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This project aims to improve the connection between SBL "The Dictionary of Swedish National Biography" and Wikidata/Wikipedia

The primary focus is

  1. Connect all articles describing a person in SBL to a Wikidata object
  2. On most Swedish Wikipedia articles that is also described in SBL have the Template SBL
  3. Connect all articles describing a "släkt"/family in SBL connected to Wikidata


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The participants listed below can be notified using the following template in discussions:
{{Ping project|SBL}}

Meeting in Autumn


SBL has in july 2017 contacted Salgo60 (talkcontribslogs) and asked what data Wikipedia/Wikidata want. Next step is a maybe meeting in autumn. The big questionmark is if SBL has a vision regarding semantic data. Todays web is material scanned from published books.



"Echo system"


As SBL is a very trusted source for Swedish bibliographic information I think the integration between should be tight more than loosely coupled

  1. facts in Wikidata should be compared regularly with SBL
  2. facts in Wikidata that is also in SBL should have a reference in Wikidata to SBL
    1. if a mismatch is found e.g. its wrong in SBL we should have a procedure for that (is changing the rank enough?!?!)
  3. that SBL creates an well defined architecture how WIkidata should access the data or is one tome change enough in Wikidata?
    1. I prefer that data in Wikidata is checked regularly. If that is done and we use templates as sv:Mall:Faktamall_biografi_WD den the SBL data will also be visible in sv:Wikipedia ==> we get a good check that what is written in the article is the same as found in SBL
  4. that SBL define they they are part of this. When I listen to Livrustkammaren and Karin Nilsson it is clear that they have a well defined policy....

Open questions

  1. Should the wikidata data be displayed in sv:Wikipedia
  2. Should SBL data be overwriting the current data in WIkidata or added as prefered or no prefered rank
  3. Occupations in SBL do we want them in Wikidata see link
  4. Authors of articles in SBL can we identify them see link and registers
  5. Does Wikidata have a mature location model for old profiles before we got parishes?
    1. Does it match SBL on the web?
    2. What is the problem just copy SBL web solution?
  6. .....

How should we describe SBL in WIkidata


Create Wikidata objects for all records in SBL



Repeat all the data on every reference


Example d:Q4691673#P106

Open Issues

  1. d:Property:P106 should every "yrken" in SBL be a Wikidata object
    1. Start looking into HISCO historical international classification of occupations see below
  2. d:Property:P50 should every "författare" in SBL be a Wikidata object
    1. How do we check that we map them correct? Both in Template:SBL and in Wikidata
  3. SBL today have articles about person and about families (släkt) how to map that in the best way?
    1. We have added the option sameas=Nej on sv:Wikipedia:Mall:SBL
  4. Section "Meriter" can we map that to Wikidata?



historical international classification of occupations








People with SBL P3217 but no occupation

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: Dictionary of Swedish National Biography ID (P3217)  View with Reasonator View with SQID, occupation (P106)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
    select ?occupationLabel (count(?subj) as ?nr) 
       {?subj wdt:P3217 ?SBLID} # Beskrivna i SBL
       minus {?subj wdt:P106 ?occupation}  
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv","en","no","da","de","pl"}
       Group by ?occupationLabel
       order by desc(?nr)
Bubble chart of different occupations occupation (P106)

The following query uses these:

Features: BubbleChart (Q24515280)  View with Reasonator View with SQID

select ?occupationLabel (count(?subj) as ?nr) 
   {?subj wdt:P3217 ?SBLID} # Beskrivna i SBL
    OPTIONAL{?subj wdt:P106 ?occupation}
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv","en","no","da","de","pl"}
Group by ?occupationLabel
Bubble chart of different position held (P39)

The following query uses these:

Features: BubbleChart (Q24515280)  View with Reasonator View with SQID

select ?positionHeldLabel (count(?subj) as ?nr) 
   {?subj wdt:P3217 ?SBLID} # Beskrivna i SBL
    {?subj wdt:P39 ?positionHeld}
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv","en","no","da","de","pl"}
Group by ?positionHeldLabel