Topic on Wikidata talk:Wikidata Lexeme Forms

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Rendering error in locales which have the title translated

Summary by Lucas Werkmeister


عُثمان (talkcontribs)

@Lucas Werkmeister: Compare for example, changing the setting to Punjabi (either script) to Sanskrit to see what I mean

Lucas Werkmeister (talkcontribs)

Apparently this happens when the “logged in as” translation uses $1 inside {{GENDER:$2|...}}. I’ll see if I can fix the formatting code, but you can also avoid this and other issues by just not using {{GENDER:}} in the translation if it’s not needed.

عُثمان (talkcontribs)

Oh! I assumed it was necessary even if not used. Good to know.

Lucas Werkmeister (talkcontribs)

Yeah, it’s unfortunate that shows (IIRC) a warning when the $2 isn’t used.

I’ve concluded that I can’t really fix this in code – I’ll just update all the translations (and hope the l10n update bot can update the on-wiki pages accordingly without conflicts) and add a test to ensure it doesn’t happen with any future translations either.

Lucas Werkmeister (talkcontribs)

Should be fixed now.