Gigantocelularni tumor (Q1785791)

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giant cell tumor and bone cancer and bone tissue neoplasm that results in the presence of multinucleated giant cells (osteoclast-like cell) engleski
Jezik Naziv Opis Sinonimi
Gigantocelularni tumor
Opis nije unesen
    giant-cell tumor of bone
    giant cell tumor and bone cancer and bone tissue neoplasm that results in the presence of multinucleated giant cells (osteoclast-like cell)
    • bone giant cell tumor
    • Giant cell neoplasm of bone
    • Giant cell tumor of bone (morphologic abnormality)
    • Giant cell tumor of bone NOS (morphologic abnormality)
    • osteoclastoma
    • giant cell myeloma
    • Giant cell tumor of bone
    • GCT of bone


    0 referencija
    bone neoplasm engleski
    0 referencija
    1 referencija
    0 referencija
    Микрофотография гигантских клеток остеобластокластомы кости, характерно выделяются гигантские клетки. Окрашено гематоксилином и эозином. (ruski)
    0 referencija
    0 referencija
    1 referencija
    Giant-cell tumor of bone
    0 referencija


    Giant Cell Tumor of Bone
    1 referencija
    KEGG ID engleski
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    BabelNet ID engleski
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    BabelNet engleski
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    28. listopad 2013
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    ICD-10-CM engleski
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    ICD-11 ID (MMS) engleski
    Giant cell tumour of bone, NOS
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    0 referencija
    Mondo ID engleski
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    UMLS CUI engleski
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    YSO ID engleski
    giant cell tumors
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    27. prosinac 2021