All honorable men : the story of the men on both sides of the Atlantic who successfully thwarted plans to dismantle the Nazi cartel system anglais (Q102181137)

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book, non-fiction, memoir anglais
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    All honorable men : the story of the men on both sides of the Atlantic who successfully thwarted plans to dismantle the Nazi cartel system
    book, non-fiction, memoir


      All honorable men : the story of the men on both sides of the Atlantic who successfully thwarted plans to dismantle the Nazi cartel system (anglais)
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      A record of two and a half years in Germany as chief of the Economic Warfare Section of the Department of Justice in charge of decartelization -- a task that ended with failure and a reversal of the policies and directives he had sought to establish and carry to a finish. It is a grim and disturbing picture, and the reader arrives at much the same conclusion, that there are forces here which can make Germany again a threat, forces that operate much as the economic powers did in Germany to strengthen the Nazis, and that they are operating here on the basis of ""business necessity"" -- ""not criminals, but honorable men"".... Throughout his years in Germany, Mr. Martin pursued a difficult and absorbing task, accumulating evidence indicating the vast international network steming out from German industry and embracing all industrial nations; the ramifications of the schemes for reinstatement in case of defeat through camouflage in Switzerland, in Holland, in Sweden, in Luxembourg, in Belgium -- and through key figures in the American economic empire. He reveals the details in the steel cartel, in international banking, in patents, in chemical developments, in synthetics. (anglais)


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