Pale Blue Dot portugués (Q5231098)

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livro escrito por Carl Sagan portugués
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    Pale Blue Dot
    book by Carl Sagan
    • Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space


    0 referencias
    Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space (inglés)
    Błękitna kropka (polaco)
    Człowiek i jego przyszłość w kosmosie (polaco)
    0 referencias
    Pale Blue Dot inglés
    0 referencias
    The spacecraft was a long way from home, beyond the orbit of the outermost planet and high above the ecliptic plane-which is an imaginary flat surface that we can think of as something like a racetrack in which the orbits of the planets are mainly confined. (inglés)
