Wikidata:WikidataCon 2021/Programme/Jour 1 - Programme principal

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:WikidataCon 2021/Program/Day 1 - Main program and the translation is 16% complete.

WikidataCon 2021 | Un futur durable pour Wikidata | Conférence en ligne | 29-30-31 octobre 2021



Réimaginer Wikidata depuis les marges


Financement pour l'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes




Vue d’ensemble

Jour 1 - Programme principal

Jour 2 et 3 - Suivis de la communauté

Préconférence: Transbordados

Événements parallèles

Voici un aperçu du programme de la première journée de la WikidataCon, qui se déroulera le 29 octobre 2021. Ces conférences, tables rondes et événements de célébration seront diffusés sur le site et sur Youtube. Cependant, pour pouvoir interagir avec les autres participants et assister aux sessions sociales, vous devez vous inscrire pour avoir un accès à votre lien Venueless individuel.

Les heures sont affichées dans le fuseau horaire GMT/UTC. N'hésitez pas à cliquer sur les liens pour accéder à l'heure dans votre fuseau horaire.

Vous pouvez aussi trouver le programme de la première journée sur Pretalx où vous pouvez le voir dans votre propre fuseau horaire, épingler des sessions, exporter vers votre calendrier, etc.


20 min

Ouverture de la WikidataCon 2021

Bienvenue à la WikidataCon 2021 ! L'équipe organisatrice va vous présenter l'événement, les thèmes principaux et fournir des informations pratiques sur comment vous pouvez la suivre et vous impliquer.

  • Léa Lacroix, Coordinatrice de l'engagement communautaire sur Wikimedia Allemagne et principale coordinatrice de la WikidataCon
  • Érica Azzellini, Manager des communications de Mouvement Wiki Brésil et chef de l'organisation pour l'équipe brésilien de la WikidataCon
  • Mouvement Wiki Brésil
🔊 Anglais

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 00:20:50) (we apologize for the sound issues), Brazilian Portuguese


25 mn

Décoloniser Wikidata : pourquoi la justice de la connaissance compte pour les données structurées ?

During this keynote, long-time Wikimedian Anasuya Sengupta will share frames and practices from Whose Knowledge? on knowledge justice and digital decolonizing. As she acknowledges and celebrates what Wikidata has achieved so far, she will call us in for a thought provoking conversation in the spirit of tough love, inviting us all to reflect on how the Wikidata community needs to practice knowledge justice, beyond knowledge representation.

  • Anasuya Sengupta est une activiste féministe indienne, universitaire et cofondatrice de Whose Knowledge?, qui vit et travaille sur plusieurs continents ainsi qu'en ligne en tant que Wikipédienne. Elle a rejoint la fondation Wikimedia en 2012, est devenue responsable de l'octroi des subventions, puis a ensuite commencé sérieusement à éditer et à amplifier les connaissances marginalisées sur Wikipédia en tant que bénévole. She has led and supported social justice initiatives in India and the United States, particularly against caste- and sexuality- based discriminations, religious fundamentalisms, and gender-based violence. She acknowledges the multiple positions of power and disempowerment she holds, especially as an “upper caste” savarna brown woman from the Global South.
🔊 Anglais

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 00:40:05) (we apologize for the sound issues), Brazilian Portuguese


55 min

What happened and what’s coming around Wikidata and Wikibase

A lot of great things have happened around Wikidata over the past year and the Wikibase Ecosystem has made great strides. We will take a look at the most important developments of the past year and great things people have done in and around Wikidata. We will also give a sneak-peak at what’s coming next.

  • Lydia Pintscher, Product Manager for Wikidata at Wikimedia Deutschland
  • Sam Alipio, Product Manager for Wikibase Ecosystem at Wikimedia Deutschland
🔊 Anglais

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 01:26:20), Brazilian Portuguese


25 mn

Reimagining Wikidata from the margins

Reimagining Wikidata from the margins is an effort to reflect upon and to address the inequalities in knowledge representation and in contributors from the Global South in the Wikidata ecosystem. The project started with the organization of WikidataCon 2021, and in this session, you’ll find more about the vision of the project, its process and how to collaborate.

  • Érica Azzellini, Communications Manager at Wiki Movimento Brasil and organization lead for the Brazilian team of the WikidataCon
🔊 English

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 02:05:31)



Scaling Wikidata Query Service - unlimited access to all the world’s knowledge for everyone is hard

Wikidata has grown in all dimensions since its start 9 years ago. In this talk we will have a look at one of the biggest technical scaling challenges that Wikidata currently faces: the Wikidata Query Service. We provide a high level overview of the technical challenges of scaling Wikidata Query Service (which were also outlined in the August 2021 update) and the current results of the WDQS user survey. Based on this, we introduce some of our current strategies/plans for scaling and how you can help make them reality.

  • Mike Pham, Product Manager for Search Platform at Wikimedia Foundation
  • Lydia Pintscher, Product Manager for Wikidata at Wikimedia Deutschland
  • Guillaume Lederrey, Engineering Manager for Search Platform at Wikimedia Foundation
  • Adam Shorland, Lead Engineer in the Wikidata Team at Wikimedia Deutschland
🔊 English

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 02:31:06), Brazilian Portuguese



Wikidata community awards ceremony

The Wikidata Community Awards celebrate the work of people and groups involved in Wikidata, and highlight some projects nominated by the community. Join us for the ceremony to discover some great projects!

  • Tiago Lubiana
  • Veronica Stocco
🔊 English

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 03:06:32)



Social gathering: let's meet and chat

Let's connect with other participants! During this session, we will gather in the Social Room and form groups to have informal discussions with other participants.

This session is taking place on the online venue of the conference (Venueless), in the Social Room, accessible from the menu. You will be able to enable your microphone and camera, walk in the virtual room and connect with participants, forming groups up to 15 people. In order to access this session, you need to be registered to the conference, in order to get an access link to Venueless.

🔊 Multilingual




Igbo and Abstract Wikipedia - a conversation

The Wikimedia Foundation’s vision is to “imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge”. Abstract Wikipedia imagines a world that closes the gap of the expensive linguistic diversity through abstract representations of knowledge that can get “translated into one of [Wikipedia’s] 300 languages whenever someone wants to read part of it”. In this talk Tochi Precious, bilingual educator and cross-cultural communications expert, and Silvia Gutiérrez, data scientist and computational linguist, will converse with Denny Vrandečić, Product Manager of Abstract Wikipedia, in order to unravel the challenges that lie at the intersection of automation and diversity.

  • Tochi Precious, Founder of: Smarter Language Hub, Co-founder, Igbo Wikimedians User Group, Wikipedian in Residence at Moleskine Foundation, initiated the launch of the Makhuwa Language Wikipedia in the Incubator (an African language with over 7 million speakers but no digital footprints).
  • Denny Vrandečić, Head of special projects at the Wikimedia Foundation, Product Manager of Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia, founder of Wikidata.
  • Silvia Gutiérrez, PhD candidate at the Computational Humanities Group at the University of Leipzig, researching biases in literary canons through text mining / LOD advisor for the Digital Library of Bogotá, implementing a Wikidata workflow for the largest Colombian Digital Collection.
🔊 English

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 06:05:30), Brazilian Portuguese



Brazilian GLAM panel: Wikidata for digital dissemination strategies

In this session, you will get an overview of the technological maturity in Brazilian museums and understand how Wiki Movimento Brasil developed a process for putting Wikidata at the core of digital dissemination strategies for GLAM partnerships. We’ll dive into the possibilities Wikimedia ecosystem offers for GLAM institutions in different socio economic contexts - from the development of open source technologies to establishing their relevance online. Luciana Conrado, network articulation coordinator of the Tainacan project - a free software for the social construction of digital repositories - and Solange Ferraz de Lima, the former director of the Paulista Museum, an institution closed for almost ten years for renovation that used Wikidata to share and innovate with their collections online, will talk to João Alexandre Peschanski, coordinator at Wiki Movimento Brasil.

  • João Alexandre Peschanski (Coordinator at Wiki Movimento Brasil): João is a Professor of Journalism at Faculdade Cásper Líbero, in São Paulo, Brazil. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently the chair of the User Group Wiki Movimento Brasil, and is a board member of the User Group Wikipedia & Education. He has served as the co-cordinator for WikidataCon 2021. His username across Wikimedia projects is Joalpe.
  • Luciana Conrado (coordinator of network articulation for the Tainacan project): Historian, specialist in Museology and PhD in Education from the University of São Paulo (USP). She is currently the director of Percebe, professor of the Graduate Program in Arts, Heritage and Museology at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) and the coordinator of network articulation for the Tainacan project - a free software for the social construction of digital repositories. Luciana is also the coordinator of the Brazilian section at the Committee of Education and Cultural Action (CECA-BR) at the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
  • Solange Ferraz de Lima (professor and curator of the Paulista Museum): Graduated in History from the University of São Paulo. Master and Doctor in Social History from the University of São Paulo. Associate Professor at the Paulista Museum and a professor at USP. Solange works in the field of History, focusing on Material Cultural and Visual Culture. She was the director of the Museu Paulista da USP between 2016 and 2020, the period in which the Paulista Museum GLAM began.
🔊 Brazilian Portuguese

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: Brazilian Portuguese and English (at 07:06:32)



GIZ keynote: Together for a sustainable world

Brazil and Germany together face global challenges such as preserving biodiversity and combating climate change. In Brazil, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) operates mainly in two thematic areas: protection and sustainable use of tropical forests, as well as renewable energy and energy efficiency.

The forms of cooperation are already profoundly impacted by digitization, an axis that GIZ has placed at the center of its corporate strategy. Data-based processes multiply in the company and different projects can serve as a point of contact with the international community that produces free knowledge, enabling a desired exchange in favor of sustainable development.

  • Johannes Michael Kissel (GIZ)
🔊 Portuguese

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: Brazilian Portuguese and English (at 08:20:42)



Google keynote: Improving knowledge availability for Buddhist entities through Wikidata

The Tibetan heritage is important and the data volume is extremely rich. They came from 1000+ years of studies of Buddhism and other sciences, holding ancient Indian academic traditions. There are efforts within Universities and Institutes trying to digitize some of the most important content. However, their information is not easily discovered by the general public.

People find it difficult to find some very basic information on search engines even about some very famous people and places (such as Buddhist masters and monasteries). Through collaborating with the largest Tibetan digital archive, BDRC (Buddhist Digital Resource Center), we used Python + OpenRefine to import people and place entities with names and aliases, along with entity relations and improved search result pages and discoverability of those entities.

Some possible ideas are summarized on where to go next to improve the usability of Wikidata to preserve Tibetan treasuries and other valuable heritages of mankind.

  • Paritosh Singh
  • Elie Roux
  • Rui Jiang (Google)
  • Elan Hourticolon-Retzler (Google)
🔊 English

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: English (at 08:28:37), Brazilian Portuguese



Brazilian culture session: let's celebrate!

Let’s celebrate Wikidata with Brazilian culture! We’ll have music performed by a female samba group, a tour of the cities of Salvador and São Paulo through afro tourism lenses, and a Brazilian traditional birthday recipe that you can do at home with a few ingredients. Join us!

  • Samba de Dandara: Samba de Dandara is a women's samba circle whose lyrics deal with the female sociopolitical struggle and the valorization of black Brazilian traditions. "Dandara" is a symbol of black resistance in the country: the group is named in honor of the warrior leader who stood out in the struggle for the freedom of the enslaved black people in colonial Brazil.
  • Guia Negro: Guia Negro produces independent content about travel, black culture, afrotourism and black business. The platform was created in 2017 to tell stories, inspire and guide you through the most diverse experiences in tourism in Brazil.
  • Érica Azzellini and Amanda Jurno (Wiki Movimento Brasil)
🔊 Brazilian Portuguese

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

▶️ Replay: Brazilian Portuguese and English (at 09:05:00)




Latin America and Caribbean gathering

In this space, the Latin America and Caribbean grantees will gather to share experiences on how they organized capacity building events on Wikidata before the conference and to discuss possible ways for the empowered agency on Wikidata’s ecosystem from their local contexts. This is a moment to share learnings and build connections! The session is open for everyone.

🔊 Multiple languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Caribbean Creole

🖋️ Notes-taking pad

More information about replay videos and slides will be added after the conference.

More information about the second and third days of the conference on this page.