisask Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Naised maasikatordiga painting by Valev Sein Valev Sein Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Madonna and Child painting by Vasilis Michaelides Vasilis Michaelides State Gallery of Contemporary Art
Icon Depicting Seven Saints: Martyr Anastasia, Metropolitan Alexis, St. Olga the Princess, Saint Nicholas, Martyr Tatiana, Tsarina Martyr Alexandra and Mary Magdalene painting by Vasily Guryanov Vasily Guryanov Hermitage Museum
Villa d´Este Tivoli painting by Vassili Schreiber Vassili Schreiber Narva Museum's art collection
Muusikahetk painting by Veijo Vanhanen Veijo Vanhanen Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Pediculus vestimenti painting by Velizar Krstic Velizar Krstić National Gallery of Kosovo
In memory of Lorca painting by Velizar Srbljanovic Velizar Srbljanović National Gallery of Kosovo
Composition painting by Veljko Radovic Veljko Radović National Gallery of Kosovo
Isolaatoris painting by Vello Trell Vello Trell Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Kali Mata painting by Venkat Raman Singh Shyam Venkat Shyam Los Angeles County Museum of Art
La Batalla de Almansa painting by Buonaventura Ligli and Filippo Pallotta Ventura Ligli
Filippo Pallotta
Museo del Prado
Self-portrait painting by Vera Aksakova Vera Aksakova
Crucifixion painting by Vera CUNINGHAM (Great Britain, b.1897, d.1955) Vera Cuningham The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
Kodu 1943 (Tartu linnapea kodu) painting by Veronika Keerdoja Veronika Keerdoja Tartu City Museum's art collection
Portraits painting by Veselin Rajkovic Veselin Rajković National Gallery of Kosovo
Composició abstracta painting by Vicente Vela García Vicente Vela García Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer
Limbo y fortaleza (Limbo and Strength) painting by Vicky Uslé Vicky Uslé Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Park Edge painting by Victor Burgin Victor Burgin Art Gallery of South Australia
Interjöör Kuressaare lossis painting by Viktor Aulik Viktor Aulik Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Sotsialistliku võistluse väljakutse vabariigi traktoristidele painting by Roman Treuman Viktor Karrus
Roman Treuman
Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kuraatorit oodates painting by Ville-Karel Viirelaid Ville-Karel Viirelaid Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Painting "Zodiako dvyniai" (Zodiac twins) painting by Vincas Kisarauskas Vincas Kisarauskas Vincas Kisarauskas Collection
Study for Mural at Boys and Girls High School, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn painting by Vincent D. Smith Vincent Smith Metropolitan Museum of Art
Lambivalgel painting by Virge Nemvalts Virge Nemvalts Saaremaa Museum's painting collection
Louie T. painting by Virginia Cuthbert Virginia Cuthbert Princeton University Art Museum
Visual Theorems 10 painting by Virginia Jaramillo Virginia Jaramillo Dallas Museum of Art
Volga ääres (Suvel) painting by Vitali Pogodin Vitali Pogodin Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
The Painter's Self-Portrait painting by Farfa Vittorio Osvaldo Tommasini Israel Museum
Laat. Kompositsioon painting by Voldemar Haas Voldemar Haas Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
H. Mölderi portree painting by Voldemar Mölder Voldemar Mölder Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Krüsanteemid painting by Voldemar Päts Voldemar Päts Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Suvelilled painting by Voldemar Rätsep Voldemar Rätsep Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Karjala painting by Valdemar Väli Voldemar Väli
Valdemar Väli
University of Tartu Art Museum's painting collection
Interior painting by Vukica Obradovic Vukica Obradović National Gallery of Kosovo
Vlašimský park painting by Václav Berger Václav Alois Berger
Antonín Pucherna
Slovak National Gallery
White Square no. 1 painting by Véra Cardot Véra Cardot Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery
Sir Henry Mortimer Durand painting by W. Thomas Smith W. Thomas Smith, Jr. National Portrait Gallery
Orange Alternative Dwarf Graffiti painting by Waldemar Andrzej Fydrych Waldemar Andrzej Fydrych Museum of the Orange Alternative
Adventti painting by Waldemar Lorentzon Waldemar Lorentzon Finnish National Gallery
Cross and Shroud painting by Waldo Glover Kaufer Waldo Glover Kaufer Detroit Institute of Arts
Akashic lustre painting by Jérome Wallace Wallace Jerome Musée d'art moderne de Paris
River Homes, Seattle painting by Walter Alexander Bailey Walter Alexander Bailey Dallas Museum of Art
Bluebird painting by Walter Dorwin Teague Walter Dorwin Teague Metropolitan Museum of Art
Air India - Hong Kong Painting by Walter Griedler. Walter Griedler Hong Kong travel poster collection
Junger Bauer painting by Walter Hannemann Walter Hannemann Bavarian State Painting Collections
Weite Landschaft mit Mond painting by Walter Kröhnke Walter Kröhnke Berlinische Galerie
Florine painting by Walter Price Walter Price Whitney Museum of American Art
Talvemaastik painting by Wanda Gmelin Wanda Gmelin Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Landscape item LI2022.76.f in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK Wang Honghui Ashmolean Museum
Solitary Colors of the Autumn Woods painting by Wang Jianzhang (Chinese, active 1621-1662) (1972.68) Wang Jianzhang Cleveland Museum of Art
The Fanghu Isle of the Immortals painting by Wang Yun Wang Yun The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Dual Orientation painting by Wesley Meuris Wesley Meuris Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee
Nuori tyttö, kopio Rembrandtin mukaan painting by Widolfa von Engeström-Ahrenberg Widolfa von Engeström-Ahrenberg Finnish National Gallery
Jahistseen painting by Wilhelm Georg Pape Wilhelm Georg Pape Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Kiriku interjöör painting by Wilhelm Grüner Wilhelm Grüner Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
Landscape painting by Wilhelm Heunert Wilhelm Heunert Hermitage Museum
Revolutionsszene painting by Wilhelm Scholz Wilhelm Scholtz Berlin State Museums
Naise portree painting by Wilhelmine Jordan Wilhelmine Jordan Art Museum of Estonia's painting collection
An English War Ship painting by Willem van de Velde the Younger and Cornelis van de Velde? Willem van de Velde the Younger
Cornelis van de Velde
private collection
Selbstbildnis als Wachsbossierer painting by Willem van den Broecke, gen. Guillelmus Paludanus Willem van den Broecke Kunsthistorisches Museum
Public Execution painting by William Allison Bostick William A. Bostick Detroit Institute of Arts
Princes Ferdinand (1816-85) and Augustus (1818-81) of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha when children painting by William Augustus Rieder William August Rieder Royal Collection
Mrs. Mary Carol portrait by William Crane William Crane National Library of Wales
Welsh Portrait Collection
Rocky Shore with Wreckers painting by William Cresswell William Cresswell National Gallery of Canada
Plate painting by William De Morgan William De Morgan Metropolitan Museum of Art
George Tyler Olmsted (1804-1876) painting by William Drooke Harrison William Drooke Harrison Princeton University Art Museum
The Sirens and Ulysses painting by William Etty William Etty Manchester Art Gallery
Repose painting by William Freed William Freed Whitney Museum of American Art
A Young Girl in the Garden painting by Wilhelm (William) Josef Féron William Féron Nationalmuseum
William Ellery painting by William G. Armstrong William G. Armstrong Metropolitan Museum of Art
Venus and the Three Graces by Botticelli painting by William George Paulson Townsend William George Paulson Townsend
Gamboa landing Bahia Work of the Brasiliana Iconográfica collection William Gore Ouseley Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo collection
Fundação Estudar collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
Her Majesty's Buckhounds with the Earl of Hardwicke, Huntsmen and Whips painting by William H. Hopkins William H. Hopkins Royal Collection
Melusina painting by William Hamilton William Hamilton Nationalmuseum
John Black, 1783 - 1855. Journalist; editor of the 'Morning Chronicle' painting by William Henry Worthington William Henry Worthington National Galleries of Scotland
Naval Captain on the Poop deck taffrail painting by William Heysmann Overend William Heysham Overend unknown
private collection
Marlborough Sounds painting by William RUSH (English, b.1872, d.1965) William James Rush The Suter Te Aratoi O Whakatū
In the Studio painting by William Majors William Majors Indianapolis Museum of Art
Bill Papas' mural of Portland, Oregon 1990s painting depicting prominent people of Portland William Papas Oregon Historical Society
Op 11/67 construction painting by William R James William R James Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Heckscher Tower, New York, at Sunset painting by William S. Horton William S. Horton Nationalmuseum
Forgotten painting by William Stuart Taggart William Stuart Taggart National Gallery of Canada
David Glasgow Farragut painting by William Swain William Swain National Portrait Gallery
King George IV (1726-1830) leaving Ireland and embarking in Kingstown, 3rd September 1821 painting by William Turner de Lond William Turner de Lond National Trust
Seepferdchen painting by William (1866-1962) Wauer William Wauer Berlinische Galerie
Big Yellow painting by William T. Wiley William Wiley Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery
Die Wartenden painting by Willibald Krain Willibald Krain Berlinische Galerie
Picking Wild Fruit painting by Wilson Dewey Wilson Dewey Gilcrease Museum
Self-portrait painting by Winnaretta Singer Winnaretta Singer Fondation Singer-Polignac
Lotus and Mandarin Ducks painting by Xie Jin Xie Jin (mandarin) Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Detail of the Wall with visitor platform, Berlin photo by Yadegar Asisi Yadegar Asisi
On Happiness, Calligraphy in Seal Script Style (zhuanshu) painting by Yang Yisun (Chinese, 1813-1881) (1999.174.2) Yang Yisun Cleveland Museum of Art
Tjala Tjukurpa (Honey ant Story) painting by Yaritji Young Yaritji Young National Gallery of Victoria
Untitled painting by Yehuda Poliker Yehuda Poliker Janco Dada Museum
Bodhidarma under Pine Tree painting by Inscription by Issan Ichinei Yishan Yining Tokyo National Museum
Women on the Beach at Berck painting by Eugene Boudin Yo Momma National Gallery of Art
Relatively the Same Square #9 painting by Yong Sin Yong Sin Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Ohne Titel painting by York der (1962-2011) Knöfel York der Knöfel Berlinische Galerie
Tellurique painting Young-Sé Lee Musée Cernuschi
Memorial on Going into Battle (Chushi biao) by Zhuge Liang (181–234) Originally transcribed by Yue Fei in 1138 (Southern Song dynasty) painting by Yue Fei Yue Fei Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Surrealistische Landschaft painting by Yves Tanguy Yves G Raymond Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe
A letter to Mkis Teodorakis painting by Zdravko Vajagic Zdravko Vajagić National Gallery of Kosovo
Paradise painting by Zeng Fanzhi Zeng Fanzhi
Jack Ma
Anti-Vice (Fuchsia Jacket) painting by Zhang Haiying Zhang Haiying Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Nine Songs painting by Zhang Wo (Chinese, active c.1336-after 1364); Chu Huan (Chinese, act.1361-) (1959.138) Zhang Wo
Chu Huan
Cleveland Museum of Art
Turbulence painting by Zheng Chongbin Zheng Chongbin Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Quatre hérons sur une branche en hiver painting by Pei 鄭培 Zheng Zheng Pei Musée Cernuschi
Black Cat and Narcissus painting by Zhu Ling Zhu Ling Metropolitan Museum of Art
Landscape painting by Zhu Lunhan Zhu Lunhan Art Institute of Chicago
The Proposal of a Surface (Lichen Wall) painting by Zin Taylor Zin Taylor National Gallery of Canada
Reilu (Surf) painting by Zoltan Popovits Zoltán Popovits Finnish National Gallery
Composition painting by Zoran Forunovic Zoran Forunović National Gallery of Kosovo
Painting I painting by Zorica Furunovic Zorica Furunović National Gallery of Kosovo
Portret van een Haarlemse geestelijke painting attributed to Frans Pietersz. de schilder Grebber portrait Museum Catharijneconvent
Bisschoppelijk Museum Haarlem
Adam et Ève painting by Émile Bernard religious art Musée d'Orsay
Plan de de la tombe de Ramsès IV painting by scribe scribe Museo Egizio
Mary appears to the Saints S. Francis and S. Bernhard painting by workshop workshop Galleria Estense
Vénus de Villejuif painting by Akos Szabo Ákos Szabó Musée d'art moderne de Paris
Poema geométrico (Geometric Poem) painting by Ángel Guache Ángel Guache Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Portrait of Princess Brancaccio-Massimo painting by Louis-Edouard Dubufe Édouard Dubufe Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Autoportrait de la comtesse Greffulhe, née Élisabeth de Caraman-Chimay (1860-1952), 1899 painting by Elisabeth Greffulhe comtesse Élisabeth, Countess Greffulhe Musée Carnavalet
Colombine tenant un polichinelle painting by Émile Gallé Émile Gallé Musée d'Orsay
Nouveau pont en construction à Brest painting by Émile-Auguste Reiber Émile-Auguste Reiber Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
Le Christ et la Femme adultère painting by Étienne Regnault Étienne Regnault
Buste de femme painting by Étienne-Jules Ramey Étienne-Jules Ramey Brest’s Museum of Fine Arts
Whenever the Rainbow Appears painting by Olafur Eliasson Ólafur Elíasson Israel Museum
Chinese Poem: Seven-character-quatrain painting by Ōtsuki Bankei Ōtsuki Bankei Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Still Life with Pots painting by Francisco de Zurbarán Ё Museo del Prado
Dieťa kŕmiace vtáka painting by Silvestras Džiaukštas Сільвястрас Джаўкстас Slovak National Gallery
In the yard Works of Samvel Hovhannisyan Սամվել Հովհաննիսյան Vanadzor Fine Arts Museum
Արվեստանոցում Վարդան Թովմասյան National Gallery of Armenia
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