Declarasion de indipendensa dei Stati Unii d'Amèrica (Q127912)

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evento storico (4 luglio 1776) italian
Łéngua Targheta Descrision Anca conosesto cofà
Declarasion de indipendensa dei Stati Unii d'Amèrica
Njiancora ła xé sta definìa na descrision
    United States Declaration of Independence
    1776 assertion of colonial America's independence from Great Britain
    • Declaration of Independence
    • US Declaration of Independence
    • American Declaration of Independence
    • American Independence Declaration
    • United States Independence Declaration
    • US Independence Declaration
    • USA Independence Declaration


    0 riferimenti
    A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States in America, in General Congress assembled. (ingleze)
    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti


    39°56'47"N, 75°8'49"W
    1 riferimento
    1 mar 1781Gregoriano
    4 luj 1776Gregoriano
    0 riferimenti
    4 luj 1776Gregoriano
    0 riferimenti
    incipit italian
    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, (ingleze)
    0 riferimenti
    explicit italian
    And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour. (ingleze)
    0 riferimenti
    Thomas Stone italian
    0 riferimenti
    Samuel Chase italian
    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti
    United States Declaration of Independence
    0 riferimenti


    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti
    United States. Declaration of Independence
    Variants United States. Declaration of American Independence United States. Declaration by the representatives of the United States of America in General Congress assembled Declaration of Independence (United States)
    1 riferimento
    0 riferimenti
    Declaration of Independence / United States history
    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti
    0 riferimenti
    United States Declaration of Independence
    United States Declaration of Independence (1776)
    1 riferimento
    23 ago 2022
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