Викиданные:Проект «Вымышленные миры»

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:WikiProject Fictional universes and the translation is 79% complete.

Вымышленные миры

Область работы

Задачей этого проекта является выработка правил, связанных с вымышленными мирами в Википедии, а также добавление соответствующих свойств и моделей.


See also list of properties at Wikiproject Narration

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
fictional or mythical analog ofP1074Itemused to link an entity or class of entities appearing in a creative work with the analogous entity or class of entities in the real worldfictional spacecraft <fictional or mythical analog of> spacecraft-
inspired byP941Itemartistic inspiration: work, human, place or event which inspired this creative work or fictional entityThe Matrix <inspired by> Alice's Adventures in Wonderland-
from narrative universeP1080Itemfictional universe: subject's fictional entity is in the object narrative. See also P1441 (present in work) and P1445 (fictional universe described in)Mordor <from narrative universe> Tolkien's legendarium-
present in workP1441Itemwork: this (fictional or fictionalized) entity, place, or person appears in that work as part of the narration (use P2860 for works citing other works, P361/P1433 for works being part of other works, P1343 for entities described in non-fictional accounts)Irina Nikolayevna Arkadina <present in work> The Seagullcharacters
takes place in fictional universeP1434Itemfictional universe: the subject is a work describing a fictional universe, i.e. whose plot occurs in this universeFirefly <takes place in fictional universe> Serenityversefictional universe described in
fictional universe described inP1445Itemwork and fictional universe: to link a fictional universe with a work that describes it: <universe> "described in the work:" <work>Serenityverse <fictional universe described in> Fireflytakes place in fictional universe
home worldP1165Itemfictional location: home planet or natural satellite for a fictional character or speciesRomulan <home world> Romulus-
narrative locationP840Itemnarrative location: the narrative of the work is set in this locationPaul et Virginie <narrative location> Mauritius Island-
main subjectP921Itemtopic, matter and subject: primary topic of a work (see also P180: depicts)Marina <main subject> Rocco Granatastatement is subject of
first appearanceP4584Itemfirst appearance: work in which a fictional/mythical character or entity first appearedSherlock Holmes <first appearance> A Study in Scarlet-
narrative ageP6249Quantityfictional character: age of a fictional character (use qualifiers like P10663 (applies to work) to restrict the age to a certain work)Bart Simpson <narrative age> 10 years old-

Ключевые элементы

  • fictional entity (Q14897293) : Корень дерева вымышленных элементов. Любой вымышленный предмет, персонаж или событие должны быть его экземплярами: у таких элементов свойство instance of (P31) должно вести на любой класс из списка:
    fictional entity⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
    Это дерево не должно пересекаться с деревом реальных сущностей, во избежание появления вымышленных элементов в результатах запросов к реальным сущностям. То есть, ни один элемент о вымышленном не должен быть подклассом класса о реальном, и наоборот.


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Другие проекты

Заметки о вымышленных мирах

Useful queries

#How many objects belongs to specific fictional universe?
SELECT ?value ?valueLabel ?ct ?sampleitem ?sampleitemLabel
    SELECT ?value (count(*) as ?ct) (SAMPLE(?item) as ?sampleitem)
      ?item wdt:P1080 ?value
    GROUP BY ?value
    ORDER BY DESC(?ct)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
ORDER BY DESC(?ct) ASC(?value)
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