Gi Talo Gi Halom Tasi anglès (Q1522013)

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territorial anthem of the Northern Mariana Islands with official lyrics in Carolinian and Chamorro anglès
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    Gi Talo Gi Halom Tasi
    territorial anthem of the Northern Mariana Islands with official lyrics in Carolinian and Chamorro
    • territorial anthem of the Northern Mariana Islands
    • anthem of the Northern Mariana Islands


    0 referències
    USA and CNMI Flags.JPG
    2.048 × 1.536; 695 Ko
    0 referències
    Gi talo gi halom tåsi nai gaigi tano'hu (chamorro)
    0 referències
    Satil matawal PacificoIgha elo faluweey iye (Carolinian)
    0 referències
    Gatbo na islas Mariånas hu tuna håo (chamorro)
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    Ling ghatchul teel Faluw Mariånas Ay Mwareiti (Carolinian)
    0 referències
