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( function ( mw, $ )
	var i18nData = {
		'en': {
			'title': 'Improved search',
			'description': 'Search for items by site and title',
			'placeholder': 'Item by title'
		'de': {
			'title': 'Verbesserte Suche',
			'description': 'Suche nach Datenelementen nach Website und Titel',
			'placeholder': 'Datenobjekte nach Titel'
		'fr': {
			'title': 'Recherche améliorée',
			'description': 'Rechercher des éléments par site et par titre',
			'placeholder': 'Article par titre'
		'es': {
			'title': 'Búsqueda mejorada',
			'description': 'Búsqueda de artículos por sitio y título',
			'placeholder': 'Artículo por título'
		'it': {
			'title': 'Ricerca migliorata',
			'description': 'Ricerca elementi per sito e titolo',
			'placeholder': 'Elementi per titolo'
	var lang = mw.user.options.get( 'language' );
	if( !inArray( lang, ['de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it'] ) ) {
		lang = 'en';
	 * Return, if the array contains the value.
	function inArray( value, array ) {
		var contains = false;	
		for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
			contains = array[i] == value;
			if(contains) {
		return contains;
	 * Return the localized version of a message.
	function i18n( key ) {
		if( i18nData[ lang ][ key ] ) {
			return i18nData[ lang ][ key ];
		} else {
			return i18nData[ 'en' ][ key ];

function loadIframeTB(iframeName) {
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function loadIframe(iframeName, url) {
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        return false;
    return true;
	function getPageHTML( langCode, title ) {
		alert( 'getPageHTML' );
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		//$( '<div><iframe src="' + url + '" width="700" height="630" /></div>' ).appendTo( '#popup' );
		var $iframe = $( '#popup-frame' );
		if ( $iframe.length ) {
			$iframe.attr('src', url); 
		$( 'div#popup' ).dialog( 'open' );

		$.get( url, function(data) {
			$( data ).appendTo( '#popup' );
		//$( '#popup' ).load( url );//.dialog( { modal: true } );
		$( 'div#popup' ).dialog( 'open' );

		$( 'body' ).load( 'http://' + langCode + '' + title, function(data) {
			alert( data );
			$( data ).appendTo( '#popup' );
			$( 'div#popup' ).dialog( 'open' );
		$.ajax( {
  			url: '//' + langCode + '' + title,
  			data: { },
			dataType: 'jsonp'
		} )
		.done(function( data ) {
			alert( data );
			$( data ).appendTo( '#popup' );
			$( 'div#popup' ).dialog( 'open' );
		.fail(function() { alert( 'fail' ); });
	function getPageContent( langCode, title ) {
		alert( 'getPageContent' );
		$.ajax( {
  			url: '//' + langCode + '',
			data: {
				'format': 'json',
				'action': 'query',
				'prop': 'revisions',
				'rvprop': 'content',
				'rvlimit': '1',
				'titles': title
			dataType: 'jsonp'
		} )
		.done(function( data ) {
			for (var id in data['query']['pages']) {
				alert( data['query']['pages'][id]['revisions'][0]['*'] );
				$( data['query']['pages'][id]['revisions'][0]['*'] ).appendTo( '#popup' );
				$( 'div#popup' ).dialog( 'open' );
		.fail(function() { alert( 'fail' ); });
	function init() {
		$('.wb-sitelinks-link').append('<a href="#PopUp">popup</a>')
			.click(function() {
				getPageHTML('de', 'Wikipedia:Hauptseite');
		var formFind = '<div id="popup" title=""><iframe id="popup-frame" src="" width="700" height="630" /></div>';
		if(document.getElementById("content")) {
			var messageFind = $( formFind ).appendTo( '#content' );
		} else {
			var messageFind = $( formFind ).appendTo( '#mw_content' );
			title: 'site',
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			modal: true,
			width: 700,
			height: 630,
			show: "blind",
			hide: "blind",
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				text: 'close',
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} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );