arquebisbat de Portland (Q45525)

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Latin Catholic ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Oregon, USA anglès
Llengua Etiqueta Descripció També conegut com a
arquebisbat de Portland
Encara no s'ha definit cap descripció
    Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
    Latin Catholic ecclesiastical jurisdiction in Oregon, USA
    • Diocese of Portland
    • Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
    • Diocese of Portland in Oregon
    • Archdiocese of Portland
    • Archdiocese of Oregon City



    45°31'21.0"N, 122°38'13.2"W
    juliol 2004
    2 referències
    The archdiocese, facing mounting potential financial claims from 175 people who accused clergy of sex abuse, filed for bankruptcy protection in July 2004, the first in the nation to do so. (anglès)
    The Archdiocese of Portland was the first to do it. Three months later the Roman Catholic Diocese in Tucson, Ariz., followed suit and three months after that the diocese in Spokane, Wash., did it, too.They all filed for bankruptcy and since then more than 15 other Catholic dioceses and religious orders have filed for bankruptcy to seek protection from lawsuits by sexual-assault victims, resulting in about 4,000 claims seeking compensation for past wrongdoing. This year, three more Catholic dioceses announced intentions to file.Now the legal strategy is being adopted beyond religious groups. This month, USA Gymnastics filed for bankruptcy protection and the Boy Scouts of America hired bankruptcy lawyers to explore the option. Both groups are grappling with the legal and financial fallout of sexual-abuse claims. (anglès)
    Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
