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Autodescription — China (Q29520)

description: cultural region, ancient civilization, and nation in East Asia, mostly refer to the People's Republic of China in political situation and rarely refer to the Republic of China
Useful links:
Generic queries for administrative territorial entities

This list of queries is designed for all instances of administrative territorial entity (Q56061). It is generated using {{TP administrative area}}.

🌎 Geography 🌎

👥 People 👥

🎭 Arts and fictions 🎭

See also

Not to be confused with Q148, which deals with a similar topic (political entity/sovereign state, as opposed to the generic cultural country). Some Wikipedias separate the sovereign state from the cultural country (e.g. ko:중화인민공화국/ko:중국), others don't (e.g. en:China). Benlisquare (talk) 13:52, 2 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I added the precision in the title for disambiguation because many places/cities used Q29520 instead of Q148 as the country. It's a common practice in some situations to disambiguate like this. @Infovarius reverted the change so I hope he and other people will check that Q29520 is never used in place of Q148.
For people who want to check every items here, good luck, you can run:
SELECT DISTINCT ?city ?cityLabel
      {?city wdt:P17 wd:Q29520}
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
Try it!
Sifalot (talk) 23:14, 13 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]