Wikidata:Comprehensive groups of items

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This is a draft - please edit!

This page lists various groups of items which are:

  • a) Things comprehensively covered in Wikidata (yay!) - for example, we have an entry on all 43 American presidents (P31:Q5 and P39:Q11696). For larger topics, this might mean high, but not necessarily complete, coverage of all entries (say, >95%), or comprehensive coverage up to a certain documented cut-off (e.g. date or size).
  • b) on their way to being comprehensively covered - we'll get there at some point, but haven't imported everything yet. There needs to be a reasonably complete list of candidate entries, most of which fit into the project's scope (e.g. notability).
  • c) never going to be comprehensively covered, because not all items meet our notability and inclusion policy - for example, we don't plan to have an entry for "every author of a book". This includes cases where no comprehensive list of entries exists, or where new entries could appear at a very high rate.

The Wikidata:Notability policy is very broad and high-level, and hopefully some of these examples will help demonstrate what is and isn't suitable. For "comprehensively covered", there should (at some point) exist a mechanism to compare the state in Wikidata with an authoritative, third-party list, which is updated on a regular basis.

This only covers the existence of items for the sets given below. A second dimension is to look at how comprehensively each of these items are described, e.g. for every country we also have the capital, every top-level country division is also connected to the appropriate country, every country leader has a date of birth, etc.

Comprehensively covered

  • Current countries
  • Top-level country division (is it true?)
  • Historic countries (is it true?)
  • Chemical elements
  • Popes
  • Leaders of all countries for the 20th and 21st century (is it true?)
  • Every Member of the European Parliament as of 2014 (P31:Q5 and P39:Q27169)
  • Every European "E number" food-additive (P628)
  • Every person listed in:

On their way to comprehensive status


This covers topics that are generally thought to be appropriate for comprehensive coverage in Wikidata, and - hopefully - we'll get there eventually!

Several of these are covered by the mix-and-match tool
  • Every settlement and populated place in the world
  • Registered cultural heritage sites and monuments in some countries (partial lists)
  • Living and fossil species, and all other levels of biological taxonomy
  • National-level politicians (eg members of a national parliament)
  • Laws and acts of parliament
  • Every person listed in:
  • The Dictionary of Welsh Biography (P1648)
  • (...)

Never going to be comprehensively covered


This list does not mean these kind of entries are necessarily unsuitable for Wikidata - at least, Wikidata in 2015 - but it does mean that we don't feel they should automatically be included. The kinds of data included in this section may better be served by separate instances of Wikibase.

  • Every person in the world, or every author, musician, painter, etc. Wikidata supports a number of these indexes (eg the Union List of Artist Names, P245) but we do not aim to match every entry
  • Every building (or street?)
  • Every book, artwork, or museum artefact
  • Every business or organisation
  • Every product
  • Every chemical
  • Every astronomical object
  • Every recipe