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Merge candidates in jawiki and jawikibooks based on same sitelink name.

Found 6 merge candiates, excluding 1 candidates from the list of knowlingly non-duplicates leads to 5 remaining candidates.

Update: 2024-09-01 22:29 (UTC)

Merge candidates

  1. Q106990966 (ja:人文科学) and Q80083 (b:ja:人文科学)
  2. Q118685394 (ja:明晰夢) and Q181078 (b:ja:明晰夢)
  3. Q7180763 (ja:薬学) and Q614304 (b:ja:薬学)
  4. Q28581 (ja:語学) and Q97379441 (b:ja:語学)
  5. Q15971379 (ja:量子コンピュータ) and Q176555 (b:ja:量子コンピュータ)