Topic on User talk:Nicereddy

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A particle for world to form (talkcontribs)

Greetings. I've noticed you're frequently creating items about Steam games, like The Shadow Government Simulator (Q114712623) and 9th Dawn III: Shadow of Erthil (Q114712540). Have you considered using my script instead? Basically all you need is to make a file with list of IDs to create (in this case, 1281190 and 1154850, one per line), then pass it as a first parameter (for instance, "python input.txt"), and the script will do the rest. @Poslovitch is also using this script (example).

Nicereddy (talkcontribs)

As a Ruby dev, I'll never use a Python script! :P

In seriousness, I'll try this out! Thank you :)

Reply to "New Steam games items"