Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Moretto da Brescia

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Moretto da Brescia (Q954504)

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q954504 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15727816 } }
image label collection inventory number catalog code inception RKDimages ID Joconde work ID Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID Art UK artwork ID described at URL
Christ in the Wilderness Metropolitan Museum of Art
European Paintings
11.53 1515
Madonna enthroned with child with Saints James the Greater and Jerome High Museum of Art 1517
Christ carrying the cross before a kneeling figure Accademia Carrara 81LC00177 1518
Portrait of a Man Metropolitan Museum of Art
European Paintings
28.79 1520
Christ blessing Saint John the Baptist National Gallery NG3096 150s christ-blessing-saint-john-the-baptist-114439
Saints Jerome and Dorothea adore Christ in the tomb Church Santa Maria in Calchera 1520
Madonna of mercy Tempio Canoviano 1520
Procession of the Holy Cross in mass Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1520
Salvation Triptych No/unknown value 1521
The Virgin of Carmel Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.321 1522
Coronation of the Virgin Banca San Paolo di Brescia 1938
Assumption of the Virgin Duomo vecchio 1524
Madonna with child in glory with Saints Roch, Martin, and Sebastian Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie 1525
Madonna enthroned with child with saints San Domenico, Orzinuovi 1525
Saint Bernardino of Siena and Saint Louis of Toulouse Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 122
MR 72
15th century 000PE026889
Saint Bonaventure and Saint Anthony of Padua Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 123
MR 73
15th century 000PE026890
Supper at Emmaus Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1526
Entombment of Christ National Gallery of Art
Samuel H. Kress Collection
Cook collection
Madonna and child with saints Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1526
Portrait of a Man (Gerolamo Avogadro?) National Gallery NG1025 1526 portrait-of-a-man-114889
Virgin and Child, with Two Donors Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 236 236 1528
Madonna and child with Saints Roch and Sebastian chiesa di Sant'Andrea 1528
Polyptych of Assumption Pinacoteca di Brera
Louvre Museum
No/unknown value
135 (Virgin)
145 (St. Jerome and St. Mark )
143 (St. Catherine and St. Clare)
Portrait of Eleonora Averoldi Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 1172 1172 1530
Assumption Pinacoteca di Brera 1530
Saint Peter Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.332 150s
John the Baptist Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.333 150s
Madonna with child in glory with Saints Martin and Catherine San Martino 1530
Martyrdom of Saint Peter of Verona Pinacoteca Ambrosiana 1530
Saint Anthony Abbot Madonna della Neve 1530
Saint Anthony of Padua with Saints Anthony Abbot and Nicholas of Tolentino Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1530
Saint Justina with the Unicorn, Venerated by a Patron Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_61 1530
Saint Margaret of Antioch with Saints Jerome and Francis Church of Saint Francis 1530
The Virgin and Child with St Jerome Ashmolean Museum WA1962.17.22 150s the-virgin-and-child-with-st-jerome-141722
Massacre of the Innocents Church of Saint John the Evangelist 150s
Martirio di santa Caterina d'Alessandria (Moretto) 1531
Appearance of the Madonna to Filippo Viotti Santuario della Madonna di Paitone 1534
Coronation of the Virgin with saints Church of Saints Nazarius and Celsus 1534
Coronation of the Virgin polyptych Church of Saints Nazarius and Celsus 1534
Chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista Organ Case 1535
St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness Los Angeles County Museum of Art 51.4 1535
Annunciation Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1535
Portrait of a Gentleman with a Letter Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1535
Madonna enthroned with child with saints Sant’Andrea 1536
St Nicholas of Bari presents the Rovelli students to Madonna and Child Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1539
Adoration of the Shepherds with the Saints Nazario and Celso Church of Saints Nazarius and Celsus 1540
Christ with the Eucharist and Saints Cosmas and Damian Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian 1540
Portrait of a Lady in White National Gallery of Art
Samuel H. Kress Collection
1939.1.230 1540
Head of a woman. National Museum in Warsaw 130253
130253 MNW
The Madonna and Child with Saints National Gallery NG1165 1540 the-virgin-with-the-infant-christ-seated-upon-clouds-above-saint-hippolytus-and-saint-catherine-of-alexandria-116057
Christ in glory with Saints Peter and Paul Abbazia di San Nicola (Rodengo Saiano) 1540
Madonna with child and an angel Pinacoteca di Brera 2072 1540
Madonna and child in glory with female saints San Giorgio in Braida 1540
The Madonna and Child with Saints National Gallery NG625 1540 the-virgin-and-child-with-saint-bernardino-and-other-saints-115991
Madonna with Child in Glory with Saints Joseph and Francis chiesa di Sant'Andrea 1540
Salome Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1540
An Adoring Angel National Gallery NG2090 1540 an-adoring-angel-114264
An Adoring Angel National Gallery NG2091 1540 an-adoring-angel-114265
Saint Jerome National Gallery NG2093 1540 saint-jerome-115153
Saint Joseph National Gallery NG2092 1540 saint-joseph-115194
Allegory of Faith Hermitage Museum ГЭ-20 1540
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Anthony Abbot and Sebastian Städel Museum 869 1540
Christ in Passion with Moses and Solomon Church of Saints Nazarius and Celsus 1541
Maria, Elisabeth, das Christuskind und der Johannesknabe in der Glorie, verehrt von zwei Mönchen in weißer Ordenstracht Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 197 1541 00021056
Madonna with child and saints Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1542
Portrait of a Young Man (Fortunato Martinengo Cesaresco?) National Gallery NG299 1542
Die Anbetung der Hirten Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 187 150s 00000440
Madonna and Child in Glory with Saints Jerome, Francis of Assisi, and Anthony Abbot Pinacoteca di Brera 386 1543
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria with Saints Catherine of Siena, Paul and Jerome Church of San Clemente 1543
Pentecost Tosio Martinengo Gallery 1543
Dinner in the house of Simon the Pharisee Santa Maria della Pietà 1544
Christ with the Eucharist and Saints Bartholomew and Roch chiesa di San Bartolomeo 1545
Man with a Long Beard National Gallery NG3095 1545 praying-man-with-a-long-beard-115061
Madonna and Child with Four Doctors of the Church Städel Museum 916 15th century
Portrait of an Ecclesiastic Bavarian State Painting Collections WAF 683 1545
Mary Magdalene Art Institute of Chicago 1935.161 15th century
Saint Roch Cured by the Angel Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 1253 1545
Portrait of a Boy with his Nurse Hermitage Museum ГЭ-182 15th century
Ecce Homo Tosio Martinengo Gallery 150s
Madonna with Child and the Young St. John Liechtenstein Museum GE879 1550
The Entombment Metropolitan Museum of Art
European Paintings
12.61 1554
The Annunciation Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Bonnefanten Museum
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Ante dell'organo del Duomo vecchio
Madonna in gloria con Bambino, Santi e donatore
Der Heilige Augustinus Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 175 02556232
Bildnis zweier Männer Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 184 02556233
Maria mit dem Kind und dem kleinen Johannes Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 667
Maria mit dem Kind auf einer Wolkenbank über den Heiligen Katharina, Antonius Eremita, Markus, Petrus und Paulus Gemäldegalerie, Berlin B.167
St. Jerome Munich Central Collecting Point 928/7
Christ and the ..unleserlich..of Emmaus Munich Central Collecting Point 1351
The annunciation Munich Central Collecting Point 3862
St. Justina Munich Central Collecting Point 11272
San Girolamo in meditazione (Il Moretto)
Saint Roch and the Angel Wellcome Collection 44787i saint-roch-and-the-angel-126123
Madonna and Child
End of automatically generated list.