Wikidata:WikiProject COVID-19/Data models

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Data models




Focus list


All data models pages should contain:

  • A natural language description of the data model
  • The set of properties currently under use
  • The EntitySchema objects capturing either in full or partially the data model
  • Tools to access the completion/quality of the items under the data model

There are tools that can be used to access quality that use Entity Schemas (such as Wikishape) and others that do not (such as ProWD and Integraality ).

You can look at the models below for examples. To create a new page, feel free to use the Data Model Template

Data models in the project namespace


Open a subpage about the datamodel and link it to the related EntitySchema.



Emergency measures


Emergency measuresː

Curfews and lockdowns (to be merged with emergency measures)ː

Effects and impacts of the pandemic




COVID-19 deaths


COVID-19 apps


Viral biology


EntititySchemas without a data model page


Data models in the other namespaces


Clinical trials


Cruise ships




The virus



SchemaEntity List
EntitySchemaID Label
E69 disease
E75 gene
E165 virus gene
E167 protein
E169 virus protein
E170 virus strain
E174 strain
E186 macromolecular complex
E192 virus taxon
E194 Complex Portal entity
SchemaEntity List
EntitySchemaID Label Description Action
E173 outbreak Entity schema for outbreak in specific locations Edit
E184 pandemic entity schema of a pandemic Edit
E185 preprint entity schema of a preprint Edit
E186 Macromolecular complex Schema for macromolecular complexes Edit
E187 hospital entity schema of hospital Edit
E188 2020 coronavirus pandemic   entity schema of 2020 coronavirus pandemic Edit
E189 clinical trial   Entity Schema for a clinical trial Edit
E190 lockdown   entity schema of a lockdown Edit
E191 lockdown part of the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease pandemic   lockdown part of quarantine for the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease pandemic Edit
E195 COVID-19 contact tracing app   Entity schema of COVID-19 contact tracing app Edit
E196 covid-19 death   covid-19 related death Edit
E197 morgue entity schema of a morgue Edit
E198 crematorium entity schema of a crematorium Edit
E205 COVID-19 dashboards, search engines and datasets Entity schema of COVID-19 dashboards, search engines and datasets Edit

Build data models for the main topics related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Add a class of topics below.


Possible references for modellingː

Possible stepsː

  • identify all policies
  • deconstruct their parts, model common element


Commercial Diagnostic Tests


Medical devices

  • TBD

Personal Protection Equipment

  • TBD

Public figures (which had COVID-19)
  • TBD
Media personalities (which had COVID-19)
  • TBD

COVID-19 Epidemiological Datasets


Possible references for modellingː

COVID-19 Publications


Peer-reviewed articles



  • TBD

News pieces

  • TBD

See also


Good example of properties formatting
