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Autodescription — Wikidata property for an identifier (Q19847637)

description: Wikidata property to identify something in an external source
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Classification of the class Wikidata property for an identifier (Q19847637)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
Wikidata property for an identifier⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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See also

List of wikidata entries using this property with a view to were possibile them having a URL match pattern in the future.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q19847637 }

Article description URL match pattern web page title extract pattern
#SOSBrutalism ID identifier for #SOSBrutalism database website ^https:\/\/www\.sosbrutalism\.org\/cms\/(?:15802395#)?([1-9][0-9]*)
08euro.Ru person ID identifier for a participants of UEFA Euro 2008 at 08euro.Ru site
2GIS place-ID identifier 2GIS of a place ^https:\/\/2gis\.ru\/sochi\/geo\/(\d+)
2GIS route-ID identifier 2GIS of a route
2nd German Basketball Bundesliga ID unique identifier of a player in der second German basketball league
3DMet ID identifier of chemical compounds in 3DMet database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?3dmet\.dna\.affrc\.go\.jp\/cgi\/show_data\.php\?acc=(B\d{5})
500 Queer Scientists profile profile on 500 Queer Scientists database ^https:\/\/500queerscientists\.com\/(.+)
64 Parishes encyclopedia ID identifier for a topic in the 64 Parishes encyclopedia team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?90minut\.pl\/skarb\.php\?id_klub=([1-9]\d{0,6})
A Dictionary of Arabic Literary Terms and Devices ID identifier for a subject page in A Dictionary of Arabic Literary Terms and Devices
A New Nation Votes ID ID of a person in A New Nation Votes: American Electoral Returns, 1788-1825 ^https?:\/\/elections\.lib\.tufts\.edu\/catalog\/([A-Z]{2}\d{4})
AAAS keyword ID identifier for a topic, used by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
AAGM site ID identifier for a site in the Aberdeen Archives, Gallery & Museums (AAGM) catalogue
ABBBS Taxon ID unique identifier of a taxon listed in the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?environment\.gov\.au\/cgi-bin\/biodiversity\/abbbs\/abbbs-search\.pl\?taxon_id=(\d+)
ABS ASCL 2011 code Numerical language identifier in the Australian Standard Classification of Languages regulated by Australian Bureau of Statistics
ACE Repertory work ID registration identifier for a composition at ACE Repertory ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ascap\.com\/repertory#ace\/work\/(\d+)
ACL Anthology article ID ID of an article in ACL Anthology ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?aclweb\.org\/anthology\/([A-Z]\d{2}-\d{4})\/
ACM Digital Library event ID unique identifier of an event or conference series of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) ^https?:\/\/dl\.acm\.org\/event\.cfm\?id=(RE\d{3})
ACMA Broadcast Service Licence Number unique identifier of a Broadcast Service Licence issued by the Australian Communications and Media Authority ^https?:\/\/web\.acma\.gov\.au\/rrl\/licence_search\.results_page\?pQRY=(\d+)^|^Broadcast\+Service\+Licence&pSUB_TYPE=BSL\+Number^|^Service&pEXACT_IND=matches^|^matches
ACMI ID public identifiers used by the Australian Centre for the Moving Image https?:\/\/www.acmi\.net\.au\/(\w*)\/(\d*)
ADK member ID Akademie der Künste in Berlin member ID ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?adk\.de\/de\/akademie\/mitglieder\/\?we_objectID=((4999[6-9]|5[0-4]\d\d\d|55[0-6]\d\d|5570\d|5571[0-8]))
ADL Hate Symbols Database ID ID for a item in the Anti-Defamation League Hate Symbols Database ^https:\/\/www\.adl\.org\/resources\/hate-symbol\/([^#\/]+)
AEDA subject keyword ID identifier of a subject keyword in the Agricultural and Environmental Data Archive (AEDA)
AFCD PFKID unique identifier for a food type in the Australian Food Composition Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?foodstandards\.gov\.au\/science\/monitoringnutrients\/afcd\/Pages\/fooddetails\.aspx\?PFKID=(F\d{6})
AFL Tables umpire ID ID for a VFL/AFL umpire at ^https?:\/\/afltables\.com\/afl\/stats\/umpires\/([A-Za-z-_]+\d?)\.html
AHNMNH publication ID identifier for a publication in the Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici
AICS Chemical ID (BEING DELETED) unique identifier of a chemical in the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances
AICTE Permanent ID identifier number issued by AICTE, the authorized organization in India which grants approval for starting and accreditation technical institutions in India ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?knowyourcollege-gov\.in\/InstituteDetails\.php\?insti_id=(1-\d{7,10})
AISHE code identifier for a college, university, or standalone institution in India issued by the All India Survey on Higher Education
ANSI/NISO standard ID identifier for the number of the ANSI/NISO standard which normalizes the object ^https:\/\/global\.ihs\.com\/search_res\.cfm\?&input_search_filter=ANSI&input_doc_number=(Z39\.?\d*(-\d+)*.*)&input_doc_title=&org_code=ANSI
ANZCTR ID identifier of a clinical trial in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?anzctr\.org\.au\/Trial\/Registration\/TrialReview\.aspx\?id=([1-9]\d*)(&isClinicalTrial=True)?
ANZSRC 2008 FoR ID Australia and New Zealand Standard Research Classification 2008 identifier for a field of research. 1419 nodes at 3 levels: 22 Divisions, 157 Groups, 1340 Fields ^https?:\/\/purl\.org\/au-research\/vocabulary\/anzsrc-for\/2008\/([0-9]\d{1,5})
APA Dictionary of Psychology entry entry in the online version of the APA Dictionary of Psychology
ARICNS identifier for stars in ARICNS ^https?:\/\/wwwadd\.zah\.uni-heidelberg\.de\/datenbanken\/aricns\/cnspages\/4c([0-9]{5})\.htm
ARK formatter formatter to generate Archival Resource Key. Include $1 to be replaced with property value
ARRS race ID identifier for races held by ARRS (Association of Road Racing Statisticians) ^https?:\/\/more\.arrs\.run\/race\/([1-9]\d*)
ARWU university ID identifier for a university on Shanghai-Rankings website ^https:\/\/www\.shanghairanking\.(?:com|cn)?\/institution\/([^\s\/]+)
ASCCEG 2019 ID identifier in the Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups 2019
ASF KID Cave Tag Number unique identifier for caves within the Karst Index Database of the Australian Speleological Federation ^https?:\/\/guest:kranki@kid\.caves\.org\.au\/kid\/users\/search\/simple\?searchfor=([A-Z\d]{1,4}-X?\d+)
ASHRAE refrigerant number identifier of a refrigerant assigned in ANSI/ASHRAE standard 34
AWB lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Old High German dictionary at
AWS A3.0 process acronym acronym used as a welding process identifier defined by the American Welding Society in AWS A3.0
AZGS Library ID identifier for a document in the AZGS (Arizona Geological Survey) Library
Aathavanitli Gani film ID identifier for Marathi films as described by Aathavanitli Gani website
Aberdeen Built Ships ID identifier for a maritime vessel, in the Aberdeen Built Ships database
Aberdeenshire HER ID identifier for a heritage feature in the Aberdeenshire Historic Environment Record website and database ^https?:\/\/online\.aberdeenshire\.gov\.uk\/smrpub\/master\/detail\.aspx\?refno=(N[HJKO]\d{2}[NS][EW]\d{4}) topic ID identifier for a research topic on the website ^https?:\/\/www\.academia\.edu\/Documents\/in\/([\w_-]+)
AcademiaNet ID identifier in the AcademiaNet database for excellent female scientists ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?academia\-net\.org\/profile\/[a-z-]+\/([1-9]\d{0,6})
AccessScience ID identifier for content in the online encyclopedia AccessScience
Adelsvapen ID Swedish noble family on Adelsvapen-Wiki ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?adelsvapen\.com\/genealogi\/(\S{2,128})
Adelung lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Grammatisch-Kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart at
Agence photo RMN package ID identifier for a museum, exhibition, collection, or theme, on the 'Agence photo de la Réunion des Musées nationaux et du Grand Palais' website
Ahotsak lexeme lexicographic information at Ahotsak web ^https?:\/\/ahotsak\.eus\/corpusa\/lema\/([a-z]*)\/
Akadem organization ID (former scheme) identifier for an organization in Akadem
Alexander–Briggs notation common notation of abstract knots and links
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant ID identifiers of grants in the database of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation ^https?:\/\/sloan\.org\/grant-detail\/(\d+)
Algerian National Library ID identifier for the subject issued by the ANL (Algerian national library), alias: ANL ID ; BNA ID; NLA ID
Algerian National Statistics Office ID identifier for the subject issued by the ANOS (Algerian National Office of Statistics) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ons\.dz\/spip\.php\?rubrique(\d+)
Algerian commune ID identifier for a commune in the Ministry of the Interior of Algeria
Algerian district ID identifier for a district in the Ministry of the Interior of Algeria
Algerian trademark number ID identifier for a trademark in the Algerian National Industrial Property Institute ^https?:\/\/e-services\.inapi\.org:2023\/wopublish-search\/public\/detail\/trademarks\?id=((DZT)[0-9\_]+)
AllMovie genre ID identifier for a film or television genre on the AllMovie film database
AllMusic performance ID identifier for a recording of a performance in AllMusic ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?allmusic\.com\/performance\/(mq[0-9]{10})
Altmetric DOI DOI of a scientific or academic article at, to track citation metrics ^https?:\/\/www\.altmetric\.com\/details\/doi\//(^10.\d{4,9}\/[-._;()\/:A-Z0-9]+$)
Amarkosh ID ID for an entry in the online dictionary Amarkosh
Amazon Standard Identification Number identifier for a product on websites ^https?:\/\/www\.amazon(?:\.co)?\.[a-z]+\/(?:[^\/]+\/)?dp\/([A-Z\d]{10})
Amazon author ID author identifier on ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)amazon\.(?:com|fr|es|de|co\.uk|co\.jp)\/(?:.)\/(?:\w\w)\/(?:.+)\/e\/(B[0-9A-Z]+)[\/?#$]
^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)amazon\.(?:com|fr|es|de|co\.uk|co\.jp)\/(?:.+)\/author\/(B[0-9A-Z]+)[\/?#$] browse node node related to this concept on ^https:\/\/www\.amazon\.com\/b\?node=(\d+)
Anais do Museu Paulista article ID identifier for a scholarly article in the Anais do Museu Paulista ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?revistas\.usp\.br\/anaismp\/article\/view\/([1-9]\d{0,6})
Analysis & Policy Observatory term ID identifier for a term in the Analysis & Policy Observatory taxonomy ^https?:\/\/apo\.org\.au\/taxonomy\/term\/([1-9]\d*)
Ancient Tree Inventory ID identifier for ancient and notable trees in the United Kingdom ^https?:\/\/ati\.woodlandtrust\.org\.uk\/tree-search\/tree\/\?treeId=(\d{1,6})
AncientFaces person ID ID of someone in AncientFaces ^https:\/\/www\.ancientfaces\.com\/person\/.+\/(\d+)
AniSearch anime ID ID for an anime at AniSearch ^https\:\/\/www\.anisearch\.com\/anime\/(\d+)
Animated Knots ID identifier for a type of knot, in the Animated Knots website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?animatedknots\.com\/(\w+)\/
AnimeClick drama ID identifier of drama from AnimeClick database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?animeclick\.it\/live\/(\d+)
AnimeClick novel ID identifier of novel from AnimeClick database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?animeclick\.it\/novel\/(\d+)
AnyDecentMusic album ID identifier for album reviews at AnyDecentMusic ^http:\/\/www\.anydecentmusic\.com\/review\/(\d+)\/_.aspx
Apache Project ID identifier of Apache Project
App Store developer ID identifier for an iOS app developer on App Store ^https?:\/\/apps\.apple\.com\/(?:[a-z]{2,3})\/developer\/(?:[^\/]+\/)?id([1-9]\d*)
Apple Books book ID (U.S. version) identifier for an e-book in the American version of Apple Books ^https?:\/\/books\.apple\.com\/us\/book\/id([1-9][0-9]*)
Apple IIGS France ID identifier of a software in the Apple IIGS France database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?apple-iigs\.info\/detlogiciels\.php\?nom=([\w_\(\)]+)
Arabic Ontology ID identifier for external link, item equivalent on Q63107058 in English and/or Arabic ^https:\/\/ontology\.birzeit\.edu\/concept\/([1-9]\d{0,7})
Arabic Ontology lemma ID identifier for a lemma in the Birzeit University Arabic Ontology database of morphologic entities
Arabic Ontology lexical concept ID identifier for a lexical concept in the Birzeit University Arabic Ontology database of morphologic entities
Arachne building ID identifier for a building in the Arachne database ^https?:\/\/arachne\.uni-koeln\.de\/item\/bauwerk\/([1-9]\d*)
Arachne collection ID identifier for a collection in the Arachne database ^https?:\/\/arachne\.uni-koeln\.de\/item\/sammlungen\/([1-9]\d*)
Arachne entity ID identifier for an entity in the archaeological database Arachne, version 4 ^https:\/\/arachne\.dainst\.org\/entity\/([1-9]\d*)
Arachne object ID identifier for an object in the Arachne database, version 3 ^https?:\/\/arachne\.uni-koeln\.de\/item\/objekt\/([1-9]\d*)
Aragonario ID (6th version) identifier for an Aragonese or Spanish lexeme in the Aragonese-Spanish online dictionary (version since January 2023)
ArchDaily architecture office ID identifier for an architectural company on ArchDaily https:\/\/www\.archdaily\.com\/office\/([a-z0-9-]+)
Archaeology Data Service ID identifier for a work in the Archaeology Data Service Library database
Archival Resource Key Archival Resource Key for item or image ^https?:\/\/n2t\.net\/(ark:\/\d{5}\/.*)
Archivarta ID identifier of an object in the Archivarta database of cultural heritage
Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America ID identifier from the Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America ^https?:\/\/research\.frick\.org\/directory\/detail\/([1-9]\d*)
Archives Portal Europe ID identifier for an archival institution in the directory of Archives Portal Europe https?:\/\/(?:www\.)archivesportaleurope\.net\/advanced-search\/search-in-institutions\/results-\(institutions\)\/\?repositoryCode=((?:[A-Z]{2}|EUR)-[A-Za-z0-9-]+)
Archives West finding aid ID identifier of a finding aid in Archives West ^https?:\/\/archiveswest\.orbiscascade\.org\/ark:\/80444\/(xv[0-9]\d{4,5})\/
Archnet site ID site ID of related to architecture, urban issues, landscape design, visual culture and conservation issues ^https?:\/\/archnet\.org\/sites\/(\d+)
ArhivX LOD Croatian art/theater linked open data
Arkivportalen agent ID identifier for an actor (person or institution) in Arkivportalen, a website for Norwegian archives ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?arkivportalen\.no\/side\/aktor\/detaljer\?aktorId=([a-z]{2}-[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+[0-9])
Arkivportalen archive ID identifier for an archive in Arkivportalen, a website for Norwegian archives ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?arkivportalen\.no\/side\/arkiv\/detaljer\?arkivId=([a-z]{2}-[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+[0-9])
Armenian Book ID identifier for a written work in the Armenian Book database of National Library of Armenia ^https?:\/\/haygirk\.nla\.am\/cgi-bin\/koha\/opac-detail\.pl\?biblionumber=([1-9]\d*)
Armenian Cinema ID identifier for a work or person, in the Armenian Cinema database of the Armenian Association of Film Critics and Cinema Journalists ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?arm-cinema\.am\/am\/([a-z]+(\_[a-z]+){0,2}\/[1-9]\d*)\.html
Armenian Vikidia ID name of the article in Armenian Vikidia ^https?:\/\/hy\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
Arnet Miner publication ID ID of a publication in Arnet Miner
Art Gallery of Ontario object ID identifier for an object in a collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto
Art UK collection ID identifier for art collections, in the UK ^https?:\/\/artuk\.org\/visit\/collection\/([\w-]+)
Art for the City inventory number alphanumeric inventory number of a work in the Art for the City database ID identifier for resources in the Knowledge Graph ^https?:\/\/kg\.artsdata\.ca\/resource\/(K\d+-\d+)
Atari Legend ID identifier in the Atari Legend database of Atari videogames ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?atarilegend\.com\/games\/games_detail\.php\?game_id=([1-9]\d*)
AtariAge ID identifier in the AtariAge database of Atari videogames ^https?:\/\/atariage\.com\/software_page\.php\?SoftwareLabelID=([1-9]\d*)
Atarimania ID identifier in the Atarimania database of Atari videogames ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?atarimania\.com\/pgesoft\.awp\?version=([1-9]\d*)
Atlante Geopolitico ID identifier for an item in the Atlante Geopolitico on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+[a-z0-9]*(?:\-[a-z0-9]+)*(?:_res\-[0-9a-f]{8}(?:\-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}\-[0-9a-f]{12})?)_\(Atlante[_\-]Geopolitico\)
Atlas of Living Australia ID identifier for a taxon in the Atlas of Living Australia
Auckland Museum ID identifier assigned to a person by the Auckland War Memorial Museum, New Zealand ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?aucklandmuseum\.com\/collections-research\/collections\/record\/am_person-([\d]+)
Augustins de l'Assomption ID identifier for an Assumptionist on the website of the order
AustLII ID identifier in the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) online database ^https?:\/\/www\.austlii\.edu\.au\/(au/(cases|legis|other)(/\w*){3-5})\.html
AustLit ID identifier at AustLit ^https?:\/\/www\.austlit\.edu\.au\/austlit\/page\/([ACv]?\d+)
Australian Classification ID identifier for a creative work on the Australian Classification Board's official website ^https?:\/\/www\.classification\.gov\.au\/titles\/([a-z0-9-]+)
Australian Educational Vocabulary ID ID for curriculum term in one of the controlled vocabularies at Australian education vocabularies ^https?:\/\/vocabulary\.curriculum\.edu\.au\/([\w\/\d]*)\.html
Australian Research Council Grant ID identifier for a grant issued by the Australian Research Council
Australian War Memorial ID identifier for a person, event, unit, place, or item in the Australian War Memorial collection ^https:\/\/www\.awm\.gov\.au\/collection\/([A-Z]+\d+)
Australian honours ID ID for an instance of an Australian honour being awarded to an Australian citizen ^https?:\/\/honours\.pmc\.gov\.au\/honours\/awards\/([1-9]\d+)
Austrian school ID A 6-digit number used by the Austrian government to identify schools.
Authenticus ID ID of a researcher in Authenticus website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?authenticus\.pt\/([A-Z]-[0-9A-Z]{3}-[0-9A-Z]{3})
Author ID from the Modern Discussion website digital identifier for article writers on the Modern discussion website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ahewar\.org\/m\.asp\?i=([1-9]\d*)
Authority file of the Iraqi Authors an Iraqi authority list concerned with Iraqi authors to unify the wording of the Iraqi author’s name and provide an authority database
Azerbaijani National Encyclopedia ID article identifier in the Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia
B3Kat dataset ID entry ID in B3Kat, the joint union catalogue of the Bavarian Library Network (Bibliotheksverbund Bayern - BVB) and the Cooperative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg (KOBV)
BBC Food ID identifier for an entry on the BBC Food website ^https?:\/\/www\.bbc\.co\.uk\/food\/([a-z_\/]+)
BBFC reference reference number for a film or video game (-2012) media content rating decision on BBFC's official website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bbfc\.co\.uk\/([A-Z]{3}\d{6})
BDFutbol team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the BDFutbol database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bdfutbol\.com\/en\/e\/e([1-9]\d{0,6})\.html
BDH edition ID identifier of an edition on the Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, including the prefix "bdh" ^https?:\/\/bdh\.bne\.es\/bnesearch\/detalle\/(bdh00\d{8})
BFO class ID identifier for Basic Formal Ontology, the upper-level ontology upon which OBO Foundry ontologies are built
BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units ID identifier for a stratigraphic unit given by the British Geological Survey ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bgs\.ac\.uk\/Lexicon\/lexicon\.cfm\?pub=([A-Z]{1,4})
BHL creator ID identifier for a creator of a work in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?biodiversitylibrary\.org\/creator\/([1-9]\d*)
BHL part ID identifier for a part of a work (such as a journal article or book chapter) in the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?biodiversitylibrary\.org\/part\/([1-9]\d*)
BIBFRAME Hub ID identifier for a BIBFRAME Hub description from the Library of Congress Catalog, primarily generated by converting the Library's MARC Bibliographic records and MARC title authority records to BIBFRAME Hub descriptions
BMC ID identifier of item in Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca database
BMRB ID identifier of a compound in, an NMR spectra database ^https?:\/\/bmrb\.wisc\.edu\/metabolomics\/mol_summary\/index\.php\?id=(bmse[0-9]{6})&whichTab=0
BMZ lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Middle High German dictionary by Benecke, Müller, Zarncke at No/unknown value
BRUZZ topic ID identifier for a topic on the BRUZZ website
BSDB player ID player ID on BSDB (database on football in Belgium)
Baden-Württemberg protected area ID identifier for nature and landscape protected areas in Baden-Württemberg (Germany), issued by the Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg
Badok ID identifier for an entity in the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?badok\.eus\/euskal-musika\/[a-z0-9-]+(\/[a-z0-9-]+)?
Bahamut Gamer's Community ACG Database ID a Taiwanese database for Games, Animation, Comic, Light Novels ^https?:\/\/acg\.gamer\.com\.tw\/acgDetail\.php\?s=(\d+)
Balochistan EMIS code identifier for a school (usually government-affiliated) in the province of Balochistan ^https?:\/\/emis\.gob\.pk\/Views\/Reports\/Reports\/SchoolProfileSummaryReportsPublic\.aspx\?BemisCode=(\d{5})
Bane NOR Network Statement ID identifier for Norwegian railway stations and lines in Bane NOR's Network Statement
Banglapedia ID (Bengali) identifier for a Bengali article on Banglapedia, the national online encyclopedia of Bangladesh
Barnivore product ID identifier for a product on Barnivore
Basis Wien event ID identifier of an event in the Basis Wien database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?basis-wien\.at\/db\/event\/([0-9]\d*)
Basis Wien institution ID identifier of an institution in the Basis Wien database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?basis-wien\.at\/db\/institution\/([0-9]\d*)
Basis Wien object ID identifier of an object in the Basis Wien database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?basis-wien\.at\/db\/object\/([0-9]\d*)
Basque Vikidia ID ID of the article in Basque Vikidia ^https?:\/\/eu\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
BeSoccer player ID identifier for a player's profile on the BeSoccer website
Behind The Voice Actors TV show ID identifier of a television show on the website Behind The Voice Actors ^https?:\/\/www\.behindthevoiceactors\.com\/tv-shows\/([^.\/\s]+)\/(?!.)
Behind The Voice Actors short ID identifier of a short on the website Behind The Voice Actors ^https?:\/\/www\.behindthevoiceactors\.com\/shorts\/([^.\/\s]+)\/
BelTA dossier ID identifier for people, organizations, events etc. at the Belarusian state news agency BelTA
Belarus in persons and events ID page in the encyclopedia "Belarus in persons and events" ^https?:\/\/bis\.nlb\.by\/(?:by|ru|en)\/documents\/([1-9]\d*)
Belgian Heritage in Brazil ID identifier for notorious individuals, companies and artworks associated to the Belgian heritage in Brazil
Beta maṣāḥǝft ID stable identifier of a resource linked to the Ethiopic manuscript tradition present in the Beta maṣāḥǝft research environment ( ^https?:\/\/betamasaheft\.eu\/([A-Za-z0-9]+)
Biblioteca Nacional de Chile catalogue number catalogue number for books (editions), periodical, magazine, map, photography and other media in the Biblioteca Nacional de Chile ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bncatalogo\.cl\/F\/\?func=direct&local_base=BNC01&doc_number=(\d{9})
Bilbaopedia ID identifier for a topic in the Spanish encyclopedia Bilbaopedia regarding Bilbao
Bilibili tag ID number of a tag of Bilibili, a Chinese video website similar to YouTube or Niconico ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bilibili\.com\/tag\/([1-9]\d*)
Bilibili user ID this item's user ID on Bilibili ^https?:\/\/space\.bilibili\.com\/([1-9]\d*)
Bilibili video ID identifier of a video on Bilibili ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bilibili\.com\/video\/((?:av|AV)[1-9]\d*|BV[0-9A-Za-z]{10})
Bill Number number assigned to a bill to be submitted to the parliament of the state or local government
Bing entity ID identifier for an entity on Microsoft Bing ^https:\/\/www\.bing\.com\/images\/search\?q=[^&]+&cbn=KnowledgeCard&stid=([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})
BioRxiv ID identifier of a document in BioRxiv, a preprint repository for the biological sciences launched in November 2013 ^https?:\/\/(?:dx\.|www\.)?doi\.org\/10\.1101\/((\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}\.)?\d{6})
Biodiversity of West Bengal species ID identifier for species found in West Bengal maintained by the 'Biodiversity of West Bengal' database ^https?:\/\/biodiversityofwestbengal\.wildwingsindia\.in\/description\.php\?sname=([\w\s]*)
Biographical Dictionary of Foreign Kartvelologists of Georgia ID Identifier for a person in the Biographical Dictionary of Foreign Kartvelologists of Georgia
Biographisches Portal der Rabbiner ID ID of a rabbis in Biographisches Portal der Rabbiner
Biology Online Biology Dictionary entry entry for a term in the Biology Online Biology Dictionary
Birds of India ID identifier for birds found in India maintained by the 'Birds of India' database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?birdsofindia\.org\/#!\/sp\/([0-9]+)
BitterDB compound ID identifier of chemical compound in BitterDB ID identifier for articles on ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?blackpast\.org\/([a-z\-]+\/[a-z0-9\-]+(\/[a-z0-9\-]+)*)\/
Bloomsbury Fashion Central ID numerical identifier for an entry in the Bloomsbury Fashion Central database
Bluetooth Declaration ID unique identifier of a certification granted by Bluetooth SIG for product conformance to Bluetooth standards
BoardGameGeek family ID identifier for a game series on the BoardGameGeek website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?boardgamegeek\.com\/boardgamefamily\/([1-9]\d{0,5})
Boig Sardanista sardana ID identifier for entities in the Boig Sardanista website ^https:\/\/\/llistat.asp\?idsardana\=(\d+)$
Bollywood Hungama person alphabetic ID identifier of an artist on Bollywood Hungama ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bollywoodhungama\.com\/celebrity\/([a-z][a-z-]+\d*)\/filmography\/
BookBrainz work ID identifier for a work on the BookBrainz open book encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/bookbrainz\.org\/work\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})
Borden Code unique identifier of a archeological site in Canada
Bowers acronym unique identifier for a geometric shape
BrainInfo ID (hierarchical) numeric identifier of a brain structure in the BrainInfo (NeuroNames) database in hierarchical mode ^https?:\/\/braininfo\.rprc\.washington\.edu\/centraldirectory\.aspx\?type=h&ID=(\d+)
Brazilian Electoral Unit ID unique identifier of an brazilian electoral unit, defined by the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court
Brazilian Football Confederation player ID identifier for football player on site Brazilian Football Confederation ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cbf\.com\.br\/futebol-brasileiro\/atletas\/([1-9]\d+)
Brazilian aerodrome identification code national identifier of Brazilian aerodromes
Brazilian federal deputy ID identifier for a member of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?camara\.leg\.br\/deputados\/(\d+)\/biografia
Brazzers ID identifier for a pornographic actor on Brazzers ^https:\/\/www\.brazzers\.com\/pornstar\/(\d+)\/
Brenda Tissue Ontology ID identifier in the Brenda Tissue Ontology ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?brenda-enzymes\.org\/ontology\.php\?ontology_id=3&id_go=(BTO:\d+)
Breton Favereau dictionary lexeme ID identifier for a Breton lexeme in the translation dictionary compiled by Francis Favereau
Brilliant Wiki ID identifier for a wiki article ^https?:\/\/brilliant\.org\/wiki\/([^\/?#]+)\/
British Comedy Guide person ID Identifier of a person on ^https:\/\/www\.comedy\.co\.uk\/people\/([a-z_-]+)
British Listed Buildings ID identifier for the British Listed Buildings website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?britishlistedbuildings\.co\.uk\/([1-3]\d{8})
British Music Collection composer ID identifier for a composer on the British Music Collection website
Broadcast Radio Bearer URI identifier linking Wikidata item to the broadcast parameters for a transmission ^https?:\/\/www\.radiodns\.uk\/services\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)
Brooklyn Museum Exhibition ID id of an exhibition in the Brooklyn Museum's "opencollection" subwebsite ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?brooklynmuseum\.org\/opencollection\/exhibitions\/([1-9]\d*)
Bundle ID unique identifier for an application used in iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS systems ^https?:\/\/itunes\.apple\.com\/lookup\?bundleId=([0-9A-Za-z\-.]+)
Bursa Malaysia stock code stock code on Bursa Malaysia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bursamalaysia\.com\/trade\/trading_resources\/listing_directory\/company-profile\?stock_code=(\d+) law identification identification number of a law in
Bérose ID identifier for a person, a journal or an institution on the website of the Bérose online encyclopedia ^https:\/\/www\.berose\.fr\/\?-([^\s\/&]+)-
CA PROP 65 ID ID for substance in California Proposition 65 list of chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive harm
CAGE code identifier for a supplier to government agencies
CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas ID identifier for an entry on the CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas website author ID numeric ID of author in Československá bibliografická databáze book ID numeric ID of a book in Československá bibliografická databáze
CBSE affiliation number code for schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Educ CBSE affiliation ^https?:\/\/cbseaff\.nic\.in\/cbse_aff\/schdir_Report\/AppViewdir\.aspx\?affno=(\d*)
CCFr document ID identifier for a document on the collective catalog of France
CDDA designationTypeCode code for the national designation type used in the Common Database on Designated Areas inventory (CDDA)
CDep.Ro NGO ID identifier for a Non-Governmental Organization in the database of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania on the CDep.Ro website
CEEB K-12 school code code issued by the College Board for K-12 schools
CETS number Council of Europe treaty number ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?coe\.int\/web\/conventions\/full-list\?module=treaty-detail&treatynum=([0-9]{3}[A-Z]?)
CIP data sheet CIP data sheet of the object
CISCE school code code for schools affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations
CIViC variant ID identifier used in the CIViC database to identify specific variant ^https?:\/\/civic\.genome\.wustl\.edu\/links\/variants\/([1-9]\d*)
CIÊNCIAVITAE ID identifier of scientific author in ^https?:\/\/www\.cienciavitae\.pt\/((?:[0-9A-F]{4}-){2}[0-9A-F]{4})
CNO-11 occupation code Spanish classification of occupations CNO-11 maintained by the Spanish INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística)
COD ID identifier of a crystal structure in the Crystallography Open Database (COD) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?crystallography\.net\/cod\/([1-9][0-9]{6})\.html
CORE ID ID of an article in CORE (Connecting Repositories) ^https?:\/\/core\.ac\.uk\/display\/([1-9]\d*)
COSPAR ID international satellite designation, administered by the UN Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), similar but not synonymous with the NSSDCA ID (P8913) ^https?:\/\/nssdc\.gsfc\.nasa\.gov\/nmc\/spacecraft\/display\.action\?id=((19[5-9]|20[0-2])\d-[012]\d\d[A-Z]{1,2})
CPCWiki ID identifier in the CPCWiki ^https?:\/\/www\.cpcwiki\.eu\/index\.php\/([^?#]+)
CPUID x86/x86-64 processor type information returned by the CPUID instruction into the EAX register
CPV profile ID ID sportspeople on NPC of Czech Republic website
CRAB ID CRAB street code for streets in Flanders, Belgium
CSO topic ID Computer Science Ontology topics: automatically generated taxonomy of research topics in the field of Computer Science
CSS color keyword keyword that refers to the element, according to the CSS standard
CUP2002.RU person ID identifier for a participants of 2002 FIFA World Cup at CUP2002.RU site
CUT code identifier for regions, provinces, and municipalities in Chile as defined by Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales
CVR person ID unique identifier for persons (owners/directors) in Denmark's Central Business Register (CVR), the official database of Danish businesses ^https?:\/\/datacvr\.virk\.dk\/data\/visenhed\?enhedstype=person&id=(4\d{9})
CVX vaccine code code for a vaccine administered by the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
CWE ID identifier of a software weakness type identified in the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) list ^https?:\/\/cwe\.mitre\.org\/data\/definitions\/([1-9]\d{1,4})\.html
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology ID identifier for an article in the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology
Cameo ID identifier for people on Cameo ^https?\:\/\/www\.cameo\.com\/(\w+)
Camera Decision ID identifier for a camera, on the Camera Decision website ^https?:\/\/cameradecision\.com\/review\/([0-9A-Za-z]+(\-[0-9A-Za-z]+)*)
Cameroun COG COG identifier of an administrative territorial entity of Cameroon
Can I use feature ID identifier for a browser feature, technology or web standard on Can I use... ^https?:\/\/caniuse\.com\/((?!issue-list)(?!usage-table)(?!ciu\/(?:news|index|settings|about))[a-z0-9]+((-|_)[a-z0-9]+)*)
CanLII ID identifier for decisions of Canadian court cases ^https?:\/\/canlii\.ca\/t\/([a-z0-9]{5})
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Gem ID Identifier for a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation GEM (a media URL for a television series, television episodes, documentaries, or other media)
Canadian Encyclopedia article ID identifier for articles in the Canadian Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/www\.thecanadianencyclopedia\.ca\/(?:en|fr)\/article\/([\w\d]+(?:-[\w\d]+)*)\/
Canadiana Name Authority ID system control number used in the Canadiana Name Authority File, format: "ncf" followed by 8 digits ^https?:\/\/viaf\.org\/processed\/CAOONL\|(ncf\d{8})
Canal-U channel ID ID of a channel on Canal-U, the online video library of French Higher Education ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?canal-u\.tv\/producteurs\/([\w\-_]*)
Carnegie Hall event ID identifier for an event in the Carnegie Hall Linked Open Data (LOD) database ^https?:\/\/data\.carnegiehall\.org\/events\/([1-9]\d*)
Carnegie Hall work ID identifier for a work in the Carnegie Hall Linked Open Data (LOD) database ^https?:\/\/data\.carnegiehall\.org\/works\/([1-9]\d*)
Caselaw Access Project case ID identifier for single case in Caselaw Access Project
Catalan Biographical Dictionary of Women ID identifier in the biographical dictionary of Catalan women ^https?:\/\/dbd\.vives\.org\/fitxa_biografies\.php\?id=([1-9]\d{0,3})
Catalan Vikidia ID ID of the article in Catalan Vikidia ^https?:\/\/ca\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
Catalogo Nazionale Dati ID identifier for an item in a controlled vocabulary of the Italian Catalogo Nazionale Dati ( ^https?:\/\/w3id\.org\/italia\/controlled-vocabulary\/(.+)
Cbonds company profile identifier for a company in the Cbonds database, a financial market data vendor in the United Arab Emirates, covering global bonds, equities and ETFs
Cell Line Ontology ID identifier for the Cell Line Ontology which describes anatomic origin and nature of eukaryotic cell lines ^https?:\/\/purl\.obolibrary\.org\/obo\/(CLO_\d{7})
Central Index Key number given to an individual or company by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sec\.gov\/cgi-bin\/browse-edgar\?action=getcompany&CIK=(\d+)
Central records of collections ID collection's ID in the database of Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic CCDZ ID Cerist CCDZ identifier of a thesis or a PhD holder or a jury member or an institution, on the Algerian thesis database and recorded in the Centre de Recherche sur l'Information Scientifique et Technique
Championat ID identifier of a team, sports facility, or player on the Championat website decision maker ID identifier for a decision maker on the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?change\.org\/decision-makers\/([A-Za-z-]+)
ChemRxiv ID identifier of a document in ChemRxiv, a preprint server for the chemical sciences launched in 2016 ^https?:\/\/chemrxiv\.org\/articles\/preprint\/.+\/(\d+) player ID identifier on the website ^https?:\/\/www\.chessgames\.com\/perl\/chessplayer\?pid=(\d{5,6})
Chgk person ID identifier for a person playing the Russian TV game What? Where? When? ^https?:\/\/chgk\.tvigra\.ru\/znatoki\/\?([^\sA-Z\d\W\_]+)
China Engineering Expert Tank ID ID of a person in Chinese Engineering Expert Tank, a database of Chinese researchers in science and engineering fields
China Martyrs ID ID for someone killed or sacrificed themself in China ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?chinamartyrs\.gov\.cn\/search\/MatyrInfo\.html\?guid=([0-9a-fA-F]{32})
China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ID Wikidata property for authority control, Wikidata property for an identifier, and Wikidata property for identifiers in registers of goods and services in People's Republic of China ^https:\/\/cmiitid\.cn\/(\d{4}[ACDFGHLSWZ][PJ]\d*)
China Treaty Database ID identifier for a treaty in the China Treaty Database
China movable cultural relic ID unique identifier for a movable cultural relic (cultural property) of China
Chinese Professional Baseball League player ID ID of a player in Chinese Professional Baseball League website of Taiwan ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cpbl\.com\.tw\/team\/person\?acnt=(\d{10}|[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{3})
Chrome Platform Status feature ID identifier for a feature on Chrome Platform Status
Chromosome numbers of the Flora of Germany database ID numerical identifier in the "Chromosome numbers of the Flora of Germany" database ^https?:\/\/chromosomes\.senckenberg\.de\/karyodb\/view\/index\.php\?table_name=view&function=details&where_field=IDChromosomeCounts&where_value=([1-9]\d*)
Church Heritage Cymru ID identifier for a church building in the Church Heritage Cymru database (not the church code but a separate identifier)
Church of Sweden ID identifier in the database of dioceses, pastorates and church buildings of Sweden
Cinemaazi film ID identifier for a film in, a encyclopedic resource about Indian cinema by the Indian Cinema Heritage Foundation
Cinemaazi people ID identifier for a person in, a encyclopedic resource about Indian cinema by the Indian Cinema Heritage Foundation
Cinestaan film ID external identifier for Indian movies ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cinestaan\.com\/movies\/-([1-9]\d*)
Cinémathèque québécoise work ID Cinémathèque québécoise identifier for a work ^https?:\/\/collections\.cinematheque\.qc\.ca\/recherche\/oeuvres\/fiche\/([1-9]\d*)
Cinépolis KLIC ID identifier of a movie in Cinépolis KLIC website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cinepolisklic\.com\/pelicula\/([a-z\d-]+)
CircleID writer ID identifier for writers at CircleID ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?circleid\.com\/members\/(\d+)\/
Cité de la Musique-Philharmonie de Paris work ID identifier for a musical work in the Cité de la Musique-Philharmonie de Paris database ^https?:\/\/digital\.philharmoniedeparis\.fr\/doc\/CIMU\/(\d+)
Cleveland Museum of Art ID identifier for works in the Cleveland Museum of Art ^[1-9]\d+\.[1-9]\d+)$
ClinVar Variation ID identifier in the ClinVar database for human genomic variation
Cochrane concept ID identifier for a concept in the Cochrane linked-data vocabulary, relating to health and medicine ^https?:\/\/data\.cochrane\.org\/concepts\/(\w+)
CocoaPods pod entry for an project in CocoaPods
Code of Natura 2000/FFH habitat codes used in the Habitats Directive as identifier for habitats
Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire ID identifier for a coin hoard
CoinMarketCap cryptocurrency ID identifier for a cryptocurrency on CoinMarketCap ^https?:\/\/coinmarketcap\.com\/currencies\/([^\s\/]+)\/
Colonial Frontier Massacres ID identifier for a massacre in the database of Colonial Frontier Massacres in Central and Eastern Australia 1788-1930 ^https?:\/\/c21ch\.newcastle\.edu\.au\/colonialmassacres\/detail\.php\?r=([1-9]\d*)
Colorado Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the Colorado Encyclopedia website
Common Procurement Vocabulary massively multilingual and public domain taxonomy legislated by the EU for goods and services ^https?:\/\/cpv\.data\.ac\.uk\/code\-(\d{8})\.html
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures ID identifier of an information security vulnerability ^https?:\/\/web\.nvd\.nist\.gov\/view\/vuln\/detail\?vulnId=(CVE-\d{4}-\d{4,7})
Commons Institution page name of the institutions's page on Wikimedia Commons (without the prefix "Institution")
Commons category name of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix "Category:") ^https:\/\/commons\.wikimedia\.org\/wiki\/Category:([^{}\[\]<>?]+)
Compendium heroicum ID identifier for an article in the Compendium heroicum ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?compendium-heroicum\.de\/lemma\/([a-z](-[a-z])*)
Complete BBC Micro Games Archive ID identifier in the Complete BBC Games Archive ( ^https?:\/\/bbcmicro\.co\.uk\/game\.php\?id=([1-9]\d*)
Complex Portal accession ID accession number of protein complex at the Complex Portal ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ebi\.ac\.uk\/complexportal\/complex\/(CPX-[0-9]+)
Conseil constitutionnel ID identifier of a member of the 'Conseil constitutionnel' on its website
Copernicus EMS ID Copernicus Programme Emergency Management Service rapid mapping activation code
Corpus typographique français ID identifier for a typeface on the Corpus typographique français website
Cour des comptes report ID identifier for a report about an organization on the 'Cour des comptes's website
Critique d'art ID identifier for an entry on the Critique d'art website ^https?:\/\/journals\.openedition\.org\/critiquedart\/([1-9]\d*)
CueTracker tournament ID ID about a specific snooker tournament at the database
Culinary Heritage of Switzerland ID identifier for a food product in the Culinary Heritage of Switzerland online encyclopedia person ID identifier of a person at Ministry of Culture of Russia website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?culture\.ru\/persons\/([1-9]\d*)
Cultureel Woordenboek ID identifier for a concept in the Dutch Cultureel Woordenboek ('Cultural Dictionary')
Curlie ID category path at Open Directory Project ^https?:\/\/curlie\.org\/((?:Arts|Games|Kids_and_Teens|Reference|Shopping|Business|Health|News|Regional|Society|Computers|Home|Recreation|Science|Sports|World)\/\S+)\/?
CurseForge project ID identifier for a project on the CurseForge website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.|minecraft\.)?\/projects\/([1-9][0-9]+)
Czech Geomorphological Unit Code identifier assigned to geomorphological units (regions) in Czechia
Czech cadastral area ID identifier for a cadastral area in the Czech Republic, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/linked\.cuzk\.cz\/resource\/ruian\/katastralni-uzemi\/(\d+)
Czech city district ID identifier for a city district in the Czech Republic, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/linked\.cuzk\.cz\/resource\/ruian\/momc\/(\d+)
Czech cohesion region ID identifier for a cohesion region, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/regiony\/(\d+)
Czech district ID identifier for a district, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/okresy\/(\d+)
Czech municipality ID identifier for a municipality in the Czech Republic conferred by the Czech Office of Surveying and Cadastre ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/obce\/(5\d{5})
Czech region ID identifier for a region, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/vusc\/(\d+)
Czech structural object ID identifier of building in the RÚIAN database in the Czech Republic
Czech territorial region ID identifier for a territorial region, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/kraje1960\/(\d+)
DANE code identification code for Colombian municipalities according to the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE)
DANFS ship ID identifier for a ship on the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships website
DATAtourisme ID identifier (RDF URI) for the subject issued by DATAtourisme database
DBLP event ID identifier for scientific events in the DBLP computer science bibliography
DBpia article ID identifier for an article in the DBpia database provided by Nurimedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?dbpia\.co\.kr\/journal\/articleDetail\?nodeId=(NODE\d{8})
DC Comics talent ID identifier for writers and artists on
DCMOTO ID identifier in the DCMOTO database of Thomson MO/TO software ^https?:\/\/dcmoto\.free\.fr\/programmes\/(\w[-\w]*)
DDB ID identifier for items in Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?deutsche-digitale-bibliothek\.de\/item\/([0-9A-Z]{32})
DFG Science Classification German Research Foundation (DFG) classification of scientific disciplines, research areas, review boards, and subject areas
DGHS facility code identifier for a facility indexed by Bangladesh's Directorate General of Health Services ^https?:\/\/facilityregistry\.dghs\.gov\.bd\/org_profile\.php\?org_code=(\d{8})
DIBAVOD ID ID of water objects (rivers, ponds, lakes, ...) of the Czech republic referenced in DIgitální BÁze VOdohospodářských Dat (DIBAVOD) of VÚV TGM
DINOloket ID identifier from database of geologic units in the Netherlands (Data Informatie Nederlandse Ondergrond) ^https:\/\/www\.dinoloket\.nl\/stratigrafische-nomenclator\/via-code\/([A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9]*)
DIR3 ID official identifier of a public Spanish organization
DNV Vessel register ID identifier for a ship, in the DNV Vessel register ^https?:\/\/vesselregister\.dnv\.com\/VesselRegister\/vesseldetails\.html\?vesselid=(G?\d*)
DOGC ID external and unique identifier which represents a publication in Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya ^https?:\/\/dogc\.gencat\.cat\/ca\/document-del-dogc\/\?documentId=([1-9]\d{0,5})
DOI serial code used to uniquely identify digital objects like academic papers (use upper case letters only) ^https?:\/\/(?:dx\.|www\.)?doi\.org\/(10\.[0-9]{4,}(?:\.[0-9]+)*(?:\/|%2F)(?:(?![\"&\'])\S)+)
DOI prefix identifier specific to a DOI registrant ^https?:\/\/(?:dx\.)?doi\.org\/(10(\.[1-9]\d*)+)$
DPLA ID identifier for books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout United States ^https?:\/\/dp\.la\/item\/([0-9a-f]{32})
DSSTOX compound identifier identifier of a compound in America's Environmental Protection Agency chemical database "DSSTOX" ^https?:\/\/comptox\.epa\.gov\/dashboard\/dsstoxdb\/results\?search=(DTXCID\d+)
DVR Number identifier for data processing Austrian organisations
DWB lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the German dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm at No/unknown value
DWB2 lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the revised edition of the German dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm at ^https:\/\/woerterbuchnetz\.de\/\?sigle=DWB2&lemid=([A-Z][0-9]{5})
DanNet 2.2 word ID identifier for part of the URI for a word in the DanNet resource ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?wordnet\.dk\/owl\/instance\/2009\/03\/instances\/word-(((\d{8})(-\d+)?)|(temporary_\d+))
Dana 8th edition mineral classification Dana 8th edition
Danish educational institution number number for Danish educational institutions
Danmarks Tekniske Kulturarv book ID Identifier for a book in the Danish Technical Cultural Heritage collection
Dansk litteraturs historie ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia
Dapodikdasmen ID identifier for a school in Indonesia
DataTrek ID identifier of a DataTrek entity ^https?:\/\/data\.wikitrek\.org\/wiki\/Item\:(Q\d+)
Databank Beschermheiligen anno 1959 ID numeric identifier in the database of patron saints in the Netherlands and Flanders
Daum Cafe ID identifier for a Daum Cafe forum account ^https?:\/\/cafe\.daum\.net\/([A-Za-z0-9.]+)
Daum Encyclopedia ID identifier for content in the Daum Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/100\.daum\.net\/encyclopedia\/view\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)
DeCS ID identifier in the Health Sciences Descriptors thesaurus ^https?:\/\/decs\.bvsalud\.org\/(?:(?:en|es|fr)\/)?ths\/resource\/\?id=([1-9]\d*)
Defined Term ID identifier for a definition in dictionary ^https?:\/\/definedterm\.com\/a\/definition\/([0-9]+)
Democracy Club election ID identifier in the Democracy Club database of elections ^https?:\/\/elections\.democracyclub\.org\.uk\/elections\/(([a-z0-9-]+\.)+\d{4}-[01]\d-[0-3]\d)
Den Danske Ordbog article ID article in the danish dictionary Den Danske Ordbog
Den Danske Ordbog idiom ID idiom in the danish dictionary Den Danske Ordbog
Den Store Danske ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia ^https:\/\/denstoredanske\.lex\.dk\/(.+)
Deportation Database transport ID online guide that includes most of the deportation transports that originated from cities in central, western and southern European countries between 1939 and 1945 ^https?:\/\/deportation\.yadvashem\.org\/index\.html\?language=en&itemId=([0-9]{6,10})
Depósito Legal ID identifier for a publication in Spain
Derrieux agency person ID identifier for a person on Derrieux agency website ^http:\/\/www\.agencederrieux\.fr\/artiste\.cfm\/([1-9]\d{3,5})\.html
Described and Captioned Media Program producer ID identifier code from Described and Captioned Media Program, a program fully funded by the United States Department of Education which provides resources for students with disabilities
Det Norske Akademis Ordbok ID identifier for a lexeme in Det Norske Akademis Ordbok
Dhliz ID person, film, TV series ID in the Arabic movie/TV show database Dhliz ^https:\/\/dhliz\.com\/artist\/([^\/?#]+)
DiACL lexeme ID identifier for a lexeme in the Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics ^https?:\/\/diacl\.ht\.lu\.se\/Lexeme\/Details\/([1-9][0-9]+)
Dialnet author ID identifier of an author in Dialnet ^https?:\/\/dialnet\.unirioja\.es\/servlet\/autor\?codigo=([1-9]\d*)
Diccionari de la Literatura Catalana ID identifier for an item in the Diccionari de la Literatura Catalana ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciclopedia\.cat\/ec-dlc-([1-9]\d{0,5})\.xml
Diccionari de la traducció catalana ID identifier for an article in the Diccionari de la traducció catalana ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?visat\.cat\/diccionari\/cat\/traductor\/([1-9]\d{0,3}\/[a-z.]+(-[a-z.]+)*)\.html
Diccionari del cinema a Catalunya ID identifier for an item in the Diccionari del cinema a Catalunya ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciclopedia\.cat\/ec-cinema-([1-9]\d{0,3})\.xml
Diccionario de la lengua española entry ID identifier for an entry in the Spanish Language Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy
Diccionario de la lengua española word (non-ID) word in the Spanish Language Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy ^https?:\/\/dle\.rae\.es\/([A-ZÁÉÍÑÓÚÜa-záéíñóúü ,-‒]*)
Dico en ligne Le Robert ID identifier in the online dictionary Le Robert
DicoPolHiS ID identifier for an entry in the Dictionnaire Politique d'Histoire de la Santé ^https?:\/\/dicopolhis\.univ-lemans\.fr\/fr\/dictionnaire\/([a-z]\/[a-z-]{1,100})\.html
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures ID identifier for an entry in the Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures ^https?:\/\/xlinux\.nist\.gov\/dads\/HTML\/([a-zA-Z]+)\.html
Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID identifier for an entry in the Society of American Archivists' Dictionary of Archives Terminology
Dictionary of Qur'anic Usage ID identifier of an article from the Dictionary of Qur'anic Usage
Dictionary of Scottish Architects building ID identifier for a building in the Dictionary of Scottish Architects database and website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?scottisharchitects\.org\.uk\/building_full\.php\?id=([1-9]\d{5})
Dictionary of Variant Chinese Characters ID ID for a sinogram in the Dictionary of Variant Chinese Characters from Taiwan (used in item only, not lexeme)
Dictionary of Wisconsin History ID article identifier for the Dictionary of Wisconsin History
DigDag ID identifier of a place, in the Digital Atlas of Denmark's historical-administrative geography ^https?:\/\/digdag\.dk\/service\/digdag\.php\?Hvad=Enhed&di=(\d+)
Digital Athenaeus Catalog author ID identifier for an ancient author in the Digital Athenaeus Catalog
Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora ID identifier for a plant species, subspecies, or variety in the Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora
Digital Corpus of Sanskrit ID property for Sanskrit lemma in IAST transliteration maintained by Digital Corpus of Sanskrit ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sanskrit-linguistics\.org\/dcs\/index\.php\?contents=lemma&IDWord=(\d*)
Digital Daijisen ID identifier for an entry in Digital Daijisen on goo dictionary ^https:\/\/dictionary\.goo\.ne\.jp\/word\/(?:kanji\/)?[^\/]+\/#jn-([1-9]\d*)$
Digital Dictionary of Surnames in Germany ID ID of corresponding entry in the DFD online dictionary of family names ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?namenforschung\.net\/id\/name\/([1-9][0-9]{0,5}|10[0-9]{5})
Digital Giza ID identifier of a Pyramid or other funeral site on Egypt’s Giza Plateau in the American Database Digital Giza
Digital Hanja Dictionary ID ID for a Korean Han character in Digital Hanja Dictionary
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ID identifier for a function in the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Digital Typhoon cyclone ID identifier for general information of a cyclone in South-West Pacific in Digital Typhoon ^https?:\/\/agora\.ex\.nii\.ac\.jp\/digital-typhoon\/summary\/wsp\/s\/([1-9]\d{5})\.html
Digital Typhoon typhoon ID identifier for general information of a typhoon in Digital Typhoon ^https?:\/\/agora\.ex\.nii\.ac\.jp\/digital-typhoon\/summary\/wnp\/s\/([1-9]\d{5})\.html
DigitalNZ ID identifier on the website for videos, newspapers, maps, photographs, audio, artworks, and news reports that have been digitised in New Zealand ^https?:\/\/digitalnz\.org\/records\/([1-9]\d*)
DigitaltMuseum ID Identifier at DigitaltMuseum ^https?:\/\/digitaltmuseum\.org\/(\d{10,13})\/(?:.*?)
Dimensions Publication ID unique identifier for a work in the Dimensions database ^https?:\/\/app\.dimensions\.ai\/details\/publication\/pub\.(\d{10}) ID identifier on database
Directory of Maîtres d'art Maître d'art (Master of Art) is a title awarded for life by the French Ministry of Culture ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?maitredart\.fr\/((maitre\-art|eleve)\/\S{1,128})
Discord Store game SKU identifier for a game available on the Discord Store
Discord invite ID identifier for the subject's official Discord server; use as qualifier for P9345 "Discord server numeric ID" ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:discord(?:app)?\.com\/invite|discord\.gg)\/([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])
Discord server numeric ID numeric identifier for a Discord server; use as main value with qualifier P9078 "Discord invite ID" ^https?:\/\/discord\.com\/channels\/([1-9][0-9]{16,19})
Discover Moscow ID identifier of an article in the Discover Moscow database ^https?:\/\/um\.mos\.ru\/((house|places|personalities|museums|monuments)\/[a-z]+([\_]?[a-z\d]+)*)
Diskograf artist ID identifier for an artist in the Diskograf database
Diskograf label ID identifier for a Malaysian record label in the Diskograf database
Diskograf song ID identifier of a song given by Diskograf online database
Disney A to Z ID ID of article in online version of Disney A to Z ^https?:\/\/d23\.com\/a-to-z\/([^\s\/]+)
Disney+ Hotstar ID identifier for content on Disney+ Hotstar ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?hotstar\.com\/([0-9]+)
Disney+ movie ID identifier for a film on Disney+ ^https?:\/\/www\.disneyplus\.com\/(?:\w{2}(?:\-\w{2})?\/)?movies\/.+?\/([0-9A-Za-z]{12})
Disney+ series ID identifier for television/web series on Disney+ ^https?:\/\/www\.disneyplus\.com\/(?:\w{2}(?:\-\w{2})?\/)?series\/.+?\/([0-9A-Za-z]{12})
DistroWatch ID identifier for an operating system at ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?distrowatch\.com\/table(-mobile)?\.php\?distribution=([A-Za-z0-9]+)
Dizionario dei prodotti DOP e IGP ID identifier for an item in Dizionario dei prodotti DOP e IGP on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*(?:_res\-[0-9a-f]{8}(?:\-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}\-[0-9a-f]{12})?)_\(Dizionario[_\-]dei[_\-]prodotti[_\-]DOP[_\-]e[_\-]IGP\)
DocCheck Flexikon De ID identifier for an article in the German section of the DocCheck wiki
DocCheck Flexikon En ID identifier for an article in the English section of DocCheck Flexikon wiki
Docker Hub repository Docker repository hosted on Docker Hub ^https?:\/\/hub\.docker\.com\/r\/([a-z\d]{4,30}\/[a-z\d_-]{2,255})
Doctrine court decision ID identifier for a French court decision on Doctrine
Documenta Catholica Omnia author ID identifier for an author in Documenta Catholica Omnia digital library ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?documentacatholicaomnia\.eu\/(\d{2}_\d{2}_(\d{4}-\d{4}|sine-data)-_[\w\.,'()]*)\.html
Dodis ID identifier in the Dodis database (Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland 1945-1969), see Q661051 ^https?:\/\/dodis\.ch\/([PG]\d+) team ID association football team ID on the
Douban Read eBook ID identifier for a book at the website Douban Read, different from P6442 ^https?:\/\/read\.douban\.com\/ebook\/([1-9]\d*)\/
Douban drama ID identifier for a theatrical production at the website Douban ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?douban\.com\/location\/drama\/([1-9]\d*)\/
Douban music ID identifier for an album at the website Douban ^https?:\/\/music\.douban\.com\/subject\/([1-9]\d*)\/
Douban site name domain name of Douban site written in Latin alphabet ^https?:\/\/site\.douban\.com\/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\/
Douban username domain name of Douban users' personal pages ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?douban\.com\/people\/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\/
Douyin ID username on Douyin
Dowker-Thistlethwaite name unambiguous systematic identifier scheme for mathematical knots
Downdetector ID identifier for a webpage on the Downdetector website ^https?:\/\/downdetector\.com\/status\/([\pL\d][\pL\d-]{1,200})
Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases chemical ID identifier for chemicals linked to information on occurrence in plants ^https?:\/\/phytochem\.nal\.usda\.gov\/phytochem\/chemicals\/show\/([1-9]\d*)
Drevo Encyclopedia ID identifier for an article in the Drevo Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/drevo\-info\.ru\/articles\/([1-9]\d*)\.html
Drizly product ID identifier of the product in the Drizly database https:\/\/drizly\.com\/.*\/p(\d+)
Duden sense ID A URL slug of a sense in ^https?:\/\/www\.duden\.de\/(?:rechtschreibung|synonyme|deklination\/(?:substan|adjek)tive|konjugation)\/([_0-9A-Za-z]+#Bedeutung\-\d\w?)
Dumbarton Oaks object ID identifier for objects at the Dumbarton Oaks Museum
DxOMark ID Dxomark article identifier for smartphones and cameras
E number number for food additives that are legal in the European Union
EC enzyme number classification scheme for enzymes ^https?:\/\/enzyme\.expasy\.org\/EC\/(\d\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,3})
ECI Lok Sabha constituency code the identifier maintained by Election Commission of India for Lok Sabha constituencies
ECO code alphanumerical identifier for an opening in the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings
EEPS ID identifier of an entry in the Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science
EFIS film ID identifier for film or television series in the Estonian Film Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?efis\.ee\/et\/filmiliigid\/film\/id\/([1-9]\d{0,4})
EFIS filmfirm ID identifier for a filmfirm on Estonian Film Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?efis\.ee\/en\/filmmakers\/filmfirm\/id\/(\d{1,5})
EGROKN ID identifier for a monument in the Unified state register of objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History ID identifier for an article in the EH.Net Encyclopedia of Economic and Business History
EIA plant ID identifier of a power plant in the United States used by the Energy Information Administration
EIB project ID identifier of a project either funded by or planned to be funded by the European Investment Bank ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?eib\.org\/en\/projects\/pipelines\/all\/([1-9]\d{7})
ELAR ID identifier for a resource pertaining to a language in the namesake endangered language digital repository ^https?:\/\/elar\.soas\.ac\.uk\/Collection\/(MPI\d{6,7})
ELF code code for entity legal form (ELF), assigned by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) per ISO 20275
ELMCIP ID identifier of a creative work, critical writing, databases and archives, event, organization, person, platform/software, publisher, research collection, or teaching resource in the ELMCIP Knowledge Base
ELSST Thesaurus ID (Version 4 - 2023) identifier for a term in the ELSST (European Language Social Science) Thesaurus (Version 4 - 2023) ^https?:\/\/(?:elsst|thesauri)\.cessda\.eu\/(?:id\/4|elsst-4\/en\/page)\/([\da-f]{8}\-(?:[\da-f]{4}\-){3}[\da-f]{12})
EPSG CRS identifier for coordinate reference systems per European Petroleum Survey Group Geodetic Parameter Dataset ^https?:\/\/epsg\.org\/crs_([1-9]\d{3,4})\/index\.html
ESCO Occupation ID identifier for an occupation, in the European multilingual database ESCO v1 ^https?:\/\/data\.europa\.eu\/esco\/occupation\/([0-9a-z]{8}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{4}-[0-9a-z]{12})
ESCO skill ID identifier for a Skill, in the European multilingual database ESCO v1 ^https?:\/\/data\.europa\.eu\/esco\/skill\/([0-z\-]+)
ETS Designated Institution code an administrative 4-digit code that Educational Testing Service uses to uniquely identify institutions programs ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?toeflgoanywhere\.org\/search-who-accepts-toefl#keywords=(\d{4})&search_by=inst_name
EU Knowledge Graph item ID identifier for the corresponding entity in the EU Knowledge Graph ^https:\/\/linkedopendata\.eu\/wiki\/Item:(Q\d+)
EU Participant Identification Code ID of organization participating in EU programmes ^https?:\/\/ec\.europa\.eu\/info\/funding-tenders\/opportunities\/portal\/screen\/how-to-participate\/org-details\/(\d+)
EU RCN Record Control Number for project/org/person under EU Framework Programmes
EU River Basin District code unique code for an EU River Basin District ^https?:\/\/dd\.eionet\.europa\.eu\/vocabularyconcept\/wise\/SpatialUnit\/euRBDCode\.([A-Z]{2}[A-Z0-9_]+) stadium ID identifier for a association football (soccer) stadium in the database
Educational Institution Identification Number identifier for an educational institution issued by the Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics
Electronic library Ukrainica ID identifier at the Electronic library Ukrainica ^http:\/\/irbis-nbuv\.gov\.ua\/ulib\/item\/(\w+?\d+)
Electronic library identifier at the
Elhuyar ZTH ID Elhuyar Science and Technology Dictionary has a wide range of terms in four languages (en, es, fr, eu) that can easily be linked to and from Wikidata ^https?:\/\/zthiztegia\.elhuyar\.eus\/kontzeptua\/(\d{6})
Emerald network site ID identifier for a protected area in Europe (excluding Natura 2000)
Emojipedia ID identifier of a page on Emojipedia ^https?:\/\/emojipedia\.org\/([\w-]+)
Empik author ID identifier for an author on Empik site
Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali ID identifier for an item in the Enciclopedia delle Scienze Sociali on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)_\(Enciclopedia[_\-]delle[_\-]scienze[_\-]sociali\)
Enciclopèdia de l'Esport Català ID identifier on Enciclopèdia de l'Esport Català, encyclopedia of Catalan sportspeople and sports clubs ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciclopedia\.cat\/EC-EEC-([1-9]\d{0,4})\.xml
Encyclopaedia Herder concept ID identifier for a concept in the Encyclopaedia Herder ^https?:\/\/encyclopaedia\.herdereditorial\.com\/wiki\/([A-Za-z0-9À-ž\,][A-Za-z0-9À-ž\s\(\)\,\-\_\/]+)
Encyclopedia Astronautica ID ID of a topic in Encyclopedia Astronautica
Encyclopedia Virginia ID identifier of a topic in the online Encyclopedia Virginia
Encyclopedia of Alabama ID identifier for a subject on the Encyclopedia of Alabama website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?encyclopediaofalabama\.org\/article\/([a-z]-[1-9]\d*)
Encyclopedia of Appalachia ID identifier for a subject on the Encyclopedia of Appalachia website ^https?:\/\/encyclopediaofappalachia\.com\/entry\.php\?rec=([1-9]\d*)
Encyclopedia of Chicago ID identifier for an article in the Encyclopedia of Chicago ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?encyclopedia\.chicagohistory\.org\/pages\/([1-9]\d+)\.html
Encyclopedia of Cleveland History ID identifier for an entry on the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History website
Encyclopedia of Ideas ID Hebrew-language encyclopedia describing philosophical ideas in daily life
Encyclopedia of Italian ID identifier for an entry in the Enciclopedia dell'italiano (Encyclopedia of Italian) on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(?:-[0-9a-z]+)*)_\(Enciclopedia[_\-]Italiana\)
Encyclopedia of Krasnoyarsk Krai ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia of Krasnoyarsk Krai ^https?:\/\/my\.krskstate\.ru\/docs\/\-\/([a-z\d]+(\-[a-z\d]+)*)\/
Encyclopedia of Mathematics article ID identifier for an article on the Encyclopedia of Mathematics wiki ( ^https?:\/\/encyclopediaofmath\.org\/wiki\/([^ ]+)
Encyclopedia of Mediterranean Humanism ID identifier for an article in the Encyclopedia of Mediterranean Humanism ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?encyclopedie-humanisme\.com\/\?([A-ZÀ-ža-z0-9\-\#\%]+)
Encyclopedia of Migration ID identifier for an English-language article in the Encyclopedia of Migration ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?encyclopediaofmigration\.org\/en\/([a-z]+((-|_)[a-z0-9]+)*)
Encyclopedia of Russian avant-garde ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia Russian avant-garde ^https?:\/\/rusavangard\.ru\/online\/((?:biographies|history)\/[a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+){1,2})\/
Encyclopedia of Saami Culture ID identifier for an article in the Encyclopedia of Saami Culture
Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ID identifier for an entry on the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sf-encyclopedia\.com\/entry\/([a-z0-9_-]+)
Encyclopedia of Transbaikalia ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia of Transbaikalia ^https?:\/\/ez\.chita\.ru\/encycl\/concepts\/\?id\=([1-9]\d*)
Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers ID identifier for triangle centers used in the Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers, founded by Clark Kimberling
Encyclopedia of the Great Plains ID identifier for an entry on the Encyclopedia of the Great Plains website
Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages ID identifier for a subject page in the Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
Encyclopedia of České Budějovice ID identifier for article related to the city of České Budějovice
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development ID (English) identifier for an article in English in the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Encyclopædia Universalis ID identifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia Universalis ^https?:\/\/www\.universalis\.fr\/encyclopedie\/([^\/+?.()_;"]{1,100})\/
Encyclopædia Universalis author ID identifier of an author on the online version of Encyclopædia Universalis ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?universalis\.fr\/auteurs\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*)
Encyclopédie sur le développement des jeunes enfants ID identifier for an article in French in the Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Encyklopedia Medyków Powstania Warszawskiego ID ID of a person in l'Encyklopedia Medyków Powstania Warszawskiego ^https:\/\/lekarzepowstania\.pl\/osoba\/([^#\/?]+)
Encyklopedie migrace ID identifier for a Czech-language article in the Encyklopedie migrace ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?encyclopediaofmigration\.org\/([a-z]+((-|_)[a-z0-9]+)*)
Eneström Number unique identifier for a work of Euler
Engineer's Line Reference code for a railway line in Britain owned by Network Rail
English & Scottish Football League transfers player ID identifier for a player's profile on the "Post War English & Scottish Football League A–Z Player's Transfer Database" website by Neil Brown
English Vikidia ID ID of the article in English Vikidia ^https?:\/\/en\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
Ensembl transcript ID transcript ID issued by Ensembl database ^https?:\/\/identifiers\.org\/ensembl\/(ENS([GT]|MUST|RNOT|DART)\d{11}|Y[A-Z]{2}\d{3}[A-Z](-[A-Z])?|FBtr\d{7}|Q\d{4}|((([0-9]?[A-Z]{1,4}\d{1,3})[A-Z0-9]?)|(cTel\d{2}X)|([0-9]RSSE)|(Y[0-9]{1,3}[A-Z]\d{1,2}((LA|UA)|[A-C][A-Z]?)))*(\.\d{1,4}[a-z]?)+) ID identifier for an inscribed tablet about a dead person in a Swedish church from the website
Epson Tour player ID page of a golfer on the Epson Tour website
Ester ID identifier for an item in the E-Katalog ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ester\.ee\/record=(b[0-9]{7})
Ethereum token address unique address for a token on the Ethereum blockchain ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?etherscan\.io\/token\/(0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40})
^https?:\/\/app\.uniswap\.org\/explore\/tokens\/ethereum\/(0x[a-f0-9]{40}) language code identifier for a language in ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ethnologue\.com\/language\/([a-z]{3})
EudraCT trial ID identifier for a trial in the EU Clinical Trials Register, the clinical trial registry of the European Medicines Agency
Euro NCAP ID numerical identifier for an automobile model on the Euro NCAP website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?euroncap\.com\/en\/results\/[^#?/]+\/[^#?/]+\/([1-9]\d*)
Euro04.Ru person ID identifier for a participants of UEFA Euro 2004 at Euro04.Ru site
Eurogamer ID identifier of a video game in the Eurogamer database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?eurogamer\.net\/games\/((?!\-)[a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+){0,9}) club ID identifier for an ice hockey team in the database of ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?eurohockey\.com\/club\/([1-9]\d*)-\.html
Europe PlayStation Store ID identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store (EU region) ^https?:\/\/store\.playstation\.com/[-a-z]+\/product\/(EP\d{4}-[A-Z]{4}\d{5}_00-[\dA-Z]{16})
Europeana Fashion creator ID identifier for a creator on Europeana Fashion
Europeana entity identifier for persons, places and topics at Europeana ^https?:\/\/data\.europeana\.eu\/((place|agent|concept|organisation)/base/[1-9]\d+)
Eventa Servo ID unique ID for the event on the website Eventa Servo ^https?:\/\/eventaservo\.org\/eventoj\/([\w-]{16})
Everand item ID external identifier for a book, audio book, document, magazine issue or article in the Scribd library ^https?:\/\/www\.scribd\.com\/(?:doc|book|document|snapshot|issue|article|audiobook)\/([1-9]\d*)
Evidence & Conclusion Ontology ID identifier in the Evidence & Conclusion Ontology for capturing evidence in biological research ^https:\/\/evidenceontology\.org\/browse\/#(ECO_[0-9]{7})
Ex-USSR internal airport code airport code similar to IATA codes but only for Russian and CEI airports
ExoticA ID identifier in the ExoticA wiki ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?exotica\.org\.uk\/wiki\/(\S{1,200})
FAIMER school ID ID assigned to a medical school registered in the World Directory of Medical Schools ^https?:\/\/search\.wdoms\.org\/home\/SchoolDetail\/(F\d{7})
FAMA work ID identifier for written work in medieval Latin ^https?:\/\/fama\.irht\.cnrs\.fr\/oeuvre\/(\d+)
FAOTERM ID identifier for a multilingual term published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (F.A.O) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fao\.org\/\faoterm\/en\/?defaultColld=(/d+)
FAPESP institution ID identifier for institutions funded by the Brazilian research education and innovation foundation, FAPESP
FAPESP researcher ID identifier for researchers funded by the Brazilian research education and innovation foundation, FAPESP ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?bv\.fapesp\.br\/(?:pt|en)\/pesquisador\/([1-9]\d*)
FBW ID identifier for films with a certification mark on the website of the "Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung (FBW)"
FBref squad ID identifier for an association football team on https:\/\/fbref\.com\/(?:[^\/]+)\/squads\/([^\/]+)
FCC Grantee Code unique identifier of a grantee assigned by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States ^https?:\/\/fccid\.io\/(([A-Z][0-9A-Z]{2}|[2-9][0-9A-Z]{4}))
FCC Product Code identifier of a product assigned by the grantee in an application to the Federal Communications Commission of the United States
FEC Campaign Committee ID ID for a campaign committee in the United States ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fec\.gov\/data\/committee\/(C\d{8})
FEMA number identifier for flavor ingredients
FGrHist ID identifier for an ancient Greek historian in Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker by Felix Jacoby
FID performing arts ID Specialised Information Service Performing Arts
FIDAL team ID identifier for an athletic team in Italy by the Italian athletics federation (FIDAL) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fidal\.it\/societa\/-\/([A-Z]{2}\d{3})
FIPS 5-2 numeric code (US states) Two-digit identifier for US states and other associated areas per former Federal Information Processing Standard FIPS 5-2 standard
FISG athlete ID identifier for an athlete at FISG official site ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fisg\.it\/web\/player\/\?t=([0-9]\d+)
FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus ID identifier for a type or class of archaeological object, in the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus
FRED time-series ID identifier for an economic data set provided by St. Louis Fed's Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)
FSA Food Hygiene Rating System ID Wikidata property for authority control and Wikidata property for an identifier ^https?:\/\/ratings\.food\.gov\.uk\/business\/(\d+)
FactGrid item ID identifier for an item in FactGrid ^https?:\/\/database\.factgrid\.de\/wiki\/Item:(Q\d+)
FactGrid property ID identifier for the corresponding property in FactGrid ^https:\/\/database\.factgrid\.de\/wiki\/Property:(P[0-9]+)
Faculté des sciences de Nancy ID identifier for an employee of the 'Faculté des sciences de Nancy' (1854-1950)
FamousFix topic ID identifier for a subject in the topic on FamousFix ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?famousfix\.com\/topic\/([a-z]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*)
Fancyclopedia 3 ID identifier for a page on Fancyclopedia 3 ^https?:\/\/fancyclopedia\.org\/(\S{1,128})
Fandom wiki ID identifier of a topic's wiki, in ^https?:\/\/(?!community|www)([\w-]+)\.(?:fandom|wikia)\.com(?=$|\/)(?!\/[a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)?\/wiki)
FantLab author ID identifier for the author in FantLab ^https?:\/\/fantlab\.(?:ru|org)\/autor(\d+)
FantLab translator ID identifier for the translator in FantLab ^https?:\/\/fantlab\.(?:ru|org)\/translator(\d+)
FantLab work ID identifier for the literary work in FantLab ^https:\/\/fantlab\.(?:ru|org)\/work(\d+)
Fatcat ID identifier on, a repository of scholarly articles maintained by the Internet Archive ^https?:\/\/fatcat\.wiki\/((release|work|container|creator|file|fileset|webcapture|extra)_[a-z0-9]{26})
Federiciana ID identifier for an entry in the Federiciana Encyclopedia on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)_\(Federiciana\)
Femiwiki ID identifier for a article in the Femiwiki encyclopedia
Filmow ID identifier at the Filmow database of films and TV shows ^https?:\/\/filmow\.com\/[\w\-]+-([at][1-9]\d*)
Find & Connect ID identifier in the Find & Connect website by the Australian Government about orphanages, children's Homes, and other institutions ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?findandconnect\.gov\.au\/(([a-z]+\/)+\w+(\.htm)?)
Find NZ Artists ID identifier for artists listed in Find New Zealand Artists online database ^https?:\/\/findnzartists\.org\.nz\/(?:en|mi)\/artist\/([1-9]\d*)\/(?:[a-z-]*)
FindeB lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen Wortschatz at No/unknown value
Finna ID media resource ID in ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?finna\.fi\/Record\/([A-Za-z0-9][\w\.:]+[A-Za-z0-9\-])
Finnish Service Catalogue organization ID Wikidata property for authority control and Wikidata property for an identifier in Finland ^https?:\/\/www\.suomi\.fi\/organisaatio\/[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}
Finnish generals and admirals in the Imperial Russian Army 1809–1917 ID The web publication of the Finnish Literature Society presents almost 500 Finnish generals and admirals in the service of the Imperial Russian Army. ^https?:\/\/kansallisbiografia\.fi\/kenraalit\/henkilo\/(\d{1,3})
Finnish national bibliography corporate name ID Finnish national bibliography corporate names database covers the recommended forms of corporate and creator names that the National Library of Finland has produced in the process of tagging the national bibliography. ^https?:\/\/finto\.fi\/cn\/en\/page\/([1-9]\d*A)
Flanders Arts Institute organisation ID identifier of an organisation in the Flanders Arts Institute database for performing arts ^https?:\/\/data\.kunsten\.be\/organisations\/([1-9]\d*) team ID identifier for a sports team in the database
Flathub ID ID of an application on Flathub, the Flatpak repository
Flora Croatica Database taxon ID ‎identifier for a taxon in the Flora Croatica Database ^https?:\/\/hirc\.botanic\.hr\/fcd\/DetaljiFrame\.aspx\?IdVrste=([1-9]\d*)
Florentine musea Inventario 1890 ID national Florentine musea inventory from 1890 identifier ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?polomuseale\.firenze\.it\/inv1890\/scheda\.asp\?position=1&ninv=(\d+)
Florida Historical Marker List ID identifier for Florida historical markers at Florida Division of Historical Resources website ^https?:\/\/apps\.flheritage\.com\/markers\/markerDetail\.cfm\?id=([1-9]\d*)&keyword=&city=&county=
Folkets lexikon ID identifier for the dictionary Folkets lexikon
Fonts In Use identifier identifier of a typeface on the typography archive website Fonts In Use
FooDB compound ID ID of chemical compound in FooDB ^https?:\/\/foodb\.ca\/compounds\/(FDB\d{6}) ID numerical identifier for an ingredient on the cooking website ^https?:\/\/www\.food\.com\/about\/[a-z-]*([1-9]\d*)
FoodEx2 code identifier within the FoodEx2 (version 2 of the EFSA Food classification and description system for exposure assessment) food taxonomy ^https?:\/\/data\.food\.gov\.uk\/codes\/foodtype\/id\/(A[0,1][0-Z]{2}[A-Z])
FoodOn ID identifier for FoodOn, an ontology focused on categorization and processing of food for humans ^(?:http:\/\/www\.ontobee\.org\/ontology\/FOODON\?iri=)?http:\/\/purl\.obolibrary\.org\/obo\/FOODON_(\d{8}) team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?footballdatabase\.eu\/en\/club\/team\/([1-9]\d{0,6}) team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?foradejogo\.net\/team\.php\?team=([1-9]\d{0,6})
Formal Public Identifier string that identifies uniquely an item using a Formal Public Identifier according to the ISO/IEC 9070:1991 standard ID identifier for fossils at ^https?:\/\/fossiilid\.info\/([1-9]\d*)
FrameNet frame ID identifier of a concept in FrameNet
French Favereau dictionary lexeme ID identifier for a French lexeme in the translation dictionary compiled by Francis Favereau
French Vikidia ID ID of the article in French Vikidia ^https?:\/\/fr\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
FrogMAP ID identifier of a species in FrogMAP - The Atlas of African Frogs encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/frogmap\.adu\.org\.za\/Species_text\.php\?sp=(\d+)
Full Fact ID identifier on the Full Fact website ^https:\/\/fullfact\.org\/can-i-trust\/([1-9]\d{3,4}) team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database
Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ID identifier for a building in Fuzhou Architecture Heritage ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fzcuo\.com\/index\.php\?doc-view-([1-9]\d+)\.html
FürthWiki article ID identifier for an article in FürthWiki
GARD rare disease ID identifier for a rare disease in the United States National Institutes of Health's Genetic and Rare Diseases (GARD) Information Center database ^https?:\/\/rarediseases\.info\.nih\.gov\/diseases\/([1-9]\d*)\/index
GCD issue ID identifier for a comic book issue in the Grand Comics Database (GCD) https?:\/\/www\.comics\.org\/issue\/(\d+)
GCF Reference unique identifier of a product which has been certified by the Global Certification Forum ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?globalcertificationforum\.org\/pub_product\/(\d+)\.html
GCatholic diocese ID identifier for a diocese on
GCatholic episcopal conference ID identifier for an episcopal conference in the GCatholic database ^https?:\/\/gcatholic\.org\/dioceses\/conference\/((?:0\d{2}|[1-9]\d{2}))\.htm
GEMET ID identifier for a term in the General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET)
GENUKI ID identifier for a UK or Irish place on the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?genuki\.org\.uk\/big\/((wal|sct|eng|iom|irl|chi)?(\/?[A-Z]{3}){0,3}(\/\w{0,256}){0,4})
GEOFON earthquake ID ID of an earthquake in GEOFON earthquake ID
GEPRIS project ID identifier of a project in GEPRIS database of funded research projects, published by the German Research Foundation (DFG) ^https?:\/\/gepris\.dfg\.de\/gepris\/projekt\/([1-9]\d*)
GISAID ID identifier for a virus clade used by the GISAID project
GNU ELPA package ID identifier for a software package in the GNU ELPA archive
GONIAT author ID identifier for a taxonomic author, in the GONIAT database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?goniat\.org\/showAut\.html\?AutId=(aut[0-9]{29})
GONIAT paper ID identifier for a taxonomic paper about Paleozoic ammonoids, in the GONIAT database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?goniat\.org\/showLit\.html\?LitId=(lit[0-9]{29})
GOST 7.67 cyrillic country codes in Cyrillic from the GOST standards committee
GOST 7.75–97 code identifier for a language according to GOST 7.75–97
GRAU index index of Russian (and Soviet) weapons and rockets
GS1 GPC code code used to classify products in the GS1 Global Product Classification: Segment>Family>Class>Brick, or Attribute Type: Value
GSAFD ID identifier for a genre/form term in GSAFD (Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction, Drama, etc.)
GSMArena phone ID identifier for a telephone model on GSMArena ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?gsmarena\.com\/\w+-([1-9]\d*)\.php
GSS code (2011) nine-character UK Government Statistical Service code, introduced in 2009 to replace older ONS codes ^https?:\/\/statistics\.data\.gov\.uk\/atlas\/resource\?uri=https?:\/\/statistics\.data\.gov\.uk\/id\/statistical-geography\/(([EWSN]92|E[0-5][0-9]|E6[0-8]|W[0-3][0-9]|W4[0-7]|S[0-3][0-9]|S4[0-5]|N[0-2][0-9]|N3[0-4]|J0[1-6]|K0[1-7]|L93|L00|M83|M0[0-1])0[0-9]{5})
GWB lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Goethe dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm at
Gale publication ID identifier for a publication on the Gale website
Gambay ID identifier for a language or place in the Gambay First Languages of Australia map ^https?:\/\/gambay\.com\.au\/(map|languages)\/(([A-Za-z]| |’|'|-|\+|ä|ŋ|ŭ|é){2,30})
GameReactor game ID identifier for a video game on the GameReactor video game news website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?gamereactor\.de\/Games\/([1-9]\d*)\/
Gamekult game ID identifier of a video game in the Gamekult database ^https?:\/\/www\.gamekult\.com\/jeux\/[\w-]+-(\d+)\.html
Gaoloumi ID identifier for a building in the Gaoloumi database ^https?:\/\/top\.gaoloumi\.com\/buildinginfo\.php\?id=(\d+)
Garaph group ID identifier of a video game group in the database ^https?:\/\/garaph\.info\/softwaregroup\.php\?grid=(S?[1-9]\d*)
Garzanti Linguistica ID ID for lexemes
Gateway to Research Project ID identifier for a research project receiving public funding in the UK ^https?:\/\/gtr\.ukri\.org\/projects\?ref=([A-Z0-9\/]+)
Gazeta.Ru Euro 2012 person ID identifier for a participants of UEFA Euro 2012 at Gazeta.Ru Euro 2012 site
Gazetteer for Scotland place ID identifier for a geographical item on the Gazetteer for Scotland website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?scottish-places\.info\/((towns\/townfirst|councils\/councilfirst|counties\/countyfirst|parishes\/parfirst|features\/featurefirst)\d{1,6})\.html
GeneDB ID gene identifier in GeneDB
Geneanet family name ID ID for a family name on Geneanet ^https?:\/\/(?:www|en)?\.geneanet\.org\/(?:surnames|nom-de-famille)?\/([^\/?]+)
Genetics Home Reference Conditions ID identifier for disease in the United States National Institutes of Health's Genetics Home Reference ^https:\/\/medlineplus\.gov\/genetics\/condition\/([a-z0-9\-]+)
Genie music video ID identifier for a music video on the South Korean music streaming site Genie ^https?:\/\/www\.genie\.co\.kr\/detail\/mediaInfo\?xvnm=([1-9]\d*)
Genius album numeric ID numeric ID for an album, single, other music release or other publication on Genius ^https?:\/\/genius\.com\/albums\/([1-9][0-9]*)
GeoNLP ID (obsolete) Obsolete Japanese location identifier. Use GeoLOD ID (P12170) instead. ^https?:\/\/geolod\.ex\.nii\.ac\.jp\/page\/([0-9a-zA-Z]{6})
Geograph Deutschland image ID identifier for an image from Geograph Deutschland
GeolISSTerm ID identifier for a term in the GeolISSTerm terminology dictionary
Geolex ID ID for every stratigraphic unit in the United States of America (USA) given by the United States Geological Survey ^https?:\/\/ngmdb\.usgs\.gov\/Geolex\/Units\/([A-Z][A-Za-z]*_\d{1,5})\.html
German Vikidia ID ID of the article in German Vikidia ^https?:\/\/de\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
Getty Iconography Authority ID identifier from the Getty Iconography Authority ^https?:\/\/www\.getty\.edu\/cona\/CONAIconographyRecord\.aspx\?iconid=(90100\d{4})
Gewässerkennzahl a number to hydrographically order rivers and streams, use more specific properties where possible
Gfycat user ID (archived) user name for an entity on ^https?:\/\/gfycat\.com\/@([^\s\/]+)
GitHub topic GitHub topic for a repository or subject ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?github\.com\/topics\/([a-z0-9-]+) username username of this project, person or organization on ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?gitlab\.com\/(?!explore|help|users)([_a-z0-9-\.]+)
Glitchwave genre ID identifier of a video game genre in the Glitchwave database ^https?:\/\/glitchwave\.com\/games\/genre\/([0-9a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)\/
Global Music Rights work ID identifier for a musical work in Global Music Rights' repertory ^https:\/\/globalmusicrights\.com\/Search\?q=(\d+)&filter=3
Global Terrorism Database ID identifier in the Global Terrorism Database by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) ^https?:\/\/www\.start\.umd\.edu\/gtd\/search\/IncidentSummary\.aspx\?gtdid=((?:19|20)\d{2}(?:0|1)\d(?:0\d|1\d|2\d|3[01])\d{4})
Glossary of Astronomical Terms ID identifier for an entry term in the National Astronomical Data Center of China's Glossary of Astronomical Terms
GlyphWiki ID identifier of GlyphWiki, in which glyphs of Han characters are managed ^https?:\/\/en\.glyphwiki\.org\/wiki\/([a-z0-9-]+)$
Golden ID ID page in Golden knowledge base ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?golden\.com\/wiki\/([^?#\/]+)
Google Fonts ID identifier for a font or typeface on Google Fonts
Google Play Movies & TV ID (deprecated) identifier of films and television series on Google Play
Google Product Taxonomy ID ID for the product related to this concept on the Google Product Taxonomy
Gotlands museum entity ID ID for persons or places connected to objects at Gotlands museums web ^https?:\/\/samlingarna\.gotlandsmuseum\.se\/index\.php\/Detail\/((entities|places)\/[1-9]\d{0,6})
Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus ID identifier for an English term in the Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus ^https?:\/\/canada\.multites\.net\/cst\/default\.asp\?op=DISPTERM&searchString=([A-Z][a-z\-\+]+)&lang=ENG
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID identifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciclopedia\.cat\/gran-enciclopedia-catalana\/([a-z]+(?:\-[a-z0-9]+)*)
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme) identifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. Replaced with "Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (P12385)". ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciclopedia\.cat\/(?:EC-GEC|ec-gec)-(2?\d{7})\.xml
Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música ID identifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia de la Música ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciclopedia\.cat\/ec-gem-([1-9]\d{0,4})\.xml
Grand Duchy of Lithuania encyclopedia ID identifier of an entry in the online encyclopedia "Grand Duchy of Lithuania"
Grand dictionnaire terminologique ID term identifier of the Grand terminological dictionary database
Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius entry ID ID for an entry on the Great Encyclopedia of Cyrill and Methodius
Great Encyclopedia of Navarre ID identifier of an item in the Great Encyclopaedia of Navarre ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciclopedianavarra\.com\/\?page_id=([1-9]\d*)
Guia dos Quadrinhos comic ID identifier for a non-Brazilian comic book or graphic novel that was published in Brazil
Guia dos Quadrinhos publishing house ID identifier for a non-Brazilian comic book publishing house that has its comics published in Brazil
Guia dos Quadrinhos publishing house ID (Brazilian) identifier for a Brazilian comic book publishing house
Guide to Pharmacology Target ID target identifier of the Guide to Pharmacology database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?guidetopharmacology\.org\/GRAC\/ObjectDisplayForward\?objectId=([1-9]\d{0,3})
Guix Variable Name identifier for a package record in the GNU Guix system
Gun Violence Archive ID identifier for shootings in the Gun Violence Archive database ^https:\/\/www\.gunviolencearchive\.org\/incident\/(\d+)
Guthrie code Guthrie code of a Bantu language
Gynopedia ID identifier for a place (city, region or country) on the Gynopedia wiki about sexual and reproductive health care ^https?:\/\/gynopedia\.org\/([^\s\/]+)
HASC codes to represent country subdivisions
HCA Red List of Endangered Crafts ID identifier for entries in the HCA Red List of Endangered Crafts ^https?:\/\/heritagecrafts\.org\.uk\/([a-z-]+)
HCIS ID identifier for a chemical in the Hazardous Chemical Information System by Safe Work Australia ^https?:\/\/hcis\.safeworkaustralia\.gov\.au\/HazardousChemical\/Details\?chemicalID=([1-9]\d*)
HDS ID identifier in HDS/HLS/DHS/DSS: Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (Q642074), a national encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/hls-dhs-dss\.ch\/de\/articles\/(\d{6})
HERO ID identifier for a concept in the ontology of heraldry (HERO)
HOV-ID identifier for a place in the Historical Gazetteer of Saxony ^https?:\/\/hov\.isgv\.de\/(\d+)
HPIP ID identifier of an entity of Portuguese influence, including geographic/toponymic, onomastic, original author, chronological references, etc. ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?hpip\.org\/pt\/heritage\/details\/([1-9]\d{0,3})
HanCinema film ID identifier for a films in the HanCinema database ^https?:\/\/www\.hancinema\.net\/korean_movie_([^\s\/]+)\.php
Handball123 player ID alphabetical identifier for an handball player at ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?handball123\.com\/player\/(\w*(-\w*)+)\/
Handbook of Texas ID identifier for a subject in the Handbook of Texas Online ^https?:\/\/tshaonline\.org\/handbook\/online\/articles\/([a-z]{3}\d{2})
Hansard (1803–2005) ID identifier of a person in the Hansard 1803-2005 database, indexing speeches in the British parliament (both Commons and Lords) ^https?:\/\/api\.parliament\.uk\/historic-hansard\/people\/([a-z]+(\-[a-z]+)*(\-\d)?)
Hardware Version Identification Number identifier of an electronic device model as registered in the Radio Equipment List of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Harvard designation identifier for a pre-1963 spacecraft
Have I Been Pwned breach ID identifier for a data breach in (note: link to the breach, not to the service that was breached) ^https?:\/\/haveibeenpwned\.com\/PwnedWebsites#([A-Za-z0-9]+)
Haz-Map ID Identifier for the Haz-Map database, an openly accessible resource on hazardous agents and occupational disease licensed to and published by NCBI/NLM from 2000-2019. It is still accessible and updated, but no longer licensed by NCBI/NLM
HbVar ID identifier of a hemoglobin variant or thalassemia-causing mutation on the HbVar database website ^https:\/\/globin\.bx\.psu\.edu\/cgi-bin\/hbvar\/query_vars3\?mode=output&display_format=page&i=([1-9]\d*)
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System ID health care procedure codes based on the American Medical Association's Current Procedural Terminology
Hederich encyclopedia article entry in Hederich’s encyclopedia of mythology, 3rd edition (1770), via
Heritage Gateway ID identifier for records on the historic environment in England
Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus identifier for sites in the Heritage Gazetteer of Cyprus
Highland Historic Environment Record ID ID for a heritage feature in the Highland Historic Environment Record website and database ^https?:\/\/her\.highland\.gov\.uk\/monument\/(MHG\d+)
Hindawi Foundation book ID property for IDs of books published by Hindawi Foundation
Historical Archives of the European Union ID identifier for a person or an institution that have created, preserved and used the groups of records that constitute the fonds at the Historical Archives of the European Union ^https?:\/\/archives\.eui\.eu\/en\/isaar\/([1-9]\d{0,2})
Historical Marker Database ID database entries of historical markers ^https?:\/\/www\.hmdb\.org\/m\.asp\?m\=([1-9]\d*)$
Historical Topography of Cultural Heritage object ID identifier for object in a database of cultural and historical heritage on the Czech-German border
HistoryLink essay number number of an essay in, the free online encyclopedia of Washington State history ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?historylink\.org\/File\/(\d*)
Homebrew formula name identifier of a package (formula) in the Homebrew package manager
HomoloGene ID identifier in the HomoloGene database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/homologene\?term=([1-9]\d{0,5})
Hong Kong Cinema ID identifier for film persons from the Hong Kong Cinema website
Hoopla series ID identifier for a series in Hoopla ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?hoopladigital\.com\/series\/wd\/([1-9]\d{9})
Hoopla title ID an audiobook, film, music album, comic, ebook, or television series on Hoopla ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?hoopladigital\.com\/title\/([1-9]\d*)
Hrvatska enciklopedija ID identifier for an article in the Croatian Encyclopedia (Hrvatska enciklopedija) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enciklopedija\.hr\/Natuknica\.aspx\?ID=(\d+)
HuijiWiki wiki ID identifier of a topic's wiki, in
Human Phenotype Ontology ID The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is a widely used vocabulary of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease ^https?:\/\/hpo\.jax\.org\/app\/browse\/term\/(HP:[0-9]{7})
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager project ID identifier for a project in the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager
Humble Store ID identifier for an application sold on the Humble Store ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?humblebundle\.com\/store\/([^#\?\/]+)
Hyatt hotel ID 5-letter identifier for hotels under the Hyatt brand
Hymnary hymnal ID identifier for hymnal in the database
Hymnary instance ID identifier for an individual edition of a published hymn in the database
Hymnary text ID identifier for hymn text in the database
Hymnary tune ID identifier for hymn tune in the database
I-Revues ID identifier for a scholarly article in the I-Revues bibliographic database ^https?:\/\/documents\.irevues\.inist\.fr\/handle\/2042\/(\d+)
IAB code code for an Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) segment
IAFD film distributor ID identifier for a pornographic film distributor in the Internet Adult Film Database
IANA Root Zone Database ID identifier in IANA's Root Zone Database of delegation details for top-level Internet domains ^https?:\/\/www\.iana\.org\/domains\/root\/db\/([a-z0-9-]{2,})\.html
IANA service name name of a network service defined in Q30335969
IANA timezone ID identifier of a time zone in the IANA database
IATE ID identifier for an entry on the website https?:\/\/iate\.europa\.eu\/entry\/result\/(\d+)
IBM code page ID identifier of a code page of characters assigned by IBM ^https?:\/\/www-01\.ibm\.com\/software\/globalization\/cp\/cp(\d{5})\.html
IBM coded character set ID identifier of a coded character set assigned by IBM ^https?:\/\/www-01\.ibm\.com\/software\/globalization\/ccsid\/ccsid(\d+)\.html
IBM graphic character global ID identifier of a character/grapheme in the IBM graphic character identification system
IBM graphic character set global ID identifier of a character set assigned by IBM ^https?:\/\/www-01\.ibm\.com\/software\/globalization\/cs\/cs(\d{5})\.html
IBP 4-letter bird species alpha code Standardized four-letter alphabetic code for bird species by the Institute for Bird Populations
IBTrACS cyclone ID identifier for a tropical cyclone, issued by the World Data Center for Meteorology ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?atms\.unca\.edu\/ibtracs\/ibtracs_current\/index\.php\?name=v04r00-((1[89]|20)\d{2}(00[1-9]|0[1-9]\d|[1-2]\d{2}|3[0-5]\d|36[0-6])(N|S)([0-8]\d|90)([0-2]\d{2}|3[0-5]\d))
ICCD ID - CF form identifier for the Central Institute for Catalogues and Documentation (form type CF)
ICCD ID - CG form identifier for the Central Institute for Catalogues and Documentation (form type CG)
ICCD ID - S form identifier for the Central Institute for Catalogues and Documentation (form type S)
ICCD ID - Santuari Cristiani identifier for an Italian Christian sanctuary in the database curated by Central Institute for Catalogues and Documentation
ICD-10-CM identifier in the ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification) ^https?:\/\/icdcodelookup\.com\/icd-10\/codes\/([A-Z]\d{2}(-[A-Z]\d{2}|[.][A-Z\d]+|))
ICD-11 (foundation) identifier in ICD terminology of diseases - Version 11 (foundation ID) (not Mortality and Morbidity Statistics ID) ^https?:\/\/icd\.who\.int\/dev11\/f\/en#\/https?:\/\/id\.who\.int\/icd\/entity\/([1-9]\d*)
ICD-11 ID (MMS) identifier in ICD terminology of diseases - Version 11 (Mortality and Morbidity Statistics) linearization (not the foundation ID)
ICD-9-CM identifier in the ICD adaption assigning diagnostic and procedure codes ^https?:\/\/icd9cm\.chrisendres\.com\/index\.php\?action=search&srchtext=(([\dA-Z]\d{2}(\.\d{1,3}|))|(\d{2}(\.\d{1,2}|)))
ICPC 2 ID classification method for primary care encounters ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?hetop\.eu\/hetop\/3CGP\/en\/\?rr=CIP_D_((A|B|D|F|H|K|L|N|P|R|S|T|U|W|X|Y|Z)\d{2})
ICSC ID identifier of a compound in the International Chemical Safety Card database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ilo\.org\/dyn\/icsc\/showcard\.display\?p_card_id=([0-9]*)
IDFA film ID identifier for a documentary film at the IDFA website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?idfa\.nl\/en\/film\/([a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12})\/wd
IDG IT-ord ID identifier for Swedish IT words in IDG IT-ord
IDU theatre ID identifier for theatre names in Czechia in the Theatre Institute database ^https?:\/\/vis\.idu\.cz\/Productions\.aspx\?theatreIds=([1-9][0-9]{0,3})
IDVT identifier of a watercourse in the CEVT database of the Czech Republic
IEDB Epitope ID identifier for an Epitope in the Immune Epitope Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?iedb\.org\/epitope\/([1-9]\d*)
IEEE Xplore author ID identifier for an author in IEEE Xplore ^https?:\/\/ieeexplore\.ieee\.org\/author\/([1-9]\d*)
IEV number reference number in the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary ^https?:\/\/www\.electropedia\.org\/iev\/iev\.nsf\/display\?openform&ievref=(\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{2,3})
IFOPT stop ID Wikidata property related to transport and Wikidata property for an identifier No/unknown value
IFPI GTIN identifying sound recordings and music video recordings via their barcodes
IFTTT service ID identifier for a service on IFTTT ^https?:\/\/ifttt\.com\/([A-Za-z\d]+(?:\_[A-Za-z\d]+)*)
IFVPF ID identifier for a Brazilian coffee farm in the Inventory of the Vale do Paraíba Fluminense Fazendas ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?institutocidadeviva\.org\.br\/inventarios\/\?p=(\d*)
IGDB game engine ID identifier for a game engine on the Internet Game Database ^https?://(?:www\.)?igdb\.com/game_engines/([a-z\d]+([\-]{1,2}[a-z\d]+){0,6})
IGF entrant ID identifier of an entrant in the Independent Games Festival ^https?:\/\/igf\.com\/([\w\d]+(-[\w\d]+)*)
IGI Global Dictionary ID identifier for an entry on the IGI Global Dictionary of Information Science and Technology ^[^\s/]*/(\d+)
IGN game ID external identifier for video games at IGN ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ign\.com\/games\/([a-z\d]+(\-[^\W\sA-Z\_]+)*)
IHO Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) Number Identification number for items in the Hydrographic Dictionary S-32, issued by International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)
IM channel URL address of a multi-user chat, room or group ^https:\/\/matrix\.to\/#\/#([a-z-:.]+)
IMDb keyword IMDb keyword related to movies and television programs ^https:\/\/www\.imdb\.com\/search\/keyword\/\?keywords=([^&]+)
IMO ship number identifier for a ship, ship owner or ship manager per the International Maritime Organization ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?marinetraffic\.com\/ais\/details\/ships\/([1-9]\d{6})
INDUCKS issue ID identifier for an issue of a printed publication of the Disney Universe ^https?:\/\/inducks\.org\/issue\.php\?c=([a-z]{2}\/[A-Z0-9\- ]+)
INDUCKS publication ID identifier for printed publications of the Disney Universe ^https?:\/\/inducks\.org\/publication\.php\?c=([a-z]{2}\/[A-Z0-9]+)
INDUCKS story ID identifier for a comic book story related to the Disney Universe ^https?:\/\/inducks\.org\/story\.php\?c=([A-Za-z0-9\-\/\? ]+)
INE ID (Portugal) identifier for Portuguese municipalities, districts and parishes, by the Portuguese National Statistical Institute (INE)
INEGI municipality ID identifier for a municipality in Mexico published by INEGI
INEP ID identifier for each Brazilian educational institution
INSPIRE ID universal identifier from Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE), used across EU databases
IPHAN ID The IPHAN identifier for a historic place or good
IPI name number identifier for names of a composer, author and other relevant parties ^https:\/\/www\.ascap\.com\/repertory#\/ace\/writer\/([0-9]+)
IPPDH ID identifier for archives and funds in the Institute of Public Policies in Human Rights (IPPDH) of Mercosur
IPU chamber ID external identifier of legislative houses on the Inter-Parliamentary Union's website
IPv6 routing prefix range of IPv6 addresses
ISA ID identifier for Brazilian indigenous populations from Instituto Socioambiental ^https?:\/\/pib\.socioambiental\.org\/pt\/Povo:([A-Za-z_áàâãéèêíïóôõöúçñÁÀÂÃÉÈÍÏÓÔÕÖÚÇÑ]+)
ISC event ID entry in the International Seismological Centre Online Event Bibliography ^https?:\/\/isc-mirror\.iris\.washington\.edu\/cgi-bin\/FormatBibprint\.pl\?evid=([1-9]\d*)
ISDS ID identifier of an electronic mailbox assigned by the Czech Republic government to businesses, individuals and government agencies of the Czech Republic
ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization ID identifier for an entry in the ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization ^https?:\/\/www\.isko\.org\/cyclo\/([a-z0-9_-]+)
ISSN-L linking ISSN (ISSN-L) is a specific ISSN that groups the different media of the same serial publication ^https?:\/\/(?:portal\.)?issn\.org\/resource\/ISSN-L\/([0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{3}[0-9X])
ITU-R Recommendation identifier of an ITU-R Recommendation
ITU-T Recommendation identifier of an ITU-T Recommendation
IUPAC Gold Book ID identifier of definition in ''Compendium of Chemical Terminology'' (''IUPAC GoldBook'') ^https?:\/\/(?:dx\.|www\.)?doi\.org\/10\.1351\/goldbook\.([A-Z]{1,2}\d{5})
Iconoteca dell'Accademia di architettura ID identifier for an entity (person, organization, place, object) in the photographic and graphic repository held by the Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio
Il Sole 24 Ore movie ID identifier for a movie on ^https?:\/\/cinema\.ilsole24ore\.com\/film\/([a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*(?:/(?:0|[1-9]\d*))?)
Il Sole 24 Ore topic ID identifier for a topic on the website of Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper ^https?:\/\/argomenti\.ilsole24ore\.com\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*(-[0-9]+)*)\.html
Il mondo dei doppiatori ID identifier for a creative work or person at Il mondo dei doppiatori ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?antoniogenna\.net\/doppiaggio\/((film|film1|corti|voci|telefilm|mini|anim|soap|novelas|vgames|multimedia|docum|progtv|radio)/[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)\.htm
Image Archive, Herder Institute link to the online database (Bildkatalog) of the image archive for the display of image sources ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?herder-institut\.de\/bildkatalog\/wikidata\/(Q[1-9]\d*)
India Biodiversity Portal species ID identifier for species found in India maintained by the 'India Biodiversity Portal' database ^https?:\/\/indiabiodiversity\.org\/species\/show\/([0-9]+)
Indian Medicinal Plants Database ID identifier for medicinal plants found in India maintained by the 'Indian Medicinal Plants Database' ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?medicinalplants\.in\/searchpage\/showdetails\/xplant_id\/([a-z0-9]*)
Indian Super League player ID external Identifiers for players participating in Indian Super League ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?indiansuperleague\.com\/players\/((goalkeeper|defender|midfielder|forward)+\-[1-9]\d*(\-[a-z]+)*)-profile
Indian census area code (1991) code used for an area for calculations in the 1991 census of India
Indian gallantry awardee ID recipients of Indian gallantry awards ^https?:\/\/gallantryawards\.gov\.in\/awardee\/([\d]*)
Indiana State Historical Marker Program ID identifier for an historical marker of the Indiana State Historical Marker Program ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?in\.gov\/history\/state-historical-markers\/find-a-marker\/([a-z0-9\-\/]+)\/
Indiana State Historical Marker Program numeric ID Wikidata property for an identifier, Wikidata property for authority control for cultural heritage, and numeric identifier
Indiegogo project ID identifier for a project on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform
Indonesian Cultural Heritage Registration System ID identifier of a Indonesian cultural heritage in Cultural Heritage National Registration System
Indonesian ethnicity code code for ethnic groups in Indonesia, defined in Ensiklopedi Suku Bangsa di Indonesia
Inguma author ID Inguma database researcher link
Instagram post ID identifier for a post on Instagram ^https?:\/\/www\.instagram\.com\/p\/([^\/]+)
Instituto Moreira Salles ID identifier for an artwork in the collections of the Instituto Moreira Salles ^https?:\/\/acervos\.ims\.com\.br\/portals\/#\/detailpage\/(\d+)
Intangible cultural heritage ID by the Austrian UNESCO commission this property allows the language independent access to the individual descriptions in the inventory of intangible cultural heritage as listed by the Austrian UNESCO commission
Interactive Fiction Database ID identifier for video games on database Interactive Fiction Database ^https?:\/\/ifdb\.tads\.org\/viewgame\?id=([0-9a-z]{15,16})
Interlingual Index ID Wikidata property for an identifier ^https?:\/\/globalwordnet\.org\/ili\/(i[1-9]\d*)
International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database ID identifier for a Chinese character on International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database
International Numbering System number unique identifier of a food additive in the International Numbering System
International Standard Industrial Classification code Rev.4 code of industry by ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities)
Internet Content Provider Registration Record ID permit issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to permit China-based websites to operate in China
Internet Dictionary of Polish Surnames ID identifier in the dictionary of surnames used in Poland
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ID identifier for an article in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?iep\.utm\.edu\/([a-z]+(\-[a-z]+)*)\/
Internet Game Database numeric game ID numeric identifier for a game on IGDB; use as qualifier for P5794 "Internet Game Database game ID"
Internet Off-Broadway Database production ID identifier for a production in Lortel's Internet Off-Broadway Database ^https?:\/\/iobdb\.com\/Production\/([1-9]\d*)
Internet Pinball Database ID identifier for pinball machines at the Internet Pinball Database ^https?:\/\/www\.ipdb\.org\/machine\.cgi\?id=(\d+)
Inventario Sculture - Polo Museale Fiorentino identifier of an artwork in the inventory of sculptures of Florentine museums
Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis ID identifier for an ancient city in the Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis
Inventário dos Monumentos RJ ID Wikidata property for an identifier and numeric identifier in Brazil
Investopedia term ID identifier for a term on the financial information website Investopedia ^https?:\/\/www\.investopedia\.com\/terms\/([a-z1]\/[a-z0-9\-\_]+)\.asp
Irkipedia ID identifier for an article in Irkipedia
Isidore scholar ID identifier of a scholar on Isidore, a platform that collects links to scholarly documents and official texts
Italian National Earthquake Center ID identifier for an earthquake in the Italian National Earthquake Centre database ^https?:\/\/cnt\.rm\.ingv\.it\/event\/([1-9]\d*)
Italian School ID This property describes the school identifier used by Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research for identifying italian schools ^https?:\/\/cercalatuascuola\.istruzione\.it\/cercalatuascuola\/ricerca\/risultati\?rapida=([A-Z]{2}[A-Z1][A-Z][A-Z\d]{5}[A-Z1-9])&tipoRicerca=RAPIDA&gidf=1
Italian Vikidia ID name of the article in Italian Vikidia ^https?:\/\/it\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
Itaú Cultural ID unique identifier for a entity in the Itaú Cultural Encyclopedia website ^https?:\/\/enciclopedia\.itaucultural\.org\.br\/((pessoa|grupo|obra|evento|instituicao|termo)\d+\/[a-z][\-a-z]*)
J-GLOBAL ID identifier of a topic on J-GLOBAL https:\/\/jglobal\.jst\.go\.jp\/(?:en\/)?detail\?JGLOBAL_ID=(\d*)
JIS standard standard that was developed by the Japanese Industrial Standards ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?jisc\.go\.jp\/app\/jis\/general\/GnrJISNumberNameSearchList\?show&jisStdNo=([ABCDEFGHKLMPQRSTWXZ]\d{4,5}(-[1-9]\d*){,2})
JMA Seismic Intensity Database ID identifier for an earthquake event in Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic Intensity Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?data\.jma\.go\.jp\/svd\/eqdb\/data\/shindo\/#([1-9]\d*)
JNAF artist ID identifier for artists whose arts were collected by Indian private collector Jehangir Nicholson ^https?:\/\/jnaf\.org\/artist\/([\w\-]*)
JORFSearch organization ID Wikidata property for an identifier in France
JRC Names id ID in the JRC Names gazetteer, which provides spelling variants and EMM news about the entity (220k news items per day). Alias: JRCN ^https?:\/\/emm\.newsbrief\.eu\/NewsBrief\/entityedition\/en\/(\d+)\.html
JTWC tropical cyclone ID identifier for a tropical cyclone, issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center
Japan Search name ID identifier in the Japan Search portal ID identifier for a school on ^https?:\/\/jedeschule\.de\/schulprofil\/index\.html\?id=((BB|BE|BW|BY|HB|HE|HH|MV|NI|NRW|RP|SH|SL|SN|ST|TH)-\d+(-\d)?)
Jeugdliteratuur ID identifier for an author on the website
Jewish Encyclopedia ID (Russian) Article ID in the Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia in Russian ^https?:\/\/(?:eleven\.co\.il|jewishencyclopedia\.ru)\/article\/(\d{1,5}(#0\d{1,6})?)
Jiddisch-Nederlands Woordenboek ID (on hold until questions of identifier stability are addressed) identifier for a lexeme in the online dictionary hosted by the Stichting Jiddische Lexicografie Amsterdam
Jinji Koshinroku ID (1st edition) ID of a person in 1st edition of Jinji Koshinroku https?:\/\/jahis\.law\.nagoya-u\.ac\.jp\/who\/docs\/who1-(\d{1,4})
Jinji Koshinroku ID (4th edition) ID of a person in 4th edition of Jinji Koshinroku https?:\/\/jahis\.law\.nagoya-u\.ac\.jp\/who\/docs\/who4-(\d{1,5})
Jinji Koshinroku ID (8th edition) ID of a person in 8th edition of Jinji Koshinroku https?:\/\/jahis\.law\.nagoya-u\.ac\.jp\/who\/docs\/who8-(\d{1,5})
Joconde discovery ID identifier for a discovery environment in the Service des Musées de France Joconde authority file ^https?:\/\/data\.culture\.fr\/thesaurus\/page\/ark:\/67717\/(T115-[1-9]\d{1,6}|[0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12})
Joconde object type ID identifier for object types from the Service des Musées de France Joconde authority file ^https?:\/\/data\.culture\.fr\/thesaurus\/page\/ark:\/67717\/(T505-[1-9]\d{1,5}|[0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12})
Joconde use ID identifier for a use in the Joconde authority file of the Service des Musées de France
Joint Electronics Type Designation Automated System designation unclassified designator for United States military electronic equipment
Joseph Smith Papers person ID ID of a person in Joseph Smith Papers Project
Joshua Project people group ID identifier for an ethnic group on the Joshua Project website
Juricaf decision ID decision of a French-speaking supreme court on Juricaf
KBpedia ID identifier for the KBpedia knowledge graph, which provides consistent mappings across seven large-scale public knowledge bases including Wikidata, and is used to promote data interoperability and extraction of training sets for machine learning ^https:\/\/kbpedia\.org\/knowledge-graph\/reference-concept\/\?uri=([A-Z\d][(A-Za-z \d\-_)]+)
KDG Komponisten der Gegenwart ID identifier on the Munzinger Archiv ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?munzinger\.de\/search\/go\/document\.jsp\?id=(17\d{9})
KERIS school ID identifier for a school in the information system by KERIS ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?schoolinfo\.go\.kr\/ei\/ss\/Pneiss_b01_s0\.do\?HG_CD=([A-Z][1-9]\d{8})
KIT Linked Open Numbers ID identifier for a natural number in the KIT, general proxy for natural numbers. Format: \d+ ^https?:\/\/km\.aifb\.kit\.edu\/projects\/numbers\/web\/n([1-9]\d*) author ID identifier for person in the website
Kanjipedia kanji ID identifier for a kanji on Kanjipedia ^https:\/\/www\.kanjipedia\.jp\/kanji\/(\d+)
Kanjipedia word ID identifier of a word on Kanjipedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?kanjipedia\.jp\/kotoba\/(\d+)
Kanobu numeric game ID numeric identifier for a video game on Kanobu; use as qualifier for the main property "Kanobu ID (P10171)"
Kansaspedia ID identifier for an entry on the Kansaspedia website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?kshs\.org\/kansapedia\/wd\/(\d+) tourist spot ID identifier for a tourist spot entry on the website
Kerala state school code identifier for a school situated in Kerala ^https?:\/\/sametham\.kite\.kerala\.gov\.in\/(\d{5})
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa EMIS code identifier for a school (usually government-affiliated) in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Kialo ID Link to the structured Kialo debate tree about or most relevant to the subject.
Kicker team ID identifier for a sports team in the Kicker database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?kicker\.de\/([a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*)\/info\/?
Kickstarter project ID identifier for a project on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)kickstarter\.com\/projects\/([A-Za-z0-9-]+\/[A-Za-z0-9-]+)
Kielitoimiston sanakirja ID identifier for an entry in Kielitoimiston sanakirja
Kinematoscope film ID Database about Films adaptations of literary work (18th and 19th century)
Kinematoscope literary work ID Database about Films adaptations of literary work (18th and 19th century)
Kinematoscope writer ID Database about Films adaptations of literary work (18th and 19th century)
Kinsky–Halm Catalogue number in the Kinsky–Halm Catalogue of the works of Ludwig van Beethoven, which do not have opus numbers, or are fragmentary ID identifier for minerals, rocks, mineral resources at ^https?:\/\/kivid\.info\/([1-9]\d{0,5})
Klingon Word Wiki ID identifier for a lemma in the Klingon Word Wiki ^https:\/\/klingon\.wiki\/Wor[dt]\/([A-Za-z-]+#[1-9]\d*)
Kloster- und Ordenslexikon ID identifier for a topic in the German reference work Kloster- und Ordenslexikon
Knesset law ID identifier for law in Knesset site ^https?:\/\/main\.knesset\.gov\.il\/Activity\/Legislation\/Laws\/Pages\/LawPrimary\.aspx\?t=lawlaws&st=lawlaws&lawitemid=([1-9][0-9]*)
Knot Atlas ID link from mathematical knot/link articles to authoritative information source Knot Atlas
Knotinfo ID identifier used to link to the KnotInfo website entry for a knot
Know Your Meme ID identifier for a Know Your Meme article ^https?:\/\/knowyourmeme\.com\/memes\/([1-9][0-9]*)
Komoot ID identifier for an itinerary or a point of interest on Komoot website ^https:\/\/www\.komoot\.de\/((?:highlight|smarttour)\/[1-9]\d*) glossary ID identifier on the website of the President of Russia
Kritisches Lexikon zur fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur ID identifier in the critical dictionary of foreign contemporary literature ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?munzinger\.de\/search\/go\/document\.jsp\?id=(18\d{9})
Kultboy controller ID identifier of a video game controller in the Kultboy database
Kultboy magazine ID identifier of a video game magazine in the Kultboy database
Kunstenpunt Knowledge Graph ID identifier in the Flanders Arts Institute database for performing arts ^https?:\/\/kg\.kunsten\.be\/wiki\/Item:(Q[1-9]\d*)
Köztérkép creator ID identifier for an author of the Köztérkép (Hungarian sculptors, visual artists, contributors)
Kōmako author ID identifier for Māori writers
L'Unificazione ID identifier for an item in L'Unificazione on the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)_\(L'Unificazione\)
L-number semi-scientific classification system for catfish from the Loricariidae family
LEGO element ID unique identifier of a LEGO brick design with a specific colour
LGBT Danmark online dictionary ID identifier in LGBT Danmark's online dictionary
LIGA profile background information on organizations, political parties, biographies of famous people
LOINC ID identifier for medical observations, measurements, and documents in the Regenstrief Institute's Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC), a database of internationalized medical terminology ^https?:\/\/loinc\.org\/(\d+-\d)
LPSN URL URL for the website List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)
La grammatica italiana ID identifier for an item in La grammatica italiana on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)_\(La[_\-]grammatica[_\-]italiana\)
LakeNet ID number of a lake in Global Lake Database
Lambic.Info ID Wikidata property related to food and eating, Wikidata property for an identifier, and numeric identifier
Lambiek Special pages ID identifier for an entry about comics from Lambiek
Lambiek comic magazines ID identifier for an entry about comic magazines from Lambiek http(?:s):\/\/www\.lambiek\.net\/magazines\/(.+)\.htm$
Language Council of Norways termwiki ID Identifier for a term in the Norwegian language, as given by an entry in the Language Council of Norways termwiki. This is a terminology database for academic disciplines. The terms are usually given as Bokmål, Nynorsk, and English variants.
Language of Bindings ID identifier for a term in the Language of Bindings thesaurus
Larousse ID identifier for a subject on the 'Encyclopédie Larousse' ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?larousse\.fr\/encyclopedie\/([-\w]*\/[-\w_ÉéÈèçâãï]+\/[1-9]\d*)
LastDodo-area-ID identifier in LastDodo for a concept in collections of coins, stamps and postcards
Latvia water body classification code code for lakes, ponds and reservoirs used in Latvia as set by law
Lega Serie A team ID identifier of a soccer team in the Lega Serie A website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?legaseriea\.it\/it\/serie-a\/squadre\/([a-z]{3,13}) newspaper ID identifier for newspapers that have their obituaries indexed on
Legal entity registered by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic ID ID of the legal (church/religious) entity registered by the Czech Ministry of Culture
Legie 100 legionary ID legionary identifier in Legie 100 project ^https?:\/\/legie100\.com\/krev-legionare\/([1-9][0-9]+)
Lens ID identifier for documents in the catalog (patents, articles) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lens\.org\/(\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{3}-\d+X?)
Les Enfoirés song ID identifier for a song in the Enfoiréthèque, the database of Les Enfoirés website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?enfoires\.fr\/enfoiretheque\/\?titres_id=([1-9]\d*)
Les Roses cultivées à L'Haÿ en 1902 ID identifier in "Les Roses cultivées à L'Haÿ en 1902: essai de classement" by Jules Gravereaux
Letecká badatelna accident ID identifier for an accident in Letecká badatelna
Lexer lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Middle High German dictionary by Matthias Lexer at
LexerN lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the supplement to the Middle High German dictionary by Matthias Lexer at
Lexicon istoric retic ID identifier in the Lexicon istoric retic (LIR), Romansh variant of Historical Dictionary of Switzerland ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?e-lir\.ch\/e-LIR___Lexicon\.(\d+)\.450\.0\.html
Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law ID identifier in the Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law
Lexikon der österreichischen Provenienzforschung ID identifier for an entry in the Dictionary of Austrian Provenance Research ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lexikon-provenienzforschung\.org\/([a-záäíöšüÄÖÜß]+(-[a-záäíöšüÄÖÜß]+)*(-\d)?)
Lexikon zum Literatur- und Kulturbetrieb im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit ID alphabetical identifier for an article in the Lexikon zum Literatur- und Kulturbetrieb im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit
LiLa Linking Latin URI the URI of this lexeme in LiLa Lemma Collection (Q117021953)
Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms ID identifier for a term in the Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms controlled vocabulary ^https?:\/\/id\.loc\.gov\/authorities\/demographicTerms\/(dg\d{10})
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms ID ID in the Library of Congress controlled vocabulary for genres and forms ^https?:\/\/id\.loc\.gov\/authorities\/genreForms\/(gf\d{10})
Library of Congress of Chile person ID Biographical Articles of the Library of Congress of Chile ID
Library of Congress providers ID identifier for a provider (publisher, distributor, manufacturer, etc.) from the Library of Congress Linked Data Service
Library of Parliament of Canada person ID identifier for a federal politician in Canada (by the Library of Parliament) ^https?:\/\/lop\.parl\.ca\/sites\/ParlInfo\/default\/(?:en_CA\/People\/Profile|fr_CA\/(?:People|Personnes)\/Profile?)\?(?:.*&)?personId=([1-9]\d*)($|&)
Lichess username username on the chess website ^https:\/\/lichess\.org\/@\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])$
LiederNet song cycle ID song cycle identifier used by the LiederNet Archive
Line Blog user ID user ID on LINE BLOG ^https?:\/\/lineblog\.me\/(\w+)
Lingua Libre ID identifier in Lingua Libre, the Wikimedia project and tool for pronunciation
Linguasphere code identifier for a language from Linguasphere Observatory ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?hortensj-garden\.org\/index\.php\?tnc=1&tr=lsr&nid=([0-9]{2}\-[A-Z]{3}\-[a-z]{1,3})
Linguist List code identifier for a language per Linguist List ^https?:\/\/multitree\.org\/codes\/(([0-9a-z]{3}(-[0-9a-z]{3})?|[a-z]{4}))
Linked Open Data Comune Firenze ID identifier for an entity in the Linked Open Data platform of the municipality of Florence (Italy)
Lithuania Minor Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry in the online version of Lithuania Minor Encyclopedia
LiverTox ID LiverTox database ID
Livres Hebdo tag ID identifier for a tag on the website of Livres Hebdo
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID identifier for an item in one of the controlled vocabularies maintained by the Library of Congress ^https?:\/\/id\.loc\.gov\/vocabulary\/(\w+/[\w\d\-]+)\.html
Lobbypedia ID identifier on
LocalWiki ID identifier for a project or article on LocalWiki
Location Memory building ID identifier of a building on Location Memory
Logicielsmoto ID identifier in the Logicielsmoto database of Thomson software ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?logicielsmoto\.com\/viewsoftware\.php\?softid=([1-9]\d*) article ID identifier for an article in
Looted Cultural Assets Database ID identifier for an entity in the Looted Cultural Assets (LCA) Database ^https?:\/\/db\.lootedculturalassets\.de\/index\.php\/Detail\/entities\/([1-9]\d*)
Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office Case Search person ID identifier for a person whose autopsy was conducted by the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner
Lur Encyclopedic Dictionary ID identifier for an entry in the Lur Hiztegi Entziklopedikoa (Lur Encyclopedic Dictionary) ^https:\/\/www\.euskadi\.eus\/web01-a2lurhiz\/eu\/contenidos\/termino\/_c(\d{5}\/eu_[a-z]_\d{4}\/[a-z]\d{4})
Lutris genre ID identifier of a video game genre in the Lutris database ^https?:\/\/lutris\.net\/games\/genre\/([\d]+)
Løøv classification classification system for literature on Sami matters
L’Équipe team ID identifier for a sports team in the L’Équipe database
MAC Address Block Large ID unique identifier of an organisation registered with the IEEE ^https?:\/\/services13\.ieee\.org\/RST\/standards-ra-web\/rest\/assignments\/\?registry=MA-L&text=([0-9A-F]{6})&sortby=o
MAVISE TV channel ID identifier for a TV channel in the MAVISE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory ^https?:\/\/mavise\.obs\.coe\.int\/channel\?id=([1-9]\d*)
MAVISE on-demand audiovisual service ID identifier for an on-demand audiovisual service in the MAVISE database of the European Audiovisual Observatory ^https?:\/\/mavise\.obs\.coe\.int\/odas\?id=([1-9]\d*)
MEA Indian Mission ID identifier for Indian diplomatic missions in foreign countries ^https?:\/\/mea\.gov\.in\/indian-mission\.htm\?([1-9][0-9]{0,2})
METAR code METeorological Aerodrome Report
MGG Online ID stable identifier for an entry on the MGG Online website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mgg-online\.com\/mgg\/stable\/([1-9]\d*)
MHDBDB lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Middle High German Conceptual Database at
MINEDEX project ID Register of the Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity of a ship station. Format 8 or 9 digits ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?marinetraffic\.com\/ais\/details\/ships\/(\d{8,9})
MNopedia ID identifier for a subject in the online encyclopedia MNopedia, which covers Minnesota
MOHW HospID ID of hospital registered under Ministry of Health and Welfare (Taiwan) ^https?:\/\/www1\.nhi\.gov\.tw\/QueryN\/Query3_Detail\.aspx\?Page=3&HospID=((\d{2}[0-4]\d{7}))
MPPDA Digital Archive film ID link to a film's entry at the MPPDA Digital Archive
MPPDA Digital Archive organisation ID link to an organisation's records at the MPPDA Digital Archive
MSRI person ID identifier for a person on the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute website ^https?:\/\/www\.msri\.org\/people\/(\d+)
MUBI film ID identifier for a film at MUBI ^https?:\/\/mubi\.com\/films\/(\d+)
MUSE article ID identifier for a scholarly article in the Project MUSE bibliographic database ^https?:\/\/muse\.jhu\.edu\/article\/(\d+)
MUSE book ID numeric identifier of an academic book in Project MUSE https?:\/\/muse\.jhu\.edu\/book\/(\d+)
MWB lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Middle High German dictionary at
MWNF URL url in the database of the Museum With No Frontiers (MWNF) virtual museum for the transmission of knowledge film ID film ID in the movie database
Maine: An Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the Maine: An Encyclopedia website
MalaCards ID identifier in the Malacards database of diseases ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?malacards\.org\/card\/([a-z_]{5,30})
Malaysia Federal Legislation act ID numerical identifier for Acts of the Parliament of Malaysia
Malaysia company new number identifier for companies in Malaysia
Malpedia ID identity for an item in the Malpedia database
MangaSeek award ID identifier for a manga award on MangaSeek ^https?://mangaseek\.net/award/([1-9]\d*)\.html
ManualsLib brand ID identifier for a brand or manufacturer, in the Manuals Lib library of instruction manuals ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?manualslib\.com\/brand\/([a-z0-9]+(\-[a-z0-9]+)*)\/
Mapillary ID ID for a photo on Mapillary, a service for crowdsourcing map photos ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mapillary\.com\/app\/\?pKey\=([0-9]{15})(?:&|$)
Marine Regions Geographic ID identifier for marine geographic objects, in the database ^https?:\/\/marineregions\.org\/mrgid\/(\d+)
MarketScreener business leaders ID ID of someone in MarketScreener ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?marketscreener\.com\/business-leaders\/([A-Za-z-]+-(\d+|[0-9A-Z]{6}-E))\/biography\/
Marmiton ID alphabetical identifier for a dish on Marmiton, an established French cooking website ^https?:\/\/www\.marmiton\.org\/recettes\/index\/categorie\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)
Martindale-Hubbell profile profile of a person at Martindale-Hubbell
Marvel Comics creators ID identifier for artists and writers at
Material UI icon URI that identifies an icon from Material UI collection
Materials Project material ID identifier for a material in the Materials Project ^https?:\/\/materialsproject\.org\/materials\/(mp-[1-9]\d*)\/
Matrix room ID identifier for the official Matrix room of an institution or project
MeSH descriptor ID identifier for Descriptor or Supplementary concept in the Medical Subject Headings controlled vocabulary ^https?:\/\/id\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/mesh\/([CD]\w{6}(?:\w{3}|))\.html
Media Arts Database ID identifier for the Media Arts Database created by the Japanese government department Bunkacho ^https?:\/\/mediaarts-db\.(?:bunka|artmuseums)\.go\.jp\/id\/([MC]\d+) artist ID Wikidata property related to LGBT, Wikidata property for items about films, and Wikidata property for an identifier in Canada
MedlinePlus ID health information from U.S. government agencies, and health-related organizations ^https?:\/\/medlineplus\.gov\/(?:spanish\/)?ency\/article\/(\d{6})\.htm
Memória Globo ID identifier for pages on the history of Brazilian TV network Rede Globo, researched by a team of journalists, historians and anthropologists ^https?:\/\/memoriaglobo\.globo\.com\/([a-z]+(?:\/[a-z\-\d]+)+\.htm)
Mendeley publication ID identifier for a scientific publication on the website ^https?:\/\/www\.mendeley\.com\/catalogue\/([0-9a-f]{8}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{12})\/
Merck Index monograph URL stem of page in The Merck Index Online
Merck Index reaction ID identifier for a chemical reaction, in the Merck Index ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rsc\.org\/Merck-Index\/reaction\/r([1-9][0-9]{0,2})
MetaSat ID identifier for MetaSat, an open metadata vocabulary used to describe space missions
Meteoritical Bulletin Database ID identifier for a meteorite in the database of the Meteoritical Society ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?lpi\.usra\.edu\/meteor\/metbull\.php\?code=([1-9]\d{0,4})
Meteorological Service of Canada climate site ID 7 digit number assigned by the Meteorological Service of Canada to a site where official weather observations are taken, and serves as a permanent, unique identifier
Meyers lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Meyers Großes Konversationslexikon at
Michelin Voyages ID identifier for a place in the website Michelin Voyages ^https?:\/\/voyages\.michelin\.fr\/((afrique|amerique-du-nord|europe|asie|oceanie|amerique-centrale-et-du-sud)(\/[a-z\/\-]+)?)
Michigan Historical Marker ID identifier of a historical marker in the Michigan Historical Marker Program
Microsoft Academic ID identifier for an object or topic in the Microsoft Academic Graph (until 31 December 2021) ^https?:\/\/academic\.microsoft\.com\/[a-z]+\/(\d+)\/
Microsoft Edge Platform Status feature ID identifier for a feature on Microsoft Edge Platform Status feature ID
Microsoft MVP profile ID identifier for a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award recipient ^https?:\/\/mvp\.microsoft\.com\/en-us\/PublicProfile\/([1-9]\d*)
Miljørapporter file ID identifier for file with environment impact assessment on The Danish Environmental Portal
Mindat mineral ID identifier for a mineral or related material (rock, mixture) in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mindat\.org\/min-([1-9]\d*)\.html Glossary of Mineralogical Terms ID identifier for an entry in the Glossary of Mineralogical Terms ^https?:\/\/www\.mindat\.org\/glossary\/([^#?]+) mineral and gemstone ID identifier for a mineral or gemstone on ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?minerals\.net\/((gemstone|mineral)\/[a-z'_\-]+)\.aspx
Ministry of the Interior of Italy ID identifier of a politician in the Italian Ministry of the Interior's database
Minitel code access code of a service on the Minitel Videotex
Mix'n'match catalog ID ID of the catalog corresponding to the property in the mix'n'match tool ^https:\/\/mix-n-match\.toolforge\.org\/#\/catalog\/(\d+)
MobyGames genre ID identifier of a video game genre in the MobyGames database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mobygames\.com\/genre\/sheet\/view\/genreId,([1-9]\d*)\/
ModelSEED compound ID ID of chemical compound in ModelSEED ^https?:\/\/modelseed\.org\/biochem\/compounds\/(cpd\d{5})
Modrinth project ID identifier for a project on the Modrinth website
Mojarto artist ID external identifiers for artists whose arts are sold through Mojarto ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mojarto\.com\/artists\/([\w\-]+)
Mondo ID identifier for an entity in the Mondo Disease Ontology
Monumental Trees ID identifier of a remarkable tree on the Monumental Trees website
Mormon Literature and Creative Arts Database Works ID identifier for a work listed in the Mormon Literature and Creative Arts Database ^https?:\/\/mormonarts\.lib\.byu\.edu\/works\/([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*)
Moths of India ID identifier for moths found in India maintained by the 'Moths of India' database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mothsofindia\.org\/#!\/sp\/([0-9]+)
Motorsports Hall of Fame of America ID Mini biographies of the inductees to the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mshf\.com\/hall-of-fame\/inductees\/([\w-]+)\.html
Mountain Project ID identifier for a climbing area or route on the 'Mountain Project' website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mountainproject\.com\/v\/(1\d{8})
Mozilla Developer Network article article that describes the item on Mozilla Developer Network website ^https?:\/\/developer\.mozilla\.org\/(?:[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2}\/)?docs\/([^?#]+)
MuIS collection ID identifier for a collection in the Estonian museum database MuIS ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?muis\.ee\/rdf\/collection\/([1-9]\d*)
MuIS person or group ID identifier for a person or group in the Estonian museum database MuIS ^https?:\/\/opendata\.muis\.ee\/person-group\/([1-9]\d*)
MuseScore artist ID identifier for an artist on MuseScore ^https?:\/\/musescore\.com\/artist\/(?:\w+-)?([1-9]\d*)
Museen Dresden article ID identifier of persons and organisations on Museen der Stadt Dresden
Museu Nacional ID online catalog ID for Museu Nacional
Museu Paulista iconography ID unique identifier for items of the iconography collection of Museu Paulista ^https?:\/\/acervoonline\.mp\.usp\.br\/iconografia\/([a-zA-Z-\d]+)(?:\/)?
Museu Paulista objects ID unique identifier for items of the objects collection of Museu Paulista ^https?:\/\/acervoonline\.mp\.usp\.br\/documentos-tridimensionais\/([a-zA-Z-\d]+)(?:\/)?
Museu da Pessoa person ID unique identifier of a person on the Museu da Pessoa website
Museu de Memes ID identifier for the Memes Museum of the Brazilian Fluminense Federal University
Museum of Gothenburg object ID identifier for an object in the Museum of Gothenburg
Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot ID identifier for an entity in the databases of the Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot ^https?:\/\/dbs\.anumuseum\.org\.il\/skn\/en\/e([1-9]\d*)
MusicBrainz event ID identifier for an event in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/musicbrainz\.org\/event\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})
Musica Brasilis score ID unique identifier for a score in the Musica Brasilis website
Musicsperlacobla sardana ID sardana identifier used by archive ^https\:\/\/www\.musicsperlacobla\.cat\/obra\.php\?codi\=(\d\.\d{1,3}[a-zA-Zñü]{5,8}[\d]{3,4})$
Musikasten ID identifier for an artist in Musikasten, a comprehensive database of music in Basque ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?musikasten\.eus\/taldea\/([a-z]+(-[a-z\d]+)*)
Musixmatch writer ID identifier for writers/authors in Musixmatch database
MyHeritage Surname ID string identifying a surname (family name) at the MyHeritage genealogy website ^https:\/\/lastnames\.myheritage\.com\/last-name\/([^\/?]+) political party ID external identifier to link data about Indian political parties ^https?:\/\/myneta\.info\/party\/index\.php\?action=summary&id=([1-9][0-9]{0,3})
Műemlé identifier identifier of a monument in Hungary in the Műemlé database
NAD place ID the topographic database at the Swedish National Archive ^https?:\/\/sok\.riksarkivet\.se\/\?type=3&postid=ArkisRef\s(SE\/([0-9]+))
NARCIS researcher ID Dutch researchers with information about publications ^https?:\/\/www\.narcis\.nl\/person\/RecordID\/(PRS\d+)
NASA International Space Station experiment ID identifier for an International Space Station experiment in the NASA website
NASA International Space Station facility ID identifier for an International Space Station facility in the NASA website
NATO Stock Number 13-digit numeric code identifying an object used by NATO member country armed forces
NATO reporting name official reporting name assigned by the ASCC for NATO use
NBAIR pest ID identifіer for crop pests found in India ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nbair\.res\.in\/insectpests\/([\w\-]+)\.php
NC Highway Historical Marker Program ID alphanumerical identifier for an historical marker of the North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Program ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ncmarkers\.com\/Markers\.aspx\?MarkerId=([A-Z]{1,3}-[1-9]\d*)
NCAA Statistics team season ID identifier for a year of a college sports team on ^https?:\/\/stats\.ncaa\.org\/teams\/([1-9]\d*)
NCES district ID identifier for a school district or education agency in the United States ^https?:\/\/nces\.ed\.gov\/ccd\/districtsearch\/district_detail\.asp\?ID2=(\d+)
NCHDB asset ID identifier of a place or cultural practice in the database of the National cultural database management system of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms entry identifier for an entry in the NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms entry identifier for an entry in the NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms
NCI Thesaurus ID identifier in the United States National Cancer Institute Thesaurus, vocabulary for clinical care, translational and basic research, etc ^https?:\/\/ncit\.nci\.nih\.gov\/ncitbrowser\/ConceptReport\.jsp\?dictionary=NCI\sThesaurus&code=(C\d{3,7})
NCpedia ID identifier for a subject in the online encyclopedia NCpedia, that covers North Carolina
NDB airport beacon ID NDB identifier for airport beacons ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?openaip\.net\/navaids\?field_openaip_navaid_type_value_many_to_one=2&title=&field_openaip_navaid_id_value=([A-Z]{1,3})
NDL earlier law ID identifier in the NDL (National Diet Library) Japanese Law Index (early Meiji years) ^https?:\/\/dajokan\.ndl\.go\.jp\/(?:#|simple)\/detail\?lawId=(\d{8})
NDL law ID identifier in the NDL (National Diet Library) Japanese Law Index ^https?:\/\/hourei\.ndl\.go\.jp\/(?:#|simple)\/detail\?lawId=(\d{10})
NEC Retro ID identifier in the NEC Retro wiki
NFF club ID identifier for a member club in Football Association of Norway ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?fotball\.no\/fotballdata\/klubb\/hjem\/\?fiksId=([1-9]\d*)
NHF club ID identifier for a member club in Norwegian Handball Federation
NHS Health A to Z ID identifier for a health condition in the NHS Health A to Z
NIOSH Numbered Publication ID identifier for an official publication of the U.S. National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cdc\.gov\/niosh\/docs\/(7[0-3]-[1-9]\d{4}|([7-9]\d|20\d{2})-[1-9]\d{2})\/
NKAA ID identifier for an entry in the Notable Kentucky African Americans Database ^https?:\/\/nkaa\.uky\.edu\/nkaa\/items\/show\/(\d+)
NLC Bibliography ID (Chinese language) identifier for a Chinese-language work per National Library of China
NLC Bibliography ID (foreign-language) identifier for a foreign-language work in the National Library of China database ^https?:\/\/opac\.nlc\.cn\/F\?func=direct&local_base=NLC09&doc_number=(\d+)
NLI Archive (bibliographic) ID ID for a collection in the National Library of Israel (NLI) archive Catalog (NLI_archive).
NLS place type ID place type ID in the Finnish National Land Survey Place Names Register
NMMA antiquities ID identifier for antiquities of India which are documented by National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities
NMRShiftDB structure ID structure identifiers in the NMRShiftDB ^https?:\/\/nmrshiftdb\.nmr\.uni-koeln\.de\/molecule\/(\d+)
NOTAM (FAA) reference of a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) issued by the FAA in the United States ^https?:\/\/tfr\.faa\.gov\/save_pages\/detail_(\d\/\d+)\.html
NPDRMI record ID identifier for digital records in the National Portal and Digital Repository for Museums of India ^https?:\/\/museumsofindia\.gov\.in\/repository\/record\/([\w\-]+)
NPR station ID identifier for a National Public Radio member station
NRK TV ID identifier for subjects in NRK TV, the Norwegian national public television broadcaster
NSDAP membership number (1925–1945) membership number in the Nazi Party
NSDOK Stolperstein ID identifier for Stolpersteine in Cologne issued by the NS-Documentation Center of the City of Cologne ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?museenkoeln\.de\/ns-dokumentationszentrum(?:\/(?:default\.aspx)?)?\?(?:.*&)?s=2523&(?:.*&)?stid=([1-9]\d{0,3})($|&)
NSR stopplace ID identifier for a public transport stop in the Norwegian National Stop Register
NSSDCA ID external identifier of records within the Master Catalog of the NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive (NSSDCA), similar but not synonymous with the COSPAR ID (P247) ^https?:\/\/nssdc\.gsfc\.nasa\.gov\/nmc\/spacecraft\/display\.action\?id=((19[5-9]|20[0-2])\d-[01]\d\d[A-Z]{1,2})
NSW State Archives and Records Authority Agency ID identifier for current and historic government agencies in New South Wales, Australia, allocated by the State Records Authority ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?records\.nsw\.gov\.au\/agency\/([1-9]\d*)
NSW State Archives and Records Authority ID identifier in the URL for items by the NSW State Archives and Records Authority ^https?:\/\/search\.records\.nsw\.gov\.au\/primo-explore\/fulldisplay\?vid=61SRA&docid=([A-Z]+\d+)
NTIS accession number identifier in the U.S. National Technical Information Service database ^https?:\/\/ntrl\.ntis\.gov\/NTRL\/dashboard\/searchResults\/titleDetail\/([A-Z]+\d+[A-Z\d]*)\.xhtml
NTS Radio artist ID identifier for an artist on the NTS Radio website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nts\.live\/artists\/([1-9]\d{0,6})
NVE Drainage Basin (REGINE) ID identifier for water system areas in Norway by the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
NVE Lake Database ID national identifying number given by NVE for every lake in Norway with a minimum size of 2500 m²
NVE powerplant ID serial number for a hydroelectric powerplant in Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate's Power Plant database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nve\.no\/energi\/energisystem\/vannkraft\/vannkraftdatabase\/vannkraftverk\/\?id=(\d{1}|\d{2}|\d{3}|(1|2)\d{3})$
National Buildings Repository identifier identifier of a building in the National Buildings Repository (France)
National Cancer Institute ID identifier at ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cancer\.gov\/([a-z\-]+)
National Criminal Justice ID identifier for a publication, report, article or audiovisual product, in the United States' National Criminal Justice Reference Service database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ncjrs\.gov\/App\/Publications\/abstract\.aspx\?ID=(\d{1,6})
National Database of Laws and Regulations ID law ID of "National Database of Laws and Regulations" maintained by General Office of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
National Equipment Registration System Supplier Number unique identifier for an organisation supplying electrical equipment listed in the Australian National Equipment Registration System
National Football match ID identifier for an association football (soccer) match in the National Football database
National Grid Balancing Mechanism unit ID Unit identifier for the UK National Grid electricity Balancing Mechanism
National Library of Aruba ID ID used in the collection of the National Library of Aruba
National Library of Malaysia OPAC ID identifier for an item in online public access catalogue of the National Library of Malaysia
National Library of Uruguay authority ID authority control identifier used at the National Library of Uruguay
National Medal of Arts winner ID identifier for a National Medal of Arts winner on the United States' National Endowment for the Arts website
National Pipe Organ Register ID identifier in the (United Kingdom) National Pipe Organ Register ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?npor\.org\.uk\/NPORView\.html\?RI=(N\d{5})
National Pollutant Inventory ID jurisdiction identifier for facilities in the National Pollutant Inventory of Australia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?npi\.gov\.au\/npidata\/action\/load\/individual-facility-detail\/criteria\/year\/2017\/jurisdiction-facility\/([\d\w ]+)
^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?npi\.gov\.au\/npidata\/action\/load\/individual-facility-detail\/criteria\/year\/2018\/jurisdiction-facility\/([\d\w ]+)
National Register of Monumental Trees ID identifier in the registry of monumental trees in the Netherlands ^https?:\/\/bomen\.meetnetportaal\.nl\/index\.php\?c=portal&mm=claim&m=custom&options=monumentale_bomen\/claimformulier\.xml&boomnr=(\d+)
National Registry of Exonerations Case ID Case ID for an individual listed in a database of people who have been exonerated of crimes in the United States ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?law\.umich\.edu\/special\/exoneration\/Pages\/casedetail\.aspx\?caseid=([1-9]\d{3})
National September 11 Memorial ID identifier of person killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. ^https?:\/\/names\.911memorial\.org\/#page=person&id=(\d+)
National Transportation Safety Board report ID identifier for a report about a transport accident from the National Transportation Safety Board ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ntsb\.gov\/investigations\/AccidentReports\/Pages\/([A-Z]{3}\d{4})\.aspx
National Wrestling Hall of Fame University team ID identifier for an American university wrestling team team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) national team in the database ^https:\/\/(?:www\.)?national-football-teams\.com\/(?:de\/)?country\/([1-9]\d{0,6})\/0\/\-\.html
Native Land language ID identifier for language entry on the Native Land interactive map
Natural Product Atlas ID identifier in the Natural Product Atlas ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?npatlas\.org\/explore\/compounds#npaid=(NPA\d+)
Naver Encyclopedia ID ID of an document in Naver Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/terms\.naver\.com\/entry\.nhn\?docId=(\d+)
Naver VIBE album ID identifier for an album on Naver VIBE site ^https?:\/\/vibe\.naver\.com\/album\/([1-9]\d*)
Nederlandse Voornamenbank ID identifier for a given name in Nederlandse Voornamenbank
NeuroNames ID (plain mode) numeric identifier of a brain structure in the BrainInfo (NeuroNames) database in plain mode ^https?:\/\/braininfo\.rprc\.washington\.edu\/centraldirectory\.aspx\?ID=(\d+)
Nevada SHPO marker ID alphabetical identifier for an historical marker of the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office, in Nevada ^https?:\/\/shpo\.nv\.gov\/nevadas-historical-markers\/historical-markers\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*)
New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Czech ID identifier for an entry in the online release of the New Encyclopedic Dictionary of Czech
New Georgia Encyclopedia ID identifier of a topic in the online New Georgia Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/www\.georgiaencyclopedia\.org\/articles\/((?:(?:arts-culture|business-economy|counties-cities-neighborhoods|education|geography-environment|government-politics|history-archaeology|people|science-medicine|sports-outdoor-recreation)\/)?[a-z\d][a-z\-–\d]+)
New Zealand Gazetteer place ID identifier for a place in the New Zealand Gazetteer
Newguineaworld ID identifier for a native language or language family of New Guinea on the Newguineaworld website
Nihon Tarento Meikan ID identifier of person in Nihon Tarento Meikan ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vip-times\.co\.jp\/\?talent_id=(\w{1,2}\d{2}-\d{4})
Nintendo GameID (GameCube/Wii) six-alphanumeric-character Nintendo GameID for a specific game on the GameCube or Wii ^https?:\/\/wiki\.dolphin-emu\.org\/dolphin-redirect\.php\?gameid=([C-HJLMNP-SWX]..[ADEFH-NP-Z][0-9A-HJ-NP-Z]{2})
Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging nomenclature for object naming and classification, maintained by Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) and American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nomenclature\.info\/nom\/([1-9]\d*)
Nominis given name ID given name identifier in Nominis database ^https?:\/\/nominis\.cef\.fr\/contenus\/prenom\/([1-9]\d{0,3}/[A-Z][a-zéëüãłż]+(-[A-Z][a-zéëüãłż]+)?)\.html
Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak Indonesian taxpayer identification number
Normattiva ID URL linking to the law in the Normattiva website
Norsk pop- og rockleksikon ID identifier of an article in the online biographic encyclopedia Norsk pop- og rocklexicon
North America PlayStation Store ID identifier for a game available on the PlayStation Store (NA region) ^https?:\/\/store\.playstation\.com/[-a-z]+\/product\/(UP\d{4}-[A-Z]{4}\d{5}_00-[\dA-Z_]{16})
Northern Ireland Assembly ID Identifier for a member of the Northern Ireland Assembly ^https?:\/\/aims\.niassembly\.gov\.uk\/mlas\/details\.aspx\?sel=&ind=&prv=&per=(\d+)
Norwegian National Road DataBase ID Database ID in the Norwegian National Road DataBase ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vegvesen\.no\/nvdb\/api\/v2\/vegobjekt\?id=([1-9]\d*)
Norwegian Polar Institute place name ID identifier of a location in the Norwegian Polar Institute's "Place names in Norwegian polar areas" database ^https?:\/\/data\.npolar\.no\/placename\/([0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12})
Norwegian fjord catalog ID identificator for fjords and sea areas in Norway
Norwegian war prisoner detention camp ID identification number in the Norwegian prisoner register 1940 -1945 for a detention camp
Norwegian war sailor register ship-ID identifikation number for ship in the Norwegian war sailor register ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?krigsseilerregisteret\.no\/no\/skip\/(\d+)
NosDéputé identifiant identifier for a french deputies in NosDéputé ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nosdeputes\.fr\/([a-z-]+)
NosSé ID identifier for french deputies in NosSé ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nossenateurs\.fr\/([a-z-]+)
Numista ID unique identifier for a coin, banknote, medal, or related item on Numista ^https?:\/\/(?:en|fr)\.numista\.com\/catalogue\/type([1-9]\d*)\.html
Numista ruling authority ID unique identifier for a period, ruler, government or institution on Numista ^https?:\/\/(?:en|fr|es)\.numista\.com\/catalogue\/ruler\.php\?id=​([1-9]\d*)
Nynorskordboka-ID identifier for a single entry in Nynorskordboka, the official Norwegian Nynorsk dictionary
OBIS ID identifier for a taxon, in the Ocean Biogeographic Information System ^https?:\/\/obis\.org\/taxon\/(\d{1,7})
ODLIS ID identifier for an entry in ODLIS: Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science
OEIS ID identifier on the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences ^https?:\/\/oeis\.org\/(A\d{6})
OGDB compilation ID identifier of a video game compilation in the Online Games-Datenbank ^https?:\/\/ogdb\.eu\/index\.php\?section=compilation&compid=([1-9]\d*)
OLAC video game genre vocabulary ID identifier of video game genre vocabulary of the OLAC (Online Audiovisual Catalogers) ^https?:\/\/metadataregistry\.org\/uri\/olac\/([1-9]\d*)
OM institution ID identifier of primary and secondary schools at the Hungarian Ministry of Education ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?oktatas\.hu\/hivatali_ugyek\/kir_intezmenykereso\/!KIR_Intezmenykereso\/Intezmeny\/Index\/(\d{6})
ONF forest national ID unique identifier of a forest by the Office national des forêts (French governmental agency)
OS grid reference grid location reference from the Ordnance Survey National Grid reference system used in Great Britain ^https?:\/\/nearby\.org\.uk\/coord\.cgi\?p=([A-Z]{2}\s?[0-9]{1,5}\s?[0-9]{1,5})
OSGS-Number ID for organisations registered with the OSGS ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?osgs\.at\/organisationen-finden\/\?query=(0?\d{1,4})#ergebnisse
OSHA Occupational Chemical Database ID Wikidata property for an identifier and numeric identifier
OSL ID identifier of a cuneiform sign in the Oracc Sign List
OSM Name Suggestion Index ID identifier for a brand in OpenStreetMap’s Name Suggestion Index ^https?:\/\/nsi\.guide\/index\.html\?[^\s\/]+#(\w+-[0-9a-f]{6})
Oberwolfach mathematician ID identifier for a mathematician in the Oberwolfach Photo Collection of Photographs ^https?:\/\/owpdb\.mfo\.de\/person_detail\?id=([1-9]\d{1,4})
Objectif Gard topic ID identifier for a topic on ''Objectif Gard'''s website
Occupational Outlook Handbook ID identifier for occupations in the Occupational Outlook Handbook ^https?:\/\/www\.bls\.gov\/ooh\/((?:architecture-and-engineering|arts-and-design|building-and-grounds-cleaning|business-and-financial|community-and-social-service|computer-and-information-technology|construction-and-extraction|education-training-and-library|entertainment-and-sports|farming-fishing-and-forestry|food-preparation-and-serving|healthcare|installation-maintenance-and-repair|legal|life-physical-and-social-science|management|math|media-and-communication|military|office-and-administrative-support|personal-care-and-service|production|protective-service|sales|transportation-and-material-moving)\/[a-z]+[a-z-]*)\.htm
Odonata of India ID identifier for odonata species found in India maintained by the 'Odonata of India' database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?indianodonata\.org\/#!\/sp\/([0-9]+) ID identifier for a place on the website
Olympedia affiliations ID identifier for the affiliation of athletes in Olympedia athlete database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?olympedia\.org\/affiliations\/([1-9]\d{0,5})
OmegaWiki Defined Meaning "Defined Meaning" on the site ^https?:\/\/www\.omegawiki\.org\/DefinedMeaning:([1-9]\d{0,6})
Onestop ID identifier for public transporation-related entities in Transitland database ^https://www\.transit\.land/onestop\-id/([fosr]\-[0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz]+\-[a-z~]+)$
Online Archive of California finding aid ID identifier for a finding aid, or collection guide, in the Online Archive of California ^https?:\/\/oac\.cdlib\.org\/findaid\/ark:\/13030\/([a-z0-9]+)
Online Coins of the Roman Empire ID identifier of a coin in the Online Coins of the Roman Empire platform, with numbering based on the Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC) series published by Spink & Son ^https?:\/\/numismatics\.org\/ocre\/id\/ric\.([1-9][0-9]{0,3}(\([1-9]\))?(\.[a-z]{0,3})?(\.[0-9]+[A-Z]{0,1})?)
Online Nevada Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the Online Nevada Encyclopedia website
OnlyFans ID identifier for a person on the OnlyFans website ^https:\/\/onlyfans\.com\/([^:?]+)
Ontario public library ID identifier in the Ontario public library statistics
Ontology of units of Measure 2.0 unit ID Wikidata property for an identifier
Oorlogsmonument ID identifier for a war memorial in the database maintained by the Dutch Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?4en5mei\.nl\/oorlogsmonumenten\/zoeken\/(\d+)
OpaqueNamespace ID identifier in the OpaqueNamespace linked data service ^https?:\/\/opaquenamespace\.org\/ns\/(\w+\/\w+)
Open Churches ID ID for a church on the website of Open Churches project ^https?:\/\/openchurches\.eu\/en\/churches\/([a-z0-9-]*)
Open Food Facts ingredient ID identifier of a food ingredient on Open Food Facts ^https?:\/\/\w+\.openfoodfacts\.org\/ingredient\/((?:[a-z]{2,3}:)?[a-z-]+)
Open Food Facts label identifier of a food label on Open Food Facts ^https?:\/\/[^\.]+\.openfoodfacts\.org\/label\/([^\/]+)
Open Science Framework ID ID in ^https?:\/\/osf\.io\/([a-z0-9]{5})
OpenBibArt ID identifier for a bibliographical reference on the OpenBibArt website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?openbibart\.fr\/item\/display\/10068\/([1-9]\d*)
OpenCorporates register ID identifier for a company register at OpenCorporates registers ^https?:\/\/opencorporates\.com\/registers\/([1-9]\d{0,2})
OpenCorporates register jurisdiction jurisdiction of company register at
OpenRetro Game Database ID identifier in the OpenRetro Game Database ^https?:\/\/openretro\.org\/game\/([0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}) group ID idenfifier for a (group of) events ^https?:\/\/openreview\.net\/group\?id=([^&]) submission ID identifier for submitted article to the system ^https?:\/\/openreview\.net\/forum\?id=([A-Za-z0-9_\-]{9,10})
OpenTrials ID identifier for OpenTrials database over clinical trials ^https?:\/\/explorer\.opentrials\.net\/trials\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})
Openpolis ID identifier in Openpolis, a database of Italian politicians ^https?:\/\/politici\.openpolis\.it\/politico\/([1-9][0-9]*)
Opta football competition ID identifier of a football competition in Opta
Opta football team ID identifier of an association football team in Opta Sports
Or Movement regional council ID the ID of a regional council in the Or Movement database for the Negev and the Galilee ^https?:\/\/or1\.org\.il\/moatza\/([א-ת-]+)
Or Movement settlement ID the ID of a settlement in the Or Movement database for the Negev and the Galilee ^https?:\/\/or1\.org\.il\/settlments\/([א-ת-]+)
Ordbog over det danske sprog ID identifier of the lexeme in Ordbog over det danske sprog (ODS)
Orthodox Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the official website of the Orthodox Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pravenc\.ru\/text\/([1-9]\d{4,6})\.html
OrthodoxWiki ID (English) numeric identifier of a page in the English edition of ^https?:\/\/orthodoxwiki\.org\/index\.php\?curid=([\d]+)
Oskar Schindler Archive agent ID Wikidata property for authority control for people, Wikidata property for an identifier, and numeric identifier in United States of America
Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino ID Osservatorio culturale del Cantone Ticino ID for a cultural institution ^https?:\/\/www4\.ti\.ch\/decs\/dcsu\/osservatorio\/risorse\/operatori-culturali\/dettaglio\/\?opeId=(\d{1,4})
Our Campaigns race ID ID for a race in the Our Campaigns political election database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ourcampaigns\.com\/RaceDetail\.html\?RaceID=(\d+)
OverDrive series ID identifier for a book series at OverDrive ^https:\/\/www\.overdrive\.com\/series\/(\S+)
Oxford Classical Dictionary ID identifier for a topic in the Oxford Classical Dictionary online
Oxford Reference overview ID identifier for an overview page for a topic in the Oxford Reference
PAM ID identifier for a person or organization on the 'Portail des Arts de la Marionnette' website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?artsdelamarionnette\.eu\/identite\/([a-z]+-[a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*)\/
PAN member identifier for a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences
PANGO lineage code identifier of a lineage of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
PARADISEC Catalog identifier of one of several languages on PARADISEC (the Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures)
PBS Drug Code unique identifier for a drug listed in the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme ^https?:\/\/www\.pbs\.gov\.au\/medicine\/item\/(\d+[a-zA-Z])
PBS Manufacturer ID unique identifier for a pharmaceutical manufacturer listed in the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pbs\.gov\.au\/browse\/manufacturer\/([a-z]{2})
PDB ligand ID identifier for small molecules and ligands in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) ^https?:\/\/pdbe\.org\/chem\/([A-Z0-9]{1,3})[A-Z0-9]{1,3}|PRD_[0-9]+)
PDB structure ID identifier for 3D structural data as per the PDB (Protein Data Bank) database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rcsb\.org\/structure\/([0-9][0-9A-Za-z]{3})
PIM award ID identifier of the Petőfi Literary Museum's database of awards and honors in Hungary
PIM publication ID identifier of the Petőfi Literary Museum's database of books, journals
PIV Online ID identifier for an entry in the online version of Plena Ilustrita Vortaro de Esperanto https\:\/\/vortaro\.net\/#([A-PR-VZa-pr-vzĈĜĤĴŜŬĉĝĥĵŝŭ -]+)
PKULaw CLI Code identifier for a legal material in the PKULaw Chinalawinfo database [with prefix 'CLI']
PM20 film section ID section of 20th Century Press Archives microfilm(s) about the current item
PMB – Personen der Moderne Basis person ID numeric identifier for a person in the PMB – Personen der Moderne Basis web service with entities from Vienna around 1900
POSIX locale identifier identifier for a language per the POSIX standard, as defined in ISO/IEC 9945 and ISO/IEC 15897
PROSITE documentation ID identifier for a protein family, domain or functional site, in the PROSITE database ^https?:\/\/prosite\.expasy\.org\/(PDOC\d{5})
PRotein Ontology ID Identifier for an entry in the PRotein Ontology (PRO) ^https?:\/\/proconsortium\.org\/app\/entry\/(PR:\d*)\/
PSS-archi ID identifier for a building in the PSS-archi database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pss-archi\.eu\/immeubles\/([A-Z]{2}-\d+-\d+)\.html
Packagist package identifier of a package on Packagist ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?packagist\.org\/packages\/([^\/]+\/[^\/#]+)
Pakistan Railways station code code to identify a railway station operated by Pakistan Railways
Pakistan Sign Language Dictionary ID entry in the online Pakistan Sign Language dictionary
Pandektis ID identifier for an entity in the collections of the Greek website Pandektis ^https?:\/\/pandektis\.ekt\.gr\/pandektis\/handle\/10442\/([1-9]\d*)
Pantone color ID the Pantone color code for a Pantone color
Papers with Code URL URL for subject in Papers with Code system
Parks & Gardens UK record ID identifier for an open space, in the Parks & Gardens UK database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?parksandgardens\.org\/places-and-people\/site\/(\d+)
Parliamentary Archives ID in United Kingdom identifier of this item on the Parliamentary Archives website
Parliamentary Office number in United Kingdom reference number assigned by the Clerk of the Parliaments to original Acts of Parliament passed in a given Parliamentary session to be kept in the House of Lords Record Office (now the Parliamentary Archives)
Parsons code identifier for melodic contours of music
Partis d'Arcadie ID identifier for a political party on 'Les Partis d'Arcadie'
Party Number (Taiwan) identifier assigned to parties registered in Taiwan by the Ministry of the Interior ^https?:\/\/party\.moi\.gov\.tw\/pgms\/politics\/party!detail\.action\?id=([1-9]\d*)
Pascal et Francis ID identifier for a scholarly publication in the Pascal and Francis bibliographic databases ^https?:\/\/pascal-francis\.inist\.fr\/vibad\/index\.php\?action=getRecordDetail&idt=(\d+)
PatER ID identifier of cultural heritage in PatER, a website by Italian region Emilia-Romagna ^https?:\/\/bbcc\.ibc\.regione\.emilia-romagna\.it\/pater\/loadcard\.do\?id_card=([1-9]\d*)
Pathway Ontology ID identifier in the Pathway Ontology database ^https?:\/\/purl\.bioontology\.org\/ontology\/PW\/(PW:([0-9]{7}))
PatientsLikeMe condition ID identifier for a condition on PatientsLikeMe, a website where patients can share health information ^https?:\/\/www\.patientslikeme\.com\/conditions\/([\w\-]+)
PatientsLikeMe symptom ID identifier for a symptom on PatientsLikeMe, a website where patients can share health information ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?patientslikeme\.com\/symptoms\/show\/([1-9]\d*)
PatientsLikeMe treatment ID identifier for a treatment on PatientsLikeMe, a website where patients can share health information ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?patientslikeme\.com\/treatments\/show\/([1-9]\d*)
Pennsylvania State Senate ID identifier for a Pennsylvania State senator
Penza Encyclopedia ID identifier of an article in the Penza Encyclopedia
Pepys Encylopedia ID identifier for a person, place, or thing in an annotated index to the online diaries of Samuel Pepys
Periodical ID in a database of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic periodical's ID in the database of Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
PersonalData.IO ID identifier for an entity in the database ^https?:\/\/wiki\.personaldata\.io\/wiki\/Item\:(Q[1-9]\d*)
Persée article ID identifier for an article on Persée
Petit Futé site ID identifier for a tourist site on the Petit Futé website
PharmGKB ID unique identifier for an entity in the PharmGKB knowledgebase ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pharmgkb\.org\/accession\/(PA[1-9]\d*)
Philosophica ID identifier for an entry in the Philosophica online encyclopedia
Physics History Network ID identifier from the Physics History Network at the American Institute of Physics ^https?:\/\/history\.aip\.org\/phn\/([1-9]\d+)\.html
Pietre della Memoria ID identifier on the Pietre della Memoria website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pietredellamemoria\.it\/pietre\/([a-z]+(?:-[0-9a-z]+)*)\/
Pinakes city ID numeric identifier for a city in the Pinakes database
Pinakes country ID numeric identifier for a country in the Pinakes database
Pinakes fonds ID numeric identifier for an archival fonds in the Pinakes database
Pinakes institution ID numeric identifier for an institution in the Pinakes database
Pipe Organ Database organ ID identifier for an organ in the Pipe Organ Database
PitchBook profile ID identifier for a company or individual in the PitchBook database of venture capital and private equity aircraft ID identifier for an aircraft on the website ^https:\/\/www\.planespotters\.net\/correction\/airframe\/([A-Za-z0-9- ]+)
PlanetMath ID identifier for entries in PlanetMath, online mathematics reference work ^https?:\/\/planetmath\.org\/([\w\-]+)
Plant Illustrations species ID identifier for a species on the Plant Illustrations website
Plant Illustrations taxon ID identifier for a taxon other than species on the Plant Illustrations website
PlantZAfrica Plants of the Week ID identifier for a southern African plant featured on the PlantZAfrica website
Planète Aventure ID identifier of a game in the Planète Aventure database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?planete-aventure\.net\/jeux\.php\?num_jeu=([1-9]\d*)
Play:Right class ID identifier of a class (arcade system) in the Play:Right database ^https?://(?:www\.)?playright\.dk/info/klasse/([a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*)
Play:Right company ID identifier of a company in the Play:Right database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?playright\.dk\/info\/firma\/([a-z-]+)
Play:Right series ID identifier of a video game series in the Play:Right database sports executive ID identifier for a sports executive in the database team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team at (formerly ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?playmakerstats\.com\/equipa\.php\?id=([1-9][0-9]*)
Pleiades category ID category (former place type) identifier in the Pleiades gazetteer ^https?:\/\/pleiades\.stoa\.org\/vocabularies\/place-types\/([a-z-]+)
PolSys ID identifier for a person in the PolSys database of Norwegian politicians ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nsd\.no\/polsys\/index\.cfm\?MenuItem=N1_1&ChildItem=&State=collapse&UttakNr=33&person=(\d+)
Polish Nationwide Railway Database - station ID identifier of railway station in Polish Nationwide Railway Database ( ^https?:\/\/bazakolejowa\.pl\/index\.php\?dzial=stacja&id=(\d+)&okno=start
Politique pappers identifier identifier for a law on the website Politique Pappers
Polo bibliografico della ricerca title ID identifier for a title in the Polo bibliografico della Ricerca catalogue
PomBase systematic ID Identifier for a coding gene in the Schizosaccharomyces pombe model organism database PomBase
Portráidí ID identifier of a person in the Portráidí website
Portuguese Job Code CPP-2010 Wikidata property for an identifier and Wikidata property for items about occupations in Portugal
Povos Indígenas no Brasil ID identifier for an indigenous group in the reference work Povos Indígenas no Brasil
PragerU presenter ID ID for a person on PragerU website
Prague administrative district ID identifier for a administrative district of Prague, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/linked\.cuzk\.cz\/resource\/ruian\/spravni-obvod\/(\d+)
Prague municipal district ID identifier for a municipal district of Prague, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/mestskeobvody\/(\d+)
Prime Pages ID an ID for some (usually) large prime in Prime Pages
Pro Football Hall of Fame ID identifier of a person in the Pro Football Hall of Fame ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?profootballhof\.com\/players\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*)\/ DBApp ID identifier for an app in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pro-linux\.de\/cgi-bin\/DBApp\/check\.cgi\?ShowApp\.\.(\d+)\.100
ProQuest document ID an identifier for microfilmed dissertations and other documents on ProQuest
Programming Language Database ID identifier for a programming language's unique ID in the Programming Language Database
Projekt Gutenberg-DE author ID identifier for an author on the website Projekt Gutenberg-DE ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?projekt-gutenberg\.org\/autoren\/namen\/([a-z]+)\.html
Proleksis enciklopedija ID identifier for a topic in Proleksis enciklopedija
ProofWiki ID identifier for a ProofWiki article ^https?:\/\/proofwiki\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,100})
Protected Buildings Register in Finland Building ID Building ID in the Protected Buildings Register maintained by the Finnish Heritage Agency
Proveana ID identifier for the provenance research database Proveana of the German Lost Art Foundation ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?proveana\.de\/de\/link\/((act|arv|col|evt|lit|prm|pro)\d{8})
Pschyrembel Online ID identifier for an article in Pschyrembel Online
PubAg ID identifier in the PubAg database ^https?:\/\/pubag\.nal\.usda\.gov\/catalog\/([1-9]\d{1,6})
PubCRIS product number unique identifier assigned to a chemical product registered for use in Australia for agricultural or veterinary purpose
PubChem BioAssay ID (AID) central identifier in PubChem, used as accession number for biological and biochemical assays ^https?:\/\/pubchem\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/bioassay\/(\d+)
PubChem CID identifier from database of chemical molecules and their activities in biological assays (Compound ID number) https?:\/\/pubchem\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov(?:\/rest\/pug_view\/data)?\/compound\/([1-9]\d{0,8})
PubChem Substance ID (SID) substance (e.g. mixtures, undefined stereochemistry, ...) identifier in the PubChem database ^https?:\/\/pubchem\.ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/substance\/([1-9]\d*)
PubMed Health identifier for a physiological condition, in the PubMed Health website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?ncbi\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/pubmedhealth\/(PMH\d{7})
Pubs Galore ID external identifier for pubs in the United Kingdom ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pubsgalore\.co\.uk\/pubs\/(\d{0,5})
Punjab EMIS code identifier for a school (usually government-affiliated) in the province of Punjab in Pakistan ^https?:\/\/schoolportal\.punjab\.gov\.pk\/sed_census\/list_of_emis_detail\.aspx\?emiscode=(\d{8})
Punjabipedia ID identifier for a topic in the Punjabipedia encyclopedia
Q-Codes ID Q-Codes ID is for indexing Family medicine related docs; with the ICPC 2, both form the Core Content Classification in General Practice/ Family Medicine (3CGP) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?hetop\.eu\/hetop\/Q\/fr\/\?q=(Q[CDEHPRST][1-9]\d+)
QEdu ID identifier for a Brazilian educational institution, in the QEdu database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?qedu\.org\.br\/escola\/([1-9]\d*)
QUDT unit ID identifier for unit of measure definition according to QUDT ontology ^https?:\/\/qudt\.org\/vocab\/unit\/([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_-]*)
Quadrinhopédia artist ID identifier for an article on the online biographical reference work about Brazilian comics artists
Qualigeo ID identifier for a food product on the online database Qualigeo ( https?:\/\/(www\.)?(?:qualivita\.it|qualigeo\.eu)\/prodotto-qualigeo\/([a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*)
Quora topic ID (Spanish) identifier for a topic on Quora (Spanish language version)
Qué series ver series ID Qué series ver identification number of a creative work ^https?:\/\/queseriesver\.es\/serie\/([a-z-]+)\/?$
RAG ID identifier for a person in the Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (RAG)
RAWG tag ID identifier of a tag in the RAWG database ^https?:\/\/rawg\.io\/u?tags\/([a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*)
RBMS Controlled Vocabulary ID identifier for a term in the Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging
RCS number identifier in the trade register of Luxembourg
RDA value vocabularies ID ID for a term in the RDA value vocabularies
RDWB1 lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the Wörterbuch der russisch-deutschen Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten (German-Russian part) at
REDIZO identificator of school organization in Czech Republic ^https?:\/\/portal\.csicr\.cz\/School\/([1-9]\d{8})
RGALI ID identifier for the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI) ^https?:\/\/rgali\.ru\/obj\/([1-9]\d{0,7})\?lc=(en|ru)
RKDlibrary ID record for a publication held by the RKD-Netherlands Institute for Art History in the Hague ^https?:\/\/rkd\.nl\/explore\/library\/([1-9]\d*)
RNACentral ID ID in the RNA central database
ROARMAP ID identifier in the Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies
ROME Occupation Code ROME Code for a given occupation in France (V3, 1 letter, 4 digits) ^https?:\/\/recrutement\.pole-emploi\.fr\/fichesrome\/ficherome\?codeRome=([A-N]([1-4][1-9]([0-2]\d)?)?|\d{5,6})&domaine=Candidat
ROSSIO ID identifier for an entity in the ROSSIO Infrastructure Vocabularies (places, agents, periods or thesaurus)
RPGGeek ID ID for a tabletop role-playing games, designer or publisher or a family of TTRPG at RPGGeek ^https:\/\/rpggeek\.com\/(rpg(?:item|family|publisher)\/\d+)
Radio Equipment List Certification Number unique identifier of an electronic device certification registered with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Railways Archive event ID Event ID in the Railways Archive database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?railwaysarchive\.co\.uk\/eventsummary\.php\?eventID=(\d{1,5})
Rate Your Music film genre ID identifier for a film genre on Rate Your Music ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rateyourmusic\.com\/film_genre\/([A-Za-zéóōüß\d'.+-]+)
Rate Your Music release ID identifier for a music release on Rate Your Music site ^https?:\/\/rateyourmusic\.com\/release\/((?:single|album|comp|ep)\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+)\/
RationalWiki ID identifier for an item at RationalWiki ^https?:\/\/rationalwiki\.org\/wiki\/([^\s]{1,400})
RePEc EconPapers ID identifier for a scholarly article in the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) database
Reactome ID Identifier used in Reactome to uniquely identify a biological pathway
Red Cross FDRS ID entry in the Federation-wide Databank and Reporting System (FDRS) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) ^https?:\/\/data\.ifrc\.org\/(?:[a-z]{2}\/)?fdrs\/societies\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)
Reddit topic ID identifier of a topic on Reddit ^https?:\/\/(?:beta\.|m\.|www\.)?reddit\.com\/t\/(\w+)
RefSeq qualifier to specify Reference Sequence identifier for the Protein and RNA (either p637 or p639)
Relations Ontology ID ID in the Relations Ontology ^https?:\/\/purl\.obolibrary\.org\/obo\/((RO|BFO)_[0-9]{7}) ID numerical identifier for a cableway on the French website
Repology project name package name and identifier in Repology
Repositório da Produção da USP person ID unique identifier of person registered in the institutional repository of intellectual production at the University of São Paulo ^https?:\/\/repositorio\.usp\.br\/result\.php\?codpes=([0-9]\d*)
Reptiles of India ID identifier for reptiles found in India, in the 'Reptiles of India' database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?indianreptiles\.org\/#!\/sp\/([0-9]+)
Republic of Korea Parliamentarian Society ID ID for individuals indexed by the Republic of Korea Parliamentarian Society ^https?:\/\/rokps\.or\.kr\/profile\/profile_view\.asp\?idx=([1-9]\d*)
Research Resource Identifier identifier by SciCrunch ^https?:\/\/scicrunch\.org\/resolver\/(RRID:(?:CVCL_[0-9A-Z]{4}|SCR_\d{6}))
ResearchGate publication ID identifier of a publication in ResearchGate ^https?:\/\/www\.researchgate\.net\/publication\/([1-9]\d*)(?:_[\w\-\_]+)?
Resident Advisor artist ID identifier for artists at the Resident Advisor website ^https?:\/\/ra\.co\/dj\/([\w\-]+)
Reta Vortaro ID entry of an Esperanto lexeme in Reta Vortaro https?:\/\/www\.reta-vortaro\.de\/revo\/art\/([a-z]+[0-9]*)\.html
Retrosheet person ID identifier for a Major League Baseball player, coach, manager or umpire in ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?retrosheet\.org\/boxesetc\/(?:M\/)?P([a-z\-]{5}\d{3})\.htm
Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary ID identifier for an entry in the online version of the dictionary published by Taiwan's Ministry of Education ^https?:\/\/dict\.revised\.moe\.edu\.tw\/dictView.jsp\?ID=([1-9][0-9]+)
Rfam ID identifier in the database of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) families and other structured RNA elements ^https?:\/\/rfam\.xfam\.org\/family\/(RF\d{5})
Riigikogu ID identifier for a member of the Estonian Parliament ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?riigikogu\.ee\/riigikogu\/koosseis\/riigikogu-liikmed\/saadik\/([0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}) ID ID for Football and Basketball Prospects
Rock's Backpages artist ID identifier for a music artist, featured in the Rock's Backpages archive ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rocksbackpages\.com\/Library\/Artist\/([1-9a-z]+(\-[\-0-9a-z()]+)*)
Rock's Backpages author ID identifier for a music journalist whose works are featured in the Rock's Backpages archive ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rocksbackpages\.com\/Library\/Writer\/((\-{0,1}[\-a-z()]+)+)
Rock's Backpages publication ID identifier for a newspaper or magazine, articles from which are featured in the Rock's Backpages archive ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rocksbackpages\.com\/Library\/Publication\/([a-z]+(\-[\-a-z()]+)*)
Rockipedia artist ID identifier of an artist biography or a band article in the online service Rockipedia film ID identifier for a film in the website
Roglo person ID identifier for a person on the Roglo genealogical database ^https?:\/\/roglo\.eu\/roglo\?(p=[^;]+;n=[^;]+)
Roku Channel Store ID identifier for a channel in the Roku Channel Store ^https?:\/\/channelstore\.roku\.com\/(?:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]{2}\/)?details\/([0-9a-f]{32})
Rollerstory skater ID inline speed skater-database
Rom Galil settlement ID ID of a settlement in the Galilee settlement database, Rom Galil ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?romgalil\.org\.il\/cds\/(\d+)\/
RomArchive person ID identifier for a person or organization on RomArchive
Rombase ID (English) identifier for an English-language article in the Rombase encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/rombase\.uni-graz\.at\/cgi-bin\/artframe\.pl\?src=data\/([a-z\/\-]+)\.en\.xml
Rosetta Code page ID identifier for a page on ^https?:\/\/rosettacode\.org\/wiki\/([^\s]+)
Rotterdam City Archives actor ID persons and organisations in the database of the media archive of the city of Rotterdam place ID identifier for a place on the Guide du routard website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?routard\.com\/guide_voyage_lieu\/(\d+)-wd\.htm
Royal Aero Club Aviator's Certificate ID identifier
Rugby League Project ID (general) a general identifier for items other than players in the Rugby League Project database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rugbyleagueproject\.org\/([a-z]+\/(\w|-)+(\/(\w|-)+)?(\/summary)?)\.html object ID identifier for an object at the website
Russian Vikidia ID ID of the article in Russian Vikidia ^https?:\/\/ru\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
Russian organisation number identifier in the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) of the Russian Federation
RxNorm ID identifier for the normalized clinical drug dictionary of the Unified Medical Language System ^https?:\/\/mor\.nlm\.nih\.gov\/RxNav\/search\?searchBy=RXCUI&searchTerm=(\d{1,7})
Römpp online ID identifier for an article in the online version of Römpp ^https?:\/\/roempp\.thieme\.de\/lexicon\/(RD-\d\d-\d{5})
SABRE page ID identifier for a page on the SABRE wiki (Society for All British and Irish Road Enthusiasts) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sabre-roads\.org\.uk\/wiki\/index\.php\?title\=(.*)
SACEM Museum artist ID identifier for an artist on the SACEM Museum website
SAN archive producer ID identifier for archive producers in the Italian national archive system ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?san\.beniculturali\.it\/web\/san\/dettaglio-soggetto-produttore\?id=(\d+)
SAPA ID identifier used by the SAPA Foundation, Swiss Archive of the Performing Arts (?:^|resource\/\?uri=)http:\/\/data\.performing-arts\.ch\/[aocwpr]\/([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[089ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12})$
SESAC work number registration identifier for a composition at SESAC Repertory
SLNSW unpublished item ID Wikidata property for an identifier and numeric identifier in Australia ^https?:\/\/archival\.sl\.nsw\.gov\.au\/Details\/archive\/([1-9]\d{0,8})
SMHI drainage basin ID ID of drainage basin according to the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute ^https?:\/\/opendata-download-hydrography\.smhi\.se\/api\/version\/latest\/spec\/inspire-hyp\/basin\/([1-9]\d{3,5})\.json
SNOMED CT ID identifier in the SNOMED CT catalogue codes for diseases, symptoms and procedures ^https?:\/\/snomed\.info\/id\/([0-9]*)
SNS Info Saúde identifier for a health condition in the SNS Info Saúde database
SPIE profile ID ID of a profile in SPIE and SPIE Digital Library
SPLASH hashed identifier for mass spectra ^https?:\/\/osdb\.info\/spectra\/search\/(splash[0-9]{2}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[0-9]{10}-[a-z0-9]{20})
SPV profile ID ID sportspeople on NPC of Slovakia website
SR Number unique number of each law in the Systematic Compilation of Federal Legislation of Switzerland ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?admin\.ch\/opc\/search\/\?text=(\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){0,2})&lang=de&facet=&product%5B%5D=cc&language%5B%5D=de&productAll=all&date_range_min=&date_range_max=&d_compilation=both&d_is_in_force=both
SR-Archiv band ID identifier of a band in the SR-Archiv database
Saccharomyces Genome Database ID identifier for a genetic element in the Saccharomyces Genome Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?yeastgenome\.org\/locus\/(S\d{9})\/overview
Sailboatdata ID identifier for a sailboat design on ^https?:\/\/sailboatdata\.com\/(/(designer|builder|sailboat)\/[a-z0-9_-]*/gm)
Salzburgwiki ID numeric identifier of a page in the Austrian regional wiki Salzburgwiki ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sn\.at\/wiki\/index\.php\?curid=([1-9]\d{3,5})
Sarvavijnanakosam ID identifier for a topic in the Sarvavijnanakosam Malayalam language encyclopedia
Scandinavian Runic-text Database ID database about runic inscriptions (including runestones), mainly in Sweden, but stones in all of Europe, Greenland and U.S. can be found here
Scottish Built Ships ID identifier of a ship in the Scottish Built Ships database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?clydeships\.co\.uk\/view\.php\?ref\=([1-9]\d*)
Scottish Register of Tartans ID identifier on the Scottish Register of Tartans , a repository of tartans ^https:\/\/www\.tartanregister\.gov\.uk\/tartanDetails\?ref=(\d+)
Scribd publication ID external identifier for a publication in the Scribd library ^https?:\/\/www\.scribd\.com\/publication\/([1-9]\d*)
Sculptures and cities database ID for sculptures identifier for sculptures in the Sculptures and cities database
ScummVM wiki ID identifier for article in the ScummVM wiki ^https?:\/\/wiki\.scummvm\.org\/index\.php\?title=([\wèé\-\?\:\.\'\/\,\&\!]+)
Sega Retro ID identifier in the Sega Retro wiki ^https?\:\/\/segaretro\.org\/([^\s\/]+) ID identifier in the database of Master System video games ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?smstributes\.co\.uk\/getinfo\.asp\?gameid=([1-9]\d*)
Sekolah Kita ID identifier for a school in Indonesia (early childhood education, primary education, and secondary education)
Service d'Information sur les Etudes et les Professions Job ID job entry in official website Service d'Information sur les Etudes et les Professions
Shamela book edition ID an ID for an edition literally work in Shamela digital library ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?shamela\.ws\/book\/([1-9]\d*)
Shipbucket ID identifier for drawings of ships, vehicles, aircraft and equipment ^https?:\/\/shipbucket\.com\/((drawings|vehicles)\/([1-9]+))$
Similarweb ranking the website's Similarweb global ranking
Sindh EMIS code identifier for a school (usually government-affiliated) in the province of Sindh ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?rsu-sindh\.gov\.pk\/search\/searchSchool\.php\?semis=(\d{9}) ID identifier for a musician, vocal music genre or style, or musical work on ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?singers\.com\/((arrangers\/|choral\/director\/|composers\/|group\/|groups\/|musicals\/|performers\/|songs\/|vocal-coach\/)*[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:(?:\-|\+)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*)
Sjukvårdsrådgivningen Category ID identifier for a disease or medical condition, in the Swedish government's 'Sjukvårdsrådgivningen' database
Sjøhistorie ship ID identifier for a ship in Sjøhistorie database
Skimap area ID Record page on for ski resort, with current and historical official published maps of lifts and ski-runs ^https?:\/\/skimap\.org\/SkiAreas\/view\/([1-9]\d*) ID Record on for any specific ski resort ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?skiresort\.info\/ski-resort\/([\w-]+)
Slack organization ID unique portion of the group or organization URL on Slack ^https?:\/\/(?!join\.)([-a-z0-9]+)\.slack\.com
Slovak Theatre Virtual Database ID identifier for entries in the Slovak Theatre Virtual Database
Small Monuments of Plzeň Catalogue ID identifier for small monuments in Pilsen, Czech Republic ^https?:\/\/krizkyavetrelci\.plzne\.cz\/katalog\/polozka\/([0-9]+)
Smarthistory ID identifier for an artwork, an art movement or period on the Smarthistory website ^https?:\/\/smarthistory\.org\/([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*)\/
Smithsonian ARK ID ARK identifier for items at the Smithsonian Institution down to the digital asset level ^https?:\/\/n2t\.net\/ark:\/65665\/([a-z]{2}[a-f0-9]{9}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})
Smithsonian resource ID identifier for a resource held by the Smithsonian Institution ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?si\.edu\/object\/([A-Za-z_]+_[A-Za-z\d.-]+) tournament ID ID about a specific snooker tournament at the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?snooker\.org\/res\/index\.asp\?event=([1-9]\d*)
Soccerbase team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the Soccerbase database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?soccerbase\.com\/teams\/team\.sd\?team_id=([1-9]\d{0,6})
Soccerdonna team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the Soccerdonna database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?soccerdonna\.de\/de\/-\/startseite\/verein_([1-9]\d{0,6})\.html
Soccerway venue ID identifier for an association football (soccer) venue in the Soccerway database ^https?:\/\/int\.soccerway\.com\/venues\/wd\/wd\/([1-9]\d*)\/
Software Hash ID persistent identifier of a software source code artifact as archived in the Software Heritage Archive ^https?:\/\/archive\.softwareheritage\.org\/(swh:1:(cnt|dir|rel|rev|snp):[0-9a-f]{40}(;(origin|visit|anchor|path|lines)=\S+)*)
Songfacts song ID identifier for a song on the Songfacts website ^https?:\/\/www\.songfacts\.com\/facts\/([a-z\d][a-z\d-]+[a-z\d]+\/[a-z\d][a-z\d-]+[a-z\d]+|\d+)
Sonic Retro article ID identifier for an article on the Sonic Retro ^https?:\/\/info\.sonicretro\.org\/([^#<>\[\]{}|]+)
South African municipality code identifier for a municipality in South Africa
South Carolina Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the South Carolina Encyclopedia website
Spanish Vikidia ID name of the article in Spanish Vikidia ^https?:\/\/es\.vikidia\.org\/wiki\/(\S{1,400})
SpectraBase compound ID identifier of a compound in, a database with spectra ^https?:\/\/spectrabase\.com\/compound\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{10,11}) team ID identifier for a sports team on the website club ID property for various sportclubs on website news ID ID for a sports club on website team ID identifier for a sports organization on the website Sports Logos ^https?:\/\/www\.sportslogos\.net\/logos\/list_by_team\/(\d+)
Sri Granth word ID property for Punjabi words in Gurmukhi script retrieved from Guru Granth Sahib maintained by Sri Granth, or English words with Gurmukhi glosses ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?srigranth\.org\/servlet\/gurbani\.dictionary\?Param=([\u0A00-\u0A7F]+)
Stack Exchange tag tag on the Stack Exchange websites ^https?\:\/\/([A-Za-z0-9](?:[A-Za-z0-9\-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])?)\.stackexchange\.com\/(?:questions\/tagged|tags)\/([A-Za-z0-9]+)
StadiumDB ID identifier for a stadium on ^https?:\/\/stadiumdb\.com\/stadiums\/([a-z]{3}\/[a-z0-9][_a-z0-9]{1,100})
Stage username account from a German authority on the German social media platform Stage ^https:\/\/stage\.bio\/([\w\-]+)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ID identifier of a topic in the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ^https?:\/\/plato\.stanford\.edu\/entries\/([0-9A-Za-z\-]+)\/
State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia museum ID Wikidata property for an identifier and numeric identifier in Russia ^https?:\/\/goskatalog\.ru\/portal\/#\/museums\?id=([1-9]\d*)
State Water Register Code (Russia) identifier of a body of water in Russia ^https?:\/\/verum\.wiki\/index\.php\?q=(\d{23})
Statistics Indonesia language code language code in Indonesia issued by Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik)
Steam bundle ID identification number for bundles on the Steam platform ^https:\/\/store\.steampowered\.com\/((?:bundle|sub)\/[1-9]\d{0,5})
Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur brewery ID identifier for a brewery in the database of Stichting Erfgoed Nederlandse Biercultuur
Store medisinske leksikon ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia ^https:\/\/sml\.snl\.no\/([^\s?\/&]+)
Store norske leksikon ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia ^https:\/\/snl\.no\/(.+) ID identifier of the website Storiaememoriadibologna about the most important locations, events and persons of the history of Bologna, especially focused on the Certosa monumental cemetery of Bologna ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?storiaememoriadibologna\.it\/((?:[a-z\d]+-+)*[1-9]\d*-(?:evento|luogo|opera|organizzazione|persona))
Storting person ID identifier for a Norwegian parliamentarian in the official Storting database
Strong's number number to identify Ancient Greek and Hebrew lexical items attested in the Bible
Supreme Court of Canada case number identifier for a case in the Supreme Court of Canada
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Case ID identifier for cases in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Trial ID іdentifier for trials in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database ^https?:\/\/witches\.shca\.ed\.ac\.uk\/index\.cfm\?fuseaction=home\.trialrecord&search_string&trialref=([A-Z]\/[A-Z]{3}\/\d+)
Svenska Akademiens Ordbok unique ID unique identifier of the lexeme in Svenska Akademiens Ordbok (SAOB)
Svenska Akademins Ordbok-ID (seek) identifier for a lexeme in SAOB
Swedish Anbytarforum Anbytarforum is a discussion group to ask advanced genealogy questions regarding Swedish parishes and people in the parish, help reading
Swedish Food Agency food ID identifier in the Swedish National Food Agency's food database
Swedish Glaciers ID identifier for glaciers in Sweden
Swedish Literature Bank edition identifier for an book in the Swedish Literature Bank ^https?:\/\/litteraturbanken\.se\/forfattare\/([a-zA-ZåäöÅÄÖ]+\/titlar\/[0-9a-zA-ZåäöÅÄÖ]+)
Swedish National Archive reference code reference code for an archive for a person/organisation/event etc. stored at the National Archive of Sweden ^https?:\/\/sok\.riksarkivet\.se\/\?postid=ArkisRef%20(SE\/[a-zA-Z0-9]*(\/[0-9]*)*)
Swedish National Library Arken ID identifier of an entry in the Arken website maintained by the National Library of Sweden
Swedish Riksdag document ID identifier for documents produced in the Riksdag, the national legislature and the supreme decision-making body of Sweden ^https:\/\/\/sv\/dokument-och-lagar\/dokument\/[a-z-/|0-9]+_([cdefgh][a-z0-9ö]{4,16})\/html\/$
Swedish Royal Theater Archive a database of roles, persons and plays performed at the Swedish Royal theater Royal Dramatic Theatre ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?dramaten\.se\/Medverkande\/Rollboken\/((Person|Play)\/\d*)
Swedish School Registry ID identifier used by Statistics Sweden to identify school units ^https?:\/\/api\.scb\.se\/UF0109\/v2\/skolenhetsregister\/sv\/skolenhet\/(\d{8}(\/(19|20)\d{6})?)
Swedish place name register SOFI this is a register of names found over time for old places in a parish that is managed by the Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore - SOFI
Swetrails POI-ID identifier for POIs on the hiking website Swetrails meet ID property for swimmeets from
Syoboi Calendar series ID identifier for a group of television programs on Syoboi Calendar
System16 ID identifier in the System16 database of arcade game systems ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?system16\.com\/hardware\.php\?id=([1-9]\d*)
São Paulo: os estrangeiros e a construção da cidade ID unique identifier for an artwork in the database "São Paulo: os estrangeiros e a construção da cidade"
Süddeutsche Zeitung topic ID identifier for a topic at the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper website
TASS Encyclopedia tag ID identifier of a tag in the TASS Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/tass\.ru\/encyclopedia\/tags\/((?:[А-Я]|[1-9])\/(?:[a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*))
TCLF ID identifier for a person or an historic site on the Cultural Landscape Foundation website
TDD number TDD number (textphone/teletype for deaf people) in standard format (RFC3966), without 'tel:' prefix
TDKIV term ID identifier for a term used by the Czech Terminology Database of Library and Information Science (TDKIV) produced by the National Library of the Czech Republic ^https?:\/\/aleph\.nkp\.cz\/F\/\?func=direct&doc_number=(\d{9})&local_base=KTD
TDV İslam Ansiklopedisi ID identifier for the Islamic Encyclopedia created by the Turkish religion authority Diyanet ^https?:\/\/islamansiklopedisi\.org\.tr\/([0-9a-z/-]+)
TLFi ID identifier for a lexeme on the Trésor de la langue française informatisé ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?cnrtl\.fr\/definition\/([a-zàâäçéèêëîïôöùûüÿ-]+(\/[0-9]+)?)
TNHR&CE temple ID identifier for temples, mutts, charitable endowments and specific endowments supervising by TNHR&CE
TOP500 System ID unique identifier of a supercomputer in the TOP500 performance list ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?top500\.org\/system\/(\d+)
TSE number number assigned by the Brazilian Superior Electoral Court to registered political parties
TUESPWiki ID identifier for an subject in the The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ^https?:\/\/en\.uesp\.net\/wiki\/((?!\/)[^\s\%]+)
Tacoma Local History & Biography Index ID identifier for an entry in the Tacoma Public Library's Local History & Biography Index ^https?:\/\/cdm17061\.contentdm\.oclc\.org\/digital\/collection\/p17061coll12\/id\/([1-9]\d*)
Tacoma-Pierce County Buildings Index ID identifier for an entry in the Tacoma Public Library's Tacoma-Pierce County Buildings Index
Tainacan MAI ID identifier for items in the collection of the Museu Arqueologia de Itaipu, Rio de Janeiro ^https?:\/\/museuitaipu\.tainacan\.org\/museu-itaipu\/(\w+(-|\w)+)
Taiwan Biographical Database ID ID for a person in The Taiwan Biographical Database by National Taiwan Normal University
Taiwan Cinema film ID identifier for a film on Taiwan Cinema ^https?:\/\/taiwancinema\.bamid\.gov\.tw\/Film\/FilmContent\/\?ContentUrl=(\d+)
TapTap application ID identifier for an application available from the tap distribution platform ^https?:\/\/www\.taptap\.com\/app\/([1-9]\d*)
TasteAtlas ID identifier for an item at TasteAtlas ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?tasteatlas\.com/([a-zA-Z\-]+\d?) team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?teams\.by\/club-([1-9]\d{0,6})\/
Techopedia ID identifier for an entry in the technology dictionary ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?techopedia\.com\/definition\/([0-9]+(\/[a-z0-9-]+)?)
Tekściory artist ID identifier for an artist on Tekściory site
Tennessee Encyclopedia ID identifier for a subject on the Tennessee Encyclopedia website
TermCymru ID identifier for Welsh names/terms database entry ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?gov\.wales\/bydtermcymru\/search\/term\/(\d+)
Ternopil Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the website of the Online Encyclopedia about Ternopil oblast ^https?:\/\/ternopedia\.te\.ua\/index\.php\?curid=([1-9]\d{1,6})
The Arabidopsis Information Resource Accession Identifier for an object (e.g. clone, gene, genetic marker, sequence, etc.) in TAIR
The Armory Show at 100 ID identifier for an artwork on the Armory Show at 100 website ^https?:\/\/armory\.nyhistory\.org\/([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*)\/
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions ID identifier for a subject page in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions ^https:\/\/www\.oxfordreference\.com\/display\/10.1093\/acref\/9780192800947\.001\.0001\/acref-9780192800947-e-(\d+)
The Counted person ID identifier for a person in The Counted database created by The Guardian
The Digital Local Culture Encyclopedia of Korea ID ID of a topic in The Digital Local Culture Encyclopedia of Korea
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy ID identifier for an entry on the Encyclopedia of Fantasy website ^https?:\/\/sf\-encyclopedia\.com\/fe\/([a-z0-9_-]+)
The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture ID identifier for an entry on the Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture website
The First Amendment Encyclopedia ID identifier for an article in the The First Amendment Encyclopedia
The Islamic World: Past and Present ID identifier for a subject page in The Islamic World: Past and Present
The Israeli Opera person ID (heb) identifier for a person on The Israeli Opera website
The Met object ID object identifier for artworks at the Metropolitan Museum of Art ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?metmuseum\.org\/art\/collection\/search\/([1-9][0-9]{0,8})
The New Fund for Cinema and Television (Israel) ID ID for movies backed by the New Fund for Cinema and Television (Israel) ^https?:\/\/nfct\.org\.il\/\?p=([1-9]\d*)
The Oregon Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the Oregon Encyclopedia website
The Oxford Dictionary of Islam ID identifier for a subject page in The Oxford Dictionary of Islam
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women ID identifier for a subject page in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World ID identifier for a subject page in The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Islamic World: Digital Collection ^https:\/\/www\.oxfordreference\.com\/display\/10.1093\/acref\/9780195305135\.001\.0001\/acref-9780195305135-e-(\d+)
The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Foreign Terms in English ID identifier for a subject page in The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Foreign Terms in English
The Sierra Chest ID identifier in The Sierra Chest database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?sierrachest\.com\/index\.php\?a=g(?:ames)?&id=([1-9]\d{0,3})
The Top Tens ID item's ID on The Top Tens website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?thetoptens\.com\/h\/#i\/([1-9][0-9]*)
The Video Games Museum system ID identifier of a video game system in the Video Games Museum database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:musee-des-jeux-video|video-games-museum)\.com\/\w{2}\/sys\/([1-9]\d*)
The Wind Power farm ID identifier for a wind farm on The Wind Power website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?thewindpower\.net\/windfarm_en_(\d+)\.php
TheCocktailDB drink ID identifier of a drink in database ^https?:\/\/www\.thecocktaildb\.com\/drink(?:\.php\?c=|\/)(\d+)
TheCocktailDB ingredient ID identifier of an ingredient in database ^https?:\/\/www\.thecocktaildb\.com\/ingredient(?:\/|\.php\?c=)(\d+)
TheFreeDictionary medical term ID identifier for a term in the medical-dictionary of TheFreeDictionary by Farlex Inc. profile ID ID of contributor profile on
Theaterlexikon der Schweiz ID identifier in the online edition of the Theater Dictionary of ^https?:\/\/tls\.theaterwissenschaft\.ch\/wiki\/([\S_]+)
Theatrical Index company ID identifier for a theatrical production company or other business listed in Theatrical Index https:\/\/www\.theatricalindex\.com\/company\/view\/id\/(\d+)
Theatrical Index theatre ID identifier for a theatre listed in Theatrical Index https:\/\/www\.theatricalindex\.com\/theatre\/view\/id\/(\d+)
Theatricalia theatre ID identifier for a theatre in the database ^https?:\/\/theatricalia\.com\/place\/([0-9a-z]{1,3})
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae lemma ID identifier for a lemma in the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae object ID identifier for a text-bearing artefact (textual artefact) in the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae textual work ID identifier for an (abstract) text (written work) in the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae thesaurus ID identifier for a metadata thesaurus entry in the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae\.de\/thesaurus\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)
Three Decks people ID naval personnel identifier at Three Decks ^https?:\/\/threedecks\.org\/index\.php\?display_type=show_crewman&id=([1-9]\d{0,5})
Three Decks ship ID identifier for sailing ship in Three Decks ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?threedecks\.org\/index\.php\?display_type=show_ship&id=([1-9]\d{0,5})
Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ID identifier for an French term in the Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ID ^https?:\/\/canada\.multites\.net\/tsb\/default\.asp\?op=DISPTERM&searchString=([A-Za-z0-9\%\-\+\s]+)&lang=FRA author ID ID of author profile on ^https?:\/\/time\.com\/author\/([a-z\-]*[a-z])
Times Higher Education World University ID Times Higher Education World University Ranking Website's university identifier ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?timeshighereducation\.com\/world-university-rankings\/([a-z]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*)
ToS;DR service ID number used by Terms of Service; Didn't Read to refer to a web-accessible service with a web-accessible ToS (P7014), privacy policy (P7101), or similar legal document ^https?:\/\/edit\.tosdr\.org\/services\/(\d+) work ID identifier for a song or composition from ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?todotango\.com\/musica\/tema\/([1-9]\d*)\/wd
Tolkien Gateway ID identifier for an article about the universe of Tolkien in the Tolkien Gateway website ^https?:\/\/tolkiengateway\.net\/wiki\/((?!\/)[^\s\%]+)
Touhou Wiki ID identifier for an subject in the Touhou Wiki. Format: Page_title or language code:Page_title for non-English wiki articles ^https?:\/\/en\.touhouwiki\.net\/wiki\/((?!\/)[^\s\%]+)
^https?:\/\/(es|fr|ru|da|de|it|ko|ms|nl|pl|ru|pt|sv|tr|uk|vi|zh)\.touhouwiki\.net\/wiki\/((?!\/)[^\s\%]+) ID identifier for a cultural heritage site in Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, in the open data portal ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?tourer\.it\/mappa\?id=(\d+)
Trainline ID ID for a european railway station given by Trainline ^https?:\/\/trainline-eu\.github\.io\/stations-studio\/#\/station\/([1-9]\d{0,5})
Transfermarkt team ID identifier for an association football (soccer) team in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?transfermarkt\.com\/(?:.+)?\/startseite\/verein\/([1-9]\d{0,7})
Transport Canada LID unique identifier assigned by Transport Canada for airports, heliports, train stations or other transport/travel-related points of interest
Transporter Classification Database ID classifies transport proteins similar to how EC classifies enzymes ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?tcdb\.org\/search\/result\.php\?tc=(\d|(\d\.[A-Z](\.(\d{1,3}){0,3})))
Trap Danmark ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia Trap Danmark ^https?:\/\/trap\.lex\.dk\/(.+)
Treccani's Dizionario di Filosofia ID identifier for an item in the Dizionario di Filosofia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(?:\-[a-z]+)*(?:_res\-[0-9a-f]{8}(?:\-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}\-[0-9a-f]{12})?)_\(Dizionario[_\-]di[_\-]filosofia\)
Treccani's Dizionario di Storia ID identifier for Dizionario di Storia ("Dictionary of History") by Treccani ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+[a-z0-9]*(?:\-[a-z0-9]+)*(?:_res\-[0-9a-f]{8}(?:\-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}\-[0-9a-f]{12})?)_\(Dizionario[_\-]di[_\-]Storia\)
Treccani's Enciclopedia dei Papi ID identifier for a pope (or antipope) in the Enciclopedia dei Papi ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(?:-[a-z]+)*)_\(Enciclopedia[_\-]dei[_\-]Papi\)
Treccani's Lessico del XXI Secolo ID identifier for an entry in the Lessico del XXI Secolo on the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*)_\(Lessico[_\-]del[_\-]XXI[_\-]Secolo\)
Tschechische Theaterenzyklopädie ID identifier for German articles in the Czech encyclopedia of theater
Turkish Football Federation stadium ID identifier association football venue at TFF database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?tff\.org\/Default\.aspx\?pageID=530&stadID=([1-9]\d*)
Turkish Football Federation team ID identifier association football team at TFF database
Twitch tag ID identifier for a tag on Twitch ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?twitch\.tv\/directory\/all\/tags\/([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12})
Twitter list ID identifier of a list of accounts on Twitter
Twitter post ID identifier of a status on X/Twitter ^https?:\/\/(?:twitter\.com|x\.com)\/(?:i\/web|\w+)?\/status\/(([2-9]\d+|[1-9]\d{2,18}))
U-DISE code identifier for a primary or secondary school in India issued under the Unified District Information System for Education
U-Multirank university ID identifier for a university, on the U-Multirank website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?umultirank\.org\/study-at\/([a-z]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*)-rankings\/
U. S. Supreme Court docket number identifier for a case filed at the Supreme Court of the United States ^https?:\/\/caselaw\.findlaw\.com\/search\.html\?search_type=docket&court=us-supreme-court&text=(\d{2}-\d{2,})
U.S. National Archives Identifier identifier for the United States National Archives and Records Administration's online catalog ^https?:\/\/catalog\.archives\.gov\/id\/(([1-9]\d{0,8}))
U.S. trademark serial number identifier of a trademark serial number issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office
UBIGEO code identifier for a geographical location in Peru used by the National Statistics Institute
UCA authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalog of the Library of the University of Cádiz (UCA)
UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID identifier of a UCSC's release of a genome ^https:\/\/genome\.ucsc\.edu\/cgi-bin\/hgTracks\?db=([\w\d]+)
UCUM code case-sensitive code from the Unified Code for Units of Measure specification to identify a unit of measurement
UEFA team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the UEFA database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?uefa\.com\/nationalassociations\/teams\/([1-9]\d{0,6})\/
UIA Open Yearbook organization website ID identifier for an international non-governmental organization (INGO) or intergovernmental organizations (IGO) on the UIA Open Yearbook org id ^https:\/\/uia\.org\/s\/or\/.+\/([1-9]\d*)
UK Archival Thesaurus ID identifier for concepts in the UK Archival Thesaurus
UK Lakes Portal ID identifier for a lake or loch in the UK Lakes Portal database and website ^https?:\/\/eip\.ceh\.ac\.uk\/apps\/lakes\/detail\.html\?wbid=(\d+)
UK National Fruit Collection ID identifier of a fruit (plant) variety or cultivar, in the United Kingdom National Fruit Collection ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?nationalfruitcollection\.org\.uk\/full2\.php\?id=([1-9]\d*)
ULI ID bibliographic record id in ULI
UM-BBD compound ID ID for chemical compound in The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database
UMLS CUI NLM Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) controlled biomedical vocabulary unique identifier ^https?:\/\/ncim-stage\.nci\.nih\.gov\/ncimbrowser\/ConceptReport\.jsp\?dictionary=NCI\sMetathesaurus&code=(C\w\d{6})
UN/CEFACT Common Code unit of measurement identifier as defined by the UN/CEFACT in Recommendation No. 20: Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade
UNIMARC: Medium of Performance ID identifier for a medium of performance of musical works
UOL Eleições ID іdentifier for elections in Brazil containing voting data for each position per State
URN formatter formatter to generate Uniform Resource Name (URN) from property value. Include $1 to be replaced with property value
URN-NBN URI in the urn:nbn: namespace as specified by RFC 3188
US Bureau of Prisons Inmate Register Number unique number assigned to inmates
US Quaternary Fault ID ID Number of Quaternary Fault in the US as assigned by the United States Geological Survey
USA Water Polo Hall of Fame ID identifier for an inductee on the USA Water Polo Hall of Fame website
USGS earthquake ID identifier for an earthquake or other seismic event, in the United States Geological Survey database ^https?:\/\/earthquake\.usgs\.gov\/earthquakes\/eventpage\/((ak|at|atlas|av|choy|ci|dupetel|gcmt|hv|iscgem|iscgemsup|ismpkansas|ld|md|nc|ne|nm|nn|official|pr|pt|rdemineral|se|us|uu|uw)[a-z0-9_]{6,20})
USP Production Repository ID identifier for works at the USP Production Repository database ^https?:\/\/repositorio\.usp\.br\/item\/(\d{9}) ID identifier for a hiking destination for the Norwegian Trekking Association
UVL source ID identifier of a source in the Universal Videogame List ^https?://(?:www\.)?uvlist\.net/reviews/issues/([1-9]\d*)
Umění pro město ID identifier from the catalogue of public art by Gallery of the City of Prague
Undiscovered Scotland ID identifier for a page on the Undiscovered Scotland website ^https?:\/\/www\.undiscoveredscotland\.co\.uk\/([a-z\.\/]*)
Unified Saudi Occupational Classification identifier for job in Unified Saudi Occupational Classification
Uniform Type Identifier identifier used on software provided by Apple Inc. to uniquely identify a given class or type of item
United Nations Treaty Series Volume Number volume number within the United Nations Treaty Series ^https?:\/\/treaties\.un\.org\/doc\/Publication\/UNTS\/Volume\s([1-9]\d*)\/v([1-9]\d*)\.pdf
United States Army and Air Force aircraft designation identifier for a US Army and Air Force aircraft until 1962
Universal Content Identifier South Korean national digital content identifier
Universal Spectrum Identifier The Universal Spectrum Identifier (USI) is a compound identifier that provides an abstract path to refer to a single spectrum generated by a mass spectrometer, and potentially the ion that is thought to have produced it.
Universo del corpo ID identifier for an item in Universo del corpo on the website of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?:treccani\.it\/enciclopedia\/([a-z]+(-[a-z]+)*(?:_res\-[0-9a-f]{8}(?:\-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}\-[0-9a-f]{12})?)_\(Universo[_\-]del[_\-]Corpo\)$
Uppslagsverket Finland ID identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia Uppslagsverket Finland ^https?:\/\/uppslagsverket\.fi\/sv\/sok\/view-170045-(\w+)
Uralonet ID Wikidata property for an identifier, Wikidata property to identify lexicographical entities, and numeric identifier ^https?:\/\/uralonet\.nytud\.hu\/eintrag\.cgi\?locale=de_DE&id_eintrag=([1-9]\d*)
Utah History Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the Utah History Encyclopedia website
V Live channel ID identifier for the V Live channel of a person, musical group or organisation ^https?:\/\/channels\.vlive\.tv\/([A-F\d]+)
VAi building ID identifier for buildings in the building database of Flanders Architecture Institute ^http:\/\/permalink\.flandersarchitecture\.be\/buildingdb\/(\d{6,7})
VBProfiles person ID ID of someone in VBProfiles ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vbprofiles\.com\/people\/([a-z-]+-[a-z0-9]{24})
VD 18 ID publication ID in the bibliography of 18th century printed material in the German speaking areas ^https?:\/\/kxp\.k10plus\.de\/DB=1\.65\/CMD\?ACT=SRCHA&IKT=8080&TRM=VD18([0-9]\d{7})
VGMPF ID identifier in the Video Game Music Preservation Foundation wiki ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vgmpf\.com\/Wiki\/index\.php\?title=([\w\:\(\)]+)
VGMdb product ID identifier for a product (game, franchise, video) in the Video Game Music database ^https?:\/\/vgmdb\.net\/product\/([1-9]\d*)
VICNAMES Place ID identifier for a place in Victoria, Australia, in the VICNAMES database ^https?:\/\/maps\.land\.vic\.gov\.au\/lassi\/VicnamesUI\.jsp\?placeId=([1-9]\d{0,20})
VIOLIN ID identifier in the VIOLIN database for vaccines and related subjects ^http(?:s)?:\/\/www\.violinet\.org\/vaxquery\/vaccine_detail\.php\?c_vaccine_id=(\d+)
VIVC grape variety ID identifier in Vitis International Variety Catalogue ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vivc\.de\/\?r=passport%2Fview&id=(\d+)
VMH ID ID for a topic in Virtual Metabolic Human database
VMI Historical Rosters Database ID names of all enrolled students (both graduates and non-graduates) from VMI's opening in 1839 through the World War II era
VOR/DME airport beacon ID VOR/DME identifier for airport beacons ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?pilotnav\.com\/navaids\/([A-Z]{2,3})
Vaare falne ID identifiers for Norwegian casualties of world war 2 ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vg\.no\/spesial\/2015\/vaare_falne\/\?personId=([1-9]\d*)
Van Wijngaarden quarry ID identifier for an underground quarry assigned by Van Wijngaarden of the National Institute for Field Biological Research for Nature Conservation (RIVON)
VectorBase taxonomy ID identifier for a taxon in the NIAID Bioinformatics Resource Center VectorBase ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vectorbase\.org\/ontology-browser\?cv=VBCV&t=VBsp:(\d+)
Veterans Legacy Memorial ID veterans by gravesites
Viasona ID alphabetical identifier for an artist at the Viasona music archive website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?viasona\.cat\/grup\/([a-z0-9_]+(-[a-z0-9_]+)*)
Victorian Heritage Register ID identifier in Victorian Heritage Register, Australia ^https?:\/\/vhd\.heritagecouncil\.vic\.gov\.au\/search\?aut%5B%5D=1086&kw=(H\d+)
Vidwan ID external identifier to describe profiles of Indian academicians and scientists maintained in the database Vidwan ^https?:\/\/vidwan\.inflibnet\.ac\.in\/profile\/(\d+)
Vie publique intervention ID identifier for a public intervention on Vie publique
Vienna History Wiki ID numeric identifier of a page in the Vienna History Wiki ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?geschichtewiki\.wien\.gv\.at\/(?:Special:URIResolver|index\.php)\/\?curid=(\d+)
Vietherb metabolite ID identifier for a plant metabolite in the Vietherb database
Vokrug sveta article ID link to article of encyclopedia "Vokrug sveta" show ID identify for a creative work in ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?vokrug\.tv\/product\/show\/(\w+)
WALS family code identifier for a language family in the World Atlas of Language Structures ^https?:\/\/wals\.info\/languoid\/family\/([a-z]{2,30})
WALS genus code identifier for a language genus ^https?:\/\/wals\.info\/languoid\/genus\/([a-z]{2,30})
WALS lect code identifier for a language ^https?:\/\/wals\.info\/languoid\/lect\/wals_code_([a-z]{3})
WBCHSE code identifier for a college or school situated in West Bengal ^https?:\/\/wbchse\.nic\.in\/admin\/school_details\.php\?hp=(\d{4,5})
WDG lemma ID identifier for a lexeme in the Wörterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache at
WMI code Wikidata property related to road transport, Wikidata property for items about organizations, and Wikidata property for an identifier
WPI ID port ID in World Port Index database ^https?:\/\/msi\.nga\.mil\/queryBreakout\?publications\/world-port-index\?indexNumber=(\d{2,5})&output=html
WW1 fallen/missing soldier ID (MHA) identifier for a fallen/missing Austrian-Hungarian soldier from the area of later Czechoslovakia in the database of the Czech Military Historical Archive
Walmart product ID identifier of a product on
Wander lemma ID identifier for this lexeme in the German proverb lexicon by Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander at
Wastewater treatment plant in France ID identifier for wastewater treatment plant in France
WaterNSW Rivers and Streams Site No. site number of a river or stream in the real time water data published by WaterNSW ^https?:\/\/realtimedata\.waternsw\.com\.au\/\?ppbm=([1-9]\d*)&rs
WeChat ID account identifier of this item on WeChat
Web of Science ID (work) unique academic work identifier assigned in Web of Science bibliographic database (Web of Science Core Collection only and do not include WOS: prefix) ^https?:\/\/cel\.webofknowledge\.com\/InboundService\.do\;jsessionid=[\dA-Z]+\?[\w=\-&]*UT=WOS:([A-Z\d]{15})
WebKit Feature Status feature ID identifier for a feature on WebKit Feature Status feature ID ^https://webkit\.org/((css-)?status/#(feature%7Cspecification%7Cproperty)-.+)$
Webb-site organization ID identifier for an organization on "Webb-site Who's Who" ^https?:\/\/webb-site\.com\/dbpub\/orgdata\.asp\?p=([1-9]\d*)
What is the Apple IIGS? ID identifier in the What is the Apple IIGS? database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?whatisthe2gs\.apple2\.org\.za\/([-\w]+)
Whiskybase distillery ID identifier for a distillery on Whiskybase ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?whiskybase\.com\/whiskies\/distillery\/([1-9]\d{0,4})
Who's on First ID identifier from the Who's on First database ^https?:\/\/spelunker\.whosonfirst\.org\/id\/([1-9]\d*)\/
Wi-Fi Certification ID unique identifier of a certification granted by the Wi-Fi Alliance for product conformance to Wi-Fi Alliance standards ^https?:\/\/certifications\.prod\.wi-fi\.org\/pdf\/certificate\/public\/download\?cid=(WFA\d+)
Wiener Wohnen ID identifier of municipal housing objects (Wiener Gemeindebauten) administered by Wiener Wohnen, Vienna, Austria
WikiCFP conference series ID identifier for a conference series, in WikiCFP ^https?:\/\/wikicfp\.com\/cfp\/program\?id=([1-9]\d*)
WikiCFP event ID identifier for an event in WikiCFP, an online database for scientific meetings ^https?:\/\/wikicfp\.com\/cfp\/servlet\/event\.showcfp\?eventid=([1-9]\d*)
WikiPathways ID describes in which biological pathways a biological entity occurs ^https?:\/\/www\.wikipathways\.org\/index\.php\/Pathway\:(WP\d{1,4})
WikiProjectMed ID identifier of a topic in WikiProjectMed ^https:\/\/mdwiki\.org\/wiki\/([^#?]+)
WikiRoutes ID identifier for a transit route on the Wikiroutes website ^https?:\/\/wikiroutes\.info\/[a-z]{2}\/[a-z]+\?routes=([1-9]\d*)
WikiSkripta article ID numeric identifier of a page on ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?wikiskripta\.eu\/index\.php\?curid=(\d+)
WikiTree category or space Categories in Wikitree for things that also exist in Wikidata like cemeteries ^https?:\/\/www\.wikitree\.com\/wiki\/((?:Category|Space):.{1,250})
Wikibase Registry ID Q-ID in the Wikibase Registry ^https?:\/\/wikibase-registry\.wmflabs\.org\/wiki\/Item:(Q\d+)
Wikibase World ID identifier for the corresponding entity in the Wikibase World database ^https?:\/\/wikibase\.world\/(?:entity\/|wiki\/(?:Item|Property)\:)([PQ][1-9]\d*)
Wikidata language code identifier for a language or variant at Wikidata (use P424 (Wikimedia language code) to identify the language of a Wikimedia wiki)
Wikimapia ID link to Wikimapia item ^https?:\/\/wikimapia\.org\/([0-9]{1,8})\/?.{1,194}
Wikimedia Incubator URL active Wikimedia Incubator project in the language
Wikimedia VRTS ticket number identifier for a set of email correspondence, in the Wikimedia Volunteer Response Team System
Wikimedia language code identifier for a language or variant as used by Wikimedia projects
Wikipedia Library partner ID numerical identifier for a resource in the Wikipedia Library Card Platform ^https?:\/\/wikipedialibrary\.wmflabs\.org\/partners\/(\d+)\/
Wikisimpsons article ID identifier for a Wikisimpsons article ^https:\/\/simpsonswiki\.com\/w\/index\.php\?curid=(\d+)
Wikispore ID page on Wikispore ^https:\/\/wikispore\.wmflabs\.org\/wiki\/(.+)%3A(.+)
Wikitribune category name of a topic (category) on Wikitribune ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?wikitribune\.com\/category\/([a-z\-]+(\/[a-z\-]+)*)\/\?post_type=stories
Wine AppDB ID identifier for an application in the AppDB of WineHQ ^https?:\/\/appdb\.winehq\.org\/appview\.php.*[?&]iAppId=(\d+)
Winterthur Glossar ID identifier for an entry in the Winterthur Glossar
Wise Music Classical composer ID identifier for a composer represented by Wise Music Classical
WoRMS source ID identifier of a source in the WoRMS database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?marinespecies\.org\/aphia\.php\?p=sourcedetails&id=([1-9]\d{0,6})
Wolfram Language entity code input form for an entity in Wolfram Language ^https:\/\/www\.wolframalpha\.com\/input\?i=Entity%5B"(.+)"%2C\+"(.+)%3A%3A(.+)"%5D
Wolfram Language entity type first part of the Wolfram Language entity code
Wolfram Language quantity ID identifier for a (physical, chemical, ...) quantity in the Wolfram Language
Wood Database ID identifier for a type of wood in The Wood Database
Woodland Trust wood ID identifier for a wood recorded by the Woodland Trust ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?woodlandtrust\.org\.uk\/visiting-woods\/wood\/([0-9]+/[a-z\-]+)\/
Woolworths product ID unique identifier of a product sold via the Woolworths online shop ^https?:\/\/www\.woolworths\.com\.au\/shop\/productdetails\/(\d{6})$
WordLift URL a Linked Open Data permanent ID of publicly available entities curated by online publishers and distributed in various formats ^(https?:\/\/data\.thenextweb\.com\/tnw\/entity\/[\w_]+)(?:.html)?
WordNet 3.1 Synset ID Synset identifier in Princeton’s WordNet Version 3.1 ^https?:\/\/wordnet-rdf\.princeton\.edu\/id\/(\d{8}\-[nvarsp])
World Flora Online ID identifier for a plant in World Flora Online ^https?:\/\/list\\/(wfo-[0-9]{10})$
World History Encyclopedia ID alphabetical identifier for an article in the Ancient History Encyclopedia ^https?:\/\/www\.worldhistory\.org\/([A-Za-z_-]+)\/
World Stadium Database ID sportsarenas/stadium database
World Travel Awards ID identifier for a nominee on the World Travel Awards website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?worldtravelawards\.com\/profile-(\d+)-
World of Physics ID identifier for an entity or concept, in Eric Weisstein's 'World of Physics'
World of Shakespeare ID identifier for an article on the Russian Electronic Encyclopedia World of Shakespeare
WorldCup10.Ru person ID identifier for a participants of 2010 FIFA World Cup at WorldCup10.Ru site competition ID identifier for a association football (soccer) competition in the database stadium ID identifier for a association football (soccer) stadium in the database team ID identifier for a association football (soccer) team in the database
Wormbase Gene ID Identifier for a genetic element in Wormbase ^https?:\/\/wormbase\.org\/species\/c_elegans\/gene\/([^\s#]+)
Writers Guild of America writer ID identifier for a writer in the Writers Guild of America's Find a Writer database ^https?:\/\/directories\.wga\.org\/member\/([0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f]{12}) Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the website about the history of Wyoming
Wörterbuch der Präpositionen ID identifier for a lemma in the preposition dictionary at
Wörterbuch zur Verbvalenz ID identifier for a lemma in the verb valency dictionary published by the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache ^https:\/\/grammis\.ids-mannheim\.de\/verbvalenz\/(\d+)$
Wörterbuch zur Verbvalenz sense ID identifier for a sense in the verb valency dictionary at ^https:\/\/grammis\.ids-mannheim\.de\/verbs\/view\/(\d+\/\d+)
XJustiz court ID identifier for German courts
XWord Info author ID identifier for a New York Times crossword (also variety or acrostic) puzzle constructor on XWord Info
Xenopus Anatomical Ontology ID identifier for an anatomical structure in the Xenopus Anatomical Ontology, a controlled vocubulary for describing Xenopus anatomy and embryological development
Xikao History ID identifier for people, events and schools about the Chinese opera in the Xikao online dictionary ^https?:\/\/history\.xikao\.com\/((school|event|person)\/\S{1,50})
Xikao Repertoire ID identifier for people, events and schools about the Chinese opera in the Xikao online dictionary
Yahoo Answers category ID category at Yahoo Answers
Yarkipedia ID identifier for a subject in Yarkipedia
Yarus feed ID identifier of the news aggregator in Yarus
Yle topic ID identifier for topics in Finland's national broadcaster Yle's web services
YouTube handle unique identifier of a person, organization or channel on YouTube; do not include the "@" symbol ^https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]{3,30})
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards ID unique ID for Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG (Trading Cards Game) cards listed at Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database ^https?:\/\/www\.db\.yugioh\-card\.com\/yugiohdb\/card_search\.action\?[\w&=]*cid=([1-9]\d*)
ZFIN Gene ID identifier for a genetic element in the Zebrafish Model Organism Database
ZVG number identifier of GESTIS database of the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
ZVR-Number ID of registered associations in Austria
Zaragoza public art ID ID of public art catalogued in ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?zaragoza\.es\/sede\/servicio\/arte-publico\/([1-9]\d*)
Zeneszö international artist ID identifier for an international artist on Zeneszö site ID identifier for an entry on
Zhihu username domain name of Zhihu users' personal pages ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?zhihu\.com\/people\/([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\/
Zillow zpid numeric identifier used for real estate ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?zillow\.com\/homedetails\/(?:[\w-]+\/)?([1-9]\d+)_zpid
ZineWiki ID page name in the ZineWiki
administrative district of Czech municipality with authorized municipal office ID identifier for a municipality with authorized municipal office, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/pou\/(\d+)
administrative district of Czech municipality with expanded powers ID identifier for a municipality with expanded powers, conferred by 'Český úřad zeměměřický a katastrální' ^https?:\/\/vdp\.cuzk\.cz\/vdp\/ruian\/orp\/(\d+) ID identifier for a person in the Armenian website
amateur radio callsign callsign assigned to licensed Amateur Radio operator, station or satellite ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?qrzcq\.com\/call\/([A-Z0-9]{3,7})
applies if regular expression matches this statement is only true if the value matches this regular expression
arXiv ID identifier of a document in arXiv pre-print archive ^https?:\/\/arxiv\.org\/abs\/((?:\d{4}.\d{4,5}|[a-z\-]+(?:\.[A-Z]{2})?\/\d{7})(?:v\d+)?)
arXiv classification arXiv classification of pre-print articles ^https?:\/\/arxiv\.org\/list\/((astro-ph|cond-mat|gr-cq|hep-ex|hep-lat|hep-ph|hep-th|math-ph|nlin|nucl-ex|nucl-th|physics|quant-ph|math|cs|CoRR|q-bio|q-fin|stat)\.[A-Z]{2})\/recent person ID identifier for a person at the
archINFORM keyword ID identifier for a keyword on the archINFORM website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?archinform\.net\/stich\/([1-9]\d{0,3})\.htm
archINFORM location ID identifier for a location on the archINFORM website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?archinform\.net\/ort\/([1-9][0-9]{0,4})\.htm
archival creator authority record at the Archives nationales identifier of the Archives Nationales (French National Archives) ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?siv\.archives-nationales\.culture\.gouv\.fr\/siv\/NP\/(FRAN_NP_\d{6})
artist-info exhibition ID іdentifier in the artist-info database for exhibition records ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?artist-info\.com\/exhibition\/([0-9]\d+)
artist-info location ID identifier in the artist-info location database of exhibition records ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?artist-info\.com\/users\/publicpagemuseum\/([0-9]\d+) athlete ID identifier for an athlete at the website
base Mémoire reference reference in the base Mémoire for a French iconographic heritage element ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?culture\.gouv\.fr\/public\/mistral\/memoire_fr\?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIELD_1=REF&VALUE_1=([0-9A-Z_]*)
bibcode bibcode for a journal ^https?:\/\/adsabs\.harvard\.edu\/cgi-bin\/nph-toc_query\?journal=([A-Za-z\.\&]{1,5})
call sign short form identifier for a radio operator or broadcaster and (as flag signal) previous for watercrafts ^https?:\/\/www\.shipspotting\.com\/photos\/gallery\?callSign=([^#&?]+)
castingvideos ID identifiers for actors on ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?castingvideos\.com\/fullprofile\/schauspieler-([-a-z]*)\.html
category for the interior of the item Commons category for media files depicting interior views of this item (object, place)
classicamiga ID identifier in the classicamiga database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?classicamiga\.com\/content\/view\/([1-9]\d*)\/2\/
code for weekend and holiday homes (Sweden) identifier for a for weekend or holiday home in Sweden, assigned by Statistics Sweden
copyright registration ID assigned by the US copyright office recording the registration of copyright for a creative work, or the renewal of such a copyright
ctext work ID identifier for a work, in the ctext database. ctext is a database of pre-modern texts in Chinese languages (works and editions have separate identifiers)
danskefilm TV Christmas calendar identifier for a TV Christmas calendar in ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?danskefilm\.dk\/julekalender\.php\?id=(\d+)
danskfilmogtv person ID identifier for a person in ^https?:\/\/danskfilmogtv\.dk\/content\.php\?page=persons&sort=lastname&value=(\d+) dataset ID ID of a dataset in the French open data platform ID Identifier for entities in the "Corpus der barocken Deckenmalerei in Deutschland" database author ID legal author identifier in database ^https?\:\/\/(www\.)?droitne\.ch\/droitne\/auteurs\/([1-9]\d{0,2})\/.*
e-MEC entry entry for a Brazilian institution of higher learning in the Ministry of Education ^https:\/\/emec\.mec\.gov\.br\/emec\/consulta-cadastro\/detalhamento\/[0-9a-f]+\/([A-Za-z=\d]+)
e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia ID identifier for an entry on the West Virginia Encyclopedia website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?wvencyclopedia\.org\/articles\/(\d+)
eAmbrosia ID alphanumerical identifier for a product in the eAmbrosia database (EU geographical indications register) https?:\/\/ec\.europa\.eu\/info\/food-farming-fisheries\/food-safety-and-quality\/certification\/quality-labels\/geographical-indications-register\/details\/(EUGI\d+)
eFloraSA ID Electronic Flora of South Australia: Factsheet ID ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?flora\.sa\.gov\.au\/cgi-bin\/speciesfacts_display\.cgi\?form=speciesfacts&name=([A-Z][a-z]*_[a-z]+)
eMedicine ID identifier in the online clinical medical knowledge base ^https?:\/\/emedicine\.medscape\.com\/article\/(\d{5,7})-overview
ePSD ID identifier for the electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary ^https?:\/\/psd\.museum\.upenn\.edu\/epsd\/e(\d+)\.html
ePSD2 ID identifier of a word in the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Second Edition
eStudánky ID identifier in the eSTUDÁNKY database, which covers water sources and water wells in the Czech Republic ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?estudanky\.eu\/(\d+)
edition humboldt digital ID identifier for the register of biographies, places and institutions in edition humboldt digital ^https?:\/\/edition\-humboldt\.de\/(H\d{7}) article ID identifier for separate publication at the eLibrary.Ru person ID identifier for a person in the database of science, education, and government organisations in Russia
email address email address, prefixed with mailto: ^(mailto:[^@]+@[^\.]+[^?]+)
embed URL template formatter URL for embeddable content: URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items ID identifier of a language on the website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?endangeredlanguages\.com\/lang\/([1-9][0-9]*)
error-report URL or e-mail e-mail (prefixed with mailto:) or webpage to which error in the entries of this external ID can be reported topic ID identifier for an topic on site
extension on WikiApiary entry of a MediaWiki extension in WikiApiary
fanvue creator ID creator username on ID identifier for television series on the website ^https?:\/\/www\.fernsehserien\.de\/([^?#]+)
file format identification pattern pattern or string which is used to identify a file as having a particular known format Airline ID Wikidata property for an identifier, Wikidata property for items about airlines, Wikidata property for an identifier that suggests notability, and numeric identifier ^https?:\/\/flight-report\.com\/en\/airline\/([1-9]\d*)
format as a regular expression regex describing an identifier or a Wikidata property. When using on property constraints, ensure syntax is a PCRE
formatter URI for RDF resource formatter URL for RDF resource: URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items (it is the URI of the resources, not the URI of the RDF file describing it)
formatter URL web page URL; URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items. If the site goes offline, set it to deprecated rank. If the formatter URL changes, add a new statement with preferred rank.
funk channel ID ID of the funk channel. Used only for formats with a channel on the website. ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?funk\.net\/channel\/([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]*) image ID identifier for an image from Geograph Britain and Ireland ID identifier on Gesetze im Internet team ID identifier for a sports team in the database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?goalzz\.com\/main\.aspx\?team=([1-9]\d*) person ID identifier for a minister or senior official on ID identifier for a person giving their burial place, in ^https?:\/\/www\.gravsted\.dk\/person\.php\?navn=([^\/#]+)
hackage package name of a package on Hackage
iDAI.chronontology ID identifier for an epoch in the database iDAI.chronontology compiled by the German Archaeological Institute
iFixit device ID identifier of a device on the repair website https\:\/\/www\.ifixit\.com\/Device\/([^\/#?]+)
iFixit teardown ID identifier for a disassembly review of a device on the iFixit website ^https?:\/\/www\.ifixit\.com\/Teardown\/[^\/]+\/(\d+)
iTunes genre ID identifier for a genre on the media platform iTunes ^https:\/\/podcasts\.apple\.com\/..\/genre\/podcasts-.+\/id([1-9]\d*)
iTunes movie collection ID identifier for a movie collection in the iTunes Store ^https?:\/\/itunes\.apple\.com\/us\/movie-collection\/id([1-9]\d*)
identifiant Sculpturo Wikidata property for an identifier
identifier in a register in Germany numeric identifier in a register located in Germany ID ID in the Swedish database about medical topics ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?internetmedicin\.se\/page\.aspx\?id=([1-9]\d{0,4})
interwiki prefix at Wikimedia prefix used for the website on Wikimedia Foundation wikis. Qualify with "formatter URL" (P1630) from Special:Interwiki. If the URL changes, add the qualifier "end date" and create a new statement with new formatter.
issued by organisation or other agent that issues or allocates an identifier, code, classification number, etc. person ID identifier for a person at the ^https:\/\/istina\.msu\.ru\/workers\/(\d+) URL URL of a project hosted on ^(https?:\/\/(?:\w+(?:[\-\_]+\w+)*)\.itch\.io\/(?:\w+(?:[\-\_]+\w+)*)) person ID identifier for a person at the
magazine in unique ID for the magazine on the website BitArkivo ^https?:\/\/bitarkivo\.org\/gazetoj\/([a-z-]+)
man page man page that describes the subject lexeme ID identifier for a Manchu lexeme in the online dictionary set up by 纳罕哈哈
maritime identification digits identifier used by radio communication facilities to identify their home country or base area in messages as part of their Maritime Mobile Service Identities ID identifier in the database ^https?:\/\/marterl\.at\/index\.php\?id=23&no_cache=1&oid=([1-9]\d*)
media type IANA-registered identifier for a file type ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?iana\.org\/assignments\/media-types\/((application|audio|example|font|image|message|model|multipart|text|video)/[a-zA-Z0-9\-+.]+)
member of the Portuguese parliament ID id in the Portuguese Parliament Database ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?parlamento\.pt\/DeputadoGP\/Paginas\/Biografia\.aspx\?BID=([1-9][0-9]*)
membership number number given to an entity to identify them within an organization
memoriademadrid publication ID identifier for a journal in the journals archive of "Biblioteca Digital memoriademadrid", an open access digital library of Spanish-language periodical publications, established by the city of Madrid ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?memoriademadrid\.es\/buscador\.php\?accion=VerFicha&id=(\d+)
miRBase mature miRNA ID identifier for mature miRNAs in miRBase, the reference database for microRNAs ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mirbase\.org\/cgi-bin\/mature\.pl\?mature_acc=(MIMAT\d{7})
miRBase pre-miRNA ID identifier for pre-miRNAs in miRBase, the reference database for microRNAs ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?mirbase\.org\/cgi-bin\/mirna_entry\.pl\?acc=(MI\d{7}) Catholic church ID identifier of a catholic church at
mobile formatter URL web page URL of mobile version; URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items team ID identifier for a motorsport team at venue ID identifier for a motorsport venue at ^https?:\/\/results\.motorsportstats\.com\/venues\/([a-z1-9][a-z0-9\-]{1,96}) series ID identifier for TV series on ^https?:\/\/www\.moviepilot\.de\/serie\/([^\/]+)
museum-digital person ID identification of a person or institution in the vocabulary of the digital museum
museum-digital tag ID numeric identifier for keywords used in the description of cultural heritage objects in Museum-Digital
music austria ID identifier in the Austrian online music database music austria ^https?:\/\/db\.musicaustria\.at\/node\/([1-9]\d*)
myschool ID identifier of a school in Australia, in the site, a government source of compiled data ^https?:\/\/www\.myschool\.edu\.au\/school\/([1-9]\d+)
nLab ID name of a page in nLab wiki ^https?:\/\/ncatlab\.org\/nlab\/show\/([\p{L}\d=–?,.^'\- ()]+) person ID identifier for a person at the ID identifier for a place in the database ^https:\/\/api\.naturkartan\.se\/(\d+)$ user ID identifier for a user on
npm scope or username npm scope of the given software, person or organization ID identifier in the database of computing platforms ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?old-computers\.com\/museum\/computer\.asp\?c=([1-9]\d*)
openAIP ID identifier of an aerodrome, in the openAIP (open aeronautical information platform) database ^https?:\/\/www\.openaip\.net\/node\/([1-9]\d*)
operator licence number British heavy goods vehicle (HGV) and public service vehicle (PSV) operator license number ID an identifier in the database of Oric computer programs ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?oric\.org\/index\.php\?page=software&fille=detail&num_log=([1-9]\d*)
page(s) page number of source referenced for statement. Note "column(s)" (P3903) and "folio(s)" (P7416) for other numbering systems lieux ID identifier for an equipment in Paris on the
phone number telephone number in standard format (RFC3966), without 'tel:' prefix ^(?:tel|callto)?:(\+\d+)?(?:-|\s)?(\d+)?(?:-|\s)?(\d+)?(?:-|\s)?(\d+)(?:-|\s)?(\d+)?
^https:\/\/api\.whatsapp\.com\/send\/\?phone=(\d+) stadium ID identifier for a association football (soccer) stadium in the database
post town town/city part of the postal address, can be different from administrative location
postal code identifier assigned by postal authorities for the subject area or building ^https:\/\/www\.streetcheck\.co\.uk\/postcode\/([^#\/?]+) football manager ID identifier for an association football (soccer) manager
property proposal discussion URL of the page (or page section) on which the creation of the property was discussed
rack system type of rack-and-cogwheel system used by a certain rack railway ID identifier of player at
re3data repository ID identifier for a data repository in the re3data registry ^https?:\/\/www\.re3data\.org\/repository\/(r3d[1-9]\d{0,8})
road number (Estonia) identifier for a road in the Estonian Road Register (teeregister); format: up to 7 digits ID identifier for a person in the Russian edition of the Armenian website
school code identified codes for the all level of schools ruled by Ministry of Education, Taiwan
sense on DHLE sense on the Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Language venue ID identifier for a music venue at ^https?:\/\/www\.setlist\.fm\/venue\/[\w\-]+\-([a-f\d]{7,8})\.html
skin on WikiApiary entry of a MediaWiki skin in WikiApiary tournament ID ID about a specific snooker tournament at the database ^https?:\/\/snookerscores\.net\/tournament-manager\/([a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*) Stolperstein ID identifier for Stolpersteine in Norway issued by the Oslo Jewish Museum ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?snublestein\.no(?:\/.*)?\/p=([1-9]\d{0,3})\/?$ Database ID ID in the Database of ^https?:\/\/[a-z]+\.startrek\.com\/(database_article\/[\d\w\-_]+|node\/\d+) Stolperstein ID identifier for Stolpersteine in Berlin issued by ^https?:\/\/www\.stolpersteine-berlin\.de\/(?:(?:en|de)\/)?biografie\/([1-9]\d{0,3})$ Stolperstein ID identifier for Stolpersteine in Bremen issued by ^http:\/\/(?:www\.)?stolpersteine-bremen\.de\/detail\.php\?id=([1-9]\d{0,2})$ Stolperstein ID identifier for Stolpersteine in Hamburg issued by ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?stolpersteine-hamburg\.de(?:\/(?:index\.php|en\.php)?)?\?(?:.*&)?MAIN_ID=7&(?:.*&)?BIO_ID=([1-9]\d{0,3})($|&|#)
street address full street address where subject is located. Include building number, city/locality, post code, but not country; use also P669 if the street has its own separate item
swMATH work ID identifier of information service for mathematical software ID identifier for a resource in the database http:\/\/(?:www\.)?symogih\.org\/resource\/((AbOb|Actr|Bibl|CoAc|CoFo|NaPl|SoCh)\d+)
tDAR creator ID identifier for a person or organization in the Digital Archaeological Record artist ID artist ID at Bulgarian website ^https?:\/\/textove\.com\/([a-z0-9-]+)
theCrag ID identifier for a climbing area or route on the “” website
third-party formatter URL URI template from which "$1" can be automatically replaced with the effective property value on items; for sites other than the primary issuing body of the identifier concerned
tourist information point number identifier for a tourist information point (guidepost) in the Czech Republic
tuxDB game ID identifier of a video game in the tuxDB database ^https?:\/\/tuxdb\.com\/game\/([1-9]\d*)
type of a register in Germany type of a register in Germany represented by code
urban area census code unique identifier assigned by the United States Census Bureau to an urban area
vPlants ID identifier for a plant species, subspecies, or variety from the Chicago Region in the vPlants virtual herbarium team ID identifier for a sports team in the database ^https?:\/\/vesti\.kz\/team\/([1-9]\d*)\/? ID identifier of a memorial in
video relevant video. For images, use the property P18. For film trailers, qualify with "object has role" (P3831)="trailer" (Q622550) ID identifier in the database of water mills in the Czech Republic ^https?:\/\/vodnimlyny\.cz\/mlyny\/objekty\/detail\/(\d+) person ID identifier for a person at the abandoned objects ID identifier of abandoned objects from ^https?:\/\/zanikleobce\.cz\/index\.php\?obec=([1-9]\d*)
zbMATH Open document ID identifier in the zbMATH Open database ^https?:\/\/zbmath\.org\/(\?q=an:)?([\d\.]+)
Álgu lexeme ID identifier for an entry in the database of lexical and etymological information about Sámi language words ^https?:\/\/kaino\.kotus\.fi\/algu\/index\.php\?t=lekseemi&lekseemi_id=([1-9]\d*)&kkieli=(?:en|sa|fi)
Česká divadelní encyklopedie ID identifier for Czech articles in the Czech encyclopedia of theater
Ġabra lexeme ID identifier for a lexeme in the Ġabra lexicon ^https?:\/\/mlrs\.research\.um\.edu\.mt\/resources\/gabra\/lexemes\/view\/([0-9a-f]{24})
‎DWDS sense ID url slug of a sense in DWDS ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?dwds\.de\/wb\/([A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜäöüß\-\s]+#d-\d+-\d+[-\d]*)
‎European Union trademark number identifier of the European Union trademark number issued by European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) ^https?:\/\/euipo\.europa\.eu\/eSearch\/\#details\/trademarks\/(\d+)
‎Flickr photo ID persistent identifier for images on Flickr ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?flickr\.com\/photo\.gne\?id=(\d+)
‎IBP 6-letter bird species alpha code standardized six-letter alphabetic code for bird species by the Institute for Bird Populations
‎MiMoText ID identifier for an item in the Mining and Modeling Text knowledge graph on French novels 1751-1800 ^https?:\/\/data\.mimotext\.uni-trier\.de\/wiki\/Item:(Q\d+)
‎NIWA article ID identifier of an article on the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance. Format: wiki:Page_title ^https?:\/\/niwanetwork\.org\/wiki\/([a-z\d]+(?!\/|\:|\%[\dA-F]{2})(?![^\s]+\%[\dA-F]{2})[^\s]+)
‎OHDSI ID identifier for a medical-related concept in the Athena vocabulary, run by OHDSI ^https?:\/\/athena\.ohdsi\.org\/search\-terms\/terms\/(\d+)
‎Oxford English Dictionary object ID (post-July 2023) identifier for an entry (or sub-entry) in the Oxford English Dictionary, as the suffix to a DOI issued by the OED ^https?:\/\/doi\.org\/10\.1093\/OED\/([0-9]{10})
‎Oyez Project ID identifier for a court case, justice, or advocate in the Oyez Project website ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?oyez\.org\/((?:cases|justices|advocates)\/[a-z\d]+(?:(?:\_|\-)[a-z\d]+)*(?:\/(?:[a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*))?)
‎SEC Kerala code code by State Election Commission (Kerala)
‎WhatPub pub ID identifier for a pub on WhatPub ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?whatpub\.com\/pubs\/([A-Z]{3}\/[\w-]+)\/?(?:[a-z\d]+(?:\-[a-z\d]+)*\/?)?
‎WildTangent Games ID identifier for a game on WildTangent Games ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?wildtangent\.com\/p\/([\w-]+\/[\w-]+)
‎location information URL URL of a web page providing information on the locations of stores or other physical locations of a brand or operator


Article description URL match pattern web page title extract pattern ID identifier on the website Images de Montréal ( ^https?:\/\/imtl\.org\/image\.php\?id=(\d{1,5})

∑ 1784 items.

End of automatically generated list.

Is there / should there be a value for "backlink"[edit]

I know we link out for our own purposes, but it might be nice to know if the favor is returned. Is there, or should there be a value to say for a particular record "has linked back"

As well as knowing we're loved :-) it could also be indication to a bot or human that backlinking is need for this site Back ache (talk) 11:59, 6 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

@Back ache 00:43, 26 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]