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 * Stylesheets placed here will be applied to all skins.

 * Global styles

/* Default fonts like locale Wikipedia */
html[lang=ckb] body,
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	font-family: Tahoma, 'DejaVu Sans', sans-serif;

 * Styles for certain pages

/* Hide title on project chats */
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.page-Wikidata_Café.action-view .firstHeading,
.page-Wikidata_قهوهخانه.action-view .firstHeading,
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/* Div based "warning" style fmbox messages. */,,,
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/* Highlight the mention "updated since my last visit" in pages' history */
span.updatedmarker {
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 * Style for horizontal lists (separator following item).
 * @source
 * @revision 3.1 (2013-01-16)
 * @author [[User:Edokter]]
 * imported by [[User:Billinghurst]] 2013-01-27
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/* Allow wrapping for list items (in tight spaces) */
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/* Display nested lists inline and allow them to wrap */
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/* For IE8 */
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/* For IE8 */
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/* end hlist */

/* Hatnotes */
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   <div class="toclimit-3">, for instance, will limit to
   showing ==headings== and ===headings=== but no further */
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/* Partially support HTML5 bdi tag on old browsers that don't support
   it and reassign its default value on modern browsers,
   needed for better i18n even on old browsers
   isolation on signature-talk will resolve mix of RTL/LTR on RTL UI */
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/* Used by [[MediaWiki:Sharedupload-desc-here]] on file pages from Commons */
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/* Used by [[Module:Chart]] and [[Module:Plotter]] */
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/* Hide print/export section of sidebar (unnecessary/broken, see T204912) */
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/* Make ranks more visible (see T198907) */
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	color: var(--color-base,#202122);
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	color: var(--color-base,#202122);

/*** Bug fixes ***/

.wb-monolingualtext-language-name {
	/* Use inline-block so that the block wraps onto a new line before text
	   within the block breaks into multiple lines (see T322151) */
	display: inline-block;

#mw-content-text a[href] {
	/* Apply bidi isolation to links so that the text direction of the link
	   doesn't leak into the surrounding text (see T220256) */
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/* @noflip */
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	/* Position the close button for the popup that appears when editing dates,
	   coordinates, etc, in the left corner (see T187443) */
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	/* Remove nowrap because the button is too wide (see T165870) */
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.wb-lexeme .wb-edit .wikibase-lexeme-sense-glosses {
	/* Make the table for glosses on lexemes always use the full available width
	   when editing, to increase the size of the input fields (see T278162) */
	width: 100%;