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Wikidata:WikiProjekt Veje/Europa

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:WikiProject Roads/Europe and the translation is 100% complete.

Item languages instance of/main type shield shield template number format name format map KML is in the administrative unit country maintenance ownership system termini terminus locations dates 16 OpenStreetMap relation ID OpenStreetMap tag
Kontinentale en
— Gibraltar de en es nl
— Malta en tr
— San Marino en he nl
High de en es nl


Item languages instance of/main type shield shield template number format name format map KML is in the administrative unit country maintenance ownership system termini terminus locations dates 16 OpenStreetMap relation ID OpenStreetMap tag
Europavejsruter en
Summary en


Item languages instance of/main type shield shield template number format name format map KML is in the administrative unit country maintenance ownership system termini terminus locations dates 16 OpenStreetMap relation ID OpenStreetMap tag
Albanien de en
Andorra de en fr
Armenien de en
Østrig en
Aserbajdsjan en
Hviderusland en
Belgien en
Bosnien-Hercegovina en
Bulgarien en
Kroatien en
Cypern en
Tjekkiet en
Danmark en
Estland en
Finland en
Frankrig en
Georgien en
Grækenland en
Ungarn en
Island en
Irland en
Italien en
Kosovo en
Letland en
Litauen en
Luxembourg en
Nordmakedonien en
Moldova en
Montenegro en
Holland en
Norge en
Polen en
Portugal en
Rumænien en
Rusland en
Serbien en
Slovakiet en
Slovenien en
Spanien en
Sverige en
Schweiz en
Tyrkiet en
Ukraine en
Storbritannien en


Item languages instance of/main type map KML is in the administrative unit country maintenance ownership system termini terminus locations dates 12
Winston Churchill Avenue (Q8026058) de en es nl
Summary de en es nl


Item languages instance of/main type shield shield template number format name format map is in the administrative unit country maintenance ownership dates 12 OpenStreetMap tag
Roads in Malta (Q1349684) en tr
Summary en tr

San Marino

Item languages instance of/main type map KML is in the administrative unit country maintenance ownership system termini terminus locations dates 12
San Marino Highway (Q1091229) en he nl
Summary en he nl