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Autodescription — Wikidata property to identify organizations (Q21745557)

description: Wikidata property for disambiguating organizations
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For help about classification, see Wikidata:Classification.
Parent classes (classes of items which contain this one item)
Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
Wikidata property to identify organizations⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
Generic queries for classes
See also

List of wikidata entries using this property with a view to were possibile them having a URL match pattern in the future.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q21745557 }

Article description URL match pattern website title extract pattern
AAGM person or institution ID identifier for a person (artist, architect, sitter, benefactor etc) or organisation in the website database of Aberdeen Art Galleries and Museums (AAGM) ^https?:\/\/emuseum\.aberdeencity\.gov\.uk\/people\/([1-9]\d{0,4})
ACMA Radiocommunications Client Number identifier of an organisation or person who holds a radiocommunications licence within Australia ^https?:\/\/web\.acma\.gov\.au\/rrl\/client_search\.client_lookup\?pCLIENT_NO=([1-9][0-9]*)$
ADAGP artist ID identifier for an artist as a member of the French collective rights management organisation ADAGP and sister organisations worldwide ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?adagp\.fr\/en\/identities\/([A-Za-z-]+\-\d{1,7})
ADVN ID identifier in the authority database of ADVN ^https?:\/\/data\.advn\.be\/id\/((?:per|org)\-[0-9]{6})
AGORHA person/institution ID identifier for a person or institution in the Agorha database (INHA) ^https?:\/\/agorha\.inha\.fr\/ark:\/54721\/(\d+)
AICTE institute application ID identifier number issued annually for institutions who need to re-apply for accreditation by the All India Council for Technical Education ^https?:\/\/facilities\.aicte-india\.org\/dashboard\/pages\/facinstitutedetails\.php\?aicteid=(1-\d{10})
ARAE ID identifier for an entity (person, organization, family) in the Archivo de la Real Academia Española ^https?:\/\/archivo\.rae\.es\/(?:index\.php\/)?(.+)
ARCHER ID identifier for a person or an organization in ARCHER, the authority file of the American Numismatic Society ^https?:\/\/numismatics\.org\/authority\/([a-z_]+)
ASUT ID identifier for an entity (person, organization, family) in the Archivi storici dell'Università di Torino ^https:\/\/atom\.unito\.it\/index\.php\/(.+)
AbeBooks ID numerical identifier of a seller on the AbeBooks websites ^https?:\/\/www\.abebooks\.com\/([1-9]\d*)\/sf institutional ID academic institution page on ^https?:\/\/([^\s\/]+)\.academia\.edu$
Academy of Athens authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Academy of Athens Library ^https?:\/\/opac\.academyofathens\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Actorenregister ID unique identifier in the Dutch Actorenregister database ^https?:\/\/hdl\.handle\.net\/10648\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})
AdServio ID identifier for a higher education institution on the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?adservio\.ro\/admitere\/((-|\?institutie=)[1-9]\d{0,2})
Africultures structure ID identifier for a structure at
Alexander Turnbull Library ID identifier for names in the Alexander Turnbull Library thesaurus module for unpublished collections ^https?:\/\/tiaki\.natlib\.govt\.nz\/#details=ethesaurus\.([1-9]\d{4,5})
All.Rugby club ID identifier for a club on the All.Rugby website ^https?:\/\/all\.rugby\/clubs\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)+)
AllSides ID alphabetical identifier of a publication, organization, or person at AllSides ^https:\/\/(?:www\.)?allsides\.com\/news-source\/([^\/#?]+)
Amathus ID identifier for an authority in the Cypriot union catalogue Amathus ^https?:\/\/amathus\.cut\.ac\.cy\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d{0,4})
Annuaire des fondations ID ID of a foundation on the directory of foundations of the French Foundation Centre ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?centre-francais-fondations\.org\/annuaire-des-fondations\/([1-9]\d*)
ArchiWebture ID identifier for an architect on the ArchiWebture website ^https?:\/\/archiwebture\.citedelarchitecture\.fr\/voc\/protagonistes\?protid=(\d+)
Archiefpunt archive ID identifier for a person or organization in the Archiefpunt database
Archive Site Trinity College Cambridge ID identifier for an entity (person, organization, family) in the website of the Archive of Trinity College, Cambridge
Archives at Yale agent ID identifier for an person, organization or family in Archives at Yale ^https:\/\/archives\.yale\.edu\/agents\/((people|corporate_entities|families)\/\d+)
Art Museum of Estonia artist ID artist identifier for the Art Museum of Estonia ^https?:\/\/digikogu\.ekm\.ee\/authors\/author_id-([1-9]\d*)
Artland gallery ID identifier of a gallery on the Artland website
Artlog institution ID identifier for an institution on Artlog
AusStage organisation ID identifier for an organisation at AusStage ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ausstage\.edu\.au\/pages\/organisation\/([1-9]\d*)
Australian Charities and Not‑for‑profits Register Charity ID unique identifier of a charitable organisation listed in the Australian Charities and Not‑for‑profits Register ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?acnc\.gov\.au\/charity\/charities\/([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})
Australian Government Organisations Register ID identifier of an Australian government organisation within the now discontinued Australian Government Organisations Register
Australian Music Centre artist ID identifier for a composer or other artist represented by the Australian Music Centre ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?australianmusiccentre\.com\.au\/artist\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)+)
Australian National Maritime Museum person ID identifier for a person or organisation in the Australian National Maritime Museum collection ^https?:\/\/collections\.anmm\.gov\.au\/en\/people(\/details)?\/([1-9]\d*)\/?
Australian Registered Body Number unique identifier for an organisation body (often a foreign business enterprise) registered in Australia ^https?:\/\/connectonline\.asic\.gov\.au\/RegistrySearch\/faces\/landing\/panelSearch\.jspx\?searchType=OrgAndBusNm&searchText=(\d{9})
Australian Trade Mark Number identifier for a trade mark registered in Australia
Australian Women's Register ID identifier for a person or organisation in the Australian Women's Register ^https?:\/\/www\.womenaustralia\.info\/biogs\/((([A-Z]{3}\d{4})|([A-Z]{2}\d{5}))[a-z])\.htm
Australian bank branch ID unique identifier of a bank branch in Australia ^https?:\/\/bsbno\.com\/banks\.php\?bsb=(\d{6})
BALaT person/organisation id identifier for person or organisation in the People & Institutions database of Belgian Art Links & Tools (BALaT), maintained by KIK-IRPA, Belgium's Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. ^https?:\/\/balat\.kikirpa\.be\/people\.php\?priref=([1-9]\d{0,5})
BAnQ authority ID identifier for an authority record for authors, works, and subject headings in the Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) ^https?:\/\/viaf\.org\/processed\/B2Q\|((000\d{7}))
BG School ID Official identifier for schools and kindergartens used by Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria team ID identifier for a sports team in the BSRussia.comdatabase
BVMC organization ID identifier of a corporate body on the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes,
Basisregistratie Instellingen number register number, issued by the Dutch ministry of Education, given to schools
Bavarian school ID A 4-digit number used by the Ministry of Education of Bavaria to identify schools
BeWeb cultural institution ID identifier for a cultural institution, in the Italian Episcopal Conference database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?beweb\.chiesacattolica\.it\/istituticulturali\/istituto\/([1-9]\d{0,4})\/
BeWeb entity ID identifier for a entity, in the Italian Episcopal Conference database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?beweb\.chiesacattolica\.it\/enti\/ente\/([1-9]\d{0,8})\/
Beer Advocate brewery ID identifier for a brewery, in the Beer Advocate database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?beeradvocate\.com\/beer\/profile\/([1-9]\d+)\/ ID alphabetical identifier for a bookstore on the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?biblio\.com\/bookstore\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*)
Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú ID identifier of an entry in the Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú
Biblioteca Franco Serantini ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Italian library Biblioteca Franco Serantini ^https?:\/\/bfsopac\.org\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Biblioteca Iglesia Nacional Española en Roma ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Biblioteca Iglesia Nacional Española en Roma ^https?:\/\/biblioiglesia\.tk\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Biblioteca di Santa Sabina ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Italian library Biblioteca di Santa Sabina
Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme ID identifier for an authority in the collective catalogue of the Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID identifier for the subject issued by BNF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Format: 8 digits followed by a check-digit or letter, do not include the initial 'cb'. ^https?:\/\/catalogue\.bnf\.fr\/ark:\/12148\/cb(\d{8,9}[0-9bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz])
Biblissima authority ID identifier of an entity in the Biblissima database
Biodiversity Repository ID identifier of a repository, in the Biodiversity Repository database
British Book Trade Index ID identifier for an individual or business entity listed in the University of Oxford's Bodleian Libraries' British Book Trade Index database ^https?:\/\/bbti\.bodleian\.ox\.ac\.uk\/details\/\?traderid=([1-9]\d*)
British Museum person or institution ID identifier for a person or institution in the British Museum person-institution thesaurus ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?britishmuseum\.org\/collection\/term\/BIOG([1-9][0-9]{0,5})
British and Irish Furniture Makers Online ID identifier for a person or company, in the British and Irish Furniture Makers Online (BIFMO) database
Broadway Photographs person ID identifier for historical Broadway photographers and their subjects ^https?:\/\/broadway\.cas\.sc\.edu\/content\/([a-z]+(\-[a-z]+)*)
Broadway World person ID identifier for a person or organization on the Broadway World website https?:\/\/www\.broadwayworld\.com\/people\/([A-Za-z\-]+)\/
Burke Herbarium Image Collection contributor ID identifier for a contributor to the Burke Herbarium Image Collection ^https?:\/\/biology\.burke\.washington\.edu\/herbarium\/imagecollection\/profile\.php\?Name=([A-Za-z\.\s]+)
C-SPAN organization ID identifier for an organization, on C-SPAN ^https?:\/\/www\.c-span\.org\/organization\/\?([1-9][0-9]*)(?:\/.+)?
CANTIC ID identifier for authority control managed by the Library of Catalonia ^https?:\/\/cantic\.bnc\.cat\/registre\/(98[0-9]{12}6706)
CANTIC ID (former scheme) old identifier for authority control managed by the Library of Catalonia. Format: "a", 7 digits, "x" or digit. Replaced with "CANTIC ID" (P9984) ^https?:\/\/cantic\.bnc\.cat\/registres\/CUCId\/(a[1-9]\d{6}[0-9x])
CEICE school code identifier for a school from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Valencian Government ^https?:\/\/ceice\.gva\.es\/abc\/i_guiadecentros\/es\/centro\.asp\?codi=((03|12|46)\d{6})
CERL Thesaurus ID identifier in the Consortium of European Research Libraries Thesaurus ^https?:\/\/data\.cerl\.org\/thesaurus\/(c(?:af|nc|ni|nl|np)0\d{7})
CHY Number Registered Charity Number in the Republic of Ireland according to the charitable tax exemption list of the Revenue Commissioners
CNRS research group ID identifier for an academic research group issued by the CNRS ^https?:\/\/web-ast\.dsi\.cnrs\.fr\/l3c\/owa\/structure\.infos_admin\?&p_lab=((UMR|UMS|UMI|UPR|URA|USR|GDR|EA|FR|SNC|ERL|FRC|FRE|IFR|MOY)\d+)&p_origine_appel=u
CNSflora ID identifier for a person or an organization in the botanical database CNSflora
CONOR.SI ID identifier in the National and University Library, Ljubljana database ^https?:\/\/plus\.cobiss\.net\/cobiss\/si\/sl\/conor\/([1-9]\d{0,8})
COURAGE ID COURAGE (“Cultural Opposition – Understanding the CultuRal HeritAGE of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries”) is a three-year international research project funded by Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ^https?:\/\/courage\.btk\.mta\.hu\/courage\/individual\/n(\d+)
CQ Ranking men's team URL URL for a men's cycling team at
CREPČ institution ID identifier for an institution in the Slovak bibliographic database Centrálny register evidencie publikačnej činnosti ^https?:\/\/app\.crepc\.sk\/\?fn=detailInstitutionForm&sid=([0-9A-Fa-f]{24})
CRICOS Provider Code unique identifier for Australian education providers assigned by the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) ^https:\/\/cricos\.education\.gov\.au\/Institution\/InstitutionDetails\.aspx\?ProviderCode=(\d{5}[A-Z])
CTHS society ID identifier of organization of Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques ^https?:\/\/cths\.fr\/an\/societe\.php\?id=([1-9]\d{1,5})
CageMatch tag team ID identifier for a professional wrestling tag team at ^https?:\/\/www\.cagematch\.net/(?:(?:en|de)\/)?\?id=28&nr=([1-9]\d*)
CageMatch wrestling stable ID identifier for a professional wrestling stable at ^https?:\/\/www\.cagematch\.net/(?:(?:en|de)\/)?\?id=29&nr=([1-9]\d*)
Catalogue of the Capitular Library of Verona author ID identifier for an author in the Catalogue of the Capitular Library of Verona ^https?:\/\/capitolare\.fcssolutions\.it\/opac_css\/index\.php\?lvl=author_see&id=(\d{1,4})
Catalogue of the General State Archives ID identifier for an entity (person, organization, family) in the catalog of the General State Archives of Greece
Central Index Key number given to an individual or company by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sec\.gov\/cgi-bin\/browse-edgar\?action=getcompany&CIK=(\d+)
Central Library of Volos authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Central Library of Volos ^https?:\/\/srv-vivl-volou\.mag\.sch\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Charity Commission no. official number of a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales ^https?:\/\/register-of-charities\.charitycommission\.gov\.uk\/charity-search\?p_p_id=uk_gov_ccew_portlet_CharitySearchPortlet&_uk_gov_ccew_portlet_CharitySearchPortlet_priv_r_p_useSession=true&_uk_gov_ccew_portlet_CharitySearchPortlet_priv_r_p_mvcRenderCommandName=%2Fsearch-results&_uk_gov_ccew_portlet_CharitySearchPortlet_keywords=([1-9][0-9]+)
Charity Navigator ID identifier for a charitable organisation in the United States, in the Charity Navigator database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)charitynavigator\.org\/index.cfm\?ein=([1-9]\d{1,5})&bay=search.results
Chinese School ID 10-digit unique numeric id assigned by Ministry of Education of P.R.C. organization ID identifer for an organisation of the governmental plateform
CiNii Research ID 19-digits identifier in CiNii Research ^https?:\/\/cir\.nii\.ac\.jp\/crid\/([1-9]\d{18})(?:\?lang\=(?:en|ja))?
Cinema Context ID identifier of an item in Cinema Context ^https?:\/\/www\.cinemacontext\.nl\/id\/([BFPR]\d{6})
Cinema of Israel ID Identifier number in "Cinema of Israel" website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cinemaofisrael\.co\.il\/\?p=(\d+)
Club Netherlands Handball Association ID official number given by the NHA to official clubs
Code List for Cultural Heritage Organizations codes for cultural heritage organizations issued by the Library of Congress ^https?:\/\/id\.loc\.gov\/vocabulary\/organizations\/(.+)\.html
CofE archives name ID identifier for an entity in the names database of the Church of England's National Church Institutions Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue, including the archives of Lambeth Palace Library and the Church of England Record Centre ^https?:\/\/archives\.lambethpalacelibrary\.org\.uk\/CalmView\/Record\.aspx\?src=CalmView\.Persons&id=([0-9A-Z\/]+)
Cooper-Hewitt person ID identifier for a person or organization in the Cooper-Hewitt (Smithsonian Institution) catalogue ^https?:\/\/collection\.cooperhewitt\.org\/people\/(\d+)\/
Cycling Archives team ID identifier in the Cycling Archives ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cyclingarchives\.com\/ploegfiche\.php\?id=(\d{2,5})
Cyprus Bibliography ID identifier for an authority in the Cyprus Bibliography (catalogue of all Cypriot publications after 1980) ^https?:\/\/cyprusbiblio\.cut\.ac\.cy\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Cyprus Library ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of Cyprus Library (National Library of Cyprus) ^https?:\/\/opac\.cypruslibrary\.gov\.cy\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Cyprus University of Technology ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the library of the Cyprus University of Technology ^https?:\/\/libraryopac\.cut\.ac\.cy\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d{0,6})
Czech Registration ID (IČO) 8-digit identifier for an organization (or self-employed entrepreneur) in the Czech Republic, conferred by the Czech Statistical Office ^https?:\/\/or\.justice\.cz\/ias\/ui\/rejstrik-$firma\?ico=([0-9]+)
Czech electoral party ID identifier of an electoral party involved in elections in the Czech Republic
DBS ID identifier in the German/Austrian Library Statistics (DBS/ÖBS)
DPE school code identifier for an educational institution issued by Bangladesh's Directorate of Primary Education
DeSmog ID ID produced by the environmental misinformation watchdog group DeSmog ^https?:\/\/www\.desmog\.com\/([a-zA-Z-]+)
Delaware Division of Corporations file number number associated with entities registered with the Delaware Department of State Division of Corporations
Demozoo group ID identifier for a demo group on Demozoo ^https?:\/\/demozoo\.org\/groups\/(\d+)\/
Department of Education and Skills roll number identifier in official government database of Irish schools ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?education\.ie\/en\/find-a-school\/School-Detail\/\?roll=([1-9]\d{4}[A-Z])
DfE URN school identifier used by the UK government ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?get-information-schools\.service\.gov\.uk\/Establishments\/Establishment\/Details\/(\d+)
Diamond Catalogue ID for persons and organisations identifier for a person or an organisation in the General Diamond Catalogue
Dictionnaire du Jura ID identifier in the encyclopedia Dictionnaire du Jura ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?diju\.ch\/d\/notices\/detail\/([1-9]\d*)
Digicarmel ID identifier for an entity in the database Digicarmel by the order of Discalced Carmelites ^https?:\/\/digicarmel\.com\/details\.vm\?q=id:(\d+)
Digital Mechanism and Gear Library ID identifier for a person or an organisation in the Digital Mechanism and Gear Library
Dimitri and Aliki Perrotis Central Library ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Dimitris and Aliki Perrotis Central Library ^https?:\/\/librarycatalog\.afs\.edu\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Dissernet institution ID identifier for an educational or other institution on Dissernet
EBAF authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Saint-Étienne Library of the French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem ^https?:\/\/biblio\.ebaf\.edu\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([0-9]\d*)
EIA utility ID identifier given by the Energy Information Administration of a company in the United States that maintains one or more power plants
EIDR party ID identifier for production and distribution companies related to films ^https?:\/\/ui\.eidr\.org\/view\/party\?id=(10\.5237\/[A-F\d]{4}\-[A-Z\d]{4})
ETS Designated Institution code an administrative 4-digit code that Educational Testing Service uses to uniquely identify institutions programs ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?toeflgoanywhere\.org\/search-who-accepts-toefl#keywords=(\d{4})&search_by=inst_name
EU Transparency Register ID identity code for an organisation, in the transparency register of the European Union ^https?:\/\/transparency-register\.europa\.eu\/searchregister-or-update\/organisation-detail_de?id=(\d{8,12}-\d{2}) club ID identifier for an association football club on the website ^https?:\/\/eu-football\.info\/_club\.php\?id=([1-9]\d{0,6})
Electronic Enlightenment ID identifier in the Electronic Enlightenment database ^https?:\/\/(?:dx\.|www\.)?doi\.org\/10\.13051\/ee:bio\/([0-9a-z]{16})
Erfgoedkaart ID identifier of heritage organisations in Belgium
Estonian Football Association team ID identifier for a team on the Estonian Football Association website ^https?:\/\/jalgpall\.ee\/voistlused\/team\/([1-9]\d*)
Estyn ID identifier for a school in Wales, in the Welsh Assembly's Estyn database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?estyn\.gov\.wales\/provider\/(6\d{6})
European University Cyprus ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the library of the European University Cyprus
FDIC Certificate ID unique number assigned to a depository institution by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FI WarSampo army unit ID identifier in the WarSampo Finnish WW2 portal
FIDAL team ID identifier for an athletic team in Italy by the Italian athletics federation (FIDAL) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fidal\.it\/societa\/-\/([A-Z]{2}\d{3})
FIFA country code three-letter country code assigned by FIFA ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fifa\.com\/associations\/association\/([A-Z]{3})
FINESS ID identifier of a medical facility in France in the FINESS directory ^https?:\/\/finess\.esante\.gouv\.fr\/finess\/jsp\/actionDetailEtablissement\.do\?noFiness=(\d{9})
FMD brand ID external link to a brand's profile at the FMD (Fashion Model Directory) website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fashionmodeldirectory\.com\/brands\/([A-Za-z_-]+)\/
Filmportal ID identifier of the German ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)filmportal\.de\/(?:\w+\/[\w-]+_)?([\da-f]{32})$
Flipboard ID identifier for account on Flipboard ^https?:\/\/flipboard\.com\/@([A-Za-z0-9\_]+)
Folketinget actor ID identifier for people and organisations in open data published by the Danish parliament
Fondazione Fiera ID identifier for a person or organization in the web portal https?:\/\/archiviostorico\.fondazionefiera\.it\/entita\/([1-9]\d*) team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?footballdatabase\.eu\/en\/club\/team\/([1-9]\d{0,6})
Forbes Russia profile ID identifier of a person or a company on the website ^https:\/\/www\.forbes\.ru\/profile\/([^\?]+)
Forest Stewardship Council Certificate Code unique identifier of a certificate issued by the Forest Stewardship Council
Forest Stewardship Council License Code unique identifier of a license issued by the Forest Stewardship Council
FragDenStaat public body ID identifier for public bodies from ^https?:\/\/fragdenstaat\.de\/behoerde\/([1-9][0-9]*)\/[0-9A-Za-z_]+(?:\-[0-9A-Za-z_]+)*\/
Franciscan Center of Christian Oriental Studies ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Library of the Franciscan Center of Christian Oriental Studies ^https?:\/\/fccosl\.linkpc\.net\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938 ID identifier for entries in the ARIADNE “Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938” database, published by the Austrian National Library
French National Assembly Lobbyist ID identifier of an individual lobbyist or lobbying organisation, at the French National Assembly
French national research structure ID identifier in the French national research structure repertory ^https?:\/\/appliweb\.dgri\.education\.fr\/rnsr\/PresenteStruct\.jsp\?numNatStruct=(\d{9}[A-Z])&PUBLIC=OK
GEPRIS organization ID Identifier of an organization in GEPRIS database of funded research projects ^https?:\/\/gepris\.dfg\.de\/gepris\/institution\/([1-9]\d*)
GLAM ID unique identifier for heritage institutions as they have been used in the context of the OpenGLAM Benchmark Survey
GND ID identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek ^https?:\/\/portal\.dnb\.de\/opac\.htm\?(?:.*&)?method=simpleSearch&(?:.*&)?query=(?:nid%3D)?(|(1[012]?\d{7}[0-9X]|[47]\d{6}-\d|[1-9]\d{0,7}-[0-9X]|3\d{7}[0-9X]))($|&)
GRID ID institutional identifier from the global research identifier database ^https?:\/\/www\.grid\.ac\/institutes\/(grid\.\d{4,6}\.[0-9a-f]{1,2})
GS1 Company Prefix codes for a company or organisation, used in GS1 identifiers: GTIN, GLN, GRAI, etc (barcodes and RFID)
German Lobbyregister ID identity code for an organisation or a person in the lobby transparency register of the German Bundestag ^https:\/\/www\.lobbyregister\.bundestag\.de\/suche\/(R\d{6})
German tax authority ID numerical identifier for a local German tax office; forms part of the Steuernummer, assigned to individual taxpayers by that authority
Google Play developer slug human-readable identifier for a developer on the Google Play Store ^https?:\/\/play\.google\.com\/store\/apps\/developer\?id=([^#]+)
Google Scholar author ID identifier of a person, in the Google Scholar academic search service ^https?:\/\/scholar\.google\.[a-z\.]+\/citations\?user=([-_0-9A-Za-z]{12})
Google Scholar organization ID numeric identifier for an organisation in Google Scholar ^https?:\/\/scholar\.google\.com\/citations\?view\_op\=view\_org(?:\&hl=\w+)?\&org=(\d*)
Grace's Guide ID identifier of a person or organisation on Grace's Guide ^https?:\/\/www\.gracesguide\.co\.uk\/([^ ]+)
GreatSchools ID identifier for an American school on the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?greatschools\.org\/([a-z-]+\/[a-z-]+\/\d+)
GruCultura ID identifier of cultural relevant places in the Brazilian city Guarulhos ^https?:\/\/grucultura\.guarulhos\.sp\.gov\.br\/espaco\/(\d+)
Guide Nicaise ID literature organizations
GuideStar India Organisations ID ID in the Indian non-profit organizations database GuideStar ^https?:\/\/guidestarindia\.org\/Summary\.aspx\?CCReg=([1-9]\d*)
GuideStar Israel organization ID ID in the Israeli non-profit organizations database GuideStar ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?guidestar\.org\.il\/organization\/(\d{9})
HAL structure ID numerical code for a research institution as stored in HAL author affiliations ^https?:\/\/aurehal\.archives-ouvertes\.fr\/structure\/([1-9]\d{0,6})
HATVP organisation ID identifier for an organisation on the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life website
HKCAN ID Hong Kong Chinese Authority (Name) ID ^https?:\/\/hkcan\.julac\.org\/authorities\/names\/(\d{16})
HNI person/institution ID identifier for a person or organization in the database of Het Nieuwe Instituut ^https?:\/\/zoeken\.hetnieuweinstituut\.nl\/en\/persons\/detail\/([a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12})
HelveticArchives ID identifier in the Swiss National Library's archive database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?helveticarchives\.ch\/detail\.aspx\?ID=([1-9]\d*)
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library ID identifier for the HMML Authority File (HAF) database
Hugging Face user or organization ID identifier of user or organization in Hugging Face ^https?:\/\/huggingface\.co\/([a-z\d]+)
Hungarian NGO ID registration number for Hungarian NGO
Hungarian National Namespace organisation ID (new) identifier for an organization in the Hungarian National Namespace
Hungarian National Namespace organisation ID (old) identifier for an organisation in the Hungarian National Namespace ^https?:\/\/abcd\.hu\/testuleti-nevter\/\?id=(\d+)&date=2019-07-07
Hungarian public body ID unique identifier for public bodies in Hungary ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?allamkincstar\.gov\.hu\/hu\/ext\/torzskonyv\/1\/\?ktsearch=1&ktpar1=2&ktpar2=(\d{6})
IATA airline designator two-character identifier for an airline
ICAO airline designator three letter identifier for an airline (two letters only until 1982) (for airports, see P239) ^https:\/\/www\.flightradar24\.com\/data\/airlines\/([A-Za-z]{3})
ICCD agent ID identifier for a person or an organisation in the General catalog of Italian cultural heritage
ICCD site ID identifier for a place or an organisation in the General catalog of Italian cultural heritage
ICCROM authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the ICCROM library ^https?:\/\/biblio\.iccrom\.org\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
ICPSR Organization Names Authority List ID identifier for an organization in the ICPSR Organization Names Authority List
IDU foreign theatre ID identifier for foreign (non-Czech) theatres (not theatre buildings) in the Theatre Institute database ^https?:\/\/vis\.idu\.cz\/Events\.aspx\?theatreForeignIds=([1-9][0-9]{0,3})
IDU theatre name unique ID identifier for theatres (not theatre buildings) in Czechia in the Theatre Institute database
IDU theatrical ensemble ID identifier for theatrical ensembles (not theatre buildings) in the Theatre Institute database ^https?:\/\/vis\.idu\.cz\/Productions\.aspx\?ensembleIds=([1-9][0-9]{0,3})
ILAB ID alphabetical identifier of a seller on the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers website ^https?:\//ilab\.org(?:\/fr)?\/affiliate\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)
IMVDb artist ID artist identifier for the IMVDb music video database ^https?:\/\/imvdb\.com\/n\/(\w[\w\-\.]*)
IMVDb artist numeric ID numeric identifier for a musical artist on IMVDb
INAPP author ID identifier for an author in the catalogue of the INAPP Library ^https?:\/\/inapp\.infoteca\.it\/ricerca\/lista-risultati\?fldlst_1=IDL_AU&vallst_1=([1-9]\d*)
ISNI International Standard Name Identifier for an identity. Starting with 0000. ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?isni\.org\/isni\/(\d{4})(\d{4})(\d{4})(\d{3}[\dX])$
^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?isni\.oclc\.org\/(?:xslt|cbs)\/DB=1\.2(?:\/)?\/CMD\?ACT=SRCH\&IKT=(?:\d+)\&TRM=ISN\%3A(\d{4})(?:\%20|\ )?(\d{4})(?:\%20|\ )?(\d{4})(?:\%20|\ )?(\d{3}[\dX])
ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code Identifier ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code
Iași Central University Library ID identifier for a person or a work in the catalogue of the Central University Library of Iași
IbsenStage ID identifier for events, venues, contributors, organizations and works in the IbsenStage database ^https?:\/\/ibsenstage\.hf\.uio\.no\/pages\/(\w{4,12}\/\d{4,15})
IdRef ID identifier for authority control in the French collaborative library catalog (see also P1025). Format: 8 digits followed by a digit or "X" ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?idref\.fr\/(\d{8}[\dX]|)
Index Herbariorum code code in Index Herbariorum for plant collections ^https?:\/\/sweetgum\.nybg\.org\/science\/ih\/herbarium-list\/\?NamOrganisationAcronym=([A-Z]+)
Index of Historic Collectors and Dealers of Cubism ID identifier for a person or an organization in the Index of Historic Collectors and Dealers of Cubism database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?metmuseum\.org\/art\/libraries-and-research-centers\/leonard-lauder-research-center\/research\/index-of-cubist-art-collectors\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*)
Indian Financial System Code identifier for a bank branch participating in either of the two main Payment and settlement systems in India
Indigenous Corporation Number registration number assigned to an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation
Indonesian College Code six-digit college code of Indonesian universities & colleges
Indonesian Hospital ID hospital id from Board for Development and Empowerment Human Resources of Health, Indonesian Ministry of Health
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ID identifier for colleges and universities in the United States ^https?:\/\/nces\.ed\.gov\/collegenavigator\/\?q=&id=(\d{6})
International Baccalaureate school ID identifier for a school or college in the International Baccalaureate World School system
Internet Broadway Database person ID identifier for personnel or organizations on Broadway ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)ibdb\.com\/broadway-cast-staff\/\D*([1-9][0-9]{3,5})
Intesa Sanpaolo Historical Archive Map ID identifier for the Intesa Sanpaolo Historical Archive Maps Intesa Sanpaolo Historical Archives Datasets
Inventory of Heritage Artefacts institution ID identifier for an art collecting institution on the Inventory of Heritage Artefacts
Irish Registered Charity Number (RCN) Registered Charity Number of the Republic of Ireland company ID identifier for a theatre company in the Irish Theatre Institute's database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?irishtheatre\.ie\/company-page\.aspx\?companyid=((3|6)0(\d){3})
Issuu ID identifier for a publication or company at ^https?:\/\/issuu\.com\/([-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)
IxTheo authority ID identifier for a person or an organization in the Index Theologicus (IxTheo)
J. Paul Getty Museum agent DOR ID (old) identifier assigned to an agent by the J. Paul Getty Museum in their legacy internal Digital Object Repository. Replaced by P12040 ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?getty\.edu\/art\/collection\/artists\/([1-9]\d*)
Japanese Canadian Artists Directory ID identifier for a person or organization in the Japanese Canadian Artists Directory
Japanese High School Code identifier for a high school in Japan
JeuxActu ID identifier of a video game at the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?jeuxactu\.com\/jeu\/\_\-([1-9]\d*)\.htm
Justia Patents assignee ID identifier for the assignee of a patent in Justia Patents ^https?:\/\/patents\.justia\.com\/assignee\/([a-z._-]{2,40})
K-Scholar ID identifier issued by the National Assembly Library of Korea ^https?:\/\/www\.scholar\.go\.kr\/search\/scholarDetail\.do\?localId=(\w\d+)
KANTO ID identifier for a person or an organization in the database KANTO curated by the National Library of Finland ^https?:\/\/finto\.fi\/finaf\/fi\/page\/(.*)
KRS number identifier of a Polish organization of the National Court Register
Kallías ID identifier in Kallías, the catalog of the German Literature Archive Marbach (DLA Marbach) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?dla-marbach\.de\/find\/opac\/id\/((PE|KS|AK)\d{8})
Keratsini-Drapetsona libraries' catalogue authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the libraries of Keratsini-Drapetsona Municipality (Piraeus regional unit, Athens, Attica, Greece) ^https?:\/\/opac\.keratsini-drapetsona\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Klosterdatenbank ID entry in the Germania Sacra Klosterdatenbank ^https?:\/\/klosterdatenbank\.germania-sacra\.de\/gsn\/([1-9]\d{0,4})
Kunstindeks Danmark Artist ID unique artist identifier used by Kunstindeks Danmark ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?kulturarv\.dk\/kid\/VisKunstner\.do\?kunstnerId=([1-9]\d{0,8})
LTI Korea Library writer ID identifier for a writer in Literature Translation Institute of Korea Library ( ^https?:\/\/library\.ltikorea\.or\.kr\/writer\/([1-9]\d*)
Labyrinth database ID identifier for an article in the Labyrinth database ^http:\/\/labyrinth\.ru\/content\/card\.asp\?cardid=([1-9]\d*)
Lattes Platform number number for the Lattes Platform entry on the person or group. Relationship between entry and subject must be supported by a source ^https?:\/\/lattes\.cnpq\.br\/(\d{16})
Legal Entity Identifier identifier for a legally distinct entity per ISO 17442 ^https?:\/\/search\.gleif\.org\/#\/record\/([0-9A-Z]{18}[0-9]{2})
Les Archives du spectacle organization ID identifier for an organization in the Les Archives du spectacle database
Levadia Library ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Central Public Library of Levadia ^https?:\/\/liblivadia\.openabekt\.gr\/el\/authorities\/([0-9a-z]{24})\/show
Library of Congress authority ID Library of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144] ^https?:\/\/id\.loc\.gov\/authorities\/(?:(?:name|subject)s\/)?((?:gf|n|nb|nr|no|ns|sh|sj)(?:[4-9][0-9]|00|20[0-2][0-9])[0-9]{6})
^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)viaf\.org\/processed\/LC\|(gf|n|nb|nr|no|ns|sh|sj) *((?:[4-9][0-9]|00|20[0-2][0-9])[0-9]{6})$
LinkedIn company or organization ID identifier for an official company, school, organisation page, or showcase page, on LinkedIn ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?linkedin\.com\/(?:company|school|showcase)\/([^\/?#]+)
Lithuanian company code organization identification number in Lithuania
LittleSis organization ID organisation in the LittleSis who-knows-who of government and business database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?littlesis\.org\/org\/([1-9]\d*)
Livres Hebdo ID identifier for a publisher or person on the website Livres Hebdo
LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer organization ID identifier for an archive producer organization in the database LombardiaBeniCulturali ^http:\/\/www\.lombardiabeniculturali\.it\/archivi\/soggetti\-produttori\/ente\/(MIDB00[\dA-F]{4})\/
LombardiaBeniCulturali institution ID identifier of a historical institution in the cultural heritage database of the Lombardy Region of Italy ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lombardiabeniculturali\.it\/istituzioni\/schede\/(\d{7})\/
Low German Bibliography and Biography ID identifier ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?niederdeutsche-literatur\.de\/autoren\/person-werke\.php\?ID=([1-9]\d{0,3})
MAVISE competent authority ID identifier for a licensing authority/register in the MAVISE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory ^https?:\/\/mavise\.obs\.coe\.int\/competent_authority\?id=([1-9]\d*)
MAYA site company ID identifier for a company traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange on the MAYA website
MEXT school code identifier for schools in Japan
MIC market code ISO 10383 market identifier code ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?iotafinance\.com\/en\/Detail-view-MIC-code-([A-Z0-9]{4})\.html
MMB ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Lilian Voudouri Music Library of Greece ^https?:\/\/catalogue\.mmb\.org\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
MPG ID identifier for an expert researcher or an institution in the database of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mpg\.de\/([1-9]\d{0,7})
MPPDA Digital Archive organisation ID link to an organisation's records at the MPPDA Digital Archive
MSRI institution ID identifier for a mathematics organization, university, department, research institute, etc. on the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute website ^https?:\/\/www\.msri\.org\/institutions\/(\d+)
MSVF ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the library of the Public Benefit Foundation Michal N. Stassinopoulos-VIOHALCO ^https?:\/\/library\.msvf\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Malmö Museer ID identifier for person or organization connected to an object at Malmö Museer
Media Bias/Fact Check ID identifier for a publication, organization, or person at Media Bias/Fact Check ^https?:\/\/mediabiasfactcheck\.com\/([a-z\d]+(\-[a-z\d]+)*)
Media Library for Dance and Theatre person ID identifier in Mime Centrum archive
Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries organization ID identifier of an organization in the online database Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries ^https?:\/\/medieval\.bodleian\.ox\.ac\.uk\/catalog\/org_(\d+)
Meetup group id identifier for groups at Meetup
Metacritic company ID identifier of a company in the Metacritic database ^(?:https?:\/\/web\.archive\.org\/web\/[^\s\/]*\/)?https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?metacritic\.com\/company\/([a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*)
Microsoft Academic ID identifier for an object or topic in the Microsoft Academic Graph (until 31 December 2021) ^https?:\/\/academic\.microsoft\.com\/[a-z]+\/(\d+)\/
Ministry of Education New Zealand school ID Ministry of Education-issued identifier for a school in New Zealand ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?educationcounts\.govt\.nz\/find-school\/school\/profile\?school=(\d+)
Ministry of Education of Chile school ID ID number (Rol Base de Datos, RBD, in Spanish, meaning database role) of all schools (high, middle, primary) in Chile, as registered by the Ministry of Education of Chile ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mime\.mineduc\.cl\/mime-web\/mvc\/mime\/ficha\?rbd=(\d{1,5})
Minneapolis Institute of Art constituent ID identifier assigned to a person or organization by the Minneapolis Institute of Art ^https?:\/\/collections\.artsmia\.org\/people\/([0-9]\d+) client ID identifier of a client in ^https?:\/\/models\.com\/client\/([A-Za-z\-]+)
Municipal Library of Trikala ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Municipal Library of Trikala ^https?:\/\/library\.trikalacity\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Munzinger Pop ID identifier on the Munzinger Archiv ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?munzinger\.de\/search\/go\/document\.jsp\?id=(02\d{9})
Munzinger Sport number identifier on the Munzinger Archiv ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?munzinger\.de\/search\/go\/document\.jsp\?id=(01\d{9})
Munzinger person ID identifier on the Munzinger Archiv ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?munzinger\.de\/search\/go\/document\.jsp\?id=(0\d{10})
Museen Dresden article ID identifier of persons and organisations on Museen der Stadt Dresden
Museo Galileo authority ID numerical identifier for an authority record in the catalog of Museo Galileo ^https?:\/\/opac\.museogalileo\.it\/imss\/authResource\?uri=([1-9]\d*)
Museum of Modern Art artist ID identifier assigned to an artist by the Museum of Modern Art ^https?:\/\/www\.moma\.org\/artists\/(\d+)
NACSIS-CAT author ID identifier for book authors in NACSIS-CAT, the union catalog for university libraries and research institutions in Japan ^https?:\/\/ci\.nii\.(?:ac\.)jp\/author\/(\w{10})
NCAA organization code identifier for an organization designated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association team ID identifier for an American college sports team on the National Collegiate Athletic Association's website
NCES district ID identifier for a school district or education agency in the United States ^https?:\/\/nces\.ed\.gov\/ccd\/districtsearch\/district_detail\.asp\?ID2=(\d+)
NCES school ID identifier for a public school in the United States ^https?:\/\/nces\.ed\.gov\/ccd\/schoolsearch\/school_detail\.asp\?ID=(\d+)
NCUA Charter ID number assigned to credit unions by the National Credit Union Administration
NGO Darpan ID identifier for a Indian nonprofit organization in the NGO Directory (NGO-DARPAN) database
NHS Organisation Data Service ID identifier for a component organisation of the UK's National Health Service ^https?:\/\/directory\.spineservices\.nhs\.uk\/ORD\/2-0-0\/organisations\/([A-Z0-9]+)
NISH Hall of Fame ID (archived) identifier for a Hall of Fame inductee at the Niedersächsisches Institut für Sportgeschichte (Lower Saxony Institute for Sports History) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?wp12060650\.server-he\.de\/index\.php\/hall-of-fame\.html\?person=(\d+)
NL CR AUT ID identifier in the Czech National Authority Database of National Library of the Czech Republic (NL CR) ^https?:\/\/aleph\.nkp\.cz\/F\/\?func=find-c&local_base=aut&ccl_term=ica=([a-z]{2,4}[0-9]{2,14})
NLA Trove people ID identifier for people or organizations per National Library of Australia (see also P409 for the older Libraries Australia identifier). Format: 5 to 7 digits. ^https?:\/\/trove\.nla\.gov\.au\/people\/([1-9]\d{4,6})\/?
NLC authorities identifier for a person per National Library of China ^https?:\/\/opac\.nlc\.cn\/F\/\?func=accref&acc_sequence=(\d{1,9})
NPSN Indonesian school ID identifier for a school in Indonesia ^https?:\/\/referensi\.data\.kemdikbud\.go\.id\/tabs\.php\?npsn=(\d{8})
NSZL name authority ID ID of a person or organisation in the "Integral Information System of the National Library" (NEKTÁR) in Hungary ^https?:\/\/nektar\.oszk\.hu\/auth\/([1-9]\d*)
Name Assigning Authority Number identifier in the Archival Resource Key registry ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?n2t\.net\/ark:\/(\d{5})$
Nasjonalt skoleregister ID identifier of an educational institution in the Nasjonalt skoleregister (National School Registry) from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training ^https?:\/\/nsr\.udir\.no\/enhet\/((?:[1-9]|U)\d{8})
National Archives of Australia entity ID identifier for government agencies created by, and people and organizations associated with, the Commonwealth of Australia, allocated by the National Archives of Australia
National Gallery of Art artist ID identifier assigned to an artist by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nga\.gov\/content\/ngaweb\/Collection\/artist-info\.([1-9]\d*)\.html
National Gallery of Victoria artist ID identifier assigned to an artist by the National Gallery of Victoria in Australia ^https?:\/\/www\.ngv\.vic\.gov\.au\/explore\/collection\/artist\/(\d+)\/?$
National Historical Museums of Sweden ID authority identification for an entry in the collections of the National Historical Museums of Sweden ^https?:\/\/samlingar\.shm\.se\/([a-z]+\/[0-9a-zA-Z]{8}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}-[0-9a-zA-Z]{12})
National Library Board Singapore ID Identifier of a person, organisation or place from the name authorities of National Library Board (?:https?:\/\/eresources\.nlb\.gov\.sg\/linkeddata\/entity_new\.html\?uri=)?http:\/\/eresources\.nlb\.gov\.sg\/ID(?:DOC)?\/NLBDM\/vocab\/([^\s\/&]+)
National Library of Ireland ID identifier of a National Library of Ireland authority record https?:\/\/viaf\.org\/processed\/N6I(vtls\d{9})
National Library of Israel J9U ID identifier used by the National Library of Israel ^http:\/\/olduli\.nli\.org\.il\/F\/\?func=find-b&local_base=NLX10&find_code=UID&request=(98[0-9]{12}5171)
National Library of Korea ID identifier for name and subject authority in the database of the National Library of Korea ^https?:\/\/lod\.nl\.go\.kr\/page\/((?:KAB|KAC|KSH)(?:[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z])[0-9]{4,6})
National Library of Romania ID identifier for authority control used at the National Library of Romania ^https?:\/\/aleph\.bibnat\.ro\/F\/\?func=direct&local_base=NLR10&doc_number=(\d{9})
National Library of Wales Authority ID identifier of persons, corporate entities and families in the National Library of Wales Archives and Manuscripts database ^https?:\/\/archives\.library\.wales\/index\.php\/([a-z0-9-]+)
National Provider Identifier identification number for American health care providers issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ^https?:\/\/npiregistry\.cms\.hhs\.gov\/(?:registry\/)?provider-view\/(\d{10}) club ID identifier for a association football (soccer) club in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?national-football-teams\.com\/club\/([1-9]\d{0,6})\.html
Natural History Museum (London) person ID identifier for a person (including 'legal person', such as a company) in the Natural History Museum (London) archives
Naver VIBE artist ID identifier for artist on Naver VIBE site ^https?:\/\/vibe\.naver\.com\/artist\/([1-9]\d{0,6})
Northern Ireland charity number official number of a charity registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?charitycommissionni\.org\.uk\/charity-details\/\?regid=(\d+)&subid=0
Norwegian State Administration Database ID identifier for data from the Norwegian civil service/state administration after the Second World War ^https?:\/\/www\.nsd\.no\/polsys\/data\/forvaltning\/enhet\/(-?[1-9]\d{0,4})
Numista mint ID unique identifier for a mint on Numista ^https?:\/\/(?:en|fr|es)\.numista\.com\/catalogue\/mint\.php\?id=​([1-9]\d*)
OMED ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the library of the Organization for Mediation & Arbitration (Athens) ^https?:\/\/library\.omed\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
OSM Name Suggestion Index ID identifier for a brand in OpenStreetMap’s Name Suggestion Index ^https?:\/\/nsi\.guide\/index\.html\?[^\s\/]+#(\w+-[0-9a-f]{6})
OVO ID organizational register of the Flemish government ^https?:\/\/data\.vlaanderen\.be\/doc\/organisatie\/(OVO\d{6})$
Offshore Leaks Database ID identifier in the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists' Offshore Leaks Database ^https?:\/\/offshoreleaks\.icij\.org\/nodes\/([1-9]\d*)
Oh!FM-7 ID identifier of an item in the Oh!FM-7 database
Online Books Page author ID identifier for an author, at the Online Books Page website
Open Funder Registry funder ID identifier for an organisation that funds research, in the Crossref registry ^https?:\/\/data\.crossref\.org\/fundingdata\/funder\/10\.13039\/([1-9]\d+)
Open Library publisher ID identifier for a publisher in ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?openlibrary\.org\/publishers\/([^\s/\\]+)
OpenAlex ID identifier for works, grants, authors, institutes, venues, concepts/subjects in OpenAlex ^https?:\/\/openalex\.org\/([ACIVW][1-9]\d{3,9})
OpenCorporates ID identifier for a corporation, in the OpenCorporates database. Format: country prefix, optional subnational entity abbrevation, "/", alphanumeric id ^https?:\/\/opencorporates\.com\/companies\/([a-z]{2}(?:_[a-z]{2})?/[a-zA-ZÖÜÄ0-9\-_]*[0-9A-Za-f])
OpenSanctions ID identifier of persons, companies, luxury vessels of political, criminal, or economic interest at ^https?:\/\/www\.opensanctions\.org\/entities\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)+(-\d+)+|Q[1-9]\d*|NK-[A-Za-z0-9]{22})
OpenSecrets organization ID identifier used by Opensecrets for organizations involved in US elections ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?opensecrets\.org\/orgs\/\/?summary(?:\.php)?\?id=(D\d{9})
Oroklini Library ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Oroklini Library ^https?:\/\/library\.voroklini\.org\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Owler company ID identifier for a company on Owler
P-number Branch identifier from the Danish company register for linking physical sites to an organization ^https?:\/\/datacvr\.virk\.dk\/data\/visenhed\?enhedstype=produktionsenhed&id=(\d{10})
PDDikti higher education institution ID identifier for a higher education institution in the Indonesian Higher Education Database of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture
PRELIB organization ID identifier for an organization on the Projet de recherche en littérature de langue bretonne website ^https?:\/\/mshb\.huma-num\.fr\/prelib\/collectif\/([1-9]\d*)\/ ID entry of described object on, website describing Dutch politics ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?parlement\.com\/id\/([\da-z]{12})
Parsifal cluster ID identifier for a cluster related to a person or an organization in Parsifal, the collective catalogue of the Unione romana biblioteche ecclesiastiche (Union of Roman ecclesiastical libraries) ^https?:\/\/parsifal\.urbe\.it\/parsifal\/searchNames\?n_cluster_id=(\d+)
Partis d'Arcadie ID identifier for a political party on 'Les Partis d'Arcadie'
Patrinum ID identifier for a subject (person, organisation, place, etc.) in the Swiss database Patrinum regarding the Canton of Vaud
PermID identifier for an entity or concept, in Thomson Reuters Open PermID ^https?:\/\/permid\.org\/1\-(\d+)
Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library (A) ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue A of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library ^https?:\/\/pioplibcata\.openabekt\.gr\/authorities\/([0-9a-z]{16,24})\/show
Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library (B) ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue B of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library
PolitiFact people and groups ID person or group whose statements have been fact checked by ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?politifact\.com\/personalities\/([a-zA-Z\-\d]+)
Polo bibliografico della ricerca author ID identifier for an author in the Polo bibliografico della Ricerca catalogue
Pontifical University of Salamanca ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the library of the Pontifical University of Salamanca ^https?:\/\/koha\.upsa\.es\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Pouët group ID identifier for a demo group on Pouët ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pouet\.net\/groups\.php\?which\=(\d+)
ProCyclingStats team ID Wikidata property to identify organizations and Wikidata property related to cycling
QS World University ID identifier for an educational institution, in the QS World University database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?topuniversities\.com\/universities\/([a-z]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*)
Qichacha firm ID firm identifier in Qichacha company information online database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?qcc\.com\/firm\/([a-z\d]{32})\.html
Québec Enterprise Number unique identifier assigned to enterprises that register in the Province of Quebec, Canada
RBC company ID identifier for a company on the RBC website ^https?:\/\/companies\.rbc\.ru\/id\/([1-9]\d{12})\-\_\/
RCS number identifier in the trade register of Luxembourg
REGON ID registration number of a business entity in Poland
RISM ID identifier for a person, institution, or work in the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales database ^https?:\/\/\/(people|institutions|sources)\/(\d+)\/?$
RISM siglum siglum assigned by the Répertoire international des sources musicales to institutions worldwide (libraries, archives and private collections) that hold historical musical materials
ROR ID identifier for the Research Organization Registry ^https?:\/\/ror\.org\/([a-z0-9]{9})
Radio France person ID alphabetical identifier for a person on the Radio France website
Radio Radicale organizer ID identifier for an organizer in the database of Radio Radicale ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?radioradicale\.it\/organizzatori\/(\d+)
RailScot line or company ID identifier for a historical railway line or company on the RailScot website
RateBeer brewery ID identifier for a brewery, in the RateBeer database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ratebeer\.com\/brewers\/([a-z0-9-]+/\d+)\/
RePEc institute ID identifier for economics research institutions in the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) database
Real Time organization ID identifier for a organization at the online newspaper Real Time
Red Cross FDRS ID entry in the Federation-wide Databank and Reporting System (FDRS) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) ^https?:\/\/data\.ifrc\.org\/(?:[a-z]{2}\/)?fdrs\/societies\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)
Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) ID unique identifier for members of the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD)
Relationship Science organization ID identifier for an organization in the Relationship Science database ^https?:\/\/relationshipscience\.com\/organization\/([a-z0-9\-]+)
Research Data Australia ID identifier of an item in Research Data Australia ^https?:\/\/researchdata\.edu\.au\/(?:[^\s\/]+\/)?([1-9]\d*)
ResearchGate institute ID identifier of an organization in ResearchGate ^https?:\/\/www\.researchgate\.net\/institution\/([\w\/_\-]+)
Resident Advisor club ID identifier for a club or venue listed on the Resident Advisor website ^https?:\/\/ra\.co\/clubs\/([1-9]\d+)
Rhineland-Palatinate school ID 5-digit number used by the Ministry of Education of Rhineland-Palatinate to identify schools ^https?:\/\/schulen\.bildung-rp\.de\/einzelanzeige\.html\?tx_wfqbe_pi1%5Buid%5D=(\d{5})
Ringgold ID identifier for organisations in the publishing industry supply chain ^https?:\/\/ido\.ringgold\.com\/search\/results\?simple=(\d{4,6})
Russian organisation number identifier in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) of the Russian Federation
Répertoire national des associations ID identifier of a French non-profit in the Répertoire national des associations ^https?:\/\/entreprise\.data\.gouv\.fr\/(?:etablissement|rna)\/(W[0-9]{9}|759SAR[0-9]{3}|751P[0-9]{8})
SAIA authority ID identifier for an authority in the Catalogue of the Library of the Italian School of Archaeology at Athens ^https?:\/\/saia\.openabekt\.gr\/en\/authorities\/([0-9a-z]{24})\/show
SAM ID identifier of an organization in the U.S. System for Award Management (SAM)
SBN author ID identifier issued by National Library Service (SBN) of Italy ^https?:\/\/opac\.sbn\.it\/risultati-autori\/-\/opac-autori\/detail\/(\D{2}[A-Z0-3]V\d{6})
SEED number identifier for a school in Scotland, in the Scottish Government's SEED database
SEVIS school ID identifier of an school in Student and Exchange Visitor Information System ^https?:\/\/studyinthestates\.dhs\.gov\/certified-school\/(\d+)
SIGIC group ID identifier for a music group in the database of SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information Center ^https?:\/\/sigic\.nuk\.uni-lj\.si\/\?mod=search&action=zasedba&id=([1-9]\d*)
SIGIC institution ID identifier for an institution in the database of SIGIC - Slovenian Music Information Center ^https?:\/\/sigic\.nuk\.uni-lj\.si\/\?mod=search&action=institucija&id=([0-9]+)
SINTA affiliation ID ID for an Indonesian science and technology higher education or research institution in the Science and Technology Index (SINTA)
SIUSA archive producer organization ID identifier for an archive producer organization in the Unified Information System for the Archival Superintendencies ^https?:\/\/siusa\.archivi\.beniculturali\.it\/cgi-bin\/pagina\.pl\?TipoPag=prodente&Chiave=([1-9][0-9]{0,5})
SNAC ARK ID identifier for items in the Social Networks and Archival Context system ^https?:\/\/snaccooperative\.org\/ark:\/99166\/(\d*[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*)
SNE publisher ID identifier for a publisher on the director of the 'Syndicat national de l'édition'
SOUNZ contributor ID numerical identifier for persons or organisations listed in the SOUNZ database of New Zealand Music
SPLC group ID identifier of an extremist group in the Southern Poverty Law Center's Extremist Files ^https?:\/\/www\.splcenter\.org\/fighting-hate\/extremist-files\/group\/([a-z]+(?:[-a-z]+)?)
Salzburg Museums ID identifier for museums and other GLAM-institutions in the state of Salzburg, Austria ^https?:\/\/service\.salzburg\.gv\.at\/museen\/detail\.do\?museumId=(2\d{3})
Sceneweb organization ID identifier of an organization in ^https?:\/\/sceneweb\.no\/(?:nb|en)\/organisation\/([1-9]\d{0,5})
Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts name ID identifier for an agent (person or corporate body) in the Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts
Scopus affiliation ID identifier for an organisation in author affiliations per Scopus ^https?:\/\/www\.scopus\.com\/affil\/profile\.uri\?afid=(\d+)
Scottish Charity number official number of a charity registered with the Scottish Charity Regulator ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?oscr\.org\.uk\/about-charities\/search-the-register\/charity-details\?number=(SC0[0-9]{5})
Shanghai Library organization ID identifier for organizations in the Shanghai Library Open Data Platform ^https:\/\/data\.library\.sh\.cn\/entity\/organization\/([0-9a-z]{16})\.html
Slovak Registration ID identifier for an organization in Slovakia assigned by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Smithsonian American Art Museum person/institution ID identifier for a person or institution, in the Smithsonian American Art Museum: person/institution thesaurus ^https?:\/\/americanart\.si\.edu\/collections\/search\/artist\/\?id=([1-9][0-9]{0,4})
Soccerway team ID team ID on the Soccerway website ^https?:\/\/int\.soccerway\.com\/teams\/wd\/wd\/([1-9]\d*)\/
Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français ID identifier in the Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français database ^https?:\/\/shpf-collections\.fr\/Default\/search\.aspx\?SC=DEFAULT&QUERY=Authority_id_idx:([1-9]\d{0,5})
South African Company Registration Number registration number of South African companies issued by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa
South African NPO number registration number for South African nonprofits ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?npo\.gov\.za\/PublicNpo\/Npo\/DetailsPublicDocs\/([0-9]{6})
Spectrum Management System Company Number unique identifier of a company registered with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada's Spectrum Management System database college basketball team ID identifier for a NCAA college basketball team on the college basketball website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sports-reference\.com\/cbb\/schools\/([a-z]+[a-z-]*[a-z]+)(?:\/|$) college football school ID identifier for an NCAA Division I college football team on
Spyur ID identifier for a company or organisation in Armenia, in the Spyur directory
St. Sergius Institute authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Library of St. Sergius Institute ^https?:\/\/catalogue-bibliotheque\.saint-serge\.net\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Stage username account from a German authority on the German social media platform Stage ^https:\/\/stage\.bio\/([\w\-]+)
Städel Museum artist ID artist and organization identifier for the Städel Museum ^https?:\/\/sammlung\.staedelmuseum\.de\/en\/person\/([\w-]+)
Swedish Film Database group ID group identifier in the Swedish Film Database (SFDb) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?svenskfilmdatabas\.se\/sv\/item\/\?type=group&itemid=(\d+)
Swedish National Archive agent ID identifier for a person or organization in the Swedish National Archive Database
Swiss Football Association club number identifier
Swiss National Sound Archives ID ID in the Swiss National Sound Archives, that is responsible for safeguarding the sound heritage of Switzerland. The SNSA collects and catalogs audio documents (music or spoken word), that have a relationship with the Swiss history and culture. ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fonoteca\.ch\/agent\/([1-9]\d*\.\d{3})
TOOI identifier identifier for a government organization in the Dutch TOOI database
Tabakalera ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of Tabakalera, contemporary culture centre in Donostia ^https?:\/\/katalogoa\.tabakalera\.eus\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
Transferred Account Data Interchange Group Code Wikidata property for items about corporations and Wikidata property to identify organizations
UAE University Libraries ID identifier for a person or an organization in the authority file of United Arab Emirates University Libraries through VIAF https?:\/\/viaf\.org\/processed\/UAE\|Mill_(a\d{8})
UK Modern House Index architect ID identifier for an architect or architectural practice, in the UK Modern House Index
UK National Archives ID identifier for a person, family or organisation, in the UK's National Archives database ^https?:\/\/discovery\.nationalarchives\.gov\.uk\/details\/c\/([A-Z]\d+)
UK Provider Reference Number identifier for an educational organization issued by the UK Register of Learning Providers ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ukrlp\.co\.uk\/ukrlp\/ukrlp_provider\.page_pls_provDetails\?x=&pn_p_id=([1-9]\d*)&pv_status=VERIFIED&pv_vis_code=L
UOM ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Library and Information Center of the University of Macedonia ^https?:\/\/catalog\.lib\.uom\.gr\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-authoritiesdetail\.pl\?marc=1&authid=([1-9]\d*)
USB vendor ID hexadecimal identifier of a manufacturer of a USB device ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?the-sz\.com\/products\/usbid\/index\.php\?v=([\da-f]{4})&p=&n=
Unified Social Credit ID 18-digit permanent unique legal identifier for all juridical persons and other organizations in China ^https?:\/\/ss\.cods\.org\.cn\/latest\/searchR\?q=([1-9ANY][123459](100000|110000|11010[1-9]|1101[1-9]\d|110[2-9]\d{2}|11[1-9]\d{3}|[2-5]\d{5}|6[0-4]\d{4}|65[0-8]\d{3}|6590\d{2}|990000)[0-9A-Z]{8}[0-9X][0-9A-Y])
Union List of Artist Names ID identifier from the Getty Union List of Artist Names ^https?:\/\/www\.getty\.edu\/vow\/ULANFullDisplay\?find\=\&role\=\&nation\=\&subjectid\=(\d+)
Untappd brewery ID numerical identifier for a brewery, in the Untappd database ^https?:\/\/untappd\.com\/brewery\/([1-9]\d+)
VIAF ID identifier for the Virtual International Authority File database [format: up to 22 digits] ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?viaf\.org\/viaf\/([1-9]\d(?:\d{0,7}|\d{17,20}))($|\/|\?|#)
Vedomosti company ID identifier for a company in the Vedomosti database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vedomosti\.ru\/companies\/([a-z\d]+([\-]?[a-z\d]+)*[\-]?)
VocaDB artist ID identifier of an artist (music producer, illustrator, etc), a group of artists, or a voice synthesizer (vocaloid, utau, etc); given by ^https?:\/\/vocadb\.net\/Ar\/([1-9]\d*)
WIPO ST.3 World Intellectual Property Organization standard for the two-letter codes of countries and certain organizations
Weibo user ID Weibo user's identifier ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?weibo\.com\/(?:u\/)?([0-9a-zA-Z]{1,20})$
Wellfound ID profile of a person or organisation on Angel List ^https?:\/\/angel\.co\/p\/(.+)
WhatDoTheyKnow organisation ID identifier for a British public organisation in the WhatDoTheyKnow database ^https?:\/\/www\.whatdotheyknow\.com\/body\/([a-z0-9]+(?:\_[a-z0-9]+)*)
WikiRate company ID ID of an organization at WikiRate
Wissens-Aggregator Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit ID identifier for an entry in the Wissens-Aggregator Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit ^https?:\/\/wiag-vocab\.adw-goe\.de\/id\/(WIAG-(Pers|Inst)-(DIOCGatz|EPISCGatz|CANON)-\d{3,5}-\d{3})
WorldCat Identities ID (superseded) former ID for a bibliographic page of an entity on WorldCat. Use P243 (OCLC control number) for books, and P10832 (WorldCat Entities ID) for authority control for people, places, and works ^https?:\/\/(?:(?:www|m)\.)?worldcat\.org\/identities\/(viaf-\d+|lccn-n[a-z]?[0-9\-]+|n[cps]-.+)/? team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database
abART group ID identifier of group in Czech database abART ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?isabart\.org\/group\/((1[0-4]\d{3}|[1-9]\d{0,3}))
abART institution ID identifier of institution in Czech database abART ^https?:\/\/(?:(?:www|en|cs)\.)?isabart\.org\/institution\/([1-9]\d+)
archINFORM person/group ID identifier for a person or group on the archINFORM website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?archinform\.net\/arch\/([1-9][0-9]{0,5})\.htm
autonomous system number unique identifier for a collection of connected Internet Protocol (IP) routing prefixes under the control of one or more network operators ^https?:\/\/bgp\.he\.net\/AS([1-9]\d*) ID unique identifier of Uruguayan authors and artistic, scientific or literary works ^https?:\/\/autores\.uy\/(?:entidad|autor)\/([1-9]\d{0,4})
band number identifier of First Nation in Canada ^https?:\/\/fnp-ppn\.aadnc-aandc\.gc\.ca\/fnp\/Main\/Search\/FNMain\.aspx\?BAND_NUMBER=(\d+) team ID identifier for a sports team in the BSWW database
broadcast by channel, network, website or service that broadcast this item over radio, television or the Internet
callsign of airline identifier used in radio transmissions to refer to the subject airline
charity number (Isle of Man) Charity number of a charity or charitable organisation registered on the Isle of Man
compArt institution ID identifier for an institution in the compArt database Digital Art ^https?:\/\/dada\.compart-bremen\.de\/item\/institution\/(\d+) organisation ID identifier of an organization on the French national open-data platform ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?data\.gouv\.fr\/organizations\/([0-9][a-z0-9-]{23})\/
documenta archiv ID identifier for a person or an artist group in the documenta archiv
documentation files at institution that holds documentation files about the subject literary agent ID identifier for a literary agent/agency on playwright ID identifier for a playwright on https?:\/\/www\.doollee\.com\/Playwrights([A-Z]\/.+).php
eSbírky institution ID identifier for institution in database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?esbirky\.cz\/hledat\/instituce\/([1-9]\d*) organisation ID identifier for an organization in the database of science, education, and government organisations in Russia ^https?:\/\/elibrary\.ru\/org_about\.asp\?orgsid=(\d+)
historical Répertoire national des associations ID identifier of an association in the historical database of the Répertoire national des associations ^https?:\/\/entreprise\.data\.gouv\.fr\/etablissement\/([A-Z1-9][A-Z0-9]*)
iCSO ID identifier of civil society organizations in integrated Civil Society Organizations (iCSO) System of Department of Economic and Social Affairs
identification code for Japanese universities and colleges Identification code for universities and colleges in Japan. This code is defined in Japanese Industrial Standards.
photoLondon ID identifier for the photoLondon database ^https:\/\/www\.photolondon\.org\.uk\/#\/details\?id=(\d+)
police zone ID (Belgium) numeric identifier of a police zone (in Belgium)
tribal council number identifier for a First Nation tribal council in Canada from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada company ID identifier for a company on the website ^https?:\/\/vc\.ru\/(?:s\/)?(?!u\/)([A-Za-z\d]+(([\-]{1,2}|\_|\.)[A-Za-z\d]+){0,4})
Český hudební slovník osob a institucí ID identifier for a person or institution in the Český hudební slovník osob a institucí (Czech Music Dictionary of People and Institutions) ^https:\/\/www\.ceskyhudebnislovnik\.cz\/slovnik\/index\.php\?option=com_mdictionary&task=record\.record_detail&id=(\d+)
‎AFJV directory ID identifier of an organization in the AFJV directory ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?afjv\.com\/societe\/([1-9]\d*)\-
‎DfE group UID unique identifier of the school group used by the UK government ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?get-information-schools\.service\.gov\.uk\/Groups\/Group\/Details\/([0-9]{4,6})
‎Find my School ID unique identifier of a public school in Victoria, Australia used on the Find my School website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?findmyschool\.vic\.gov\.au\/#school=(\d{7})
‎Mod DB company ID identifier of a company in the ‎Mod DB database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?moddb\.com\/company\/([a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*)
‎Nigerian registered company ID registered company number (Registration Number) assigned to a business by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria
‎North Rhine-Westphalian school ID 6-digit number used by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia to identify schools ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?schulministerium\.nrw\.de\/BiPo\/SchuleSuchen\/pages\/schulsuche\/schule_information_seite\.xhtml\?schulnummer=(\d{6})

∑ 432 items.

End of automatically generated list.