cyrch 2021 ar Gapitol yr Unol Daleithiau (Q104705419)

Oddi ar Wikidata
Neidio i'r panel llywio Neidio i'r bar chwilio
2021 attempt to prevent the U.S. presidential electoral vote count Saesneg
Iaith Label Disgrifiad Enwau eraill
cyrch 2021 ar Gapitol yr Unol Daleithiau
Ni phenwyd unrhyw ddisgrifiad eto
    January 6 United States Capitol attack
    2021 attempt to prevent the U.S. presidential electoral vote count
    • January 2021 United States Capitol protests
    • storming of the Capitol Building by Donald Trump's supporters
    • Capitol Building storming
    • 2021 United States Capitol protests
    • January 2021 insurrection
    • Insurrection of the US Capitol
    • 2021 U.S. Capitol riot
    • 2021 United States Capitol attack
    • Storming of the Capitol
    • Jan 6 storming of the United States Capitol
    • January 6 storming of the United States Capitol
    • 1/6/2021
    • 1/6/21
    • Capitol Insurrection
    • January six insurrection
    • Trump coup attempt
    • January 6 2021
    • January 6th 2021
    • 6th January 2021
    • 6 January 2021
    • January 2021 Donald Trump rally
    • Capitol siege
    • January 6th storming of the United States Capitol
    • January 6 insurrection
    • January 6th insurrection
    • Attack on the United States Capitol
    • 2021 storming of the United States Capitol


    Protesters in Washington. D.C on 6 January 2021 (Saesneg)
    Demonstrantene klokken 16.24 den 6. januar 2021. (Norwyeg Bokmål)
    0 ffynonellau
    Rioters breach the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 (Saesneg)
    Agents de policia al Capitoli el 6 gener de 2021. (Catalaneg)
    0 ffynonellau


    38°53'23"N, 77°0'33"W
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    6 Ionawr 2021
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    perpetrator Saesneg
    Baked Alaska Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    Ashli Babbitt Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    Derrick Evans Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    Matt Maddock Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    Rick Saccone Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    Ashli Babbitt Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    Kevin Greeson Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    dim gwerth
    6 Mehefin 2023
    1 ffynhonnell
    5 Ionawr 2024
    1 ffynhonnell
    5 Ionawr 2024
    District of Columbia | Three Years Since the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol (Saesneg)
    6 Ionawr 2024
    2021 storming of the United States Capitol
    0 ffynonellau


    US Capitol riots
    0 ffynonellau
    2021 United States Capitol attack
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    Omni topic ID Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    January 6th, 2021: The Capitol tour
    10 Ionawr 2021
    23 Mai 2023
    0 ffynonellau
    0 ffynonellau
    X moment ID Saesneg
    0 ffynonellau
    Yle topic ID Saesneg
    Hyökkäys USA:n kongressiin
    Stormningen av Capitolium
    0 ffynonellau